An Intimate Destiny

Story by Jeeves on SoFurry

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A leopard shares an intimate night with a new lover. Perfectly normal, right? Except, Ansen has a gift. A very special and specific magical gift, which manifests whenever he makes a partner cum.

This vignette was written for Ebni as their Patreon flash fiction reward for November 2019. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults. :3

An Intimate Destiny

Ansen hadn't planned on the date going this well. Truthfully, he'd kinda hoped that it wouldn't. But... goddammit, they'd had such chemistry right from the first moment. Laughing, hanging on each other's every word, blushing as their first few light, careless touches of hands and arms became more frequent and purposeful, until finally, rather than going for even one after dinner drink, they found themselves in the leopard's apartment. On his couch, at least in the case of his vulpine date, while Ansen knelt before her, hands clasped at plump, bare thighs, and muzzle buried against her hot pussy.

"Ohhhh, shit. Ff-fahh... fucking christ, Ansen... please, oh god. You're gonna... aahh, fuck! Fuck! Mnngonnacum... oh, shit. I am, I... I'm gonna fucking... a-aah! Ahhhgodfuck! Fuck! Yes!"

The leopard braced himself as he heard Maria's cries grow more intense, as he felt her body quaking, her back arching, pushing her pussy harder into his face even as it began to convulse and gush. He squeezed his own eyes tightly shut and rasped at her clit one last time, and as with an almighty wail she shrieked in the all consuming throes of orgasm, Ansen's mind went momentarily blank, and all of a sudden, his gift kicked in.

"Oh god, Robert! Fuck! Aaaaahfuckyessssss! Mmhhh... more! More! God, baby! Don't stop! Please, don't stop!"

In a dazzling flash, he saw an older, plumper version of the vixen convulsing beneath a barrel chested wolf as he fucked her. A split-second later the scene shifted, and she and that same wolf were in a shower, the beautiful fox shuddering and clinging to the male just to remain upright as he kissed and fingered her. Another flash, then another, and another revealed more and more passionate encounters between that pair, each focused around the moment of Maria's ecstasy. In one flash she was quaking silently, her hand over her greying muzzle as a large bump beneath the bedsheets betrayed her lover's presence, when a door opened and a young woman's voice began to speak.

"Morning, mom, morning da-.... oh fuck! Sorry!"

Again and again Ansen watched Maria's life told through her orgasms, through her bliss. From the time two years from now when a slightly unsteady bus seat would quake and shudder its way into her memories forever, to two old lovers lying frail and blushing in bed together, Robert whispering to her as his hand reached beneath the covers, and caressed Maria's clit.

"You're still as sexy as the day I met you, 'Ria..."

He murmured, licking his white furred chops as his wife shivered and moaned beside him.

"_Oh, Robert. I... fuck... I love you, I... fuck! Fuck! Uunnhahhfuck! _"

She strained, she gasped, she grunted as she came as though despite the pleasure it was a true exertion to do so, and even as she continued to writhe in bliss, Robert chuckled as he leaned over to kiss her, wincing as his stiff, old body complained at the sudden motion.

"Mmh... and you still curse like the day I met you, too, gorgeous girl."

Another flash, another moment later, and Ansen was between Maria's legs again; young, curvaceous, already potty-mouthed Maria as she writhed and bucked against his still slurping, hard working tongue.

"Ahhfuck! Right there! Fucking fuck yessssss!"

She rode out the rest of her orgasm before sinking back, limp and panting against the couch. She giggled as Ansen rose to his feet, face glistening with her arousal, and beckoned him to join her. No sooner had he done so, sitting down on the couch by her side, she leaned over and began to unfasten his belt. A few moments later though she looked up at his face as he stroked her hair affectionately, and paused briefly just as she was freeing his stiff, throbbing cock, and holding it in her grasp.

"Are... are you okay?"

The passion, the excitement in her eyes faded slightly as Maria saw the look in the leopard's own eyes. An expression of mixed desire, affection, but also what looked to her like sorrow. Like regret, as though Ansen felt like something was... missing somehow.

He blinked, and that look was gone. The leopard smiled his best warm smile for her, and cupped her cheek in his hand.

"I'm amazing. I just... I was thinking how lucky I am to get to spend this night with you."

Maria giggled again, and blushed as she squeezed Ansen's erection in her hand, before beginning to stroke it up and down.

"Keep saying sweet things like that, and it won't be the only night we spend together."

She murmured, before bowing her head down to his crotch, and taking his cock into her mouth. Ansen smiled, and he moaned in true and grateful pleasure as she began to suckle upon him. But, while he knew that what Maria said might be true; while he knew they might have had a chance at weeks, or months, even a couple of years of passion and pleasure and perhaps even love together, he also knew that it wouldn't last. He knew it, because his gift had just told him about it. Because his gift had just shown him the person whom Maria would spend her life with. The person who it was her fate, her destiny to love, and be loved by. And... whether or not that was truly how it worked, he still couldn't say for sure even after more than four years of living with this gift, Ansen felt like it would be wrong of him to try and hold onto her. To be with her, to love her, and to let her love him too, under the false impression that they were going to have any long term future together, when now he knew that not to be true.


One day, of course, Ansen hoped he would find the right person. The right man, or woman, or individual regardless of gender who when he made them cum for the first time, he would see screaming in pleasure at his behest for an entire lifetime. One day, he hoped he would see not only their romantic destiny laid out before them... but his own, too, reflected in their bliss-stricken eyes.

"Ahh, god, Maria, that's good..."

But until then, he would keep on searching. Keep on opening himself up to new experiences and new people. And tonight... regardless of whether he could bring himself to see her again, regardless of the fact that their future was not written to be one spent together, Ansen would give his all to Maria. She might not have been his lifelong destiny, but she was still an incredible woman, deserving of all the attention and pleasure he could offer her for at least this one night.

"Maria, I... a-ahh... I'm gonna cum. Oh. Ohh, god. Oh god, that tongue... I... aah! Ahh, Maria! God... yes!"

By Jeeves

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