Amongst the stars (A Star Fox YCH story)

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#2 of Fatal

The winner of the YCH from this post won two slots for my star fox story YCH a while back. Normally I would seperate out the two stories to reduce complexity and to follow along with what normally happens when two seperate people win a YCH from me. However, I felt based on the way I had made the slots that I'd do something more interesting and have a little bit more continuity. So I combined the Fox McCloud slot he had won and Wolf O'Donnel. Just for some interesting spice I included some unplanned characters to add a bit more intrigue. Going to have to read to find out who they are ;) . Anyways this is another very dark story and such if you are sensitive to that kind of thing, I highly recommend you stop reading now.

Bounty hunters. Assassins willing to take on any job within the deep outreaches of space, if you name the right price. Third parties with unknown special interests send jobs to these killers who don't mind getting their hands dirty. And this wolf is no different.

"We need you to take out this target who has been causing us serious havoc within the past couple of days. We'll award you 100,000 credits." The monotone voice dully said through his intercom.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Standard transfer, like always, I highly doubt this furball is going to be any trouble for me. No need to send me any tips. Just give me a map and my money." The wolf scoffed, almost insulted upon seeing a yellow feline with purple wings enter in the shape of a hologram and a detailed map with coordinates of a last seen location. He tapped a few buttons on his ship, ending the call once he saw his credit balance increase. His small spaceship flew through the vast expanse of space while the bright stars illuminated the wolf's grey fur, his bright blue eyes beaming when he spotted the ship. The incredibly tacky design of it looking like a pizza box only pissing him off more.

Additionally, he knew it was a low-profile job through the low pay alone. The ship didn't even seem to strike back at him while he flew closer. Once he landed, Scape put on a black, metallic suit that wrapped tightly around every corner of his body. A steel belt with various tools hung around his waist while he prepared himself. After being fully equipped, Scape exited his ship into the atrociously designed metallic box of a spaceship. Across the hallway, the tiger faced forward. The feline stood there and stared blankly almost immediately having a bored disposition.

"So, you're the infamous Scape. What can the Scourge of the Northern Galaxy do for you?" The tiger's voice matched their relaxed body. Scape gave an amused smirk before he shrugged his shoulders. "For me, your bones belched out of my gut, I need some sort of evidence I killed you, 'Scourge'." The tiger walked forward through the hallway, that yellow fur illuminated in the neon lights, those broad purple wings clasped around his torso. The wings draped around him like a cape. "Good luck, a mountain of corpses has tried so valiantly and failed. It is much easier to give up. You don't have to be disappointed if you never try."

Scape ran at the tiger, his jaws rapidly split open to engulf the cat. The tiger dodged out of the way of that drooling maw and smacked his paw against the wolf's muzzle! Scape fell to the ground instantly. He grabbed the cat by the leg and had the tiger fall with him. A heavy thump boomed through the ship! Scape punched the tiger square in the jaw, and horror struck him. The wolf's fist gets stuck in the tiger's cheekbone. A yellow liquid clung tightly to the curled-up fist. The wolf had no choice, adrenaline pumped through his veins. He pulled out his gun and blasted the tiger's head clean off with his gun! Scape's hand freed from the liquid as he pulled it out. Rapidly, he stood off the cat and looked at the seemingly lifeless body before he kicked it. A wet squish bellowed out and repeated in a cacophony of gooey noises flowed suit from the kick. Suddenly, the tiger stood up. The feline's head was entirely intact! "It is going take more than that to take me down, mutt." Scape pillaged through his belt and tossed a grenade at the tiger's body in sheer terror!

Shaken from the blast, the ship moved back and forth. The wolf winced from the explosion's intense sound; his ears pinned to his head. Scape soon recovered from the explosion, the wolf looking through the various tools on his hefty belt and pulled out a translucent container. He tossed it out into the mist. It expanded and contained that gooey horror into a massive container, and it shrunk down to the size of a small pill. "Well, 'Scourge,' in the end, you could never run from your real name, Pizza." Scape headed over to the container and shoved it down his jaws. His lips curled around the container. That hunk of metal began to plunge into his gullet. The lighter grey in his underbelly showed off the bulges prominently with how easy it was to swallow it down.

Scape's stomach swelled with the container, he tapped the headset piece and put it up to his stomach. "Your target has been neutralized. We have no problems, right?" Then, with a blip on his headset, he heard those words that were oh so juicy to the wolf "We will contact you when you're needed again. Your payment is secured." He looked around while his stomach compressed that container. He felt the material break down while his stomach worked on the tiger's frame. "I coated your body with an atomic stabilizer I keep in that container. No tricks, goo boy, you're mine, and your ship will be for whoever wants it." A belch rolled through the wolf's throat. His hand patted his light grey underbelly proudly. "Usually, you evil types love to talk up a storm after you've lost. You alive in there, bud?" Scape idly taunted only to get deafening silence. The ugly ship began to idle through the space, stuck on autopilot. Suddenly, the container made a loud CRACK that boomed in the wolf's gut, and an incomprehensible slew of noises spewed ceaselessly in a mixture of swears and screams. "Ahhh, that's a good kitty. Wail all you like only makes bad boys like me harder." His cock throbbed against his stomach. That caustic pit sloshed around with each throb of his dick. Scape relaxed in the cat's cockpit chair. The wolf stroked his ebony member enamored with his prey fighting to survive. "Enjoy the next few hours, bud. I've got nothing better to do, and nobody but me hears your screams." Those clawed fingers tapped along the bulges in that sweltering gut. "W-wait! I can give you a part of the North Galaxy that I own! I can give you some of my thralls!" The wolf only heard muffled murmurs; ears perked high to sluggish noise! He squeezed and squished into his gut with one hand while he masturbated with the other. Eventually, those hot ropes of wolf seed painted his gut and matted the fur slightly.

"F-Fucking hell, look at what you made me do, bud!" That sticky white seed coated and matted his belly fluff while Scape looked over that gut. Miraculously and yet weakly, it thrashed with life but it rapidly diminished. That caustic cauldron boiled away at the tiger into a sloppy stomach stew. Pizza desperately fought for life despite the fruitlessness of his endeavor. Ineffectively his hands pounded against the layers of flesh, and the walls of flesh rippled. A noxious gastric belch boomed through Pizza's ears while his fur continued to flake off. Agony ran through the feline's body. The stinging enzymes chewed through his soft tufts of fluff ceaselessly. The wolf had gotten back on his ship, those prints in his stomach grew weaker by the moment. His ship flew through the endless stretch of luminary illumination of stars and planets while his food tossed around within that tight gut. The juices splashed on every crevice of the tiger. The walls compounded tightly into his figure while the wolf was far more occupied with far more important things. Scape looked at a HUD on his ship and casually examined the maintenance report of the parts that made up the vessel. "Looks like you didn't mess up any part of my ship when I docked. Almost like you wanted to get eaten, big boy." Almost in response, his stomach pushed forward so hard he grunted as he nearly fell forward!

"Come on now, settle down. It's going to be okay." Hours had already passed while the wolf relaxed on his ship. From the passage of time, massive patches of fur were missing from the tiger's body, and his muscles began to deteriorate. It had grown more challenging to breathe in the caustic air as he wheezed weakly. Pizza could no longer scream. His vocal cords were gone after he had accidentally gulped in enzymic acids. While his life faded, anguish riddled every crevice of his body. Finally, Pizza fully dissolved into a soupy mush mulched into plush wolf padding. Eventually, the cat was nothing more than a mere dump pinched out later and released into the vacuum of space never to be seen again. Scape realized he was in the middle of nowhere, but the wolf was unbothered by the discovery of his situation. He took his feet and put them atop the dashboard of the cockpit and sighed happily.

Although, amidst his boredom that soon arose, he flew his spaceship toward a nearby planet, hoping to find a bar there. His ship flew through the planet's atmosphere without much resilience. Soon, he landed within one of the various loading zones, various creatures helped other ships land alongside his. Scape stepped outside his spaceship to realize his luck, a commercial district, an endless sea of merchants, restaurants, and bars. Scape looked around the areas, seeing if any had a gritty theme that appealed to his tastes. Finally, he saw it in the distance, the Saloon. A wooden building stood relatively tall. Beams held up a miniature front-facing roof, and a rickety cart stood by it, along with a table with a deck of playing cards on each end. Scape walked toward the building in stride, giddy to visit such an antique building.

The wolf made it inside and saw a sparse number of patrons sprawled throughout the interior. However, one patron stood out to him, a hooded individual who leaned into the corner. It seemed like they were attempting to blend in with the wooden scenery. Scape brushed it off and sat down at a table. However, when he ordered a drink, that patron continually crawled into his thoughts. Anxiously his eyes would dart to the corner of the bar and see them not move a single muscle. Scape looked back to the drink he bought and stared into the liquid only to see the figure inside the reflection of the patron! Within the glimmering light that figure grew closer in the reflection! Scape had enough of it and stood out of his chair. He turned around and was face to face with the obscured mysterious person.

"You are the infamous Scape, surprised you'd visit a planet where you've killed someone. Guess all the time you hid made everyone forget what you did to them. Well, lucky for you, I am not here to pass judgment. I am no arbiter of justice or anything like that. No, I need you to do a job." The person had leaned in close to Scape's ear and they spoke in a hushed whisper. Despite the enigmatic person being so close, the wolf couldn't determine who was behind the robes. "Seems everyone knows my name in this part of the galaxy. What's the job? What would you need me to do?" After Scape spoke the figure silently handed the wolf a large, folded piece of paper. The texture felt eldritch to the touch. It felt like a relic older than a time that could be remembered. Regardless of the strangeness, hesitantly Scape peeled open the folded paper, and his blue pupils dilated!

"I-is this some elaborate prank the bar pulls? Did an owner pass you my name!? I've never seen any contractor want a target gone THIS badly. How dangerous is this guy!?" Scape struggled to stay quiet. He had scrolled over the details repeatedly with his eager eyes. "Believe me or not, it is up to you." They slipped an electronic device in Scape's open palm and vanished before the wolf even had time to react. The device's intricate wiring, complexity, and small size shocked the wolf even further. Scape violently looked for the mysterious person as they had suddenly vanished! "Wait, where did you get this!?" But the individual was long gone, and all Scape had now was the strange device and the request.

Scape placed his money on the table and swiftly left the bar. In his urgency, he hoped he could find the mysterious person and ask more questions! The wolf searched high and low only to find nothing. That sense of defeat and newfound desire followed him to his ship. When he entered aboard his familiar abode without hesitation Scape planted the device inside his ship's mapping system. Scape more than eager to understand the person behind the request and where to find his mark. On his new map was the North Galaxy. There were a vast array of planets and red Xs that the target had visited frequently. There were many other notes which seemed almost superfluous and nonsensical, almost feverish and fervent. Details of where the target could be at any given time, pit stops, food stations, and various UI elements that horrendously cluttered the map. Handwriting written in a bizarre, alien language. However, amongst the chaotic map, something caught Scape's eye, a long string of encrypted code sprawled throughout the map. He quickly used his ship's decrypting software out of sheer curiosity. Word by word, it spelled out F A L C O. It seemed to be an electronic signature for the map. "A name, how curious!" Scape exclaims excitedly with newfound intrigue. He stared up his ship's power. The engine revved up with explosive force, and he flies out of the planet rapidly. Scape set out to find his target, Wolf O'Donnel. The name had burned into his mind while he read that request one final time.

Suddenly from his intercom there was a caller he was far too familiar with at this point. "We have another job for you, 10,000,000 credits..." Scape stood out of his chair and hit his head on the cockpit roof! "WHAT!?" The wolf couldn't keep his composure as he heard the amount. "We'll send you his exact coordinates. Perhaps you can get the two of them together. They want each other dead after all." Scape's ears perked in both excitement and bewilderment. "I-I accept. Uh, send me the map!" Without any other words, his map got updated. To his further surprise, both targets were in the same sector of the galaxy! This situation felt far too good to be true. Something felt off to Scape. "Is there something you people aren't telling me!? Are you trying to get me killed out there!? What do you want anyway1?" Scape's eyes darted across the map seeing the marks move around on the map and the letter. Everything felt far too perfect. "You know if we wanted you dead, your ship would already be blown to bits by now. Now do your job." The voice on his headset cut out, and those final words made the wolf shudder. Because he knew the organization was right on that front, the galaxy was teeming with assassins eager to have his head on a silver platter. Scape still couldn't understand how such a fortunate circumstance could befall him, enough credits to last him several lifetimes. The wolf knew something was up about the situation. Yet, the excitement got the better of him and he continued to focus on the mission at hand. While he flew, his ship got closer to one of the marks on his map. When scape reached closer to his destination, his spaceship made more cautious maneuvers. Suddenly, a new voice soon cut into his intercom, another unidentifiable caller.

"Hey, stranger, you there on my radar. What the hell do you think you're doing getting so close to my ship!?" A strange middle-aged voice boomed into Scape's ears. He realized wasn't careful enough to camouflage his presence. "Um, Falco sent me. He told me where I could find you. I know where Wolf is; if you want to know more, let me board your ship. "What!? Falco is still alive!? Where is he!? Let me talk to him!" From an angry yell to an excited tone on his headset, Scape smirked widely. He had recognized his bluff luckily worked. "Unfortunately, he seemed in a hurry and ran off before I could thank him for handing me the map. Not sure where he is, but he is alive, I can tell you that much." After Scape had spoken, a whine of distress thrummed through his headset, hearing a bit of disappointment or perhaps longing through Fox's sound. "McCloud, I am your only hope for hunting down O'Donnell. Do you want revenge and let me board your ship, or will you drift through this galaxy aimlessly, forever?" A silence dragged between the time it took Fox to come up with a response. "I am not sure who you are, but you seem to know enough to trust. I won't put a hole in your head if you don't do anything funny. Come aboard, let's talk, face to face." Scape heard those words and without a second thought, he flew his ship closer toward the massive ship. The white behemoth was impossible to miss with the red fox mark on the side of it. The landing bay opened, and the wolf entered inside.

The wolf exited the ship and Fox had his blaster drawn to Scape's head! McCloud stood in a defensive stance. Despite looking more than just a weary soldier, genuine fear trembled through those hands. Fox shakily held his blaster when he opened his mouth. "You're a wolf, just like that bastard! How am I supposed to know you're not working for him!?" The sudden hostility was alarming to the unsuspecting wolf. "Woah! Woah! Woah! Where the hell is this coming from now!? I get that you hate the guy, but I have the knowledge you need, right? It would be pretty shitty of me to sell out my ally if I worked with them." Scape's sharp eyes watched the vulpine with caution. Fox eventually lowered his weapon. "I guess you know I am not afraid to shoot you if you didn't get the memo already." Scape awkwardly chuckled at the pseudo apology and focused on what he knew he needed to do. Fox's uptight figure marched through the massive ship and kept a pace much faster than Scape's casual walk.

Scape noticed smaller spaceships in the hanger bay. The three angular ships, and an empty spot where a fourth should be, it reminded him of Fox's initial reaction to the name, Falco. Scape continued to notice a haunting pattern, outfits, weapons, a fourth object that should be there completely missing. It finally dawned on him that there was a correlation between how fox reacted and the missing objects in the ship. However, despite his curiosity, Scape thought it wasn't worth the risk of provoking McCloud asking him what happened. To cut the awkward silence Scape decided to at least have some form of a conversation with Fox. "Oh uh, I don't think I ever told you my name, everyone around me seems to know it anyways. I am Scape. Hopefully slander of me being infamous hasn't been spreading to you as well." Fox turned around and gave the wolf a curious look. "Infamous? I've never heard of you in my travels. Are you wanted in certain part of the galaxy?" Scape's eyes widened partially in excitement and partially in embarrassment. "Uh, yeah long story short people aren't too appreciative of my line of work." Scape crossed his arms and sighed. "I don't always get thanks for what I do, so, I get you. There are a good number of those that want me dead O'Donnel is one of em. I've been hunted a few times, but my claws tend to be sharper than the wit of those assassins." Scape tried to avoid being broken into a nervous sweat. However, the wolf managed to quickly regain his composure as he took a quick deep breath. "Yeah, I can imagine it is tough, more than enough people want me dead too, but you gotta keep moving forward. You can't spend your life in this universe being paranoid." Fox's ears twitched he looked at Scape and smiled. "Yeah, I suppose you're right, Scape. Though that is much easier said than done." Scape gave a pat on Fox's shoulder and chuckled. "That's with everything, Fox. Everything is easier said than done. But, where's the fun in life if you never try? Maybe it isn't my place to say, we've just met after all." Scape shrugged before Fox exchanged a similar shrug before they continued to move through the massive ship. Reaching the cockpit Scape handed Fox the map he had received. Fox placed it into mapping system, the chip read fine and displayed that map marking the coordinates to O'Donnel. "Well shit, guess you weren't lying after all. Good, didn't want to waste blaster ammo on someone who seems so wise." The wolf jumped back at the casual comment made toward him his tail tucked firmly between his legs at this point. "Sheesh, eager trigger finger, has it really been that boring!?" Fox grabbed the wolf's muzzle and shut it closed with his paw. "Don't act all friendly around me, it's creepy. I am not your friend. just because you have what I want doesn't mean I am not afraid to kill you."

Scape winced and shook his head. "I've got it, I will keep quiet." The wolf started to reconsider his approach of working alongside Fox. McCloud moved ahead back to the hanger bay; the wolf followed close behind him but remained out of Fox's way. They reached where all the ships had been parked Fox and Scape respectively entered their ships before McCloud darted off in his ship. Scape hurriedly followed behind ever speedy ship! Fox's bloodlust for O'Donnel was more apparent than ever.

Their ships flew closer to the coordinates on their maps. Fox was faster, his ships more agile more refined while Scape continued to struggle to keep up in less up-to-date ship. Regardless, Scape continued to fly towards the mark on his map and his eyes widened. Much to both his and Fox's luck the massive ship with the words DeathWing printed alongside O'Donnel's face being used as an icon on the goliath of a ship. And without warning the ships massive guns split open from a hidden lid and blasted at them! They barely dodged out of the way with their ships. Scape realized that it was an automatic defense system as the guns didn't fire again after they got out of the way of fire. "Fox, we need to be care, seems O'Donnel or whoever is on Deathwing has set up an automatic defense system!" No response came from Fox. His ship maneuvered past the massive ship's guns and quickly got behind the massive ship. With no time to waste Fox blasted open the door that led to the hanger bay. Scape used the distraction to follow suit and entered inside the massive ship and behind them closed an emergency door which sealed them inside the hanger bay. No alarm blared off, no guns pointed them, something was off as their ships landed inside the bay. Despite the flurry of events, they managed to exit their ships without a scratch. And watched as Wolf emerged from his cock pit onto a large metallic platform. A set of stairs led up to where he stood.

"So, Fox, you brought a headhunting mutt with you? I am surprised I thought I was the only pretty boy in the galaxy you fell for. That ugly bird brain certainly didn't look good at your side. I bet he's rotting away somewhere." Wolf sarcastically quipped. He stood with his purple jacket, black eyepatch, and arms at his hips. O'Donnel looked down at the two with a gleeful, toothy grin. Fox snarled at those harsh words. Wolf pulled out his blaster and aimed the gun at Fox. "Bravo, Fox, you made this almost too easy! Now you can join your father, lucky you! Your butt buddy bounty hunter can join you soon after!" He fired his blaster straight at fox, and barely missed him as Fox swiftly dashed out of the way! A flurry of shots fired out of that gun while Scape sneakily wandered towards the stairs leading up to where O'Donnel stood so proudly. Meanwhile Fox ducked and cover form every shot that Wolf fired rapidly. While Wolf was distracted, Scape crept up the stairs as he attempted to remain out of sight. He crawled up one by one before he eventually slinked to the surface of the platform above it. Wolf clearly had too much fun using Fox like target practice despite the fact he missed every shot. "What's the matter, Fox? Are you too scared to die now? Come on out and let me hit you! I promise I might miss on purpose if you stand perfectly still! HAHAHA!"

Irony then crashed down on Wolf. Scape finally got behind him and lunged his open jaws over O'Donnel's head. His world was enveloped in a slobbery wetness! His body writhed and he shot rapidly around the air out of sheer panic! Scape began to greedily gulp down his fierce meal. Those wet, rapid gulps echoed out in the sudden silence that surrounded the vast ship. The wolf realized that O'Donnel tried to fire at him and in that moment, he grabbed it out of his meal's hands. Scape tossed the gun aside and those swallows only grew faster and more intense. The flesh rippled around that body like thick waves as Wolf plunged down bulges formed within the lumpy gullet and shrunk while more of his body vanished from the outside world. Fox watched with shock and awe of watching a wolf cannibalize another with no sense of remorse. A tightness formed in his pants. Fox realized he enjoyed the sight of the man he hated so much become nothing more than a mere meal. That sense of joy felt so wrong at the same time, Scape's lips were swollen from the shape of Wolf.

He writhed fruitlessly against the rhythmic gravitational pull of those potent jaws. Each swallow further dragged O'Donnel deeper into the ever-winding chasm of a throat. Scape's body bulged out. Despite each attempt to escape from the wet throat it seemed to make no difference. Wolf's arms slid within the gullet as it clenched down on his body. His torso hung outside of the elastic maw his legs pumped through the air, swayed back and forth with heavy resilience.

Most of Wolf's figure had been pummeled down the gullet with such ease. His legs and tail slipped down like a pair of noodles. His stomach swelled with the filling shape of O'Donnel's body. Wolf thrashed against Scape's stomach and made it wobble with every movement. The slewing rush of acidic juices splattered on the lupine. Wolf desperately attempted to escape the confines of the caustic cauldron which only further coated him in juices. Wolf felt his body macerate within the slew of muck. The ceaseless sea of sludge clumped onto his body with each slosh. The thin air and horrendous vapors made O'Donnel wheeze weakly.

That drumbeat of Scape's heartbeat almost like a ticking clock. O'Donnel struggled to breath within the walls. The flesh crushed down on his figure once more. "I won't let you get away with this! You will never know peace, mutt!" Wolf exclaimed weakly, he coughed on the suffocating fumes. "What's that buddy, you've gotta speak up, hard to hear you under layers of my fat!" Scape said. He then chuckled and his fingers rubbed eagerly against his gut while his meal continued to fight a losing battle. Fur fell off Wolf's body as the raging sea of fluid spew violently around the walls. O'Donnel winced while the slop stewed further around his compressed form, the tinge of agony grew worse by the moment.

Scape murmured and churred with delight. He grew aroused from the feeling of his lively meal. However, now free from distraction he felt like he was being admired. The wolf looked down at Fox who kept staring intensely and a grin crept across Scape's face. "What? I don't like leaving evidence behind if I can help it. Anyway, wanna rub my gut or something?" Wolf calmly said as his throat rumbled. Fox quickly blushed at those words and thought about it for a moment. Then, a shy nod came from Fox. Scape toothily smirked and walked down the stairs steadily. Each step resulted in a loud slosh; his belly shook alongside the sound. "P-Please let me out, I will give you double whatever they're paying you!" The muffled shouts hazily exclaimed to no response. O'Donnel's fur begun to slough off into the bile which further induced panic in his noisy wailing. "Sheesh does this guy ever shut up?" Scape quipped, Fox laughed and approached that stomach, his eyes practically affixed to the belly. Fox's paws wandered across the stomach. He felt O'Donnel's struggle growing weaker with each rub. "You're a monster." Instinctively the words slipped out of Fox's maw despite his eyes clearly being enamored by the bulbous girth of Scape's belly. "I've heard that plenty of times before, Fox. I take it as a compliment especially from a once renowned hero. What did you do to get a hit put on your head anyway?" That inquisitive and casual look from wolf was dead serious. Fox's hands stopped rubbing that gut and the rest of his body stood still in that moment. "Why are you bringing that up now!? You've got your hit, right!? This is where we part ways and never talk again, right!?" Fox's body then quivered like a leaf in the wind. He thought about all the red flags that surrounded the entire operation. Things had gone far too smoothly. Scape's eyes narrowed his tongue lulled out of his jaws; drool dripped from his black lips freely. "Haha, sorry didn't know it was that much of a sore spot for you. Keeping rubbing if you value your life, McCloud."

Fox had a look of betrayal in his eyes while one his hands went to reach for his blaster. It was gone, all his weapons were gone. His hands moved frantically around himself as he looked for something. Only to find no sort of thing to defend himself with. Scape's relaxed, gleeful look felt like a knife to Fox's throat. "That's so adorable, you thought I'd let you keep your tools. Now, get back to rubbing Fox, come on. Let's enjoy your last moments together." The wolf chirped with glee. Scape's hand stroked gently across Fox's terrified face as his body wavered. "Why? Why!? WHY!?" Fox could only utter out in despair his body began to freeze in place. His wide eyes kept fixated on Scape's indulgent expression. Another thought entered Fox's mind, Wolf was dead. His hand glued to that gut, not a single movement came from the rotund fluff. No imprint, no muffles, no satisfactory emotion came from the discovery of such death. Panicked breathes rapidly spewed from Fox's jaws as he shook his head in Denial. "Who put the hit on my head!? What are they paying you!?" Those words of horror and hate fueled Scape's laughter as it busted out from the pit of stomach. Each jaunty gaggle of giggles shook the rattled bones of the once lively O'Donnel.

"More credits than I know what to do with, Fox. It's strictly business, bud. It's nothing personal. As for who paid me, that's a secret not even I know. The money enters my bank, and my questions are moot. Who am I to question bloody cash?" Scape said with a giddy, condescending, grin. "It's my life! It is personal! You're going to kill me in the same way. Aren't you!? You are a monster!" The wolf could only laugh. He then pressed that stomach against Fox's face. There was a sloppy noisy CRUNCH of the bones within that softening gut with each hard press! "Hear that? That's going to be you. It's going to feel so damn good, bud! Keep crying, nobody is saving you." Scape dropped his pants, that ebony cock finally throbbed with newfound freedom while Fox's eyes widened. His hand patted against Fox's head while his hips swayed energetically. "You know, I was considering killing you first but, the opportunity to kill two wanted men with one gut was far too enticing! Your sense of betrayal makes it worth any number of credits."

Fox looked down at the bulbous member and his eyes shook at such a monstrous beast, it was thicker than his arm. The length of the dick was impressive, it was at least half the length of Fox's arm. His eyes couldn't stop admiring it despite the peril he was in. "Mmm, like what you see? I am surprised, bud. I thought you'd start screamin' your head off." Scape's words hissed with lusty allure. Fox blushed a deep red. Part of his brain was screaming to run, to take the opportunity and find a weapon. However, Scape's scent was hard to ignore, it was pleasant. An idea seemed to pop into Scape's head. He had realized how enamored Fox was with his massive cock.

"You know what, I've changed my mind, Fox. You know what I need more than money right now? A nice, good, cock sucking. How about this, I MIGHT spare you if you keep all my cum in your jaws." Scape said and he kept that toothy flare in every word he spoke. "Fuck you! Fuck this! But I don't want to die. I will do it." Fox's voice shook and he whimpered weakly, that moment of being enamored shattered. Fox couldn't stand the sense his life was a mere bargaining chip. "Atta boy! See, it's not so bad co-operating with me!" Scape patted his hand against Fox's shoulder those claws prodded briefly into his shoulder. As he felt the claws nearly dig into his shoulder Fox moved his body once more. Without further hesitation Fox maneuvered his frame to that bulbous rod. From the sheer difference in their height Fox didn't need to get on his knees, his head was at level with that rod. He pursed his lips softly on the tip of it and moved his head forward. Soft like velvet, wet, warm, the sensations made Scape shudder. The wolf thrusted his hips forth into that warm gullet. Fox nearly gagged on girth of the ebony cock but managed to maintain his breath.

Fox's head bobbed back and forth despite the forceful thrusts. That thick rod throbbed in his throat alongside the slick movement. The tight pulse around the thick throat made Fox nearly choke on that dick once more. Suddenly, Scape's enormous gut groaned and bellowed out loudly alongside the sloppy sounds of Fox's wet lips. The wolf crushed his still stomach against Fox's eager head. From the pressure a CRUNCH boomed from the stomach which caused Fox to shudder. His lips quivered, the movement of it massaged that thick dick. However, it grew nearly impossible to breathe. Fox paused for a moment to breathe through his nostrils and Scape snarled. "You're going to be stomach soup faster if you don't hurry up, Fox. I don't care if my cock chokes you out, don't stop." With those cruel words Fox's head bobbed faster along that dick. "Tsk, tsk, tsk, what are you in a rush for, bud? Slow down, let me enjoy this." Scape knew he was being contradictory and hoped that it caused Fox to fail. That sickening sense of sadistic glee in the Wolf's voice made Fox whimper weakly in a muffled tone.

Fox obeyed and his pace began to slow down. His mouth popped off the dick to give his jaws a rest. His tongue licked around the sack and up the ebony member. "Mmm, don't remember asking you to do this. How about I just snuff you out right now? You don't seem to be very good at this, bud." Scape laughed and crammed his cock deep into Fox's jaws. "Let you gag on it, no release. Will you fight for your life, meat?" Fox thrashed his hands against the wolf's gut. Despite his efforts, he choked on that fat cock. No matter how hard Fox thrashed, he couldn't unhinge his jaws from the meaty dick.

His maw was split in such a way he couldn't bite only endure the sadistic wolf's indulgence. Acceptance sunk in and Fox stopped struggling against the invasive member. Scape humped his dick deep into Fox's stretched out gullet. Scape's hips rolled back and forth with far more vigor and pummeled out some of that precious oxygen. An orgasm had built up in those balls from the vicious thrusts. Fox was forced to breath through his nostrils, that precious air continued to run dangerously thin. Suddenly, that cum needed to escape Scape's fat cock. "OHHH FUCKKKKK!" The wolf howled in sheer ecstasy when that orgasm rippled through his dick. his seed splattered into Fox's throat. Forced to swallow ever drop Fox gagged on the fierce orgasm. He felt almost at his limit before the member popped out of his jaws. Fox gasped and wheezed with ragged breath and then he heard it, cum splattered from his mouth, it was on the floor. "W-Wait, I will do anything..." Scape hoisted him up while he pleaded out of desperation. "It's okay, you're going to a better place now, my hips." Scape's open maw lunged over Fox's horrified face.

Fox's world became a pitch black, warm, wet, sticky abyss that pulled forward around his body. His body sunk within the greedy gullet; saliva stuck to his matted fur. The rotten stench of meat wafted into Fox's sensitive nostrils, it nearly made him hurl. That flat tongue slathered around Fox's head. The apendage swirled around every inch, his flavor being savored with every lick. His hands fiercely pushed against that wide muzzle. Fox's panic did him no favors, his arms weren't stronger than the powerful grip of the warm flesh. Push as he might, his head was locked within the tight confines of Scape's warm maw. He realized that he was locked in place and a sense of defeat sunk into Fox's heart. "Please! I will do anything! I will lick you ass, service your paws, whatever you want! Let me go!" His words fell upon deaf ears and a deafening gulp pushed him down the ravenous gullet.

Scape's neck bulged outward with each inhale of his meal. His gut groaned out in ravenous desire while Fox's leg's thrashed violently in the air. With a final, loud, swallow Fox plunged into the sloppy stomach. Like Wolf before him, relegated to a fate he couldn't hope to escape. The belly ballooned and nearly touched the floor. However, Scape's thick member once more kept his big belly elevated. Fox's figure curled around the cramped confines of the horrid stomach. The putrid bile even harder to breath in, he heaved heavily forced to take in what air he could intake. Sluggishly his body stung, every plump curve, every inch of his body felt like it was being stabbed. It felt like a million tiny needle peeling off his fur one strand at a time. Fox screamed in agony from the harsh sensation. His eyes burned while his body was secreted in the vicious enzymes eager to break him down.

Meanwhile Scape sighed with a sense of satisfaction. "You know, bud, I might not even turn in the cash at this point. I think your agonized screams will pay me more than any amount of money. Just kiddin' gonna report you in righttt now." He turned on his headset and in a familiar motion put the speaker up to his stomach. "Your target is effectively dead, transfer the credits." The agonized muffled screams of Fox's voice boomed through the microphone. "Understood, transferring the funds now, thank you for your hard work." The anonymous voice on his headset coldly said before the transmission cut off abruptly. "Think I should tell your buddy Falco that you fought bravely till the bitter end? I bet he'd cry his eyes out hearing all about it." His stomach bulged out violently to those words, a crude belch followed by the vicious imprints that pummeled against the insides. "I will take that as a yes, Fox. Enjoy your slow death why don't you. Wolf certainly didn't complain too much! Well, I am sure you will be crying for joy too!" Fox heard every single word despite the layers of flesh between him and Scape. He knew that the wolf was talking loud enough to make sure he was heard. Agony overran any feelings, any thoughts, it infected every sense that Fox could feel. His thoughts washed away with the corrosive tides of acid. The juices had clung to every crevice of his exposed and brutalized body. Fox's clothing burned into the chyme; his fur was missing in hefty patches. His flesh soon began to slough off into red mixture. The anguish increased with further exposure to that soft and delicate skin. Fumes heaved hurriedly into his weakened senses, but the scents still sent him spiraling into a sickened state. The pain only grew while his strength sapped away into the grotesque mulched mixture. That delicate flesh fell into the endless ocean of acids with each splash of the harsh enzymes. His reddened form completely unrecognizable if any could lay eyes on that wilted figure. Fox's lungs burnt away from the accidental engulfment of the corrosive liquid during his body's movement. He had clung desperately to life, his consciousness began to fade in and out. His organs began to fail as they burnt away within his bleeding insides. With a hoarse and gargled voice, he weakly exclaimed. "I don'!"

The last strands of his consciousness sunk into oblivion while his body continued to melt into wolf fat. Scape picked out the fur left in his teeth with and idly claw that writhed between the gaps. He relaxed in the massive ship alone. He thought about his massive fortune, thought about what he was going to do with all the credits. Suddenly the forgetful wolf had recalled something he needed to do. "Oh yeah, I should uh, tell Falco that Wolf is dead! I wonder if that letter he gave me has his number on there, I should double check." He then fished through the pants he put on the floor and read through the note he found. The message was a cipher to how to contact this Falco fellow after enough close analysis of the words being used. With how easy it was to decipher he managed to crack the code within a few minutes. On his headset Scape pressed a series of buttons on his headset before it lit up. "Oh hey, Falco, Wolf is dead. Want me to send a picture or something? URAPPPPPPPPPPP!" A sudden massive belch rippled through the wolf's jaws. O'Donnel's acid bleached skull rattled onto the ground from the blasting burp. "I saw everything. You didn't think I wouldn't leave a camera on your body? You're such a fool. I knew you were a money hungry bastard from the moment I laid eyes on you. I am going to ring the life out your pretty little neck. I knew I should've stayed on your ship when I saw how giddy you were about killing someone! You're a murderer you know that right!?" Wolf burst into laughter from the harsh threat. "Wow! Bravo, you know your friend is dead! Tell you what, if you come within the next few hours you can fish for some memorabilia in the massive pile of shit your friend is gonna be! Though, I will be real, some of Wolf's comrades might be around to kill ya!" Scape's laughter rung through every word. "We'll see how long you'll be laughing, monster! You'll regret this!" The headset feed cut once more while the wolf felt through his body and found the camera and crushed it into bits. His stomach followed suit and crushed down on fox's body a SNAP, CRACK, and CRUNCH boomed from his belly. "I'll never get sick of that feeling. Hey Fox, you ever get a taste of your buddy? Did he taste good?" He spoke to himself casually. The wolf shook his lifeless stomach and sighed. "Guess you're not around to tell me even if you wanted to. Oh well." The stewing insides processed the remnants of what wasn't being broken down by the powerful flesh. The walls wrenched around the broken-down bits of body parts into rich nutrients. The sated sensations that ran through Scape's body felt beyond incredible. Each pump through his intestines felt so delightful, he idly rubbed around his soft abdomen.

Soon enough the slurry of slop slugged its way into Scape's bowels. Within the tight intestinal tract, the bones would get crushed into a fine powder. Only a few fragments remained while they intertwined with cloth and tufts of fur. The mixture formed into solid shit ready to pinch out. It had only been a few hours since his body had processed his meals into crap.

Scape went to the cockpit and decided to leave a parting gift to whoever else used the ship. His bare ass aimed at the electronic dashboard warm lumps of shit began to flood out of his rear. It sputtered out wildly, bones, fur, cloth all mixed in the muddy lumps. The sheer volume of crap flooded the dashboard. The solid, thick shit splattered wetly on the metallic ground. Scape huffed with delight, nothing felt more relieving than letting go of the muddy waste. The shit rubbed against his prostate. His cock hardened to the satisfying sensation. That massive ebony member throbbed under his fatter gut. He gripped onto his cock while shit continued to pump out of his pucker steadily. The wolf's hands pumped around his member. It pulsated wildly with each squeeze he gave his cock. Spurts of pre-cum already started to fling everywhere while Scape moaned out loudly. He grunted with an effortful clench. A massive hunk of shit escaped the lips of his backside and broke down some of the metal of the dashboard, the weight crumpled it like paper. His pucker widened from the sheer loads of waste that left his ass.

The endless deluge of remains continued to flow with each hurried stroke along his member. That sludge slipped around his feet while the cockpit continued to fill with the remains of Fox and Wolf. The surge of the orgasm peaked when he felt the spines of his meals rub against his prostate. Hot cum spewed into the hot shit with each violent twitch of his cock. Scape whimpered. Sensory overload riddled through his body the built up pressure became immense. That brutal orgasm made his hips buckle and more crap tunneled out his rear. Scape struggled to stand upright from the sheer weight of his last dump. With one final ejection Wolf's and Fox's Skull clatter atop the mound of waste. Scape sighed with a heavy sense of relief. "Wow, you two made one hell of a mess. No wonder they paid me so much." The wolf looked back at his massive mess and stood proudly before he walked away from the broken dashboard. Scape headed back to his ship and put on a fresh pair of clothes. "So long, you two." Scape opened the hanger bay door and flew away from the idling ship. Two names added to the countless lives he claimed, the money didn't make him quit. His spree would continue, no live in galaxy could sate Scape's ceaseless hunger.

A feline feast

A towering massive building stood well over the chimera as he had finally reached the convention center all those miles, all the effort, all the hours, money, a culmination of effort and desire as those doors stared at his stary eyes. Awestruck by the...

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Big Bad Mr.Wolf

Well, this was a very fun nearly self-indulgent piece to work on that ended up featuring an anonymous friend of mine in the form of the german shepherd featured prominently in the story. This was a patreon preview which you can now also find the full...

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A party to remember

It wasn't hard for a deer like Eik to get an invitation to a party with his stunning looks. Those white antlers that curved so elegantly, his light brown fur that leads to the vaster darker brown gut and middle, and those charming brown eyes and black...

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