Gammas Racc Snack

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#3 of Fatal


oral vore, bone crushing, unwilling prey, pain, gore, implied digestion, violent rimming, clothes tasting

Being lost in the sewers is quite a precarious situation when trying to get back home. And unfortunately, a green raccoon has found himself in that exact situation. Scherzo was somewhat dazed and almost confused. Hazily, he wandered down the slimy passageways of the sewers. He cautiously treaded around the area despite his mystified expression. With each cautious step he managed to avoid getting his clothing dirty as he clutched to it protectively. Something began to creep into the raccoon's mind as he wandered. He felt like someone, or something watched him from the shadows. A croak thrummed through Scherzo's ears and his ears twitched at the sound. Silent as the wind and stiff as a board the raccoon didn't move a hair. His body perfectly frozen in a sense of fear that crept across his face. The raccoon was forced to await what horrors laid in the veil of the darkness as his muscles stood still.

It emerged from the abyss before him, a frog like creature with smokey bluish grey skin. With each wet step, the sticky sound of those wide webbed feet as they slapped against the ground. Amidst the sharp daggers of light, the red underbelly and jaw were like a flashing warning sign. Scherzo's body was locked in place out of sheer terror of such a creature, the fact it lacked any eyes and looked more like a walking pair of jaws. The dim light revealed more of its features like its thick arms with massive, webbed hands. The beast had soon loomed over the neigh petrified raccoon. Scherzo's hazy left purple eye and right blue eye looked upward. Suddenly, the beast grabbed the raccoon from both sides of that lanky body. Adrenaline finally had started pumping through the raccoon's beating heart and his body thrashed uselessly through the vice-like grip. Those thick, sticky hands clasped tightly and squeezed the raccoon and Scherzo screamed out in sheer agony. Hoisted up by the monster, the raccoon's weak struggles continued fruitlessly. The beast hovered Scherzo's body over its vast, open jaws, that purple maw barely visible in the dim light. Sluggishly his body was lowered into the warm mouth of the beast, his feet kicked along the roof of the maw. The mouth squished down on his lanky legs and latched tightly around them. The tight compression of flesh felt intense as the heavy pools of slobber washed over his shoes and legs. Thrash as he might, his feet crumbled and quivered against the bulbs of flesh. The wet slobbery jaws idly chewed onto his sneakers. The compressing flesh made the bones in his feet noisily creak under the sheer pressure.

Munch after squishy munch the noisy jaws slathered over those long legs. A weak whimper escaped the raccoon's jaws as his legs were tormented by the potent power of those muscles. The wet bulbs and bumps became easier to feel as the monster chewed so eagerly. Scherzo flailed back and forth into the warmth of the maw. The pressure and heat so intense as those sneakers got a firm tasting. That tongue lashed against the laces and soaked them sloppily. That powerful pull of the tongue nearly dragged down his feet. However, it seemed to tease his leg with a lick as Scherzo attempted to kick in response to the tug.

A thick tongue suddenly sprung from the beast's maw and latched onto the raccoon's clothing. His pants tugged tightly before he felt them getting torn off his body in one swift go. Left behind was his rainbow-colored jockstrap and massive shoes on his lower half. What remained trapped inside made Scherzo feel astounded and terrified. "What the fuck!?" He crudely exclaimed with a firm blush plastered on his panicked face. The massive tongue massaged over his throbbing cock, flicked up and down over his jock strap. A weak, confused moan escaped the raccoon as the wet appendage seemed to pleasure him. "What the hell do you want from me!?" There was only silence in Scherzo's flabbergasted ecstasy. The wet squelch of the tongue reverberated with every indulgent slather against the constricted raccoon dick. Beyond the veil of the cheap fabric that leaky member grew closer to orgasm with each simplistic sway of the tongue. Scherzo was a moaning and bewildered mess the sensations felt too damn good, his legs buckled. It only grew worse as his ass got a firm licking as well. The tongue prodded against his hole, and he whimpered. However, the beast's tongue kept sloppily slobbering over his ass, cock, and balls, the appendage didn't seem to attempt to penetrate the raccoon. His flailing legs only bumped that massive tongue over his sensitive parts further. His cloth seemed to barely veil his sensitive loins as he could feel every pulse of that gargantuan tongue. Scherzo's struggle continued despite the euphoria that rushed through every crevice of his mind. Each kick and flail of his legs were weaker from the sense of lust washing over his desire to survive. His instincts to survive managed to eek out as the raccoon pointlessly pounded his hands against the monster's head. CRACK! His hands nearly shattered on impact as the pain rung through him! It felt like punching a boulder as he screamed in pain. The creature continued to slather that bulbous tongue against his crotch. That horrid tease of each sensual lick reeled him back from pain and panic back into a world of pleasure.

Scherzo's weak moans became more prevalent, louder, and intense as his jockstrap was coated in slobber alongside his clenched rear. The intimacy and delicacy made the raccoon feel a glimmer of hope for escape. He tried to thrust his body forward from the monster's jaws only to lodge the tongue between his ass crack. Scherzo hollered out in a sense of surprise! That wet, vast feeling around his thighs and crack was both alarming and sensual. The tongue delved back and forth into his crack and made his moans ache out in confusion.

His mind almost lulled into a false sense of security from all the intense pleasure. That constrained cock reached closer to a climax while the tongue washed over that exposed ass. That swishing motion was so gentle. At first it was gentle licking against his hole with each swivel. Suddenly that massive tongue plunged inside the raccoon's tight hole. It painfully stretched over the massive tongue. The wetness had helped it slip inside the depths of Scherzo's body. "AGHHH!" That moan of agony and pleasure intertwined as his body began to bulge out with the massive girth of that tongue. Protruded with vast intensity it delved deeper into the slimy bowels of the raccoon's body quite forcefully. Weak whimpers and wails of pain continued through Scherzo's throat with each writhe of that tongue. Unintentionally the massive bulbous bumps on the textured tongue touched the raccoon's prostate. A surprised yelp into a soft moan ached out of Scherzo's pained lips. A cacophony of wet sloppy sounds followed suit as within his bulged-out belly that appendage thrashed back and forth. The tongue nearly snaked inside of his throat with how wildly it moved inside of him. The pain ringing through Scherzo's entire body made it hard to allow any pleasure to bring him to orgasm. Especially with how relentlessly the tongue nearly pulled out his organs with each potent intrusion. The powerful tug was unlike anything the raccoon could even feasibly wrap his mind around. His legs buckled and dangled wildly with the much faster and harder tugging that ensued.

Slurred out of his overwhelmed jaws "MMmFUCKYOU!" Scherzo couldn't deny the accompanied pleasure with the pain. His own moans joined the deep bass of the internally wet noises that ensued inside of him. As if the protruding counterargument made a wonderful point to give into the pleasure. The texture of that slick appendage continued to intentionally lick at that prostate as if the beast knew how to pleasure its prey. It was like each jerking motion intentionally attempted to ease out an orgasm from the raccoon. However, Scherzo couldn't think straight, he couldn't think at all. The raccoon's filthy thoughts bloomed like a flower in the summer. That thought of giving the creature his salty aftertaste. A delusional thought that maybe his seed tasted so nasty he'd be let go. That he could run on home and pretend it was all a nasty nightmare. Perhaps it was the ever growing high of that teased prostate that brought him to such fantastical conclusions. That arising pleasure his moans replaced his aches of pain. His impressive length throbbed and leaked. Scherzo's sagging stomach rubbed against his pounding member. That leaky girth ached for orgasm as his soft fur rubbed just right against each inch. The raccoon's fat nuts bounced back and forth from the intense movement around that fat cock. The seed built up within the sloshing nuts. "AGhhhh, why the fuck does this feel so damn good!?" He hazily huffed out to a predator that continued to ram its fat appendage into his expanded insides. The pain that once plague the raccoon came back as the tongue went even deeper inside, his throat began to bulge out. He couldn't breathe, that fat tongue blocked his airway. Gagged and choked his orgasm was arriving quicker rather than slower. A deep dark desire buried within layers of a hardened personality. His precious oxygen being stolen away with such ease. Nothing felt better than being choked out by the penetrating tongue, the pain became numb rather quickly.

Inevitably the sensation eased Scherzo into his orgasm. Like a volcano ready to explode his dick felt like it was on the verge of erupting. The summit of his orgasm peaked as that tongue massaged over his damp cloth once more. A leaking white liquid spewed freely from the member! Scherzo hollered in confused muffled ecstasy as his dick emptied that plentiful seed into the appendage. Like a symphony of his gargled whimpers ached out in crescendo! No one would applaud to the chorus of the incomprehensible sounds the raccoon sung with bewildered pleasure. However, the clap of the monster's jaws crunched around his feet and his long legs. A steady beat of those jaws that pulverized around those lanky legs. The sound was quiet at first, the grinding pressure of the potent bite. Then the jaws clamped down once more with grander force. A loud SNAP! Something in his leg shattered. An anguished yelp escaped Scherzo's jaws while the monster continued to gnaw on his feet and legs. That tongue still lodged deep in his body each noise filled with gasps as his breath ran desperately short. Before he nearly choked to death, with one swift yank, that tongue ripped out from his body. The resounding wet slither of that affixed appendage as it retreated brutally rung through Scherzo's ears. The only thing that kept the limp raccoon from slipping down into the vast depths were the beast's hands that had remained tightly clamped around him. His insides ached with an even deeper agony from the tongue remaining during that bite. A sickening thought, he wouldn't even be able to escape alive anymore. Scherzo could feel some of his bones protruding into his flesh, jammed tightly as his consciousness waivered. Brief reprieve would be soon met with the beast's jaws clamping back down on his legs. That maw began to gnaw once more on the weary raccoon.

The chewing motion continued to mulch over his body. His slender figure began to sink down into the beast's gullet. The raccoon's body trembled from the intense, shattering pain. His lower half was continually wetly chewed on. He witnessed with pain and terror his body being locked down in those brutal jaws as it snapped shut! A painful CRACK! The sound snapped out in the cold air and his legs felt nearly completely numb. Unfortunately, Scherzo's legs were together enough he could feel the pain surge through his limp and lanky lower torso. A sense of rage and survival had built up in the once defeated raccoon. "Let me go you ugly fucking toad! I will stab your insides and show them to your ugly mug!" He panted weakly; each breath staggered a whimper of sheer anguish. A muffled croak of sorts bellowed out from the beast, it almost felt like it taunted his very words. There was a moment of silence as the heavy dollops of saliva continued to mat Scherzo's soft green fur. The monster's jaws continued to lazily chew on those crumpled legs. Each soft gnawing motion shifted around the broken bones inside those long legs. The tremendous mountain of pain pumped through every inch of his body feeling every shift of his broken bones within his sensitive flesh.

Then, another snap around his upper body made him gasp as the air practically left his lungs! His upper half dragged down into those wide and ravenous gums. "AGHHH FUCK!" There were no teeth, but that nasty chewing compressed his body like it was nothing. The greedy snap across his upper figure continued in a gentler yet pulverizing manner. Scherzo felt each of his bones that cracked under the repetitive gnawing. The lips of the monster continually crashed down on the raccoon's figure as he writhed against the muscles. It was fruitless, no matter which way he wiggled those snapping lips crashed back down on his chest! A wheezed cough exploded violently as the bones in his ribcage make a resounding SNAP! CRUNCHHH! CRACK! Agonized and weak wails hastily escape Scherzo's jaws. The lips pressed down on his chest and felt them massage the bones within his upper body and he felt it under his skin. His upper body becoming mostly numb as his arms were ground into almost a noodle-like powder. Each gasp filled with a gargled scream as the snapping jaws engulfed his figure further down.

Soon a wet gulp echoed through the raccoon's ears. His body flung downward into the warm and wet maw. The entrance to the throat clamped down around his neck! The monster's gullet kept his head in place tightly, his air being denied once more. Scherzo watched in suffocated terror as the jaws lift upwards. Crashed down on his skull the pallets of flesh squeezed his bones! Pain couldn't begin to describe the feeling the raccoon was dealing with. His ribcage shattered, his arms demolished, his body was broken beyond repair. Even if he did escape now, it would be impossible to survive. That horrid thought sunk in, defeat, despair, agony, it all began to become so numbing. In the aftermath of all that pain, he could barely fathom any of it. He wanted to wake up from his ceaseless nightmare, he wanted to so desperately escape. While a iron tasted tinge on his tongue filled his maw he whimpered. The wheezed whimper bellowed out while the muscles around his head squeezed tighter. It was as if two metal plates were pushing the bones in his face into one another.

The bones around his skull continued to crush the raccoon's face as the jaws squeezed even tighter! Scherzo's cheeks were collapsed into themselves with each compressed CRUNCH! The horrible, sloppy savory sounds of the jaws made it all the worse. His ears subjected to the sound of his brain beginning to collapse in on itself. His muzzle was the next to get shattered, the pulsating walls pushed in tighter. The raccoon wanted to scream in agony, but his jaws had been silenced permanently. The sides of his head felt tighter with each ripple of the throat's potent force, the sickening squelch reverberated. It released momentarily as pressure stopped, a moment of reprieve. However, it could barely pass as reprieve, Scherzo forced to soak in agony, blood dripped from every pore on the top of his head. Bones had been so effectively pulverized; his eyes watered from the pain. With a deep sense of horror Scherzo watched the jaws split apart widely. The view of the sewers walls was just another grim reminder to the raccoon. He knew he was not coming home alive as the jaws closed back down. With a rapid rush to his head the beast's jaws closed around his skull. The flesh collapsed with one firm GWASH. The raccoon's head was crushed like a grape. Scherzo's limp figure fell lifelessly down the greedy gullet. A swift and easy gulp plummeted that bulging form down into that acidic pit. The monster's stomach swelled ever so slightly from the meal it had received. The beast smacked on its lips as if it was savoring the last bit of flavor that remained on its jaws.

His upper half slid down the beast's esophagus. Scherzo's defeated figure sluggishly vanished into lumpy bulges of a rather short gullet. His body showed no more resistance as there was no more energy within the battered corpse. Not even a synapse of muscles left to twitch within the slowly sagging stomach. Within the lifeless bulge that stomach began to churn that meal within the corrosive pit. Scherzo's corpse mulched up within the pit of that gut rather sluggishly despite the lack of movement from his body. The walls pulsated and squeezed around the motionless figure as the beast massaged its stomach. The raccoon's clothing barely melted within that slimy cauldron seeming to resist the powerful forces of those enzymes. The secreting liquids sloshed around as grumbling glut groaned out. That upset stomach seemed to upset the beast as its hands slammed against its own gut. The walls closed in on the raccoon's body and crushed it with a resounding CRUNCH! The raccoon's crumpled up body compounded into a smaller shape with each violent SNAP! Twisted was the shape of the bulges that managed to leave an imprint on that stone-like stomach of the beast. It wandered back into the darkness to fully digest its insufficient meal, perhaps searching for a far more filling feast.

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