
Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#4 of Mother Mulda (Dead Story)

04 - Essence

The crash of broken glass shattered the silence startling Jennifer awake. A heavy intruder moved through the rooms above, shifted floorboards toward her belongings, and began rummaging through drawers. Sitting up forced the liquid essence of her lover to ooze out of her onto the couch, causing her to curse silently and grab tissues to blot up the mess. John was not there, causing her to feel more naked than she already was.

The sound of a dresser being ransacked sent Jennifer to the floor where she found her clothes strewn about. A few moments of scavenging allowed her to dress but she decided to carry her bra to save time. Slipping on her shoes, she reached out to touch the front door when she heard a growl from the kitchen. Turning slowly, she saw a large black wolf staring at her with piercing amber eyes.

The moon-like gaze held her steady, but for some reason she was not afraid. The wolf moved past her then slipped up the stairs to the second floor where the intruder roamed. In moments, there was a horrible snarl, followed by smashing, tearing, and snapping. The torrent of destruction paralyzed Jennifer as two monsters crashed through walls and destroyed the upper level of her home. When at last she could not wait another moment, she threw open her front door and rushed out into the night.

From the outside the sound was like a blaring TV. Jennifer's neighbors had not turned on their lights yet to see what the ruckus was and she feared they might never do so. Three yards later, she tried to hide in some bushes and waited for the sounds to fade. As she backed a little further into the brush, though, another growl sounded, echoing something like a voice that said, "Hello, pretty."

Before she could turn something knocked her to the ground. A sudden flurry of dragging pulled her out of her spot and through the yard until she was dropped into a small clearing in the nearby woods. The rural area made it easy for frisky young couples to find private places to have a quickly. Places like this also made it unlikely anyone would hear he screams for help. When the powerful arms turned her to face it, she decided to save her strength for the fight.

A huge brown and black splotched werewolf towered above her in its man-beast form. Large paws tore the fabric of her blouse exposing her bare breasts. The creature then moved in with its tongue, licking lustily, tasting her skin and sweat. The creature lapped up then down... down... down... til it sniffed between her legs. One sniff... two... then a deep inhale that brought out an angry growl.

"John," the creature grumbled and Jennifer sneered back at him.

"John's already had me," she told the monster in defiance, causing a savage showing of teeth to be bared. Strong claws seized her and tore the fabric of her jeans. She shouted and punched his nose, causing the creature to rear back in surprise. Pushing back hard, Jennifer managed to get to stand and run a few feet before the werewolf pounced on her back and pulled her jeans the rest of the way off.

"I'll plunge him out!" the creature shouted and suddenly she could feel his wolf-hood press hard against her opening. She clenched her lower muscles hard, denying him his prize. With all of her strength she resisted. With every second, he became angrier and louder, grunting and straining as she shifted and struggled in his grip. Finally he hit dead on and it took all she had not to let him push his way in. The spear tip pierced past the closed gates and as the head found its first victorious taste of wet warmth, a sudden noise tore through her ears and he was no longer there.

The black wolf had returned and the two beasts were crashing through the woods, knocking over trees, and tearing fur from each others' bodies. Jennifer snatched up a few fragments of cloth as she scampered to the protection of some larger trees. As she settled behind a particularly large body of wood, one of the wolf-like bodies slammed into it. The other werewolf then pounced and a sharp whine was suddenly silenced by a crunch.

Jennifer crouched and took a deep breath laced with dread. A sickening feeling hung in her gut as she guessed what might have just happened. The black wolf then stepped out of the trees and into view.

"John?" she asked, somehow knowing it was him. His nod calmed her fears and his arms made her safe again. Their embrace allowed him to sweep her off of her feet and carry her off into the night.


"What happened?"

"The Bales brothers got to her."

"And they infected her?"

"No, that was me."

"We're going to have a long talk when this is all over, but for now we have to get her to eat something. The transformation is hard enough on the body without adding injury and trauma to it."

"She'll be alright."

"Oh? So certain are you?"

"She's a fighter, she'll pull though."

"Very well, then I will leave this to you."

The older man left the room and Jennifer knew that she with John. Wherever he had taken her was indoors and she felt safe for the first time since the glass had shattered in her bedroom. Words failed to emanate from her, creating instead a soft moan.

"I'm here Jennifer," John said and his arms encircled her once more. It was difficult to open her eyes but she discovered the darkened room made it less painful. "We're at my Grandfather's house. We're safe here."


"Please, you need to eat. A lot is about to happen to you and you could die from lack of energy if you do not eat."

It was only after he mentioned food that her senses detected their host's cooking. The smell brought her back to herself and she sat suddenly upright.

"I'm hungry," she found herself saying though the truth was hunger did not even begin to describe the severity of the feeling.

"Good," said a middle aged woman who Jennifer did not recognize. "Come along, dear." The voice was familiar but the mind was too hungry to place it. With John's help, Jennifer made it to a table where a well seasoned roast became the center of her world. Each bite saturated her mouth with flavor, causing her to salivate so lewdly she had to catch the mess with her hand. A few swallows allowed for the most ravenous part of her hunger to be brought under control and she was able to eat in a slightly more civilized fashion.

"Feeling better, dear?" the hostess asked as Jennifer finally placed her voice.

"You sound a lot like my grandmother," she said as a tiny giggle welled up inside of her.

"Glad to hear it, dear," the woman said with a smile. "Vincent's been keeping my spirits up during these troubled times and if you are able to keep your head and not panic, I think you will find the change pleasant. You have to listen to your elders, though, and don't let fear wreck you."

"What... who are you?" Jennifer fought the confusion in her mind, bracing herself for what she feared this woman was about to tell her.

"I think you know."


"Very good."

"But... how?"

"Look at me, Jennifer. Do I look healthy and happy to you?"

"Well... yes," Jennifer admitted. "You've been happier then I've ever heard you. Is... this why I couldn't see you these past months?"

"Yes," Mulda said with a nod. "I didn't want to turn your world upside down just yet... but it looks like its all about to happen at once. I hope you can accept what you see and hear."

"Yes," Jennifer said. "For some reason... I'm alright. I don't know why but I felt like I knew all of this already."

"That is because of what is happening in your blood. As it changes, so will you."

"So... the wolves... is John a werewolf?"

"Yes," Mulda said with a smile, "and now so am I."

"So that's why you're all young and healthy?"


"And that's why I need to eat, right?"

"Yes, you need to eat so you can survive the transformation."

"How long til it happens?"

"I have no idea," Mulda admitted. "But as long as you eat and have John here with you... well... you might find you like it."

"Why do I get the feeling you've been having more sex over the past few months than I've had over my entire life?"

"Because you've always been smarter than the average girl, my dear," Mulda said with a grin that made Jennifer shiver then laugh till her side hurt.

"Sounds like you two are doing alright in here," Vincent said as he came back into the room. "Are you still hungry?"

"Starved," Jennifer told him honestly.

"Then lets get you fixed up," her host said with a good old boy grin. "No telling when you're gonna need your privacy and I don't intend to let this good home cooking go to waste."

Sowing Seeds

03 - Sowing Seeds "So, when am I going to get some great-grandchildren?" Granny's new, stronger, voice asked over the line. "Granny!?" Jennifer shouted. "It's only been three months! I mean, he's great, and I really like him... but-" "Have you done...

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Life, Love, and Facebook

02 - Life, Love, and Facebook Morning crested over the trees and brought the end to what Old Mother Mulda felt had to be an odd mushroom induced dream. An aching stiffness had been the introduction to every morning for the past three decades but the...

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A New Adventure

01 - A New Adventure "Mulda, Mulda, let me in!" "Not by the hair of my chiny-chin-chin!" It was an old joke they had not shared in over a decade, and it brought tears to her eyes. She wished she could throw her front door open and...

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