Incubus- Awakening

Story by RockyWulf on SoFurry

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#1 of The New Incubus

Carter has just turned eighteen and life has suddenly become a little more complicated. Before, woman avoided him, dismissed him or found him just plain weird, something he's learned to live with, but now? They can't keep their paws off of him! His first day as an adult has him finding out just how aggressive women can be when they really want something, but what's with the sudden switch? Maybe it has something to do with his family's secret.

THIS. THIS story was supposed to be a short, fun little idea I came up with, it was supposed to be maybe twenty- thirty pages. instead this DOUBLED THAT and somehow became my LONGEST STORY TOO DATE! Don't get me wrong, this was really damn fun to write, but there was so much to edit! I debated splitting it into two chapters but I figure "Let's start this new series off with a bang!" So here we are, I hope you all enjoy!

*Note: All characters in this story are 18 or older*

It had been a very uneventful Saturday so far, even if it was Carter's birthday. His family had wished him a happy birthday, his mom had made him his favorite breakfast and his dad was going to order takeout from their favorite place for dinner tonight, even his older sister had managed to make it back in time after her midterm finals and right now he was in his room playing video games. All in all, it was good but now the wolf was finding it rather lackluster and if he was being honest a little weird.

On his previous birthdays they'd always go out and do something fun, mini golfing, go-karts, amusement parks, they'd have an entire fun day planned out! But today they didn't have anything like that planned, they said it might be a good idea to stay home today, which had been disappointing at first but now it was downright suspicious with how weird they were acting. They were finding every excuse to keep him in the house, he wanted to go for a walk, his mother had awkwardly suggested he play video games instead because the weather might take a turn for the worst, the weather report had said it would be sunny skies all weekend. He asked his sister if she could drive him over to the mall but she'd made some quick excuse about needing to take her car into the shop for something, she hadn't been specific but the fact that she, a natural born and almost certified, mechanic wanted someone else to look over her car was already a red flag.

And then there was his dad, he'd been asking him weird questions up until just before he'd left. Had Carter been feeling ok? Anything weird going on? Like he was trying to subtly get Carter to open up to him about something, something his dad shouldn't have had to do since they were pretty close. Carter had opened up to his dad about... well, almost everything. They were close enough that they didn't need to keep secrets and his dad actually listened to him. Beating around the bush wasn't how they communicated at all.

And then there was last night.

He'd gotten up to use the bathroom and had found the downstairs lights were still been on, which was odd, he was sure he was the last one to go to bed. He thought that maybe they were planning something big for him, he should've gone back to bed, kept it a surprise but curiosity had won him over. He'd looked over the railing to find his family sitting around the dining room table, they were whispering to each other about something, he'd had to strain his ears just to hear them. Their conversation had been... weird.

"Maybe we're being too cautious? I mean, it could NOT happen, right?" That was his mom, she sounded... worried.

"I want to agree but it's rare, chances are high that it's going to happen" His dad answered.

"Yeah, but I got full immunity and that's only like one in ten thousand, right? Maybe he got lucky too." His sister offered, trying to sound positive.

"No, I know the signs, it's a pretty sure thing that he's inherited it." His dad sounded so serious, so sure of whatever they were talking about. Unfortunately, Carter had only caught the tail end of their conversation because they quickly called it a night soon after that.

Now that he remembered their weird late-night conversation it stuck with him, it almost sounded like he was sick. Maybe that was why his dad had been asking how he felt? The attempts from his family to keep him indoors could be to quarantine him.

But... Thinking about it though, it didn't make any sense. If it was something that he'd gotten from his dad then that would mean it was hereditary, but that didn't exactly mean it was contagious. And if he really were sick then they wouldn't be keeping him cooped up, they'd be taking him to the hospital to get testing done. That couldn't be it, but if he wasn't sick... than what was going on?

He growled as he dropped the game controller and buried his face in his paws, he needed to get out of the house, just for an hour or two, just to clear his head. But they were being pretty insistent about him not leaving... If that was the case he should just sneak out? Or better yet, he could make a run for the door, say he was going for a run down at the park. Yeah, they hadn't said he COULDN'T leave the house. If he ran, they couldn't stop him!

His mind made up Carter turned off the game console and changed into his running outfit which consisted of loose shorts, a t shirt and a hoodie. He quickly made his way downstairs and put on his running shoes. "Going for a run! Back soon! Love you, bye!" Carter shouted into the house before bolting out the door.

His phone immediately started buzzing in his hoodie pocket but he ignored it as he started running for the park. It was only a ten-minute jog away from his house but considering how fast he was going he made it in four. Only when he felt he was far enough away did he check his phone. Missed calls from his family, text messages urging him to come back home. He rolled his eyes and typed out his response

"Look, if you're all going to be weird than the least you can do is tell me what's going on. I'm bored and now I'm annoyed. I'm going to jog to clear my head and you can all tell me whatever it is when I get home."

Now that that was out of the way, it was time for some actual running.

Carter took a moment to stretch and prepare himself, using a nearby bench to assist him, it was at that moment when he saw a familiar figure approach and he had to resist the urge to groan. It was Rebecca, to put it simply, Rebecca was the current star of their high school track team and the girls' volleyball team, she was popular, incredibly sociable, had amazing grades, not to mention gorgeous, just an all-around perfect girl.

And she also happened to hate Carters guts.

It wasn't just her, most of- ok, none of the girls at their school actually liked him, with the exception of his childhood friend, Amy. Something that had started in middle school. But Rebecca was more... vocal about it. While most girls were content with simply ignoring or avoiding Carter, some of the girls, like Rebecca, made it very clear that they did not like him. The worst part was that they lived close to each other, which meant that if he went jogging, he was bound to run into the hyena at some point. Which wouldn't be such a bad thing if she wasn't such a bitch. More than a few times she'd shove him out of the way, try to trip him up or any number of mean things. Carter never understood why she had it out for him, or most of the girls in their school for that matter.

Amy had tried to figure it out for him, since she knew he was a good person and hadn't done anything wrong, but came up with nothing other than they just didn't like or trust him. It had left them both deeply confused. Carter simply accepted it, deciding that maybe some weird rumor had gone around ages ago and people still believed it, or maybe he'd accidently done something to offend someone, he just needed to get through this last year of high school and he could start fresh at some far away college.

But deciding he didn't want to deal with whatever crap Rebecca planned to pull today he simply kept stretching, making sure to stand up straight as she came closer to him so she couldn't do something like shove him into the bench.

"Freak." He heard her grunt as she ran past.

Well... if that was the extent of her insults and pranks today then he could handle that much. He wasn't going to let her dislike of him ruin his day, or his run.

Once he felt that she was significantly ahead of him he started running. He kept a nice steady pace, making sure he kept a good distance between him and the hyena. Too close and she might actually do something worse than say mean shit. Rebecca wasn't making any big difference in her run either, he noticed. She wasn't gaining more distance from him and he wasn't closing the gap at his pace either, she usually pushed herself harder so this must have been a leisure day for her.

Carter realized that he was still close enough to make out certain details, his eye sight was pretty good. He could see the muscles in her body working as she ran, the tightening and relaxing of certain groups, but his attention shifted lower to her rear. He hated to admit it but the hyena was painfully hot, and being such a dedicated jogger meant that she had an amazing ass. It looked firm, toned, but still very plentiful, obvious by how her jogging shorts clung to her tightly, showing the outlines of her rear that made Carters mouth water. He desperately wanted to take a bite of it, grab it, play with it, bend her over his lap and smack that perfect little-

Carter stumbled and actually had to stop at the disturbing thoughts that invaded his mind. What the actual fuck was all that about? He'd NEVER thought about her like that before. The hyena girl was hot, yes, but he refused to let his imagination run wild concerning her. It was something like a petty act of vengeance, she was hot, he was a young wolf, he should've fantasied about her but he refused to do it out of some twisted sense of pride.

So why the fuck had he broken that so easily?

She'd widened the gap while Carter recovered from his brief lapse in sanity, she was almost out of sight now. He shook his head and smacked the sides of his muzzle, trying to keep his head clear.

But it wouldn't go away, thoughts of all the things he wanted to do with the hyena burned in his mind, had he finally lost it? Had all the torment from her and the fact that he refused to fantasize about her make him snap until it all flooded his brain without him wanting it too? -No, what was he thinking, that was stupid! He shook his head again and tried to focus on literally anything else, the park around him, the noises in the air, smells, anything.

But as he rounded the corner and saw Rebecca bent over, drinking from a water fountain he nearly stumbled again. He could see every detail, all the definition of her perfectly sculpted body, she was an athlete at her core and it damn well showed, not to mention that amazing ass was on full display and her small, perky tits were poking through her top, shit, she wasn't wearing a bra.

Carter looked off to the side and ignored her, as well as the growing bulge in his shorts, as he ran right past her, keeping a wide distance as he did. He didn't bother to stop for water, he could get some from the next fountain, even though his throat was dry and was starting to burn he needed to create some distance from her, figure out what the hell was going-

"-I said STOP ASSHOLE!" Carter jumped as he spun around mid-stride to find the hyena girl making a serious dash for him. She was putting all of her power into that dash, quickly closing the gap between them. She looked serious, angry, like she was about to maul his ass.

'Oh FUCK that!' Carter thought as he quickly turned back around and fell into a full sprint, he ran like hell to gain some distance from the hyena bitch currently on his tail. But he forgot something important in his panic, Rebecca was a far better athlete than him, he was no slouch but she was as close to a professional as their school was ever going to get, something she proved when she inevitably caught up to him and jumped on his back. The sudden weight on his back and the shift in his momentum caused Carter to trip up and fall into the bushes to his right. He stumbled with Rebecca through the tall thicket until he was flat on his back in the dirt.

In his dazed state he didn't have time to react as the hyena girl straddled him and pushed him back hard when he tried to sit up. "I told you... To stop... Mother fucker!" She panted.

Carter didn't respond, he just tried to throw her off but she simply pushed him back into the dirt, putting all of her weight in her paws as she pressed down on his chest, a vicious grin on her muzzle. "Ah, ah, ah." She chided him. "You made me work to catch you, you're not going anywhere!"

Carter swallowed the lump in his throat as he looked up at that cruel, toothy grinning muzzle. Fuck, she was actually going to beat his ass today! So far the most she'd done against him physically was shoving or tripping him, she'd never actually punched or kicked him before, something he was actually glad for because he doubted he'd be able to fight back, for one she might be smaller but she could probably kick his ass, and two, she was a girl, he couldn't hit a girl!

"L-look, uhh, can we not do this today, please! I know you probably don't care but it's my birthday today and I REALLY don't want to have to explain why I'm coming home all bruised." He said, not even trying to hide the panic in his voice.

She stared down at him, almost contemplating, until she finally asked. "How old are you?"

Carter couldn't suppress the shock that ran through his body, he was expecting her to not care or maybe make this even worse just because it WAS his birthday, but no, she was showing some interest?

"E-eighteen. I turned Eighteen today."

The grin returned to her muzzle and she licked her lips. "We're the same age. Did you know that?"

Carter shook his head as a creeping sense of dread filled him. What was going on? Why wasn't she hurting him, or insulting him? Somehow whatever THIS was, was more unsettling than if she'd started laying into him.

"O-oh... Cool?" Carter tried to sit up but he felt the weight of her paws on his chest, warning him to stay down, something that he complied with easily, whatever to keep her happy and not kicking his teeth in. "S-so, what's this about? Did- did I do something?" He asked nervously.

"Yeah, you did." She growled as she leaned down until she was nose to nose with him. "You were checking me out, weren't you?"

How-how the hell did she know!? Damn, he probably wasn't being discreet, his mind had been a jumble of confusion and arousal- it still was actually, it wasn't helping that her ass was planted firmly in his lap, or that her face was so close that he just needed to lean up a little to close the distance to kiss her, or that he could smell the musk, sweat and her natural feminine scent coming off of her with every panicked intake of breath. The thoughts made his cock twitch and he was sure she felt it through the thin fabric of his shorts.

"Pretty obvious when you're running with something like this swinging around." She said as she ground her ass into his groin, eliciting an unexpected moan from the wolf. "I'll be honest, I thought you were a bit of a wimp, definitely a weirdo... but I think I was a little quick to judge." She said, really grinding her ass into his lap until a constant stream of moans escaped him.

What the hell was going on? She wasn't hurting him, far from it, but that was more concerning! This was Rebecca, the girl that had actively hated him since freshmen year, and now she was panting in his face while grinding herself against his erection in the middle of the park like they were fuck buddies trying to sneak some fun into their run. None of this was making any sense.

She shuffled a little until she was sitting on his thighs, giving her a nice view of the tent in his shorts. He tried to move but her paws shifted to his stomach, digging her claws in a little. "Stay." She ordered. Again, Carter complied. Her paws drifted from his stomach until they reached the bulge, he swallowed thinking that she was going to start hurting him, so it came as a surprise when she started stroking him through his shorts.

"Fuck, you're a big guy, aren't ya?" She growled, sounding pleased with the statement as she gripped him through his shorts and started pumping him.

Carter had never compared himself to other guys before, but from what the internet, and Amy accidently catching him jerking off that one time, told him, he was exceptionally well endowed. Having someone else say it, especially someone who was supposed to hate him, seemed to cement the fact. It became more apparent when the hyena girl pulled down on the waistband of his shorts, quickly freeing his now fully erect cock, the hungry look on her muzzle told him everything he needed to know.

"Rrrff, you're a thick fucker too." She growled again, finally wrapping both her of her paws around his shaft and started pumping him in earnest. Carter couldn't contain the moans and had to clamp a paw over his muzzle as her paws moved up and down his shaft, gripping him and making his cock throb in ways he couldn't have done on his own. He knew Rebecca had told him not to move but the wave of new sensations flowing through him made it hard not to squirm and buck his hips into her paws.

It was even more difficult when the muffled whines and groans that escaped him only encouraged her more as she increased the speed of her paws, his own pre serving as excellent lubricant to assist her efforts.

Along with the ripples of pleasure through his body there was the ever-present torrent of confusion in his mind, why was Rebecca doing this? It made no sense and Carter couldn't come close to figuring out the answer, not that he could really focus on it much, not with the way her soft paws continued to stroke him and the flood of images drifting through his mind of all the things he wanted to do to her in return. It became harder to question it when she bent forward and took his length into her muzzle, tongue swirling around while her lips formed a tight seal around his tip, a shot of pre spurted into her mouth as a result and they both groaned in pleasure.

She was bobbing her head up and down now, sliding her tongue across the underside of his shaft before returning to swirl at his tip, Carter wondered how she was doing this, it felt incredible! Either she was well practiced or naturally talented, but that only served to bring up another worry. Carter was getting dangerously close to the edge now, the familiar tightening of muscles and the shivery sensation through his body told him he was close to having an orgasm, he usually didn't bust this early when masturbating but considering just how sudden and erotic the situation was it wasn't really a surprise.

"R-Rebecca, wait!" Carter managed to snap, panic fueling him, he had no idea how the hyena would react to him releasing in her muzzle but he did know that she had a very sharp set of teeth. She pulled herself off with a lewd pop as she looked up at him, saliva dribbling down her maw as she gave him that all too familiar grin.

"Oh, don't worry, I have a much better place for you to pop." She started to stand up as she said that, leaving Carter momentarily confused until she pulled off her top and threw it at his head, obscuring his view until he pulled it off in time to see her reaching for the waist band of her jogging shorts, swiftly pulling them down in one fluid motion before kicking them off to the side. His eyes widened and he swallowed as he started up at the naked hyenas glistening, soaked sex.

As much as his lust filled mind screamed at him, telling him that he was the luckiest bastard in the world, the reasonable, even moral side of his brain was screaming back just as loud. Demanding to know if THIS was how he wanted to lose his virginity. Honestly, Carter had avoided dating, he knew the girls at school didn't like him and he wanted to avoid the rejection and ridicule he'd face from asking someone out, but that didn't mean he hadn't given it any thought. He'd always doubted his first time was going to be overly romantic, that had been fine with him, what was more important was that he wanted it to be with someone he at least liked and who actually liked him back.

That conclusion alone was enough to put some fight in him when the hyena started to lower herself, grabbing his shaft and lining it up to her pussy. Before his tip even kissed those soaked lips he managed to push her off and onto her rear. "HEY!" She snapped as Carter quickly got onto his knees. He knew the hyena wasn't going to take this lying down, in a manner of speaking, so he had to do something to distract her before she tried straddling him again. The thought came to him just as his fingers reached between her legs and started circling the slick flesh, if he could make her cum first it might give him a chance to escape.

The hyena looked startled and a low moan escaped, her angry expression turned into one of smug pleasure. "Ooooh, good boy." She cooed as his fingers rubbed across her lips, occasionally grazing her clit. He knew that whatever he'd learned from porn wasn't going to work, Amy had made sure he knew that. He remembered that particular lesson, as embarrassing as it was. It was the time she'd caught him jacking off and it just so happened to be at the moment that the guy was fingering the girl, trying to make her squirt.

"See that? That's not what you do, bud. Don't go jamming your fingers in right away, girls really hate that, shit hurts. You gotta work up to it, get her wet, tease her a little bit, circle around her lips, play with her clit, after your fingers start getting soaked then you can start putting them in, but start off with one, maybe two if she's really wet. Wait until she's nice and relaxed before you start pumping inside her like that guy's doing"

Despite the mortification of that moment, he was actually grateful for the lesson, not so grateful for the teasing that ensued afterwards but what could you do? They hyena girl under him was definitely grateful, soft moans and low growls slipping through her teeth as Carter slowly worked his fingers into her folds, hips grinding against his paw, encouraging him to do more. Amy would be proud knowing he was taking her lesson to heart and putting it to good use, she'd be less proud knowing who he was using it on, but given the situation he had little other choice.

It was strange though, he'd never done anything with another girl before, hell he hadn't even had his first kiss yet! Yet here he was, fingering the hyena, making her squirm just like she'd been doing to him moments ago, with the same amount of obvious pleasure, maybe more. Something about this felt off, he should be clumsy, making mistakes, probably getting the hyena girl mad at him with how much he was to supposed to suck, he knew that some guys got lucky when they played with their girlfriends for the first time but this was more than just pure dumb luck. There wasn't a moment's hesitation in his fingers assault, without even thinking about it his paw knew what to do next to keep the hyena girl going, it was as if he'd already done this a thousand times before. His friend's advice wasn't a real factor in this, sure it had helped him start out but the rest of it was pure instinct on Carter's part.

Another growl escaped the hyena, a little louder than the others, breaking Carter from his mental debate. A shiver ran up Carter's spine as he stared into the hyena girls face. Her mouth slightly parted, tongue peeking out as she panted, but it was her eyes that really held him, it wasn't just the lust or the hunger in those hooded eyes that made his mind go blank, it was the way she seemed to begging him and pleading with her eyes for him to fuck her. That almost made him forget about who exactly he was pleasuring and nearly made him reconsider how far he was willing to go.

Carter dipped down and took one of the hyena girls erect nipples into his mouth, she arched her back and pushed into him as a groan escaped her. It was the same as with his fingers, he knew exactly what to do. He swirled his tongue around the sensitive nub, suckled on it, going from soft to hard to figure out what she liked most, apparently, she liked her nipples being sucked hard, which led him to nibbling and biting down on her teat, figuring that she liked it a little rough. The hyena wrapped an arm around his neck, dull claws grazing over the back of his skull, pulling him in closer while her other paw went to her mouth to muffle the pleased noises she was making.

Carter could tell that Rebecca was getting close now. She was breathing harder, a little quicker as she let out several gasps, biting down on her paw to keep herself from making any loud noises, her stomach was contracting rapidly with every breath, she was absolutely soaking his fingers now and he could feel the subtle twitching of her walls around them. He didn't understand how these were all signs that she was about to cum but he knew it regardless, he also knew what to do in order for her to reach a blinding orgasm. He suckled on her nipple hard while he vigorously sawed his fingers inside of her pussy, using his thumb to rapidly rub her clit while he did so.

"W-Wait! Slow dow- I need a- oh FUCK!" The hyena squealed and moaned, doing her best to muffle the sound with her paw but even that couldn't contain the high-pitched noise as she reached her peak. Her walls contracted around Carter's digits, it felt like her cunt was trying to push them out while sucking them in deeper. His paw had a life of its own as it redoubled its efforts, not deterred at all by the vice like grip she had on his poor fingers. He was using all the muscles in arm, transferring all of that raw power into his fingers, almost lifting the hyena girl off of her rear from how much force he was putting in.

Carter looked up and saw the panicked look on her face, he was about to send her right into a second orgasm before she could even come down from the first. She'd barely managed to hold herself back with that first one, but she knew, they both knew, that she'd be screaming to high heaven any second now, letting anyone else within a mile radius know exactly what they were doing.

"GOD FUC-" Carter cut her off as his free paw grabbed the back of her head and forced her into a kiss. Even when she stiffened from the shock, he kept his muzzle locked tight around hers as she worked through her second orgasm, is tongue lashed against hers, her scream reverberated in his mouth, he couldn't help but groan at just how delicious she tasted, this was what he'd been missing out all this time!? Her panic and shock were momentary as she melted into the kiss, his first kiss, her screaming had tapered off into whines and low moans at this point.

Carter reluctantly pulled back, he had to take a moment to collect himself, all of the scents, sounds and tastes were making his head spin as if he were completely drunk, from the look of the hyena girl, now lying on her back, he wasn't the only one who felt it either. Rebecca had collapsed into the dirt, she was a twitching, panting mess, all because of him. Her legs were still spread, his paw still between them and completely drenched. He slowly slid his fingers out and nearly jumped back in surprise when an especially powerful jolt visibly ran through the hyena's body, he'd seriously done a number on her.

He looked down at his drenched paw, it smelled strongly of the hyena, her scent was so strong that he doubted he'd ever be able to fully wash it out, somehow, he was ok with that. He took another look down at the mess of a hyena, more specifically the soaked, twitching lips between her legs. He swallowed hard as he stared, the memory of that tight, almost impossible warmth wrapped around his fingers was burned into his mind. If it had felt that good around his fingers than what about his cock?

Before he'd even realized it he was shuffled between her legs, his soaked paw rubbing her juices down his shaft, mixing with the pre that was dribbling from his tip, if anyone saw them like this, a barely conscious hyena girl and a male wolf lining himself up to take her it would look... very troubling. But she did want him, she made it perfectly clear when she'd tried to do the same earlier, so this was still ok, right?

Just as he was about to start rubbing his tip between those soaked lips a thought occurred to him. Was he really ok with this? With who this was? Another look down at the hyena helped him work through the haze of lust of desperation he was feeling as his rational mind started to work again.

What the actual fuck was he doing!?

Despite what had just happened this was still Rebecca! The girl who had spent the last four years tormenting him, the girl who had actively HATED him and took whatever chance she could to make his life miserable, and he was just going to ignore all of that and give her what she wanted?

The thought sent a cold rush through Carters body as he quickly backed away from her and scrambled to his feet, pulling his shorts back up without a second's hesitation. He was about to run off but remembered how fast she was, even if he left her like this, she'd eventually catch up to him in no time at all. Thinking quickly, he grabbed both her shorts and her top, he couldn't leave her stranded out here naked, but he could slow her down.

"W-wh 're you-" Rebecca slurred just as Carter tossed her tank top even deeper into the forested area of the park and her shorts in the opposite direction.

"I'msorryI'llexplainanothertime." Carter rapid fired as he forced himself out of the shrubs and back to the path. He stumbled and his paw touched the pavement but he quickly regained his balance before he took off running. "SORRY AGAIN!" He shouted back.

Carter's heart was pounding in his chest, fear, excitement, confusion and a whole torrent of feelings swirled around in his head. Just WHAT was all that!? Why had Rebecca tried to force herself on him? Why had he gone along with it? And WHY had he enjoyed it all so much!? Now that he was away from the hyena his mind was a lot clearer, but it also caused him to feel a surge of guilt, he'd ran out on her, leaving her completely naked, in the middle of the park. A part of him wanted to turn around, it had only been a minute or two, maybe he could go back and apologize to her, explain that-


And THAT quickly put an end to that train of thought.

He ran even harder, forcing his body to its very limits in a hopeful attempt at escaping her wrath, his lungs were starting to burn now, his throat was bone dry, but he didn't dare stop. He'd only bought himself a few extra minutes with that stunt, he had no idea how long it would take for her to get her clothes back on, or if she was already on his tail, he didn't have any time to waste.

He was starting to panic again, there weren't a lot of places that he could run to, there was no way he could make it home, not unless he wanted to risk running into the hyena. That only left him one option, he had to hide. His options were limited, there was the forested areas of the park, but considering they weren't too dense it wouldn't take her long to spot him. The playground was no good either, parents and kids would be there and he didn't think the adults would be very sympathetic. His ears perked as he spotted a public restroom, it wasn't the best option, not by a long shot, if Rebecca found him then he'd be trapped with no chance of escape, but it was still better than nothing.

He made one final dash for the bathrooms and a thought occurred, it would be too obvious if he tried to hide out in the guy's washroom, that and she wouldn't give two shits about it, she'd march right in and drag his ass out... but he doubted anyone would ever think he'd hide out in the girl's washroom!

Carter rounded the corner and threw open the door, only to come to a crashing halt as he collided with something soft, yet sturdy, knocking him flat on his tail. He shook his head to refocus and looked up at what he'd crashed into, or more accurately, who.

Staring down at him, looking none too pleased, was a very tall, well-built and busty tigress in a uniform. His heart sank as the uniform registered in his mind as a security officer. He distinctly remembered his parents talking about how city officials had hired more security detail to patrol parks and other public places, keep people from soliciting and doing shit they weren't supposed to do.

He didn't have time to dwell on that as the tigress reached for him, grabbed him by the arm and hauled him to his feet in one swift motion. Carter stared up at her, the tigress easily a head taller than him, while she stared back with a disapproving look, the grip on his arm was vice tight. "Other bathroom, kid." She growled as she started pushing him towards the door.

Carter panicked and tried to push back, but the tigress wouldn't budge. "Wait, wait, wait! Please! I can't go back out there!"

"Don't care you need to..." She started but soon trailed off. The tigress inhaled deeply once. Then she leaned forward, her nose pressed into Carter's neck before she inhaled again, breathing in his scent.

"Naughty little brat. What have you been doing?" She demanded.

Carter blanked for a moment until he realized that she could probably smell the hyena's recent arousal still clinging to his fur. "It's-it's complicated. Look, I promise, PROMISE, I will explain but I need to hide for a few minutes, just a few, please!" Carter begged, pleading to the tigress.

She seemed to be debating, no longer pushing him towards the door but keeping a tight grip on him. "What's in it for me?"

She... was she trying to fucking extort him!? He was half tempted to tell her nothing but his ears perked as he heard the sound of quickly approaching footsteps, no, someone was running! Rebecca! The tigress seemed to catch the noise as well if the twitch of her ears was any indication.

"Anything! I will give you anything you want!" Carter hissed.

This seemed to satisfy the tigress as she dragged him to the last stall, the biggest stall he noticed, and shoved him inside. "Stay quiet." She ordered before closing the stall door. Darren scrambled onto the seat, making sure his feet and legs were completely out of sight. And not a moment too soon as the washroom door burst open.

"OK WHERE THE FUCK-" Rebecca stopped mid scream, Carter couldn't see but he could guess that she'd run into the tigress.

"Oh, hi." Rebecca said calmly, proving his guess right. "Weird question but did you see a shit head wolf? I know he was here or is here, I can smell him."

Carter held his breath, he didn't even dare to breath, afraid that it might alert the hyena girl to his presence. His plan had backfired horribly, he forgot that the hyena could track him by scent, it wouldn't have mattered where he hid! For several long seconds there was silence, then the click of footsteps and then the sound of running water.

"Yeah, he was here a few minutes ago. Bumped right into me trying to hide. I kicked him out. Told him to scram or I'd call the cops." The tigress answered.

"Seriously? He's not here!? This place reeks of him!" Rebecca growled.

"I think that's just me, he was sweaty and struggled when I tossed him out, got his scent all over me. But you're free to check the stalls." The tigress offered. Carter's eyes widened, why was she offering that!? If Rebecca stopped and took a look around then he was screwed.

A few more seconds of silence, broken by the sound of the hyena girl sniffing loudly. She let out an annoyed growl. "Damn it!"

"Sorry kid, if it helps, I think he took off towards the water park." The tigress said.

YES! That was perfect! The public water park was on the other side of the park, Rebecca would have to keep going down the trail to reach it, meaning Carter could go back down the way he came and make a run for home!

"Alright, thanks!" Rebecca said. Carter heard the door opening, the sound of the hyena running off. He didn't move, staying perfectly still. It was only when the tigress opened the stall a minute later that he finally calmed down

"Thank you!" Carter breathed, sitting down on the toilet and leaning back as he relaxed.

"What'd you do to piss her off?" The tigress asked.

"I didn't- she jumped me!" Carter snapped. "Fuck, she-she just jumped me, then she started grinding on me and did all this weird shit and- Fucking!" Carter growled as he shook his head, too flustered to even give the tigress a proper explanation.

"You fucked?" The tigress looked surprised.

"No! She wanted to but... I don't like her that way. I... uhh, I kinda made her cum, just to buy myself a few minutes to run. She's probably pissed because not only did I NOT fuck her but I... threw her clothes away to buy more time."

"Explains why she was covered in mud."

"Ah, fuck." Carter groaned, he must've thrown her clothes into a puddle by accident, despite the good whether today it had rained recently, they'd been in a relatively dry patch when she'd jumped him but her clothes probably weren't as lucky. Oh well, that was a problem for school on Monday, or if he was lucky enough to avoid her then maybe a couple of days. Whatever, he just wanted to go home now.

Carter stood up and nodded at the Tigress awkwardly. "Uh, thanks for the save, I'm gonna-"

"Hold it." The tigress stopped Carter from moving, a paw on his chest keeping him from getting past her. Not that he could've tried, she was blocking his only means of escape. "How old are you?"

Carter blinked as he looked up at the Tigress cautiously. "Eighteen. I turned eighteen today."

For the first time the Tigress smiled. The smile was not comforting at all, it was exactly like Rebecca's, something completely predatory. "Good, thought you might be younger, didn't want to get into any trouble if that was the case." She growled, taking a step towards Carter while he stepped back, then another, and another, continuing until he was pressed against the wall, the tigress was dangerously close.

"L-look, I-I-I think I should-"

"No." The tigress cut him off, putting an end to that thought, one paw pressing into his shoulder, keeping him pinned. "You said you'd do anything if I helped you, right?"

Carter swallowed; he had said that but he'd been absolutely desperate! Regardless he nodded his head.

"And I helped you, which means you owe me now, right?"

"I- Yeah, I guess." Carter mumbled.

The tigress's smile only grew more dangerous. "Which means you're going to do what I say, like a good little boy, hmm? No complaints?"

Carter gritted his teeth and hung his head, fuck, how did this happen? Why was this happening? He didn't have the answers, he just knew he was fucked, in more ways than one. Reluctantly he nodded his head and resisted the urge to flinch when the tigress purred her approval.

"Good boy. Now drop em, I wanna see what I'm working with here." The tigress ordered, tugging on the waistband of his shorts.

Carter, reluctantly, obliged the tigress and pulled the front of his shorts down, just enough to free his still erect length. The tigress's smiled widened in delight as she fully saw exactly what Carter had between his legs. Without warning she grabbed him by the shoulders and spun him around, her chest pressed against his back, pinning his front to the wall, her paws shifting to his hips to pull them back into hers.

"Oh, I'm definitely going to have fun with you." She said as she nipped at Carter's ear.

The wolf couldn't help but shiver, either from disgust or excitement, he couldn't tell. Her paws ran across his toned stomach before one of them dipped lower. Carter gasped as she gently gabbed his cock, slowly pumping him while purring into his ear. Running away from the hyena had brought back some clarity and had worked to calm his lust addled mind down, bringing him back from the edge, but the tigress was pushing him back to that point again. Her paws were bigger than the hyenas, able to fully wrap his length in one paw, but there was still a lot of him for the tigress to grip and work with.

Carter was momentarily distracted from the tigress's paw to feel a weird tugging sensation along his waist, only realizing that she was pulling his shorts down the rest of the way. They pooled around his ankles before he could protest, not that he could've, the paw pumping his cock and the breath in his ear was enough to keep him more than distracted.

A sharp yelp escaped the wolf as he felt and heard the crack of the tigress's heavy paw coming down on his ass. "Mmf! Nicest little ass I've seen in ages." She growled approvingly, she cracked his ass again and groped it, kneading it through her fingers. Carter couldn't help but whine and pant, this was too much, as painful as the spanking was it had felt surprisingly good, too good! He was getting dangerously close again.

The tigress's paw left his ass, it confused him when she didn't immediately bring it down or grab him again, until his heard a wet pop from her mouth. Was she sucking on her fingers? Why was-

He yelped again and struggled as he figured out exactly WHY the tigress had been sucking on her fingers, she was lubing them up and were now pressed firmly against the soft pucker of his tail hole, circling around the sensitive flesh. That put some struggle into him but the tigress kept him firmly pinned against the wall as she laughed behind him.

"You men always get so weird when a woman plays with your little assholes, you don't even know just how good it feels." She purred lowly, slowly pushing a finger in while Carter choked on air in his panic. "But I'll teach you just how good it is."

Carter tried and failed to fully bite off the moan that escaped though his teeth as she pushed her finger past the tight resistance of his tail hole, partly out of discomfort and, unfortunately, from how good it felt. The Tigress's paws were working in tandem now, her right paw stroked his erect length while the other fingered his tail hole, they were in perfect sync.

He whined and panted at the incredible, yet foreign pleasures he was experiencing, he'd used his own paw before to jack off but this was different, even compared to what Rebecca had done earlier, not only was it someone else doing it but the whole situation only made it hotter, there he was, pinned against the wall while a tigress easily a head taller them him pumped his cock from behind while playing with his tail hole, this whole situation felt like some messed up, hardcore porn shoot!

And it was only going to get hotter as the tigress removed her finger from his rear, he felt her body slide down across his back as she lowered herself to the ground, the paw working his shaft was still going but he was more than a little concerned at what the tigress was doing now.

The paw that she'd been using on his tailhole was now spreading his cheek, giving the tigress a decent view of his loosened rim, why was she so interested in his ass!? He inhaled sharply and tried to bite off another moan when he felt her muzzle dive into his rear and the tigress started licking his tail hole.

It was rough and course, no surprise since it was from a felines tongue. Carter almost thought that it would hurt and he involuntarily clenched at the imaginary pain, but oddly enough it didn't hurt at all, the roughness of her tongue actually felt really good, creating a lovely friction around the tight ring of muscle. Not only that, her tongue, while not as long compared to a canine, like himself, was still long enough for her to get a few good licks in against the underside of his balls, a shiver running up his spine as rough tongue met even more sensitive flesh.

By now Carter was panting and whining, he couldn't help it, this was too much pleasure all at once, he wasn't used to this! When the tigress's tongue finally broke passed the barrier of his tail hole and she started tongue fucking his ass Carter jerked his head forward, accidently bashing his forehead into the tile wall, but that did nothing to distract him from the tigress's assault. He was getting close now, he'd been close for a while, teetering over the edge but the sensation of her tongue and the rumbling in her throat that traveled up his rear and through his spine was the breaking point.

Carter let loose a keening whine, he was about to cum! Before he could the tigress pulled her muzzle from between his ass and used her free paw to turn him around, aiming the tip of his cock into her mouth as she pumped him furiously, timing it perfectly as he finally felt release. His orgasm was like a powerful jolt of lightning running through his body, his legs shook and he was forced to lean against the wall as his seed erupted from his throbbing cock and straight into the tigress's mouth. Not all of it hit the mark, some of it splashed out across her muzzle, an even coating on both her tongue and face.

When he finally stopped cumming the tigress released her grip on his softening shaft, using her fingers to wipe away the excess cum he'd covered her with.

"Naughty boy, got me all messy." It came out as a grumble but she didn't sound displeased.

He couldn't even speak, not even enough to muster up an apology, his brain had been fried by the too intense orgasm he'd just experienced. Seeing how dumbed he'd become the tigress, pulled him off the wall and none too gracefully plopped him down onto the toilet seat. Carter was coming out of his daze and wondered what the tigress was doing. He finally snapped out of it when she dropped her pants, oh... shit. She rubbed her slit with the fingers she'd used to wipe the cum from her muzzle, a soft "oh fuck' escaping her as she did. Before she could come close to sitting on his lap or even fully take off her pants Carter forced himself to stand up and face the tigress.

"I-I want to be on top first." He managed to speak.

The tigress regarded him curiously, probably wondering how he had the audacity to be making any kind of demand, but still curious as to why. That was his guess, anyways.

"I'm... I haven't done it before... so... so can I please be on top first? Please?" He asked.

Her eyes widened and a rumble escaped her, obviously pleased or turned on by the fact that she was dealing with an actual virgin. Something Carter was not expecting, he'd heard rumors that there were some women who were into that, he just didn't expect to actually find one. But he was more than happy to use it to his advantage.

"Aww, well how can I say no to a cute little request like that?" The tigress cooed, she switched places with Carter, but instead of sitting on the toilet she bent forward, paws pressed against the wall as she wiggled her hips at him. "Come on puppy, it's all yours."

Carter swallowed hard, he still wanted to wait, didn't want to give his virginity to a random stranger, no matter how hot she was, but God DAMN was he being tempted right now! Ultimately, he still had enough self-control to know what he was going to do, and it was almost painful that this was his decision.

He lined up behind the tigress, bringing his paw down on her rear with a loud crack, pay back for what she'd done earlier.

"Ooooh! Puppy thinks himself a big man!" She teased.

He teased her with his fingers, running them through her feline slit as he mentally prepared himself for what he was about to do next, he had to do this perfectly, he didn't have the luxury of making her cum like he'd had with Rebecca, this had to be timed to the millisecond.

"Mmf! I'm more than ready, just do it already!" She groaned out.

Carter inhaled and held it for a moment before he let it out slowly. It was now or never, he made to line up his cock with her slit, his tip rubbing against her folds teasingly, something that took all of his will power to not slam himself inside of her to the hilt.

In a quick flash of motion, he grabbed her belt from the pants still around her ankles with one paw and her tail with the other, she was shocked but it was too late as he barely managed to tangle the two together, not enough to be painful, but more than enough to keep her distracted.

"The FUCK!?" She shrieked but Carter was already two steps ahead of her, managing to grab his shorts, evading her attempt to grab him and running out of the stall as fast as he could while quickly pulling his shorts back on. The tigress tried to chase after him but, in her rage, forgot that he'd tangled her up and she tripped up in her attempt, hitting the ground rather hard.

"YOU LIMP DICKED LITTLE FUCKER!" She roared out as he ran out of the bathroom.

Carter ran as fast as he could, his legs still felt like Jell-o but fear and a pissed off tigress potentially on his heels was more than enough motivation for him to bust ass through the park. He didn't stop running, he kept going as fast as he possibly could, he didn't dare look back or try to think of anything else, just the single-minded focus of running home as fast as he could.

Eventually he made it out of the park and was close to his street again, he just needed to round the corner and he'd be home free. But his legs were about to give out, He'd pushed himself too hard today, too much running and sprinting. He needed a moment to rest. The tigress wasn't chasing him, Rebecca was probably still searching for him at the park, or gave up and went home already. What was the harm in a quick break?

Fortunately, there was a bus bench just in front of him. He quickly sat down and leaned back, letting out a huff as he finally allowed himself to relax. His legs hurt, his lungs were on fire, and his nerves were fried. He was absolutely exhausted. Yet there was still the pleasant afterglow of that intense orgasm, it helped to take the edge off of his sore body and made relaxing a little easier.

Carter groaned as he leaned forward again, taking a look at his surroundings. In front of him was nothing but empty plots of land, the only houses were behind him or much farther down the street, most of the surrounding houses here had been torn down over the pass couple of years, most were too decayed to even think of fixing up and no one had started building anything in the meantime. It was strange to see, it was like an out of place patch in the middle of all these other neighborhoods.

Motion out of his peripheral caught his attention, he turned his head and quickly snapped it forward when he realized he wasn't alone. Beside him was Mrs. Beldanna, the older husky was one of his neighbors, one of the ones who kept her distance from him as he'd grown up. In elementary school he'd stop by her house and help her out doing odd jobs and chores, little stuff that a kid could easily do. It made life easier for her and she had someone to keep her company since her husband divorced her some ten odd years ago. It also put some extra cash in his pocket so that was a bonus.

But it was around the time when he started middle school that things had changed. She didn't need him around as much anymore, he'd stop by, ask if she needed any help and she said she didn't, it even felt like she was actively trying to push him away. It had always struck him as odd but more than that it had hurt, had he done something wrong? Was he annoying her? He never knew and eventually stopped checking in on her altogether. That didn't mean they never saw each other, their neighborhood was fairly close, there were always summer parties, gift exchanges, stuff like that, anytime someone new arrived they did everything they could to make them feel welcome. So of course, he saw her at the various events but she seemed to keep her distance, maybe a polite, awkward greeting and then she was mingling with everyone else.

Shit, how had he not noticed that she was here!?

Carter was about to stand up and leave but found that he couldn't, his legs weren't listening to him! Damn it! He tried to stay calm, they didn't need to talk or do anything, right? She was waiting for her bus too, she'd always been a nervous driver and found it more comfortable to use the public transport, so the chances of her sticking around for long were slim.

As if on cue, the number eight bus came around the corner, her usual one if he remembered correctly. It stopped in front of them briefly. A few people stepped off and were on their way, but Mrs. Beldanna didn't move. The bus doors closed and it took off down the street.

What the hell? That was her bus, wasn't it? He was sure that the city hadn't changed the routes at all. Did she need to go somewhere else? But she didn't usually- wait, no assumptions, he hadn't spoken to her properly in years, a lot could've changed. He chanced a look at her and saw that she was fidgeting with her purse, paws gripping and rubbing the strap nervously.

"Wasn't that your bus?" Carter asked before he could stop himself.

She jumped at the sound of his voice and she seemed to snap out of her fidgeting trance "W-what?"

"The number eight bus. Wasn't that the bus you always took?" Carter said.

She looked a little surprised but still nodded her head. "Y-yeah. But I'm going to-umm- a different part of the city today. So... I'm taking the number... thirty bus."

"Ah, ok." Carter said before turning his attention back to the empty plane in front of him.

There was a brief silence between them before she spoke up again. "I'm... a little surprised that you remembered that."


"The bus I usually take." She clarified.

"Oh. Well... When I was helping you out, as a kid, it was always the one you took." Carter explained. "You always said the number eight was the most reliable. The five took you too far into downtown, eighteen always took the dumbest route and the twenty-three was an awful nightmare that you were never going through again."

A small laugh escaped her. "Yeah... I guess I did say that a lot."

"You did." Carter agreed, he couldn't help but smile. It was nice to have a -mostly- awkward free conversation with her again after so long "I think that's how I knew which buses were the best to take."

This seemed to please her, obvious by the fact that her curly tail started softly wagging behind her. Carter was pretty happy too, especially after the impossibly crazy day he'd had. It was a nice breather from whatever the hell all of that was back at the park.

While he was busy thinking this, he didn't notice the older husky scooting closer, he didn't notice just how close she was until he felt her body brush against his. He looked down at her, dread filling him at just how close she was now, she was practically cuddled up right next to him!

"Uhh... Mrs. Beldanna?" He questioned, trying not to sound anymore flustered than he had been already.

"Just Jenny is fine, we're both adults now... right?" She asked, looking up at him curiously.

"Y-yeah. Birthdays today. I turned eighteen." He answered apprehensively, it felt like every time he said that it was inviting more weird shit to happen, the knot in his stomach growing tighter as she smiled up at him and placed a paw on his thigh, coming dangerously close to sneaking up his shorts.

"See? It's fine then. It was cute when you called me that when you were a pup but..." She turned to face him, her paw going a little higher now, brushing through his fur. "You're getting to be a man now... And I'm single, so... Not really a Missus anymore."

Carter swallowed the lump in his dry throat and tried to think of a response but couldn't find the words. The husky leaned forward and kissed him. He gave a soft, muffled grunt of surprise but that quickly melted away as his body reacted on its own. Just like with Rebecca it seemed disconnected from his brain as he returned the kiss, softly, gently at first, but quickly abandoning that route as she parted her muzzle and slipped her tongue in, they both deepened the kiss as they lashed tongues, panting into each other's open mouths.

Another surprised grunt escaped him as she cupped him through his shorts. He broke the kiss and stared at the husky in open shock "Mrs- Uh Jenny!" He quickly corrected himself. He was about to ask what she was doing until she cut him off by squeezing his bulging erection.

She rested her head against his shoulder while she fondled him through his shorts. To anyone else they probably looked like a couple waiting for the bus, and unless they got much closer to see the older husky molesting the younger wolf that's what any resident of the houses behind them or further down the street probably thought as well.

"God, it's been years since I've felt a man like this." She whispered. "So young, so healthy, so... big!"

Carter gritted his teeth, trying to bite off the whine that was building in his throat, he was still sensitive after what the tigress had done to him and even dulled as her groping was by the fabric of his shorts it still felt amazing.

"W-what are you- Hey!" Carter stage whispered as she husky pulled on the front of his shorts and managed to free his erect member. He looked around in a total panic, they were out in the open with nothing to cover them but the rain guard around the bus stop. "Mrs. Bel- Jenny. What are you doing? We're in public" He hissed.

She giggled, amused by his panic, it didn't stop her from wrapping her paw around his cock, lazily pumping him. "So cute, you've never had public sex before, have you?" She asked, taking it as a cue to start pumping him faster.

Carter growled and shut his eyes tightly, almost unable to focus as his still sensitive cock was worked on by the husky. "H-haven't h-had... sex at all!" he gasped out.

"What?" The husky sounded genuinely surprised by the admittance. "Oh, you poor thing... Hmm, well as exciting as the idea of having your first time out in the open sounds, I'm guessing that's not what you want?"

Carter nodded his head vigorously, glad that one of them was FINALLY listening to him!

She hummed to herself as she continued to stroke him, pre oozed from his tip, coating the husky's paw and his shaft until they were soaked. "I still have that appointment today." She said to herself in thought. "A special boy likes you deserves a very special time. Tell you what, stop by my house whenever you want, and I do mean whenever, I'm pretty lonely all by myself. If you do... I'll definitely make it worth your while."

Carter groaned when she whispered that into his ear, fuck this was all too much, everything about today had been too much, but her offer was the cherry on top. Shit, he didn't even know if he'd be able to handle that kind of temptation, just knowing that she was open to him whenever he wanted might just be the tipping point that made him say 'fuck it'.

Fortunately, and to his disappointment, she pulled his shorts back up over his erection, as best as she could anyway. He wondered why she'd stopped until he saw the approaching number thirty bus.

She stood up when it stopped in front of them, discreetly wiping her paw against her skirt. She leaned down to whisper in Carter's ear one last time. "I'm serious about that offer, anytime you're ready and I'll show you a night you'll never forget." With that done she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, smiled at him sweetly and stepped onto the bus like nothing had happened.

Poor Carter was left sitting there dumbfounded, he almost wondered if that had actually happened. Until a group of college girls, obvious by the local university/college hoodies and apparel, got off the bus and stopped, they were all staring at him and soon started giggling. Why were they- FUCK! She hadn't settled him in properly and left him with a huge tent in his shorts! Even as he crossed his legs and pulled his hoodie over his obvious erection they continued to giggle. It wasn't just because they were amused, he was starting to recognize the look they were giving him, the intense stares, the hungry expressions and how they licked or bit their lips.

'Yeah, no, not today' he thought before he forced himself to stand up and start power walking down the street despite his still shaking legs. As hot as a group of older college girls having their way with him in public sounded, he was NOT dealing with that shit after everything else that had happened.

The shaking in his legs eventually eased and he was able to walk normally after a few minutes, he was on his street again and almost home, there was nothing stopping him from reaching his door and closing himself up into his room for-

"AGH! JESUS WHAT THE FUCK!" Carter screamed, flailing his arms as he was suddenly blindsided by a rush of cold water. He turned to the culprit, waving the hose at him as she laughed. Instead of getting mad he instantly perked up and smiled.

"Sam? Holy shit, is that you?" He asked, staring at the bobcat. Sam had been a neighbor and friend since they were kids, she was older than Carter and Amy, by two years and younger than his sister by one, she'd taken off to college shortly after graduating and was rarely home now. So, it was a nice surprise to see her visiting! She was also one of the few women not related to him, like Amy, who didn't hate his guts.

"Yeah, it's me, bring it in big guy." She said, dropping the hose and meeting him half way as she pulled him in for a hug. "Sorry bout that, called your name a few times but you were going all space cadet on me."

Carter smiled nervously and scratched the back of his head. "Sorry, been a... been bit of a weird day."

"Uh-huh, I can tell." She grinned at him, eyes looking down before darting back up.

Carter instantly felt himself turn red underneath his fur, he'd done his best to try and hide the bulge in his shorts but apparently that hadn't gone as well as he hoped. He tried pulling down his hoodie and the bobcat only laughed at the futile effort.

"Hey I can't help it! It just... happened!" He snapped, maybe a little too defensively.

She waved a dismissive paw and blew a raspberry. "Whatever, I'm not giving you shit over it. Two of my roommates are guys and I've seen worse at parties."

He didn't doubt it, she'd kept quiet about most of her antics, didn't want to 'spoil the surprise' when he and Amy started attending. But from the snippets he'd heard when she visited, he had an idea that it could get crazy.

"So! What's mister birthday boy doing walking around? Don't you have a party or something to be doing?" she asked, looking more than a little confused.

"It's- I don't know, nothing was planned and it's just been a really weird day." He explained weakly.

This elicited a shocked look from the bobcat, so much so that she physically recoiled and shook her head as if he'd slapped her. "You're shitting me. YOUR parents, YOURS, didn't plan FUCK ALL for your birthday!?"

He nodded and tried not to feel too embarrassed, he hadn't been making it up about how his parents had always planned something really fun for his birthday.

"Yeah, weirded me out too. I don't know what it is, this whole day's been... Fucking weird." He huffed.

She gave him a sympathetic look. "Shit, sorry man. Maybe they're just planning some big surprise for you?"

"Yeah maybe." Although he wasn't sure if he even wanted to do anything else after everything else that had happened.

"Tell ya what. If they don't have anything planned or if it turns out to be shit, give me a call. You, me, Amy, we'll take a trip to that Bistro place downtown that you really like. I'll even get you a cake and everything." Sam offered.

That actually cheered Carter up and made him smile. "Yeah... Yeah, I'd like that."

She brought him in for another hug, when she stepped back she gave him an impish little grin "And hey! Since you both are adults now and I won't get in shit, I can give you two a preview of how crazy college is. And Spoilers" She grinned, winking at him. "It gets intense."

And THERE it fucking is. Rather than react to someone else giving him more sexual attention, or Sam just fucking with him, Carter simply rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Yeah, maybe we'll do that." He said as he walked off, he didn't get far before the bobcat grabbed him by the wrist and spun him around.

"I'm serious, about the party and the offer. But if Amy's not down for the second half..." She left the sentence hanging, giving him a playful smile and wink before letting go of the stunned wolf.

Carter could only nod his head dumbly and mumble a weak "Ok" Before he turned back around and marched off towards his house.

The second Carter was in his house he locked the door, twisting the dead bolt, the handle, the chain, everything, he was not taking any more chances, before he leaned against the door and slumped to the floor in an exhausted heap.

"Seriously, what the fuck IS today?" He groaned

"Rough day, kid?" Carter quickly stared up to see his dad making his way from the kitchen. The older wolf gave him a sympathetic look before offering a paw.

"Trust me, you don't want to be shaking paws with me."

His father simply smiled and shook his head. "Oh, I can imagine the kind of things you got on that paw of yours, fortunately paws are washable." He said as he took Carter's paw and helped haul the younger wolf to his feet.

They stood there in the entryway, an awkward silence between the two wolves. It was his father that broke the silence with an exaggerated huff. "Well, I'm sure you've got questions."

Carter paled, wait what? Questions? Why would he have questions? Unless... Did his dad know what had happened? Was this related to what his family had been discussing in secret the other night? Regardless of how curious he was he wasn't going to jump to conclusions and he certainly wasn't going to talk about this with his dad, no matter how close they were there were some things he didn't want to talk about with his old man.

"No, not really." Carter lied as he tried to move past his father, avoiding eye contact.

His father crossed his arms and stared at him like he didn't believe it. "So, you AREN'T curious as to why random women started jumping you and were trying to fuck you?"

Carter instantly turned to look at his father, the surprise was clearly evident on Carter's muzzle as the older wolf nodded his head. "Yeah, I figured that was the case. Still sure you don't have any questions?"

"... I might have a few." Carter finally admitted.

"Figured as much. Go have a shower, get a change of clothes and text me when you're done, we'll talk in your room. I'm guessing you don't want to talk about this with your mom or Jessie around."

"You guessed right." While Carter still didn't want to talk about this with his dad, he most definitely did not want to talk about this with his mom and sister!

Carter quickly made his way back to his room, throwing off the running clothes he'd been wearing before stepping into his bathroom, once again grateful that he didn't share one with anyone else since he didn't want to run the risk of seeing anyone else until he had answers.

He intended to have a short shower but after realizing just how many scents were on his body Carter took longer than usual scrubbing through his fur as best as he could. Even after the third scrub he didn't feel or think he smelled much cleaner, but maybe that was his own nose playing tricks on him.

Reluctantly he stepped out of the shower, dried his fur and put on his change of clothes. With that done he texted his dad, letting him know he was done. The older wolf knocked on the door and stepped in, he must have been waiting outside the whole time. He took a seat in Carter's gaming chair while Carter himself sat at the edge of his bed.

Once they were both settled his father took a deep breath, probably some last-minute mental preparation for whatever he was about to say.

"Now, before I begin, a few things you need to hear." His dad started. "Everything I'm about to tell you is the honest, god given truth. I'm not lying, pulling your leg or screwing around. I've been exactly where you are and I know it's going to be hard to swallow but I need you to trust me, are we clear?"

Carter was more than a little surprised, he'd never seen his dad so serious, never heard him start a conversation so seriously either. When he nodded his head, his father continued.

"We... Our family, has an interesting history, I guess." His father said, choosing his words carefully. "What's happening to you, is the same thing that happened to me and your uncle's when we turned eighteen. Same with your grandfather, his brothers, your great grandfather, almost every male in our family has gone through this."

"And... What's happening, exactly?" Carter asked, more than a little confused now.

"You see, we... we're very different from normal males. There's something about us that makes us... special, I guess." It looked like his father was struggling to find the right words to explain this, evident by his next statement. "Screw it, I'm just going to do what Grandpa Jim did and just say it. Carter, you're what's known as an incubus, just like me, your uncles and the majority of men in our family through many, many generations."

He paused, giving Carter a moment to process what he'd just said. He was...WHAT!? "Wait, what? You mean like a sex demon? That kind of incubus"

His father grimaced and bobbed his head back and forth. "Yes and no. We use the word incubus, because it's the easiest way to explain it and because of the similarities, but you are a normal person, nothing evil or demonic, still, you are fundamentally different. It's easier to explain it as a hereditary medical condition exclusive to the men in our family."

"O...k?" Carter was finding this really hard to believe, and more than a little confusing, he was an incubus? "So, what is this medical condition exactly?"

"Well... it actually starts around the time you hit puberty, around the ages of ten to twelve. Incubi secrete special hormones and pheromones that make us almost irresistible, there are limitations and it doesn't work on everyone but think of it like, your body constantly releasing a natural aphrodisiac. When you hit puberty, your body doesn't produce that effect properly, and in fact has the opposite effect, instead of arousing lust you make others, mostly of the opposite sex, distrustful, uncomfortable and wary of you, sound familiar?"

Carter was about to ask what he meant until the realization hit him. It was around middle school when girls started avoiding him, started hating him and not wanting to be around him. When he started going through puberty!

"Wait, wait, wait! So-so you're saying the reason girls didn't like me was because- because of this!? But that's- no, that- that's bullshit!"

"Sorry kiddo. If it's any consolation we all had to go through it, even me." His father stated calmly.

"But... if THAT'S the reason that girls avoided me then why the hell didn't you say ANYTHING!?" Carter snapped. He was angry now, for a damn good reason. For the past six odd years he wondered why girls hated him, why they broke off friendships with him in middle school and proceeded to treat him like garbage. The amount of self-loathing he'd gone through, thinking he was undesirable, disgusting, that no one could ever like him. On top of that his dad had known THE WHOLE GODDAMN TIME!? And DIDN'T say ANYTHING!?

"Because it's the rule." His father said, somehow staying calm while Carter became more enraged.


"Just two. Don't tell our sons until they turn eighteen and avoid telling anyone unless we trust them or absolutely have to."

"Ok, so WHY is that a rule? What's so special about turning eighteen!?" Carter demanded.

"Should be pretty obvious after today. It's when we turn eighteen that our bodies start properly producing the effect, it takes some years for our bodies to sort themselves out, but it's always on the day of our eighteenth birthdays, no exceptions, it's the only part we haven't figured out."

Carter took a deep breath, releasing it as a growl. "Ok, so that's why you've all been weird today. But that still doesn't explain WHY you didn't tell me before, why is that a rule?"

His father looked uncomfortable now, he'd been calm through the explanation, even through Carter's outburst, but this seemed to disturb him.

"Because of how most of you would react if we told you sooner." His father finally said.

"What? What the fuck are you-"

"If I had told you sooner you'd feel a little better about it, right?" his father cut him off. "You'd understand why girls avoid you and generally don't like you and that would make it all ok, for a little while. But imagine everything you've been through until this point, name calling, bullying, being treated like shit, but with the difference being that you know that you're going to become an incubus when you turned eighteen, be honest how quickly would you make a list and start taking revenge? A walking sex magnet that no one could resist? How quickly do you think that would go to your head and use that to hurt a lot of innocent people?"

"Not only that" His father continued, not giving Carter any chance to interrupt. "I said that almost every male in the family goes through this but sometimes there is a rare exception where their body just settles at eighteen, making them normal without any of the incubi specialties, only being able to pass it on to their sons. They went through all those years of shit treatment just to end up being normal. So, imagine if I told you early, promised that you would become sex incarnate and you can easily make up for all those years you couldn't date or screw anyone, then suddenly you're told you don't have it, you're average like everyone else, how pissed would you be?"

That worked to snap Carter out of his anger as he was forced to process everything he'd been told. But he wouldn't do any of...No, there was no way of actually saying for sure, he'd thought of some mean shit he wanted to say or do in retaliation more than a few times over the years. And yeah, he'd been in the position before where he'd been promised something, looked forward to it, only to be told 'too bad' he could see how someone would react badly to that, especially with something as big as this.

"And I get that some of the things they say or do hurts but think about it like this, your body is letting off confusing signals all the time, it messes with them, they can't help it, it's just their natural reaction, can you really blame them for that?" His father asked.

"I... No, guess I can't." Carter huffed, but that did raise a few questions. "Wait, if it's supposed to affect everyone then what about mom and Jessie? And Amy and Sam? They're all girls, so why didn't they hate me?"

"Incubi can't affect anyone related to them, that's why your mother and sister weren't affected at all. As for Amy and Sam it's because they built up an immunity." His father explained.

Now this grabbed Carter's interest "Wait, you can build an immunity?"

"Yeah, but you have to do this when you're young and you have to spend a lot of time together. When you're young you release a miniscule amount of the hormones, it's so little that you don't even notice it. It's when you hit puberty that it starts mixing in with all the other stuff your body produces- I'll get into the big details later, the point is that Amy and Sam were practically joined at your hips growing up, they were constantly exposed to that miniscule amount far more than anyone else was. So, when you hit puberty they were already so used to it that it didn't even register."

"So... Being around me inoculated them?"


Carter frowned, something didn't add up. "Wait, but I just talked to Sam and she... got flirty with me, like aggressively, like everyone else today. Is that possible?"

His father rolled his eyes and shook his head. "No, doofus. She's immune, meaning she didn't hate you and won't be falling at your feet but she's still a woman with a sex drive. Meaning if she got flirty with you, she was doing that because... You know what, you can figure that one out yourself."

"Oh, come on! You owe me for keeping this from me."

"Nope, not touching that one, I gave you enough hints, figure it out yourself. Alright, moving on!" His father said, taking the opportunity to change the topic. "Some basic Incubi one- oh- one you need to know."

Carter growled but figured he wasn't going to get any more out of the older wolf. "Alright fine. What do I need to know?"

"First off, you're going to attract a lot of attention, from both men and women, something you'll need to get used to quickly. The only way to mitigate it and make life easier for yourself is with this." His father said as he held up a pill bottle and tossed it to Carter. "Every morning, an hour before you leave the house you take one. It lasts ten hours and even afterwards it still dampens the effect for a while. That way you can avoid getting jumped all the time."

"Every morning, got it. So, it makes it so I'm... normal? I guess?"

"If you mean not an incubus than no. It greatly reduces the effect but can't eliminate it. Think of it like this, say you see a girl, she's your type and you wanna... you know. Without the medication you'd just need to get close to her, touch her a little and that's it, you could take her right there on the street and she wouldn't care. Now, with the medication you'll need a little more charm and seduction on your end but you'll still probably get laid. Trust me, I speak from experience."

Carter was shocked by that... vivid description, and more than a little grossed out by his own father's admittance, but it also freaked him out a little, it wasn't THAT easy, was it? Although He wasn't sure why he even bothered questioning it, he'd experienced the effects first hand.

"The worlds my oyster, got it." Carter joked, trying to lighten up the conversation.

His father did manage to crack a smile at that. "You might think it's a good thing at first but it's more complicated than that, for example, the second thing you need to know; being an Incubus means you are incredibly virile. You'll produce more sperm and it will be incredibly potent. If they're on the pill and aren't in heat then you're fine. If they're on the pill but go into heat, be safe and use a condom, it turns into a toss-up on if they get pregnant or not, same if they're not on the pill but aren't in heat. Now, here's the important bit you need to know, if they aren't on the pill and go into heat you're fucked. Either use a condom or avoid entirely because they will get pregnant no matter what, even Plan B won't do shit."

THAT quickly wiped the grin off of Carter's face, shit, he had to worry about accidently getting someone pregnant now!? He didn't know how much sex he'd be having but he knew that thought was going to stay in the back of his mind the whole time, great.

"Now, the third thing, and this is big. You're going to become easily aroused from now on, even more so than you probably already are. The problem is if you reach a certain point without release, you'll be stuck like that for hours. On top of that you need to be careful of how much sex you have, or keep a pretty regular schedule. You will get addicted easily and if you don't have sex with someone when you start showing symptoms you'll go into full withdrawal. When that happens, your body will release a ton of incubi hormones in an attempt to attract someone to relieve the symptoms, even with medication it'll be the same as if you didn't take it. And even someone not related to you with an immunity, like Amy or Sam, could be affected."

Carter was now genuinely horrified, none of this sounded good at all! Although it did explain why he'd been checking out Rebecca and where all the lewd thoughts involving her had come from. "What are the symptoms?" He asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

"You'll become unbelievably horny, not even jerking off will help. It might not sound bad but for incubi it's even worse than quitting smoking, you'll get frustrated, you won't be able to focus on anything but wanting to have sex, you'll have trouble sleeping and good luck getting rid of your boner, that fuckers sticking around. Good news is you will get over it eventually and you'll go back to normal once it passes. It even makes it more manageable in the future and it'll take more and more before going into withdrawal again."

"How long does it take to pass?" Carter asked.

His father shrugged. "The first time? 'Bout a week, give or take a couple of days."

Oh, lovely. Fuck.

"Anything else I need to know?"

"Yeah, one last thing." His father said as he scooted the chair closer, placing both paws on Carter's shoulders. "The fourth and most important thing you need to know. As much fun as you'll probably have you need to remember this, you will be dealing and having sex with real people, with real feelings and emotions and lives. Be mindful, be respectful of them. Don't forget that these people aren't your toys or your next lay, they're their own people and deserve that level of respect and understanding from you. Got it?"

Carter didn't speak, his father was being serious and was trying to make sure he knew that it wasn't going to be all fun and games, he could tell that much but there was something else, what he was saying now sounded like it came from a deep, personal level, something he'd experienced himself? Regardless he didn't ask, didn't think it was appropriate, not now, so he simply nodded his head.

"Good." His father said, clapping his shoulder and smiling. "So, any questions?"

Carter thought about it, there was one thing, but it almost sounded ridiculous when he thought about it, on the other hand anyone else would think their whole conversation would be absolutely ridiculous so who knew?

"Yeah, a few things. Earlier when I umm... Got jumped by one of the girls..." Carter felt himself cringe and he felt flushed under his fur, he really did not want to talk about this with his dad. "I umm... I did.... Stuff and I just, knew what to do, is that normal?"

His father's ears perked and he snapped his fingers, as if he realized something. "I knew I was forgetting something. Yeah, that's pretty normal." He swiveled the chair and reached for something, turning around with one of Carter's game controllers, waving it at the younger wolf with a devious grin.

"Consider it like a special cheat code for incubi. It's a genetic memory thing, all the experience we've accumulated over many generations gets passed on, you'll know exactly how to please your partner in every way possible, basically you got the cheat code that lets you perform on par with experienced porn stars."

Carter was only a little surprised, he'd experienced it firsthand so it wasn't that shocking, he'd known what to do without any prior experience and he did it well. Knowing that he wouldn't have to fumble his way through sex for the first few years until he got good at it was actually a small relief. Maybe there was a silver lining to all the other bullshit involved with this.

"Alright, cool. Another question, you said I can't tell anyone unless I trust them or unless I have to, why is that?"

His father gave him a disbelieving look. "You kidding? Do you have any idea the amount of extra unwanted attention you'd get? If everyone knew then their sisters, mothers, aunts and probably even their grandmothers would be itching for the chance to catch a ride with you. I know that sounds good but how many angry spouses, partners and relatives do you think you'd have to deal with?"

"Know what, fair point."

"Not to mention our bodily fluids can be used as a marketable aphrodisiac, that's partly how I paid my way through college, a drop of blood mixed in some water, bottled up like perfume and boom, instant sexual attraction to whoever catches a whiff of it. But imagine someone decides they want to market it on a bigger scale, they'd need A LOT of bodily fluids, they'd be hunting you down, trying to bribe you or even blackmail you, trust me, it's happened."

Carter didn't doubt that, and made a mental note to keep a very tight lid on the subject, with one or two obvious exceptions. "Ok last question. Is it just our family or are there other incubi families out there?"

His father's muzzle curled into what he assumed to be a proud smile. "Always said you were a clever kid. Yeah, there's a few families out there, a lot of them actually have resources and stuff set up for other incubi, to help make life a little easier. I'll teach you about them and introduce you to the people you'll need to know later on."

"Alright, cool."

"Anything else?" His father asked.

Carter thought about it for a moment before shaking his head. "Nah, I think I'm good."

His father nodded and stood up from the chair but rather than make his way for the door he sat down beside Carter and put a paw on his shoulder. "I know this is a lot to take in, a lot to learn right away, I get it, I went through it myself. So, I have to ask, are you ok? No one hurt you or anything?"

Carter smiled and shook his head. "I'm ok, came close to getting in trouble a few times but I'm alright."

His father smiled, relieved that his son was doing so well. "Good... And I'm not going to have any surprise grand pups after today?"

That actually made Carter laugh. "No, they tried but I managed to get away before it got that far."

This actually surprised his father, enough that his jaw went slack as he stared in dumbfounded disbelief. "Are you serious? You didn't have sex at all?"

"Nope, came close twice but I managed to get away, took a trick or two and a lot of will power, but I got away."

His father blinked, processing what his son was saying, looking equal parts shocked and impressed. "Well, I'll be damned."

"What? Is that weird?"

His father shrugged. "A little. Most of us just end up getting so horny that we just go along with it, some of us are too surprised to even question it. The only ones who manage to get past their eighteenth birthdays without getting fucked are the ones who stay home until they get their medication. Very few show the amount of will power that you have."

That actually made Carter feel a little better about everything. If he was able to keep is dick in his pants, metaphorically speaking, when he didn't know anything, then maybe this whole incubus thing wouldn't be too difficult.

"Alright, I've shattered your world view enough for today. Want to talk about something else or do you want some alone time?"

"I think I'd like some time alone." Carter answered.

His father nodded and patted him on the back. "Alright, I'll leave you to it. Love ya kiddo."

"Love you to dad."

With that done his father stood up and excused himself, leaving Carter to his thoughts. When he was sure he was alone and that his father was downstairs the young wolf fell back on his bed, covered his face with his paws and groaned.

Even if he tried to look at the positives, this was all a lot to take in and it had mentally worn him down. Was this going to be his life now? More of what had happened today? He'd barely held up a conversation with a real girl, not counting Amy or Sam, and now he was going to have to deal with them more personally, and probably sexually, on a regular basis? Part of him was excited, make no mistake, but the other part of him was more than a little worried and incredibly terrified at the idea. Maybe it would get easier as time went by?

The sharp buzzing of his phone interrupted his thoughts, he pulled it from his pocket and found that he'd received a text from his dad.

"One last thing! If you don't think you'll be able to handle monogamy that's totally fine, most of us don't usually do it until we get older and even then we still get action on the side. I'll send you some stuff so you can read up on polyamory!"

Carter groaned and then shuddered at the implication of the text, did that mean that his dad- NOPE! No, nu-uh, not thinking about that disturbing thought today!

Shit, he didn't want to think or deal with this right now, at least by himself, he needed to vent, or a distraction, something to take his mind off of things for a few hours... or someone.

He quickly went through his phone until he found Amy's contact info, he hesitated as his thumb hovered over the call icon, was his dad absolutely sure that she wouldn't be affected? It was one thing if it was random strangers but Amy was his best friend, he didn't want anything to happen that could ruin their friendship or potentially hurt her.

Deciding to trust what his dad had told him he tapped the icon and waited. The line rang twice before she picked up. "Hey! Happy birthday dude!"

"Thanks Amy. Hey are you busy right now?" Carter asked.

"Nope, I was actually wondering if I should call you up, do the usual birthday thing earlier today." Their usual birthday thing was to hang out at the others house so they could exchange presents, order some takeout and chill out over a couple of movies, it had become something of a tradition for the two. They usually did it later on in the night, after they had their parties with friends and family, but every odd year they did it a littler earlier.

"Yeah, I'm cool with that. I kinda got something I want to talk about, if that's cool." Carter said, a little hesitantly.

"If that's cool." Amy mocked before blowing a raspberry. "Dude, when have you ever needed permission to vent? Yes, it's cool! Come over, lay it on me and then we'll do the usual, sound good?"

Carter couldn't help but smile, he'd known what her answer would be but was still relieved all the same. "Thanks Amy, I'll be over in a second."

"Sounds good, see you in a sec!"

With that taken care of Carter took a deep, calming breath, mentally prepping himself for the bomb he was about to drop on his friend. More importantly, he was preparing himself in case she didn't believe him, which was entirely possible. He wouldn't blame her if she called bullshit.

He tried not to dwell on it to much as he made his way downstairs, running into his dad again on the way, he gave Carter a questioning look as he headed for the door.

"Going over to Amy's." He said simply.

His father nodded and was about to make his way back to the living room but stopped. "Are you going to tell her about... what we talked about?"

Carter stopped and turned back, suddenly nervous. "Am I not allowed to? It's Amy, it would feel wrong if I didn't"

"No, you're allowed to. I'm not worried about her, just... You know she might not take it well, or believe you."

"I know, I'm thinking of what to do if she doesn't." Carter admitted.

"Well... I guess you could call me up, I'll even say it's not bullshit. If you need to." His father offered.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." Carter said gratefully before he made his way out the door.

Carter cut through the front lawn as he made his way next door, one of the big reasons as to why the two were such close friends, they'd been next door neighbors since they were little pups. It wasn't uncommon for either of them to just waltz into each other's houses unannounced, his parents and Amy's mother were used to it and were always happy to see their 'other kid'

Which is why he didn't bother knocking and simply took out his spare key to unlock the door. He kicked off his shoes near the entrance before making his way upstairs. His body was on auto pilot, simply going through the motions while his mind started racing, thinking about how he was going to tell Amy about this. Should he ease into it? Just come right out and say it like what his dad had done? He was actually starting to get nervous now.

All of these thoughts stopped as he gave a few quick knocks and opened the door, not bothering to wait as he walked in.

"DUDE!" Amy shrieked, covering herself with her paws before Carter slammed the door and backed away until he hit the wall. Fuck! He'd walked in on her as she was getting dressed!

Now that he wasn't lost in his own head, he could smell steam and shampoo lingering in the air, she must've just finished having shower when he called her. But even worse than catching her changing was seeing what she was changing into. She wasn't completely naked but had started putting on a very sexy set of lingerie. Pure white, silk and completely lacy. He didn't even know she even owned that kind of girly underwear, she was too much of a tomboy for him to even consider that she knew what a thong was!

His ears folded back and his tail tucked between his legs as the coyote cracked the door open and peaked her head out, looking more than a little embarrassed and mildly annoyed.

"You could've waited a second." She grumbled.

Carter gave her an apologetic look, or tried to, he was avoiding eye contact. "Sorry... Lost in my head."

She nodded before opening the door wider. She was fully dressed now in skater shorts and a snug blue t shirt. Carter took that as an invitation to enter her room, which, thankfully, he'd been correct. He went over and sat on her bed while the coyote went for the mini fridge, something that he'd helped her buy as a kind of half gift, since they hung out in her room so often to watch movies. It beat sneaking their way downstairs for snacks and drinks.

She tossed him a can of orange soda, which he fumbled and nearly dropped but managed to catch.

"Again, sorry about that." Carter said. He cracked his drink and took a long pull of it, he'd forgotten that his throat was so dry and he greedily gulped down the contents of the can.

Amy huffed and shrugged. "It's cool." She dropped the frown and gave him a devious smile. "So, wanna consider the peek you got as your birthday gift?"

Carter nearly choked on his drink, which made the coyote laugh in response. At least she wasn't too mad if she was poking fun at him.

She sat on the bed next to him and cracked her own drink open, taking a few generous gulps before turning to him. "So, what's up? You sounded like you needed to vent about something?"

Carter stiffened, yep, he was not prepared for this at all. But knew the coyote well enough to know that she wouldn't let him change the subject and would relentlessly pester him until he spilled whatever it was that he was bottling up. Since she was being direct right off the bat it meant that he wasn't going to get any chances to hold off and collect his thoughts.

"Yeah, it's... Complicated, really weird, and you will one hundred percent think it's total nonsense, bullshit."

She snorted and rolled her eyes. "Sure, what, did you get super powers?"

Carter actually laughed, even if she was joking it was still too close to the truth. "Something like that."

"Well don't keep me in suspense! Come on, what happened?"

Carter hesitated for a moment, wondering how he should start his explanation. "Ok, just to be absolutely clear, this is all going to sound like some weird fantasy bullshit. And not even the good kind, I'm talking the overdone, shitty, harem protagonist kind of fantasy bullshit. "

Amy made a disgusted noise and scrunched her face, they both loved animation, cartoons, anime, the whole bit, but God damn did the both of them DESPISE the entirety of the harem anime genre, but that was a rant for another time. For now, he needed to focus on how he was going to explain this to his friend.

"Yeah, so dad dropped a bomb on me today, apparently the men in our family have a medical condition." Carter said.

Amy immediately shifted from curious to worried and concerned, before she could ask anything Carter continued. "Relax, it's nothing too bad, my life's not in danger and I'm totally healthy."

"Ok... So what is it then? Do you need to see a doctor about it or something?" Amy asked, still not entirely convinced that he was fine.

"No, nothing like that." Carter said with a dismissive wave of his paw. "It's... Ok, it's going to sound absolutely crazy but it also answers the big question about why girls didn't like me besides you and Sam."

Amy's ears perked and she definitely looked interested now, no longer showing any kind of worry.

"Dad said, and I promise, PROMISE, that I'm not messing with you, that I'm an.... An... incubus. A sex demon... without the demon part, I think the name was a convenience kinda thing? I think that's what my dad said." Carter said, feeling his cheeks burning and felt himself cringing under his fur, admitting something that sounded like a delusional fantasy was more than enough to embarrass him, especially to his closest friend.

Amy was silent for a few moments before she quickly shoved him. "You DICK!" She screamed before shoving him again. "No, seriously dude, what the fuck!? What the actual fuck!? You say all that, get me all worried and shit, thinking that something is wrong and you pull... this!? The fuck dude!?"

He could understand why she was angry, your friend drops something like that, building it up to be something serious and then it sounds like some shitty story plot, of course she would be mad! Before she could shove him again Carter grabbed her by her wrists and got right in her face. "AMY!" he snapped

She froze, he never screamed or raised his voice at her, never got in her face like this, unless it was absolutely serious. Carter knew this well enough, so he hoped that she actually listened to him.

"It's not a joke, I swear on my life! I really wish this was a joke, but it's not and I REALLY need someone to talk to about this... please?" Carter pleaded. Maybe it was the fact that he'd snapped, or maybe it was the way he started sounding desperate, like he needed her to believe him, but eventually she gently shook her wrists out of his grip, took a deep breath and let it out as a calming huff.

"Alright, start from the beginning."

Which is what Carter did, he told her everything his dad had told him, about the incubi hormones, why girls didn't like him, how she and Sam were immune to the effects, everything that he'd learned. To her credit, Amy didn't freak out, snap at him or interrupt him even once, simply listening to him calmly.

"And yeah, that's pretty much it. After dad told me I kinda needed to vent about it, so... here we are now." Carter finally finished.

Amy nodded her head and looked to be contemplating. Eventually she turned to stare at him. "You...Do know how fucked up this all sounds, right?"

"Trust me, I'm painfully aware." Carter groaned out before flopping onto his back and covering his face again. "It's sounds like a shitty plot to some weird porn series."

"Yeah, it really does." She said with a small laugh. "But... It kinda makes sense. Don't get me wrong, this is all kinds of messed up, but if it's true then it explains why everyone was so sketched out by you."

"Yeah, it's shitty but it did make everything make sense." Carter admitted. "And it is true, if you don't believe me than you can call my dad."

"I will, later, I'm just wondering how YOU were able to accept this all so easily." Amy questioned, giving Carter a curious look.

"Because I fucking experienced it." He huffed, realizing too late what he'd said before bolting upright, hoping she hadn't caught that. Shit, no dice, she was giving him the 'Explanation. Now.' look that he'd seen on his mother's face when he'd done something bad.

"Ok, before you get mad..." Carter started off cautiously. "I didn't do anything."


"No, really. I went for a run and... kinda got jumped by a few people." He admitted sheepishly. "Not all at once, don't think I could've run away if all of them ganged up on me."

She raised a brow but didn't say anything, he knew she was waiting for him to continue. "Alright, so... Again, please don't be mad, I started running and ran into... Rebecca, which-"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Back up, Rebecca!? Track bitch Rebecca who HATES you, Rebecca?" Amy cut him off, obviously shocked.

"Yes! Rebecca! Continuing on!" Carter snapped irritably. "I tried to avoid her, you know just do my own run and all that. Then she fucking ran at me and jumped me, we tumbled into the bushes and she... uh... started... doing stuff."

"What kind of stuff?"

"At first I thought she was going to kick that shit out of me, but then she started acting weird, like, this was not the same hyena bitch who pushed me around. She was doing dirty stuff and she..." He stopped himself, oh he was not ready to tell her about this.

"What? What did she do?" Amy asked, although it felt more like she was demanding an answer.

"She... tried to fuck me." Carter admitted. Oh yeah, he was not surprised to see the coyote's jaw go slack and her eyes going wide.

"SHE WHAT!? No, no, no, you're not telling me everything here, what happened?"

"That's just it, I don't know! Didn't know- whatever! She started grinding on me, got umm... flirty, I guess, she pulled my shorts down and started... giving me a... ummm."

"A what? Handjob? Blow job?"

"Both?" He was sure it had been both, she'd been using her paws and mouth. "Then she got naked, tried to ride me- She didn't get the chance, I pushed her off."

"That's... ok, wow." Amy said, sounding like she was trying her hardest to process this, Carter couldn't blame her, it was hard to imagine it himself and he'd been the one to experience it!

"How did you get away without fucking her? She isn't the type to do anything half assed or stop halfway through." She pointed out.

Carter felt the familiar rush of heat return to his cheeks, avoiding eye contact with Amy. "I... kinda had to use my paws... and mouth- kissing her! I used my mouth to kiss her." He hastily added.

"So... that's it? You felt her up and made out and that's all it took?" Amy asked, giving him a doubtful look.

"Um... I... made her cum twice... with my fingers."

Amy raised a brow at him, still looking doubtful. "It's an incubus thing, apparently. Dad said it was like a cheat code, I'll just... Anything sexual I'll know what to do and I can do it good."

This little tidbit piqued the coyote's interest. "How good are we talking here?"

Carter shrugged. "Like, porn star good. I think."

This shift in the topic definitely had Amy's interest and Carter didn't know why. Maybe it was the fact that they were shifting the topic away from Rebecca, he knew she couldn't care less about the hyena girl.

"So... You're just going to be good at sex, right off the bat?"

Carter gave a nervous laugh. "I... yeah, I guess. It's the only silver lining here."

"Dude, you just told me that you just need to be near someone and they'll drop to their knees or spread their legs for you. You can make any girl cum like it's the most normal, easiest thing to do, isn't this like every guy's dream?"

"Maybe." Carter said, laying on his back again, paws folded over his chest. "I don't know, it feels like there's a lot of stuff to worry about too, I don't wanna get jumped and molested all the time and now I have to worry if I'll get someone pregnant by accident. I haven't even had sex yet and I'm worried about all this crap that could go wrong!"

Amy rolled her eyes before letting out an irritated huff. She moved to straddle Carter, something that didn't bother him, nor did he question it. They were close enough that physical intimacy was normal for them.

"Listen, dumbass. You're getting worked up over nothing." She cupped his muzzle with her paws so he was looking right at her. "If you're that worried then take the medication like your dad said. And pregnancy is something that you're going to risk anyways, wrap it up when you have sex, just... Don't keep worrying yourself over bad things that you can easily avoid."

While Carter was still worried, he did feel a little better now, maybe he was just working himself up, psyching himself out over nothing. He hadn't been in the best mental space today but he was slowly calming down just being around Amy. They had that effect on each other, being able to calm the other down when they were having a bad day or when their minds weren't in the right place. He knew coming to her and venting was the smart choice.

"Alright, I'll keep that in mind." Carter said, giving the coyote a lopsided grin.

The coyote smiled back. "Good." She said before leaning down, resting her head against his chest.

"Kind of sucks though." She added.

"Tell me about it." Carter huffed.

"No, not that. Messed up the big birthday surprise I had for you."

Carter raised a brow and stared at the coyote girl, more than a little curious on what her big plan was. "What were you planning?"

Amy opened her mouth to say something but quickly closed it. Ok, this was weird, she never got embarrassed about anything, she was too blunt to NOT say whatever was on her mind. "Amy, what were you planning?"

She responded by burying her face into his chest and letting loose an embarrassed groan. "I can't tell you after all that!"

"Why not? After everything that's happened today, I doubt you can say or do anything that'll surprise me anymore at this point."

Amy looked up at him, biting her lower lip nervously. "You sure about that?"

He grinned and snorted at her. "Trust me, nothing will faze me at this point."

She stared down at him, hesitating for a moment before she leaned down and kissed him. Carter's entire body went stiff and he gave a muffled grunt of surprise, that didn't stop Amy as she continued to kiss him. Despite his initial shock his body quickly responded and he started kissing her back. His paws found her hips, dull claws gently lifting her shirt to dig into her fur. They laid there for a moment, making out softly, tongues lazily brushing against the others, her paws found his face again and held him.

As quickly as it started Amy broke the kiss and straightened herself up, looking down at the wolf with a mix of embarrassment and arousal on her muzzle. Carter stared at her, dumbfounded over what she'd done, he didn't think she'd ever thought of him like this, that he was someone she'd show interest in even remotely romantically or sexually, he certainly hadn't with her! As confused and excited as he was, he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread, was his dad wrong? Was Amy actually being affected by him, is that why she was doing this?

"What... What was that about?" Carter asked as he sat up, using his elbows for support as he stared up at the flustered coyote.

There was a moment of silence between them before the coyote answered "It's... it's something I've been thinking about for a while." She was obviously nervous, he could feel her shaking against him. "Remember two years back, we were having that big talk about... dating and stuff?"

Carter nodded, he remembered that talk well. They'd been watching some dumb romcom movies and started talking about who their ideal partners were, what they wanted to do for dates and all kinds of other stuff.

"And... you remember what you said when we started talking about things we'd already done and what we wanted to do?" Amy asked.

"Y-yeah. I told you I hadn't even kissed anyone or done anything... You said you kissed Billy Perkton in eighth grade and the week before the talk you let Amanda Corsa play with your tits." Carter said.

Amy groaned and hung her head. "Course you fucking remembered all that." She grumbled before taking a deep breath. "Yeah, Anyways! You told me you hadn't done anything, that you wanted someone to like you first and I... felt kinda bad. We both know how everyone at school treats you so I knew you getting a girlfriend wasn't going to happen... sorry... So, I decided that if neither of us had gone that far by your eighteenth birthday then maybe we could... you know."

Carter was starting to figure out exactly where she was going with this, his jaw hung loose as he stared at the coyote, still flustered and trying to keep herself composed. "You and... and sex, right?"

Amy nodded her head. "Yeah... It's not a pity thing! If that's what you're worried about. I just figured if we didn't do anything by now then, hey, we could be each other's firsts... If that's what you want."

While trying to process this another thought came to mind, something he really should be asking before this went any further. "What about you, are YOU ok with this?"

She frowned at him, obviously confused. "Yeah, I came up with the idea, why wouldn't I be?"

"I know, but I mean... isn't this kinda big? This isn't like a bit of kissing or fooling around, this is actual sex you're talking about. Don't you want to do this with a boyfriend or girlfriend first?"

"I don't really care either way, haven't really cared about how it happens at all, just that it does." She admitted, even shrugging as if it was no big deal.

"And if I'm being honest." She continued, looking a little more nervous than before "I'm a little... scared."

Carter had said nothing could surprise him after today, however, seeing Amy talking about this and looking more vulnerable and nervous than he'd ever seen her in his entire life... it had proven him wrong.

"I get it, it's a scary thing to think about." He said, trying to be sympathetic.

"No, not that. I'm not scared of sex, it's... I'm scared of who I do it with first. Like, what if they act all sweet and everything but when it happens, they're just a total jerk, it's all about them and they don't care about me at all, you know? They don't care that I don't like it, or maybe it hurts or something and they act like I'm making a big deal out of nothing." Amy finally admitted, looking down, away from Carter. "I've heard stories like that and I don't want something like THAT being my first time, ya know?"

Carter understood, more than she realized, he was also more than a little relieved that this was something she'd been thinking about for a while, if this was something brought on due to his new incubus effects than he doubted he could go through with it. But it still raised the question. "Why are you so sure about me then? Aren't you scared I'll be a total jerk or something?"

Amy quickly stared back up at him, eyes wide and jaw slack before she pursed her lips, the teasing's of smile lined her muzzle as if she was trying not to laugh. She ultimately failed and rolled off of him and onto her side as she started laughing her ass off. Carter stared at the laughing coyote feeling more confused by the second until she eventually calmed down enough to actually speak.

"YOU!? Acting like a jerk!?" She laughed again, wiping the tears from her eyes. "DUDE! You don't have a fucking mean bone in your body!"

Carter rolled his eyes and shook his head. "Wow, thanks."

She sat up, getting over her laughing fit, and gave him a playful shove. "That's a good thing, dork. It's also why I'm cool with it in the first place!"

Ok, she made a fair point. Carter knew that if they did decide to have sex then he wouldn't do anything that would make her uncomfortable or look back on it as a bad experience. She was his best friend and it would kill him if he hurt her like that.

He suddenly realized something else. "Is that why you're wearing sexy underwear?"

Amy groaned in response and buried her muzzle in her paws. "You weren't supposed to see that yet! See, that's why you should've waited after you knocked, you ruined the surprise!"

Carter couldn't help but smile and laugh. "Sorry about that, had a lot on my mind."

"Yeah, you told me as much." Amy said, returning the smile.

She reached over and took one of his paws in hers, gently rubbing her thumb against his knuckles "Look, if this isn't something you wanna do or if you think it's too weird or anything like that then I get it. I'm not going to get all weird on you, or force you to date me after, or anything like that. No pressure dude and no hard feelings."

It was a relief hearing that, knowing that if he wasn't cool with it then he didn't need to feel obligated to do anything. Now that he had the chance to think it over, he realized that it wasn't such a bad idea. He liked Amy, and she liked him, maybe it wasn't in any kind of romantic sense for either of them but they still cared about each other deeply. And honestly, it didn't feel like he was just settling on what was available, if that was the case he could've just settled with Rebecca, or the security officer, or Mrs. Beldanna.

His answer solidified he looked back up at Amy, his best friend, the one person he'd been closer to than anyone else, besides his own family. She was beautiful, he'd known that since they were kids, she was such an amazing person that it surprised him that he hadn't caught feelings for her in that whole time. Maybe that was a good thing, who knows what could happen if they dated and it didn't work out, not having her in his life would be the worst possible outcome, but if they stayed friends, regardless of what they did now, then wasn't that just fine?

Amy caught him staring and gave him a playful smile. "Dude, what?"

He answered by leaning forward and kissing her. This time she was the one who stiffened, let out the surprised little grunt, but just like him she started melting. He pulled her closer until she was in his lap again, arms wrapped around his neck. When her mouth parted, he deepened the kiss, eliciting a pleased groan from the coyote. She was clinging to him, pressed right against him, it felt like she was trying to meld their bodies together with how much she tried to get closer to him.

Carter rolled them over until he was leaning over Amy, He didn't break the kiss but he was starting to get nervous now, he was shaking as he found the edge of her shirt and slowly started pushing up, wondering if this was really ok. A burbled moan escaped her as he dug his blunt claws in and lightly raked through her fur. Amy broke the kiss to get her shirt off the rest of the way. Carter could only look down in awe as he saw his friend half naked, the lacy white bra was such a stark contrast to her darker, sandy fur that he couldn't help but stare.

Amy giggled, knowing where Carter's attention had drifted too. "Yes, you can play with them."

Carter was blushing so hard he wouldn't be surprised if his fur burst into flames. Before he did anything else he thought it was only fair to get his shirt off first. As soon as it was around his neck Amy sat up, paws splayed through the fur of his stomach and sides as she slowly started kissing his body, every kiss felt like a little jolt of lightning running through him as she slowly kissed her way up from his stomach, to his chest, only pausing to help him pull his shirt off before working her way up to his neck.

He groaned and a shudder ran up his spine, fuck, this felt way too good, and that was just from a few kisses! He wrapped his arms around her to try and unclip her bra. He struggled for a minute and growled in frustration when he couldn't do it, why was this so difficult!?

Amy grinned at the futile attempt, probably figuring that he had no idea what he was doing, not surprising since Carter had never done anything like this before. She could throw him a bone, just this once. "Pinch the hooks with one paw and rub your fingers." She whispered into his ear.

Carter obeyed, even if he was doubtful that it would work but was surprised when it instantly unclipped, it was that easy!? His small sense of satisfaction, and confusion, was short lived as Amy tossed the bra aside and his mind went completely blank, her perky little tits were on full display. He couldn't stop himself from shaking as he brought a nervous paw up to one of them, they were soft, and warm and....

"Whoa." Carter breathed in awe as his thumb gently flicked over one of her pink nipples. Everything about this was amazing, it didn't matter to him that she didn't have big tits, he was more of an ass man if he was being honest, but the sensation in his paw was still perfect.

He leaned down and started licking her nipple, a small gasp escaped the coyote. She wrapped her arms around his neck and started falling back, urging him to follow her until he was towering over her again. He licked and sucked on her nipple gently, just like with Rebecca he tested a few different things, seeing what she liked most, from the gasps and moans escaping her it was obvious that she was sensitive, although she didn't sound pleased when he went too hard, so he made sure that everything he did was soft and gentle.

He kept his other paw busy as it lightly trailed down her stomach. Amy made a little noise that he couldn't place "That tickles." Ah, she was trying not to giggle too much. Still, he continued down until he reached the button of her shorts. He tried to undo it by himself but was finding it difficult with only one paw, thankfully Amy knew what his intention was and quickly unbuttoned it for him, Carter's heart was pounding in his chest as he slid his paw down her shorts and over her panty clad mound, shit, this was actually happening, this whole time it hadn't felt real, like he was having a lucid dream, but there was no mistaking the heat on his paw coming from between her legs, the slickness that was starting to soak through the silk underwear and covering his fingertips. It was real.

Not only that, Amy was starting to get a little louder, all of her noises had been hushed and quiet until he slid his paw down her shorts, but now her moans were coming out higher, little whines escaped her, she groaned loudly when he circled around where he figured her clit would be.

"Holy fuuuuuck." Amy breathed, head leaning back as Carter continued teasing her.

He pulled his paw out and sat up, Amy gave him a confused look until he grabbed her shorts and looked down at her. He was still nervous, no doubt she could see it on his muzzle, but he needed to be sure that this was ok.

Amy, as always, understood what he wanted and helped him tug her shorts off. Carter took a deep breath, inhaling all the scents coming off of the coyote, she was nervous, excited and incredibly aroused, the scent of arousal only getting stronger as he finally pulled her shorts off and discarded them to the floor. Seeing her almost naked, except for the one piece of silk, made Carter even more excited, but it brought another thought to the front of his mind. Now that he had a closer look it really was obvious that this wasn't the type of underwear she usually wore, as far as he knew she only owned boy shorts and sports bras, she really was that much of a tom boy.

That one small thing made him realize that Amy really had put a lot of thought into this, that she'd been serious about this from the start despite her own worries. Maybe he was overthinking it but it made his heart clench and he was nearly overwhelmed by how much the coyote cared about him. Even though she was doing this for him he planned to make sure that she thoroughly enjoyed herself.

Carter gently spread her legs and dove between them, pressing his nose right into the silky fabric, the firm contact making her moan before he was inhaling the rich, sweet scent of the horny coyote. He tugged the fabric to the side with his fingers, getting a good look at her soaked pussy, her glistening folds looked so inviting and delicious that he couldn't help but lick his lips

"You better not tear them, these were expensive!" Amy playfully chided him with a grin.

"Don't worry, I won't." Carter said before he pressed his mouth to her pussy.

Amy gasped above him as he dove his tongue into her slick folds, licking and teasing through them as he tasted her, she was sweet, a little tangy and a bit salty, absolutely delicious like he'd thought. His body was on autopilot, knowing exactly what to do, how to please her, before it had confused him but now that he knew the reason why it filled him with confidence as he ate her out.

He grunted and buried his tongue in as far as it could go when he felt Amy grip his head, digging her dull claws into his skull. Her moaning was nonstop, echoing in his ears with every confident stroke of his tongue.

Amy squealed as he started sucking and nibbling her clit while he replaced his tongue with fingers, slowly but surely sawing them back and forth, spreading them, curling them inside of the moaning coyote.

"F-FUCK! Carter! Easy!" Amy screamed as she tightened her grip on his head. She tried to push his head when he didn't stop. "Holy shit! Dude!" she snapped, her voice filled with panic.

Maybe it was another incubus talent, reading body language or something like that, but he could somehow tell that Amy was fine, she wasn't angry and she wasn't in pain or discomfort, she was being overstimulated for the first time and didn't know how to respond to it, but he knew what to do. He redoubled his efforts, sucking her clit harder while his fingers curled until they found her g-spot, she stopped pushing on his head as she screamed and arched her back.

His fingers were in her pussy to the knuckles and he bit down on her clit when the coyote reached her first screaming climax, furiously humping into his muzzle as she desperately gripped on his head. But Carter didn't stop, he switched back to tongue fucking her, making sure his teeth were grazing her clit, she stood no chance, he gave her no other choice but to cum for the second time, her juices gushing out and filling his mouth, it was such a rich and intoxicating flavor, he could drink from her forever and never get tired of it!

Carter pulled his tongue out, gasping for air, licking his soaked muzzle as he looked up at the coyote, she was twitching, her breath coming in sharp gasps, now that her paws weren't gripping his head anymore, they were resting on one of her tits and carefully touching her soaked pussy. Wow, he'd really made a mess of her.

He started kissing up the coyotes twitching body, just like she'd done to him, starting from her stomach, slowly making his way to her chest, when he finally reached her neck he whispered. "You ok? Still with me?"

She groaned in response, one of her paws wrapping around the back of his neck as she nuzzled against him. "You... are fucking evil."

Carter chuckled, glad that she was alright, if she actually was upset she'd have slapped him by now. "Wanna keep going?" He asked, just to be sure.

"Fuck yes!" Amy snapped as she forced Carter to turn his muzzle and kiss her again.

Her tongue hungrily lashed against his, her growls reverberated in his throat. Oh yeah, she was fine. He broke the kiss and reached for her panties but Amy grabbed his wrists to stop him.

"Wait." She said, much to Carter's confusion, didn't she want to keep going? "It's my turn." She explained before gently pushing Carter onto his back and started crawling towards him, her paws reaching for his pants and quickly undoing them.

She stared in wide eyed amazement as she pulled his boxers down and his erection sprang free, swallowing audibly as she nervously looked at the long, thick rod of canine meat before her. "Shit, I almost forgot how big you are." She said with a nervous laugh.

Carter was about to tell her that she didn't need to do anything she was uncomfortable with but stopped as she started to lick his shaft, starting from the bottom of his barely formed knot and slowly making her way to the tip. She was still nervous but with every stroke of her tongue she gained more confidence. Carter couldn't bite back his moan as she wrapped her lips around his tip and swirled her tongue.

Amy started bobbing her head, working more of his length into her mouth each time she brought her head down, a shot of pre cum shot into her mouth and she let out a pleased sound, redoubling her efforts. Carter was panting and groaning above her, the silky feeling enveloping his cock and the sight of it buried in his friend's hungry muzzle was indescribably sexy. She paused to tug on his boxers and pants, he lifted his hips so it was easier for her to pull them down before they both managed to pull them off entirely to join the pile on the floor.

She placed her paws on Carter's thighs, subtly making him spread them further. He wondered what she was doing until she dove between his legs again, He gasped as one of her paws began stroking his member while she used her mouth and tongue to play with his balls. She went a little too far down and licked the more sensitive part just below his sack, something she'd taken notice of by the way he'd sharply inhaled and made a point to lick a little lower.

She pulled up to give him a playful grin, her paw still pumping his cock. "Having fun?"

Carter couldn't form words, he could only groan in response, his brain was to muddled and lust addled to even know what to say! She giggled at his lack of words and brought her mouth back to his cock, working with her paw to pump more and more of the canine meat further into her mouth. It surprised them both when she managed to kiss his knot, she let out a pleased and satisfied "Mmm!" while Carter gritted his teeth and squeezed his eyes shut.

Fuck, he wasn't going to last long like this! He was all the way in Amy's muzzle and even in her throat! How was she not choking on him? Had she done this before or did she not have a gag reflex? Maybe both? He couldn't even think about it too much, the coyote's wonderful assault on his cock was almost too much for him to handle.

He was getting close now, he'd been excited for a while now but seeing his friend enthusiastically devouring his cock had pushed him close to the edge, hell, he was surprised he'd even lasted this long!

"A-Amy..." Carter panted, barely able to form the words. "I-I'm-"

She cut him off as she pressed herself down as far as she could go, she couldn't fit his knot into her mouth, although she tried, but he still felt the press of her nose against his crotch.

"F-Fuck!" Carter gasped as he gripped the back of the coyote's head, unintentionally pressing her down. She choked and gagged but Carter barely registered the sounds, he felt his balls tighten and his cock started throbbing as he hit his peak. Thick ropes of seed erupted from his shaft and down the coyote's throat, causing her to wetly choke again at the sudden rush of warm cum being shot straight into her stomach, her claws were digging into Carter's thighs but he hardly felt it as jolts of relief and ecstasy rushed through his body.

As Carter started coming down from his orgasmic high, he realized what he'd down and quickly released his grip on the coyote, she pulled off with a sharp gasp followed by a severe coughing fit that sent a surge of panic through him.

"Shit, holy shit! Amy, are you ok?" Carter asked, hoping that he hadn't hurt or upset his friend.

She coughed a few more times and tried to clear her throat before nodding her head. "Y-Yeah, I'm good. But fuck, dude, warn a girl next time!"

His ears pinned to his skull and the afterglow of his orgasm was soon replaced by a rush of guilt. "S-sorry, it just... happened."

Amy saw the shift and quickly flicked is nose, surprising him, before wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a playful, yet reassuring grin. "Dude, it's cool, chill."

She tugged on him as she pulled him on top of her again, her lips found his and she kissed him, it was slow, reassuring, more to comfort him and let Carter know that she was ok. It was soothing and Carter found that he was enjoying the lazy make out.

He grunted into the kiss and broke it, his erection hadn't gone down and it was starting to get uncomfortable being pressed between them. Amy pushed him off again, only for a moment so she could pull off her panties and spread her legs before she brought Carter back down to keep kissing her.

This was a little more comfortable now but Carter was facing a new problem, his cock was pressing and rubbing against her slit and he was quickly finding that it was unbearable, he wanted to fuck her, wanted to be inside of her more than anything but couldn't bring himself to get to that point yet, he wanted it to be at Amy's pace, wanted her to be totally ok with it before he started doing anything else.

Fortunately, she seemed to be getting impatient as well as she reached between them and gripped his cock, rubbing the tip through her soaked lips. She was shaking again, probably just as nervous as he was. He gently pried her paw off of his member and looked down at her.

"Condom!" She wasn't in heat, he could tell that much, but even still it would be risky if she wasn't on birth control. A condom really would be the best idea.

"O-On the pill." Amy said with a nervous laugh.

Carter instantly felt relieved and it helped to calm his frayed nerves. But they were both still nervous, shit, were they really ready for this?

"A-are you absolutely sure?" He asked, he couldn't hide the trembling in his voice.

Amy didn't say anything she simply stared up at Carter nervously and nodded her head.

"Say it." Carter said. "I need to hear you say it." It wasn't meant to be an order or to sound sexy, he just wanted to know for sure that this was what she wanted. But it seemed the coyote took it a different way.

"I-I want it. I w-want you to..." The coyote mumbled, taking a shuddering breath before she spoke again. "I want you to f-fuck m-me."

It was honestly a surprise for Carter that she'd actually said it, normally, she was loud and extroverted, even blunt if he was being honest, but when she was vulnerable, in moments like this, she got really quiet and it took some effort to pry out whatever she was feeling or wanted to say. He wasn't going to try and push her further, they just needed to take things slowly.

Carter took a steadying breath, trying to calm his body down, he was shaking so badly that he could see it as he barely managed to grip his own cock and lined it up with her pussy. "I-I'll go slow, ok?"

Amy nodded her head, biting her lip in anticipation. When he started pushing in a shudder ran up his spine as he felt the slick heat enveloping his tip. Amy winced and shut her eyes tightly, inhaling sharply as she felt him entering her, when Carter pushed in a little deeper she gasped and her eyes flew open wide. This wasn't going to be easy, it was only his tip and some change but it already felt like she'd wrapped a vice around him, he was almost too big! He really needed to be careful.

There was a nervous, tense energy between them as they started, quiet gasps and groans escaped them both as Carter slowly rocked his hips, carefully pulling out and nudging a little more of his cock into the coyote's pussy with every thrust. Amy was biting down on her lip so hard it had gone white, he was scared she'd accidently rip her lip open at this rate, her paws were gripping at his arms claws digging in until it was almost painful.

The instincts he'd been listening to all this time were telling him that she was still ok, for the moment, they were both tense and nervous so he really needed to take it slow, knowing that they'd eventually calm down enough for real love making soon enough. It helped calm him down a little as he started pushing in a little deeper, still keeping his slow pace.

Amy was starting to quietly moan underneath him, no longer biting down on her lip to his relief. Whispers of "Holy shit." And "Oh my god" escaped her she'd taken nearly half his length by now and was starting to calm down a little, she was still nervous but she wasn't as tense anymore, his instincts had been right.

"S-Still good?" Carter asked. "We can stop whenever you want."

Amy shook her head as she released her hold on one of his arms and brought it up to grip the back of his neck. "I-I'm ok. Keep going, please!"

Another shudder ran up his spine, she sounded desperate, pleading, needy, it made him want to slam into her without holding back but he fought that urge down, they could work up to that, they weren't in any rush. And when they finally did get to that point, he was going to make damn well sure that she was screaming his name.

Carter picked up his pace a little, going a little faster and deeper until he could hear the squelch of her juices and his pre mixing together every time he pulled out of her and pushed himself back in. Amy responded with louder moans and oaths. "God! Fuck! Nnngh!" A shiver visibly ran through her body and her walls tightened around his cock, holy shit, he'd made her cum just from that? It wasn't like her previous orgasms, this one was more subdued, but it still filled him with a sense of pride and satisfaction.

He leaned down and hungrily kissed the coyote, she scrambled to wrap her arms around him and dig her claws into his back as she greedily returned the kiss, panting and moaning into his mouth as he continued to fuck her.

They both gasped when Carter felt her fur meet his own and his knot pressing against her soaked lips, shocked that he'd managed to fit almost the entirety of his cock inside of her. It was at that moment when the realization fully hit him, when he stopped thinking of being careful for just a moment. He was having sex, he and Amy were actually having sex! All the tension and nervousness he'd felt up to this point melted away, when he pulled back and quickly slammed into her, he did it with full confidence. The coyote underneath him dug her claws into his back and desperately tried to kiss him properly through her scream, the attempt was sloppy but that only made it even hotter.

Carter wasn't going hard yet, he knew he was capable of much more than this, he was still keeping an even pace but now he was properly fucking her, no longer was he filling her slowly like when they'd started, this was an honest fucking now. He could tell that Amy was loving every second of it, just like him all her nervousness and tension had vanished, she was trying to move her body in time with his, grinding her hips into his, trying to match the height of his thrusts when he hilted her.

"Fuck! Carter!" Amy whined as she buried her muzzle into his neck.

"Tell me what it feels like." Carter demanded, this time it was an order, he wanted to hear more of her sexy voice.

"I-It- Fuck! It feels good!" Amy moaned into his ear. "Y-you're so b-big, a-a-and it's stretching me oooouuut!" She howled out the last word as he slammed into her, invigorated by her words.

She panted and groaned but quickly resumed her description. "It all f-feels so t-tight! A-and it's warm and w-wet. Fuck! It feels so good! Please keep fucking me, don't stop! PLEASE!"

Carter growled as he wrapped his arms around the coyote's waist and lifted her up, she yelped in surprise before moaning as she settled into his lap, the entirety of his cock hilted into her. She wrapped her arms around him, kissing him vigorously as she ground her hips into his groin. He used his arms still wrapped around her to lift the coyote up before bringing her down onto his cock over and over and over again, it set the coyote off and she screamed.

"CARTER! OH MY GOD! CARTER!" Amy screamed, clutching him desperately as he felt her hit her peak, this was far different from that little mini orgasm she'd had, no, this one was far more intense! She was already wrapped around his cock tightly enough to feel like it was cutting off the circulation of blood but feeling her clenching all around him was enough for his vision to go completely white, she soaked his cock and balls in a torrent of her juices and the only thing he could hear was her continuing to scream his name.

It was the most incredible thing he'd experienced in his entire life!

They were both still for a moment as Amy came down from her orgasm and Carter tried to stay conscious, he hadn't cum yet but it damn well felt like he had! He was nearly as dazed as Amy and they simply sat there panting, their arms desperately wrapped around each other as they tried to recover.

Amy was the first to recover and pushed him flat on his back, paws curling against his chest, she gave him a shaky, but smug grin as she lifted her hips and brought them down hard. Carter's head flew back and he gritted his teeth as the coyote started bouncing on his cock, taking complete control of the situation. While he'd tried holding back so he didn't accidently hurt her, Amy had adjusted just fine and was humping him fiercely with a tempo he'd desperately wanted to do himself.

The only thing he could do was grab her hips and try to match her rhythm, doing his best to meet her when their hips connected, he could barely focus on doing anything else, he was still trying to come back from feeling her too intense orgasm blind siding him. She was so tight and snug around his cock that Carter was sure that he'd lose his damn mind from the pleasure. The only thoughts that consumed him were to last as long as he could before tying with her.

That sent a small jolt of worry through him, could he even knot her? She was on the pill so it was ok, right? Was he too big to try? Would she even be ok with that? He was going to find out soon, he felt the familiar sensation, racing from the tip of his cock throughout his whole body, letting him know that he was getting dangerously close. His knot hadn't gone down much since he'd finished in her mouth and now it was desperately trying to push past her lips every time she came down on him.

"A-Amy! I'm- FUCK!" Carter growled as he pulled the coyote down, wrapping his arms around her as he buried his muzzle against her neck. "I'm getting so fucking close!"

The coyote groaned in response and determinedly ground against his knot, trying to force it past her already stretched lips. Carter whined as he pounded into her, trying to tie her, he was almost desperate, no longer was it a want, he NEEDED to tie her! to seed her, to claim her as his bitch. But he wasn't a savage and he wasn't so caught up in his lust that he was going to do it without making sure it was ok, as painful as it would be for him if she said no, she still had the final say.

"Can I knot you?" Carter growled into her ear. "Please, I'm so close, I need it!"

A shudder ran through her and she whimpered, Carter felt a little disappointed, he should have figured it was too much for her. It would have to be something they worked up to, assuming this wasn't a one time-

"D-Do it!"

Wait, what?

"K-knot me! God! Fuck! Please Knot me, Carter! Please do it! I wanna feel all of you inside of me!" Amy continued to babble on, begging for him to knot and claim her, wanting to feel his cum flooding her, she begged and pleaded for him like a lust drunk whore!

Carter rolled them over and pushed Amy into a mating press. He raised his hips high before slamming them into his coyote bitch. She screamed and arched her back as he held himself in place, the tip of his cock pressed right against her cervix before he raised himself up and slammed into her with another brutal thrust. She was trying to twist away, unable to tell if it felt pleasurable or painful to have her insides battered like this, but he held her firm as he relentlessly hammered into her sopping cunt with everything he had.

"FUCK! GOD! CARTER! YES!" Amy screamed at him between moans. His next brutal thrust had her eyes flying wide open and her mouth hung open in a silent scream. That last thrust had tied them completely.

It was wedged in so tight that there wasn't a snowballs chance in hell of him pulling out until she was properly seeded. She was so tight around his knot that his eyes started watering, it was the perfect mix of discomfort and pleasure all at once. He ground into her, trying to coax his knot further. Amy had stopped screaming, hell, he wasn't even sure if she was breathing! Her eyes had rolled into the back of her head, her tongue was lolling out the side of her gaped jaw, he damn well broke her!

Carter pounded into her desperately, he couldn't pull out anymore but he was still able to nudge his cock deeper into her clenching pussy, battering her poor cervix until she took a deep, shuddering breath and became nothing but a babbling, incoherent mess of screaming and moaning. Carter pushed as deep as he could go when he felt his balls tighten and let out a shuddering gasp as the first rope of seed erupted from his throbbing cock, he instinctively humped into her with every rope of thick, virile cum that followed, filling up the coyote until he was sure that his cum was soaking into her very womb.

Being seeded had set Amy off and she screamed as loud as she possibly could, it was so loud that Carter's ears had no choice but to fold back from the painful assault. She came again, a jolt so powerful that even Carter felt it, ran through her body and she squirmed underneath him, her walls clenched around his still throbbing cock, coaxing even more of his plentiful seed from him.

They were both panting and shaking by the time they'd finished, neither of them could move, the afterglow was just as intense as their orgasms. Carter did have the mind to eventually roll them over onto their sides, not wanting to crush the coyote with his full weight. Arms wrapped around Amy in a comforting hug.

"Hoooly fuck!" Amy finally gasped out once she'd mostly stopped panting, breaking the silence.

"I-I know." Carter huffed back. They were silent again, save for the sound of breathing and quiet panting, before he eventually broke the silence again. "That was-"

"Wow." Amy finished for him.

He definitely agreed, "wow" was right. They lay there, cuddling with each other, basking in the afterglow and simply enjoying being in each other's arms and the comfort it gave them.

"You... You're ok, right?" Carter asked, some of that nervousness returning.

Amy let out a tired giggle as she nuzzled into his chest. "Fuckin great."

"I wasn't too rough?"

She snorted and laughed again. "A little, I guess, but I liked it. That was... fuck, wow." Amy breathed.

"Mmm" Carter agreed, he really had no words for how incredible that had been. Everything about it had felt amazing and wonderful, better than he'd ever dreamed it would.

There was something strange bugging him, now that he'd finally calmed down, he didn't feel as exhausted as he thought he would, it even felt like he could keep going. Something that would be a little difficult considering he was still tied with Amy, his knot hadn't even started to go down and he was still as hard as when he came, more sex would be almost impossible until he withdrew... but maybe there was something else they could still do.

"Hey, I kinda have a crazy idea, you interested"

"Mmm?" Amy hummed, looking up at him. "Depends, what'd ya have in mind?"

"Something that's going to make you feel really good and probably cum a lot."

From the way her walls clenched around his cock he knew she was interested. "It's going to be a little tricky but I promise it's going to be awesome."

"Don't keep me in suspense dude!"

Carter laughed at her enthusiasm, he wasn't surprised when she squealed from him quickly flipping them over, seating her on top of him again.

"Here's the tricky part, you need to... ummm." Carter looked away nervously, feeling his face burn in embarrassment, they hadn't spoken much when they were fucking, save for oaths and few other things, giving directions sounded a little weird at this point. "Try turning around on my dick and facing away from me."

This earned him a curious raised brow from the coyote but regardless she simply sat up and shrugged. She started twisting her body, inhaling sharply as she felt his cock stirring around inside of her. "L-like this?"

Carter groaned and nodded his head. "Y-yeah! Just like that." She had some difficulties turning around with his knot keeping her nice and plugged, but she eventually managed to do it.

She looked back at him over her shoulder curiously and frowned. "Sooo what's the idea? This is... kind of uncomfortable."

Carter grinned as he started sitting up, pressing his back against her head board. "Just lean back and try not to squirm too much."

She complied and soon enough she was sitting in his lap, back pressed to his chest, tail firmly trapped against his stomach and her head resting on his shoulder. Her knees were locked together with her feet on the mattress, probably to keep her from losing her balance but his idea wouldn't work if she did that. Carter readjusted his body, hips sinking a little lower, legs slightly spread, knees up with his feet firmly planted in the mattress. Amy yelped and wrapped her arm around his neck to keep steady when he grabbed the back of her knees and spread her legs until they were wrapped around his.

If anyone walked in on them like this they'd be treated to the sight of her bulging pussy and the outline of his knot, something that gave them both more than a little thrill. "O-Ok, this is kinda hot." Amy said, giving him a shaky laugh.

Carter chuckled as he wrapped his left arm around her, his right paw reaching around and settling between her legs. "Here comes the fun part."

Before she could ask what he'd meant by that, his fingertips found her clit and started circling the sensitive bean. Amy inhaled sharply and her arm gripped him tighter.

"O-oh! Shit!"

Carter couldn't help his smug grin as Amy instantly reacted to his touch, breathing heavily, whimpering and shaking against him. He tightened his arms grip and his pads rubbed her clit a little harder, the poor coyote was panting and whining as Carter quickly stroked the little bean.

"Wait! Carter! Too-Too much!" She whined desperately at his fingers torturous assault. Her free paw tried to pry his from between her legs but she was too shaky to put in a serious attempt. Not that he could blame her, his fingers were pressing down on her poor clit while is knot stimulated it from the other side, the poor girl had no choice but to endure the jolts of pleasure that were being forced through her body.

Amy leaned her head farther back, giving Carter a good look at her expression. Her eyes weren't completely closed, fluttering every time she tried, her mouth hung open and her tongue was lolling out the side, she looked like a dog in heat.

She was getting close again, Carter could feel it by the twitching of her walls and the steady stream of juices that managed to break past the tight seal to drip down his balls. She screamed as he stroked her as quickly as his paw could manage.

"FUCK! SHIT! FUCK! OHMYGOD!" Amy screamed, the only thing she seemed capable of doing. But even when her first orgasm hit her, sending lovely lightning to rip through her nerves, and making her cunt clench painfully around his still trapped cock, Carter refused to ease up.

"NO! OH MY GOD! WAIT!" Amy pleaded but Carter didn't let up, he kept up his vicious assault and refused to slow down. The coyote was damn near hyperventilating, heaving in air as quickly as her lungs could empty it, tears were forming in her eyes from the sheer overstimulation she was experiencing. She gripped Carter's arm and tightened her hold around his neck as her second orgasm hit her.

When he still didn't slow down Amy really started to beg. "Oh my god! Carter-it's too much! Please! TOO MUCH! FUCK-" She cut herself off, choking on air as her third orgasm tore through her poor body. Carter was almost scared she stopped breathing until she took in a deep, shuddering breath and let loose a keening whine.

By the time her fourth orgasm hit his knot was so lubed up from her juices that it actually popped out of her much to his shock, spraying across her bed and soaking his lap with the combined mixture of their cum, she was so limp that all she could do was whine and whimper when it happened.

Carter continued this, even when the coyote could only whimper and whine, when she caught her second wind and tried to free herself from his grip crying and begging for him to stop, when all she could do was groan and was reduced to a twitching, drooling, limp mess in his arms again, he still kept going. He lost count of just how many orgasms he'd forced out of her but he was sure it was something around eight or nine.

Eventually his arm got tired, his entire right paw felt like it was on fire from the strain he'd put it through. He flexed it a few times and winced, yep, that was going to hurt tomorrow. He rolled Amy off of him and took a good look at her.

Holy shit.

The fur between her thighs was absolutely soaked down to her knees, she was breathing heavily, making incoherent noises, random jolts ran through her body, seemingly the only movement that came from the poor girl. And her face, her eyes were barely open, red from crying and completely unfocused, an excessive amount of drool coated the underside of her muzzle and into the fur of her chest, she was barely conscious!

A rush of guilt and horror filled Carter, what the fuck did he do!? This wasn't something he should've done to her the first time she had sex! This was something he should've waited to do until she was completely ready. God damn it, what the fuck was he thinking!

But he knew the answer, he hadn't been thinking, he thought it would be a fun little idea at first, but once he'd started instinct took over, telling him to keep going, not to stop until she ended up exactly like this.




He almost considered leaving, scared of how she would react once she recovered, but he knew he couldn't do that, he couldn't leave her like this... He should at least get her some water, she'd lost a lot of fluids. He made to get up but felt his tail catch on something. He turned to see Amy weakly gripping his tail, she tried to say something but it came out as garbled gibberish, even still he understood what she wanted.

He leaned over her and kissed the top of her head. "I'm not going anywhere, I'm going to get you some water, ok?" he gently whispered into her ear.

She made another noise and he assumed she was nodding her head. She didn't stop him when she tried getting up again. He grabbed a bottle of water from her mini fridge and returned to the bed, working to prop Amy into a sitting position, she was all dead weight and it took some effort to get her sitting up, but he managed to do it by having her lean back against him again. He uncapped the water bottle and held it to her muzzle, doubting she'd be able to even hold it with her own shaking paws.

When she started sipping Carter spoke to her soothingly. "That's it. Good girl. Nice and slowly." He couldn't help but notice and feel the weak wag of a tail against him, it worked to bring a small smile to his face and eased some of the guilt, glad that it was helping to calm her.

After he was sure she'd drank enough he laid down next to her, she barely managed to turn over and curl herself against his chest, clinging to him, nuzzling herself against him. He wrapped his arms around her, paws gently stroking her back while he whispered soothing words to her.

He didn't know how long they were laying there but after what felt like an hour Amy let out a whine. He looked down and saw her staring up at him, she looked embarrassed and ashamed, although he couldn't figure out why, he should've been the only one feeling ashamed of themselves.

She whined at him again and he squeezed her, holding her close to him. "I'm sorry. I don't know what that was, are... are you ok?"

She shook her head and buried her muzzle into his chest, another soft whine escaped her. Carter felt awful, she' never acted like this before, never been brought to this point. It sucked but he knew that he deserved whatever she was going to say to him later, no matter how bad it was. This hadn't been ok, he should have just left it when they finished having sex, but no, he just HAD to try more.

"Carter." Amy whined at him again.

"I'm sorry. I went too far, that wasn't ok, I'm so sorry." Carter said as he held her.

Amy shook her head and pushed him so she could look up at him, she was... wait, was she pouting? "You broke me." She grumbled.

.... What?

When he only gave her a deeply confused look in response she let out an irritable groan and rolled her eyes at him. "I said you broke me, asshole." Emphasizing it with a smack to his chest, although it barely hurt.

"I'm... sorry?" Carter was still confused, was she upset? Angry? He really couldn't tell, this was new territory for him and he didn't know what to do or say. "Look, if that was too much then I promise I won't do it again, I'll-"

"NO!" Amy snapped at him with a surprising burst of energy, she wasn't angry, in fact she looked down right panicked, as if this was the worst possible outcome. What the hell was going on?

Carter sat up and Amy did the same, although it took some effort on her part, her whole body probably felt like jelly at this point.

"I'm... confused. Are you ok? Am I in trouble?" He asked apprehensively, unsure of how to proceed.

Amy dropped her head and let out an aggravated growl. "Fucking dork." She grumbled under her breath before she brought her head back up, took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "You broke me. Do you know what that means?"

He shook his head in response but he had the feeling he was going to find out.

"It means that I'm NEVER going to have sex like that again!... At least with anyone else besides you. It means that I'm not going to find ANYONE who can do the shit that you just did. Know what that means?"

She didn't even give him the chance to respond as she jabbed a finger into his chest. "It means that YOU are taking responsibility for that. It means that YOU are going to fuck me whenever I want, wherever I want. YOU do not get to make me see God him-fucking-self and get to back out after that, uh-uh, noooo fucking way! You're mine now."

The only thing Carter could do in response was to stare at her blankly, had he heard her right? He'd done all of THAT to her and... she still wanted MORE!? His mouth opened and closed, trying to say something, anything, but the words died on his tongue. Shit, he had to say something, right!?

"So... Does that mean we're dating?" Smooth Carter, really fucking smooth...

Amy let out an exasperated groan as she thumped her head into his chest. "Oh my fucking-" She muttered before pulling back, trying to stay calm but was clearly losing patience. "No, that isn't what it means. I'm not ready for something like that. What it DOES mean is that we're going to stay friends, but you're going to dick me down whenever I want."

In all honesty he was just glad that she wasn't angry with him, despite the weirdness of the conversation this was getting into more familiar territory, something that was starting to put him more at ease. Carter processed her explanation for a minute before coming up with a response. "What about when I want it? I don't think that's fair that only you get to decide when we fuck."

To his relief the coyote gave him a cheeky grin and a boop on his nose, it was enough to completely calm him down. "You'll have to work for it, dick head."

"Oh? I don't think that'll be a problem." Carter said as he buried his muzzle against her neck and started kissing her, smiling when he heard the all too familiar gasps and soft moans escape her lips.

She pushed him back and stared him down. "Nu-uh, easy boy." She tried to sound serious but he knew it was a half-hearted attempt, even still he complied, he'd done enough to her today and was simply too damned relief to want to do anything further, in case he actually did piss her off.

But it still begged the question. "But you're ok, right? You're not upset or mad at me or anything like that?"

The coyote tried not to roll her eyes this time as she got in Carter's muzzle. "Ooohhhhh, I'm so, so mad at you! Fucking my brains out and making me cum a million fucking times, such a horrible evil thing you did, I'm soooo angry." She mockingly scolded him before a wide grin broke out across her muzzle and she kissed him on the nose. "Relax goof, we're good."

"Just had to make sure." He said with a small laugh.

"And that's why I love you." She said as she kissed his nose again and wrapped her arms around his neck for a hug. "Now help me up, I need another shower and I'm not fucking walkin."

Carter obliged the coyote, figuring she deserved that much. She kept her arms wrapped around his neck as he dragged her to the edge of the bed before scooping her into his arms in a bridal carry. He carried her out of her room, down the hallway and to the bathroom.

He sat Amy down on the toilet so he could start the shower, the coyote grinning and staring at him the whole time.

He smiled back at her and gave her a questioning look. "What?"

She shrugged, still smiling. "Nothin' just admiring the view." Staring at his body up and giving him a very obvious once over.

He shook his head but continued to smile regardless. He bundled Amy into the shower and joined her once the water was hot enough, wrapping an arm around her middle to keep her steady while squeezing a generous amount of soap into his paw from the wall dispenser and started working it through her fur.

"Joining me in the shower, someone's getting full of themself." Amy teased.

Carter snorted as he continued his work of lathering up the coyote. "Unlike you I have to go home and I know my parents will notice that I reek of you."

She let out a barking laugh as she turned to face him. "Dude! You made me fucking drench you! I'm sorry but you're probably never getting my scent off of you, that shits for life now."

"Eh, doesn't hurt to try."

"Good luuuck." She said in a teasing, sing songy voice.

They were mostly silent as Carter did his best to wash her, scrubbing as best as he could with one paw so that she wouldn't reek of sex, God help them both if her mom came home and smelled THAT on her. It was going to be difficult to scrub himself clean but Amy seemed to be one step ahead of him, turning around and reaching past him for the soap dispenser so she could start lathering him up.

They were still silent, save for the odd appreciative rumble from Carter as she expertly worked her paws through his fur, she really did have great paws, it felt more like a massage then a scrub down. She clearly seemed to be enjoying it as well if the wag of her tail was anything to go by and the way she started humming to herself, simply content with washing him down.

Although she wasn't completely content, not until she reached lower and grasped his semi erect cock in her paws and teasingly stroked him.

"Rrf! Easy now, I will fuck you in this shower." Carter said, it was mostly playful but hinted an underlying warning. She'd told him, more or less, to calm down, but if she kept this up then he wasn't going to be able to hold himself back.

Amy looked up at him, giving him her most innocent puppy eyed look. "Promise?"

Oh, so that's how she wanted to play it? Carter grinned as he turned her towards the wall, pinning her by her front against the tiles, she pushed her hips out in response and playfully wiggled them, further teasing him. He was already hard again and it wasn't difficult to find the still sopping entrance of her pussy, in one smooth motion he was inside of her again.

Amy moaned to the wall and arched her back as she once again felt his full length inside of her. Unlike before when he'd been gentle out of necessity Carter was simply enjoying the feeling of slowly fucking her severely used pussy. Something the coyote obviously appreciated.

"Ah fuck, yes, just like that." She cooed at him.

He pressed his muzzle into her neck, biting and kissing her playfully as he gently worked his cock in and out of her, the slap of his hips against her rear being emphasized by the water soaking into them. This was closer to love making now, an odd thing Carter realized since there wasn't any romantic love involved, but there was still love. He loved Amy, he really would do anything for her, and if she wanted this new level of closeness from him in their friendship then he was more than happy to give it to her.

His paws found her hips and he picked up his pace, pulling the coyote's rear against him to match the timing of his thrusts, he didn't want to be in here forever, as much as he enjoyed it, but they were defeating the purpose of why they were even having a shower. Oh well, they could afford five more minutes, as long as he didn't knot her.

It wasn't long before Carter felt himself edging closer to an orgasm, it struck him as odd, he'd lasted a lot longer than this when they were having sex, hell he'd lasted a lot longer during all the other shit that had happened today if he thought about it, but now it was as if his body was reacting to what his mind wanted, was this another incubus ability? Some level of control over the timing of his orgasms? Huh, that would be something worth looking into. He'd have to ask about it later.

A growl escaped him as he unintentionally bit down on Amy's neck a little harder, his orgasm catching him by surprise as he shot another heavy, thick load into her pussy. That had been a little too quick for his liking... but it was something he and Amy could work on later, making sure he had perfect control over this.

Speaking of the coyote, she turned to look back at him with a pout and puppy dog eyes again "No knot?" she asked, sounding more than a little disappointed.

He shook his head and gave a weak laugh. "We'd be stuck here for ages and we need to get dressed."

She didn't look completely satisfied by his answer but nodded her head regardless. Carter kissed up from her neck to her ear and whispered. "You'll get this knot again soon, don't worry." That seemed to perk the coyote up as she gave a pleased hum and her wagging tail smacked against him.

It was a little extra work cleaning themselves up again but eventually they were out of the shower and completely dried off. Carter decided he would entertain the coyote a little more by carrying her back to her bedroom, something she very much enjoyed. When they entered her room the coyote grimaced at the state of her soaked bed.

"Oof, that's going to be a bitch to clean."

"A problem for later?"

"A problem for later." Amy agreed as he sat her down on the edge of her bed.

Grabbing their clothes off the floor and passing Amy hers was easy enough, getting dressed was even easier for Carter but Amy needed some help. Her legs were still shaky and he had to hold her up so she could get her panties and shorts back on.

When they were finally dressed she fell back and let out a tired groan. "I am fucking beat!"

"Yep, well you better get ready for a long night." When she frowned at him he held up his phone. "Dad texted me, said that I should get home in an hour so we can have dinner, they want you to be there. We'll have to do the movies later."

Amy made a disgusted noise as she fell back again and rolled onto her side. "Fuuuuuuck."

"Sorry, dude." Carter said as he sat beside her. "Hey, they gave us an hour, you should be able to walk by then."

She blew a raspberry and stuck her tongue out at him, he did the same but also flipped her off. She mocked offense and grabbed her chest dramatically. "Bruh! So rude!"

An hour went by and just like Carter predicated Amy was able to walk again just fine, it didn't stop her from complaining, saying that she was exhausted and just wanted to pass out, something he couldn't blame her for since he'd been responsible for making her so tired. But she soldiered on and soon enough they were leaving her house, not before tossing her blanket and sheets in the wash, better safe than sorry.

She was still little shaky as they crossed the short distance to his front door, she was walking a little funny, something that concerned Carter, he wasn't worried that he'd hurt her or anything like that, he'd heard enough stories and read enough stuff online to find that this happened with really good sex.

No, what really concerned him was that his parents would know right away what they'd been doing. It wouldn't have been hard to figure out, even when he came home smelling like Amy, he'd never had her scent stick this strongly to him before, not to mention they were freshly showered and of course the way she was walking. And of course, all this incubus shit. Shit, they were going to know!

Carter was only broken from his thoughts as he realized something else, there were a lot of cars parked in the drive way and a few more on the street then when he'd left earlier- wait, he recognized most of these cars! He felt a rush of giddy excitement that quickly came crashing down and turned into terror as he realized what they were about to walk into.

"Oh... Fuck." Carter said.


"That's a lot of cars." Carter pointed out, surprised Amy hadn't noticed it herself.

However, once she got a good look at all the cars recognition hit her and the same terror splayed across her muzzle. "Shit. We're screwed."

"I think we're well passed that" His attempt at trying to downplay their soon to be mortifying situation into a joke earned him a swift smack across the chest, that one actually hurt.

"Are we actually doing this? They're going to know."

Carter let out a defeated huff and shrugged his shoulders. "Pretty sure they would've figured it out at some point, may as well just get it over with."

She didn't seem to like his answer but continued beside him regardless. When they reached the front door she took a moment to squeeze Carter's paw before taking a deep breath.

He turned to look at the coyote. "Ready?"

"Fuck no."

"Good enough for me." He said before opening the door.

They didn't hear anything as they walked inside, all of the lights were off, but as soon as they kicked off their shoes and turned on the lights in the living room the two of them were instantly blasted with confetti and the honk of party favors filled the air. "SURPRISE!"

Despite the dread he was feeling Carter still broke out into a toothy grin as he saw all of his family excitedly standing in the center of the room. All of his uncles, aunts and cousins took turns greeting him, giving him hugs, claps on the back or shoulder, kisses on the cheek and the occasional hand shake. His grandpa, a complete bear of a wolf who, despite being sixty-five could easily pass for a fit forty-year-old, enveloped Carter in a bone crushing hug.

Before releasing the poor younger wolf Grandpa Jim whispered into his ear. "Yer daddy told ya already?"

"Yep." Carter grunted, trying his best not to suffocate. "Amy knows too." He added.

Grandpa Jim pulled back and gave the two younger canines a surprised look before a broad grin spread across his muzzle. "HEY! The girly knows! Filters off!" He announced to the rest of the family.

A majority of them whooped and cheered but there were a few that looked more than a little surprised. His dad was shaking his head and rolled his eyes but looked amused regardless. Amy simply gave Carter a worried, confused look to which he could only respond with a shrug.

Soon enough they were being seated and Carter was being bombarded with questions, mostly by his uncles and male cousins.

"How many jumped you today?"

"Get into any trouble?"

"What kind of crazy shit happened?"

"Did ya pop that cherry yet?"

The questions were down right embarrassing, so much so that he could barely respond to any of them without stumbling over his words, and they just kept coming!

"Course he did, did ya smell them?" Grandpa Jim piped in, answering the previous question before Carter could. The entirety of his family roared with laughter before they started congratulating Carter while he and Amy sat there completely mortified.

"Oh hush up! Can't ya see the poor girls going red as a tomato! I know I taught you boys better than that!" Grandma Maggie sternly snapped, thankfully quieting down the rowdier members of the pack as they offered sheepish apologies.

Soon enough it calmed down and they were having regular conversations, talking about family stories, how life was going, a few brought it back to the incubus topic but it was mostly to give Carter some advice or to recount their own eighteenth birthdays.

Currently his Uncle Dom was regaling them with the tale of his eighteenth birthday.

"So I'm getting ready to go out, heading out the door and all that, and ya know how it goes, we all get weird around each other on 'the day'." There was a pause as everyone laughed and nodded their heads in agreement. "And we don't want us new ones running out without knowing, but dad wasn't home yet and they had no reason to keep me in. SO! I walk out the door and I see our neighbor, Mrs. Jackson, wearing nothing but her itty bitty robe and I go over ta say hi, be nice and all that. And before I fucking know it she's dragging me into her house, ripping off my clothes and I'm just thinking 'This is the best birthday of my damn life!'" Another round of laughter and a chuckle from Uncle Dom before he continued.

"It's gotta be damn near the end of the day before we're done, we're just lying in bed and smoking, because when the sex is that good you just gotta smoke! When suddenly her husband, her fucking HUSBAND, comes in with a god damn shot gun! Now let me tell you, I never ran much before that so it came as a damn surprise when I'm running out like an Olympic sprinter going for gold. Didn't even bother to grab none of my clothes, I just jumped out the window and into the bushes below before I haul ass back to the house, down the street, butt fucking naked, while he's screaming at me about how he's going to shoot my dick off!"

"That ain't even the best part! Back then I was kinda dumb, ya know? I think I can go over, apologize and maybe keep shit from going bad between them, because they were a such a good couple! And maybe get my stuff back. I get there, ask him not to shoot me and this guy just- I shit you not, he sat me down and asked me if I could fuck his wife again!"

Dom gave everyone a moment to laugh, holding back giggles himself, before he continued the story. "No shit! He'd never seen her fucked out like that before and he thought the whole thing was kinda hot, so ya know, I did it. Don't get me wrong I was half expecting him to shoot me in the back, but no! This fuckin pervert just watches and jerks himself off as I'm fuckin his wife and I'm thinking 'Ya know, I should get paid for this!' And that's how I lost my virginity and then cucked some guy for the next three years because he asked me to!"

The whole family was roaring in laughter, even Carter and Amy were wiping away tears from just how hard they were laughing, the good thing about Uncle Dom was that he was a brilliant comedian, even if it was just for his family. A few more members told their stories before Grandpa Jim nudged Carter and spoke.

"Don't be sittin' there all quiet, tell us what happened today!"

All eyes turned to Carter as he sat there frozen, shit, he hadn't even told his dad what happened! And now they were expecting him to tell them everything? He knew his family was open about their personal lives and stories, he just never figured he'd be asked to tell something this embarrassing. Not to mention Amy was still sitting beside him, worst, she looked interested and was practically begging him with her eyes to tell the full story.

With a defeated groan Carter stood up, with some good-natured claps and cheers from his family. He raised his paws to quiet everyone down and hoped he wouldn't stumble over his words, fortunately he wasn't too worried about how descriptive he should get, everyone had been descriptive to varying degrees from vague to downright explicit.

"Alright, uhh, sooo, it's weird how it started. I was sitting in my room, playing video games and I'm bored as shit, ok? Like, my mom, dad and sister are being super weird about today and me leaving the house." He looked over to them and saw that they looked more than a little embarrassed themselves.

"Anyways, I'm bored and thinking I should go for a run, which was my first mistake." A round of quick laughter before he continued. "So, I'm at the park, stretching, getting ready to run, when one of my classmates, who has been a total BITCH to me since freshmen year comes up doing her own jog. I decide to ignore her, it's my birthday, I'm not gonna let her ruin my run, right? I wait for her to pass and I start running. Now, I start noticing things that I never really cared or paid attention to, like her ass, and I'm thinking about all the things I want to do to her." There was another round of giggles and amused, knowing smiles from his family.

"I pass by her, she's at the fountain, getting a drink and I'm just praying she doesn't notice I'm harder than a steel pipe... nope! She, I shit you not, fucking RUNS at me, tackles me, and pushes me into the bushes, and this is where things get weird. She starts getting all flirty and touching me and I'm just praying this isn't a lead up to her beating my ass. She... wow, I don't know what to say, she starts doing stuff with her paws and mouth before she starts stripping and I'm thinking. 'No! I'm not giving that to you after the last four years of shit!'" Some hums of agreement and head nodding was their response.

"I push her off of me and, I didn't even know what it was at the time but my mouth and paws just knew what to do, my plan was to make her cum so hard she can't catch me when I book it, which I did! On top of that I threw her clothes deeper into the bushes so she can't run after me right away!"

There was some amused groans and sharp inhales from everyone at that mental image, but no one seemed to disapprove. Amy on the other hand was fucking cackling, she really didn't like Rebecca. "Anyways, I try to find a place to hide and I figure the washrooms are my best bet, I try thinking and think 'Hey! If I hide in the girl's washroom, she won't find me!' So, I did that but I ended up crashing right into this, tall, big tigress and I mean she was BIG! She's a head taller than me, big muscles, like she could throw my ass around if she wanted to."

"When I beg her to let me hide, she decides to extort me! Like 'what's in it for me?' And I'm about to tell her to go to hell but I heard the other girl running up so I say 'Anything!' She tosses me into a stall, waits for the other girl, makes up a story that I tried to hide there but she kicked me out, throws her off my trail." Carter paused taking a sip of his drink before he continued on. "Next, she makes sure I'm eighteen, the whole deal, then she turns me around and does a reach around, now I don't know WHAT her deal was but she was really into my ass, and I'm sure you all know where this is going. A tongue in my ass was not what I was expecting to happen today!" Everyone lost it, they were howling in laughter, some were bent over or wiping tears from their eyes, even Amy was losing it!

"Again, I managed to get away before things got too dangerous. Then I ended up meeting an older neighbor of mine, very sweet lady who's been divorced for the past ten years, I used to help her out with odd jobs and stuff as a pup, right? So, imagine my surprise when she starts jacking me off right at the bus stop! Just right there, out in the open!" Everyone laughed again or was staring at him in amused disbelief, loving the details he was giving them. "It didn't get too far, she was the only fucking one that listened to me and thought if I'm having my first time it should be nice, ya know?" There were nods and murmurs of agreement.

"She gets on her bus, tells me to stop by anytime I want. Then I ran into an old friend of mine, some of you remember Sam, right?" There were a few nods and whoops from everyone. "Calm down, we didn't do anything. I just said hi and then I made it back home where THIS ASSHOLE!" He snapped, pointing to his shocked father. "Drops the biggest bombshell of my life! Don't get me wrong, I'm not mad or anything I just wish this would've happened BEFORE I made the dumbass decision to leave the house today!" There was a final roar of laughter and applause as Carter wrapped up his story, admittedly it felt good to get it off his chest.

"Which ones did you fuck!" Uncle Ted called out, followed by more pressuring from his family to admit which one he lost his virginity to.

"What? None of them!" Groans of disappointment followed but Carter rolled his eyes at them. "Look! There was some crazy shit that happened but uhhh... it just didn't feel right, ya know? Like I wasn't expecting my first time to be super romantic or anything but I at least wanted it to be with someone who likes me!"

"But ya did do it!" His Aunt Chrissy pointed out, giving him and Amy a devious grin, which was followed by more cheering and cat calls from everyone, much to Carter's embarrassment.

He wanted to ask them to tone it down but Amy stood up beside him. "Yeah, he did! And this fucker broke me! I'm never going to have sex that good with anyone else ever again, I'm keeping this one!"

The amount of roaring applause that followed was enough to floor Carter, but not enough to even compare to the bold statement Amy had just made, she had just willingly announced that they'd had sex, to his entire family! In normal circumstances it would probably- ok, it would definitely be really weird, and awkward, but he was starting to understand that his family wasn't normal, not the kind of normal he'd grown up thinking they were. He had little hints over the years, they were filtering everything they said a little less as he got older, so maybe it was just how they were.

Which made sense, considering there was, apparently as he'd learned in the past hour, a lot of debauchery in this family!

Maybe they'd just been waiting for the youngest member of the pack to finally join in before they showed just how crazy they were. Oddly enough, it didn't feel too weird, it felt strangely natural, it even made him feel even closer with his family than he had before, now that he was in on the big secret. It was kind of nice.

There was more chatter, catching up with everyone, eating and drinking whatever there was to offer, just everyone having a great time. Everyone had started wandering around the house by this point. Amy stuck with him for most of the party but would occasionally wander off to talk with some of his cousins or aunts, even a few of his uncles. Currently she was having a semi private conversation with his dad, something he felt he should leave be, for the moment.

A tap on his shoulder made him turn around to the smiling muzzle of a grinning, slightly older husky. "Hey hun!"

Carter smiled broadly as he brought his cousin Connie into a crushing hug, she squeezed him tight and kissed him on the cheek. "Look at you! Eighteen and on top of the world!"

He blew a raspberry and shook his head. "Yeah, doesn't feel like it."

"Oh, it will soon." She said with a giggle and bump of her hip. "Just give it some time."

Despite the embarrassment he'd finally gotten over he was feeling a little unsure about how to deal with Connie right now, while she was technically his cousin she wasn't exactly related by blood, she was Aunt Melissa's daughter and Uncle Rory's step daughter, so she didn't have any incubus family blood in her, which meant no natural immunity.

It was that fact that made him more than a little nervous, he'd known her since he was a little pup, not only that, her older step brother, Michael, wasn't just family he was one of his best friends too. He was worried she might come on to him or something equally weird like that, she was a little too friendly like that he'd noticed, not only was she his cousin, which would already make it super weird, he didn't want to potentially isolate himself from any family members just because of something weird like that!

But if he thought about it the worry seemed more than a little dumb, he doubted Uncle Rory or Aunt Melissa would ever bring her to a party full of incubi if she didn't have some degree of immunity, as a matter of fact, he doubted any of his none blood related family members didn't have some immunity, how else could they be here and not be losing their shit?

"You good hun?" Connie asked, giving him a curious look.

"Y-yeah, just, thinking about... stuff." Carter answered dumbly.

Connie giggled and leaned in. "Thinking that since we're not really related, I might try to fuck you?" She whispered.

She laughed when Carter stared at her in total horror. "Called it! Don't look so freaked hun, EVERYONE thinks that on their first family meet up when they turn!"


"Yes! Oh my god, you should've seen poor Mikey when his birthday came up! He was really worried that someone would try something, hell, he thought I might try something! Poor boy was acting like one of us would just jump out at him!" she seemed greatly amused by the memory, although Carter had more sympathy.

"Considering I was jumped by a bunch of women today I think I can relate."

That little reminder caused Connie to grimace and inhale sharply. "Yeah, good point. You doin' ok?"

He shrugged. "I guess, it's all just weird and new to me, still trying to adjust."

"That's fair, it's gonna take time. But hey! If you ever want tips on talking to girls you can always ask me! I can even set you up with some friends who know about the whole thing!"

Carter couldn't help but stare at her in disbelief. "Your friends know about this? I thought we were supposed to keep it secret?"

"We are, but sometimes it gets out and we just explain it, they actually think it's kinda cool, better than some of their ex's who couldn't even get them off once, so it's a win for them as long as they don't go talking about it."

He could see the logic in that, just stay quiet and you get dibs on someone who can actually please you in bed, it wasn't a bad deal. "Fair enough."

"You trying to hook Car up with your friends now?" Someone said as they wrapped an arm around Carters shoulders. He turned to see who it was and smiled broadly when it turned out to be Michael.

Connie giggled and shrugged. "Maybe! Also telling him not to freak out about any of us trying to fuck him!"

Michael inhaled sharply in sympathy. "Oof! Shit, I remember that. Damn I was so sure someone was going jump me too!" He turned to give Carter a toothy grin. "Relax man, they won't do anything like that, you cute but you ain't that cute."

Carter rolled his eyes and pushed Michael away by his muzzle, causing the older wolf to laugh. "But nah, seriously, it's like the unspoken rule number three, no one in the family, shit gets too weird, and it gets a little complicated."

"Eh, not really." Uncle terry spoke up, bringing himself into the conversation. "It's happened a few times before, we all kind of expect it, just don't be bragging about it and don't go knocking anyone up."

That caused all three of the younger canines to groan out in disgust while Terry cackled at the mind fuck he'd delivered onto them. "What! Sometimes you end up with a step cousin or step sibling, we're horny bastards, shit happen-yow!" The older wolf yelped in pain as a nicely dressed corgi, his wife and Carter's Aunt Bella, pinched her husband's ear and dragged him down to her height, which was very impressive considering she was barely over five feet and her husband was a little over six.

"Now I KNOW you're not trying to mess with the young ones by telling them gross things, right?" She sternly growled in her husband's ear.

Poor uncle Terry could only whine and yelp as she tugged a little harder. "I-I was just explaining to them that sometimes shit happens! That's all, dear!"

She gave him an unconvinced and deeply unamused look. "Uh-huh. Are you going to behave? Or am I going to have to 'lock you up' for the next week?"

Uncle Terry's eyes went wide with panic as he stared at his wife in total horror. "N-no ma'am! I mean- I'll behave! I'll be good, just- please don't lock up little Terry, please!" He begged quietly, probably so that no one else overheard them.

The corgi seemed to debate this for a moment before finally deciding to release the poor wolf, who proceeded to rub at his sore ear. "Jee-zuz!"

Aunt Bella turned to the three and smiled sweetly, a complete switch to the snarling, angry woman they just saw. "And you'll all be dears and let me know if he starts misbehaving again, right?"

The three dumbly nodded their heads and her smile widened. "Good!" She wrapped her arm around her husbands and started leading him away from the three. "Come along, dear."

"Yes ma'am." Uncle Terry grumbled as was dragged away by his wife.

The three younger canines silently stared as the two made their way to the kitchen to join another group to chat, acting as if nothing had happened.

"They really need couples counseling." Michael spoke up.

"They're fine. Uncle Terry needs someone who can keep him in line, and it looks like he likes it." Connie pointed out.

Michael and Carter both gave her unconvinced and confused looks at the statement. "You think so? I'm with Mikey here on this one."

The husky rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Well obviously! How else do you think she managed to get him wrapped around her little finger like that? You can't convince anyone like that unless they're into it."

"Can't convince them of what?" Amy asked as she appeared between Michael and Carter. "Good to see you Mikey!" Amy said as she gave him a half hug.

"Good to see you too! And don't worry about it, Uncle Terry's just being Uncle Terry." He explained.

"Ah, fair enough." Amy nodded knowingly before an excited grin curled her muzzle and squealed as she took notice of the husky. "Hi Connie!" she squeezed past the two wolfs to envelop the equally excited husky in a hug.

"Amy! I missed you! How have you been?"

"Good! A little tired but glad to see everyone, it's been ages since I've seen you all!"

While the two started their own conversation Michael wrapped an arm around Carter's shoulder again and started leading him away. "They'll be awhile, how's about you tell me how you're doing? You alright?"

"I'm fine. Why does everyone keep asking me that?"

Michael leveled him with an "are you serious?" Look that made Carter feel pretty stupid pretty quickly. "Yeah, ok, fair."

"We all just want to make sure you're ok. We've all been through it, it can be crazy, a lot of fun even, but for some of us it can be a little..." Michael trailed off, trying to find the right word.


"I was gonna say intense but that works too!"

Either one was a good way to describe how this day had gone. For Carter it had been intense, confusing, definitely scary, but there had been some good points to it, despite that he knew that he was going to have to be cautious in the future, being careful with his new medication and trying to avoid crazy situations like the few he'd endured earlier that day.

It was all so much he couldn't help but let out a tired huff. "This is still nuts."

"Tell me about it, hell, when everyone sat me down I thought they were crazy, ya know, until I walked out and... well, I'm sure you can figure it out."

"Speaking of." Carter said as he turned to the older wolf. "Is it alright if I ask what happened to you or is that another no-no to avoid?"

Michael bobbed his head from side to side with a slight frown on his face, contemplating his answer. "Guess it depends on the person. For most of them-" He gestured with his paw to the crowd of adults scattered throughout the house. "It's not a big deal anymore, just a fun story to tell and a 'rite of passage' kind of thing. For some of the younger guys, like us... it can be a touchy subject. It also depends on what exactly happened and how aggressive it was."

That made a lot of sense, Carter could see how something like that could turn into a touchy subject real fast. From some of the stories he'd heard today his experience had been pretty mild, considering he managed to get away without losing his virginity and on top of that was able to lose it on his own terms.

"That's fair, and hey, if you don't wanna tell me that's cool too, man. No pressure."

Michael smiled and smacked Carter across the back. "Thanks! But mine wasn't that bad, it was actually really fun! I ended up in a four way with these super-hot college chicks. Hell, I got pictures of them if you wanna see, I still talk to them."

Carter gave a dismissive wave of his paw, he didn't know what kind of pictures he had but he wasn't going to risk seeing his cousins junk. Didn't matter how close they were, some shit was just too weird. "I'm good, thanks."

"Ya sure? They know about the incubus thing too, so if you want me to hook you up-"

"I thought this was supposed to be some kind of big secret but I keep hearing about how you all keep telling other people!"

He couldn't help feel more than a little irritated when Michael started laughing, he was being serious! "It is! But not a big one, just, I dunno, watch out for the crazy ones. Most of em are fine knowing as long as we hook up with them or set them up with another incubus. As long as they keep getting good dick, they don't really care enough to make it a big deal."

Another tired groan escaped Carter as he shook his head, his dad had been pretty serious about this being a rule but was finding it hard to take it seriously himself when everyone was so lax and carefree about it. Weren't they worried at all about how badly it could bite them in the ass?

Well, it was his family, so probably not.

"Alright, fine, whatever."

Soon enough his mother was announcing that it was time for dinner. Everyone was quickly seated around the massive dinner table that they pulled out for special family events while the food was being passed around. There was a lot of takeout but there was some homemade stuff mixed in for sides. Everyone had brought something with them and were either complimenting or throwing playful jabs at each other's cooking. It was entertaining and kind of relaxing to watch, it was like the wind down from all the crazier shit they'd been going on about earlier.

That was something Carter couldn't help but continue to dwell on, everyone was so casual and relaxed about all of this, meanwhile he still felt wound up and anxious about the whole thing. Was this something he'd eventually to get used to? Could he get used to this? He wasn't sure, it was only the first day after all, but it still formed a tight knot in his stomach just thinking about it.

A light squeeze of a paw on his thigh pulled him from his thoughts and he turned to Amy, who looked a little concerned. "You ok?" She mouthed, trying to be discreet so they didn't draw too much attention from his family.

He nodded and did his best to give her a reassuring smile. "I'm good, just tired." He mouthed back. It was doubtful that she believed him but regardless she didn't press the issue anymore.

It was an hour after dinner, when they'd finished up with cake and presents, that everyone finally went home, leaving Carter dead tired. All he wanted to do was crash in his bed and stop thinking about everything. Amy was looking pretty tired herself and was almost falling asleep in her seat. Since everyone else had left already it was just his family and Amy at this point. He was helping with the cleanup, had already taken his gifts up to his room, but it was starting to drag on.

His father took the small bag of trash from him and placed a comforting paw on his shoulder. "Why don't you two head to bed? We can handle the rest."

Carter nodded, he was too tired to offer anymore help, he was that done with the night. He went over to Amy and nudged her, she jolted awake and stared up at him, looking confused.

"Want me to take you home?"

Amy made a disgusted noise and bumped her head against Carter's stomach. "Crashing here then?" a small smile curled his muzzle as she nodded her head, still pressed against him.

After helping her up he led her upstairs. As soon as they closed the door to his room he started stripping, he was too tired for a shower or to clean himself up at all, he'd do it in the morning. Amy had the same idea as she tossed all of her clothes to the ground and immediately fell on is bed, letting out a pleased hum.

Any other time he'd roll his eyes, make a joke about her being dramatic, but right now he was too exhausted to be funny. He fell on the bed next to her, grabbed the covers and pulled them over their tired bodies. Amy wrapped her arms around him and made herself comfortable snuggling up into him, the best way to end the night.

Before Carter could close his eyes and drift off Amy spoke up. "You ok now?"

"I guess." He mumbled. "I dunno, weird day."

"Understatement of the year." She snorted into his chest. She stared up at him, still looking just as concerned as before. "Wanna talk about it?"

"I... don't really know what to talk about." Carter admitted. "I guess... I'm worried? Confused? I dunno."

"Still? I thought you'd be feeling better now after all that."

"It's just... This feels serious, like I should be taking this a little more seriously, right? But everyone was... They were so, whatever, about all of it, they were telling me about all the people who know about it, offering to hook me up, and it bugs me. Am I supposed to be that relaxed about it? Should I take it a little more seriously? I'm sorry, I don't think I'm explaining it good, my brains all weird."

"No, I get it." Amy assured him, she propped herself up on her arm so she could look at him properly. "You had a lot thrown at you today, you're minds all messed up, it's normal. But that also means you're allowed to take your time to figure it out. Think it over, process it, settle on what you think should be a good way to deal with it. You don't have to figure it all out at once."

"I know, still bugs me."

"And that's ok. It probably will for a while. Take your time with it, maybe go nuts and do some crazy stuff, do what you think is right."

It sounded like as good a plan as any. He wasn't so sure about doing anything crazy, but he was definitely going to take his time figuring all of this out. But for now it was time to sleep.

Or it should've been, until he felt Amy cupping his balls and giving him a mischievous grin, she no longer looked nearly as tired as she was a few minutes ago. "Remember how your dad put in the sound proofing last year? Wanna test how good it really is?"

...Oh well, sleep was for the weak anyways.

Triple deep dish special

The black furred she-wolf slammed the steering wheel of her car in frustration as she angrily tried the ignition once again, it gave a weak sputter and then nothing. She did not have time for this, she had a delivery to make and knew that late pizza...

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Experimenting with the librarian

Darren groaned as he stretched out in his chair, making the attempt to crack his tired back. The snowshoe cat had been studying in the library for a few hours now and decided he needed a break. Luckily there wasn't anyone else around, the college...

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A soul of Thunder forged in Ice

The she-wolf ran as fast as she could, trying her hardest to ignore the searing in her legs, the sharp pain she felt in her lungs with each panicked breath, the jolts that ran up her feet as they pounded against pavement, she had to ignore these if she...

, , , , , , , , , ,