Gnoll on Patroll

Story by Pizza Tiger on SoFurry

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CW: digestion, disposal, bones, threatening, cop prey, M/M, sex, musk, cruel pred, name-calling/humiliation, smothered in shit, bone-breaking, pain, scat, shrinking, macro, micro, size difference

Holding a blade to the base of the canine's neck as the nude gnoll grins as he has a vial containing some mysterious liquid in his other hand. The contents slosh around with a sickening sound as the dog's ears flatten while the gnoll pops open the vial.

The tip of the flask slips right into the dog's maw as the gnoll forces the dog to chug the strange liquid. It had an odd coloration, unnatural, flashy, obnoxious something about the taste felt vile. Yet, despite the officer's misgivings about whatever he is drinking, he swallows down every last drop of the strange liquid. Not like the canine has many choices with a blade to his throat, the gnoll giving a crazed cackle of fervent indulgence as he tosses the vial away. "So, Officer, would ya like to suck on a fat gnoll cock before you shrink down!?" Cackling with giddy glee as shock fills the canine's finely chiseled face.

"I-If it will stop me from shrinking, Loquie!" The officer gives a weak whimper as he lowers his head to the gnoll's fat throbbing member. It was twice the length of his muzzle and half as big as that muzzle. That meaty monster is going to make him choke! "Mmm, I've heard gnoll seed has some magical properties, so maybe it will nullify that shrinking liquid!"

The dog grimaces and opens his muzzle, and the entire length of Loquies cock comes ramming into his mouth, gagging him instantly. He is choking and could barely breathe or even respond to the brutality! That monstrous cock rams itself into his jaws as the shepherd gets smaller by the second. Tears flow from the officer's eyes as the feeling gets tighter in his throat, suffocating on that fat gnoll dick while his teeth buckle and are on the verge of shattering against the invading length. "Wow, ya were such a proud bitch when I found you. Piggy fuckin' thought he could nab up the toughest criminal with no backup. Now I bet ya would be beggin' for yer life if ya could breathe!"

Those harsh words made it harder to think as that musk on the gnoll grew stronger as the officer shrank, his senses becoming more disoriented as the lack of oxygen caused him to become addicted to the scent. He is huffing it in with each wheezing breath as his head is forced back and forth on that girthy rod until the hot ropes of spunk spew down his gullet. The taste is bitter and foul, as if the gnoll's diet was nothing but meat. That rotten flavor is now trickling down to the pit of the canine's belly as it sags.

Loquie pulls the dog off his monstrous cock, some blood pooling in the canine's mouth, his jaw partially shattered, some of his teeth broken by the thick slab of meat. "Mmm, look like a puppy is without his bite or jaw. I should feed ya a nice heavy load of my shit to make room for ya!" Gasping for air, the dog clutches to every last breath he can muster as the gnoll gloats about a cruel end for the officer.

Swiftly the gnoll shoves the canine under his foul rear, that musky humid rump greeting the mutt's shriveling form as Loquie calmly sits on the dog's muzzle. His jaw is forced open by it being shattered means he has no choice but to embrace what is coming next. Warm hot loaves of gnoll crap spew onto the cringing tongue of the officer's trembling maw. The slew of brown mud is tunneling to the back of the dog's throat as he gulps it down with few other choices, somewhat fearful of what would happen if he dared to spit out his dinner.

Bones jolted and scraped against his maw, making him whimper in pain as his bloody mouth got all the more banged up by the harsh contents of the putrid-smelling shit. There are vast tufts of fur that flood and tickle against his mouth. He might as well be dragging his tongue against a shit-covered carpet with the steady flow of the horrid remains. "Awww, does the little disgusting piggy love eating from his fucking trough? Mmm, so nasty. I knew ya animals ate people but not like this." Those taunting words booming with dominating feverish indulgence, the dog powerless against that raw ass as the pucker feeds more of the waste into his maw.

Wafts of steam and sweat drop from the foggy ass as it looms over his weakening body. It doesn't take long before his stomach is chock-full of gnoll shit and his fur full of foul waste. It is almost hard to distinguish him from another load of gnoll mud. He is now half of his original size as that ass forces the canine further to the ground as the officer whimpers sheepishly. Now he is kneeling on the cold grass while the canine's head is almost eclipsed by Loquie's fat wrinkly pucker, that ebony flesh pursing against his soft lips as more lumps fester into his already full gut. He is nearly on the verge of vomiting as that shrinking feeling doesn't cease. The officer is only a few inches tall at most. When the shrinking stops, the gnoll seemingly waits patiently before plunging his ass down on the shep's head. That fleshy pucker surrounds the dog's entire head, and some of his shoulders and a long puff of gas roll out that intestines, a thick fart blasting around his head as he huffs in that noxious gas.

That thick fog was more like an entire atmosphere for such a tiny canine entirely at the whims of the devious gnoll. Loquie strokes his fat gnoll cock while his thick, plump pucker dives up and down the little dog, using the pathetic man as his dildo. "Ya know, filth, when I dump ya out, not one of your buddies will come lookin' for ya! Ya know, hahaha, why!? You are gonna be worthless gnoll shit, unrecognizable muck! Disgusting little pig gonna be crying through my intestines!"

Loquie dives his fat ass back down on the shep's head while the tiny man's ears flatten at the thought of what that must feel like to be nothing more than sloppy, foul, gnoll shit as it makes him shudder, all while going deeper inside that pucker as Loquie rides his body like a big toy.

"Mmm, good pig" That gruff crass voice is so much louder with the size difference between the two. Some of the words are much harder to understand as his body vibrates through every rumbling bark. However, the officer understands well enough. He knew his place in life, his place under this gnoll at this very moment whimpering at the cruel fate life has decided for him, wondering how it all ended up to this point to be utterly humiliated by such a foul fellow. The shepherd huffing in more of those masculine fumes of sweat breaks down his mind, that fat rear taking away more of his precious air. The curvy backside is now brutally engulfing and releasing him faster and faster.

Murky clumps of muck clumping to his fur, more of those foul remains to mark him as the gnoll's territory as the loud moans of Loquie get ever louder. The clasping warm flesh squeezing him occasionally, making the canine whine in despair, thinking at that very moment he is going to get crushed to death by that ass. Yet, part of him wants to be of more use to the horrid gnoll, at least before becoming nothing more than lumps of waste.

The officer didn't get much of a chance to think while the gnoll's thrusts down on his body grew more violent, and a fat fart ripped out on his tiny body. Loquie's stench is horrid, vile, grotesque, and powerful. It completely recks the senses of the little dog as he starts to get drunk on the smell. The shepherd wants nothing more than to be the toy of a horny gnoll, his mind spinning from the onslaught of gas surrounding him like a thick fog of smells.

As things reach a high, he hears it, Loquie's powerful orgasm and the stench of arousal flowing through the air just as freely as ropes of gnoll cum. Then, that warm wet liquid spews across the ground.

That rampant flow of seed paints the ground wildly, spurting with such impressive lengths the bandit must've been very pent up from what the canine could see as he is impressed such a sexy bandit could hold it for so long. The officer thought that maybe he was some special treat to the nasty gnoll for a moment. After all, why go through all this effort to swallow down one measly morsel? Surely Loquie could've gulped down the dog without much effort.

Loquie keeps ramming his hole over the canine's head with feverish pleasure, letting more of his seed spew out as he indulges in the carnal pleasure of feeling something so helpless rub against his very sensitive and ravenous insides. "Yer nothing special, meat. I like to toy with my food! So don't get mrrr any wise ideas thinking if ya do a good job ya go free! Nah, no one escapes my jaws, yer all mine, and there isn't a damn thing ya can do 'bout it!" That accent made it even more exciting of a prospect to the musk drunk shepherd.

He is huffing in those scents while licking up the fat beads of sweat on that massive ass, the dog becoming plump from the vast water he has slurped up as it is becoming hard for him to move with all that extra weight dragging the canine down. But then, as the officer's stomach sags, he sees that beautiful ass move away from him, and at that moment, a look of disappointment as the pathetic mutt wanted so much more from that lovely gnoll ass.

Then that big gnoll ass comes swinging back down. Loquie wants more from the eager boy who is so minuscule compared to that titanic mass. The pucker wraps back around the dog's head as it dives around his diminutive figure. The hole has a vice-like grip around the canine's neck, nearly squeezing the life out of shep as he gasps for air, only to inhale more foul air.

The dog thinks a swift death will approach him as the walls squeeze around his head. "God, you're so pathetic, piggy. Get ready to huff in my rank gnoll stank. Ya feel so damn good in my ass ya fucking disgusting bug!" An enormous fart blows around the dog's head as he gags on that wretched air. Yet another fart follows as that gas blows around the dog while the gnoll's fat cock leaks from the satisfaction of the sensation. Clumps of gnoll shit stick to his uniform as the gnoll uses the officer like a dildo for a few seconds before halting.

His trembling form masked in thickly caked swabs of gnoll crap, his fur much browner than before, it would be easy to mistake the tiny shep for a speck of shit. "Mmm ya ready to die, gnollshit?" That toothy grin is plastering across his face a fence in the form of daggers, crooked and deadly glaring right at the poor canine. "S-sir, I don't want to die! I can do so much more for you. I can kiss your balls, clean your feet, service your pits! I can be of use to you. I can be your good toy, Loquie!" The gnoll stops thinking about the canine's offer, tapping his chin with those sharp claws while pondering over it for a few minutes.

Time feels forever to the tiny canine as he whimpers, his legs locking into place out of sheer fear of daring to run away from a gargantuan menace such as the gnoll.

Then, without further warning, the gnoll picks up the shepherd by the scruff, hoisting him up effortlessly. As the distance grows between the officer and the ground, the canine grows more panicked as his legs thrash back and forth. The gnoll lets out a rumbling growl noticing his tiny snack trying to escape his grasp. "If ya want to die splatterin' to the ground, struggle more, I dare ya." That demanding voice blasting in his sensitive ears as the canine ascends all the higher, creeping over to the open jaws of the hungry beast.

That drooling fleshy chasm is staring the canine in the face as he is lowered into the wet warmth of that maw, slipping past those thick black lips. The tiny mutt slides right onto that rough, fleshy, wet tongue as it wraps around his disgusting figure. That warm drool is coating his body, tingling ever so slightly as that tongue trashes the dog inside the vast spit pool and hard flesh. Loquie is not done with his toy just yet as he gets a good taste of his putrid shit-coated dog, seemingly not minding the foul taste of the canine's body. The gnoll never bothered to strip the mutt of his uniform, and under that cloth, the poor dog has had to put up with the shit and now drool-smeared uniform making him feel so uncomfortable. There wasn't a more grotesque feeling for the officer.

Loquie tosses the canine around in that humid maw as he bumps against those rigid pallets, the officer whining as that onslaught of slobber beats down his battered body leaving bruises all over his figure. The dog is soon pushing against the back of the maw, almost on the brink of going down that vast gullet, the raunchy stench of digested food fuming into the shep's nose as it recoils, that foul breath making that shit smell all over him all the worse.

The gravitational pull of that esophagus tugs the canine down as the gnoll lets out a deep gulp as he slips and slides down that greedy gullet whining at his soon-to-be fate.

Gliding down that tight throat made the tiny shep feel like he was going to die by the crushing walls of the throat before he even got to experience the nasty stomach of the gnoll. Those crushing walls felt ever suffocating as he descends swiftly. The sphincter opens for him, and he splatters down into the hot pool of enzymes.

The air is as grotesque as possible as the horrid fumes funnel into his nostrils along with the acids. The acrid bile slews around and sloshes while he writhes to the top of the pool of enzymes. His fur and flesh are melting off his body as he gasps for air, the canine paddling as hard as possible. That pool turns red as he bleeds from his flesh and meat slops off his body. It isn't long till the gnoll's stomach claims the tiny shep's life, his body sinking to the bottom of the melting cauldron.

"Mmm, that's the end of ya, piggy. Ya lasted a little longer, so uh congrats on that, I suppose!" Cackling as he rubs over his slightly swollen stomach enjoying the new padding the tiny officer had given him. His bulky muscles having grown, his ass thicker, cock thicker, it is impressive how much such a small meal added to such a giant gnoll. Picking out his teeth with his dagger taking out tufts of fur from his sharp teeth. Loquie yawns, nearly cutting his gums out of his sheer boredom. "Guh worthless mutt, still givin' me trouble after yer gone, guess at least piggy is going to be nothing more than gnoll mud."

Hours later, after pilfering exquisite goods from wandering nobles, the gnoll found a nice place to drop off what remained of the tiny canine. Loquie squatting down with his tail hiked up out of his ebony pucker emerges the first warm log of shit slipping out of his fat ass.

The warm, soft shit having tiny bits of bones and fur stuck in the heavy pile of mud is slowly splattering out of the gnoll's tight donut, grunting as he strokes his throbbing shaft, feeling it ache in his hands. Each rough fat clump of crap that spews out of his ass, more of those tiny broken bones fills the putrid pile. Finally, that little outfit that once belonged to the canine is within the fat layers of muck.

Thick slews of the caked crap pile up, stinking up the place until an impressive wad lumps up, so ungraciously, another fat fart rolling out of the gnoll's ass as he cackles moans. He turns around and thrusts his fat cock into the pile of shit, his hot loads of seed spewing into that muddy mound. Ropes of that warm cum fill up that disgusting pile after seeping seething shot as he whines in delight.

The dog's thick skull manages to lodge itself into Loquie's hole. Not all of the canine's bones maintained that tiny shape as they rolled out the gnoll's ass. Out of his sockets and jaw come those heavy fat logs of shit spewing out wildly.

That steady flow of shit makes it look like that skull's eyes and broken jaw produce the rich layers of caked mud. "Ya know, Gnollshit, yer being quite the pain in the fuckin' arse!" Huffing as more crap continues to spew and push that skull free from his nasty hole very sluggishly. "fUUUUCKKK YOooouUUU!" The gnoll grunts with pain as that skull shoots out his ass and into the massive hunk of gnoll crap. "God yer a bitch, ya sure a pussy wasn't latched to those pathetic hips of yers?" Loquie looked at that broken pelvis with a nearly inquisitive look as his head craned around.

The badge gets lodged into the gnoll's ass next, and he begins to thrust it in and out of his big pucker, huffing as he feels the ridges of the metal coldly brush against that hole. The shit around it makes it feel like such a filthy dildo, but it also felt good to use. Loquie grunts with delight as his thicker cock throbs with life again before he sighs and keeps it crammed in his ass, keeping it as a trophy. "Heh, piggy, I bet some bitch is gonna have fun digging out that piece of crap ya call a badge."

Admiring a little longer, hanging in that euphoric lust feeling, that badge wedged itself into the sensitive folds of his flesh. "Serve and protect, my ass, literally, gnollshit. That badge a mark ya served me well."

The gnoll's thin tail flicks with grandiose pleasure as the last of his seed fires into the mound of shit. Steam flies freely into the air as Loquie sighs with delight. "There ya go piggy, yer much prettier as gnoll shit, don'tcha agree? I think it is a real fucking good look on ya. Maybe I will find more of yer buddies and show 'em what happened to ya!" Loquie is basking in the afterglow before standing up and looking for other poor souls to turn into gnoll crap. Thick shreds of that police uniform crammed tightly into the heaping wad of gnoll muck that beaten up hat atop the broken skull as if a fitting memento to leave the gnollshit as a reminder of what happens to pigs that dare cross a ravenous gnoll. Not like poor Gnollshit had much of a choice as he now stinks up the once fresh air with that reeking smell of crap.


CW: digestion, disposal, bones, threatening, cop prey, M/M, sex, musk, cruel pred, name-calling/humiliation, smothered in shit, bone-breaking, pain, scat, face sitting, shit eating, live-stream This is from early access\* stories on...

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