Finding His Scene

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A night out at a club with friends turns out to be the last thing Tarin wants, but with the help of a very friendly pair of stallion twins, the coyote might just end up having the best night of his life. ^^

This story was written for Aaronblackfox as their Patreon commission reward for January 2020. It contains M/M sex between consenting adults in a public place, and some incestuous goings on! :3

Finding His Scene

Tarin sighed as he looked out onto the dance floor of the club and tried to spot any of the people he'd come here with. He thought maybe he saw one of the friends of his friends gyrating up against a leopard, but it might have been someone else. Originally this night out was just supposed to be five or six of them going out to a bar for some quiet drinks and chilling out, maybe the kind of bar that had board games. But then someone had invited a few more friends along, and those friends had invited more friends, until before long there were like twenty five of them, and suddenly they were all abuzz with the idea of checking out this new nightclub that had opened up just a few weeks before. The coyote winced as a dazzling flare of multicoloured lights blazed across the floor of the club, and another peal of thunderous music began to play. God, this so wasn't his kind of place. If the plan had been to come here from the start, he'd have thanked his friends for the offer but made some excuse as to why he couldn't go. Because, no surprise, he wasn't having fun right now. There hadn't been anyone else at the table for like half an hour, and he felt as though he couldn't even leave it himself to even go and get another drink because a bunch of the others had left jackets and purses and stuff here, and the unspoken understanding was that because he was the only one left there, he was the one responsible for looking after them.

The coyote looked down at his phone in dismay as it buzzed briefly in his hand. Five percent left. He should have charged it earlier that day. He knew he should have. But, he hadn't expected to be sitting here for an hour with nothing to do but browse twitter. Now though, even that was soon going to be snatched away from him as an option to distract himself. And after that, all he'd be able to do was stare off into space and repeatedly ask himself why the fuck he wasn't just standing up and going home with every passing second.

At least, that was what Tarin feared was to come from the rest of his night. What he most definitely had not expected however, was for someone to approach him just a short while later. And what he had most absolutely definitely not expected in a million years, was for two people, two strangers to look around every single face in this club and settle upon him and him alone with their attentions. Nevertheless, before those last five percentage points of his phone's battery could even be sapped away as he scrolled through his twitter timeline one more time in search of anything to amuse or distract himself for even a second longer, Tarin was given cause to glance upward as a silhouette fell between himself and the aggravatingly bright flashing lights of the dance floor, and a deep but gentle voice cut through the thumping music.

"This place not your scene, huh?"

Tarin glanced up, nervously at first as though afraid that someone was actually going to start mocking him for not having enough fun. When he saw the gentle smile upon the tall, handsome stallion looking down at him though, the genuine warmth and friendly concern in the horse's features, he relaxed, and sighed softly.

"Not really, no. Came here with friends, but... well, they're enjoying themselves."

He gestured at the empty booth, at the pile of coats and purses, then out at the dance floor. The horse snorted.

"And... what, they just left you here to chill and look after their stuff?"

Tarin opened his muzzle to say that it wasn't that bad, that he didn't think any of them had consciously tried to leave him out. But, then he frowned and asked himself why he was trying to defend them when yeah, intentionally or not they had all just left him here without a single one of them thinking maybe they should stay behind too so he wasn't just left alone with no-one to talk to and nothing to do. Instead, he just shrugged, only to feel his eyes widening slightly, and his cheeks flushing a little as without warning, without speaking another word the horse pushed a few of those loose, forgotten coats aside, and slid into the booth across from Tarin.

The stallion stuck out a hand, and smiled as Tarin took it, and they shook briefly.

"I'm Chris, hey."

Tarin smiled back, and blushed a little as perhaps by chance, or perhaps not, the horse's fingers brushed against the backs of his own as their hands parted.

"I... I'm Tarin. Good to meet you. So... uh... do you not like clubs either?"

Chuckling, Chris raised a hand and waved it non-committally from side to side.

"I don't hate 'em, but... I dunno, I prefer to be able to talk without having to yell."

The coyote grinned.

"Sorry, what?"

Chris sighed, opened his muzzle to repeat himself, then caught the twinkle in the coyote's eye and snorted with laughter.

"Funny and cute, huh? Man, your friends are idiots for leaving you hanging like this."

Tarin's eyes widened, and his face burned hotter still. Was that just a compliment, or... was the horse flirting with him? Or... well, no, what else could it be but one of those two options, even if he couldn't imagine even a fifty percent chance that right here, right now, a hot guy was flirting with him seemingly out of nowhere.

Before Tarin could say anything more though, or even think about anything he could say to further test the idea that he was being flirted with, he saw Chris look up, and nod in acknowledgement to someone over past Tarin's shoulder. The coyote's face fell. Well, it had been a fun brief distraction while it lasted, but clearly the horse had just found out where his own friends were, and now he was surely about to politely excuse himself and head off.

To the coyote's shock though, Chris didn't scoot back out of his seat. Instead he slid further in and tapped the seat next to him. Just a few seconds later another large figure walked past Tarin, and slipped into the booth with a warm smile first to Chris, then over at the coyote himself. Tarin's eyes widened as he looked between the two horses, their clothes different, but their appearance otherwise absolutely identical.

"Tarin, this is my twin brother, Steve. Steve, this is Tarin. He got dragged here by some friends who went off to dance, and he's pissed about it."

Tarin's face flushed with a different kind of rosiness. He wouldn't have gone so far as to say that, but... yeah, yeah he kinda was pissed at his friends.

"Jeez, that's rough."

Steve muttered with a shake of his head, tilting it to one side as he regarded the coyote for a moment, then looked over at his brother with a raised eyebrow. Chris grinned and nodded, but didn't say anything as both he and his twin looked back at Tarin. The coyote squirmed in his seat under the combined assault of the two stallions' gaze, and he felt his face getting hotter with the first kind of redness, the embarrassed, slightly flirtatious kind, once again.


Steve leaned forward, placing his head upon his hands, elbows resting on the table between himself and the coyote.

"...if the dancing and loud music isn't your scene, wanna do something else? Something that... well, I dunno if it's your scene or not, but it might be fun finding out."

Tarin's eyes widened. Surely the horse couldn't be suggesting what it seemed like he was suggesting. Especially not just minutes after his own twin brother had also maybe flirted with him, though, only maybe, and not nearly so overtly. For all the coyote knew he was completely misinterpreting all of this. After all, that seemed far more likely than two hot guys, never mind the fact that they were brothers, both being attracted to him, and both saying as much mere minutes after meeting him.

He opened his muzzle to respond, but could only croak breathlessly as he felt a hoofed foot begin to rub up against one of his legs beneath the table. He looked from Steve to Chris to see which of them it was, but they were both looking at him with the same expression upon their faces. Eager. Curious. Excited. And perhaps above all else, hopeful. Hopeful that he would want what they seemed to want, so that he, as much as the two of them, could have something good... no, something amazing come out of what thus far had been a pretty blah night.

Tarin swallowed thickly. He cleared his throat, he opened his mouth to try and answer once again, and then...



Tarin grunted as he felt lube being slathered around the pucker of his ass, and yelped, his cry echoing around the thankfully quiet secondary men's bathroom tucked away at the far end of the club's interior, as one of Chris' large fingers began to wiggle its way inside of him to lubricate his inner reaches too. His head span. Indeed, it hadn't really stopped spinning since the twins led him away from the table, coats and bags be damned, and with each of them clutching at one of his hands guided him into this bathroom, then into the stall where the three of them were currently crammed. After that, his world had burst into a million gloriously glowing embers of pure desire as he was turned back and forth between the twins, each of them kissing him deeply in turn as the other started to pull off his clothes, and now? Now Chris was sitting back on the lowered toilet seat while Tarin found himself whimpering in giddy excitement as Steve's strong arms lifted him up off the ground briefly, preparing to deposit the coyote playfully upon his brother's lap, and the rock hard, equally well lubed up cock awaiting him there.

"Yes! Yes!! Mmmhhh!!"

The coyote's eyes rolled back as he began to sink down onto the stallion's throbbing cock, and after the whole bathroom echoed with the raw volume of his first cry, he gave a more muffled gurgle as one of Chris' hands gently encircled his maw.

"Mmh, shit... you're definitely into this scene, but... how about we keep it a more private party for now, huh?"

Chris teased, grinning as the coyote whimpered bashfully through his trembling pleasure, and kissed Tarin on the side of his neck. Just seconds later though, despite the first stallion's hand around his mouth, Tarin found himself trying to cry out yet again as he watched Steve fall to his knees in front of him. He saw the other horse grinning up at him passionately a moment before his head tilted forward, and Tarin's eyes bulged as Steve wrapped his own mouth hungrily around the canid male's straining cock.

In the minutes that followed, Tarin's mind was so consumed by pleasure that he could barely focus on what was actually happening to him, never mind around him. He felt Chris' hips bucking up against him, bouncing him upon the stallion's lap and the thick rod of his cock, the coyote's prostate erupting in waves of ecstasy with every stroke. He felt Steve's tongue lashing around his swelling knot while the other horse bobbed up and down the length of his throbbing, pre-cum dribbling shaft. At one point he felt the two stallions fall utterly still, and the hand around his muzzle tightened dramatically to seal off all possibility of him uttering more than a muffled whimper while he heard a tapping from beyond the cubicle that might have been footsteps. Soon enough though they were gone, and the bouncing, and the suckling, and his frantic, stifled moaning resumed anew.

Before Tarin knew it, he was cumming. With toes curling as his legs found themselves wrapped around Steve's head, the coyote howled into Chris' hand as he flooded Steve's maw with thick ribbons of his cum. His mind reeled, his heart thundered wildly in his chest, and all that he could feel in that moment beyond pure ecstasy was gratitude to these two stallions for seeking him out, and turning this dud of a night into one he would never, ever forget.

If the coyote thought that was the end of things though, he had another thing coming.

Even as Chris pulled his still rock hard, as yet unspent cock out of the coyote and let the weary, overwhelmed canine rest upon the toilet seat, he didn't seem at all disappointed to have not cum yet. That was when the night took its most incredible, most wondrous turn, as the two stallions stood face to face in the limited space of the cubicle, both cocks rock hard and almost touching, until all of a sudden there was no almost about it any more.

They watched Tarin's reaction out of the corners of their eyes as they both reached down and grasped their brother's erection, and they grinned, and moaned to one another as they saw him react not with horror or confusion, but with lust even in his freshly spent, fatigued state.

Tarin stared as the twins kissed one another, and he almost laughed aloud as he saw Chris react in shock when Steve grinned, their muzzles parting briefly to reveal a trickle of cum oozing out between their lips. A few breathless moments later though they were masturbating one another hungrily once again, and not long after that, weary and overwhelmed as he still was, the two horses groaned in delight as Tarin leaned forward, reached out with both hands, and began to massage and fondle both the horses' heavy balls.

"Oh, god... I... when I was back at the table, I couldn't have asked for tonight to be over quickly enough. To be able to go home soon enough."

Tarin moaned under his breath as his hands boldly began to slide up beyond the horses' balls, and he gasped happily as both Chris and Steve stopped making out, and instead turned towards him, both pointing their cocks right at him as they continued to masturbate one another, while now allowing him the freedom to more easily and overtly explore and pleasure them too.

"But now... I'd give anything to be able to stay here just a little longer, so this doesn't have to end."

The coyote growled in desire as he leaned forward and kissed the tip of Steve's dripping, throbbing equine shaft while he let Chris rub his own cock against his cheek and the side of his muzzle, feeling the pre-cum trails being left in his fur and revelling in that latest tangible reminder of what was happening to him. Half of him wanted nothing more than to make these two men cum as fast and hard as possible, but the other half of the coyote wanted to wait. To draw it out, so that he really could be with them just a little longer. That thought only lingered in his mind for maybe thirty seconds though before a guttural, pleasure stricken whinny escaped Chris, and after another one of those knowing, playful glances across at his twin brother, they both looked down at the coyote with a grin.


Chris murmured blissfully as he stroked himself a little faster, and dribbled a little more pre-cum over the coyote's handsome face.

"Who said anything about things ending after we're done here?"

Steve added breathlessly, eyes rolling in their sockets as Tarin continued to slurp and lap at the sensitive, flared head of his cock.

"If you think you like the scene here?"

Chris continued with a playful gesture at the cubicle around them, nodding to his brother who rocked his hips forward, pressed his cock a little deeper into Tarin's muzzle, and murmured the conclusion of that sentence to the coyote with a teasing wink.

"...then just wait till you see our apartment. No loud music. No drunken interruptions from guys that need to pee. And most importantly, a bed just small enough to make sure that if all three of us are gonna fit in it? We're gonna have to stay real, real close together, all night long."

By Jeeves

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