A Month with Blaziken

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#8 of Vince and his Pokemon

House-sitting is no problem for a guy like Vince, but taking care of the home-owner's Blaziken? That's a very different matter!

This story was written for TinyUmbreon as their Patreon commission reward for November 2020. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults; a human and a pokemon. :3

A Month with Blaziken

Vince stretched as he felt himself rising out of a contented slumber, and for a moment he felt a little disoriented as his eyes opened to regard a bedroom that was wholly unfamiliar to him. It took the dark haired human just seconds to get his bearings though, for his conscious mind to rouse itself to the extent where he could remember where he was and why he was here. He was at a friend's place, though the friend currently wasn't there. He'd done a couple of house-sitting gigs before during his time on the road as a pokemon trainer, but never for this long; a whole month, and never under such unique circumstances.

As if on cue, those circumstances rolled over and curled themselves around Vince's naked body. He blushed, but sighed happily as he wrapped his arms around the gorgeous, still dozing Blaziken who was lying next to him. She wasn't one of his partner pokemon, though three weeks into the month long stay at this property, she was beginning to feel that way to both Vince and his actual team. She was the partner pokemon of Vince's friend, and would have been with him normally without exception whenever he went travelling. This particular excursion however, a tour of the Orange Islands, was wholly unsuited to a fire type like Blaziken. Not just because she was a fire pokemon and thus had an innate weakness to the pokemon most abundantly found both wild and trained in that part of the world, but because since she'd been a Torchic that particular fire type had utterly despised going into her pokeball, thus she was unable to seek protection in the safety of that technological marvel during the many water-borne crossings which would be an inevitable part of any visit to the Orange Islands.

For that reason, when Vince had been in town as the plans for his friend's tour began to materialise, the solution had seemed obvious. Not only could Vince house-sit, but he could look after Blaziken too. He and Blaziken had always seemed to get along incredibly well during his past couple of visits, a miracle given Blaziken's normally rather stubborn and fussy attitude towards basically any human besides her trainer. So, if it meant saving her the stress of either being forced into a pokeball or risking her health by surrounding herself with water, leaving her in Vince's care had seemed like the ideal option.

Of course, Vince's friend didn't know why it was that he and Blaziken had started to get on so well over his last few visits. If he had, he might not have been so eager to leave them alone together in his own home for an entire month. But, both Blaziken and Vince were glad of the opportunity, and Blaziken in particular had made it very, very clear what she expected from the new human entrusted with her care.

"Mmh... fuck me."

The pokemon murmured in her first moments of consciousness, and Vince snorted with laughter.

"You never stop, do you."

He teased, though even as he playfully poked fun at the pokemon, the bedding half covering them both twitched around his crotch. Blaziken's eyes opened, glaring sharply, demandingly at the human.


She answered simply and with the utmost confidence. Again, Vince laughed warmly, and rolled himself over onto his side so he was facing her directly. He hooked a leg over one of her own, and scooted them closer together. His face shifted forward upon the pillows until his nose was practically brushing her feathered face, and he heard the pokemon sigh happily despite her outwardly brash attitude as he pursed his lips and moved to kiss her. As their mouths met, he thought back to the first time they'd gotten together in this way. Of course, one of his own pokemon partners had been responsible for telling Blaziken about him, about the relationships he'd cultivated with several of the members of his pokemon team. After that, he'd noticed Blaziken acting differently towards him. More friendly. More flirtatious, until one day his friend had gone out to the shops leaving Vince to hang out at the house, and the fire type made her move.

Since then, they'd stolen moments whenever they could. At least, that had been the case until the start of this month. Until then their relationship had been one of brief, passionate encounters. A kiss here, a handjob there, fingers delving into an almost scorchingly hot pussy only to be forced to withdraw seconds later as they heard a sound which might have been Blaziken's trainer approaching.

In a way, after all that time spent sneaking around and fighting for any opportunity to be together on the already infrequent and uncertain occasions when Vince and his friend were in the same place at the same time, he didn't blame Blaziken for being somewhat demanding. Even if that was just how she was, forthright and self-assured in knowing exactly what she wanted, it was a feeling which he reciprocated, albeit perhaps in not so unrestrained a manner. But it still made Vince blush to see, to hear and to feel Blaziken behaving this way towards him even after three full weeks of them having all the time they wanted together. After weeks of his own partner pokemon willingly taking a back-seat, and contenting themselves only with a few stolen moments of their own with him so that Blaziken could enjoy this temporary opportunity to experience the kind of closeness with a human that only a small number of pokemon were able to share in the way that Vince did with those around him.

"Nine days."

Blaziken whispered rather feverishly to Vince as their lips parted, and with an instant huffing, the fire pokemon rolled herself over and astride the human, hurriedly reaching down to grasp his swelling cock and guide it towards her waiting depths.

"We have nine days left, Vince. So... don't tease me. Don't make me wait for it. Don't even wait for me to wake up, if you're up before I am. Just... oh, Vince. Just fuck me."


With five days to go, Vince was beginning to feel somewhat worn out. He was still enjoying himself, in fact calling how he felt about his experiences over the past month enjoying himself seemed like the understatement of the century given how incredibly fun and pleasurable so much of his time with Blaziken had been. But, over the last few days in particular as the countdown to the end of their month long, uninterrupted time together ticked ominously onward, the fire pokemon had been relentless.

"Again. Please."

He felt fingers on the back of his head, digging through his dark hair and gripping not painfully tight, but firmly enough to ensure that he was in no position to fight back as his already damp, flushed, panting face was drawn right back to the hot, wet crotch from which it had emerged barely thirty seconds prior. Strong thighs soon took over from the hand, gripping the sides of his head and holding him in place even though he eagerly threw himself back into the action of eating Blaziken out. He listened to her faint moans through the flesh of her legs pressed to his ears, but alongside those more obvious sounds of stimulation, he could hear giggling too. His already rosy cheeks burned hotter still as he listened to his own partner pokemon watch and comment on his and Blaziken's actions. Even a week ago Blaziken had always drawn him away from the other pokemon in the house when she wanted them to have sex, no matter how often they told her that they were perfectly happy with the two of them spending time together that way wherever and however they wished. But now, Blaziken wanted him so often, so veritably ceaselessly that even for her it had become a simple matter of practicality for them to share these acts in the presence of others.


Blaziken's legs tightened their grip on his face, and he felt her ankles digging into the base of his spine just above his backside while the pokemon locked her lower legs together in an even more desperate attempt to keep the human in place despite his utter lack of interest in escaping.

"Right... oh, yes! Right there!"

Hot juices sprayed violently against the smooth skin of Vince's chin as he suckled on Blaziken's clit, and felt her pussy begin to spasm in the throes of its intense, squirting climax. He knew better than to stop though, than to relax his attempts to pleasure her throughout and even beyond her orgasm. He stopped when he was told to stop, or to do something else to satisfy Blaziken instead, and not a second before.

"Now fuck me..."

The fire pokemon moaned while still coming down from the wild high of her latest orgasm, satisfied and frantic with continued desire all at once.

"Climb up on me..."

She moaned as she lay back on the couch, setting Vince's head free and allowing him to catch the briefest glimpse of Trinity, his beloved Lucario sitting in an armchair across the room; feeding herself a slice of pizza with one paw and fondling between her legs with the other while she watched the show.

"...and, ooh, by Arceus... _fuck me hard _, Vince!"


There were two days left before Vince's friend and Blaziken's trainer returned home. Vince had expected today to be like the last six or seven days. One of near non-stop demands on his time, on his libido. One of unbridled and furious sex between him and the relentless fire type pokemon who craved the comfort and passion that he could bring, and which she could never seek from her own human partner. But when he awoke that morning on the last full day before his friend's return, the bed beside him was oddly cold and empty. Blaziken was nowhere to be seen, and the coolness of the bedding itself suggested that she had been gone for some time rather than just a couple of minutes to use the bathroom or make herself some breakfast so she had enough energy for the hour or so of post wake-up sex that would have inevitably ensued.

After a couple of minutes of waiting to see if she would return though, Vince pulled himself out of bed and slipped on a robe over his otherwise bare body and twitching, pre-emptively prepared morning wood. He walked slowly through the upper floor of the house, peering in the guest room and chuckling as he heard a moan from a writhing pile of sheets where a couple of his own pokemon were no doubt occupying themselves together in his absence, but not seeking to disturb them as he continued his search for Blaziken. It didn't take all that long to find her, of course. The house wasn't all that big, and the lack of any smells or sounds of food preparation emanating from the kitchen told Vince to check the living room first when he got downstairs, and after finding no-one there, the room his friend used as a sort of study or den area.

There, he found her. Not browsing porn on the internet looking for fresh inspiration to really spice up the last couple of days of their time together. Not doing anything remotely suggestive, in fact, a fact which in itself would have told Vince to change his approach to the situation even if it hadn't been for the other obvious clues to Blaziken's mood. She sat on the couch which was positioned across from a wall mounted screen to which a couple of games consoles were hooked up, her back to the door, thus to Vince, and made no attempt to look at him either as he entered the room or as he spoke her name. He approached the couch and the pokemon upon it, and as he drew closer he saw that she was sitting with her knees drawn up to her chest, and her arms wrapped around her legs as she rested her head atop her knees.

She wasn't crying, but from the look on her face, she wasn't far off. Indeed as Vince settled down on the couch beside her and looked over at the pokemon, she sniffled as she regarded him in return.

"Everything okay?"

The human murmured softly.


Her response was as direct as any other comment she made, but it seemed far more brutally cutting when such comments were made with sorrow and anger, rather than lustful excitement.

"Can I help?"

Vince murmured, suspecting he knew what the issue was and knowing deep down that as much as he wanted to, there really was very little which could be done if that was indeed the case. Sure enough, that question was all it took to send a couple of tears streaking down the pokemon's face. Tears which lingered on her face only for moments before the internal heat of the fire-type's body turned them to vapour, leaving salty trails in their wake as the liquid evaporated away to nothing before it could fall away from her sorrowful features. Vince scooted over closer, and put an arm around the pokemon whose lithe frame was even taller than him when not so hunched over as she currently was. Blaziken sniffled again, and within seconds she had her head resting in the crook of his neck as Vince wrapped a second arm around the pokemon, hugging her close.

All month she had been so focused on their physical intimacy. So eager to be touched, stimulated, to make up for all those times they had been forced to steal mere moments together back when she'd first learned of what it was possible for her to share with that particular human. But for all her stubbornness, as strong willed and domineering a personality as she could seem and indeed truly be at times, Vince couldn't forget the moments throughout those early dalliances when Blaziken had truly opened up to him emotionally. When she'd revealed her joy at being able to communicate with him, an aspect of his unique and deeply intimate relationship with pokemon that to this day Vince still didn't fully understand, but which was somehow tied in to his physical intimacy with and desire for an given pokemon. How she'd been every bit as eager to talk with him, to share thoughts and feelings she had on all sorts of topics that no human had ever been able to understand before, as she had been to have sex with him.

And now, after the best part of a month of focusing so much on the physical side of their relationship while they had the opportunity to share it with unbridled passion, it seemed as though the emotional side of that extremely physical relationship was beginning to catch up with the pokemon, no matter how much she'd tried to keep them separate.

"I don't know how I'm going to go back to living the way I was. Clayton is a wonderful trainer. A reliable and kind hearted partner. But... when I get horny, what am I supposed to do? I can't even tell him to give me some privacy, because he won't understand the words when I speak them. When I want to be held, how do I tell him I'm not feeling unwell, and I don't want him to take me to the pokemon centre for a check up. When I miss you so much my heart feels like it's going to turn to ice in my chest, how do I... what do I do?!"

They had known from the start this was only a month long thing. No matter how strongly they desired and felt for one another, this wasn't like with Trinity and Vince's parents. Blaziken couldn't just show her trainer that actually she wanted to travel with Vince instead. It wouldn't be fair to Clayton. It wouldn't be fair to any of them. Both Vince and Blaziken herself had acknowledged right from the first day of this month that when their time together was over, they'd just have lots of happy memories to look back on until the next time they were able to steal a few tender minutes together. But that had been theory. That had been the future, and now that they were there with the end of their time together weighing down upon them, it was all so much more complicated than that.

"I'd be lying if I said I had the answers. And... just so you know, Blaziken? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sad about this ending tomorrow, too. You've been amazing. Exhausting, but... amazing. You've pushed me harder than half a dozen other pokemon combined, and I've loved being able to see you so happy. To know that the things we've shared have really made you feel good. And, that's why even though I'm sad, I'm not going to let this drive me crazy. Because, if the choice is between having an incredible month with you knowing it will end, and not having one at all just so I didn't have to risk feeling bad at the end of it?"

He let his voice trail off, and for a brief while the two of them sat in silence within their embrace, before Blaziken chirped softly.

"I know."

She sighed, and sagged slightly against Vince as he squeezed her a little more tenderly still within his arms.

"I'd rather have it too. I don't wish we'd never shared this. I just... what you said about making memories, maybe I'm afraid that once this is over, it will start to fade away like a dream. That one day I won't be able to remember the feeling of your arms around me. The feeling of your cock inside me. The way your tongue feels against my clit, and the way your cum tastes on my tongue. There are hundreds of things we've shared in the last month that I can't imagine my life without, even if it is just the memory. And... the idea of losing that? Of not being able to recall it and feel the way it makes me feel now as I live it? That's a million times more terrifying to me than not having someone to talk to about these feelings."

Vince kissed Blaziken on the forehead, and smiled as she drew back her head just far enough to look him in the eye.

"I understand the fear, but... speaking from experience? Even if some of the vivid details of individual moments fade over time, the feeling, the emotion that they provoked never does. I still remember the way my heart skipped a beat the first time I realised you were flirting with me. I still remember feeling my legs go weak the first time you spoke to me and I realised I could understand you. And, in weeks, in months from now... even if I don't remember the exact words we said to each other, I'm going to remember this moment. I'll remember how sad I was to see you upset, but, how happy I was to hear that this month meant as much to you emotionally as it did to me, even if we spent most of it so wrapped up in each other physically that it took looking back after the fact to realise how much affection there was tied up in every time you begged me to make you cum."

Blaziken's face flushed beneath her feathers, and she huffed playfully at her human lover as a more familiar mischievousness replaced the sorrow that had been haunting her eyes.

"So, you know that when I tell you to make me cum... it's because it's you? Not just that I'm horny as hell?"

Vince chuckled softly.

"Oh, I know you're horny as hell. But, yeah. I know, and it really does mean a lot that you trust me to be able to give you that. To make you feel those incredible feelings."

Blaziken giggled.

"Then... Vince?"

The human grinned too, and he kissed Blaziken on the lips even before she could ask, or demand what she so obviously was about to ask of him, while her hands began to reach forward and tug open the front of his robe.

"Fuck me."


"Blaziken, we... ohh, god... we can't. He'll be back any minute now. He already texted me to say he's off the train."

It was almost midnight.

Clayton had been delayed during his journey back, which had given Vince and Blaziken almost six more hours together than originally expected. Needless to say, they'd made good use of every last minute of it. After cleaning the house with the assistance of Vince's other pokemon that morning, they had restrained their activities solely to the shower and the guest room where Vince had been sleeping. In fact they'd barely left those two venues, either building up to, coming down from, or in the midst of one passion-fuelled, deeply intimate act or another.

"Just one more."

Now though, even after all the extra hours they'd been able to steal together, their time was up. They had to stop. They had to admit that it was over.

But, Blaziken was who she was. Who she had always been. She was stubborn. She got what she wanted. And what she wanted... what she needed right now was precisely what she was whispering to Vince feverishly as she straddled him, and sank her soaking wet, burning hot pussy down around the once more rigid and throbbing length of his cock.

"Please. Just fuck me, just cum in me one more time."

Even as the human surrendered though, and rolled them over so he was lying astride the beautiful fire type, they both knew it was too late. They could hear the rideshare car rolling up in front of the house, see the headlights glinting off the drapes as the car pulled to a halt, as the sound of a door opening and closing rang out over their feverish moans. Yet still, even as Blaziken looked up at Vince in pleading desperation, it was the human who made the choice to persist. To keep his hips rocking, to keep his cock ploughing into the pokemon's pussy even as he heard the faint click of a key in a door, and a voice calling out.

"I'm back!"

They had to stop.

They had to.

So, why weren't they?

Why couldn't they?

He felt his cock twitch, and his aching, already well drained balls beg for release. He felt Blaziken's heat, her wetness, and of course he looked down into her face in the darkened room. He kissed her hard, deep, muffling her screams as his hips began to jackhammer against hers, sending her crashing over the edge into one last orgasm while he desperately fought for the same relief. They heard creaking footsteps on the stairs. The click of a light-switch as the upstairs hallway illuminated under the bedroom door.

They saw a shadow moving under the door. It was about to happen. They were about to get caught, and then it was all going to be over. They'd never be able to see one another again, and...

When the door creaked slowly open a few moments later, Vince had only just managed to drag the covers up over himself and Blaziken as they rolled onto their sides, his cock still spasming, mere seconds away from flooding her depths with cum as the residual squeezing of her own orgasm threatened to milk him beyond the brink.

"Oh, h-hey!"

Vince tried his best to disguise his strained, lust stricken voice as him having just woken up. He smiled weakly at his friend, who smiled back, then looked in confusion at his friend lying in the bed with Blaziken curled up right beside him, seemingly sound asleep with her arms clearly wrapped around the other human under the covers.

"We said we'd stay up and wait for you to get home together. But, I guess she was tired out. I didn't have the heart to move her."

Vince tried to explain in a manner that seemed remotely plausible. His friend looked uncertain, though whether that was due to suspicion of anything inappropriate or simply feeling a little jealous that his partner pokemon was sleeping soundly in the arms of Vince, when she'd never shown the slightest interest in being that openly affectionate with him even during the coldest of camp-out nights on the road. A moment later though before he could ask any questions about the situation at hand, Clayton yawned, and frowned.

"Yeah, I... I'm so sorry I got back so late. I shouldn't have even woken you up. We can chat in the morning, right?"

With his heart thundering in his chest, Vince nodded. He watched as Clayton hesitated for another moment, eyes lingering on just how peaceful and relaxed his partner pokemon looked in that other human's embrace, but truly just for a second or so. His friend withdrew from the room, closing the door behind him, and almost instantly Blaziken's eyes sprang wide open in the gloom.

"In the morning."

She echoed her trainer's words, a mischievous smile spreading across her face even as she did so.

"In the morning."

She repeated, squirming, and then rolling Vince over onto his back again as she moved to straddle him, and to start rocking upon his still rigid and tender cock regardless of the fact that they had come so close to being caught, and that Clayton was still just a handful of steps away.

"We have tonight."

The pokemon added, her hips already picking up their pace, and Vince's own midsection starting to rock back against hers regardless of any lingering anxiety he might have felt. After all, he knew she was right. He knew that they had been granted a few extra, precious hours before exhaustion would claim them, and even before Blaziken whispered those same words that never failed to fill his heart with passion and adoration in equal measure, he knew exactly what he had to do with that time, for both their sakes.

"Vince. Please. Fuck me."

By Jeeves

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