NORTH Part One

Story by unstablebill on SoFurry

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#1 of NORTH

Part 1 of a five-part series. Join Siberian husky drone Number 04 in the northern slope of Alaska as he serves his master on a new adventure.

Everything is going according to plan.



Number 04 was the first of the dogs to notice the bear, but he was positive that Master had already seen him.

There wasn't much else to see, just a long, uninterrupted stretch of the Alaskan wilderness, pierced ineffectually for 400 miles by the Dalton Highway.

Hardly a highway, the so-called North Haul Slope Road ran from Prudhoe Bay, which was all the way up on the north coast of Alaska, to Fairbanks, close to the center of the states. It was an 11-hour drive, under the best of conditions. It took a lot longer if the weather was bad, or you got a flat tire, or the snow was covering the highway in drifts five feet deep for a hundred miles and you got stranded and froze to death and they couldn't even recover your body for five months until the spring thaw.

But for now, it was late September, and it was just starting to drop below freezing at night It was gray all day this time of year, which is why Number 04 had stopped even looking out the windows. They had driven six hours in a late-model Chevy Suburban with a winch and two spare rear-mounted gas canisters, towing a 6-foot box trailer, up to Prudhoe Bay, because Master had ordered a shipment of supplies and that's where the ship had docked. He'd taken three of the dogs with him, and as usual the small otter had gotten some very strange looks from the docks and tract houses full of oil workers, in his North Face jacket with three silent, identical-looking huskies in tow, but as usual, they picked up their fuel and supplies and piled back into the Suburban for the long drive back to their facility.

Idly, Number 04 wondered what was in the mysterious-looking parcels they had picked up. One of them had been huge and heavy and marked FRAGILE. It had a battery sticker on it. 04 wondered if it was the fucking machine - the "Husky Punisher," as he'd called it - that Master had lately been musing about. He swallowed, his heart beating a little faster.

As usual, 04 felt charged and electric just sharing a space with Master. It was conditioning, and he knew it, but he was excited, almost delighted, just to be sharing an SUV with the otter. The man's scent was burned into the dog's brain, and he felt himself wagging and his heart beat faster whenever he could smell the otter close. 04 had beaten 06 and 11 to the seat directly behind Master for the trip back. 11 had shot him a look, and 04 knew he would be getting facefucked in the middle of the night, but it was worth it to have the Master's thick tail between his legs, occasionally idly thwapping 04's ankles. 04 was on the driver's side, directly behind Master's seat, and as a result, he was the first of the dogs to notice the bear.

They were six hours south of Prudhoe Bay, north of Anaktuvuk Pass, and half an hour ago they had turned off the highway onto a dirt-and-gravel road. It had been slow going, since the road was in poor maintenance and Master didn't like to speed with the trailer, but they were inching steadily toward "The Facility," which was really a network of six research trailers and a log cabin that Master had established to house his "employees." 04 had a feeling they would soon be adding some space. Master wanted more space, and Master always got what he wanted.


The bear saw them coming a long way off. He was a polar bear, judging by his white exposed head. He was dressed like a guard, with black uniform pants and an unadorned black hooded sweatshirt. He was almost wearing what 04 and the others wore on guard duty, or when Master was in the mood for that sort of thing (which was often). He was standing in the road, blocking it.

They were on a gravel road in the middle of nowhere. What else was on this road? Nothing but a long-disused gold mining operation. There was a little shack around here. Was that populated? He'd never seen anyone around it.

04 swallowed. Who the hell was this? He leaned forward, his mouth drying. Silently, he took off his seatbelt in case he needed to leap out of the car to defend Master.

Master turned down the podcast they'd been listening to for the last two hours and at the same time began to gently slow down the truck. 04 felt 06 and 11 tense up. Silently, he exchanged a glance with them. They both looked alarmed, alert, ready to act. He felt better. They would move as a pack. 3 against 1 was pretty good odds.

As they rolled up on the bear, the Suburban slowly crunching to a stop, 04 was horrified to see the bear was at least two feet taller than him, probably three. He towered over the SUV and he was probably almost twice Master's height. 04 felt the blood drain out of his face. The bear was at least nine feet tall, and built like a tank. He felt worse about their odds with each passing moment.

Master was, as usual, undeterred.

The otter hit the button and his window smoothly rolled down.

"Hiya!" he said, dripping midwestern friendliness. "How's it going, friend?"

The bear leaned down to his window, way down, frowning. "Road's closed," he said, simply. His voice was deep and booming. It made 04's blood run cold. He glanced at 06, next to him, and saw the other husky's ears were pinned back against his head.

Master actually laughed. "Closed? This road doesn't close. There's barely a road to close!" He was being friendly, but 04 knew there was a limit to his patience.

The bear frowned. "It's closed today. Mine is starting back up."

"Oh wow!" said Master. "That old operation? I didn't know there was anything in those old mines. You're with the mining company?"

The bear nodded. "Yup. Now turn around, please."

Master let out a sigh. "Aw. Are you sure? The bypass is a couple miles back. It's an extra hour to go around." He offered a webbed paw. "I'm _____! We're with the research facility at the end of your road."

The bear looked at the otter's paw, but didn't move. He leaned his head slightly into the truck to look at the huskies, and nodded. He was huge. The car darkened on 04's side just from the bear's massive presence.

The bear looked at them disapprovingly, and then back to the otter. "Ah. They told me about you all." He continued frowning. "I'm sorry," he rumbled. "Mining company traffic only. This has always been a private road."

Master was undaunted. "Aw, I know. But nobody was using it for the last ten years. Do you think you could let us through, just this once? Next time I'll go around but I was really looking forward to getting out of this truck." He chuckled amiably.

The bear frowned. He looked like he was getting annoyed. "No," he said, firmly, a little louder.

You've done it now, 04 thought.

Master cocked his head. He was thinking. Silently, 04 watched.

"You know," Master said, slowly. Deliberately. "You're real big."

The bear sighed. "So I've heard." Now he just looked annoyed.

If Master noticed, he didn't react. "Do you like being big?" he asked. He sounded amused. Relaxed.

The bear looked puzzled. "I...suppose," he said, noncommittally.

Master smiled. 04 could see his eyes in the rearview mirror. It made the fur on the back of his neck stand up. "I like you being big."

They stared at each other. The bear looked confused by that.

Master leaned gently toward him. "I like you being big a lot. What do you think of that, Mr. Bear?"

Now the bear furrowed his brow. "I...I..." he stammered.

Master didn't let him think of a response. "Why don't you...lean in here," he said, slowly and sultry.

Still frowning, the bear did. He dipped his long neck and stuck his big head into the car. He filled the space in front of Master.

Master took a deep, pleased breath. "Wow, you're even bigger up close. Boys, look at this fine specimen."

The bear just stared, perplexed, watching the small otter from twelve inches away. He looked a little confused, like even he had absolutely no idea why he was complying.

If 04's hazy memories were correct, the bear didn't know why he was complying. But he was going to comply regardless.

Master beamed at the bear, watching him with wonder. "Look at you," he said. "Look. At. You." He took a satisfied breath. "I'm gonna touch your face now."

The bear swallowed, nodding shallowly. "Okay." He put his paws on the windowsill and his hands were so huge they barely both fit.

Master reached up with both his webbed hands and rubbed the bear's face. The bear had thick, trim cheek fluff and Master rubbed it with his thumbs. He held the bear's muzzle as best he could get his fingers around.

"Very nice," Master purred. "How does this feel?"

"Good," whispered the bear.

Master smiled. "Call me sir. How does it feel?"

The bear shifted, uncomfortably. "Good, sir," he grunted.

"And look at these teeth!" Master cooed. "Open up."

Expression blank, the bear opened his huge muzzle. Master slid his thumbs in, rubbing them along the polar bear's lower teeth. He wasn't gentle about it, pulling on the bear's lower jaw. The bear just let him do it.

"God, I love this. Very nice. Very, very nice." He pried the bear's mouth open and forcibly turned his head back and forth. "Oh my word, look at this tongue! Stick it out for me."

The bear did. His tongue was a pale shade of blue. He dangled his tongue out like he was being examined by a doctor.

"Very good, bear. You're being so good for me." He beamed at him, releasing his teeth to stroke the bear's face, and then his neck.

The bear just watched him, compliant, relaxed, obedient, and still a little confused. Slowly, he closed his mouth, watching the otter from inches away, staring into his eyes as the small mustelid manhandled him.

04 could see the moment that the bear realized he wanted to kiss the otter. It was a moment of confusion, and arousal, and panic and excitement. A moment later the bear realized he was going to kiss the otter, and that was a moment of wide-eyed shock, and then Master leaned forward and pressed their lips together and the bear closed his eyes and melted into it.

They kissed with lips only for a few moments, lips smacking, pushing gently against each other. Then Master moaned, and the bear pushed forward.

Master arched his back, making his seat creak, and 04 heard a faint gagging noise. Master grabbed the bear's cheek ruffs and held on tight.

Master's seat groaned, and the bear surged into the car, rumbling loudly.

04 leaned forward, tensed, and as if sensing this, Master raised a hand to show him it was alright.

The husky squirmed in his seat. He could hear the smacking noises, see them writhing against one another, smell the bear now. He smelled like pipe smoke and snow. 04 was trying to mind his own business but this was making him a little concerned and a lot aroused.

Finally their kiss broke. The bear stared at him, breathing hard, eyebrows furrowed, confused, aroused.

Master held him lovingly, from inches away. "Did you like that, bear?"

"Yes, sir."

Master beamed. "Good! Can anyone see us where we are?"

The bear shook his huge head. "No, sir."

Master nodded. "Perfect. Why don't you take off your shirt?" he asked, congenially.

The bear stared at him for a moment, processing that, and then nodded. "Yes, sir." He took a few steps back, reached down for the hem of his hooded sweatshirt, and pulled it and his undershirt off in one smooth motion.

04 watched intently. The bear was impressively-built, with thick shoulders and long arms, and was surprisingly trim for a polar bear. He almost had a six-pack, could easily have it with a little additional work.

Master will get right on that, 04 thought, silently.

The otter nodded appreciatively. "Very good. Open your pants."

Silently, watching him, the bear unbuckled his uniform pants and unzipped his fly.

04 shivered in his seat. Master was going to make this bear show him his cock. Right here in the street. 04's heart started pounding and he felt himself grow hard in his jockstrap.

Master nodded silently. "Show me," he said.

The polar bear tugged his pants down slightly around his thick tree-trunk quads. He was wearing briefs, which was not particularly surprising, but the absolute heft of the mass stuffed into his bulge absolutely was.

"Very nice!" Master announced.

04 turned to make eye contact with 06. The other husky's eyes were wide in horror. They silently exchanged a terrified thought: that thing is going inside us.

Behind them, 11 swallowed hard. 04 turned and was mildly irritated to find the other husky barely able to keep his tongue in his mouth. Figured. Master liked to keep all types.

"Okay, that's enough," Master said, making 04 snap his head back around. "Get dressed. Thank you."

Wordlessly, the bear zipped up his pants and started to put his shirt back on.

"Bear, do you like your job?"

"Pardon, sir?" the bear asked. He frowned, quizzically. Now that he was compliant and not scary, 04 was having a hard time taking his eyes off the bear's handsome face. He wondered what the kiss had been like. Maybe later he would ask Master.

"Do you like your job? At the mining company?"

The bear frowned, confused by the question, and finally just shrugged his massive shoulders. "I guess, sir? The pay is okay. The quarters are small. I'm bored most of the time."

Master beamed. "Would you like to come work for me?"

The bear stared at him. "What do you do?"

Master grinned. "Just hang out. Just...hang out with my dogs."

The polar bear still looked somewhere between mad and confused. "Your dogs, sir?"

"My dogs. My good, good dogs."

The bear's original mask of annoyance was starting to come back. "I don't understand, sir."

Master reached for something on the door, and to 04's horror, the husky's side windows started rolling down. He gasped.

The bear turned to look at him, really look at him, his brown eyes poring over him.

"My dogs!" Master said.

The bear nodded. His eyes were gray, 04 noticed, not brown. They were boring holes in the husky. It was terrifying but exciting. 04 felt incredibly exposed.

Master glanced back at him. "Kiss him!" Master suggested. "Give him a shot!"

The bear's eyebrows raised but he didn't take his eyes off of 04. After a moment, he furrowed his brow, and took a step toward the backseat.

Oh God, oh God, oh God, 04 thought. He was so, so hard in his jockstrap. But the bear was massive. He started shivering. He couldn't help it.

The bear frowned. He was right outside the window now. He was so big.

"He's scared," the bear said.

Master glanced back at him again. "He wants you!" he said. "Don't you, 04?"

04 swallowed. "Y-yes," he whispered.

"04 loves them big. I got a big jaguar at my Facility and - well, I'll let you see for yourself. For now, give that good boy a shot."

Trying to help, 04 nodded.

Frowning, the bear slowly leaned down and pushed his head through the window. He was so massive up close. 04 let out a little moan as their muzzles connected.

The bear was shockingly gentle, his big muzzle soft and hot. 04 loved the feel of the kiss, so he leaned forward, and the bear pushed back, and their mouths opened, and it was heavenly, and then the bear's massive fucking tongue snaked out of his muzzle like a boa constrictor sliding out a transom window, and filled 04's entire muzzle in half a second, and jammed into the back of his throat, and the bear was holding the back of his head like an iron clamp so he couldn't even escape, and it felt horrible but so, so good.

04 moaned loudly, an involuntary whimper escaping him, and after a few moments the bear retracted his tongue and he could breathe again.

Shockingly, the bear reached into the car with his huge fucking paw and clamped it over 04's throbbing erection.

04 yelped, reflexively jumping, and the bear squeezed his nuts and cock with his big hand, and as much as it hurt he was hard and if it went on for a few minutes he probably could have cum.

The bear retracted his muzzle and paw, stared at 04 for a second, and then extricated himself from the vehicle.

"What did you think?" Master asked.

The bear wiped husky drool from his muzzle. He was rock-hard in his pants, 04 noticed. "Good," he said, simply.

Master chuckled. He scrounged in the glove box for a minute, retrieved something, and then extended one hand toward the bear with a business card. "Email me, I'll have one of the dogs pick you up, we'll bring you to the facility for a tour."

The bear took the card. He nodded. "Okay, sir."

Master watched him. "I'll probably enslave you right at that point, so wear something nice and be ready to get fucked. Then I'll let you dangle for about a week, until you're so obsessed with the thought of serving me that you'll play cumdump to a whole pack of dogs just to please me." He beamed.

04 felt the fur on his arms stand up.

The bear nodded. "Okay, sir. Thank you."

The otter grinned. "Call me Master now."

The bear nodded. "Of course, Master. Thank you, Master."

The otter sighed happily. "Nice to meet you, Bear. 11, what will Bear's number be?"

"Sixteen, sir!" barked the husky in the back.

The otter grinned. "16. Can't wait to see you again."

The bear nodded, blushing. "Likewise, Master."

Master looked out the window, and then the windshield. He turned back to the bear, who 04 was already starting to think of as the number. "Will somebody see if we just use this road anyway?"

The bear had to think about it, and then grimaced. "Yes, Master. Sorry. It goes right past the new administration trailer."

Undeterred, Master smiled. "Oh well. Thought I would ask. We'll go around from now on. Thanks for your help, 16!"

The bear beamed, his pleasant smile full of teeth. "My pleasure, Master!" He was so hot. 04 squirmed in his seat.

Master waved. "I have to turn around with the trailer, so be careful now."

"Sure! Thank you! Bye, Master!" the bear waved.

Master rolled up his window. "See you soon!"

The bear left to go to the safety of his shack. Grinning, Master squirmed around in his seat. He was so small but 04's heart started pounding at the sight of his face.

"Whaddaya think?" Master asked.

04 swallowed. "I liked him, Master!" he said, hurriedly. 06 and 11 murmured their agreement. 04 could tell they were jealous. He tried not to puff his chest out reflexively.

"Okay. Wow, what a fun little detour," Master said, turning back around. He checked his mirrors, put the truck in gear, and very carefully drove in a big circle through the grass to get back on the road going the other way. He waved as they drove off.

04 looked out the back. 16 was standing in front of his shelter, waving his big long arm.

"God, this fuckin' rules," Master chuckled, happily. "Do you think they'll get another polar bear to replace him after we take him? Maybe we'll come get that one too." He laughed. "Maybe we'll start a polar bear collection to go with our huskies and sheps. What do you think, boys?"

04 made worried eye contact with 06 again. They were both sweating. The bear was big. Several of them would be terrifying.

Master was looking in the rearview and saw it. He laughed. "Don't worry, boys," he said. "I've already decided the bear is a bottom."

Quietly, at the same moment, 04 and 06 let out long, relieved, sighs.

Master smiled. "For now," he added.

NORTH Part Two

The next week was when everything really started to unravel. Returning to the base on the day they met the bear had actually taken an extra hour and fifteen minutes to detour around the mine; they'd had to go all the way back to the highway, which...

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EIGHT DOLLAR PITCHER "Does it feel _straight_ in here to you?" hissed the rabbit perched at the bar in front of him. Rufus Reamer blinked in surprise. He looked around at their surroundings - a huge dance floor lit by more colored lights than...

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THE STATION Travis MacGregor walked briskly down the empty main hallway, his thick boots thumping softly on the linoleum. He passed the abandoned front desk, walking directly into the bullpen. He reached for his keycard, but then he saw that the...

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