A party to remember

Story by Pizza Tiger on SoFurry

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#1 of Cock vore

It wasn't hard for a deer like Eik to get an invitation to a party with his stunning looks. Those white antlers that curved so elegantly, his light brown fur that leads to the vaster darker brown gut and middle, and those charming brown eyes and black hair helped ensnare many folks with such allure. This party he arrived at was no more different than any other with a slip of some lovely words. He managed to get into the doe's party. He socialized with plenty of the guests as he would occasionally feel a tightness in his shorts whenever his mind would wander as Eik thought about that doe he had heard so much about through word of mouth. To him, the doe and how her friends had described her made Eik eager to meet her for less than wholesome reasons.

His mind seemed to continuously stray from conversation to conversation. Sometimes a few party-goers got offended at how his stare seemed to go off into the distance. Finally, he spotted the doe as she stood there and talked with one of her friends. Eik headed toward her as he finally found what he had come for, the doe, the main course he had worked so hard to make connections for to reach this moment. As he got closer, he noticed that the doe had antlers, a peculiar sight that made him all the more interested, especially since she wore very little. A thin green tank top and the most scandalous of all, she wore blue striped panties, no skirt, and no bra. She let most of her pink body and pink eyes glimmer in the spotlight of her fluorescently lit living room. The buck barged through the party-goers. He reached the doe and tapped her shoulder politely to get her attention. As she turned to face him, she looked at him with a bright red blush.

The buck grinned and looked down at her very revealing outfit as Eik was thoroughly looked at the doe with the utmost disrespectful glance, and it only flustered the poor doe more as she gazed upon that toned figure. Ruby's lusty eyes scanned up and down. Finally, she realized that she remembered that her friends had warned her about the allure of the handsome stag. Something about his soothing words being like poison but the contrast of appearance and warning had her lower her guard as the confident male approached her.

"I am Eik; it is a pleasure to meet you, ma'am. I must say you look magnificent. What is your name? I feel you have a beautiful one just from looking at you." She hid her face between her hands as suddenly the confident woman was a bashful mess in front of an attractive man. Her eyes looked towards his bulged-out pants, her gaze just as disrespectful. Especially after that flirtatious nature, confidence, and sexy personality, it became far too much for Ruby. She was almost tempted to grope that thick bulge. If an expression could be ravenous, her face was practically wolf-like in how her eyes ate up every inch of that tightly compressed bump in his pants. She moved her hands to get a nice long look at the buck's masculine figure.

"I-I am Ruby! The pleasure is all mine, Eik. Gosh, you are so handsome! I mean, uh...I ummm, you are looking rather dapper yourself." An amused eyebrow raised. He didn't wear a shirt and only had shorts on. There was no way he was anything close to a dapper gentleman in terms of appearance. "My eyes are up here, dear deer. Althoughhhh, I guess if you're going to look, how about I give you a closer one, eh?" Her face is flushed into a dark hue of frustration. The doe's brain might as well have had sparks that flew out of it as she processed the rather lewd invitation to look at whatever the buck was packed in those tight shorts. Her heart pounded like a violent drum as she wanted to clutch her chest from the excitement that rushed through her mind. Someone as handsome as him wanted to have fun with her, and he was blunt with what he wanted from the doe. Ruby couldn't get ahold of herself while her mind raced with thoughts.

The buck realized how much she struggled to answer his lewd invitation. Eik moved in close to her ear and whispered gently. "I promise I will be gentle with you. You will love every second of it. Don't you want to have fun with this handsome buck? Think about it. Everyone can watch and see just how wild you are, Ruby." Those words turned her expression from flustered to a lustful thirst. Her eyes glared at the buck as she put her hands around his hips. "I want it, Eik, more than anything. I want you. I can't hide it. I remember hearing about you in passing from friends. I know how you can be. Show this party just how wild we deer can be." Eik grinned as he pulled down his shorts, and his fat, rotund ebony cock pressed right into her face. That erect shaft flared to her touch as Ruby's hands explored that length. Her hands moved with a shaky disposition that eagerness swiftly snuffed by how intimidated she became at the sight of the monstrously large girth.

Ruby had to break the nervous tension that throbbed in her heart, perhaps wanting to get a word out from the imposed stature of the stag. "What do you uh feed that thing? This is so damn big I've never seen anything like it." Her awestruck eyes looked at the buck as he chuckled and rubbed the doe's head affectionately. "Wouldn't you like to know? I feed it meat pretty often, sometimes fruit and vegetables." Ruby let out a burst of laughter as that smug buck made her feel relieved that the handsome fellow had a good sense of humor.

Her free hands groped around his fat round orbs as the doe gulped nervously at the sight of that monstrously gigantic cock. She could almost swear that thing could gobble her fragile frame without much struggle. That fact that ran through her head only made her heart race more while Eik softly moaned in delight while some of the party-goers idly watched in awe as the doe shamelessly serviced her guest. A few didn't pay attention to the hot exchange between the two, far too involved in their own thing. Her hungry lips wrapped around that massive shaft, and an impressed look filled Eik's face as his hips thrust forward. The doe managed not to gag on that thick drooling shaft. Ruby's head bobbed back and forth on the length as Eik sighed in satisfaction and let the doe service his needy rod only occasionally he trusted to encourage her to go deeper on his dick. Her head traveled across that thick bulbous member with such skill as her throat bulged out with the shape of that long and massive girth.

Eik grabbed her head out of sheer lust as the sensations grew overwhelming, and he rammed his fat dick deep into her throat. She became more akin to a cock sleeve in seconds as he used those antlers like handlebars to ride that face so effortlessly. Ruby had to breathe through her wet nose as that dick lodged through her stretched-out windpipe. That gullet would get painted by the deluge of hot cum as Eik grunted and filled out his doe with lusty abandon, his sloppy and wet thrust ceased through the last drops of his seed as it dripped like a leaky faucet out of her mouth. "Mmm fuck, time to recharge, you sexy doe." Those simple words had such lust as he was ready to do something she couldn't expect.

Ruby's ears flicked, but her lost expression made it apparent that she was too much within a euphoric daze to respond. Eik shoved his cock out of her drooling maw and pushed that slit over her face as the warm flesh engulfed her head in an instant. The party-goers cheered as they enjoyed the show. The sexy stag gave quite the display as some began rubbing his shaft and balls as Ruby would sink into his cock. Her body quivered within her weakened resolve. The heat and scent made her enjoy the sensations as they rolled through her senses. The soft walls of flesh gave her a form of comfort in the heat of her lust. Ruby's mind was still at the absolute pinnacle of having sucked off the buck, and those devious chemicals made it nearly impossible for the need to struggle and writhe alongside the vice-like grip the shaft had on her body.

The rippling walls of flesh compressed around her feminine figure as the flesh accommodated the body as the light bulges snaked down to Eik's massive orbs. The sluggish trip pushed Ruby along the length, all while her guests continued to eagerly kiss and rub that gorgeous engorging phallus as her wide hips were slurped inside. Eik's mind was entrapped in sheer ecstasy, unable to think a single thought as his dick snacked so eagerly on the girl he was looking forward to devouring how ironic the doe befell to her species.

That irony was utterly meaningless to Eik no matter what species his food was. Food at the end of the day, it just so happened that his target was so alluring. The stag indulged in the warm sensations of the doe's body as it sunk deeper into the depths of his dick. That greedy guzzling flesh so tightly snaked around her slender figure, her movements were stiff, seemingly disinterested with the prospect of escaping the ever warm confines of the member. Her upper chest had become eclipsed by the expanding vastness of meat. Those veins pumped violently as the cock throbbed with eager need.

Guests were unwaveringly eager to aid in feeling around every slick inch of the stag's member as he couldn't focus on numerous folks keen to service his body. There were too many to count that interchanged between each other. He was utterly flattered by the ceaseless pool of attention as the doe inched ever closer to a pool of a different kind.

Ruby's slender legs slipped into the hungry girth much quicker than her other body parts as they vanished into the hungry penis. The soothing walls numbed her mind to the fact she was about to become ball batter. The growing pungent aroma didn't help make it any easier to struggle. Her survival instincts gave out as her head popped into the sweltering sac. Ruby's body would be squeezed into the heavy sac as the clamoring guests rubbed against the swelling orbs, eagerly feeling out all the shapes her body made. Finally, the doe's body splashes into the white cum as it surrounds her figure. The doe is forced to curl up inside the cramped cum compartment.

The intense and potent steady sluice of seed pumped thoroughly through every crevice of the doe's figure as she weakly pressed through the layers of flesh between her and the outside. Those heavy buck nuts swayed back and forth as the part-goers eagerly admired Eik as he grinned with satiated satisfaction. A few offered to be snacks to the mighty deer. He politely declined and invited them to come back to his place after the party if they wanted to be buck fuel. Eik knew well enough he'd stuff himself silly till his stomach would no longer take the punishment if he started gobbling up the guests. Still, the stag contemplated the consumption of some of the more delicious-looking critters with the commotion of the ongoing observers.

A deep flood of cum flowed around the compact and compounded flesh as it mulched up the doe into something softer ever so sluggishly. That tight squish around her figure made the doe grunt as she felt every muscle so eager to convert her into white sludge. It wasn't only the muscles that were so giddy to witness her soften up each guest devout to serve that cock as it squeezed into her bulged outlines. The expression on Eik's face is that of pure enjoyment. Not a peep eeked out of his maw as those hands squished and rubbed every inch of the member.

His eyes rolled back to his head as those balls squished into her figure. He felt it clench tightly to the doe's body as he grunted with lust. "That's it, churn down like butter. Do you feel that from the outside? Your guests want you to churn up into batter. They are so eager to see you go. They are giving so much attention to my nuts even as I lay down." That long rumbled coo from his breath ached out, and a muffled sound came from those swollen orbs he couldn't make out a single word the doe attempted to utter. Eik probably would ignore whatever plea or moan of enjoyment regardless. He finally had his meal right where he wanted her. Nothing felt better than knowing she would be a fresh load soon enough.

The macerating liquid sloshed around with every jostle of the fat bulbous balls as Eik's thick member drools that copious amount of pre-cum that cum starting to rise with intensity, an orgasm slowly built up within the batter. Ruby couldn't do anything other than for her to come to terms with her goopy fate as her body grew softer within the sloshing sludge as it washed over her now exposed breasts and vagina. The doe's sensitive nipples exposed to the wetness made Ruby moan with embarrassed delight as it felt surprisingly good. That unwilling heart of hers began to cave into the intense massaged walls of the balls and the wonderful scent. An overjoyed expression filled her face as she felt the seed and the flesh massage against her sensitive pussy folds. Ruby's fingers delved down into her sex as they dangled inside the lubed-up insides. "T-This isn't so bad after all, Eik." The buck wouldn't hear a muffled murmur as he felt his meal soften up swiftly with his heavy orbs. "What was that, my dear doe? I am afraid I can't hear you. You're going to need to speak a bit louder." That gruff voice rumbled with pleased satisfaction as his hefty sac continually received massaged efforts from every angle from those persistent guests of the party eager to admire the brand new host. The party-goers could tell the doe was beginning to soften up into more sludge, almost gone from the party to be nothing more than cum.

Ruby's orgasm began to rise as what remained of her body could still move somewhat. She knew her time was almost up, possibly bringing the doe so quickly to orgasm. Her fluids flooded into the thick mire as it washed over her mostly numb body as it was lost in the vastness. The slewing slosh of liquids erased more of her body into the thick layers of sludge as her body grew numb. She could no longer move her hands or legs. She had been pretty efficiently mulched into ball batter as those walls pulsated and shifted around her entrapped figure. However, her body would not go to waste as Ruby's once lovely figure began to pad out Eik's impressive male hood.

Eik would groan and felt her movements soon cease within those heavy orbs. Eik was already ready to blow several times over from all the intense attention his heavy cock had received. The party-goers that wanted the bucks seed desperately moved into the firing range of that cannon of a member. Hot ropes of seed spurted out of his sensitive head as he whined in delight. That cock became like a geyser as it blasted the thick layers of white fluid onto the eager receivers. The white sludge smears the ground and guests with rapid bursts as the buck panted and huffed as he watched his dick produce so much spunk from the lovely doe's contributions.

Eik's member soon tapered off from the vast seed and grinned as he witnessed the sheer white area he had made from all that piping hot cum. A smug grin painted his face as he watched the guests eagerly clean themselves off by licking each other clean most of the cum was not wasted, at least from the eager party-goers that seemed to be in a euphoric daze. Eik laid his head back as he sat down on the wet ground. He admired his newly gained cock heft from the lovely doe as she had made that dick much thicker in size and length. The stag rumbled with delight as he rubbed over his fat balls and realized that new girth would be nearly impossible to hide a bit of a blush arose from the realization. That afterglow of intense pleasure made it all worth it as he rubbed over his softening length. A few guests eagerly lapped off some of the cum still stuck to the buck while he laid peacefully in the aftermath for a few moments.

Eik eventually got up and forcefully shoved his massive member into his tight-fitted pants even tighter with that new heft, the clothe barely hid that monstrous ball heft he had gained. The deer wandered through the crowd that had diminished since he got here. He had unwittingly inspired a handful of guests to follow suit, some still amid the consumption of one another. Some followed him on his way home as they still firmly remembered that the buck had promised them a trip to his stomach. Eik was rather impressed with himself as he watched the guests follow him close behind and realized that he had snagged a few meals. Nothing quite beats the absolutely lovely taste of leftover party guests. His thick tongue lapped over his wet chops as he thought about how full he would be consuming his eager followers.

A Surprise Trip

This was a fun commission to write for Exo it was interesting to play around with a new concept of the stomach biome. I hope you enjoy this story if you wish to support me my commissions are open which you can check out here:...

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Gnoll on Patroll

CW: digestion, disposal, bones, threatening, cop prey, M/M, sex, musk, cruel pred, name-calling/humiliation, smothered in shit, bone-breaking, pain, scat, shrinking, macro, micro, size difference Holding a blade to the base of the canine's neck as...

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CW: digestion, disposal, bones, threatening, cop prey, M/M, sex, musk, cruel pred, name-calling/humiliation, smothered in shit, bone-breaking, pain, scat, face sitting, shit eating, live-stream This is from early access\* stories on...

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