A feline feast

Story by Pizza Tiger on SoFurry

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#5 of Vore

A couple of cats enjoy the con goers as food

A towering massive building stood well over the chimera as he had finally reached the convention center all those miles, all the effort, all the hours, money, a culmination of effort and desire as those doors stared at his stary eyes. Awestruck by the majesty for a moment before promptly entering inside. Daunting were its interwoven beams and curved roofs. His hurried paws explore the depths of this beast of a building. The fluorescent lights illuminated his tan yellowish-tan fur, and those curved teal crystalline horns glimmered brightly from those warm rays seeped through the windows. That brown mane was a lighter shade in that glow as it surrounded his horns and head with each jostle of his pace! His serpent head for a tail flicked its tongue as the tail thrashed back and forth between his shorts and colorful tank-top.

Hurriedly his agile feet carried him right through registration, clattered around his swollen stomach, a handful of badges thrashed around, some with other's names and a handful of tattoos that had recently formed over that swiftly shrunken rotund tummy. A gastric thrum rolled through the chimera's gullet. A wet belch escaped his jaws as he wandered through the convention space.

As he wandered, he noticed a feline that seemed somewhat familiar in the distance. Soon he caught up with the other cat as he maneuvered elegantly through the crow. The chimera's teal eyes soon met the mimic beast's emerald-colored eye as they beamed with ecstatic joy.

"Lynch! It has been far too long! How was your trip here!?" That thick feathery-tipped tail thrashed back and forth as the mimic beast hugged the chimera tightly!

"Heh, pretty average. The food isn't too bad here, Mantic!" Lynch looked at the mimic beast and chuckled. "Have you gotten a chance to try out some scrumptious snacks here? The chubbier ones are pretty good." He idly picked between his teeth with someone else's badge. Mantic's orange face turned a dark crimson as the wings along his blue striped arms fluttered as he huffed at Lynch.

"Haha! Ummm, not yet. But it seems you have had some filling meals already!" Mantic poked at Lynch's gut as the numerous badges he wore tethered around each other. He also noticed a massive collection of tattoos of various shapes and sizes along the chimera's stomach. Mantic began to rub his hands along the smooth tummy and squeezed it. A soft churr rumbled through the chimera's throat as it slowly turned into a deep purr as the mimic beast kneaded into the flab as it softened. "Wow, what an impressive gut."

A cheeky grin crept along Lynch's face as he noticed Mantic entranced with his belly. "Thanks, I grew myself." The mimic beast's eyes rolled. "Wow, just wowwww, you know what, I've got better things to do than listen to your cheesy jokes!" Mantic crossed his arms and began to turn around. "You know what, I will eat you later, so go on, runoff, see if I care." Lynch pretended to be offended and turned around with a pout as Mantic headed off. "You care a bunch. Anyways, see you, goofball."

As Mantic wandered off, Lynch thought about how his hunger was still not sated from the light snacks he had when he got here. So the cat hurried off toward a nearby hallway that didn't seem to have many people occupying it. As the hallway stretched onward, Lynch found it strange that he didn't see a single soul. The veering sense of dread washed over him as the silence continued. Lynch soon heard a series of whines and whimpers in the distance. His fur stood up, uncertain of who or what made such a strange yet weak noise of distraught panic.

His feet tipped lightly as those agile movements allowed the chimera to maneuver silently in his uncertainty. His eyes widened as those sharp eyes caught a glance of bright fur around the corner of the hallway as it cut off into two paths. From the left hallway, the noise of a gruff canine growl slithered into Lynch's ears as he kept his body out of sight. Curiosity had soon got the better of the chimera, and Lynch peered over to where he heard the sound and saw a giant wolf at least four feet taller than him. The lupine had pressed his stomach against an unknown victim as he continued to growl and grunt with ferocity. That rotund wolf gut eclipsed the diminutively shaped figure and made it hard to determine the receiver of such torment! Lynch also noticed multiple tattoos along the wolf's belly akin to the ones the chimera donned. While he attempted to remain out of sight of the massive wolf, Lynch's stomach growled impatiently. The lupine lug swiveled around to face the direction of the sound! The wolf spotted and then lunged at Lynch to try and gobble him up! The crafty feline maneuvered his body and aimed his skinny midriff at the wolf with his agile movement. The navel quickly met with the wolf's face as he plunged toward it! Those yellow eyes broadened, and his face crammed into the belly's hole. Lynch chuckled as he watched the massive wolf vanish inside his navel in almost an instant as his stomach squashed and stretched. His stomach made quick work of that wolf, and as a result, that stomach remained slender. A tattoo soon formed upon Lynch's skinny abdomen; it was of the wolf's orange gut.

"L-Lynch! I uh, wow. Uh hey, thanks for uh saving me, I guess. I owe you big! I would be willing to do anything for you! Anything!" The yellow fox exclaimed as his three yellow tails lashed back and forth between his face like a fence of fur.

"Kane, good to see you, cutie. I-"

"I am not cute!" His feisty tails parted as the fox's red face blossomed like a rose between its leaves. "Right, right, anyway, since you brought up you doing anything, I am still hungry, be my second lunch!" Kane gave a high-pitched yelp at that demand; his tails now kept his flustered face concealed as he hid behind them. "H-hey wait! I uh. I want to make it to the vore meetup tonight!" The chimera took his paw and caressed his fingers under Kane's chin as his arm made through those bushy tails as he looked down at the flustered fox. "Not my problem! Time to eat!" Lynch had taken off his pants, ready to slam his ass down on the kitsune! As Kane heard the noise of the chimera taking off his pants, he came up with an idea in the heat of the moment! "Wait! I will rub your belly, kiss it, worship it. Please let me have the time to make it to the meet!"

Lynch paused again and gave the fox a toothy grin as that smug cat-like fellow sank his head to meet Kane's eyes. "You are more than welcome to rub my stomach. But, tell you what, I won't eat you unless you're the only other person at the meet tonight. Otherwise. You-Are-Mine!" Kane had a bemused expression for a moment, but he wasn't one to look a gift chimera in the jaws. Instead, his hands rubbed across that soft paunch. "You have yourself a promise, handsome!" A soft chur reverberated through Lynch's thin chest as those capable kitsune hands squeezed and stroked into that skinny tummy. "This is going to be such an easy meal. I am just going to eat everyone else at the meet!" Lynch thought to himself as each knead into his soft paunch made his mind wander."He probably thinks this will be easy and nobody else will come. I will bring a friend I know he doesn't expect. I will get their protection!" Kane thought to himself as he spent the last several minutes giving ample attention to every inch of that gut.

Kane thought of a way to weasel himself out of this conversation as he acknowledged in his mind that the chimera might change his mind. "Hey, uh, I have to go now. I have this panel I need to go to, and uh yeah!" Lynch smiled and licked his chops. "See you at the meet tonight." Kane hurried off, not interested in seeing if the chimera merely taunted him for fun! Lynch let the fox slip away as he thought about how to kill time before that vore meet rolled around. "Hmm, maybe I can go find Mantic and see if he wants to snack on some people with me." Lynch thought as he ironically went out of the hallway and back to where he last saw Mantic wander off.

Meanwhile, Mantic wandered around the convention space as a pair of legs kicked up his rear. The feline-looking fellow moaned as he felt his stomach bloat with the unknown meal. The mimic beast rubbed along the bulges in his stomach as it slowly shrunk. Suddenly amid his indulgence as his fingers tapped along his tummy, his ear twitched as the sound of a rapid series of thuds headed toward him. Procedurally the noises grew louder until he turned around and a yellow blurb bumped into his chest! "Agk!" The mimic beast chirped out while he closed his eyes from the pain! Mantic was somewhat dazed and confused from the collision as he shook his head.

The mimic beast opened his eyes to see a familiar face! The kitsune hugged Mantic tightly, and the mimic beast patted Kane's head as he chuckled. "Kane! I know you're excited to see me, but you didn't need to tackle me from behind!" The kitsune blushed at those words as he pushed himself away from Mimic beast a bit. "S-Sorry, I couldn't help myself when I noticed your big orange and fluffy body from the crowd! Anyways I am in, uh, big trouble. I need your help with something." Kane whimpered as his fingers pushed nervously against each other. Mantic quirked his eyebrow at how quickly the fox shifted the conversation into a request in one fell swoop! "Uhh, okay, so you're asking me for help after nearly knocking me over? So what kind of favor would I need to do for you anyway?" The mimic beast kept a deeply bemused and almost frustrated look as Kane began to blush.

"Hey! I said I was sorry! Anyway, okay, so I maybeee made a promise that I know Lynch will make sure I keep. Lynch said he will eat me if I am the only other person at the vore meet!" The kitsune gave Mantic a severe look as Kane's tails writhed with energy. "I still don't get what this has to do with me. Do you want me to be your bodyguard or something?" The mimic beast's expression became more frustrated than confused. The fox whimpered and crossed his arms and put on a tough-faced farce. "Hehe! That's right! I was hoping you could come to the meeting and keep me safe. I will do anything for you except eat me, preferably." Kane sweated as he looked at the mimic beast while he crossed his arms. "Any favor besides eating you? Eh, it sounds unfavorable to me. You know Lynch could eat me too. What would you do then?" Mantic's emerald eyes looked at Kane with intensity. The fox paused for a moment as if he hadn't thought about such a possibility. "Well, Lynch was far too crafty for me at that point. I will deserve being his food if he manages to get you. I ask because maybe, just maybe, Lynch will reconsider. I am willing to take a chance." Kane whimpered once more as he looked at the mimic beast with eyes that pleaded so desperately. "Fine, but you owe me big. I want you to kiss my ass at the meet. I want someone else to watch at the meet as well!" Mantic grinned at the kitsune and watched as the fox blushed fiercely.

Kane hid his face tightly behind his three tails to poorly hid his embarrassment. "S-Such a lewd request! Well, since you're not going to eat me, that isn't a bad deal, I suppose. Fine, you have yourself a promise, Mantic!" The fox extended out his paw, and Mantic hesitantly shook it before swiftly letting go. "Yeah, sure, just don't be too shocked if things don't work out as you hoped." He shrugged his shoulders. "Anyway, I will see you later, Mantic. I have some panels I want to go see." Kane headed off in a random direction rather quickly. "Don't get yourself eaten out there. It'd suck going to the meet to protect you only to know you ended up as belly fat." Kane turned around as he heard those words and crossed his arms before he continued to head toward his panel. Mantic began to think about this whole deal and wondered if it was worth protecting the kitsune. Uncertain about how to spend time, the mimic beast started meandering and looked for anything to kill time while he waited for the vore meet to start.

Soon enough, hours passed until the meet rolled around. Lynch had reached the meetup first as he made sure that his schedule had aligned so that he could start snacking before Kane had likely arrived with a plan to save himself. Lynch looked around the area to see that not many other people had come yet, a few unfamiliar faces. Then he suddenly noticed someone familiar among the muddy crowd!

Lynch spotted a yellow feline with enormous purple wings, and his pupils dilated. "Pizza! What are you doing here? When did you get here? I haven't seen you around the convention all day!" Lynch's tail thrashed violently.

"Haha, happy to see me? Well, I flew in not long ago, heard about all the fun, and decided to enjoy some of the food here. I recently had this adorable red panda. He made all sorts of cute noises." Pizza smirked as those sky blue eyes scanned up and down that nude body the chimera so shamelessly presented. Lynch smirked as he realized his friend gawked eagerly at every curve. "Mmm, like what you see, cutie? You know, you always said such nice things about my body. How about you admire it a bit?" Pizza blushed as he heard Lynch's words, and the tiger's paws rubbed across that naked figure. That skinny physique felt incredibly soft on the feline's fingers as he kneaded into the chimera. "That's a good kitty. Keep pettin' me." Lynch let out what almost sounded like a purr as Pizza eagerly admired every inch of chimera. "You have such a lovely body, Lynch. I could pet you all day if you let me." Lynch grinned as he heard those lovely words from his eager friend. "You know what else is lovely, Pizza?" The chimera grabbed the tiger and pulled him in close to his body. Their fur smushed together. The tiger may have been slightly taller, but it was clear as Lynch leaned forward that he was in control.

The chimera puckered his lips and grabbed Pizza by the cheeks. The tiger shut his eyes as they had a passionate kiss. A deep gastric buildup rolled through the chimera's throat as their lips locked. Lynch belched into Pizza's jaws. That heavy huff of noxious air made the receiving feline whimper with delight as the burp filled his jaws. The tiger looked woozy from the exhilarating experience, only to softly gasp as he felt Lynch's cock press against his fur. The chimera rubbed his dick eagerly against the mesmerized tiger and watched as Pizza kept a flustered admiration plastered in the warm blush across his adorable face. Broken was the warm moment of intimacy for Pizza as he felt a numb tingling sensation that started to pulse through his legs. The tiger noticed he couldn't move his legs as he attempted to move away from the chimera. A moment of realization sunk into Pizza's mind as he tried to look down, and his legs were missing! A moment of panic arose through the tiger's rapidly beating heart!

"L-lynch, what are you doing!?" A row of teeth flash amongst the cheerful face Lynch presented so eagerly as Pizza was absorbing into that thick member! Those words of panic were like music to the chimera's fluffy ears. "Shhh, kitty, I've got ya. Don't make a fuss. Everything is going to be alright." Pizza mewled from those words that sunk like toxins in his mind as his body shuddered while his legs shrank and formed into Lynch's orbs. Those heavy orbs swung back and forth as the legs fully developed into the balls. The tiger could only watch as his torso slowly became part of the chimera's massive shaft as his body pulsated. Pizza's mind had become hazy and nonsensical; words, thoughts, and meaning all seemed to fade into oblivion sluggishly. His head formed and shifted into the head of the teal shaft. Veins throbbed and twitched violently as the last wisps of Pizza had vanished from the world into the warm embrace of being a fleshy, juicy, rock-hard member. Pre-cum spurted from the slit as all that energy had been converted into extra girth on the impressive cock.

The chimera admired his enormous girth while people around him soon rubbed amongst that massive tool. They had gathered around the meaty spire, and their hands rubbed across the cock. Lynch had gone to sit down on a chair. The admirers around him noticed this and intentionally grabbed a chair where a skinny husky sat. His thick rump slammed down on the person. The anthro slipped between his crack rather swiftly as they had no chance to react to Lynch's massive rear. A violent orgasm exploded from the chimera's member as his seed spewed like a gushing geyser around his admirers. Their hands cupped like chalices as they guzzled down the rivers of sticky fluids. Lynch started cramming several people surrounding his fat phallus into that warm slit. Taurs, anthros, and whoever got close to the greedy chimera vanished into the fleshy member or up his ravenous rear. The ceaseless indulgence didn't even dent the chimera's figure as countless snacks slipped inside.

Meanwhile, Mantic frantically hurried to the meetup as time had slipped away from him! A dizzying number of stairs, elevators, and confusing paths later, he had finally reached the vore meetup. His heavy breath wheezed, only to realize that he didn't see Kane anywhere within the crowd as they had begun to diminish steadily. At first, it was odd to see people vanish until he heard a sloppy, wet sound coming from one end of the vast open space.

Then, he spotted Lynch in the distance as the chimera gobbled up many furs eagerly approaching him. All that running had stirred up a dangerous appetite within Mantic and a sense of defeat. His mind presumed Lynch had likely already eaten Kane as he watched the crowd around the chimera deplete steadily.

With this mindset, Mantic grabbed a nearby german shepherd and crammed them down his maw his neck swelled with their shape as he greedily gobbled them down. Mantic's stomach sagged as it swiftly filled with the new snack, and thus began the mimic beast's feast as he crammed as many people as he could into his jaws and ass. Finally, his ravenous munching cleared out the crowd, and only a handful of people remained. Before long, nothing but the chimera and the mimic beast remained, neither of them yet full. They looked at each other silently for a moment. That moment felt like an eternity as Mantic's eyes wandered toward Lynch's gargantuan cock as his focus drifted.

"Glad you could make it, Mantic. Though, something seems to be bothering you. I was idly looking at you. That concern on your face didn't leave you until now. Well, no matter, you seem interested in something bigger now." Mantic blushed furiously. His eyes fixated on that massive teal cock, and Lynch's smug grin and words only worsened the mimic beast's arousal. "Hey bud, my eyes are up here. I am kidding, look if you like, but I think you'd look good getting full of cat batter, don't you agree?" Mantic's ears twitched as he gazed upon that member as it thwacked up and down with such a lively motion as if luring him to come closer.

"M-maybe." The mimic beast whimpered weakly. Suddenly from that mere suggestion, ideas began to surge through the chimera's mind. "How about a bet? I bet your ass will leak with my copious cat spunk, and if I am wrong, then I let you do whatever you want with me. If I am right, however, let me do whatever I want to you. Sound fair?" Mantic thought about it and thought about his promise to Kane. That nagging doubt that maybe Kane was still around and just managed to be late. Perhaps it might not be the best idea to make a bet he might not be able to win.

However, before he could reach his answer, Kane entered the meeting space. His eyes widened to see the emptiness of the meeting space and that only Mantic and Lynch stood close to each other, naked. "N-no one else is here!?" His eyes darted around the room. As he double-checked, there was no host, no stragglers, only the three. "Not quite, cutie. I ate at least half of them. Mantic seemed to enjoy himself to some of the others as well." Kane's ears twitched, and he blushed as he realized that countless others had added to the two predators. The kitsune thought about how he would likely be next. How Mantic probably agreed to be Lynch's food. Assumptions bubbled over in Kane's sense of panic as he thought about a way out.

"O-our butt promise! Yeah, you can't eat Mantic. He promised me that he would keep me safe under the condition I kissed his ass! So there!" Mantic and Lynch looked at each other. Silence draped over the air, and a big smile crept across Lynch's face. "I wasn't planning on eating Mantic. I was just about to breed him. Want to watch?"

The fox silently sat down on one of the many chairs close to the two. He watched as Mantic rubbed that massive member and admired that drooling length. Lynch moaned as he felt the mimic beast's paws rub over the girth. "Mmm, this feels nice, but best not keep our cute fox waiting, eh?" The chimera grinned while Mantic simply nodded at those words before he bent over. The pulsating girth slowly pushed into the mimic beast's ass. Mantic's hole stretched over the teal monstrosity of a dick with ease. Lynch moaned out as he felt that ass clench around it so tightly. It pulsed and pounded deeper into the other male. The two indulged in the warmth of the passion as their moans ached out in a heated series of breaths as they panted. Lynch mounted on top of Mantic as the rest of his girthy cock slipped inside that deep yet tight hole.

The pace began to pick up as those hips thrust forward, and wet noises persisted in the rhythmic intimacy. Mantic grunted as he felt every inch of his body meld and morph to fit every inch. Lynch was in awe at the magnificent properties of that vast ass as he humped so eagerly into the malleable insides. Kane blushed at the sight of their passion as it only grew with intensity as he watched vast amounts of pre-cum splatter from mantic's throbbing dick. It made his pants tent as the fox now felt overdressed in his casual clothing. The kitsune eventually stripped off his clothing and watched with deeper intensity as he began to rub his member.

Lynch's cock flexed inside each crevice as the warm insides clamped against that teal member's vast circumference. The balls loudly slapped against that fat rump with each quick hump. Lynch's orgasm finally began to build up! Pump after vicious pump as those wet sounds echoed even louder than before! All that fresh batter pumping through those ripe chimera nuts finally began to rush through his cock. Gushing out of that teal meat, a flood of cum flowed through the Mantic's ass. Lynch's heavy humps stopped as he felt his warm seed drip from the mimic beast. One by one, the tattoos once on Lynch's massive sack had begun to vanish. On Mantic's rear appeared the tattoos that the chimera had once donned so smugly. The heat, the passion, and all his stroking had led to Kane cumming along with the two felines. The kitsune whimpered at the delightful display the two had put on.

Lynch grinned as his cock slipped from the mimic beast's ass, cum dripped from it. Kane halted in his tracks as he saw the river of semen flow from Mantic's ass. "W-wait, uh, you said you weren't going to eat him, right? So what are you going to do with him!?" Kane's panicked voice squeaked. "I have changed my mind after emptying my balls. He'd be much better as my batter. Don't worry. You will still get to fill your end of the promise with Mantic." Lynch gave a toothy smile. Kane whimpered weakly and nodded.

The chimera slipped his massive dick out of Mantic's ass as it made a wet pop while all that seed flowed out of that fine rear. For a moment, Lynch admired that rear as the mimic beast murmured nonsensically. Then, without warning, the chimera shoved Mantic's legs into the warmth of the slit. Lynch's cock engulfed the legs like thin noodles. Each greedy inch of that warm flesh gobbled up the mimic beast's weary figure. Kane was initially stunned by such a sight before he began to rub that ravenous member. Soon enough

Mantic's body sank into those heavy orbs. The heavy wet white slop sloshed around the mimic beast as his hands pushed against the inside of those hot balls. The flood of fluids slapped around like tides of white as the walls squeezed around the mimic beast's figure. The flesh rippled as his form writhed with a sense of shock, which only seemed to help produce more of that ripe load. As Mantic's arousal grew, the mimic beast's member throbbed inside the expansive pool of cum as his hands glided across his shaft. He huffed as that spire leaked more pre-cum into the layers of flesh as he humped against them. Kane was close enough to the bulbous balls to hear Mantic moan. That soft, weak bellow of delight made the kitsune's ears twitch as he laid his head against the musky nuts. The sound of the mimic beast softened down into mushy layers of seed was akin to a gentle pulse as the moans accompanied this fate. Lynch pressed his nuts into Kane's face as he humped the fox and eagerly taunted the fox.

Kane rubbed those balls as he noticed a tattoo slowly appearing on Lynch's fat nuts. As the balls began to shrink and Mantic's figure continually softened, the mimic beast's fat ass became more apparent as a tattoo along the curves of fur and flesh. Finally, that hefty sack contracted and squeezed the inhabitant mercilessly into something much softer. The sloshed sounds grew louder as Mantic finally succumbed to the white fluids. Kane's ears flattened as he felt the life within those balls blow out like a candle in a fierce wind. His tails shifted and coiled around him defensively as he anticipated that Lynch was about to snack on him next.

"Since you're already so close to him, kiss his ass like you must've promised him." Without a second thought, Kane's lips pursed against the furry sac. "Good boy, we're the only ones here, you know, so it is time you upkeep your promise to me, don't worry. You're going to be much better this way." Lynch turned around, ass facing the kitsune. The chimera's serpentine tail coiled around the fox's body and squeezed him tightly. Kane gasped as he felt it tightly constrict around his torso. Within an instant, that hole plunged around the fox's head as a wet slurp echoed. That tail now wrapped even tighter around the fox's waist. "Ohhh fuck, this is what I have been waiting for; I've wanted you for so long, Kane." That heavy ass overwhelmed the kitsune as his world turned into a warm world of blackness as the flesh squeezed him up those compact bowels. His body traversed into the depths as Lynch lowered himself. His cock throbbed and leaked copious pools of pre-cum. The sensation was beyond euphoric as the fox didn't put up much of a fight. Not that Kane could do much against the powerful grip of Lynch's tail.

As the ass slid down on Kane's body, it was like having a live dildo plunge through the walls as Lynch moaned. Kane's body shuddered as the sound of the chimera's gut got louder with each movement in the heat of those bowels. What didn't help was the cacophony of gastric and fleshy noises as the fox felt like he had no way of escape. Deep down, he had felt something tug at him akin to a call from the void. A sickening sense of acceptance tried to writhe through his synapses as he thought that perhaps he was better off as a tattoo. He would have no more thoughts, no more feelings, a lump of flab with nothing else to do other than being filled again, but he couldn't come to terms with something so morbid yet inevitable.

He whimpered as he felt Lynch's ass continue to move up and down on his body as he was being used as a toy while those walls clenched tightly around him. Kane attempted to thrash against the layers of anal flesh, but it only squeezed him tighter with each fruitless attempt! Those bubbly cheeks descended upon his form repeatedly with much more force. The chimera's scent was ingrained into the kitsune's mind as his tails writhed, unable to fight against the cat's sheer desire. Try as he might within the tight confines, it was exhaustive trying to keep breathing in the ever-cramped flesh of Lynch's insides as Kane wheezed with each powerful pound on his body. The clenched muscles only got tighter as the kitsune could tell the chimera's orgasm had built up to the brink. The heavy bowels only became heavier on Kane's figure as it compressed with a vice-like grip. Noises of a deep rumble grew in Kane's sensitive ears as if he heard the natural call of the ravenous insides.

Those long tails slurped inside of that hot ass while Lynch hollered and whimpered at the peak of his orgasm as it arose. As those fluids pumped through the chimera's cock, Kane pumped into the fleshy walls, absorbed by the heat and the walls as they pulverized his figure. His form started to soften his fur, and his figure got compounded by the vicious flesh as it mulched the kitsune so effectively. It was almost over as Kane began to lose a sense of himself as his body had become numb as the constant drone of internal noises carried him off into the abyss.

With a few final clenches, the kitsune had become a tattoo along the chimera's fat ass as his potent seed splattered out onto the ground. Ropes of hot cum spewed as it coated long stretches of tables, chairs, and the floor. Clothing, collars, leashes, wallets, badges, and tufts of fur intertwined within the hot cum as it washed over. Heap of fluids continued to deluge, making at least half of the meeting space an unusable wasteland of chimera seed while Lynch panted with intensity! Lumps of the hot semen continued to push out of his teal member as it flared with vast viscosity. Then, like a fire hydrant without a cap, a consistent liquid flow blasted out as it started to pool around Lynch's legs. He whimpered and whined, but his load didn't cease from sheer exhaustion.

Eventually, Lynch's balls shrunk somewhat as he emptied that astounding load of cum, his expression filled with sheer bliss! Despite the excessive expenditure of energy, he couldn't help but sigh in glee! The chimera basked in the afterglow of his orgasm, laid down on the wet floor, and let the light beat against his nude figure. He thought about everything that had transpired that led him to this exciting moment and how wonderful it was to finally have Kane all to himself. It took a while before Lynch stood back up and now thought about how wonderful it felt to have Mantic service him. Lynch was far too exhausted to act on any of his thoughts as they raced through that devious mind of his. That powerful orgasm nearly knocked him out with how intense it was. His body still shivered as he thought about how euphoric it felt. The chimera knew he wanted to do it again. Then, an idea swiftly entered his mind. He wondered through the wet floor. Lynch looked for a collar and leash and picked up a black one that seemed to manage to survive the heat and pressure of his mighty dick.

His hands glowed a bright teal as the tattoo of mantic's butt vanished from his nuts. Flesh and muscles formed through the gap of that collar fur followed suit as the magical glow bloomed brightly. Incomprehensible ancient words slipped out of his jaws in the form of a chant. The heavy wind blew through his fur that seemed to come from no source as he gripped tightly to the collar as orange tufts of fur picked up throughout the collar. As he chanted, the noise carried and grew louder as if Lynch's voice no longer held the words but as if an otherworldly force was doing something beyond the scope of reality itself.

His hands shook as Mantic's form started to take shape and emerged from nothingness as he sported the collar on that big fluffy dark orange mane. His emerald eyes widened as he looked at mantic's dick to notice it had no features of any tattoos, Kane's face being the only tattoo that rested on Lynch's fat ass as he peered around out of curiosity. "Y-You brought me back!? How!? W-why!?" The mimic beast looked at Lynch as he panted and held onto that collar. His hand dragged almost into a tug as if trying to tease despite being exhausted.

The chimera looked at Mantic with a big grin and pulled him in close using that new collar. "How about a proposition, cutie? How about you start calling me master? How does that sound?" Lynch regained composure as he watched the mimic beast's face flutter with a dark crimson. "If that's what you want, Master." The chimera smiled, rubbed his soft hands on the cat's cheeks, and squished that face. Mantic squinted and chirped out of surprise from the sudden movement. The mimic beast's wings shifted backward as his ears split, and his eyes closed for a moment as he tried to comprehend what was going on, still slightly dazed from reforming so suddenly.

Lynch pulled in the beast and kissed his pet on the lips, their muzzles locked together. Hands explored each other's bodies as they embraced their new relationship. A bond deeper than mere friendship as the two soaked in each other's company. They broke the kiss as they looked into each other's eyes. Upon that tag, a unique engraving formed, 'Hi, I am Mantic! I belong to Lynch for the rest of time.' Thus sealed whatever may come from them being master and pet as they returned to the convention to continue to enjoy the bountiful food that meandered throughout. Legs and hands would slip past various orifices of the two cat-like fellows throughout the night. Mantic learned his new place with his master as he occasionally fed Lynch a few too eager to look at the nude couple. Their snacks at the convention would be only a few of many as they enjoyed their new life together as master and pet.

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