Literature lab rat

Story by RockyWulf on SoFurry

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Shy and self conscious Maddie finds out she isn't the only one with issues when she spends the afternoon with her long time crush. Fortunately it looks like she might be the only one capable of helping the poor wolf out and satisfy both of their needs.

Had a lot of fun with this! This was an idea that popped into my head a week or two ago and decided to go with it. It was supposed to be a lot shorter but as you can see, it took a life of it's own! Hope you enjoy!

Maddie chewed the inside of her cheek as she tried to keep herself focused on the days lesson. It didn't help that the professor was nearing seventy and it showed in how the badger droned on and on in what had to be the most monotonous, boring voice she'd ever heard.

That wasn't the only thing distracting the rat from the lesson. She'd felt the undeniable warm, tingling sensation between her legs since she'd woken up this morning, working its way deep into her belly, the grating on her nerves as something scratched at the back of her mind begging for release, driving her insane. The feeling that had persisted and continued to grow stronger even as she sat there.

she was going into heat.

That wasn't the only thing distracting the young rat, that would've been far too merciful! No, on top of dealing with her heat, sitting directly in front of her in the next row was Jason Brode.

Jason was a scholarship student like her, but where she'd gotten her scholarship for academic achievements, Jason had received his from playing sports. Which made sense, he was a timber wolf, canines were built to be bigger and stronger than rodents like her.

His main sport and love was football, cliché as it was, but he was also part of the swim team and, surprisingly enough, also in the advanced dancing class. Maddie figured that even if it deviated wildly from the other two, dance was still a physically demanding activity, so it didn't seem so out of place.

It was only speculation, she'd never actually had a conversation with Jason, as much as she really wanted to. The only reason she knew anything about him was because they took some classes together and so did a few of his friends.

And it just so happened that he usually sat in front of her, so it wasn't hard to overhear their conversations.

But that wasn't what had her distracted today, his friends must be skipping because he was sitting by himself. No, what had her distracted was the sight of his back. Jason usually wore a jacket or thick over shirt but today he was wearing a simple white t-shirt that did nothing to hide his back from her.

And there was a lot for her to see.

Apparently, he got fidgety when he was bored because he'd been moving constantly around, stretching his arms, twisting around, doing anything to keep himself from sitting still. It was enough to show off the way the muscles in his back shifted when he moved, a rare treat that she almost never got to see and one that would fuel some later fantasies.

But she had to stay focused, as much as she could anyway. She was a straight A student and she wasn't going to let the handsome wolf or the older than dirt, boring as unsalted soup, ready to keel over and drop dead at any moment, professor keep her from maintaining that perfect record.

But her mind kept drifting. Back to Jason, what he could do to her if they were alone. All the wonderfully naughty and dirty things he was capable of. She'd studied up on canines, learning as much as she could, it wasn't because she expected anything to happen, she wasn't going to delude herself. But if she was going to fantasize about someone she'd never spoken to fucking her brains out than she was going to make it as accurate as possible.

Her dedication to accuracy was to the point that she even bought a special canine toy with an inflatable knot. She even made sure it was the right color for a typical canine penis, nothing crazy like purple stripes or rows of bumps and ridges, she liked accuracy. She remembered when she first bought it, how frightening it was. The length alone was bigger than even the most well-endowed of rats and while that had been unsettling it was the girth that had genuinely intimidated her! It as thick as her wrist!

She'd almost thought she'd bought a novelty size by accident, but no, that was the actual size for a canine of Jason's type, or at least for the well-endowed among them. It gave her a naughty little thrill knowing exactly what he was packing but it was still too big. She nearly scraped the whole idea and considered returning it. But, again, she was dedicated to accuracy, and there was no point in taking it back if she didn't at least give it a try.

And holy shit was she glad that she did!

Maddie had tried other toys of course, she wasn't a stranger to self-pleasure and had a decent collection, even if others thought she was a prude, but this one- WOW! It was by far her absolute favorite.

The first couple of times that she used it had been more than a little painful, this was the biggest toy she owned by far and nothing even close to that size or length had ever been inside of her before. Even if she hadn't gotten all of it in. Forget the knot, she could barely get half the shaft inside of her!

But she was persistent when she wanted to be, and she had to admit that despite the pain she was able to cum quite a few times. So, she kept at it, using it whenever she felt the urge, which was quite a lot! Over time it got easier and easier, she still had to lube it up and it took some time to work it in but she made significant progress over the last couple of months. She'd even used it to practice her oral skills, amazed and even impressed with herself that she could take it so far in her mouth.

Just recently she'd finally managed to take the whole knot! Needless to say, she'd blacked out from how hard she came.

Maddie shook her head again, shit, she kept getting distracted. Not only that, the aching need between her legs had only gotten worse. She was probably soaking through her panties and staining her chair, why did she think wearing a skirt today was a good idea? No doubt her panties and the chair would be ruined by the time class ended, which felt like an eternity away. Damn it, now she just wanted to get back to her apartment and break out her toy.

She must have been more distracted than she thought because the teacher was thankfully wrapping up the lesson, evident by everyone putting away their notebooks and supplies. She wasn't too worried about whatever she missed, she could easily go over her textbooks and study it up herself, something she'd already done several times for this class.

"Oh! One moment Miss Krysta!"

Maddie wanted to let out an annoyed groan but bit it back. What did the old badger want?

"You as well Mister Brode!"

Maddie froze, the professor wanted both her AND Jason!? A thousand questions raced through her mind, a thousand possibilities and fears. Had the professor caught her staring at him? Was she going to be reprimanded in front of her crush? Was Jason going to be called out as a distraction?

No, there was no possible way. The professor couldn't possibly have caught her staring at Jason. She just needed to take a deep breath and see what he had to say, she was sure it was nothing serious.

It was difficult to stay calm with Jason standing right beside her. Compared to her; tightly wound, barely keeping it together self, he was the picture of casual and relaxed, if not a little confused as well.

"I see that you both volunteered for lab clean up some time ago but neither of you have managed to attend."

Maddie breathed an internal sigh of relief, ok, this was a lot better than whatever she'd been thinking about. She did feel bad, the professor asked students to help clean up in the literature lab, since he couldn't do it himself. From what she'd heard from his explanation it was a simple job, just organizing and moving some stuff around.

But she'd been so caught up with her studies that she hadn't had the chance to do any sort of helping out.

"Sorry professor, we had a busy season and I didn't have the time. I thought I did but..." Jason trailed off before giving a sheepish shrug and apologetic look.

"I-I've been busy with other school work. It just... slipped my mind, sorry."

The professor nodded, understanding to their situations. "I'm not giving you any grief over the matter, I just had a favor to ask. The usual volunteers aren't able to help out today and I was hoping that since you both signed up..."

Maddie saw where this was going, a part of her really wanted to give some kind of excuse so she could get back to her apartment as quickly as possible... On the other hand, when was she ever going to get the chance to be alone with Jason ever again? This could be the opportunity of a lifetime!

But that all depended on if Jason himself would stay and help or if he had other plans.

"Yeah, I can help! Season ended last week and I've got nothing else going on."

YES! YES! YES! Maddie was screaming and cheering in her mind, ecstatic beyond words! She'd get to spend the whole afternoon with Jason! Just the two of them!

She was brought out of her internal cheering as the two stared at her, obviously waiting for her response. She tried to hold back the blush that would no doubt show through her white fur and cleared her throat.

"Y-yeah! I'm free today too."


Maddie groaned as she hefted up another box onto the table, her face flushed pink with exertion. She thought this would be easy but this sucked! Lit lab cleanup should've been easy, dust off a couple of books, throw them back on the shelves, piece of cake.

Wrong, so, so wrong.

The boxes of materials that needed to be organized, brought out, sorted through and shelved were immense! Everything needed to be sorted through by topic, genre, whether they were course material books or published student papers. Everything had to go in exactly the right spot or it would take ages to find again, everything had to go on its correct shelf in alphabetical order, the list went on.

In the two hours it had taken them to sort through all the materials they hadn't had much, if any, chances to actually talk. Damn it, why did she have to get her hopes up! She couldn't be to upset; it wasn't like they'd start talking and magically start a relationship.

Life wasn't that simple.

She doubted that she was even Jason's type. He was tall, athletic, handsome. He could get the prettiest and hottest girls on campus if he wanted, hell, she'd seen it! And Maddie... well she was a stereotypical bookworm nerd. She just needed a longer skirt, a plain button up and her old glasses and she'd definitely look the part. Not only that, even for a rat she was rather short and slim. She'd filled out a little since high school, especially with her rear and thighs, but that was about it. Saying that she had small tits would've been... generous... VERY generous.

If it only ended there that would be enough. When she started attending last year she'd actually been mistaken for a middle schooler whenever she wore baggy clothes, like track pants and hoodies. Something that had annoyed her to no end, especially when it came to trying to get a boyfriend, they felt weird dating someone who "looked like a kid." And the guys that were interested in her were way to creepy.

It stayed like that until a friend suggested she make some changes. Dress a little more feminine, wear a little make up, use a padded bra, lose the glasses and wear contacts. And it worked, mostly. She wasn't mistaken for a child anymore, thankfully, but dating was still difficult.

The heavy thump of a box being dropped on the table broke her from her thoughts as she looked up at Jason. Here she was huffing and puffing and he hadn't even broken a sweat! She wanted to be mad but knew this was probably a cake walk for him, he was the athletic one between the two. He sat down in the chair behind him and gave a quick stretch before smiling at her.

"Let's say we take a quick breather, yeah?"

The fact that he was speaking to her took a moment to register in Maddie's brain before she was frantically nodding her head and trying to sit in the chair opposite of him without fumbling too much.

"It's Maddie, right?" Jason asked.

Maddie jumped a little, he knew her name? "Y-yeah, your Jason... How did you...?" She trailed off, gesturing to herself.

He let out a soft chuckle. "Just heard it in passing once or twice, ya know, from that friend of yours who meets you after class sometimes?"

The friend he was referring to, Crystal, would definitely have said her name on more than one occasion, loudly too. But it made her heart leap thinking that he'd actually noticed her and had even remembered her name.

No, no, Maddie, you aren't getting your hopes up, remember?

"Yeah, my friend Crystal... she can be a bit loud." Maddie said with a nervous smile.

Jason laughed it off and shrugged. "Hey, we've all got that one loud friend, no worries."

Maddie nodded her head in agreement. She knew they were just making small talk but she couldn't help but flick her tail back and forth in excitement. She was talking to Jason! The guy she'd been crushing on since her first semester! This was a big step forward for her and while she wasn't going to fool herself, she was going to allow herself to be happy over this small victory.

"So, what do you want to do after graduation?" Jason asked.

"O-oh! I want to... I guess it's a little cliché, but I want to be an elementary school teacher. That's what my mom does and... I don't know I feel like it's something I'd love to do."

"Hey, nothing wrong with being cliché, it's still something you want to do! I'm planning to get into physical education, not like as P.E. teacher or anything like that, but I want to do research on different species and which fields they excel in for sports and activities and stuff like that."

That... was more than a little surprising. From what she'd heard Jason was already being scouted by a few different teams, making big offers after his graduation. She didn't know much about football, or sports in general, but she did know that there was a lot of money to be made for anyone going pro.

"You aren't going to go pro? I mean- I overheard you talking about it a few times, football I mean, sorry."

Jason laughed again and waved his paw dismissively. "It's all good. I guess I thought about it, tossed the idea around, but I realized that's not really what I want to do with my life. Don't get me wrong, I love playing and it got me my scholarship but, I don't know, I'd like something that keeps me in one place instead of travelling all over for most of the year.

It was reasonable enough, she wouldn't want to be driving and flying all over the country, or the world, for most of the year either. But it spoke a lot about him too, if he was willing to turn that big of an opportunity down than it meant his heart was set on his choice.

They kept chatting, longer than they should've for a breather. She learned a lot about him, what kind of music he liked, movies, books and tv shows, stuff like that. Apparently, he had a soft spot for rom coms like she did. She talked about herself too, her interests and hobbies she loved to bake and found out he loved to cook!

"Hey, maybe I can make you dinner sometime and you can make the desert!"

The way he said it was light hearted, teasing, but it still made her smile and had her heart beating like crazy. Having him cook for her, enjoying a nice meal together sounded more romantic than it should've been.

Eventually he shifted the conversation to more... personal subjects.

"So, are you seeing anyone?"

She jumped at the question her face flushed red with embarrassment as she shook her head.

"N-no, haven't, um, just haven't found the time for it."

It was a lie, she hadn't been on a date before and didn't know how to ask someone out, she'd always expected to be the one being asked out. She quickly realized the opportunity he'd given her, to ask what she really wanted to know about him and to shift the topic off of her

"W-what about you? Are you seeing anyone?"

Jason shook his head and scrunched his muzzle. "Nah its... kind of complicated."

This piqued her curiosity, who wouldn't want to date him? He was handsome, kind, sweet, as far as she knew. He was perfect boyfriend material!

"Really? Can I ask why?"

Jason opened his mouth to say something but hesitated, giving her a sheepish look as he nervously scratched the back of his head. "It's not- It's kind of... inappropriate. Or crude, I don't know how to explain it, definitely not something you say to a girl."

Normally Maddie would back down, just leave it at that, but right now she felt emboldened. Maybe it was the fact that this was probably the only chance she'd ever get to talk to him but it pushed her forward.

"Whatever it is it's safe with me. I'm not going to judge you or say anything if that's what you're worried about and if it's that bad... Well, I asked for it." She gave a small laugh, just enough to take off some of the nervous energy they were both feeling.

Jason gave a half-hearted smile back, he still seemed hesitant. After a several long moments of debating he took a deep breath, probably to ready himself.

"Ok, please don't think I'm being weird or trying to brag or anything but..." He leaned forward so he could whisper it to her, even if he didn't need to since they were the only two in the lab.

"I'm kind of... too big... down there."


Maddie blinked as she tried to process what he just said. He couldn't get a girlfriend... because he was too big? A part of her was confused, wouldn't that be a good thing to have? The other part of her, the part that was going deeper into heat, sent a shiver down her spine as she let it sink in and a rush of naughty thoughts filled her mind.

She pushed those thoughts down as best as she could and cleared her throat. "I thought other girls were into that? I mean- Don't they like it... big?"

He grimaced as he bobbed his head from side to side. "I mean... some of them like the idea of it... until they actually try it. Apparently, there's such a thing as being too big. It's- are you alright if I go into more detail?"

Maddie had to resist the urge to violently nod her head, YES she wanted details! "Yeah, go ahead."

"Ok so, even when everything is, ya know, properly lubed up down there and we do all the foreplay, I loosen them up and get them ready and everything, it's still not enough. A lot of them complain that it's too big and it hurts, they can't fit it in, stuff like that. Which ok, that's fine, no big deal as long as we have a good relationship regardless, right? But it's always the deal breaker early on because they want a boyfriend that they can actually have sex with. So... here I am now."

Wow, that... that actually was a little sad. Maybe someone else thought it might be funny or stupid or maybe they'd think he was exaggerating or something like that but Maddie could understand where he was coming from. How many guys had turned her down just because of her looks and body? Enough for it to fucking sting every time she remembered it, that was for damn sure.

She could tell it was hard on him, from the sounds of it he still wanted the romantic aspect of the relationship even if he couldn't have the physical. Part of her was a little angry at those girls too, yeah no one wanted to be in pain or discomfort, she understood that, but she'd fucked herself stupid on a toy that should've been way too big for her and she took it like a champ! Maybe she was just angry that they gave up on him too early.

"Sorry, I know this is kinda weird, if I'm weirding you out just say the word."

"N-no! It's just... You surprised me a little. I didn't think that was a problem guys had to deal with."

"Maybe not other guys, but definitely me." He said with more than a nervous laugh, he probably wasn't used to being open about this.

There was one question remaining that Maddie desperately wanted answered. Exactly how BIG was he? Should she just come right out and ask? Would it be weird if she did? Wait, maybe not. Considering how open he'd been and the direction of the conversation wouldn't it be natural for her to ask?

Well... there was no harm in asking, right?

"So-umm" Maddie started, her voice quickly dying as she realized that she really was going to ask him. Shit, was it really ok? She'd come this far... Fuck.

"Exactly... umm, how big uhhh-" She couldn't even get the words out but Jason seemed to understand her if the way he seemed surprised was anything to go by.

"You... Wanna know how big it is?"

She couldn't even say anything, just nodded her head silently. Jason seemed taken back by the request, he didn't look weirded out or disgusted, just surprised. His expression changed, he didn't look surprised anymore but it looked like he was in thought, maybe figuring out a way to show her without actually seeing it. He probably wouldn't drop his pants in front of her.

Although she wouldn't have minded if he did.

He seemed to come up with an idea, evident from the way he snapped his fingers. "Can I borrow your paws?"

A rush of heat flushed Maddie's face so quickly she thought she might pass out right there. Was he asking her to...?

He obviously noticed her reaction and what she was thinking as he quickly tried to back track. "No, no, no! I wasn't asking you too touch- I was going to use your paws to- It's easier if I just show you, ok?"

He gently grabbed her paws out of her lap and pulled them forward, but rather then press them against his crotch like she expected he held them up so they were about chest height. She was confused until he started speaking again.

"Ok so, make a circle with your paws, like you're wrapping them around... something."

She was starting to understand his idea, showing her without actually showing her. She obliged him and circled her paws like she was wrapping them around her toy, it seemed the most appropriate and it was the easiest base of knowledge that she could think of.

She was pretty close but he spread her paws a little wider, it was bigger than her toy but not incredibly so.

"Ok, so right now your paws are the base, ok?"

She nodded her head and then he raised his own paw above hers, showing her the length. To her surprise it really wasn't much longer than her toy, sure he was bigger all around but not by much. With all the practice she'd had she could probably fit him inside of her no problem!

The thought sent an excited shiver down her spine. The aching need between her legs spiked hard and she had to consciously resist the urge to rub her thighs together. Shit, why did she have to be in heat today of all days?

"S-so, yeah, that's-uhh- that's how big I am." Jason said, more than a little sheepishly. "Wow, I just realized how bad this looks, I'm so sorry, this- I mean."

She tried but she couldn't stop herself from giggling, seeing him squirm and act all shy and innocent was really cute.

"It's fine! I mean, I asked! And besides, it's not that bad, I could probably take it!"

The words were out of her mouth before she could stop herself and she pulled a paw back to clamp it over her muzzle. What the fuck did she just say!? Why the fuck did she just say that!? Any hope that he'd misheard her was lost as he stared at her with wide eyes. Fuck! She took her paw off of her mouth as she tried to come up with an explanation, something to diffuse the situation, but apparently her brain and mouth were completely disconnected.

"I mean, I have this toy."


"And it's about the same size- a little smaller- but still close enough."


"A-and, well, I've been practicing with it and umm." Thankfully her mouth finally stopped moving and she got quiet but the damage was done, she knew it. Why had she just told him that? Seriously, what the fuck was wrong with her!?

She desperately wanted to lay on the floor and curl into a ball, a miserable, horribly mortified ball that would sink into the floor. This had been a terrible idea! She was always a little too open when she was in heat but this was too much even for her!

She couldn't even look him in the eye, she was so embarrassed that all she wanted to do was run for the door. Maybe the worst part was the silence, he wasn't saying anything... but he was making some kind of noise. There was a shuffling sound, muted but noticeable enough.

She couldn't look up at him but she lifted her head up just enough to see what the noise was. It was his tail... and it was... wagging? His tail was wagging? But why would-

"Is-is it really the same?"

She was broken from her thoughts as he spoke again. She found the courage to look up at him and found that he was staring at her, not just looking but actually staring, she was the sole focus of his attention.

He cleared his throat and asked again. "Your toy... it's the same size?"

Maddie wasn't sure what she should do, mostly due to shock. He was showing interest? Genuine interest? Well of course he was! She'd blurted out something way too personal and sexual, she'd practically kicked the door open for him, inviting him to probe for more information!

She still couldn't find her voice so she simply nodded her head. Noticing that his tail was starting to wag even faster.

"I mean- I don't want to be rude but- You're a little... small. Wouldn't that be difficult?" He asked, his voice clearly shaking, from nervousness, or excitement she wasn't sure.

She swallowed the lump in her throat and managed to clear her voice so she could properly answer.

"L-like I said, I practiced... a lot. It-uhh- it takes a lot of-umm- w-working up to do it. It hurt, at first, but I just... got used to it until it-uh- didn't." Maddie stuttered out, trying and failing to keep her voice steady as she answered.

Jason nodded his head, audibly swallowing as he stared at her more intently. His gaze almost felt physical, like she could feel him sizing her up with his eyes. Oddly enough she didn't shrink away or feel intimidated, rather she actually enjoyed it.

"Can you... can you take all of it?" He seemed surprised by his own question as he waved his paws dismissively at her. "N-never mind! Sorry, I really shouldn't be asking, this is-"

"The whole thing" Maddie cut him off, surprised by the strong confidence in her own voice. "Everything, even the knot."

He stared at her, mouth hanging slightly open with a completely shocked, utterly dumbfounded look on his face. It looked like his brain had shut down completely from her simple statement. The only part of him still active was his tail, wagging furiously behind him as if it had a mind of its own.

She cleared her throat and stood up, bringing Jason back to the world of conscious thought. "W-we'd better finish up."

"Y-yeah. We should."

She thought getting back to work would help clear her mind, distract her from the odd conversation they'd had, but she wasn't so lucky. She kept thinking about the way he stared at her, the interest he'd shown, the clear excitement by her explanations. Even now she'd catch him stealing glances at her. She had a pretty clear idea about what he was thinking about.

She was an opportunity for him.

Maybe he wasn't thinking it yet, but the idea would soon creep into his mind, Maddie was sure of that. He'd look at her and think about all the girls he hadn't been able to sleep with, the reason why he physically couldn't. And then he'd think of her, the one who could take him, all of him.

She had to bite her lip as she suppressed the shudder that ran through her body. The ideas filling her mind were so fucking intoxicating. They both knew intimate details about the other, secrets that very few others would know. She knew about his issues and knew she was a possible solution for him, something to help scratch an itch he probably hadn't scratched in a very long time, if ever.

It gave her some deliciously naughty ideas. Maybe she should tease him? She'd come this far, no doubt in her mind that he'd respond to her advances, wanting to see if she was being serious. Why not go the extra distance and see what actually happened?

Well... if she were a more confident person, maybe.

Damn it, this was her opportunity, her once in a life time chance! And she was fucking it up because she was too shy to do anything about it! Fuck! She wanted to move, wanted to do something, anything! But her feet remained firmly planted in front of the stupid shelf, putting away these stupid books and binders. Why couldn't she just-

Movement behind her made her ears twitch, the feeling of something hard and warm pressing against her back made her tail go rigid and nearly made her melt on the spot. She looked up to see his arm extending towards the bookshelf, putting one of the books away.


Maddie shuddered, his voice was low, growly, as if he was trying to hold himself back as much as she was. Her heart was hammering in her chest, he was so close! Jason was pressed up right against her! His chest fit perfectly against her back, his groin perfectly lined up with her rear. She nearly gasped when she felt it, a not-so-subtle bulge pressing up between her cheeks.

She expected him to move away, to bring his arm back down and to keep working. Teasing her with something brief and fleeting. But he stayed where he was, pressed up against her, his paw gripping the shelf so hard his knuckles were probably turning white underneath the dark fur. Then she felt his other paw hesitantly planted on her hip. A sharp but quiet gasp finally escaped her; she wasn't able to bite that one back. Her entire body felt like it was on a hair trigger. She was hot all over, tingly, every sensation sharper and clearer than it had ever been before in her entire life. She licked her lips and tried to swallow, her throat had gone completely dry.

His paw moved, seemingly gaining more confidence when she didn't protest as it moved from her hip to slowly wrap around her belly, gently pulling her closer against him. She was snuggled up so close to him that she could feel his breath tickling the tips of her ears, feel his heart rapidly beating in his chest, and she could definitely feel that firm bulge in his pants growing thicker!

He finally released his grip on the shelf and brought his paw to her chin, she was confused at first until he titled her head, forcing her to look up at him. The look on his face froze her. He was looking at her just as intensely as before but with a noticeable confidence and desire, replacing the nervous energy he'd been giving off earlier.

She parted her mouth, trying to say something, but her mind was completely blank. He took the opportunity to lean down and kiss her. Her whole body went tense the instant his lips pressed against hers, it only lasted for a moment before she completely relaxed and moaned into his mouth. Her first real kiss!

It was an awkward angle but Maddie didn't care, as far as she was concerned this was perfect! It was gentle at first, a soft make out, they teased each other with brief, light grazes of their tongues. That only lasted for a few moments until Jason spun her around and pressed her back against the shelf, his tongue invading her mouth, exploring it with a hungry vigor that made her head spin. The shock from the switch up was momentary before she was desperately gripping at his shirt, pulling him down so she could deepen the kiss.

She panted and groaned as his tongue explored her mouth, brushing over the roof of her mouth and pronounced front teeth, she tried to do the same but found it difficult with her smaller tongue and mind going haywire. It felt absolutely incredible! She gave a surprised squeak when she felt his paws on her rear, wasting no time as he gripped her right cheek and kneaded it with his fingers. It sent jolts up her spine and she almost started whimpering, fuck his paws were so big, she loved it! She could feel how strong he was through that firm grip.

A sharp yelp escaped her when his paw cracked down on her cheek, that hadn't been gentle smack, it actually stung a little! But she found that she liked it, a certain pleasure mixing with the pain. He growled his apparent approval to her, finding her ass to his liking from the sound of it.

She almost started whimpering when he pulled away from the kiss but was pleased when he started kissing her neck. She tilted her head to the side, giving him as much access as he wanted as he kissed and licked her. She hissed and chittered when he starting nibbling. At least he was being gentler with his teeth than his paws.

He kissed his way back up from her neck, to her cheek, to her head and finally to her ear. He gave a deep chuckle as he nibbled and teased her. "You make the cutest noises."

She groaned desperately and tried to pull him in closer when he said that. She was absolutely soaking through her panties now, enough that she could feel them clinging to her sensitive lips, juices running down her thighs. She'd been trying to keep it together all day but this was too much! It wasn't a matter of want anymore, she NEEDED the wolf! But they couldn't do it here, they were still on campus! There was no telling who would be around at this time.

"W-we- uhh- w-we can g-go to my apar-apartment!" She squeaked out the last word, he'd focused his efforts back to her neck and had given her a harder bite that time.

"O-or your place, o-or-"

"Here." Jason said, ending that line of thought. "I'm going to fuck you here."

Her face flushed instantly, being told so matter of factly that this was happening here and now- holy fuck!

"Y-yeah! H-he- here's good!" she dumbly responded. Fuck what was wrong with her? Yeah, she was usually nervous but it felt like she couldn't even speak properly anymore! Like English was her fifth language and couldn't translate any of her words in time to catch up with her mouth.

Her head was still spinning as Jason led her back towards the table, forcing all of her effort to put one shaky leg in front of the other. She felt his hands gripping her hips before he lifted her up and seated her on the table. His paws were on her knees, rubbing them comfortingly before he started pushing them apart.

She didn't even try to fight it as he spread her legs and started kissing down her body, he could do absolutely anything he wanted to her and she was sure she'd enjoy every second of it. Except when his mouth reached her chest, teeth tugging at her shirt while his paws started tugging at the hem. Shit, wait, scratch that, maybe not everything!

"W-Wait!" Maddie said, panicking as she grabbed his paws and gripped them tight.

Jason gave her a confused, worried look, probably wondering why she stopped him.

"Can... Can I keep my shirt on?" This only deepened the confused expression and Maddie knew she'd have to be honest here. She would rather he keep doing everything else but figured he might not continue if he didn't hear something.

"I... don't really have tits." She grumbled.

He gave her a disbelieving look and smiled at her. "Yes you do, I can see-"

"It's a padded bra." Maddie cut him off, burning with embarrassment. She did not want to be explaining this. She knew one of the reasons guys thought she looked young was because of this...

And she'd be lying if she said she wasn't worried about Jason thinking the same. What if he saw her completely naked and got weirded out? What if he wanted to stop? She was genuinely terrified of that happening. It was one thing to be rejected by all those other guys, but Jason... That would be too much.

She was jarred from her thoughts when she saw pure white, it wasn't because he'd done something good to her, it was the opposite. He was pulling her shirt off!

"HEY!" She snapped, crossing her arms over her chest to cover herself once they'd been freed.

Jason ignored her as he wrapped an arm around her. She froze when she realized that he was unclipping her bra. He kissed her again before she could protest, fuck! This wasn't fair! She wanted to snap at him, she'd asked him not to do this and- damn it! She was trying to be angry but his mouth just felt and tasted so good.

Before she could say or do anything else he grabbed both of her arms and pressed her onto her back, pinning her wrists above her head with one paw. What was he doing!? The answer came to her as he used his nose to push at her bra, exposing her breasts to him.

She was frozen, completely mortified as he stared at her exposed body. She wanted to curl into a ball and start crying. She was expecting him to look disappointed, maybe voice his displeasure, but what he did surprised her. He looked up at her with a smug grin.

"This is what you were worried about?" He asked before leaning down to lick at one of her stiff nipples.

She writhed underneath him, both from the pleasurable feeling of his warm, strong tongue against her sensitive flesh and the feeling of desperately wanting to cover herself up, but he continued his assault on her nipple. Swirling his tongue against the nub before wrapping his lips around it to start suckling.

He pulled his mouth off with a pop that made her shiver from head to toe before looking back up at her, still wearing that smug grin. "Your nipples are really sensitive, aren't they?"

Despite the burning in her face and the feeling of mortification that still remained she nodded her head.

"Thought so. I bet it'll drive you crazy if I do this." He leaned his head back down and gently bit her other nipple.

Maddie couldn't stop herself as she arched her back and curled her toes as a jolt of pleasure shot through her body, unintentionally pressing her chest right into his face. He growled and chuckled his approval at her, as if he was saying_ 'Told you so_' before kissing his way back over to her other nipple.

The more he teased her, licking, biting, nibbling and sucking on her tits, the less Maddie felt self-conscious about them. More than the jolts of pleasure she felt... relieved? Accepted? She wasn't sure what the feeling was. But just knowing that he wasn't bothered, that he was actually enjoying himself with her smaller tits, it felt better than what he was actually doing with his mouth.

She started whimpering when he pulled away and started kissing down her body, releasing his hold on her wrists. He kissed down her ribs, to her belly. When he reached her skirt, flipping it over, he paused. Jason had gone completely still. She was about to ask why he stopped but was cut off by his nose pressing hard into the soaked fabric of her panties, pressing right against her clit. She groaned out loud and found her paws tightly gripping the back of his head. Fuck! It never felt this good when she used her toys, and this was just his nose!

She could hear him inhaling deeply. Once, twice, three times. His breath washing over the fur and sensitive flesh underneath when he exhaled.

"You're in heat."

How did- Right! Wolf. Good sense of smell.

He stood up, looking hesitant. "Are you safe? I mean- I don't have any condoms on me and..."

"I'm safe. It's fine."

"Really?" Jason asked, ears perking and sounding more than a little excited.

"Yeah, totally fine!"

It wasn't fine at all. Maddie was lying, she knew this was a bad idea. She was in heat and wasn't on the pill. She could've told him the truth. They could've left to hit up the local pharmacy for some condoms or something. She knew he'd understand.

But there was that terrible thought in the back of her mind. What if this really was her only chance? What if something happened and they had to put it off or it just... didn't happen? She knew it was stupid, he hadn't kept his paws off of her this whole time! Even still, the feeling of dread persisted and just wouldn't go away.

She'd... she'd figure it out later.

A pleased groan escaped her, bringing her attention back to Jason. He'd pulled her panties aside and was gently lapping at her soaked lips. He took his time, using his tongue to tease her as he gently slid through her puffy, heated slit, flicking his tongue when it reached her clit. Her paws firmly gripped the back of his head, pushing his mouth against her sex, silently urging him to push his tongue in deeper.

He apparently took the hint because the next second Maddie was seeing stars in her vision. He wrapped his paws around her thighs and pulled her closer as he buried his tongue deep into her slick folds, his teeth grazing just above her clit as he lapped at her juices. It was different than a toy, it was softer, wrigglier, and it didn't go as deep but God it felt amazing! She inhaled sharply when the tip of his tongue hit a particularly sensitive spot, something he'd clearly noticed as he focused all of his efforts on flicking that spot deep inside of her as quickly as his tongue would allow.

Maddie writhed and twisted above him, this was too much! If he kept this up she'd cum right away! She tried to push his head away, something he didn't like as he responded by lifting her rear up and folding her over, her ass pointing straight up as her legs dangled uselessly above her head. It was more than a little uncomfortable but found that she could look directly up at Jason as he ate her out.

She bit her lip and tried to hold back, thinking of anything else as she felt that familiar, pleasant build up deep in her belly. Shit, uhh, think of... Math! Algebra! No, she was too good at that! Umm... Chores! Her grandparents! Her grandparents doing this!

She almost thought that would work, until their eyes met. He looked feral, ravenous, like he hadn't eaten a good meal in years and was finally treated to an all you can eat buffet of the best food. She could tell from that look that he wanted her, all of her.

It was enough to set Maddie off as she threw her head back and screamed. Her walls convulsed and wrapped around his tongue as she squirted her slick juices across his muzzle and tongue, even soaking herself in the process. Her vision had gone white except for the black spots in her peripheral vision. Her mind had gone completely blank as the pleasure rushed through her body and fried her brain.

And it wasn't stopping! Jason wasn't stopping! His tongue continued to lap and massage her insides, prolonging her orgasm as much as he possibly could. When he finally pulled off and gently laid her backdown they were both panting hard. Maddie from having such an unbelievably powerful orgasm and Jason from going without air for so long.

She chanced a look up at him and knew she was grinning at him like a dopey dork. His muzzle was completely soaked in her juices, the front of his shirt was drenched and see through, teasing her with the sight of his rippling muscles underneath. Her smile grew wider as he pulled it off and tossed it to the ground.

He smiled back at her, not smugly like before. He looked pleased and excited.

"Did my baby girl enjoy that?"

Maddie couldn't help but bring her paws up to her face as she started blushing and giggling like an idiot. He'd called her his baby girl! She didn't know why it sounded so good to her, why it made her feel bubbly and fuzzy inside. Maybe it was because of how possessive it sounded, making her his.

Oh, she could definitely get used to that!

She pushed herself up on shaky arms and hooked a leg around him, pressing her heel into his rear to pull him closer before she kissed him. She'd never tasted herself before but she had to admit that it wasn't so bad! She could see why he'd enjoyed that so much.

"I'm very good sweetie."

His tail started thumping against her leg, did he like being called cute, endearing names too? She'd have to see for herself.

"So, what else does the big bad wolf have for me?" Maddie asked as she hooked a finger through his belt loop and tugged suggestively.

She wanted to giggle and laugh when Jason smiled, it was so wide and excited that he looked just as dopey as she probably had! It was definitely adorable. He answered her by quickly undoing his pants and pushing them down, giving her a good idea of what he had in store for her from the bulge in his boxers.

When he finally pushed his boxers down and his length popped free- holy shit...

He hadn't been lying before, he really was big! Thankfully it wasn't too big, she sized it up and realized that yeah, she could definitely take this. But not yet, she wanted to take a moment to admire it. Unlike her toy that stayed in place Jason's cock couldn't stay still. The thick, fleshy red length throbbed and bounced with his heart beat, a bead of pre started dangling from his tip and slowly grew as it dripped lower and lower.

What he hadn't mentioned were the fat, juicy pair of balls that went along with his cock. They were a perfect match in size for a cock this impressive, nearly the size of plums, covered in a thinner layer of fuzzy fur. They looked heavy, so deliciously full. Full of dangerous, wonderful, virile seed that would definitely leave her with a litter if she wasn't careful.

God it was beautiful.

"Uhh, Maddie?" She looked up at him, seeing concern and worry on his face. "Is... Is it ok? I mean- It's not too big... right?"

The poor guy, he must've thought her silence was apprehension. She gave him her most genuine and sultry smile as she gripped the underside of his shaft, enjoying the sharp gasp she elicited from him. She didn't know why she felt so comfortable now, or so confident. She was always such a shy and nervous wreck but right now... she felt like she could say or do anything she wanted, it felt nice for a change.

"Nah, just taking a moment to admire it. It's fucking gorgeous." She explained.

He gave a nervous laugh and looked down. "Never heard that before. Someone saying my dick is..."

"Well, better get used to it. 'Cus I'm going to remind you every chance I get." Maddie said as she hooked her thumbs through her panties, pulling them off in one fluid motion, her skirt following quickly until she was laying back on the table completely naked.

Jason watched as she did his, swallowing hard when she spread her legs and dipped a paw down to circle her drenched slit. He was so entranced that Maddie was almost scared his brain had stopped working completely. Well, that wouldn't do, she still needed him present.

"Going to keep your girl waiting?"

That shocked him out of it as he shook his head. He kicked off his pants completely and shuffled closer. He was actually shaking as he gripped his cock and lined it up with her slit. She almost felt bad, he was so nervous just rubbing the tip through her lips to lube himself up properly. Hmm maybe adding more lube would be a good idea- wait, didn't she have-


He looked up at her with such a worried, disappointed look that Maddie actually felt bad for saying anything.

"Relax, hon. I need you to grab my bag. I've got something that'll make this easier."

He gave her a curious look but silently obliged as he found her bag and plopped it down beside her. She quickly looked through it, she knew it was here some- There!

She pulled out a little bottle of lube and passed it to him. She was glad she'd forgotten to drop this off at home.

"Should make it easier."

He looked between her and the bottle, grinning and letting out a quick, relieved laugh. He poured a generous amount over his shaft, slicking it up with his paw before he did the same with her pussy. Gently pushing his fingers inside of her and slowly circling them, getting her properly lubed up. Withdrawing his fingers, he gripped his cock and lined himself up again. He was still shaking, obviously nervous. She placed a paw on his forearm, giving him a comforting smile and a slight nod letting him know it was ok. He nodded back and took a deep, relaxing breath.

They both gasped as he started pushing in. Maddie couldn't believe it, she was having sex! She was having sex with Jason! Her secret, long time crush! This wasn't a fantasy, she wasn't alone in her bedroom with her toy, this was actually happening!

Despite how excited she was she knew this wasn't going to be easy. She wasn't going to sugar coat it, he was fucking BIG and it would take time for her to adjust properly. However, she had no worries that she'd be able to take it just fine. It helped that he was being gentle and starting slow.

She propped herself on her elbows so she could properly look up at him, his paws were planted to the table to her sides. His eyes fluttered and his jaw was hanging, she almost expected his tongue to start lolling out of his mouth but he was still in enough control over himself. It was still a cute look for him.

She inhaled and nearly groaned again as he started making headway, he'd already managed to fit two or so inches and was steadily working up to more. It was such a strange visceral sensation to have him inside of her. It was different than her toy, where it was made of cold silicone, his cock was actual warm, throbbing flesh. She could feel that heat radiating through her, felt every twitch and throb as he stretched her walls out to their limit. She couldn't feel his balls yet, but she was sure she would once he got deeper.

It was odd, but still incredible. She couldn't stop herself from grunting and chittering until they blended in with all the other noises. His breath, coming out hot and heavy, the slick squelch of their juices and lube as he gently pushed into her and slowly pulled out

"Fuck! H-holy fuck!" Jason panted as he slowly, steadily pumped his cock until it was almost halfway inside of her. His whole body was shaking and it looked like he was having trouble standing. He had to readjust his stance; legs spread a little wider to keep himself from collapsing.

"I've never been this deep!"

A rush of pride and satisfaction filled Maddie until she was grinning from ear to ear. Knowing she was the only person who'd ever made him feel this good was such an addictive feeling and she couldn't help but feel fucking smug about it. She reached up, firmly gripping the scruff on the back of his neck as she pulled him down for the most passionate kiss she could give him.

He tried to reciprocate but the poor guy was too distracted, this was the first time he'd ever gotten this far with a woman before. He was practically a virgin! That filled Maddie up with another fuzzy rush, he was her very first and, in a way, she was his too.

They both gasped at the same time when his hips finally met hers. Jason went completely still, pulling away from the kiss to rest his head on her shoulder as his whole-body shook from overstimulation. Maddie wrapped her arms around him, gently digging her claws into his back as she felt his muscles rippling under her paws. She hooked her legs around his waist and locked them together, pushing him deeper inside of her.

"Fuck!" He barked.

She turned her head to the side, quickly finding his ear and giving it a playful nip. "Feels good, doesn't it?"

He could only groan in response, holding her tightly. Soon enough he was thrusting into her again, a little faster this time. She whispered sweetly to him, encouraging him.

"That's it, you can go harder. I won't break."

She wasn't sure about that, but even still, she wanted everything he had to give. Every thrust, every brutal slap of his hips against hers, his thick cock stretching her beyond her limits. She wanted all of it. He was working himself up to that point, holding her tightly as he slowly increased his tempo, working more of his wonderful cock inside of her. He was so deep that she could feel his tip bashing against something inside of her, no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't seem to break past that stubborn barrier, probably the entrance to her womb.

He was going harder, hard enough that she could hear the slap of those fat nuts against her ass, the lewd squelch of juices leaking onto the table and dripping down to the floor. Everything below her waist felt drenched, her pussy felt completely stretched out, every time he pulled out there was a slight relief, like she'd been holding in a breath that could finally be let out. Only for it to be knocked out of her when he pushed back in.

His eyes were still fluttering, that familiar 'this is the greatest sex ever' flutter that she'd seen in porn, but his teeth were clenched, upper lip almost curled up into a snarl. He looked so damn hot it was almost embarrassing to keep staring at him, instead she focused on the sounds he was making. He was growling and huffing in her ear, clearly enjoying every sensation but still desperately trying to not to overwhelm himself. He grunted every time he hilted, a little whine sneaking in his voice before he pulled back.

She gasped when she felt something press insistently at her lips, his knot had started to swell. She felt it as it slapped against her with each thrust, lightning racing through her body when it jolted her clit. She wasn't going to last much longer, she could already feel that familiar build up deep in her belly. Fuck, she was going to cum all over his cock!

"I-I'm not gonna last long." He groaned.

They were coming to a critical point, she'd lied and told him she was safe... What if he wanted to finish inside? He'd probably understand if she asked him to pull out, finishing off all over her face sounded especially naughty and thrilling, and considering how pent up he probably was there was no doubt he'd leave quite the mess! She couldn't help but feel disappointed at the same time. The idea of him finishing inside her, just losing all control as he released his pent-up load, soaking her insides and painting them white with his seed- mmf! Fuck it was so tempting!

Without warning Jason pulled out of her, grabbing her by her hips and turning her over onto her front before pushing back in from behind her. She couldn't help but let out a ragged moan as he pounded into her, gripping her hips tightly and pulling them back to meet his at the height of each thrust. A sharp yelp escaped her that quickly dissolved into a groan when she felt the crack of his paw on her ass. Cheeky wolf! He stretched her cheeks out with both paws, probably admiring the sight of his cock buried deep in her tight little pussy before bringing his paw down again.

Jason was huffing and panting over her, molding himself over her back while his arms wrapped around her middle. Determinately grinding his hips against hers. Pushing and coaxing his knot against her lips, oh fuck, was he-

"N-not- Not! -" She cut herself off with an especially loud moan, he'd hit her g spot good with that last thrust. It was loud enough the Jason clamped his paw over her muzzle in an attempt to muffle the noise.

"Yeah, I'm gonna give you that knot." He growled into her ear.

What!? NO!

Shit- he thought she wanted him to knot her! Her paws flew to his, trying to wrench his paw off of her mouth so she could tell him to pull out. Screaming in panic when he tightened his grip and wrapped an arm around her to keep her tightly in place.

Maybe she'd get lucky, he was still bigger than the toy, maybe that meant he wouldn't- The thought was quickly cut short as Maddie screamed into his paw again, her mind going completely blank, her vision flooded with white when he sunk his knot in one swift motion. Jason groaned and shivered as he collapsed on top of her, but still desperately pounding into her as he tried to reach his inevitable climax. Maddie groaned with him, not entirely from pleasure, even if the knot was rubbing against her clit from the inside, but from dismay. He was going to do it, he was going to cum inside of her!

As much as her heat addled mind told her this was a good thing, that it was what she was meant to do she still panicked. Thoughts came to her of his seed flooding her insides, his little swimmers working their way into her fertile womb, gleefully finding their target and successfully breeding her. A virile male like Jason would probably leave her with a whole litter, her belly swollen and large with his pups-

She screamed again, not from dismay or grief or panic but from pure orgasmic bliss as she reached her peak. She knew she was gripping his paw, not to tear it off but to keep it in place, she knew she was humping back into him as hard as she could, coaxing and massaging that wonderful breeding rod and knot inside of her to finally finish, to milk them for every last drop of seed they could offer. But she couldn't stop herself! Her body had a mind of its own and it clearly wanted only one thing.

And from the almost painful whine that leaked from between his teeth she knew it would get what it wanted.

"I-I'm gonna! Fucking-"

Jason let out a vicious growl as he pressed himself against her back, pinning her to the table as he snarled into her ear. Maddie gasped and choked on air as she felt the first throb, then the second followed by a rush of something that was hot and wet and indescribably, deliriously good. Then there was the third, another rush of that wonderful warmth filling her up, spreading deeply inside of her. It was such a visceral feeling, she could feel every drop of cum clinging to her folds, pelting against her cervix with each successive rope of thick, virile seed that he shot into her. She could feel it churning around his still pumping cock, which never seemed to stop cumming. He released so much that she was sure he'd filled up her entire fucking womb!

By the time he finally finished, only releasing little trickles of cum to add to the mess he'd made of her insides, Maddie could only think of one thing. Well, she was thinking about a lot of things, but at the front of her mind was the sheer amazement at her own tiny little body for being able to hold so much of the wolfs pent up seed.

Despite what he'd done and the thoughts of concern and worry and panic racing through her mind she hardly felt worried about them. They were there, of course, but they felt so drowned out and distant that they didn't feel like an immediate concern. All that mattered was what she felt in the moment. The drifty, floaty sensation she'd always felt after an especially powerful orgasm, the finality and surprising acceptance to being so thoroughly bred, how sated and satisfied her whole body felt, and the wolf on top of her, pinning her down with his bigger, stronger body, cock lazily throbbing as it stayed nestled in her tight, overfilled cunt.

"T-That- holy-"

Jason struggled to speak, to get anything out other than ragged panting or a groan. This was the first time he'd ever felt so good, Maddie was sure of it. She somehow found the strength to raise a shaky arm, wrapping it around the wolfs neck and scratching him affectionately.

One part of her felt that she shouldn't be so affectionate, that she should be angry at him for doing what he did. Another part of her argued that they'd lied and his understanding was that it was safe. Honestly, she didn't care either way, she was still riding her orgasmic high, her whole-body twitching in bliss over the unintentional breeding she'd just undergone.

It felt like an eternity later, when the wolf finally pushed himself back up, gently testing his knot. Maddie winced and gritted her teeth as he pulled, she felt sore and sensitive and his knot was fucking huge. But it had softened up enough for him to pull out. What followed was the audible splash of his seed as it escaped her abused cunt and splashed down onto the floor between her feet. There was so much of it that she was sure that she'd be dripping his cum for days.

Neither of them spoke, even as Maddie's mind finally started to clear up and began to realize the severity of the situation. She wasn't going to panic, she refused to ruin this by freaking out. Ok, ok, think, you're good at thinking Maddie. Uhh, first step, get dressed, head to the pharmacy, get some plan B- No, wait- get the extra strength with estrus suppressant. Go home have a hot relaxing shower, clean herself up as best as she could and-

"So, hey." Jason spoke, breaking Maddie from her thoughts.

"I was just wondering- And not to make this weird!" He started off, shifting nervously as he stared down at her. "Is this a one-time thing? Or, you know... would you want to meet up again?"

Maddie blinked, her mind grinding to screeching halt as she tried to process exactly what he'd just asked.

"You.. you want to meet up again?" she repeated back to him. Almost not believing the words herself.

"Y-yeah! I mean- if you're cool with it. We can still be friends if you don't want to- I mean" He stuttered nervously and gave her a sheepish grin. He took a deep breath, calming himself before he started again.

"This was... SO fucking amazing." The words almost coming out as a breathy moan. "And I just... I'm hoping we could do this again. But if you don't want to, no pressure, I'll understand."

Maddie's heart was racing, pounding in her chest as she wondered if this was actually happening or if this was some post orgasmic delusion that her mind was feeding her. She took a deep breath and tried to keep herself calm

"Do you mean like... Dating? Friends with benefits? Occasional sex?" She asked slowly, wanting to know exactly what he was expecting from her.

"Whatever you want. Whatever you're most comfortable with."

Maddie tried to think, next steps... actually, on second thought, fuck that! She knew exactly what she wanted!

"Yeah! Um, I'd- yeah, I'd be really cool with any of that. We'll talk about it more, yeah?"

An excited smile slowly curled the wolfs muzzle and his tail started wagging furiously behind him. "Y-yeah! Absolutely!"

Maddie couldn't help but smile too, holy shit, this was actually happening! No- don't get excited yet, you still have things to take care of, if you don't do it now you're fucked later. Knowing she'd really be in shit if she left this alone she quickly gathered up her clothes and started dressing herself.

When she'd finished and finally looked presentable Jason turned to her again. "You know... if you want to talk about... us. We could go over to my place now. My roommates are out of town for the next couple of days... and we'd have the place to ourselves."

She froze, she had to go to the pharmacy, she had to deal with this sooner rather than later. But looking at his hopeful face, knowing that he desperately wanted her to say yes, knowing what he probably wanted to do with her...

Well... she could put it off for a day, right?

Incubus- Awakening

\*Note: All characters in this story are 18 or older\* It had been a very uneventful Saturday so far, even if it was Carter's birthday. His family had wished him a happy birthday, his mom had made him his favorite breakfast and his dad was...

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Triple deep dish special

The black furred she-wolf slammed the steering wheel of her car in frustration as she angrily tried the ignition once again, it gave a weak sputter and then nothing. She did not have time for this, she had a delivery to make and knew that late pizza...

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Experimenting with the librarian

Darren groaned as he stretched out in his chair, making the attempt to crack his tired back. The snowshoe cat had been studying in the library for a few hours now and decided he needed a break. Luckily there wasn't anyone else around, the college...

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