Less Haste, More Speed

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At a sexy carnival, two wolf brothers compete to see which of them can make another guy cum fastest. :3

This vignette was written for Shakal as part of my themed Patreon request day for November 2019. This month's theme was "plundering booty" and the story contains M/M sexual acts between consenting adults in a public place.

Less Haste, More Speed

As Tyler and Bryce strolled through the Fall Festival, they admired the various stalls and games set up to raise money for some local charity groups. The two wolves grinned as they paused for a brief while to watch some folks playing at the Grab-a-nut Shy, a pretty standard coconut shy stall with the key difference that if you won, your prize wasn't a sickly goldfish in a bag or an inflatable hammer, but rather a chance to fondle and lick the heavy, gorgeous balls of the bull running the stand, with a substantial cash prize if you could make him cum through that testicular stimulation alone. Not long after that they found themselves watching a few minutes of a surprisingly sincerely erotic Thrust and Booty show, both wolves rubbing idly at their crotches as they watched the famous scene of Mr Crocodile cucking Thrust's wife, the voice acting so realistic that they could almost see the hand puppet's actors stroking and fondling one another underneath the stage. They didn't stop at the Hooker Duck stall, but only because all three of the ducks in question were already occupied.

"It's okay... if I went over there I'd end up with a big bill anyway."

Bryce murmured as they wandered past, snorting with laughter as his older brother smacked him playfully across the back of the head. The two wolves didn't make it much further though, before they caught sight of a sign advertising a game that they hadn't seen at last year's Fall Festival. They followed the sign, then another, and another until they ended up on the outskirts of the Festival where some of the less popular, more mundane stalls were located. Stalls selling sex toys and home-made lubricants offering free testing on site gave way to stalls selling crystal pendants, home-made soap and books on crazy subjects like 'Wepwawet: Myth, Monster, or the One True God?'. Finally though the pair made it to the tent in question, and once inside they found themselves instantly approached by a stallholder who clearly was a little over-eager after what looked to be a very slow night indeed.

"Good afternoon folks! Welcome to the sexiest game you'll find this side of Ramforth Manor! Just five dollars per person, per play, and plenty of prizes to be won!"

As the twinky rabbit spoke, both Bryce and Tyler glanced over at the main setup area of the stall, where two other figures were currently scrambling to put away the book and handheld games console which they had been respectively playing with, clearly not having had much work to do for quite some time. They soon looked back to the bunny though, and after glancing at his younger brother, Tyler shrugged and fished out a ten dollar bill.

"Okay, sure! It's all for a good cause, right?"

He grinned as he handed the note over, and with a beaming smile the rabbit nodded in agreement.

"Right! So, here's how the game works. It's perfectly simple. You make your assigned partner cum as fast as you possibly can, anal stimulation only."

The two wolves blinked, having expected more than that somehow. Bryce chuckled.

"You weren't kidding, that is simple."

The rabbit smiled, and shrugged playfully.

"Well hey, if you're that confident, this should be a walk in the park. The faster you make one of our volunteers cum, the better your prize."

He pulled a velvet cord hanging from the ceiling nearby. Nothing happened. He yanked on it again, then again. After the fourth tug, a section of drapery which neither wolf had realised was anything more than what looked like a patched, mismatched section of fabric on the tent's inner wall pulled away to reveal a chalk-etched leaderboard with the very top entry scrawled out.

"All you have to do is beat our current second place time to win our grand prize! An Unlimited Pasta and Pleasure Pass at Caper Grove, valid for a year. But, there's prizes for any time so long as you make your partner cum within ten minutes."

The rabbit explained, walking around and gesturing at the mouse and fox now more seductively sprawled out upon what looked like a couple of massage tables which had been sawn off slightly at the leg to make them an appropriate height for most people to hump at.

"Sounds good, but..."

Tyler began, though before he could say anything more, the rabbit responded rather huffily, as though he'd been asked to address this question one too many times.

"The number one position is null and void. We still don't know how the guy did it. Seventeen seconds... I still think he must have had an e-stim toy tucked up his sleeve or something."

Shrugging, Tyler nodded.

"Fair enough. Even I don't think I could have beaten that."

He joked, before turning his head towards his sibling, wiggling his eyebrows playfully.

"Now you, on the other hand, little brother... I know I can beat your time."

Bryce snorted.

"Oh yeah? Wanna bet?"

He pulled out his wallet, and flipped through it, pulling out a handful of notes.

"Fifty... seven dollars, says I make my guy cum before you do yours."

Glancing over and noticing the stallholder and his staff still watching, Bryce cleared his throat and blushed slightly.

"All of it goes to the charity, of course."

Tyler checked his own wallet, grinned, and stuck out a hand towards his brother. They shook, then pulled one another in close, and kissed deeply. A soft groan of lust escaped the watching mouse, and quick as anything Bryce pulled his muzzle away from his older brother, and nodded towards the blushing rodent.

"Dibs on the horny one."

Tyler huffed, having been a fraction of a second too late to say the same thing, but chuckled and slapped his brother playfully on the ass.

"That's cool, you could use the advantage."

Strolling around to where the mouse and fox were positioned, lying on their backs on the massage tables with their asses just barely hanging over the edge in prime humping position, the brothers stripped down, both already hard from the various sights and sounds they'd observed throughout the Festival so far. Their strong, athletic bodies loomed over the other two men, and even as the rabbit trotted over to his little table where he'd been sitting when the wolves entered, returning a moment later with a bottle of lube for them to make use of, the mouse and fox were already getting hard and raising their legs, presenting themselves eagerly to the wolves through sheer anticipation alone.

"Okay, folks... one last summary of the rules. Anal stimulation only, that means no grabbing their cocks, and no accidental frotting either. If you fall out, that's fine. It your cock slips out and you start grinding it against their cock or balls, that's a thirty second time penalty. If you make someone cum within ten minutes, you win a prize... and, uh, I guess, last one to cum makes a donation to charity, too!"

The two wolves grinned. The mouse and fox squeaked and whined with respective eagerness. And a few seconds later, lubed and poised at the two tight though clearly experienced puckers of their twinky hosts, Tyler and Bryce held their breath as the bunny manning the stall counted them down.

"On your marks... get set... hump!"

Both Tyler and Bryce had given some pretty hard fucks in their time at college, particularly when dealing with William and other members of the at times seemingly insatiable chess team. Never before though had they both gone so wild right out of the gate, from barely having touched these men, still not even knowing their names, to pounding them with strokes fast and hard enough to send not only their howls of pleasure echoing round the tent, but the heavy slap of thighs against buttocks, and even the audible impact of balls against backside thanks to the speed and fevered passion that the wolves own crotches were being forced to bear.

Though they were huffing and snarling and howling with the sheer intensity of their exertion, the two wolves still weren't the loudest creatures in the tent. As loud as they cried out while their cocks were milked and squeezed by the tight, hot depths of the two men in whom they were buried, the mouse and fox themselves cried out louder. They writhed and squealed and yelped and clutched at the tables beneath them half just to have something, anything to cling to in an attempt to ground themselves amidst this intense pleasure, and half to keep themselves from grabbing their own cocks as within barely ten seconds of the first strike deep into their depths they both found themselves drizzling their bellies with ribbons of pre-cum, and intensely tempted to grant themselves even more incredible pleasure as the wolves' cocks twitched and throbbed and rubbed liberally against their prostates.

For the first thirty seconds or so, barely a stroke separated the two brothers in terms of speed and savagery. After that though, as they each stared down at their new partner and watched them writhe and buck and twitch and drool pre-cum in intense excitement, both the brothers had their own plan for how to get the very most out of the man at their mercy. For Tyler, it was a matter of physics. Of leverage. Thus, he grabbed the fox's legs, swung them up across his chest with the vulpine male's ankles resting over his shoulders, and wrapped his arms around the whimpering, grunting fox's lower legs to grant himself a more solid, connected surface against which to pull himself forward and thus intensify every inward stroke. Bryce meanwhile went for a different strategy entirely, and without any change to his physical positioning, he leaned forward over the quivering, gasping mouse and began to growl tenderly to him through his unbroken chain of fevered thrusts.

"God, you've got a gorgeous cock. The way it twitches so quickly, t-the... ah, the way the pre beads on its tip before it spurts out... mmh, w-whether we win or not, I want that cock of yours in my muzzle. I wanna taste you, cutie."

Within a minute, both mouse and fox were pounding their fists against the massage table beneath them, tails thrashing, toes flexing and splaying out only to curl tight back in again as they drifted between strangled grunts and full on, ear-splitting cries. Close by, the rabbit took his hand off his own throbbing cock just long enough to look over nervously at the record board, then back down into his free hand where the stopwatch he'd activated the moment that their fucking began was counting up the seconds. Second place was two minutes and twenty one point four seven seconds. They were barely at one minute ten, and the rabbit had worked with both his currently cock-filled companions more than enough times at various events to know that based on how they were acting now, they were both way, way beyond half way to cumming.

"Ohhh, fuck. Ohh holy... holy fucking shit... right there!!"

Amidst listening to his partner howl and yelp in ecstasy, Tyler found himself somewhat surprised when a softer, though somehow even more strained gasp escaped the fox's muzzle. He might not have known what he'd done to create such a response given how hard and how mindlessly fast he was fucking the twink before him, but by simple chance Tyler had just seconds before shifted his weight from one foot to the other in order to scratch an itch on the back of one ankle. In doing so the angle of his thrusts had changed, and sure enough, as soon as he replicated that angle...

"Oh god! Oh... oohhhhh god, yes!"

The fox's cry was so desperately joyous in its ecstasy that for a moment both Tyler and Bryce thought that he was about to cum. While his cock did begin to throb more urgently though, knot swelling and bulging as pre-cum oozed down its length and over that glistening bundle of nerves just begging to be squeezed, the vulpine male somehow clung onto his sanity for a little longer, giving Bryce pretty much his only chance to react.

"Want me to... aahh... to disqualify myself? To grab your cock. Rub you. Jerk you off. Make you cum, right now, as hard as you want?"

He growled to the mouse, grinning as the rodent's eyes bulged, and unthinkingly, giddily, he nodded up at the wolf.

"Yeah. Aahh, yeah, I know it. You'd cum so fast, and so fucking hard if I squeezed you just once. You'd paint your face, get your cum everywhere... and you'd still be cumming, still be begging me for more when I lean down and lick it off you!"

The mouse writhed and shuddered, nodding more swiftly and desperately by the second.

"God, yes. Please, pleeeeease yes... do it! Touch me! Touch my cock!"

Bryce grinned and nodded.

"Tell me you'll cum. Promise me you'll cum!"

The mouse squealed in manic, frenzied rapture.

"I swear! I'm so close! Please, I'm so fucking close, I can't stand it!"

Bryce snarled joyfully, his eyes rolling back as he pushed his hips harder, faster still while close by he could hear Tyler's own grunts over the fox's own, now far louder and more frantic yelping.

"You need to cum! You need it so fucking badly, don't you?!"

Back arching, tail whipping against the legs of the massage table and ears crimson as his heart thundered in his chest, the mouse screamed in lustful anguish.

"Yes!! Fucking god yes! Please, just touch me!!"

And that was when Bryce delivered his coup de grace, to both the mouse, and Tyler's abject horror.

"Nnnh... no. No, I can't lose. But... if you wanna cum, right fucking now? No-one's keeping you from touching yourself!"

He had baited the hook, cast the line, and now, squealing, wailing in frustration and lust, beside himself with pleasure and truly on the brink of cumming from the ever so slightly smaller of the two wolves' words and the pounding of his cock alone, the mouse took the bait.

"God, yes!!"

He shrieked as he grasped his own cock, and for just a few seconds his own hand became as much of a blur as the hips of the wolf still ploughing into him.

"Yes! Yes!! Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesssssaahhhhbyfuckinganubisyessssssssssssssss!"

The first ribbon of the mouse's cum shot way over his own head, as did the second, and it was only alongside the third thick streak of his seed that he began to paint his face and chest with his copious release. On the other table, the fox was just seconds behind him, and with the fur of his thighs just barely brushing the base of his knot thanks to the angle at which his legs were being lifted, he too soon began to lash hot strings of cum across his fluffy belly, chest, face, and the rest of the massage table beyond where he was resting. The two twinks thrashed and shuddered and cried out in ecstasy as throughout their peaks their prostates continued to be pounded to oblivion, but even as their orgasms began to fade, the two wolves continued on. Neither of them had cum after all, and now that their primary goal had been achieved, they could turn their attention both to their own satisfaction... and to one another.

"That's cheating... he touched his cock, I win."

Tyler growled to his younger brother, only for the triumphant grin to fade from his features as Bryce laughed openly, shook his head, and moaned lustfully, gleefully back.

"Nu-uh. Sorry, Ty. The rule was we can't touch their cocks. They didn't say anything a-ahh... about getting the guys to touch themselves."

The older wolf rounded on the rabbit with a wide eyed, imploring stare, but to his dismay the bunny shrugged and shook his head.

"Sorry, mate. Your brother's got it right. Really smart strategy."

Tyler's thrusts began to slow, not stopping his fucking of the fox's ass, but shifting to a pace where he could more clearly think, and talk at the same time.

"Well, fuck. Still... we both beat the second place time though, right? So... we both get one of those passes?"

The wolf licked his lips. Fifty seven dollars wasn't nothing to give away, even if it was to a good cause, but weighing that up against a year of free pasta whenever he wanted it, it sounded like a pretty sweet deal. To his frustration though, the rabbit shook his head again.

"Not quite. Your brother's the new second place time, and you didn't beat him. Besides, we only have the one pass to give away. So, you get the third place price."

Before Tyler could ruefully accept that fact though, Bryce called out again, his own hips having fallen all but still, though he was still buried balls deep in the panting, trembling, utterly overwhelmed mouse.

"Wait, that's not what you said. In your rules, you said we had to beat the current second place time to get the pass. You didn't say anything about one of us having to beat the other's time for that, or that only one of us could win it."

The rabbit opened his muzzle, raised a finger as though preparing to make a point, then closed his muzzle again. He frowned, and his muzzle began to move subtly as though he was reciting his explanation of the rules under his breath.

A moment later, he winced, and cursed.

"Fuck. I did say current, didn't I. Look, guys... you both won, fair and square. But... we really only do have one pass that the restaurant donated for the charity. And, well... we're not the busiest of the venues at the Festival, so I'm afraid we really don't have the funds to shell out for a second one. I-is... is there anything else I could offer you as a prize? I could give you the third and fourth place prizes, or..."

The rabbit's voice trailed off as he heard a soft grunt, and saw the older of the two wolves pull out of his vulpine partner, walk up the length of the massage table, lean over it, and kiss the fox deeply on the lips. Afterwards though, he walked naked and rock hard over to where the rabbit was standing, trousers round his knees and cock still stiff from his earlier masturbation. A few seconds later, the other wolf was there too, and both of those naked, erect, studly wolves were staring at him with a mutually devious grin upon their muzzles.

"Hey, Bryce..."

Tyler murmured.

"...I could share your pass, right? I mean, much as we love pasta, we aren't gonna want to eat there every night."

Bryce nodded, but scratched his chin as he did so.

"Yeah, but... then it's like we're only getting half a prize each. If only there was some...extra bonus, a one off thing that we could get to help us feel like we both earned our full reward."

Their cocks twitched, and their eyes drifted from the rabbit, back to the mouse and fox, then to the rabbit and his own still rock hard, un-spent cock once again.

The bunny swallowed thickly, and his inner ears glowed scarlet as he realised what the wolves were suggesting.


He murmured.


His cheeks glowed as bright as his ears, and his cock twitched as a bashful, giddy smile crossed his face.

Less than a minute later, a somewhat faded fabric flap door of the same material as the rest of the sideshow tent came tumbling down over its entrance, and a hand emerged from around its edge to blindly, awkwardly stick a hastily hand written paper sign upon the flap.

'Closed. Open again, 9am!'

About thirty seconds later, a soft moan echoed out from the tent's interior.

Another few seconds after that, a louder, albeit somewhat muffled cry, as though uttered from around a throbbing wolf-cock, rang out.

And not long after that, the far end of the Festival grounds were alive with the howls and moans of pleasure all over again. Only this time, for a lot, lot longer than just a couple of minutes as the constant, echoing, wailing sounds of pleasure from within carried on, and on, and on.

By Jeeves

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