Bars and Breeding's

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#1 of A Couples Adventures In Hypnosis and Breeding

Raya's been suffering through something of a mental crisis lately. When her boyfriend, Dante, suggests a night out to take their mind off of things for a spell it leads to a wonderful chance for Raya to use her special gifts and to enjoy some much needed unwinding.

This was commissioned by the wonderful and brilliant ProwlingJinouga !! Right from the start this was intended to be a multi-part series, so you'll definitely be seeing more of this amazing couple in the future! The original first chapter ended up dragging on a bit (For many of you who know me, this is nothing new haha) So it was decided that it would be split into two parts to make it more digestible, this is part one and the second part is on the way! I had an absolute blast writing this incredible story and getting the chance to play around with a little more hypnosis. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did!

Raya huffed and groaned into her boyfriend's mouth as he slipped his paw down her panties which were the only thing she was wearing. Everything else had been discarded long before on their rushed beeline for her bedroom. The raccoon couldn't hold back the moan building in her throat as he slipped two fingers into her already dripping sex.

Dante was a tease, the wolf had been working her up for hours, groping her rear, pressing himself up against her on the train, his paws and body teasing her without actually entering her. Despite all her silent pleas and begging he'd been relentless and wouldn't do anything more until they had finally made it back to her apartment and in her bed.

It was a good thing her roommate wasn't home because as soon as they stepped inside she pounced on him, kissing him hard, vigorously stripping him while the asshole laughed at her, laughed!

She'd played his game before. They were getting good at playing each other's games, being in a relationship for six years gave them plenty of experience. But that meant that she knew how to return the favor and really get him going. She'd see how long he could laugh.

Her own paw groped him through his tight boxer briefs in return, dainty paws slowly and softly stroked along the outline his large cock made in the fabric. The seconds ticked by between his fit of laughter and her groping. He was trying to keep his cool, but she knew him well enough to know it was only a matter of time before he caved.

Already he was huffing and grunting into her mouth as much as she was into his. Those few moments it took to work him up clearly had the desired effect. His paw circling her drenched lips was starting to shake with the effort it took to stay in control as well as his growing excitement.

Raya grinned against his muzzle before biting down on his lower lip, getting nippy always sped up the process of working him up. The effect was clearly evident as he pulled off of her with a snarl, gripping her thighs and spreading her legs wide before he was on top of her. That firm, thick, bulge was determinedly grinding against her panty covered slit as he forced her into a hot, passionate kiss.

He continued to grind and hump against her while his tongue lashed against hers, fighting for dominance. Fuck, Raya loved it when she got her boy got worked up, it was such a hot payback for all the teasing he'd put her through on any given day.

It wasn't long until she felt him reaching between them, roughly forcing down the waistband of his underwear to release that gorgeous, perfect, red shaft of his. Next were her panties, he was just as rushed if not a little more and she could hear the fabric tearing in his excitement. Fucker! She was going to make him buy her a brand-new pair-

Raya moaned loudly as he pushed the first half of his impressive cock inside of her in one swift, greedy thrust. Her thoughts shattered into total blis_s as he _finally started to fill her up good and proper! But she wasn't going to lie still and just take it, already Raya was wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, furiously grinding her hips against his, trying to force his rigid cock even deeper inside of her.

Neither of them was in the mood for a long, slow fuck. They both knew what they wanted, knew what they needed. Fast and dirty, rough and hard, it didn't matter if it was the longest so long as it was passionate and intense.

Already Raya could feel herself building up to her first climax, and from the feeling of that rapidly inflating knot slipping through her folds, so was Dante. Her boy knew the deal though, he wasn't tying with her until she got off a few times first. If she was going to be stuck with a knot it was after she'd been fucked stupid.

Not that she had to worry. The wolf always delivered, always took care of her needs, and always filled her up so fucking- She screamed and threw her head back into the pillow as the first orgasm rocked her body, sending ripples of pleasure coursing through her like electricity. Everything went white for a brief moment as she felt herself clench around the wolf's twitching length.

Dante continued to fuck her through her orgasm, relentlessly hammering into her while her whole body shook. The asshole wasn't giving her any chance to come down! He was going to fuck her into her second orgasm as soon as the first one was done!

Her claws dug into his fur as she tried to keep herself from completely losing control, her heels digging into his back a little harder as her body tried to control his thrusts to some extent. It wasn't like she wanted him to stop or slow down, far from it, she needed more from him!

But there was something he couldn't quite give her, no matter how badly either of them wanted it. Not that it was his fault, this was all on her. As much as she enjoyed the hot, kinky sex there was always something... missing!

Before she could dwell on the sobering thought Dante changed the pace, he gripped her thighs and folded her into a mating press as he hammered down into her, throwing his full weight into those powerful thrusts. Already!? She was cumming again already!?

She shook from the tips of her fuzzy ears to her claw tipped toes, eyes rolling into the back of her head as she was forced into her second orgasm. She tried to scream, shout, to make any kind of sound! But all that came out of her wide-open mouth was a high-pitched whine, barely even audible! Except for her boyfriend, whose ears noticeably pinned to his skull from the sharp noise.

"Getting close babe." He grunted down at her.

She knew he was close, he had been for a while. His knot was nearly at its full size and was relentlessly battering at her poor, soaking lips, begging for entry. But that wasn't stopping him, it actually invigorated him to fuck her even harder until the headboard was mercilessly clapping against the wall.

Raya bit down on his shoulder and screamed as she shook through her third orgasm, her shaking limbs wrapped tightly around the wolf, even with the little room he had to pull back he was relentless! She took in a shuddering gasp and bit down even harder when she felt his knot slip inside of her, forcing yet another orgasm out of her poor body.

He growled and snarled into her ear, rocking himself against Raya, those short, deep thrusts filling her up so completely, her own tight body coaxing his knot to its full size inside of her- Raya instantly felt it, the first throb, the warm, deliriously intoxicating feeling of his seed pelting against the entrance to her womb. Then the second, followed by another, and another, and another.

Each hitched thrust filled her with more of the wolf's seed, spreading that warmth deep in her belly until she was sure it had to be filling her entire fucking womb! There was a soothing satisfaction to it, but also a deep aching that had accompanied the same feeling lately. As good as it felt in the moment there was always the sense of bitterness that followed.

She tried to ignore it, holding it down beneath the surface as she forced herself to enjoy the afterglow, running her paws gently over her lover's back. Focused on the feeling of warmth inside of her, what it could do to her, the potency and potential that it could promise.

Could, being the key word.

She knew what it was, they both did. They'd had a long discussion about this before when she first felt it. There wasn't anything wrong with their relationship, nor the sex and especially nothing wrong with Dante.

It was all on Raya.

"You wanna talk about it?" Dante asked. It had been some time since they'd untied and he was laying on his back while Raya used a towel to dry herself off, having just come out of the shower. They would have showered together... but her roommate had made a big deal about the bathroom always reeking of sex after they'd finished.

"Talk about what?"

Dante grunted as he got into a sitting position. "About... the thing. I know you were feeling it."

Raya froze, but only for a moment before she dropped the towel and sat on the edge of her bed. "Yes...? No...? I'm not really sure, babe."

Dante nodded his head before he scooted closer until he was sitting right beside her. "You know I love you, right?"

Raya frowned as she looked up at him. "Yeah, of course! But... hun, it's not about you."

"I know, I know." Dante said as he slid his paw over hers. "Still, if it helps at all... I'm not just in this for the fun and the sex. I'm with you, one hundred percent. I'm committed to you and whatever you want. You being happy makes me happy. I'm always ready when you are for the next step."

Raya nodded before she leaned against him, feeling him wrap his arm around her and pull her close. "I love you too." And she really did! But this issue was all on her and she just couldn't explain what the problem was. How could she? It should be so simple!

She wanted to get pregnant, wanted it to be with Dante, wanted his pups more than anything. Yet no matter how badly she wanted it she just couldn't take that leap and didn't understand why! And it made her feel so terrible about it. Here her beautiful, handsome, completely wonderful boyfriend was, being more than supportive and understanding and she couldn't do anything to appease his worries over the issue!

Maybe sensing the internal struggle that she was having with herself Dante squeezed her a little tighter and kissed the top of her head. "I've got an idea. How about I shower and we go out for a night of fun, yeah? We'll go to that Rocko's place you wanted to check out for a few drinks and see if there's any action. How's that sound?"

The mention of drinks and action certainly perked the raccoon up, they always managed to have a good time when they went out and it would be a nice distraction from her own issues. She tilted her head and kissed the wolf on his nose, giving him a pleased smile. "Sounds perfect!"

He chuckled, giving her a quick kiss before standing up. "Alright, I'mma shower and then we'll get ready."

With that he kissed the top of her head again before making his way towards the bathroom. Raya watched as he left, well, focusing more on his rear, but could you blame her? The man had an ass that would put models to shame!

Raya started humming to herself as she stood up, looking through her closet to find something appropriate for tonight. Maybe something a little revealing but not too revealing. Just a hint of cleavage and something to show off her nice legs. Hmm, but maybe it would be fun to slut it up a little, something that would REALLY turn some heads! She had this nice little mini skirt that would-


Raya was torn from her thoughts as a depressive groan escaped her. She knew that shrill voice, knew why it was screaming and knew that she'd better put something on quickly so she could start the damage control.

Not having much time she simply grabbed her towel and wrapped it around herself, the scene she was looking at was pretty much what she'd expected. Dante was standing in the middle of their apartment stark naked and the rabbit she called her roommate was standing in the entrance of the apartment, having just returned home.

Naomi's head was turned away but she still covered her eyes with the mail she'd apparently grabbed. She was completely red in the face but Raya knew that it wasn't only from embarrassment, the rabbit was clearly pissed off from the way her fur and ears were standing on edge.

"Would it fucking kill you to wear some god damn pants like a normal person!?" Naomi shrieked.

Dante simply shrugged at the flustered rabbit. "What? You weren't supposed to be home for another hour, I can walk around naked if I want."

"No! This isn't- You- Urgh!" The rabbit seethed, trying to come up with something despite how mortified she apparently was. "Just put something on! Nobody wants to see your... junk hanging out like that!"

Dante snorted and Raya was already rolling her eyes, holding back a groan from what was sure to come.

"What? Can't handle the sight after being single for so long? Maybe if you had something else besides that stick up your ass then maybe this wouldn't bug you so much."

"Well unlike you two, I actually have some standar-" Naomi cut herself short as she realized Raya was standing in the doorway of her bedroom, leaning against the frame with her arms crossed. Giving the rabbit a look that said "Oh, no, please, by all means, finish that sentence, find out what happens."

Rather than test fate, Naomi opted to let out an annoyed growl before making her way to her own room, giving Dante a wide berth as she passed by him. As soon as she was in her room the door slammed shut.

Raya turned to Dante, making her annoyance clear, to which he simply shrugged and gave her a confused look.


"Why do you feel the need to antagonize her? You know how she gets."

The wolf gave her a smug grin. "Ah, but that's half the fun sweetheart! Either she learns to deal with it and accept it, like a normal person, or I get to keep riling her up. It's a win-win for me!"

Raya actually released the groan this time as she shook her head. "And what about me? Did you forget that I still have to live with her?"

This wiped the smug grin off his muzzle and even made his ears pin to his skull. "That, uh... I hadn't considered."

Of course he hadn't. As far as he was concerned all that mattered was getting a rise out of her. Granted if Naomi had it her way Dante wouldn't be allowed inside the apartment when she was home. And that was before Dante took to teasing her as his new hobby! She didn't understand why her roommate was so antagonistic towards them. Ok, maybe she did know, Naomi wasn't exactly... approving of their lifestyle choices.

Raya and Dante didn't mind having other partners or bringing them home with them. They weren't exactly poly, but they did like to screw around and have fun. Not to mention some of the... kinkier aspects to their relationship probably disturbed or even disgusted the rabbit, not that Raya could blame her for that. It was a little hard to swallow, considering how shamelessly open they were about it.

But it had made their situation a little... tense. As much as she didn't like Dante's constant hazing and ridicule of Naomi, or the way she fed into the insults and made her own snarky retorts, Raya couldn't deny that there was some truth in his statements. The rabbit was a bit stuck up, straight-laced and not very open to new ideas or experiences.

Despite that, they did get along, for the most part. Usually when it was just the two of them hanging out. But any mention of Dante, or their little "outings" would instantly sour the rabbit's mood. Raya suspected that in Naomi's head Dante was some kind of player who had "corrupted" her into letting him fool around. HAH! If she only knew the truth!

Dante had been so vanilla when they'd met, she almost hadn't even considered dating him! The only reason she gave him that initial chance was that he had a far more open mind than she'd expected and was pleasantly surprised by just how interested he was in learning more about her own lifestyle. In truth, she'd corrupted him!

She'd kept that to herself, she'd corrupted many different people since she'd been an adult, and even more after they'd started dating. But Dante was... special in that regard, since she didn't need to use any special methods to do so.

Or rather, she couldn't.

She was broken from her thoughts as Dante started rubbing at her shoulders. "You alright, babe? You're not mad, are you?"

Raya let out a sigh as she shook her head in response. "No, just thinking."

"Do you still want to go out?"

Raya's muzzle curled into a grin as she shoved the wolf playfully. "Kinda have to with the mess you made! Now, go shower! Go on, get!" She giggled as she started pushing her now laughing boyfriend towards the bathroom.


Raya huffed in annoyance as she stirred her drink with the tiny straw provided. Tonight was looking like a bust. The bar they'd chosen wasn't too seedy, or a total dive, but it also wasn't the greatest place either. The lighting was dim, but it was that annoying orange glow kind of dim, not the comforting neon blue hue that you'd find in a nightclub. The smell of spilled alcohol and the occasional breeze of tobacco blowing in from the outside patio weren't enough to crinkle her nose, but it was still unpleasant.

But the worst part of all of this was the lack of people. Granted it was only Thursday evening, but there should still be more people than this! Everyone else that was here was sectioned off to their own tables, no one was wandering around or mingling. It was the kind of night where everyone came with their own groups to enjoy a drink after work and that was it.

Sure, they'd have nights where they couldn't find anyone and ended up going home alone drunk but Raya needed a distraction! Something to take her mind off of shit for a spell. She'd even dressed up all pretty too!

A short little plaid skirt with thin chain decorations that was one wrong breeze away from exposing her panties to everyone within eyeshot, a cute black tank top with low cleavage that made her small tits look great, and some really nice boots that went well with her black and purple striped knee-high socks.

She scanned the place again, very few other patrons that weren't even worth their time, but the bartender was a great dane. Kinda young from how lanky he was, but still very cute, even if he wasn't exactly what either of them were looking for tonight. She'd still file him away for later as a possible solo hook up for herself when Dante was busy or working late.

"Not like this is the only place, I'm sure we can find another bar that might have more people." Dante offered, as if reading her mind.

"Maybe." Raya answered noncommittally. She didn't really want to find another place, but if they couldn't find anyone soon they might not have a choice. Besides, they'd only been sitting here for an hour and it was still early, there were plenty of opportunities and who knows, maybe someone would walk in soon.

As if her mind had been read once again, the entrance door opened and Raya instantly perked as she saw the person walking in. A pretty, but tired looking golden retriever had walked in and had sat at the bar, alone. From the brief look Raya had gotten before she'd sat down it was clear that she was very good looking.

Her glossy, golden fur was perfectly groomed, her outfit was modest enough, a tight black sweater and some matching black slacks. But Raya had caught sight of her chest, which had to be at least two cup sizes larger than hers and had a matching, curvy rear that would no doubt make her pants strain if any tension was applied. Oooh, Raya absolutely wanted to take a bite out of that!

They had hit the fucking jackpot!

She was broken from her gazing at the busty little retriever as Dante laughed. "Careful, sweetie, you're drooling."

Raya reluctantly took her eyes off of the retriever and instead took a deep, calming breath. Getting overexcited right from the start wasn't good, she needed to be in total control of herself if they were going to do this right with the opportunity they'd been presented with.

Luckily, their opportunity had quickly become apparent as the retriever was approached by a staggering calico. It was obvious that he was drunk but it was even more apparent that she had no interest in him. Despite how apparent it was, the cat continued trying to chat her up. Raya could also see that others from the cat's table were watching with great amusement, or rather anticipation, like they wanted the retriever for themselves as well.

Dante surveyed the situation before tilting his head towards them. Raya nodded as she understood what their plan would be. Both of them stood up and quickly made their way towards the bar. As they got closer they were able to make out bits of conversation.

"Come ooon! Lemme buy ya a drink!" The calico slurred, oh yeah, he was shittered.

"I told you already, I'm fine. I have a drink."

The cat chuckled and shrugged. "Yeah, but ya- uhh- ya can always have another! Come on! Let's do some shots!"

It was clear that the retriever was losing patience and was about to lash out at any second. Before that could happen Raya got in between them and looked down at the now surprised retriever.

"There you are! Hey sweetie!" Raya said as she wrapped her arms around the retriever's neck and hugged her. "The cavalry has arrived, I'm Raya." She whispered into the dog's ear.

It immediately clicked in the retriever's mind what was going on, because as Raya pulled away the retriever beamed at her with a smile that could put retail staff to shame. "Raya! Hey hun! I'm sorry, I didn't know you were already here!"

"Dante and I got here an hour ago, I texted you that! Did your phone die again?" Raya teased, making sure to keep up the act.

The retriever gave her a sheepish look as she pulled out her phone. "Oh! Sorry, it must have gotten lost, I had a bunch of stuff come in at once. Let me buy you a drink to make up for it?"

"Excuse me!" They both turned to look at the calico, who looked more than a little flustered and annoyed. "Been tryin ta fucking talk here!"

Raya raised a questioning brow at the cat. "Yeah, and? Do we care?" she stated bluntly.

The cat sputtered as he tried to come up with something, before finally saying. "It's rude to interrupt someone when they're talking."

Raya looked at the retriever then back at the cat. "Yeah, no. She isn't interested, buddy. Walk back to your friends." She said before taking the retriever's paw in hers. "Come on, sweetie, our table is over here."

Even as the retriever stood up and tried to make her way over with Raya the cat tried to follow them. That is until Dante stood in front of him and shoved the cat's chest, causing him to stumble back into the bar. "Nu-uh. Back to your table. You're not invited."

The cat was about to argue, and it looked like his three friends were about to join in, until Dante turned to them with a vicious snarl. His upper lip curled back, baring those fierce, strong teeth of his, before flashing them to the cat in a primal show of dominance. The fact that he was a two-hundred-pound wolf with more muscle than any single one of them also made it clear that he wasn't to be fucked with.

"Fuck. Off." He growled out slowly.

Raya stopped to watch as the now terrified cat raised his paws in surrender and clumsily stumbled back towards the table where his friends were cowering. She could tell that they were salty about being told off, but she could also tell that they were at least smart enough to know they would lose some teeth if they acted on it.

With that matter settled the retriever joined them at their table and gave them an appreciative, shy smile. "Thanks for that. I kept trying to tell the guy I wasn't interested but he just wasn't taking the fucking hint!"

Dante snorted as he rolled his eyes. "Figures, the only thing worse than dealing with an idiot is an idiot only thinking with his dick."

"Isn't that like the majority of guys at bars?" Raya added.

The three of them got a good laugh out of that.

They soon learned the retriever's name was Shyla, a recent graduate of their local university who was now working at home as a tech consultant. It was all good to learn about the dog but Raya's mind kept drifting to other facts.

Like how pretty her blue eyes were and the way they sparkled when she talked. How she smiled and had the cutest laugh. Or the way she was just so bubbly and animated, despite looking so tired when she first walked in.

Speaking of bubbly and animated, there was no way Raya could keep her eyes off of the dogs' damn tits!

Every time the retriever let out one of her cute little giggles, or when she started waving her arms to emphasize whatever she was speaking about, the damn things would jiggle and bounce. As if they were taunting Raya, tempting the racoon to look down every five seconds or to just give in and leap over the table to pounce the busty little dog.

Thankfully Dante was able to keep her engaged in the conversation, reeling her back in when she started staring for too long. The wolf was a damn good conversationalist and it showed with how he was able to keep up with the retriever, not that Raya was lagging behind, she was just as much a part of the conversation, she was just... a little distracted!

After a good thirty or so minutes, and a pause on any drinks, Raya found herself more composed and collected. This was good, she needed to be in total control for what she had planned next.

"Mind if I ask you something?" Raya asked.

The retriever perked up and giggled. "Well, we've been talking for a while now! I'm pretty sure it's obvious that I don't mind!"

Raya smiled, it was a fair point. "I guess, yeah! It's just... It might be a touchy subject. You looked tired when you came in and I was wondering if everything was all right?"

The retriever visibly deflated. Her smile fell, her ears dropped and Raya immediately had an 'Ah, shit!' alarm going off in her head. Why couldn't she be a mind reader? Then she could avoid stepping on landmines like this!

"It's uhh, heh." The retriever nervously started, giving them a sheepish grin. "It's kind of dumb."

Raya quickly realized the situation was salvageable as she reached over and took the dog's paws into her own. "Hey, if it's got you feeling down then it isn't dumb at all, talk with me sweetie."

The retriever hesitated, for a moment. Then she took a deep breath before explaining. "It's just... Well, I've been working a lot, my new job takes a lot of time, even if it's a home job. And... I was getting into fights with my boyfriend. He was mad that I wasn't spending more time with him, even though I explained that I'm STILL working, even if I'm at home!"

Ohhh, yeah, Raya could see where this was going.

"And it reached a point where we... broke up. He was a dick about it too, so I don't really feel sad about it anymore, it's just- I wasted so much of my fucking time on an inconsiderate, boneheaded, man-child like that?!"

The retriever paused, letting out an irritated huff as she shook her head. "And now he won't stop fucking texting and calling me! Seriously, every fucking day he messages me, tries to be sweet like nothing ever happened, but then he gets all pissy and says all this awful shit. Like, dude! Seriously, just fuck off and leave me alone! You dug your grave already, just lie in it!"

Raya couldn't help but grind her teeth, the guy sounded like a complete asshole! "And I'm guessing you're here now because you needed to drink and blow off some steam?"

The retriever gave a tired smile and nodded. "Yeah, pretty much."

"Haven't you tried blocking him? If he's being that much of a dick then why not cut him off?" Dante interjected.

Shyla let out an annoyed groan before answering. "I did! On everything! But he keeps getting his asshole friends to message me, or he makes new accounts and all this other shit! I'm seriously thinking about getting a restraining order against him at this point."

Dante perked at this. "My buddy is actually a lawyer. Deals with cases like this all the time. If you want, I can message her for you and she could probably take your case for cheap or even pro-bono."

This certainly caught the retriever's attention and Raya noticed that her tail had started wagging. "Shit, seriously? That would be great!"

Dante chuckled as he pulled out his phone. "Yeah, no worries, I'll text her now and then I'll give you her number."

While the retriever waited, bouncing in her seat excitedly, Dante did send out a message, but not to his lawyer. Not at first, he probably would, but she wasn't his first contact. Raya felt her phone vibrate in her pocket and she discreetly pulled it out to take a look while Shyla was distracted.

"She's a real sweetie... be a shame if we did something with her, wouldn't it? ;)"

She bit back a smirk as she typed out a quick reply.

"I think it would be more of a shame if we didn't do something for the poor girl! She obviously needs some stress relief!"

Dante chuckled beside her before tapping away at his phone again. When Raya didn't feel her phone going off she knew that he'd sent his message.

"There, all set! You just need to mention us and she'll probably take your case."

"Seriously? Thank you!" The retriever continued to bounce in excitement.

Raya couldn't help herself as she stared at the retriever again, her tits were so jiggly! Was she even wearing a bra?

They chatted for a little while longer, going over the details and exchanging information before Shyla stood up. "Sorry, need to use the washroom really quick."

The raccoon's eyes widened and a grin spread across her muzzle, this was her chance! Dante smiled himself and rolled his eyes, knowing what her excited expression meant. "Alright, go have fun, I'll hold down the fort."

Raya jumped out of her seat and quickly followed after the retriever. Before reaching the washrooms, she noticed that the idiots from the other table were gone, probably left or got kicked out while they were chatting. Raya chided herself for the distraction. Anyways, not important!

What was important was the amount of mischief she could get up to before heading back to her table, and hopefully she'd be able to enact the first step of her little plan. But to do that she needed to be completely silent, evident as she slowly opened the washroom door and kept it from slamming shut as she stepped inside

The washroom was pretty much what she expected, not completely grungy, but still dingy enough to really sell that this wasn't the best bar. Oh well, she'd had worse places to have fun. She noticed that only one of the stalls was occupied, presumably the stall Shyla was using.

Raya grinned as she silently crept towards the stall, almost unable to contain her excitement. This was a crucial moment, and what happened next would determine exactly how the night would go. This was the deciding factor if she and Dante had a great night or a total bust. The butterflies in her stomach were quickly accompanied with a nervous twisting.

The raccoon was always nervous up until the point that she used her special... gift. It didn't always work, some people, like Dante, were just naturally resistant. The worst part was that there was no way to tell until she actually used it. If the worst came to pass, she'd have to grab her boyfriend and run like hell, the retriever would probably be confused as shit but it was better than actually explaining exactly what Raya had been trying to do.

Her ears perked as the stall door clicked and swung outward as Shyla tried to step out. Before the retriever could react, Raya was pushing her back inside as the dog let out a startled yelp, trying to keep herself from stumbling onto the toilet.

"Raya- W-what are you-"

"Look into my eyes." Raya commanded.

As the retriever did so, without even thinking, her body language drastically changed. The tension of surprise quickly evaporated, her body seeming to relax all at once. The longer she stared into the raccoon's eyes, the more relaxed she was becoming until it was impossible for the retriever to stay standing.

"Wha- huh?" The retriever mumbled before she fell back on the toilet seat.

Raya's muzzle broke into a wide grin, this was even better than she'd hoped! Just from Shyla's immediate reaction she knew that the dog was completely susceptible to her! YES! This was perfect!

"You're going to answer my questions and you're going to be completely honest with me, yes?" Raya asked.

The dog blinked, a little wobbly, but still coherent enough. "Y-yeah." She answered.

"What do you think about Dante and I?"

The retriever's brain seemed to be taking an extra-long time to process the question before she answered. "You're... uhh... the both of you are... really nice." She answered slowly

"Good, very good, pet." Raya cooed her approval. "Now, about Dante... do you think he's attractive?"

"Wha- That's-" Her mind was stumbling, probably reminding her that Raya and Dante were a 'thing' and that she shouldn't answer that sort of question.

"Would you fuck Dante?" Raya asked, more forcefully this time.

"I-uh-Y-yes!" The retriever snapped, her own answer seeming to surprise herself at how quickly she answered it.

"Even though you're so deep in heat?" Raya asked.

This caused the retriever to pause. "B-but..." The retriever's brow furrowed and her muzzle scrunched up as she processed the question. "But I'm not-"

"Trust me, you are. You're SO damn deep in your heat. I've been able to smell it on you all night."

The retriever visibly shuddered as her mind really processed the statement and cementing it as fact. This was good, this was really damn good! Raya's abilities were working their charm, making the retriever believe that she was actually in heat. And whatever the mind strongly believed in the body would be soon to follow.

The placebo effect really was a lovely little bitch.

Raya looked at the now panting and fidgeting retriever over. Either she naturally suffered from an aggressive heat cycle or the sudden effect was making her react strongly. Well, none of that mattered right now. What really mattered to Raya was the retriever's busty little body.

"Jesus, your clothes are so fucking tight! I've been watching your damn boobs jiggling in my face all night! How do you even fit in these? Do you even wear a bra?" Raya asked, flicking one of the dog's now erect nipples, causing the retriever to gasp at the sudden contact.

"N-No!" The retriever gasped again before audibly swallowing, no doubt her mouth was going dry with how excited she was along with her non stop panting. "The materials are too r-rough, it chaffs."

"Aww, you poor thing." Raya cooed in mock sympathy as she slowly reached for the hem of the dog's shirt. "Well then... why don't we free you up a little?"

Before the retriever could answer or respond Raya had lifted the dog's shirt, her breasts getting caught on the hem, being tugged up along with it before they were finally released and gravity brought them back down.

Jesus fuck, they were huge!

Raya was actually drooling now, a string of saliva coming out the corner of her mouth as she took a moment to admire the dog's heavy breasts. They were absolutely amazing, perfectly bouncy and jiggly but still perky enough. Oh! And her cute little nipples poking out with those massive areola surrounding them.

The thought came unbidden to Raya, of the retriever nursing a pup with these. That had her more excited than anything else. Before she could stop herself, she was cupping the dog's breasts and latching her mouth over one of her nipples.

The retriever let out a sharp moan that she tried to bite back with her paw. "R-Raya! What are you-"

"It's fine. You're totally cool with this." Raya stated, reluctantly taking her muzzle off of the tit she was sucking on to tell her as such. "In fact... you really want me to be doing this."

"I-I want what?"

"Yeah, you really want this, don't you?" Raya grinned up at the retriever. "You've been so tired and frustrated. It's made you all pent up and on edge. You need a little... stress relief, don't ya?"

"I-" the retriever gasped again as Raya latched her lips around the dog's nipple again while her fingers found the other one, gently rolling them through her digits.

"I-Oh fuck." The dog huffed above Raya, clearly affected by the raccoon's attention.

Raya couldn't help the smug grin that curled her muzzle as the retriever gasped and huffed above her. Little whines bordered on the edge of every breath, almost threatening to turn into moans despite Shyla's vain attempts at keeping herself silent.

She wouldn't be able to keep silent for long, especially as one of Raya's paws reached lower until she was flicking open the button of the retriever's pants. Before the retriever could question what was happening, Raya quickly slipped her paw down and past the waistline of the retriever's panties.

A satisfied growl escaped Raya in the same moment as the dog let out a sharp bark and moaned loudly. The retriever was absolutely soaking! Raya could hear the "Shlick, shlick, shlick" as she rubbed the now horny retriever's needy cunt.

"Fuck! Raya!" Shyla barked as the raccoon slipped two fingers inside and curled them, vigorously pumping in and out of the thrashing dog.

"That's it. Good girl." Raya cooed as she leaned up and closer to the dog's ear, giving it a playful nip. "Feels real good, doesn't it? Having someone filling up your needy little cunt, giving you exactly what you need."

"Y-Yes!" Shyla groaned out. She wasn't resisting Raya's advances anymore, evident by the way she leaned her head back and ground her hips into Raya's paw. The dog was obviously savoring the feeling of those digits pumping in and out of her, appearing lost in total ecstasy as they filled her up and stretched her quivering folds.

"Bet it would feel better if it was a nice thick cock." Raya whispered into the panting dog's ear. "Just imagine some nice, thick, virile bare cock pumping away inside of you while you're this deep in heat. Just ready to fill you to the brim with a thick load of cum."

The retriever let out a deep groan at the intoxicating little fantasy that Raya was feeding to her, grinding her hips against the raccoon's paw, panting with her tongue lolling out the side while a thin strand of drool dripped down off the tip.

Raya bit down on the retriever's throat and let out an approving growl, redoubling her efforts as she slipped a third finger inside and really showed the dog what she could do. Despite her best efforts to keep silent, Shyla was screaming and wailing as those digits buried deeper, curling a little more until they found the spot that Raya knew was going to get the dog off in a heartbeat.

"That's it. Be a good girl for me and cum."

The retriever was pushed over the edge in an instant, head thrown back as she howled into the air. Raya felt the dog's walls convulsing and squeezing around her digits so tightly that it was almost painful, but she was more surprised by how quickly she'd gone off.

Poor girl, she was even more pent up then she let on!

Shyla quickly collapsed on the toilet, Raya's now soaked paw slipping free in the process. The raccoon looked at the glistening wetness on her paw, licking her lips before she started to suckle her fingers clean. Mmm! Sweet and tangy, just like she thought, the dog really was a tasty little treat!

After her fingers were sucked clean the raccoon took a look at the poor girl beneath her. The retriever was left panting and limp on the toilet seat, still twitching erratically as she came down from her orgasmic high. Raya thought about giving her a minute to recover, but realized the dog was in the perfect state for the next phase of the night.

"Now, listen closely." Raya said as she whispered into the retriever's ear. "You're going to clean yourself up and you're going to forget that this just happened. Then you're going to join us back at the table. And you're going to follow some new rules, are we clear so far?"

The dog didn't say anything, she just dumbly nodded her head.

"Good. Very good. Now, you're still in heat, don't forget that. You're so, so, deep in heat right now that it's almost unbearable." Raya couldn't help but smile smugly as the dog whined in response, clearly the suggestion was sinking deep into her brain. "And with that strong heat you're going to be thinking about getting knocked up. So absolutely and thoroughly bred by a stud that it's going to have you wanting and begging for some pups."

The retriever groaned and Raya couldn't help but feel a little more smug when a visibly excited jolt ran through Shyla's body.

"Whenever Dante or I touch you, you're going to feel yourself going deeper into heat. You'll become more desperate, more needy, the aching that you feel from being so empty will become more and more unbearable. But you'll have to behave and wait for us to do something about it, yeah?"

Another whine, and another dumb nod from Shyla in response.

"Good girl. Now, as soon as I leave the stall you'll forget that all of this happened and everything I've told you, but you'll still feel the effect of all these new rules." Raya said before standing up straight and walking out, closing the stall door behind her.

Raya had to keep herself from snickering as she heard a dazed. "What...the..." As Shyla came back to full consciousness. The raccoon was practically skipping back to her table, she couldn't believe how well that worked!

Raya had developed her powers of hypnosis when she was younger and she'd done plenty of experimenting and practicing since she first discovered it. Even if she didn't know the how or why it had developed , she'd found that it was fairly convenient, even with some restrictions.

Simply put, almost everyone was affected to some degree, but there were a fair number of cases where some people were completely immune to her abilities. Dante was one such rare case, which was one reason they worked so well together. No way to fuck with his head if she literally couldn't!

No need for him to constantly be questioning if it was his own will or if it was something she'd put in his head. She'd seen that happen before, saw the paranoia and mental collapse it led to. It never ended well.

Shyla was another rare case, but at the opposite end of the spectrum. From how quickly she fell to Raya's commands the retriever had next to no resistance to her hypnotic prowess. Meaning she didn't have to go through half the bullshit she usually did of buttering them up, or playing it off as a joke when catching them off guard.

There was a lot of potential in that, as she'd just demonstrated.

Dante looked up with a raised brow as she returned, clearly amused by how pleased she was. "I take it things went well?"

Raya beamed at him excitedly. "Better than well! She was completely under with a few words!"

Even Dante looked pleasantly surprised by the statement, it was rare to meet someone on the opposite end as him where Raya's powers were concerned. "So, we're going to fucking ruin her good?"

The raccoon nodded as she settled in the seat across from Dante, unable to contain her excited, yet slightly sadistic glee. "Oh yeah, we're going to fuck that bitch stupid."

"Anything I should know before she gets back?" Dante asked. A fair question, it was good for them to be on the same page where her suggestions were concerned.

"I convinced her she's in heat. Just remember to touch her, a lot. She's also not leaving until we say so, so we're going to build her up nice and proper before getting to it."

Dante nodded as he confirmed the details with her. "On your signal, or mine?"

Raya thought about it, she did still feel bad about earlier, how she'd made her poor wolf worry about her after their love making. She'd let him have this one, as a special treat. "Your call tonight, just say the word and- oh, she's coming back." Raya snapped, her excitement dialed down to a harsh whisper as the retriever made her way back to the table.

"Hey, sorry about... that. I think I was gone for a bit?" Shyla said, not sounding too sure herself as she settled back in her seat, now beside Raya, completely oblivious to what she'd just experienced.

"Oh, are you ok? What happened?" Raya asked as she put a comforting paw on the retriever's arm.

Shyla tensed, briefly, but quickly composed herself. "Oh- uh, I guess I zoned out, or something. Felt like I was in there longer, must be more tired than I thought." She explained.

"Hey, no worries, as long as you're good." Dante said as he placed another comforting paw over hers.

The retriever let in a quiet, but still noticeable, shuddering breath at his touch. The both of them had to keep themselves from smiling smugly at the other over how successful they'd been so far.

As they continued talking both Raya and Dante would find any excuse to touch Shyla, an accidental brushing of paws, fixing a stray piece of fur around her eyes, and numerous comforting paws rubbing the retriever's arms and back as she spoke about her recent experiences.

It didn't take long for Raya's command to take effect with how much the pair had touched her. Already the retriever was flushed underneath her golden fur, the insides of her ears going a shade darker. She was constantly shifting in place, her body felt hot, her barely veiled excitement was almost to the point of desperation. Her breathing was shallow, coming out as quick pants and shuddering gasps. Her tail was wagging up a storm behind her. And the scent! It would have been clear to anyone with a decent nose that she was suffering from an intense heat.

It didn't help that the two of them were shifting the conversation to less... appropriate topics.

"So have you thought about rebounding?" Raya asked, keeping her tone light and innocent.

"Rebounding?" The retriever asked, trying to focus on the conversation, but quite obviously finding it difficult.

"Yeah, like, hooking up with some random guys, or girls!" Raya explained. "Wash the bad taste of your ex out of your mouth-"

"And maybe taste something a little sweeter instead." Dante finished with a coy grin.

The retriever was obviously flustered, not only by the effects of Raya's command, but from the straight forwardness of the couple at what they were suggesting to her. "I-well, I mean- it hasn't been too long since we broke up. A-and-well- you know work! Keeps ya too busy to think of going out!" She offered with a sheepish smile and a nervous laugh.

Raya gave her own coy little smile as she looked right at the flustered retriever. "This is very true... but." She said as she slipped her paw over the retriever's. "You're out now, aren't you?"

The retriever tensed, letting out a shuddering breath at both the paw over hers and the implied suggestion. "I-Well- There really isn't anyone here." She replied weakly.

"Well... there's us." Dante offered casually.

Before the retriever could remark, Raya continued. "This is very true, ya see we're kind of... open. Well, always open to having a little fun. Especially with a cutie like you."

She seemed embarrassed by the proposal, suddenly becoming even more sheepish as she glanced between the two and saw their playful, yet serious expressions. "I mean... that's... I'm not..." She started off hesitantly.

"Oh come on, haven't we been having so much fun already?" Raya said as her paw landed on the retriever's thigh and started gently rubbing her.

Shyla let out a shaky breath as she tried to keep her wits about her. "I-I- T-That's-" she stuttered nervously.

"Yeah, come on. I'm sure we could have a lot of fun together." Dante cooed into her ear, somehow slipping into the seat beside Shyla without either of the girls noticing, his paw rubbing her other thigh soothingly as well.

The retriever was panting between them, nearly an incoherent mess as she struggled to find the words that would get her out of this situation. Not that she ever would, Raya had taken care of that, making sure she stayed put like a good girl.

"You know you wanna. I promise, we're so, so much better than your ex." Raya said with a nip to the dog's ear that elicited a quiet moan from the worked-up retriever. "Especially my boy here. I don't mean to brag but... ya see, I'm a bit of a size queen myself, and Dante here? Never disappointed once."

Even as muddled as the retriever's mind was, Raya knew that had gotten through, obvious by the way she slightly turned her head and looked down at Dante's crotch, finally noticing the firm bulge tenting his pants.

Her boy was a big, girthy fucker, that was always clear right off the bat. Some girls weren't as into it as Raya was... but this retriever? Oh, she was practically drooling when Dante reached down and gave his junk a proper squeeze!

"Ah fuck." The retriever breathed out before slowly licking her lips, giving away just how terribly she was losing the battle to keep herself modest.

Dante grinned past the retriever and to Raya, slightly tilting his head towards the door. His signal!

Raya stood up, hooking her arm around the retriever's as they started heading out. Guiding the poor dog out of the bar on shaky legs.

"W-where are we g-going?" Shyla asked when they'd passed the open doors.

"Somewhere fun." Raya promised as her eyes quickly darted around. Shit, now what? She was trying to find a discreet enough place for them, but their options were limited.

Their car wasn't parked too far away... but it would be cramped with the three of them, the retriever wasn't small enough for car sex. There was a park she vaguely remembered being close by, but she didn't know it well enough to know what the night traffic looked like, the last thing they needed were the cops ruining their- OH!

Raya quickly led the trio around the corner of the bar, having completely overlooked it until just now. This would be perfect! There was a light hanging overhead, not strong enough to completely illuminate the shady alley, but enough to give them enough light for a show. It wasn't too wide, but it made for a pleasantly cramped space.

On top of that she could see all kinds of useful, potential fuck spaces. A garbage can that didn't look too worse off, the walls didn't look grimy either, and, wait a second- There was a fucking table out here! Considering the positioning by the back door as well as the tucked in lawn chairs and single ashtray it was most likely a sort of break spot for the bar staff.

She couldn't help it as her muzzle curled into a wide grin, oh this would be perfect!

A sharp gasp from Shyla broke Raya out of her planning, she only needed to see Dante's devious little grin to know that he was gripping a pawful of the retriever's rear. A quick look down confirmed her suspicion, he had a very specific kind of smile when it came to ass grabbing.

It didn't take long for that ass grab to turn into turning the retriever around and pinning her back against the wall as Dante finally stopped holding back. The wolf was almost desperate as he groped and fondled the retriever, not surprising as he'd been inhaling the scent of her "heat" for almost an hour. Both of his paws were a blur, one second they were cupping the retriever's tits, the next they were reaching down to grab her ass. The whole time he was snarling as he latched his teeth wherever he could find purchase.

Fuck- he was always so fucking hot when he got like this!

Raya wasn't too distracted by her boyfriend's near frenzied display or by the retriever's high-pitched whines and moans to keep from digging into her skirt's tiny pocket and pulling out her phone. Quickly opening the camera she adjusted the settings for the alleyway's dim lighting as best she could and started recording the whole thing.

Not a moment too soon as Dante practically tore the retriever's shirt as he lifted it over her tits, quickly mauling them with his teeth and tongue as he ravenously nipped, licked and bit at her chest. Oh, those were going to leave some very pretty marks on the retriever tomorrow for sure!

Shyla made halfhearted attempts to push the wolf off, some small part of her brain was probably still resisting the idea of fucking someone else's boyfriend. But Raya knew that she wouldn't last long. Not only was she worked up something fierce thanks to her commands, but Dante just naturally had this type of dominance that was hard to ignore, and for a "heat" drunk dog, his scent and actions were probably irresistible.

Raya was proven right as the retriever locked eyes with her. The retriever was the picture of nervous and hesitant, somewhere in her mind she was reminded that this was another person's man, she shouldn't be doing this at all. Her hesitancy only lasted for a few moments as Shyla must've seen the excited, expectant and downright devious look on the raccoon's muzzle, because whatever last resistance she was holding onto quickly withered and died.

Almost as if a switch had been flipped, instead of trying to push the wolf off, she was gripping at his shirt, pulling it up as her paws hungrily explored his body, as much as his were on hers! She made no attempts to hide or restrain her moans anymore, howling into the night sky as Dante did as he pleased with her.

While his teeth and mouth were busy nipping at her hard nipples his paws wasted no time undoing her pants. Without warning he slipped a paw down right past her panties.

The satisfied growl that rumbled from her lover as his fingers found the soaked sex of the retriever made Raya shiver in excited delight. She took a closer look and let out a pleased gasp as he clearly started pumping his digits in and out of the panting retriever's dripping pussy.

"She's fucking soaking!" Dante growled as he latched his teeth into the retriever's neck, keeping a firm bite while his paw buried a little deeper down her pants. Raya had no doubt that his entire paw was going to be dripping when he pulled it out!

Shyla's legs were shaking, her breath coming out in cute little gasps. The raccoon knew that with how worked up the dog was and how dominating Dante could be that Shyla wasn't going to last a second longer at this rate.

She was proven right as the retriever's whole body seemed to tighten up, her claws digging into Dante's shirt until she nearly ripped the fabric as she lifted her head, howling as she came. Her hips ground against the wolf's paw, her tongue was lolling out as she panted and screamed, her poor pants weren't spared as a very large and noticeable wet spot formed around her crotch.

Dante pulled his paw out and just like Raya thought his paw was absolutely soaked! Strands of the retriever's juices were slowly dripping off of his digits and onto the grimy ground below them. He wasted no time licking his paw clean, holding the retriever's nearly unfocused gaze as she watched him lick away the evidence of her orgasm.

The raccoon thought that Dante would give the girl a minute to recover but the wolf was wasting no time as he started tugging down her tight pants, somehow managing to kick one of her shaky legs out. Shyla looked confused until Dante started unzipping his own pants, dropping them so they pooled around his ankles, not that they stayed there for long as he kicked them off completely.

This put a little energy back into the retriever. Soon she was pushing him back again as he stepped forward, his legs spread almost awkwardly to wrap around hers, and tried to settle his thick member between her thighs.

"C-condom!" It seemed that despite all the fantasies she'd already worked into the retriever's mind there was still a part of her that knew this was a bad idea.

Oh no, no, no, that just won't do at all! Raya thought to herself with an especially evil grin as she stepped towards them. She wasted no time grabbing the retriever's muzzle and turning her head towards Raya, forcing the retriever to stare into her eyes.

"He doesn't need a condom. After all, you want it all, don't you?" Raya asked.

The retriever was shocked, for a moment. In the next she was letting out a desperate whine, completely torn on what to do. "B-but, I'm in heat- and -and-"

"And you're totally ok with that!" Raya responded with a little bit of extra enthusiasm. "Doesn't that risk just make it so much more thrilling? Knowing that if he fucks you like this you could end up with a nice, cute litter of puppies?"

The raccoon's paw left the retriever's muzzle as it trailed lower, gently cupping one of her tits. "Mmm, these'll grow even bigger, getting all nice and big and full of milk. Wouldn't that feel so good? Having your pups nurse from you with how sensitive they are?." Her paw trailed even lower, soothingly circling her belly. "And your belly will get all nice and swollen, you won't notice it at first... but as time goes on, you'll start to see that change., a little bump that'll turn into a big, round, swollen belly full of cute little wolf-dog puppies!"

Raya leaned forward until she could nibble on the retriever's ear, she no longer had to worry about keeping eye contact, she'd influenced the retriever enough and knew that it was working like a charm. "And every time you see or rub that swollen belly of yours, you'll remember this night, you'll remember how I let my boyfriend fuck you, how I let him breed you, and... you'll remember how you were loving every second of it. Doesn't that sound like a wonderful risk to take?"

There was no helping the groan that escaped the retriever, no doubt that the seed Raya had planted was intoxicating the poor girl's mind with wonderful thoughts of her full and pregnant with a random stranger's pups.

When Dante shuffled a little closer, angling himself properly for the perfect entry, the retriever didn't protest or try to shove him back. Instead, she desperately clung to him as he started nudging the tip in.

Raya stood back in time to lift her phone up, catching the exact moment as Dante straightened up, speared straight into the dog's soaking, needy little pussy. What really made her clench was the dog's expression when he did, her muzzle hanging open as a choked gasp escaped her, and her eyes rolling into the back of her head like a satisfied little bitch.

It was a really fucking hot look for the dog!

From there nature took its course. Dante's claws dug in as he gripped the retriever's hips, quickly pumping that thick, impressive cock of his deeper into the bitch's dripping cunt with each successive thrust. He was snarling through gritted teeth at the effort it took to push in even an inch deeper, no doubt she was tighter than he'd expected.

The retriever desperately wrapped her arms around his neck, barely able to hold herself up anymore with the rough, feral fucking that the wolf was giving to her. This gave him the perfect chance to bite into her shoulder with a fierce growl.

Raya could see that her legs were barely keeping her standing. It seemed Dante knew this, despite his frenzied state, his paws cupping her cheeks. His strong grip and quick, thrusting hips were the only things that kept her steady, keeping her firmly pressed against the brick wall.

Raya desperately wanted to lift up her skirt, start playing with herself, time her paw to those quick, erratic thrusts, trying to slap her palm against her lips to imitate Dante's knot lewdly slapping against the retriever's pussy. She was leaking down her trembling thighs as she desperately wanted to relieve her own built up pleasure

But she had a job to do, she had to record every second of this. Raya had to watch it when Dante finally gave Shyla his wonderful seed, planting a new life in the retriever's womb. The raccoon needed to document the event so that she could see that exact moment over and over and over again!

And that moment was quickly approaching, both of them had been so worked up that even with Dante's impressive stamina he was already nearing his limit. The lewd slapping of his knot against the retriever's lips made it clear that he was fucking her with short, brutal strokes. Trying to wedge that knot in with all the force his legs could muster. Leaning back to drive it in just a little deeper.

Raya took the opportunity he'd given her and got in close, angling the phone between them so that she could see her boyfriend's cock pounding into the retriever. He hadn't chosen the weird positioning to be kinky, even if it was kind of hot, in a weird way. No, it was because it helped give Raya the perfect view of his thick knot trying to tie with the retriever.

"F-Fuck!" Dante barked as he held in place, straining to bury his knot, pulling back and slamming into the retriever again when the attempt failed. "Getting real fucking close now."

The retriever was incoherent at this point, just a mess of whining and panting and groaning as Dante fucked her brutally and without restraint.

"You hear that? He's getting close now." Raya whispered as she leaned towards the retriever. "Just think about it, any second now he's going to tie you with that thick fucking knot of his."

The retriever let out a desperate groan at that, leaning her head back as she determinedly humped back and tried grinding her hips with every hilting thrust.

"He's going to cum so fucking deep inside of you... But that's what you want, right?" Raya couldn't suppress the evil grin as the retriever started panting and whining. "He's going to fill you right up with all that sexy cum of his. He's going to fucking breed you, right here, right now. And that's exactly what you want _,_ for a perfect stud like him to fill you with his seed, knocking you up_ ,_ marring your perfect little body and giving you the nice big litter that you deserve."

It was at the exact moment that Dante finally managed to slip his knot in as Raya finished speaking, the combination of their efforts had Shyla throwing her head back and howling like a lust drunk whore as she came. Her whole body was erratic, jolts of pleasure erratically shot through her body as she shook, Raya could see her clench around Dante even through the blur of her hips roughly grinding against his.

Dante's upper lip curled back into a snarl as he squeezed his eyes shut, no doubt feeling pained and pleasured as the retriever's vice-like walls clamped around his thick cock and knot, trying to milk him dry with each ripple of pleasure. He wasn't going to last long either.

A half dozen or so short, deep thrusts later and the wolf started to tense. Raya couldn't hear the slap of his plump balls against the retriever's furred flesh anymore as they tightened up to his body. With a vicious snarl and growl that sounded completely feral he hilted himself as deep as he possibly could.

The retriever released short, quick gasps in time with the powerful load that Dante was shooting into her. Raya could almost fucking hear it as each rope of wolf seed splashed against the dog's cervix, filling her womb with each successive rope of thick, virile, wolf cum.

She kept the camera focused on the tie but took a moment to indulge in the sight of her wolf's muzzle, the deep-seated satisfaction and gratification was plain to see and god fucking help her was it ever hot! She'd never record it, something about his expression when he was seeding a bitch seemed more appropriate to be experienced in the moment.

As he snarled and the satisfaction grew along with his satiated look Raya couldn't help but think back to a suspicion she'd had when they first started doing this. She long suspected that her lover had a budding breeding kink and every conquest only reinforced that in her mind. It was something that amused her, although she'd never call him out on it.

It was just a cute little thing for her to enjoy.

Dante continued to thrust into Shyla her with each rope, trying to bury himself as deep as possible with each one so that his swimmers would have the best chance of reaching their intended mark. Raya couldn't help but groan and rub her thighs together, her pussy clenching, probably in time with his throbbing cock, as she thought about how good it would feel if it was her receiving that wonderful life-giving seed.

But just like before when they'd been making love, it was that almost bittersweet feeling. This time there was something more though, a deep envy of the retriever. Raya couldn't take that leap, but the retriever, whether she really wanted to or not, was.

Right now the retriever was getting pumped full of Dante's seed, deep in heat and Raya had no doubt that they were going to leave the dog a well bred and very pregnant mess by the end of this. It excited her and yet she was holding onto a bitter envy. Her mind was still rebelling against the idea of it being her getting knocked up... yet it still made her envious seeing it happening to others.

Why couldn't her brain just make up its damn mind about what it wanted!?

She was broken from her thoughts as the retriever started giggling like a wasted drunk. "I'm all full."

That was enough to distract Raya enough from her darker thoughts to focus back on the fun of the moment. Especially when she nuzzled her muzzle into the retriever's ear. "Feels good, don't it?"

The retriever giggled again, bringing one of her paws up to cover her muzzle, suddenly very shy and embarrassed about the situation but obviously still enjoying it. Fuck, she was so damn cute!

And she'd look so much cuter when that little baby bump of hers started to show. Then she'd look so fucking hot when she started swelling even more with a nice round belly. There was no way Raya could let her go...not just yet.

Overdue Overtime

"God DAMN IT, Kevin!" The border collie snapped as she threw the documents at the cowering golden retriever. "These are the wrong documents! I needed LAST year's tax reports, not THIS year's!" "B-but- you said-" The big dog tried to nervously explain...

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Reading the situation

Colton shrugged on his slightly too tight jacket as soon as he closed the door to the cab. Getting annoyed when he felt it straining against his burly build. The charcoal furred wolf was frustrated over the cabbie's clear intentions of running up the...

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Literature lab rat

Maddie chewed the inside of her cheek as she tried to keep herself focused on the days lesson. It didn't help that the professor was nearing seventy and it showed in how the badger droned on and on in what had to be the most monotonous, boring voice...

, , , , , , , , , , , , , ,