Overdue Overtime

Story by RockyWulf on SoFurry

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#3 of Commissions

Jennifer is the type of boss that every employee dreads to work under. Overbearing, controlling and power hungry, and it doesn't help that she's working everyone to the bone during a big merger with tons of overtime. But maybe she'll change her tune when a simple peace offering turns out to be her undoing.

This was commissioned by the fantastic Robert Baird Rob was very specific that this story involved "collie getting knotted" and I think I delivered on that! Looks like we both share a love of collies getting knotted haha! This was a wonderful story to work on and I had an absolutely amazing time writing it out!

"God DAMN IT, Kevin!" The border collie snapped as she threw the documents at the cowering golden retriever. "These are the wrong documents! I needed LAST year's tax reports, not THIS year's!"

"B-but- you said-" The big dog tried to nervously explain before being cut off.

"I know what I said! I KNOW I said LAST year's reports! Because unlike YOU, I KNOW how to do my fucking job! Now GET OUT!" The collie all but screeched at the poor dog running out of her office with his tail between his legs.

"That idiot, I swear." Jennifer growled, rubbing her temples and trying to calm herself down.

"Uh, Ma'am?"

Jennifer inhaled sharply, letting it out as an aggressive huff before she turned to her assistant, Becca. The german shepherd shrank when Jennifer focused her glare on her.


The shepherd tapped at her tablet before turning it to her boss. "I... I was going over the messages you sent out. You actually did tell Kevin you wanted this year's-"

"Are you questioning me?" The collie said, cutting her off with a sharp growl.

"N-no! Of course not! I just... He didn't really mess up- I mean, aren't you worried about what HR will have to say about this?"

HAH! Jennifer didn't have to worry about a damn thing! Kevin was spineless, a whipped dog, she'd put him in his place years ago and had kept him there. He'd be too damn scared to even consider filing a complaint, she'd know it was him and would make his life even more of a living hell if he tried. Besides, even without her influence he wouldn't have the guts.

Jennifer was career-driven, she was all business and was good at it. She had that drive that most people lacked. When she set a goal, she did everything within her power to meet that goal. It was how she became a senior manager of accounting in only five years. Kevin, however, had almost no drive. No initiative. No sense for business whatsoever.

Was he sociable and friendly? Oh sure! But that wasn't going to land them more clients and keep contracts if he was bending over backwards just to keep them all happy! You had to be aggressive in business, not take "no" for an answer, and the mutt just couldn't do that. Both his lack of business sense and sociability grated on her nerves.

There was also something immensely satisfying about seeing the big dumb mutt cowering before her. She knew she was powerful, but keeping someone so much bigger than her, who was physically stronger than her in every way under her heel was empowering. She relished in those moments where she could put him in his place, enjoying it when she knew he couldn't protest. In a sense, he'd become a perfect little stress ball for her to take her anger out on.

As she had just demonstrated.

Jennifer didn't care if it made her sound like a bad person: she already knew her subordinates and even fellow higher management thought she was an evil bitch. But she had more money and power than all of those other idiots, she'd earned that right. And with the stress she'd been under recently she more than deserved to let off some steam by pushing around the stupid mutt as she saw fit.

Their company was in the middle of a merger, they'd been bought out by Kharness Entertainment and everyone was scrambling to get everything in order. Everyone's jobs had been assured and every single staff member had been given an additional thousand-dollar bonus to tide over any worries, so they'd managed to avoid most of the panic and chaos that would follow with such an announcement. Apparently, the CEO was some kind of softy bitch with her employee's, an example of both a business leader and collie that was frankly alien to Jennifer.

While they'd avoided the worries over job security that did not mean they were in the clear. They had a lot of paper work to sort through, files to document and send over, everything that wasn't digitized had to be done within a certain time frame. Jennifer's department had experienced a few hiccups, lousy god damn idiots, but overall, everything had been right on schedule.

She'd been determined to come out ahead of the other departments, which meant that she was putting in some serious overtime. Not just her, she made sure that NO ONE was leaving until they'd clocked in at least twelve or thirteen hours. She was mindful of her employees so called "rights," she was a bitch but she wasn't stupid. She knew how much power she had over them and what lengths she could go to use them. She could push them as much as she needed to without giving them even the faintest hope of bringing her to court or having her fired.

But even with everything going so smoothly all the overtime she was putting in was starting to wear on her. The thought of taking a break was out of the question, she refused to show any signs of weakness and taking even just one extra day off during all of this would make her look weak to everyone around her. She had to lead her team by example and show management just how vital she was. Not to mention that they could be looking for new executives after the merger, something that would really push her career forward! Kevin was nice to let off minute-bursts of steam, but she needed something more effective, something that would recharge her without taking too long.

She'd considered sex but had quickly disregarded it as an option. It was too much time and effort finding a quick partner who could satisfy her, if they could even manage that. Chances were she'd end up more pissed off and frustrated than she was now.

Maybe having a few drinks would help. But if she went overboard, she'd have to deal with a killer hangover and that would probably leave her even grumpier. A chance she might slip up and do something that would actually land her in trouble. Not something that would be ideal at this current time.

As she mulled over her options, she realized Becca was still staring at her expectantly. She rolled her eyes and huffed out her irritation before answering.

"Don't worry about Kevin. He's a grown man; if he can't handle this much then he can pack up and find another job."

The shepherd didn't look satisfied by the answer but nodded her head regardless.

"Something else you'd like to say?" Jennifer asked tensely.

"No- not... Not exactly." Becca said slowly, something that clearly annoyed her boss.

"Spit it out."

Becca seemed hesitant, the shepherd had been her assistant for over a year now, a genuinely brilliant record as most of her assistants quit or stepped down after the first month. That meant that Jennifer had picked up on her tells. Meaning, she knew whatever she was about to say wasn't her own thoughts and she was acting as the messenger.

"I think... we need to cut back on the overtime, just for a bit."

Jennifer swiveled her chair to face the shepherd, narrowing her sharp glare at her.

"Oh? And WHO is saying that exactly?"

"E-Everyone." Becca cleared her throat, taking a deep breath, probably to steady herself. "There have been... talks, recently."

Jennifer raised a brow at her, continued to stare at the shepherd, but didn't speak. When it became clear that she was waiting for the shepherd to continue, Becca steeled herself.

"There's been... talk around the office, about work and... you."

"When isn't there?"

"This is different. Everyone is exhausted, they haven't been given any initiative to keep working."

"Their initiative is that this is their god damn job and they're getting paid for it!" Jennifer snapped.

"Right! Yes! Of course, but..." Becca stopped to tap at her tablet before turning it to the collie. "The other departments have been setting up rewards and bonus packages to employees with stellar performance. On top of that all of them are even allowing their staff to take a full week off after the merger has been completed, to recuperate and come back refreshed."

Jennifer rolled her eyes, yes, rewarding the idiots for doing their fucking jobs, classic. "And? Your point?"

"You haven't made your own announcement. You've racked up on everyone's overtime but that was it. There hasn't been anything about their time off or bonuses."

"Because there won't be any time off, or bonuses. They're going to keep working their regular hours."

The shepherd actually looked surprised by the blunt statement. Why was it so shocking? Jennifer didn't care about rewarding them for just doing the fundamentals of their jobs. And a week off? There was plenty of work her department could be getting done with that time! The senior managers had discussed this weeks ago, leaving it up to each of them how to handle their departments respective rewards. The consensus was the week off, but it wasn't mandatory.

"Ma'am, that's..." The shepherd flinched when Jennifer stood up and stared her down.

"What? Do tell me, sweetie." Jennifer only called Becca "sweetie" When she was treading on thin ice, a warning that she had better choose her next words carefully or prepare for some serious consequences.

Surprisingly the shepherd didn't back down, or try to apologize, a rare display of standing her ground.

"Everyone is planning to write to Cassandra Kharness about your behavior. Saying that your behavior as a leader is unreasonable and unacceptable. Everyone is going to file for workplace harassment en masse. You might not be taken to court, but you'll likely be demoted or even lose your job, ma'am."

Jennifer took a moment to process this, maybe more than a little caught off guard, and even impressed, that her subordinates would actually organize against her. It was the most proficient display of work she'd seen from any of them! The shepherd seemed unnerved by her eerie calmness; this obviously wasn't the reaction she was expecting.

Jennifer simply pulled out her laptop, opening the necessary files before turning to look at the shepherd.

"I'd like you to look at this."

Becca looked hesitant but complied regardless. She saw that they were the quarterly reports, personal emails from supervisors, and other documents that frankly confused her, not because she didn't understand them but because she wasn't sure why she was being shown this.


"These are our company's current, up to date, statistics. From quarterly reports, client satisfaction and much more."

"I... can see that."

"Right, yes. Good." The collie said before she brought up another set of similar documents, all dated to about three years previous. "These are the reports from before I became part of the management."

It was obvious by the fallen expression of the shepherd's muzzle that she could, the reports were as clear as day. The differences in sales, expenses, client satisfaction and recurrence were staggeringly wide when compared, and more than in favor of Jennifer.

"My efforts, my leadership and skill, has resulted in these numbers. I am the sole reason our department has done so well. Because, unlike the slack jawed idiot running things before me, I put in the effort and made this a reality."

She closed the laptop before turning back to the shepherd, giving the poor girl a sickly-sweet smile that belied what she was thinking.

"So, you can tell them this: Go ahead and file your reports. Make your claims and do what you wish because, well, it really doesn't matter! I have stayed within the confines of the labor laws. I haven't done anything that will see me brought to court or even make upper management even consider letting me go. And if they try, they will see what an incredible loss it will be for this company."

She paused for a moment, smile growing a little wider as the shepherd shrank on the spot. No doubt in her mind that Becca was one of her subordinates who had wished to see Jennifer fall. Hah!

"But, for anyone who thinks this might be a good idea and plans to go through with it... they will see some extreme changes here. If they think what I'm putting them through right now is hell then trust me, they haven't seen fuck all yet. Am I clear?"

The shepherd tried to hide her disbelief and horror, but it showed enough for Jennifer to see that her message had gone through loud and clear.

"You're dismissed, get back to work." Jennifer said as she sat down in her chair, feeling immensely satisfied as the dog walked out of her office, almost with her tail between her legs.

She wasn't too worried about what would happen, this was just one part of doing business. Others would try to tear you down at any given opportunity, some would be trampled over, it was just the nature of things. But not Jennifer, she was confident and smart, far more than any of these other half-wits.

No matter what they did they'd never be able to pull one over her, she was confident of that much.

It was around ten in the evening when Jennifer decided she would call it a night, closing her laptop and sitting back in her chair with an exhausted groan. She'd spent a good twelve hours working today and it was finally starting to catch up with her. Her back was sore, her shoulders were stiff and there was an awful kink in her neck that wasn't going away anytime soon. Christ, she really needed a break.

A knock at her office door jolted her in her seat, that was odd, she should've been the only one left in the building. She was always the last to leave, always had been. So, it really surprised her when Becca walked through the door, especially considering they hadn't spoken since their talk earlier.

The shepherd smiled meekly, probably came to grovel or at least try to clear up any "misunderstandings" about earlier. Yeah, right.

"Make it quick, I just finished up and I'm getting ready to head home." Jennifer said, not in the mood for whatever it was the other dog wanted.

"I actually wanted to apologize about earlier." Big surprise there. "I thought over everything I said and realized how... antagonistic all of that sounded. I promise I only had your best interest in mind."

Jennifer rolled her eyes and shook her head before focusing on the shepherd. "My best interests should be mine to deal with."

"Yes! Of course! You're absolutely right! Which is why I decided to make it up to you."

Jennifer raised her brow, curious as to what the dog had in mind until the door opened again. Stepping in, wearing a clean, white outfit and carrying a large, hefty bag was a coyote. She continued to stare between the two before the coyote smiled at her and offered his paw.

"Hello! I'm Mateo, but just call me Matt, Miss Chandler hired me today as your personal masseuse."

This actually caused the collie's ears to perk and her tail to start unintentionally wagging behind her as she stood up to shake his paw. She hadn't had a nice massage in- she couldn't even remember it had been so long! And while the masseuse was a coyote, he wasn't too bad looking for one. She'd have preferred another collie or even just another domestic, but she would take what she could get.

"So it's Ma-te-o, or Ma-te-o?" She asked.

"Matt." He said tapping at his name tag.

"Ma_te_o. Hmm... Ah, right, that caught my attention on the Outlook calendar." Proud of the recollection as she'd seen the name before.

"Ma_te_o. Pujol y Hernández? If I remember correctly?" She said, putting stress on the second syllable; dropping the initial "h." Not even trying to show off. "Oh. No. Pujol, that's Catalan, isn't it? Er-nan-deth, I suppose."

"...Ma'am, I was born in Tukwila."

The collie didn't say anything more on the subject, the coyote wasn't one of her subordinates, which meant she had to put on some degree of civility. Not that she needed to as Becca cleared her throat.

"Well, I'll leave you to it! The session is for half an hour and if you want to go for a little longer I already have additional payment ready."

The collie nodded her head, not saying anything as the shepherd girl left her office. She turned her attention to the coyote, Mateo, who was busy setting up a massage table. It certainly explained the large bag he'd been carrying but some of the other things he pulled out made her frown. There was a portable Bluetooth speaker, some candles and a few bottles of what appeared to be lotion.

"You're going to light those in my office?" She asked, trying to keep her voice even. This was part of his job, she reasoned, but she didn't like the idea of her office reeking of scented candles for who knew how long. An hour would be fine but the idea of smelling it for days or weeks was off putting.

He smiled at her and nodded. "Yes, it's part of the experience. The candles are a special blend of oils, really helps with reducing stress. It should only last for a few hours, by the time you walk in tomorrow it should clear out."

Jennifer nodded, still hesitant over the idea but trying to remain calm. Snapping at her subordinates was one thing, going full bitch on, or to put it more nicely a "condescending perfectionist," on a stranger would reflect badly on her, especially if he complained to her higher ups.

"What about the speaker? And what kind of lotion is that?"

He pulled out his phone and placed it on the desk. "For relaxing music, it helps to-ah- set the mood. Puts you into the perfect relaxed state. The lotion helps loosen muscles and relieves fatigue toxins. Totally safe and harmless and clothing-friendly as well. I have the documents if you'd like to see them."

"I would, actually." Jennifer said as she crossed her arms, waiting expectantly. Ever the professional, she'd always look over proper documentation before agreeing to anything.

The coyote wasted no time pulling out a binder and passing it over to her. She flipped through them quickly, checking the ingredients list, the manufacturer, label, everything. She held up one of the bottles, making sure that all of the information matched. She even found his personal information, or at least the relevant info, name, position, where he worked and even a copy of his work license.

Once she was satisfied, she handed the binder back to Mateo.

"Alright! So, we're all set to start. Now, clothing and nudity are both optional, you can strip to your comfort level and then we can get started."

Jennifer was hesitant, she was all alone with this... coyote, she didn't know him well and despite having seen his identification she wasn't going to strip naked for him. Rather she shrugged off her suit jacket, tossing it to her chair before kicking off her heels, leaving her in her blouse, stockings and pencil skirt.

"This is all I'm taking off." Jennifer declared, making it very clear that he wasn't getting another article from her.

He chuckled and smiled sweetly at her, something she was surprised that a coyote could pull off. "Of course! Your comfort is absolutely vital, we wouldn't want to cause any more stress."

Jennifer relaxed a little, knowing that he wasn't going to try and push her to do anything more was a relief. Mateo directed her to lay down on the table he'd set up. It was fairly sturdy, it didn't even creak when she relaxed and laid down with her full weight. She slipped her muzzle through the little opening and took a deep, calming breath.

Her ears perked as she heard the sound of claws tapping, the digital beep-boop of what she naturally assumed was the speaker connecting with his phone, and then a soothing and relaxing musical tone filled the room.

Next, she heard the flick of a lighter, the very faint sizzle of a wick being lit and then the subtle aroma filling the room. She wasn't sure what it was but it smelled pleasant enough, not too strong or overbearing and with a subtle sweetness to it. Hmm, she might have to find out whatever brand this was and grab a few for herself.

Unbeknownst to Jennifer, the coyote was putting in a pair of special ear plugs, they'd allow him to hear whatever else was going on but would block out the frequency of the music. And after he lit the candles he took some nasal spray and quickly filled his nose, blocking any attempts for the scent to seep into his body. She absolutely missed the smug, almost vicious grin of the coyote as he started lathering his paws in the special lotion.

Jennifer tensed as he started working on her neck, strong paws and fingers kneading through the stiff muscles beneath her fur. She must have been more stressed than she first thought because it was more than a little painful as he started working. It was apparent to her that the coyote was very skilled because after only a few minutes the pain gave way to relief as she started to relax, letting out an appreciative groan as he worked out every kink and knot in her neck. Still clueless as to what the lotion sinking past her fur would do.

It wasn't long before he started moving lower, his paws working over her shoulders while he praised her.

"That's good, you're being very good. Just relax... just like that, yes." He soothed her.

His voice was so calming, so gentle, that Jennifer couldn't help but relax even further. But there was something else, maybe it was the music, the aroma filling her office, his skilled paws, his soothing voice or maybe all of it working in tandem, but she felt her mind going hazy. Not in a bad way, it was almost like that moment when you're still just barely awake but finding yourself drifting off to sleep.

But as relaxing as it all was, she never fell asleep, simply stayed in the pleasantly hazy moment just before unconsciousness as he continued to sooth her and work down her body. Although, she would've done well to actually listen to everything he was telling her. If she'd been paying attention there was no doubt she'd have stopped the session right then and there. But that wasn't the case, rather, she was being lulled even deeper into the haze with every second that passed by.

The only thing that bothered her was that his paws were tugging at her blouse, probably wrinkling it with his massaging. But even that felt like a far-off worry. Something she couldn't be bothered to voice any real complaints over.

"I think you should take off your shirt, I wouldn't want to ruin it." He said calmly.

Had it been before they'd started Jennifer probably would have refused, no way would she ever strip for a strange man, even if he was massaging her! But he'd been wonderful so far, so calming, helping to wash away all the stress that had been building up for so long that she didn't even question it.

She rolled over slightly, just enough so she could reach the buttons without having to stand up, and started to unbutton her shirt. When it was fully unbuttoned, he helped by tugging the sleeves to free her arms, easily releasing her from the garment before laying her back down. She felt a slight tugging sensation around her sides, pulling towards the middle of her back before there was a sudden release, she realized he'd unclipped her bra for her.

Some, very distant, part of her would have been screaming her head off at the bold action. Touching her lingerie seemed far more personal than his paws running through her fur. But it was drowned out by the soothing relaxation she felt, rather, he'd done her a favor if she really thought about it. Being in something so constricting while she was supposed to be relaxing didn't seem appropriate in the least!

And soon any thoughts she had on the matter were drowned out by the feeling of his paws kneading and rolling across her back. The coyote worked along her shoulders, between her shoulder blades, down her spine, the sides of her waist before eventually reaching her lower backside. The entire time she couldn't suppress any of the pleased, happy noises that escaped her as she felt such intense relief wash over her entire body.

Even when it was painful, working through all the tightly wound muscles, there was still that moment of anticipation before the pain gave way to waves of pleasure and relief. She'd had massages before but nothing of this caliber! Nothing would or ever could compare to this. Her entire body felt like jelly, even the area's he hadn't worked on felt relaxed and listless!

She was momentarily brought back to semi consciousness as she felt another tugging sensation running down her lower back and continuing down to just above her rear. It took a moment for it to register but she finally realized he was unzipping her skirt.

"I'm gonna need to pull these off to get any more done." The coyote said as he grabbed the sides of her waist, fingers hooking through her loosened skirt.

Jennifer only hummed appreciatively and nodded her in response, giving her approval. She couldn't form any words, probably wouldn't even be able to speak a single coherent sentence even if she tried! Something which was extraordinarily rare for her, she always had something to say!

The coyote wasted no time shimmying down her pencil skirt. Jennifer raised her rear as much as she could in her relaxed state, making it easier for him to slip the garment past her hips. As soon as they were past her ankles and feet she could hear him tossing her skirt, not even placing it down or bothering to fold it.

She might have said something about it had she been more conscious, and if she didn't feel the coyote's paws gripping her waist, thumbs digging into her lower back. Circling through her muscles with broad movements that caused her to release a ragged moan. She really couldn't keep those down! It was so out of character for her, she was normally more reserved, composed, always in control of herself and the others around her. But for some reason it simply felt right to submit and let it all out.

He focused on her lower back before moving up her spine again, before going lower once more. This time he didn't stop at her lower back and instead she felt both of his paws firmly cupping her rear, a cheek in each one. Fingers expertly kneaded and spread the plump, black and white furred flesh below her furiously wagging tail, as if he'd done this to a hundred other bitches before. His actions sending ripples of pleasure through the collie as she tried not to squirm and pant underneath him, but clearly it was a losing battle.

When his paws left her rear to start working on her thighs, she let out a quiet whimper and whine, why had he stopped? It felt so good! Not that his paws had felt terrible at all, no, it had just been nice feeling someone touch her so intimately, when was the last time a male had made her feel warm and tingly like this? Far too long!

Jennifer inhaled sharply when one of his fingers brushed against her panty clad slit. Probably an accident, she was sure. Until she felt him press the digit more firmly against her sex, circling her mound. There was no stopping the ragged, muffled groan that came out of her. It was as if electricity and fire had rushed through her entire body with that simple touch!

And he didn't stop with just one finger, soon she felt his entire paw cupping her, circling and gently stroking her through her silky underwear. She shuddered in delight underneath him, when was the last time she'd felt another paw that wasn't her own? And one so skilled that it could bring her such pleasure with little effort, evident by the way her arousal started soaking through the silky black fabric.

She was aware of him tearing at her pantyhose before tugging her underwear aside, she inhaled sharply as she felt those skilled fingers gently stroking her bare, quickly soaking sex. He was teasing her, fingers barely slipping passed her slit, circling the dripping folds. It was enough to make Jennifer release a keening whine, unable to form the words necessary to tell him "Stop teasing me already!"

But it was clear he'd received the message as she felt one of his fingers sink into her well slicked cunt. A ragged moan, louder than before, escaped her as he worked that wonderful digit in and out of her sex. Soon it was joined by a second finger, stretching her out, filling her as it sawed in and out of her pussy.

The border collie was a mess of panting and whines, unable to form or think of any words to describe just how fucking good the coyote's fingers felt in her snatch. She shivered from head to toe as he curled them inside of her, arching her back and trying her damndest to push her hips back to meet the thrusting of his digits.

"On your back." The coyote growled down at her.

Jennifer didn't question it, with a great amount of effort she somehow managed to roll her tired and overly relaxed body over until she was flat on her back. The coyote wasting no time as he spread her legs, tearing her pantyhose a little more until there was a very wide hole in the crotch before his fingers sank back into her welcoming cunt.

The collie tried to quiet herself, using her paw to muffle any noises but the coyote shook his head and gave her a sharp glare.

"No, I want to hear everything."

It wasn't a request, it was an order. Jennifer just knew from his tone, enough that she brought her paw back down, both tightly gripping the sides of the table.

A question passed through her mind, why was she obeying him? It was so unlike her to take orders, especially from someone she hardly knew. But it was difficult to argue with any logic, especially when he curled his fingers and his thumb found her clit, her mind going blank as pleasure rippled through her poor body.

Beyond her own panting and whining she could hear the squelching of her own arousal around his digits, when had she gotten so wet? He was drawing so much out of her! And He wasn't stopping, in fact it seemed to encourage him as he buried his fingers to the knuckle and his thumb circled around her clit.

Jennifer was panting and gasping. Grinding her hips into his paw, matching the rhythm of his fingers as she was forced closer and closer to the edge. It wasn't going to be long now, not with how those wonderful digits stretched her out and the thumb flicking her clit was- She inhaled sharply as he rubbed against a particularly sensitive spot inside of her.

This wasn't lost on the coyote standing above her as he furiously stroked her insides, shaking her body with the force he was putting in. Jennifer arched her back and let out a ragged moan as she quickly reached her peak. Her vision going pure white with pleasure, her howling no doubt echoing through the empty hallways of the entire floor, she felt unbelievably soaking wet and even heard it as she released all over the coyote's paw! The coyote growled his approval down at her, pleased that she'd been forced to orgasm through his touch.

"That's it, good bitch." He sounded very pleased, and for some reason that also pleased Jennifer.

Even as she started to come down from her orgasmic high, she felt herself contracting around the coyote's digits and worried that she might be too tight for him, she didn't want to hurt him! But he didn't seem to care, in fact, her orgasm seemed to invigorate him as he tried to push his fingers deeper inside her still clenching folds.

Time lost all meaning to the border collie, the coyote had kept her in a continuous orgasm. Or had it been several with little time in between? She didn't know, nor did she care. All she knew was that her body had gone limp, her tongue lolling out the side of her open mouth, curled into a giddy smile, and the paw still between her legs was absolutely drenched in her juices.

She yelped and whined as she was grabbed by her scruff and roughly pulled into a sitting position. The paw that had been between her legs was now directly in front of her muzzle. Her own scent was so strong that it easily broke through the scents of the candles and lotion. She wasn't used to smelling herself, but it was hard to ignore the tangy, sweet scent coming off of his paw. But that wasn't what had her focus, it was how absolutely soaked his paw was, almost everything above his wrist was soaked! She'd done that?

"You made a big mess, you know?" The coyote said, almost chiding.

Jennifer's ears pinned to her skull and she looked up at him with a desperate, apologetic look. Despite the smile on his muzzle his tone was all but pleased. She didn't want him to be upset with her!

"Gonna be a good girl and clean this off for me?" The coyote asked as he stuck his paw right against her muzzle.

Jennifer knew what he meant and wasted no time licking his fingers. It was an odd thing, she'd never tasted herself before, she'd always been a little reserved when it came to sex or bodily fluids. But she had to admit, she didn't taste bad at all! Just like her scent it was sweet, tangy, a bit of a strong flavor but not entirely unpleasant!

She licked and suckled on his fingers, locking her lips around the two that had been inside of her and sucked hard, cleaning off every single drop of her juices. She lavished that expert paw with her tongue until she could tell that the coyote was absolutely pleased with her efforts.

"I'll be damned. You really know how to use that mouth for more than just talkin, don't ya?"

Jennifer giggled to herself, even as she continued to clean his paw. He sounded so happy now! When he pulled his paw away she tried to follow, tongue still sticking out in an attempt to lick him. She wasn't done yet!

"Shit, eager little bitch, aren't you?" He chuckled before the paw gripping her scruff pulled her off the table.

Jennifer yelped again and barely managed to plant her feet on the floor, softening her landing as she fell to her knees in front of him. She looked up and noticed the pronounced bulge outlined in his white pants. She swallowed hard as she stared at it, lingering for a moment before looking up and into his still grinning muzzle.

"I got something else you can lick for me. You want to make me happy, don't you?"

She did! All Jennifer wanted to do was make the coyote happy! He'd treated her so nicely and had made her feel so fucking good! Shaky paws reached up to unbuckle his belt, making quick work of it before she unzipped his pants, grabbing pawfuls of the fabric so she could pull them down until they were pooled around his ankles.

Without warning the coyote pushed her head until her muzzle was pressed firmly against his groin. Jennifer couldn't stop herself from inhaling deeply, the rich, musky, intoxicating scent of his own arousal quickly seeped into her brain. She groaned as she breathed in more of that strong, virile scent, nuzzling her nose against the obscene bulge as she did.

She reached up and grabbed the waistband of his oh-so tight looking boxer briefs, pulling them down slowly until she finally released his erection from the confining fabric. She couldn't help as she stopped and stared, there was so much of him! The thick, veiny rod was throbbing, pulsing with each beat of his heart. A little drop of pre had formed at his tip and Jennifer felt her mouth water at the sight.

Swallowing as much of her own drool down as she could she leaned forward and planted a light kiss at his tip, a string of pre following as she pulled back before licking her lips. It was a little salty, but otherwise it wasn't bad! She planted another kiss on his tip before she started trailing down his length.

The coyote hummed in approval above her, something that made the collies tail wag furiously behind her before she opened her mouth and gave a small lick along his shaft. She started slowly, her tongue brushing along a little more of his length with every eager lick until her tongue was stroking him from his slightly formed knot all the way to his tip.

More drops of pre spilled out and she made sure to lick him clean every time. She could feel the paw on her scruff tighten and could somehow tell he was getting impatient. Before he could force her to do it, knowing what he was probably going to do and wanted, she opened her mouth wide and took as much of the thick canine cock into her muzzle as she could fit.

The coyote gasped above her and it was her turn to let out a pleased hum. She started slowly, bobbing her head down his length. Every time she pulled back she kept the seal around him tight before swirling her tongue around his tip. But as she heard his affirmative huffs and grunts above her, all she needed to know that she was doing a good job, she became bolder.

She started bobbing her head faster, taking more and more of his thick cock into her tight little muzzle each time until his tip was bumping the back of her throat. She heard him grunting above her and felt something shoot across her tongue and down her throat, it startled her until the salty, musky taste filled her senses, further intoxicating her with every shot of pre she was forced to swallow down.

"Oh, what the fuck! You really couldn't help yourself?"

Jennifer quickly pulled off of the coyote's cock to see Becca standing in the doorway, arms crossed and looking none too pleased with what she was seeing.

The coyote simply chuckled and shrugged. "Hey, had to give her a test run. See if she was good enough or if she needed some practice, ya know?"

This did not appease the shepherd in the least as her scowl deepened. "And I said you could have a turn after we had ours!"

We? Who was we? And turns? What were they talking about? Jennifer's mind was still so pleasantly hazy that it was difficult to understand what they were discussing and what it was all about. Rather than voice any of that she simply stayed where she was kneeling on the ground.

Becca left for a moment but Jennifer could hear her out in the hallway way outside of her office. "Come on already! Seriously, you'll want to get in on this."

"Becca." A familiar voice groaned. "I'm tired, I wanna go home and sleep, what could possibly-"

The voice completely cut off as the owner stood in the doorway and locked eyes on Jennifer, his jaw dropping as he looked down at her mostly naked body, no doubt shocked over seeing her in such a revealing state. It was Kevin! But... what was he still doing here? He should have left hours ago.

"Becca." Kevin started slowly, picking his jaw back up as he swallowed nervously. "What... what the fuck is this?"

Becca smiled deviously at the retriever as she put a paw on his shoulder and gestured to Jennifer. "This is payback."

"P-payback?" Kevin asked, cautiously glancing between Jennifer and Becca.

"Yeah!" The shepherd confirmed gleefully. "Or I guess it would be more accurate to say that you're being paid back what you're owed. Some overdue overtime payment."

"Overdue..." The retriever scrunched up his muzzle in confusion before staring at the shepherd. "Explain from the beginning. Like why is Miss Coulter kneeling on the ground naked- or... well, mostly naked. Or-or why this guy has his... pants down."

Becca started giggling, wearing the biggest shit eating grin Jennifer had ever seen on the other dog. Although she was still confused, what was this about payback? She didn't understand anything that was going on.

"I'll take over from here." Mateo said, wearing a smug grin himself. "See, Becca is an old friend and knew about my- ah- specialties before I became a masseuse."

Kevin frowned at the vague explanation but Mateo continued. "I used to do some hypnotism as a hobby, but I was part of a group that was really good at it. So, I kept in contact and we exchanged theories and other shit, but I won't bore you with the details. Anyways, we figured out that with special frequencies and certain drugs you can put someone into a deep hypnotic state."

Kevin's eyes widened, clearly getting the idea of the current situation that was still escaping Jennifer. "So... she's under hypnosis?"

"Exactly!" Mateo confirmed. "It's super fucking easy too. I edited the frequency into some relaxing music and the drugs are mixed into the lotion I use, massaging her put her into the perfect state to start filling her mind with suggestions, she'll do anything the three of us tell her to. But the real kicker here is the candles, you hear about that incense that can put people into pseudo heat?"

Kevin nodded and even Jennifer knew what they were talking about, she'd read about that online somewhere. Apparently, there was this rare incense going around that could put anyone within smelling distance into a pseudo heat like state, men and women alike.

Mateo's grin turned almost vicious as he picked up one of the extinguished candles. "I know the guy who makes it, got some of that special oil shit he used for myself and mixed it into my candles. It's not as potent, but it still packs enough of a kick to make anyone horny as fuck, at least while it's burning."

The collie noticed that Becca was still smiling deviously over the whole explanation, but Kevin still looked somewhat confused.

"If that's the case then shouldn't she be coming down pretty soon? And I can smell it but I don't really feel anything."

Mateo snorted and shook his head. "Nah, she's been breathing that shit in for almost half an hour, it's going to be in her system for a while. I'm good because I always clog up my nose when I use it, and you guys are fine since it's only potent when it's burning. Otherwise, you'd have jumped each other already."

Kevin bobbed his head from side to side, a gesture of 'fair enough, I suppose.'

"So... The point of all of this is?"

Becca threw her head back and let out an aggravated groan, seemingly annoyed that Kevin hadn't figured out what was going on. "The point is that this bitch has been treating us like garbage since day one! And I don't know about you but I'm fucking sick of it! She needs to be taught a god damn lesson."

Kevin looked like he was more surprised by Becca's outburst than even seeing Jennifer where she was still kneeling, that much was clear to the collie.

"And aren't you tired of being her personal punching bag? Aren't you absolutely sick of her pushing you into the dirt every single chance she gets?" Becca asked.

Kevin swallowed nervously again, averting his gaze from the shepherd sheepishly. I-I mean... It's not all... bad, I guess."

"No. Fuck that. Dude, I've seen you trying not to cry after she rips into you. It's cruel and unfair and you don't deserve that shit. Hence why we're here right now."

"I... I guess it kinda... isn't all great." Kevin finally admitted.

"It really isn't, but you know what's going to feel really great?" Becca asked, flashing a vicious grin at the collie. Jennifer wasn't prepared when the shepherd marched over, grabbed her by the scruff of her neck and started dragging her over to Kevin. Planting her right in front of the retriever. "This bitch's mouth wrapped around your dick."

Jennifer looked up and saw Kevin's eyes widen again, obviously nervous. She wasn't sure why though, she'd proven to the coyote just how good her mouth had felt, shouldn't he be happy that she was going to show him her skills as well?

"B-Becca, I'm not so sure-"

"Trust me." Becca said, cutting him off. "You'll be feeling fine once she starts. Bitch!" Becca snapped, directing it at Jennifer. "Undo his pants and start sucking him off."

Jennifer nodded eagerly and quickly complied, reaching for the retriever's belt and unbuckling him, despite his halfhearted protests, brushing his paws away since they were preventing her from doing what she was told to do.

"This- I mean- shit, what if we get caught? Aren't we fucked once she comes out of it?" Kevin asked, sounding like he was starting to panic.

"I've got it covered, you just need to enjoy it."

Kevin looked like he was about to protest again until Jennifer finally got his pants undone. She figured the coyote had given her a good idea of what he liked, so that should apply to Kevin too, right? With that in mind she buried her muzzle into his crotch and inhaled deeply. Taking in as much of the masculine scent as she could. Her tail thumping happily as her mind was once again filled with the rich and intoxicating scent.

Kevin gasped above her but made no attempts to stop her. Jennifer took this as a sign to keep going, pulling down the front of his boxers with her teeth. Despite his vocal protests from earlier there was another part of him that seemed to agree with the idea as his long, thick length was finally pulled free and rested across the bridge of her muzzle.

She wasted no time nuzzling the hard, warm length of flesh before she started licking him. The retriever gasped again, letting out a soft "holy shit" as she dragged her tongue from the underside of his still hardening shaft, all the way to the tip. She kept this up, affectionately licking and stroking his cock with her tongue.

Jennifer jumped in surprise when she felt a rope of pre shoot across her tongue and even onto her nose, filling her senses with even more of the virile scent. She wanted to taste more of it. A shuddering breath escaped the retriever above her as she locked her lips around his tip and started suckling.

The retriever was clearly enjoying the feeling of her mouth around his cock, evident by the way he gasped and whined. Both of his paws grabbed at her ears, either to keep her in place or to ground himself, it wasn't clear. Still, Jennifer took it as a sign to keep going as she took more of the hard length into her soft mouth.

"Hey Jennifer." Jennifer pulled off for a moment at the sound of her name. She looked to her right to find Becca pointing her phone directly at the collie. A devious grin curled the Shepherds muzzle as she tapped at her phone. "Smile nice and big for the camera and say hi."

Jennifer didn't even question why Becca was pointing her phone at her, recording her with the retriever's cock nuzzling against her cheek. She simply giggled at how silly it all seemed before smiling for the shepherd and saying "Hi~" drawing it out slowly, cutely, and even seductively like she'd seen in porn. It seemed the most appropriate way to do so considering the situation!

"Now, go back to what you were doing." Becca ordered.

She didn't need to be told twice, or at all, actually. Jennifer would have gladly wrapped her lips and tongue around the veiny length again without having to be told. Making that clearly as she took as much of Kevin's cock down her muzzle as she could.

The retriever's paws gripped her ears even tighter and pulled her in close, shoving his cock down the collie's throat. She gagged and choked around the thick length, not having prepared herself to take him so deep!

She struggled to breath and to keep herself from gagging or choking again, but it was a losing battle. Even as she relaxed her throat it was too difficult and soon she sputtered around Kevin's cock. Thankfully, and mercifully, he pulled her off. She gasped and coughed as she got herself back under control before wrapping her lips around him again.

"Fuck!" Kevin groaned out, gritting his teeth as he held himself as deep in the collie's muzzle as he could.

"How is she, bud?" Becca asked, grinning like a jackal as she recorded the whole thing.

Kevin groaned again, his tongue was lolling out the side of his muzzle as he bucked his hips. He kept a tight grip on the collie's head as he fucked her throat, increasing his pace and getting rougher with every stroke until Jennifer audibly gagged at the height of each thrust.

"She's so fucking good! Christ, I could get addicted to this!"

Becca laughed at the admittance as she snuck around the collie, apparently trying to capture her at every angle possible.

"Why stop at just her mouth? I'm sure there's a much better place for you to bury your bone."

Jennifer pulled off of Kevin's cock as the shepherd's words registered, too excited at the idea to keep her tail from thumping hard against the floor. She'd been so turned on this entire time with no relief for herself, too focused on pleasing the other canines to take care of her own needs. She shivered and trembled in excitement at what was being suggested.

She stroked the retriever with her paw, keeping him nice and hard as she gauged his reaction. Kevin seemed just as excited by the suggestion, surprised, but there was a clear hesitancy in his expression.

"I-I mean, is that- would that even be ok? Blowjobs are one thing but... what if something happens?"

"Who the fuck cares?" Mateo piped in, amused by Kevin's hesitancy. "You think she's going to do anything about it? Shit, you think she's even going to remember this?"

This clearly got the retrievers attention as he stared at Jennifer wide eyed before looking back to the coyote. "Are you serious about that? She'll just... forget?"

The coyote snorted, his muzzle curling into a smug grin. "You think she's the first bitch I've done this to? Hell, even if by some miracle she does remember it, look at what your girl is doing with her phone, this shit will never reach a court room with evidence like that!"

Jennifer continued to stare up at Kevin, her need had reached new heights. She was absolutely soaking at the possibilities of what he could do to her, how he could please her. But more importantly, just how good it would feel for him! She wanted- no, needed to please him!

Thankfully it took him all of two seconds to decide before saying. "Yeah, fuck it."

Jennifer yelped as he grabbed her by her scruff and lifted her to her feet, half dragging her on shaky legs towards her desk. One sweep of his arm cleared off the papers and files to the floor before he shoved the collie over the hard wood with her rear sticking out towards him.

She hardly had time to prepare herself before the retriever was positioned behind her, one paw gripping her hip while the other firmly stroked his tip through her lips, lubing himself up with her own plentiful juices. She grunted and groaned as she felt him push in, burying half of his cock in her tight, velvety folds in a single thrust.

The other dog wasted no time as both paws gripped her waist and he started hammering into Jennifer. She yelped and screamed with each brutal, ramming stroke of the retriever's cock battering into her tight cunt. He wasn't giving her the chance to ease into it as he rutted into her.

"Fuck!" Kevin snarled. "She's fucking tight!"

"Yeah, you fuck that slutty little bitch!" Becca cheered gleefully as she captured everything on her phone.

Jennifer tried to brace herself, gripping the edges of her desk to try and keep herself in place. As rough as he was being Jennifer couldn't stop her eyes from rolling back as he stretched her out further with each successive thrust, filling her up more and more with that impressively thick cock.

She screamed and whined when the retriever gripped the back of her head and forced her down against the desk. Holding himself as deep as he possibly could inside of the collie Kevin pulled back slowly before he rammed into her again with a harsh, brutal thrust.

"Fuck you!" He shouted before pulling back and ramming into her again. "Making me your personally-fucking- punching bag! Rrf, all the shitty ass hours and overtime! Treating me like garbage! You get what you fucking deserve you stupid, uppity, entitled, bitchy-"

Kevin continued his enraged rant, never once letting up as he pounded into the smaller dog below him. Jennifer's ears pinned to her skull as she listened to all of his anger. There was more building up inside of her than just pleasure now. She really had treated him awfully, hadn't she? She'd been an absolute bitch to him, in every way possible.

She deserved this, being used as nothing more than his stress relief, his outlet for all that built up anger. She was his toy to use as he pleased, fucking and degrading her however he wanted with absolutely no regards for her own feelings. Just liked she'd been doing to him. She was his bitch now, she was-

Jennifer howled and screamed as her entire body shook, reaching her peak without any warning. She could feel her folds clenching around the retriever's cock, could feel every veiny inch being constricted and milked by her soaking cunt. Her mind going completely blank with the pleasure that rippled through her body.

"Holy shit, did she just cum from that?" Becca asked with barely hidden sadistic glee.

"She did-mmf! Fuck, I can feel her pussy clenching around my dick."

Jennifer was panting, her whole body felt weak from the intense orgasm she'd been forced through. But Kevin had no mercy for her as he continued with the same brutal pace as before. Jennifer couldn't hold back anymore as she screamed and moaned for the retriever's cock.

"Yes! Yes! Keeping fucking me! Just like that! Oh my god yes! Don't stop, don't stop, don't fucking stop!" Jennifer howled out in ecstasy as she begged for more.

Her begging and howling like a whore did the trick as Kevin leaned over her and pounded into her, faster than before, filling her with short, rough thrusts that continued to rock her whole body and even moved the desk.

Despite the harsh shaking of her body Jennifer still caught movement out of her peripheral, she turned enough to see Becca handing the phone off to the coyote before she lifted her skirt up, just enough to hook her thumbs through her panties as she quickly pulled them down.

Jennifer stared curiously and even Kevin slowed down as they watched the shepherd climb onto the desk, sitting back, legs spread with her own dripping cunt presented to Jennifer. Again, without any warning, Jennifer was grabbed by the back of her head and her muzzle was forced down into Becca's crotch.

"Gotta do something to shut this bitch up." She grinned up at Kevin before meeting Jennifer's wild-eyed stare. "Now eat me out like a good little slut."

As sudden as it was, Jennifer still opened her mouth and started licking the shepherds' dripping folds. She wasn't completely inexperienced, even if she'd only done this once or twice before, a little bit of experimenting back in university. But just like with the retriever she wanted- needed to please the shepherd.

With that in mind she pulled out every trick she'd learned, she licked around the shepherds' lips, swirled her tongue around her clit before locking her lips around the little nub and started sucking. Even when Kevin started pushing in again, even as he shook her entire body, she dutifully continued to please Becca with everything she possibly could.

She looked up to meet Becca's eyes again and was met with the stare of the phone, the coyote must have handed it back to her at some point. Although her grip was shaky, and despite her best efforts to keep it steady, when Jennifer buried her tongue and fully tasted the messy arousal of the shepherd was when she knew that Becca's recording was going to be unfocused

"Fucking- YES!" The shepherd groaned out, tightening her grip on the collie's fur. Grinding her hips and pushing Jennifer's muzzle right against her sex.

It was difficult for Jennifer to use her mouth while she was being so roughly pounded from behind, the retriever's jarring thrusts distracted her from pleasuring the shepherd until she was reminded with a sharp tug of her head fur to keep going.

Becca apparently had a shorter fuse than the collie, as she quickly wrapped her legs around Jennifer's head and screamed as she reached her own peak. Jennifer coughed and sputtered as her mouth and nose were overcome with the shepherd's orgasm, both the scent nearly overwhelming her and the juices gushing into her mouth made it difficult to breath and she couldn't help but let out a wet choke.

The collie almost thought she would pass out, the corners of her vision started to go dark. But thankfully the shepherd loosened her legs and released her hold on Jennifer, allowing her to gasp and cough for air.

Mateo came and took the phone from Becca as the shepherd girl laid back on the desk, panting in total satisfaction with a dopey grin curling her muzzle.

"Damn, thought you'd last longer, when was the last time you popped?" The coyote asked.

Becca let out a tired laugh and shrugged. "Couple weeks, bitch has worked me too much to even think of getting off."

They were both interrupted as Kevin let out a vicious snarl.

"Getting close." He growled through gritted teeth.

Jennifer knew that he was close, she could feel that wonderful ball of cock meat battering at her lips, too engorged to slip through any more. Still, he tried to force it in, putting all of his weight and power behind his thrusts. Grinding his hips against hers and the knot at her soaked lips. He was making head way, already she was stretching out even more with each attempt, her body desperately trying to accept the large knot.

Another vicious snarl from the retriever and a shuddering scream from the collie announced that Kevin had finally managed to slip his knot in. Her whole body felt hot and cold at the same time, she was shaking from her pinned ears all the way down to the claws of her toes. She felt so full, utterly claimed by the retriever's cock and the wonderful knot that was rubbing her insides in all the right ways.

The shepherd had recovered enough to stand up, going out of the collie's sight until she heard her voice from behind. "That's it, give it to that slutty little bitch." Becca cooed.

Jennifer briefly felt the shepherd's paw brush against her sex until it went lower, no doubt she was fondling the retriever's impressive balls. Encouraging him. "Give her a nice big bonus."

Kevin laughed as he dug his claws into her hips and held himself in place, Jennifer could feel the tip of his cock pressing achingly against her womb with how deep it was buried inside of her.

"Got a better idea. Big management get year-end bonuses and shit, right?" He asked the shepherd.

When she smiled and nodded in confirmation he looked back down at the collie with a vicious grin of his own. "Then how about I give this bitch something to spend her year-end bonus on."

With short, jarring thrusts, Kevin rutted into the collie below him. His knot was rubbing the inside of Jennifer's clit, his cock continued to stretch her poor folds and his tip was battering against her cervix like he was trying to deposit his payload directly into her womb.

His thrusts became more erratic and jagged, his whole body tensed- Jennifer felt it at the same moment he growled savagely above her. That unmistakable, wonderfully satisfying heat filling her, spreading within her. There was so much of it! She could feel it with each heavy throb of his cock, every rope he spilled into her unprotected, vulnerable body. It was warm and wet and so undeniably, addictingly _good! _

She found herself lost in pleasure as she joined him with her own orgasm, howling out in ecstasy, shoving her hips back into his, clenching rhythmically around his throbbing cock, trying to milk out every single last drop of seed that he could possibly fill her with. It was even better when he collapsed on top of her, helping her with her efforts as he clutched at her body possessively and slammed his hips into hers.

They eventually started to come down, the weight of the retriever was pressed on her back, even though it was hard to breath she couldn't help but relish the feeling. He'd dominated her, claimed her, all for himself. Her body, her womb, it all belonged to him now.

"Holy shit, Kev, where in the hell did that come from!?" Becca asked in total amazement.

The retriever let out a tired laugh of his own, groaning as he pushed himself off of the collie until he was standing up again on shaky legs. "Dunno. Guess I was done taking her shit." He said, bringing his paw down on Jennifer's rear with a resounding crack.

"Better have saved me some of that." Mateo said as he started kicking off his pants, his own erection jumping in excitement.

"Hold it, before you start doing that, can you bring her out of it briefly?" Becca asked.

Mateo gave her an unamused look but Becca simply rolled her eyes. "You can put her back after, right? Just give us a minute and then you can take your shot at giving the bitch some puppies, yeah?"

Mateo let out an annoyed huff but complied regardless, Jennifer wasn't sure what they were talking about, even as the coyote gripped her chin and turned her to face him.

"Time to wake up, sweetie." He said before snapping his fingers in her muzzle.

In an instant the haze around her mind lifted, everything hit her with such crystal clarity that Jennifer felt like she'd crashed into the ground. She tensed and looked around wildly, first at Becca's sadistic smile, then looking behind her she saw Kevin with a smug grin of his own.

"What... the fuck. What. The actual. FUCK!?" She screeched as white-hot rage boiled inside of her. It wasn't humiliating enough that she was still tied with the retriever behind her, still feeling the pulse of him depositing his disgusting seed into her womb, burning with dreadful potential. No, that was humiliating, but even worse she remembered everything that they'd done to her, what she'd done for them... Everything!

She felt utterly humiliated, used, completely disgusted with herself and of course the other canines present. But more than that, she felt rage, hatred and anger, more than she ever thought she could feel in her entire life. All of their words were burned into her mind, all the things they'd said to her, insulted her with. Kevin's words particularly curdled in the pit of her stomach with disgust and rage

Then how about I give this bitch something to spend her year-end bonus on.

Just give us a minute and you can take your shot at giving the bitch some puppies, yeah?

The implications alone were enough that she was clawing at her own desk as she curled her paws into tight fists, gritting her teeth as she let out a series of vicious, angry snarls and growls. Her entire body shook with an unimaginable rage that boiled her blood and made her ears thrum.

"Aww, you were so much cuter as our little slut." Becca giggled.

"You." Jennifer snarled at the shepherd, her voice dripping with venom, before turning around and narrowing her sharp gaze on the retriever. "And you! You're both fired! Not just that, you two are DONE!"

Jennifer felt appalled and enraged when they started laughing, even Kevin was weakly chuckling along with them! Ohhhh, she was going to make these mother fuckers BURN for what they'd done to her! Forget firing them, she was going to completely ruin them. She was-

"Yes! Yes! Keeping fucking me! Just like that! Oh my god yes! Don't stop, don't stop, don't fucking stop!"

Jennifer froze as the sound of her own voice echoed through the room, she slowly turned back to the shepherd, who was holding her phone, the screen pointed towards Jennifer, making her see exactly what they'd done.

Becca's smile only grew wider as Jennifer herself realized what this meant.


That wasn't a video of Jennifer being forced to do anything against her will. That was a collie getting fucked like a bitch in heat. All of the anger she'd been building up evaporated from her body in an instant, being replaced with a mixture of horror and absolute devastation at what this actually meant.

No lawyer- no court on the face of the earth would EVER take her claims seriously! There wasn't any chance in hell that anyone would believe her. Mind control? Hypnosis? They'd think she was crazy! Even if she managed to convince someone with the power to do anything, everyone else would just need one look at the video and that would toss any hope for a legal case to the wind. Even if there was anything that could work in her favor they could simply edit out anything incriminating and then delete the original footage!




"Oh yeah, that's what I wanted to see." Becca said, delighted over her uncontested victory over the disheartened collie. "You thought nothing could touch you, that you could get away with anything you wanted, treat people like garbage without consequence. Now look at you, you're just a bitch getting exactly what she deserves."

Jennifer trembled, ears pinned to her skull, trying her hardest not to whimper. There was no coming back from this, she'd been completely shamed and humiliated. Even still, she felt impotent rage curdling inside her, ugly and hateful. It made her want to choke Becca out, to put her through the same horror and humiliation until she was begging for it to stop.

But there was nothing that she could do, not a single damn thing! Forget firing them or ruining their lives. If that video got out her life, her career, everything she'd worked so damn hard, it all would all crumble away into nothing. She'd be completely and utterly ruined!

She inhaled sharply and failed miserably to bite back the pathetic groan building in her throat as Kevin pulled out of her, his knot having deflated. A wave of disgust washed over her as she felt the retrievers seed spill out of her, matting the fur of her thighs, dripping down to stain her office floor.

"Fuck, I needed that." The retriever groaned. "You probably did to, mutual benefits and all that shit, right? Hey, Bec's, what's your bet on who the pups are going to take after?"

She couldn't look at the cackling shepherd, or look back at the retriever, couldn't meet the other dogs smug, triumphant grin. All that time she'd taken to break him, making him into her personal office bitch and means of stress relief. All of that time wasted and down the drain in an instant. He'd dominated her, claimed her, not just her body but her fucking womb on top of it all.

God fucking damnit all!

"I think it's my turn now." Mateo said as he made his way around the collie.

Some of the fire returned to Jennifer as she snarled at the coyote. "DON'T you even fucking-"

"Sleepy time, bitch." The coyote said as he snapped his fingers once again.

Jennifer blinked and shook her head, all of the anger, humiliation, shame, disgust, all of it faded away instantly... Wait, why exactly was she feeling so angry and defeated in the first place? She wanted this, right? This was the best she'd felt in ages!

The coyote grinned as he stroked his length in front of her. "Yeah, that's it. You're a good bitch, right? Wanna let me take a shot at knocking you up?"

She shivered in excitement and couldn't contain the smile curling her muzzle as she nodded her head in agreement. When the coyote took Kevin's place behind her she wiggled her hips eagerly to encourage him.

"Nah, on your back." The coyote ordered, spinning his finger in the air as a sign to 'turn around.'

Jennifer obliged as she stood up and turned around before sitting at the edge of the desk, quickly laying on her back. Mateo gripped her thighs, pulling her closer until her rear was hanging off the edge. She gasped and groaned as he wasted no time pushing his length inside of her.

He was almost as big as Kevin, maybe not as thick but he was a little longer, making it easier for the coyote to hilt himself deep on the first thrust. He let out a shaky, pleased groan as he buried himself to the knot before pulling back and thrusting in slowly.

Mateo's pace was much slower and gentler than Kevin's. Where the retriever hammered her with rough, brutal thrusts, the coyote was taking his time slowly pumping her full of cock. As slow as he was the squelch of the dogs cum being pushed out of her still echoed through the room.

Jennifer bit down on her paw as she whimpered and whined, he was already so deep. The retriever was big enough to press his tip against her cervix but it felt like the coyote was trying to cram his length in even deeper.

"Fuuuck." Mateo groaned out. "You're right, this bitch feels so God damn good!" he said as he picked up his pace.

The collie couldn't help but roll her eyes back and let out a deep, satisfied groan as the coyote pounded into her. One of his paws left her thigh to cup one of her heavy, swaying breasts, it wasn't long until his other paw joined and cupped the other one.

The coyote was already panting above her, tongue hanging out as he groped her tits and continued fucking her slowly. His fingers found her nipples, rolling them around, pinching them and she had to bite back a bark, for whatever reason they felt extra sensitive. She reached up, affectionately placing her own paws over the coyotes, squeezing them, silently encouraging him to keep touching her.

Something hard and wet poking at her cheek distracted her for a moment, she turned her head and quickly found her muzzle being filled with cock once again. Looking up she saw Kevin grinning down at her.

"Made a mess, you gotta clean it like a good girl."

He was right, she'd made such a big mess, she could taste herself on him. It seemed only fair since he'd done so much to make her feel so good. And she'd been such a good girl for them so far. She closed her eyes and wrapped her lips around him, dutifully swirling her tongue around his length, cleaning off as much of her own juices and his cum that she could as he started thrusting into her muzzle.

She inhaled sharply and groaned around Kevin's cock, no doubt sending ripples of pleasure through the dog with how intense it was. On the other end; the coyote's knot was inflating, she could feel it slipping in and out of her as it continued to grow, that time he had to push just a little harder to slip it back in.

She continued to grunt and groan on Kevin's cock as the coyote pushed and pulled his own impressive knot through her lips, spilling out more of the retrievers thick seed each time he did. Both of them were increasing their tempos, working themselves up to a frenzy as they fucked the hapless collie beneath them.

Jennifer shuddered and howled around Kevin's cock as Mateo hilted her, her own orgasm catching her by surprise as she arched her back and pushed her hips into the coyotes, grinding against him in an effort to coax out more of that wonderful knot that was buried inside of her.

"Holy fuck, she's trying to get us tied. Bitch really wants to be bred." Mateo noted with dark enthusiasm.

Kevin laughed as he hilted himself in the collie's muzzle, enjoying the sound as she choked on him. "Better give her what she wants then."

Despite the fuzzy cotton feeling in her brain Jennifer had heard them, the excitement of being bred again rushed through her body and she felt herself getting close again. The coyote couldn't pull back anymore, not without taking the risk of messing up the tie. He hammered into her with short, purposeful strokes that jarred her smaller body.

Kevin distracted her from the coyotes fucking as he gripped her head and relentlessly pounded into her muzzle, feeling his balls slap her chin with each thrust. The "Glurk! Glurck! Glurck!" Of her being throat fucked mixed in with the two canines panting and growling.

"Fuck- I'm gonna- Oh!" the coyote snarled above her as he hilted himself one last time.

The giddiness of release enveloped Jennifer as she felt the throb of the coyote's cock inside of her, painting her insides with each successive rope of his thick and virile seed. No doubt that every inch of her folds was painted white. He hammered into her with each throb, making sure to deposit his seed directly into her womb, claiming her for himself. Her walls clenched around his cock just as possessively, trying to milk out as much seed as possible from his clenched sac.

The retriever wasn't far behind, a half dozen more thrusts and Jennifer felt his cock flex and throb as the first rope of seed shot directly down her throat. She tried to keep calm but despite having gotten off once already the retriever was a true stud and the volume that he released was proof. She choked on the third rope of cum, almost scared that she'd pass out if he didn't stop soon. But thankfully he pulled out and sprayed across her muzzle and desk with several more ropes of generous seed.

The three of them were left panting, shaking, the afterglow was strong and it prevented any of them from doing anything other than try to maintain their breathing. The only one not affected was Becca, who'd taken the opportunity to record them once more.

She had some plans for these videos, but not right now. First, she had to get Mateo back to consciousness to enact the next phase of her plan. They wouldn't be done with Jennifer after just one night, not by a long shot! She could think of several others that the collie needed to make amends with.

Jennifer groaned as she lifted her head up from the desk... Wait, her desk? She blinked the sleep out of her eyes and shook her head as she took in her surroundings. She was still at the office? Had she fallen asleep? It wasn't the first time this had happened but this seemed different.

She closed her eyes and rubbed at them. The last thing she remembered... She'd been getting ready to leave, Becca had stopped her because she'd brought in a personal masseuse and then... nothing. No, there was_something_, but it was hazy at best.

She'd been massaged, that much was apparent with how relaxed and good her body felt. But... she couldn't remember anything else beyond that.

The door opening grabbed her attention and she looked up to see Becca sticking her head in before entering the room, a smile on her muzzle. "Hey! You're looking pretty relaxed, ma'am."

Jennifer frowned as she looked at the shepherd. "Becca? What are... What happened? Why am I...?"

"Oh! Right! You see, you kind of... fell asleep halfway through the massage."

The collies frown deepened as she rubbed her forehead, still shaking off the odd haze she was feeling. "I did?"

"Yeah! You surprised us both. He called me in and said you were out like a light! Had me a little worried so I stuck around just in case. You must've been more stressed out than I thought."

Jennifer nodded her head, he had been incredibly skilled at his job... from what she could remember, so it didn't seem like such a stretch that she'd fallen asleep part way through. Still, she couldn't help but feel there was something more... like she was missing some vital details.

"Did anything else happen?" Jennifer asked.

Becca shook her head and shrugged. "Nope, we put you at your desk and he left, that's about it, ma'am."

Jennifer nodded again. "Alright, I see." She tried to stand up but found herself too weak to even manage that and crashed back into her seat. "Whoa! That- what?"

"Yeah... he said you might be feeling a little weak after all that. You just need a bit of water and you'll be fine in a couple of minutes.

"I see." Jennifer repeated, conveniently there was already a water bottle on her desk. That wasn't there before. "Did you get this for me?"

When the shepherd nodded her head Jennifer did the same before saying "thank you."

Wait, thank you? When was the last time she ever thanked the shepherd for anything? Well... considering that she'd stayed to look after her when she didn't need to, and still got her a drink so she'd feel better... yeah, a thank you did seem appropriate.

The shepherd herself looked surprised as well. "O-Oh! It's no problem at all ma'am! Do you need anything else or do you think you'll be ok?"

Jennifer thought it over quickly but shook her head. "No, I should be fine. You can go home if you want."

Becca nodded her head and turned to leave. She stopped just short of the door before turning around. "By the way, there was something you wanted to discuss, should we leave that for tomorrow?"

What? What was it she'd wanted to discuss? Everything still felt so... hazy, bleary, like her memory of the day was in shambles, that massage must have done more for her than she'd thought. "What was it again?"

"Oh! You wanted my opinion for how much time we should give everyone off after the merger is finished. You said something about maybe giving everyone two weeks off? Since there's been so much overtime and all."

"I did?" Jennifer asked, even sounding surprised herself. It sounded... so unlike her.

But then again... Everyone had been working hard, harder than they should've been. And she really had been pushing a lot on them. Thinking about it, she did recall having a conversation with the shepherd earlier exactly about this, but she couldn't remember the details for the life of her, so that must have been what they'd discussed.

"I suppose we... did. Yes. Yes, we'll work out the details tomorrow. About the time off and whatever else we should cover."

The shepherd beamed at her, muzzle curling into a delighted smile that even Jennifer couldn't help but return, even if hers was a little more subdued and tired. "Alright, you're done. Go home and sleep, busy day tomorrow."

"Yes ma'am!"

With that the shepherd left and Jennifer sat at her desk, waiting to recover enough so that she could leave herself. Not that she could, but if she had the strength to follow after the shepherd, she might have seen the way she danced down the hallways, quickly joined by Kevin who complimented her superb acting. She might have heard them laughing all the way to elevators as they recalled the nights events with sadistic delight.

And she most definitely would have heard all of the naughty and nasty things they had planned for her in the months to come.

Reading the situation

Colton shrugged on his slightly too tight jacket as soon as he closed the door to the cab. Getting annoyed when he felt it straining against his burly build. The charcoal furred wolf was frustrated over the cabbie's clear intentions of running up the...

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Literature lab rat

Maddie chewed the inside of her cheek as she tried to keep herself focused on the days lesson. It didn't help that the professor was nearing seventy and it showed in how the badger droned on and on in what had to be the most monotonous, boring voice...

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Incubus- Awakening

\*Note: All characters in this story are 18 or older\* It had been a very uneventful Saturday so far, even if it was Carter's birthday. His family had wished him a happy birthday, his mom had made him his favorite breakfast and his dad was...

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