
Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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Bound and seemingly alone, Aubrey's fears are pushed to their limits, before her body receives a similar treatment from the woman responsible.

This vignette was written for Aubrey as their Patreon flash fiction reward for November 2019. It contains bondage, horror themes, and F/F sex between consenting adults. :3


It didn't matter that Aubrey had agreed to be here. It didn't matter that she had voluntarily walked down into the basement and allowed her wrists to be bound in chains over her head, her ankles similarly restrained by chains to the concrete floor below. She knew all of this was planned. All of this was set up for her personally and with her absolute understanding of what was going to happen. And yet, that still didn't stop her heart from racing, her eyes from bulging almost out of their sockets, and brief, strangled cries from escaping her beak as within the darkened basement, the gyrfalcon was tormented and terrified to her wits' end.

Silence hung heavily in the air, until maybe thirty seconds later there came the sound of scraping from somewhere behind Aubrey. The sound of something being dragged along open brickwork or perhaps the very concrete ground upon which she was standing, bound, helpless and naked. A choked cry of fright escaped the avian woman when the silence was broken at last by a high pitched and almost childlike giggle, then to Aubrey's horror a slowed down, distorted repetition of 'pop goes the weasel'. Each note dragged slow and far deeper than should naturally have been the case as the song played, and as the music edged its way ever closer to its finale, the bird's heart thundered in her chest as she shook her head and struggled in her chains, squeezing her eyes tight shut in determination that she wouldn't be able to bear witness to whatever happened when the titular weasel finally popped.

When the music stopped though, there was one final echoing peal of that eerily jovial giggling, then... nothing. The silence fell over the basement once more, and persisted even after Aubrey's eyes opened again. Her heart kept racing of course, certain that the second she let her guard down would be when it struck... whatever it was. The more she convinced herself of that fact though, the more time passed without incident, until Aubrey began to whimper and squirm not in fright, but in frustration that she had spent so long nervous when she could have been taking a few minutes to actually compose herself.

It was, of course, only then when she finally did take her attention off the ball that something flickered in the pitch black to her right. She turned, and shrieked as she saw the face of a skunk plush glowing in the darkness, with light streaming from where its plastic eyes might once have been, but now there were only two gaping, light filled holes in the fabric. Once again the giggling laughter rang out much louder this time, only for static to crackle through it, a split-second of abrupt silence, and then an echoing, ear-splitting scream that made Aubrey scream too, and begin tugging frantically at her restraints as she attempted to escape her helpless and horrifying situation. There was no escape to be found though. No mercy. No relief. Not a momentary break in her torment from that point onward. For an amount of time that seemed endless to Aubrey regardless of whatever time might actually have been passing in reality, the terror continued in agonisingly irregular bursts. There were minutes at a time where nothing happened and the silence, the darkness, the oppressive awareness of potential terror at any moment were more than enough to leave Aubrey quaking and wailing in fright, and there were other times when the horror just kept on coming. Screens lighting up to reveal cartoons playing silently, with flashing brief frames of horrifying, open mouthed, needle toothed creatures hidden but just visible within them. Ice cream truck music playing with screams almost muffled underneath it as though someone was trying to hide the sounds, but just barely failing. The fear kept on building and building within Aubrey until she was yanking and tugging almost constantly at her restraints. Until tears were streaming down her face and her heart was racing, her body so utterly consumed by fearful adrenaline that she could not possibly get her mind back into a state where she would be able to sensibly and calmly remind herself that she was here for a reason. That she had put herself into this situation voluntarily, hoping for almost this very situation to transpire.

Once she finally reached that point however, her mind and body consumed by fear to the point that all rational thought was gone and she felt like a creature running on pure instinct, on fight or flight, her body primed and ready to react with violent intensity to any and all stimulus... that was when, at long last, the woman who was responsible for all the horrors which Aubrey had faced finally struck. Aubrey screamed and thrashed in her chains as all five of the screens set up in front of her showed the same images; a live night-vision recording of her right now, where she stood helpless and terrified... but with another figure, a dark, silent figure walking up behind her with some tortuous implement clutched in one hand. She tried to turn her head and see what it was, but it was too dark even with the greenish glow of the screens, and her heart was racing too fast, the blood rushing in her ears too loudly for her to hear anything of that approaching figure beyond a dull, intense buzzing sound.

A hand clasped around her throat from behind, and as Aubrey sobbed and shuddered in absolute despair, certain of her own impending doom, she felt something else press between her legs. She felt the creature's other hand press the object it was holding against her bare pussy, and her eyes bulged, her thighs quaked, and a strangled, briefly confused and then utterly overwhelmed scream escaped her as all of a sudden her terrified body found itself thrashing, convulsing, writhing in pleasure as a heavy duty massage wand began to absolutely pummel her clitoris, its flesh engorged and intensely receptive thanks to the blood and adrenaline surging so violently through her body.

" Cass!!"

Aubrey screamed to the woman responsible for tormenting her; the woman she could suddenly remember talking through all of this with her, planning out the things that would terrify her the most, and ensuring over and over again that she wanted this, and was ready for it no matter how much she knew it would terrify her as it was happening.

"Ahhhhgodf-fuuuuaahhhfuck, Cass!"

The gyrfalcon shrieked and wailed in ecstasy as the massage wand attacked her unprepared and overwhelmed, intensely vulnerable body, while the skunk's other hand continued to hold her head still, and soft lips kissed and nipped at her neck from one side, then the other. Barely ten seconds after the veil of terror was lifted though, Aubrey was lost to the darkness once more. She was so utterly consumed and devastated by the horrors to which she had been subjected that she had no defences left. No capacity to restrain or control herself in any way. She was consumed by her fear. She was broken by it. And now, set free from it but still just as vulnerable and helpless to any outside stimulation, she was reacting in the only way she could as the powerful vibrator hummed and hammered at her clit.

A guttural cry of ecstasy escaped Aubrey, and she thrashed, she fought, she screamed and strained within her chain while juices ran down her thighs and rained down liberally to the concrete floor between her spread legs, as orgasm consumed her. Her mind was lost entirely to the pleasure that crashed through every cell of her body and neuron in her brain, and as she shrieked and shuddered and felt Cass gently kissing her neck over and over again while her heart continued to beat wildly with both bliss and the residual terror of the last half hour... Aubrey couldn't wait to be given the chance to surrender to Cass, and to surrender entirely to sweet, intoxicating fear all over again.

By Jeeves

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