NORTH Part Two

Story by unstablebill on SoFurry

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#2 of NORTH

Part 2 of a 5-part series. PLEASE comment if you like! :D

Accompany drone dog Number 04 as he and the team ready The Facility for the long, cold Alaskan winter.

Tensions start to form among the dogs, and Master welcomes their new arrival. 04 should be happy to have a huge, hot new addition to the pack, him but something is weighing on his mind. Or is there?

It's just so hard to think.

The next week was when everything really started to unravel.

Returning to the base on the day they met the bear had actually taken an extra hour and fifteen minutes to detour around the mine; they'd had to go all the way back to the highway, which meant they had to stop to refuel the Suburban, which 04 volunteered to do in order to build some good grace with the other two. When they returned, Master pulled the trailer up to the mess hall trailer, which was a doublewide and the only trailer with any storage space to speak of. In addition to picking up Master's "special fun items" this had been the first of three supply runs before things got really cold in November and December. January through March, when they would see days in the -25 to -30 range, they generally didn't leave the facility because it was actually dangerous to do so. A breakdown with rescue four hours away, when it was 40 degrees below zero, could easily mean death.

But for now it was in the high 30's and stable. The other three huskies had been waiting for them at the Mess Hall when they pulled up, and even a few of the shepherds, probably more out of nosiness than helpfulness. The huskies were always first-tier for gruntwork, and the shepherds generally only helped when there was something exciting to see. In this case, it was food.

Like 04, all of the huskies and shepherds ranged in age from 25 to 46 (as far as they could tell), all male, and all of them exceptionally well-built. Of the six trailers, three were devoted to quarters, one was mess, one was research, and the entire last trailer was filled with weights and treadmills and four big workout machines, where six of them could comfortably work out at once. They were all in peak physical condition, and it showed. This was not a perk: this was one of Master's requirements.

"You got them!" gasped 05, holding a box of beef jerky sticks. 04 looked at the box. Gochujang Flavor. It looked like a case pack full of gas-station display packs, which would have been about 2,000 beef sticks. The shepherd's golden eyes lit up and he held the package like it was the Arc of the Covenant. "Master!!" he gasped. "I thought they were discontinued!"

Master stepped up, beaming proudly at the fit dog, and 04 swallowed his twinge of jealousy. "They are!" the otter said. "That's the last case pack in existence. Though I think Chef 10 could probably whip you up a reasonable facsimile. I'm pretty sure the name is also the recipe."

He chuckled at his own joke. 04 didn't get it.

05 nodded, and he seemed to actually be blinking back tears. "Thank you so much, Master! I'll work double shifts for these!"

The otter frowned. "That is...absolutely not necessary." His smile reappeared. "But you're welcome!"

After hauling boxes into the larder and freezer for 20 minutes, 04 reentered the trailer, waiting for his eyes to adjust to the darkness, and found himself staring at the huge pile of equipment. There were three items. The largest was in a plywood crate, and marked FRAGILE. It also said FOR MEDICAL USE ONLY. 04 swallowed.

"Why don't you leave that to me and 01," the Master said, behind him.

04 jumped, startled. He snapped his head around and looked down at the shorter otter. Why was his fur standing on end? "O-of course, sir," he stammered. His heart was pounding.

The otter noticed immediately. He frowned. "04, what's the matter?" he asked, softly.

The husky swallowed. "N-nothing, sir!" he stuttered. "I'm fine. Everything's fine."

The otter stepped forward and 04 felt his heart start pounding. He was panicking. Why was he panicking? This was Master. Master loved him. Master would never hurt him.

The otter reached for his face and 04 felt his panic crescendo in such a peak that he almost screamed. He would have, except it caught in his throat.

Then the master's webbed hands touched his muzzle, and 04 felt himself crash into a sudden, inescapable calm.

The otter's hands were soft and hot on his muzzle, and 04 felt himself immediately shut down. His breath caught in his throat, and his eyes wouldn't stay open, and he struggled to stay on his feet. His mind shut down, his racing thoughts quelled, and he stared, eyes half-closed, into the otter's calm, concerned red eyes. His head was spinning, and then swimming, and then nothing.

"Wh-...what..." he whispered.

"Shhh, it's okay," the otter whispered back. "Are you feeling okay, 04?"

The husky stared at him. His eyes wouldn't quite focus. "I...I..." he stammered.

"You're feeling fine," the otter told him. "You're feeling calm and relaxed and safe."

The husky stared into Master's eyes. He felt warm in his chest, and it started to radiate out, flowing through him. He took a slow, deep breath. "I..." He swayed on his feet, trying to focus on Master. "Yes," he whispered. His mouth didn't want to stay closed, and he was dumbly aware of his muzzle dropping slowly open and his tongue lolling out.

"Calm and relaxed and subdued and obedient," the otter told him.

"S-subdued and obedient," 04 repeated. The words sounded so right. It was like a church refrain. It felt so good to say. He felt so good. The Master's voice was so calming. He shivered. Yes. Everything was fine.

Master smiled. "There's my good boy," he whispered. He rubbed the dog's cheekruffs roughly.

04 shivered again, feeling himself wag. His body was burning. The Master was so pleased with him. He didn't have anything to worry about. He was so calm and relaxed and obedient. All was as it should be. His tongue dangled, drool spotting his shirt.

Master leaned up and kissed his nose, and 04 whimpered in pleasure.

Master took a step back, squeezing his shoulders, and grinned at him. "Okay, 04! Leave it to us!"

The husky felt the fog suddenly clear in his head. Us? Abruptly, he was aware that 01 was standing in the trailer, also, in a huge thick coat with a faux fur collar, and his feeling of calm left him like mist blowing away in the wind.

The black jaguar stared down at him. He was almost a meter taller than Master and probably two feet taller than 04, tall and massive and strong. Only 02 and the malamutes were nearly his size, and all of them were still a little scared of the big cat.

"Yes," the jaguar said, icily. "Leave it to us."

Trying to keep his tail from dipping between his legs, 04 nodded. "Yes, sirs," he said. He swallowed and shuffled out of the trailer.

"Good work today, 04!" Master called after him. "Tell 11 and 06 for me too, please!" he said.

Tail wagging, 04 nodded. "Thank you, Master!" he called back.

Walking back into the mess hall, he could smell traces of Master's touch on his cheek fur, and he shivered.


"Oh yeah? Did WE do good work today?" 06 growled, pushing 04 to his knees.

They were back in the Husky Trailer, where the 6 of them relaxed and slept. They each had a tiny six-by-six room. At the head of the trailer, with the connecting passageway, there was a little common area with a kitchenette, and a couch, and a few folding chairs. It was here that 06 chose to violently wrestle the other husky to the ground, probably to send a message to the other dogs. 11 was here too, and 13, and even 14, one of the big malamutes. None of them seemed to be particularly averse to the message.

"It wasn't on purpose!" 04 wailed. "I just happened to be in the trailer!"

"Oh yeah?!" 06 snapped. "And did you just happen to land behind Master on the way there and the way back?!" He grabbed 04's jaw and forced his thumbs in between the husky's teeth. 04 fought him, but he couldn't bite down too hard or he would hurt the other dog's thumbs, and he didn't want to do that.


06 removed his thumbs, eyes a little wide. "What?" he asked.

04 frowned, swallowing. "I didn't know there was going to be a polar bear!" he repeated.

06's blue eyes narrowed. 04 tried not to think about how handsome he was when he was mad. "That's not what I'm talking about. We all know the best scents are closest to Master. And he does that thing where he taps you with his tail."

04 frowned. "He does," he said, softly.

06 bared his teeth.

04 shivered. "I'm sorry! I never mean to do it. I...I just..." He let out a shaky breath. "I can't help myself. I want him so bad."

06 frowned. "We all do," he snapped.

04 nodded. "I'm sorry."

06 snorted. He unzipped his uniform pants, and worked his cock out. It was red and throbbing. He was already pre-ing.

The scent hit 04's nose immediately. His eyes widened. His conditioning started to kick in immediately, and he already felt himself get hard. His mouth was watering, too. He stared at 06's cock, unable to take his eyes off. He wanted it. He wanted to please him so bad. He needed it. He longed for 06's hot cum firing down his throat. Softly, he whined, looking pitifully up at the other husky.

06 grunted. "Show me you're sorry," he growled.

Nodding dumbly, letting his body and his conditioning take control, 04 opened his muzzle and leaned forward.


06 slept in his bed with him that night, and even though it wasn't really cold enough for co-sleeping yet, 04 appreciated it. They both slept naked, and 06 curled up against his back, holding him, big head and muzzle resting on 04's neck, muscular arm curled over him, hot breath on his ear. 04 knew it was part of their weird little language, to show the other husky there were no real hard feelings, and even though it was a little hot he relished the close contact and the sentiment behind it. He closed his eyes, exhausted. Even though he'd done nothing but ride in a car most of the day, he slept like the dead.


The next morning at 0700 the shepherds had beaten them into the mess hall, and as soon as he saw them, 04 knew it wasn't an accident.

He frowned. All six of the shepherds were there eating, and their plates were full. He checked his watch. 0701. The shepherds usually rolled in between 0700 and 0705, the dogs' standard breakfast time, and they all got food together. Now they were all already seated. They must have rolled in at quarter till, right after 01 got his food and disappeared back into his quarters, as he always did.

"What the hell," 06 muttered, next to him.

04 looked over the black and tan dogs, all dressed in their uniform slacks and their standard-issue black t-shirts. 05, 08, and 09 were sitting at the table, looking like a textbook Hallmark Card definition of Dog Guilt - ears back, eyes a little wide, refusing to make eye contact. 10 was in the kitchen, working, out of sight.

That left 02 and 03. 02 stared right at him, grinning. 03 glared.

Unlike the huskies, who were more or less identical, the shepherds had a little variation. 03's variation was that he was big, and 02's variation was that he was bigger. 02 essentially acted as leader among the shepherds, another variation between them and the huskies, who acted as a unit.

The huskies tended to be stronger than the shepherds, even though they tended to run smaller. They were also obviously better-suited to colder weather in Alaska, which was why they got picked for general labor. The smarter German shepherds all had technical and precision roles. 02 was bigger than any of the huskies, and smart, and he wielded those traits like a weapon.

04 frowned. He ignored the dogs, walking past the tables to the 12' stainless table that served as a makeshift barrier between the "kitchen" side of the trailer and its portable metal ranges, ovens, and wash sinks, and the "dining" side of the trailer, which featured three plastic folding tables and an army of folding chairs.

Normally the table was stacked with a buffet-style of steaming trays. Today there were trays, but almost none of the food was left. 10 was at the sink, very deliberately washing big dishes, his back to the group.

"What the fuck?" 06 snapped, out loud.

"Oh, is there nothing left?" 02 boomed, loudly, his mouth full. "Did you miss it when you were too busy adventuring with Master?"

The other huskies turned to square off. 04 glanced left and right. 06 was next to him. 12 and 13 were on his other side. 11 was still missing and probably jacking off in the shower, which he did almost every day. 07 was probably working out with the two big malamutes.

"We didn't even get to go!" 12 protested, next to 04.

06 growled, the husky's lips curling up. "You know damn well that Master picks the rotation and issues his orders. Just like he does for you."

02 stood up, the hulking black and tan monster standing a head taller than any of the rest of them, at least seven feet. 04 thought maybe he was a king shepherd because he was just too big to be a regular shep. He couldn't remember where he'd read that, though. "Yeah," the big dog growled. "And he picks you chumps every single time and leaves us here with that fucking cat."

"So I hope you ate in Prudhoe Bay!" chimed in 03. He was smaller than 02 but still bigger than the rest of the sheps, and all of the huskies. His face was mostly all black. 04 shot him a glare and the shepherd's sneer faltered, his ears tilting back, and then returned full-force.

06 started growling, and so did 12. 04 could see 13 squaring up out of the corner of his eye. "If you think you're going to starve us, you're out of your mind," he snarled.

"I'll make more," 10 said, quietly, from across the room. 10 was another normal-sized shep and 04 knew he was afraid of 02, especially when 02 and 03 ganged up, since they were the biggest. His tail was tucked between his legs. Clearly he wasn't thrilled about the plan and 02 had bullied him into it.

"The hell you will," 02 growled.

04 frowned. "You know, you can't throw your weight around like this," he said, icily. "What if Master finds out?"

The room went silent. Even 02's eyebrows shot up. His huge shepherd ears tilted ever-so-slightly backwards in fear. 04 had gone for the jugular, and they all knew it.

After a moment, his face darkened, and 04 suddenly worried he had miscalculated.

"And who's gonna tell Master?" the big dog growled, rising to his feet.

"Whoa, hey," 05 said, golden eyes wide. "Leave him alone or we'll all be punished." He looked back and forth between the imposing shepherd and 04.

The big shep took a few steps toward 04. He was at least a foot taller than him and thickly muscled. "You're already on thin ice, Four. Don't think we didn't see you in the trailer. 05 saw you and then your buddy 06 here told us all about it."

04 stared at him, and then glanced to his side to shoot a look at 06.

The other husky's eyebrows shot up, and then he withered. He cowered submissively. Sorry, his eyes seemed to say. I was still mad.

04 glared at him, and then turned back to the advancing king shepherd. "You can't hurt me," he whispered, his heart pounding. "Master will find out. Master always finds out."

The big dog stared daggers into him with his golden eyes, and then scoffed. Picking up his plate, he walked to the corner trash can and dumped in the full plate of food. "You're not even worth the extra calories," he growled, throwing open the connecting hall door with a bang and disappearing into the connection hall. 03 walked swiftly out after him.

04 swallowed, letting out a shaky breath.

At the head of the table, 09 cleared his throat. "Hey, can anybody finish this for me? I'm stuffed."

They turned to look at him. The young shepherd had his head down, his ears pinned back against his head, looking away submissively. He had pushed forward a full plate of food. It was a peace offering.

04 swallowed, and then forced a smile. "Thanks, Nine," he said. He turned. "Twelve, Thirteen, you hungry?"

12 and 13 glanced at each other. "Sure, we'll split it," 12 said. They both moved toward the food.

05 pushed his plate forward. "Here, have mine too!" he said. He brightened, wagging, ears up, clearly relieved the conflict was over. "Does anybody want some Gochujang Jerky?"

06 snorted. "Five, nobody in the world wants Gochujang Jerky."

They all laughed.

Swallowing, 04 slid into a seat, across from 08, who pushed a full plate across the table to him with submissive ears. 04 forced a smile back and nodded gratefully.

Everything was fine again.

For now.


A few days later, after breakfast and lunch when he had finished his requirements for the day, 04 left 06 in the workout trailer and suited up for a run. It was almost 40 degrees out, so he didn't wear much, just a jockstrap and a t-shirt and his athletic shoes. He wouldn't be going more than a few miles from the facility, and there wouldn't be anyone for 15 miles in any direction, and if they did show up the motion sensors would activate and let him know. And if anyone turned the wrong way out of the mining operation, they would get a good show. 04 was lean and muscular, with thick, defined legs, and he looked incredible in a jockstrap.

He exited the door off the workout trailer connection and descended the perforated metal steps to the cold ground. The husky headed around the corner, passing the 20' by 30' log cabin that was the original structure at the end of this dirt road. The cabin hadn't been very well insulated, so they had all but abandoned it during the winter months, since the insulation on the prefabricated trailers was much better.

Turning the corner, he ran into 14 and 15, number 07 still in tow. The two malamutes were both 7 feet tall, and massive, built like olympic strongmen, and fluffy on top of that. They were both wearing black athletic shorts and white tanktops, as was 07, the husky looking like a miniature version of the two huge dogs.

04 looked the three of them over and smelled their musk, immediately looking away, blushing, suddenly self-conscious about his wardrobe choice. They had all seen him naked, and in fact 14 and 15 had both been inside him at the same time before, filling him from either end while 07 sucked him off, but sneaking out with his fluffy ass hanging out still felt scandalous.

14 grinned, massive and toothy. He raised his big mitt-like hands. I like your outfit, he signed. You should wear that more often. He licked his teeth.

Either 14 or 15 was deaf. 04 couldn't actually remember which of them it was, because neither of them spoke, and both of them communicated only in American sign language. Everyone at the facility had learned ASL, but the two big dogs kept pretty sparse company regardless.

04 raised his paws, blushing. Thank you, he signed. No one was supposed to see me.

15 grinned. Both of them were grinning evilly at him now. Weren't malamutes supposed to be nice? We saw you. He winked. Maybe we'll see you later.

Oh God. 04 felt his face heating up. Both of the malamutes knew that 04 was deeply into them.

04 looked to 07, the husky between the malamutes. Maybe you should dress like this, he signed. He pointed especially hard on You.

07 shot him a smug look. I already know what they like, he signed. They call you if I get tired.

Oh Christ. 04 raised his eyebrows, unable to keep the shock off of his face, which had been the reaction 07 wanted. The husky laughed, flashing his teeth, and the three of them disappeared back into the trailers.

Shaking it off, 04 jogged back and forth for a minute to warm up, and then set off on the usual trail.

Between the huskies and the malamutes, they had worn a path in the brush that they all followed. The shepherds mostly stuck to the treadmills, and of course 01 never went outside unless he had to, but the rest of them ran nearly every day during the months when it was feasible. 04 liked to jog through January, but when it was less than -20 even he had to pack it in for the season.

Setting off down the path, the Brooks Range mountains to his right rising gently out of the landscape, the brush already starting to brown, the long, flat, open landscape stretching away, 04 let himself get lost.

Letting his body take over, 04 reflected on how weird things had been since they got back. The shepherds had never banded against them before. This must have been 02's doing, the big lug, but they'd never been at odds like this. 04 thought 02 liked him, and he'd definitely sucked the huge dog off on more than one occasion. What had changed?

Also 04 himself was feeling on edge. The polar bear would be back any day now. 04 wondered where they would put him. Maybe in the lodge? Master's trailer was tall, with 10' ceilings, to accommodate the 8' jaguar who occupied the trailer with him. But the trailer was only divided into two suites. And the polar bear seemed to be over 9 feet - would he even fit?

Frowning, 04 chugged along. Why did they even need a polar bear? They already had two malamutes and a jaguar, plus an oversized shepherd, for the heavy lifting. Weren't they doing a good job? Maybe it was for security - none of them was exactly skilled in that department, though they did have the motion sensors. But the bear was just a guard. Would he really be an asset?

He thought about the polar bear, frowning, swallowing hard, his bare legs pounding along on the cold ground. He should be excited. Once the polar bear got here, Master would take a few days with him, and then he would be part of the pack. Anytime 04 wanted a taste of ursine he could wander over to wherever they were keeping him and dislocate his jaw around the bear's cock. And yet when he thought of the bear he was filled with apprehension. What was he missing?

Suddenly, 04 realized two things.

First, 04 realized he had totally missed the turnaround back off the main trail. He'd jogged probably four miles down the main road. Startled, he snapped back out of his thoughts.

Second, he realized he wasn't alone.

There was a figure on the horizon, walking down the road toward him, probably another mile down the way. It was a big figure.

It was the bear.

Stunned, 04 stared. He blinked several times. Was he dreaming? He stood still, perfectly still, and just watched.

The figure did not disappear. It was definitely walking toward him. Monster hulking form, long neck, big thick head. It was definitely real, and it was definitely the polar bear.

As he watched with shock and dread, the bear waved. 04 swallowed.

Why hadn't the motion sensors gone off? Frowning, 04 set his jaw. He had better investigate. He wished he'd brought a radio to alert the team.

Setting into a run again, 04 jogged at a gentle pace toward the bear, and five minutes later he had cleared the mile between them.

The bear watched him, looking him over. His eyes widened a little as he saw what 04 was wearing, his gaze dropping to 04's naked legs and the white patches on the insides of his thighs.

The dog frowned, swallowing, fighting a blush. He felt so exposed. The bear had already grabbed him the other day, and now he could see his sheath and balls on full display. And if 04 turned around, the bear would see his naked black-and-white ass, perfectly framed in his jockstrap straps. If he wanted to, he could fuck 04 right here in the scrub. Based on Master's predilections, 04 would probably be guzzling this bear's cum inside the hour, but for now, he was so embarrassed he could barely breathe.

"Hello," the bear said. His eyebrows were still up. He was definitely staring right at 04's dick.

"Sorry," 04 grunted. "We don't get many visitors out here." He forced a smile.

The bear nodded. "I see," he said.

They stared at each other.

"What are you doing here?" 04 asked him.

The bear stared down at him. "The otter offered me a job. I emailed him and he told me to come right away."

04 stared at him. The otter? 04 had never heard anyone refer to Master this way. And he was here presumably from his quarters at the mining facility, which was almost 16 miles away. Without a vehicle.

The husky felt uneasy.

He looked the bear over. The bear was in his uniform slacks and a button-down shirt. He had on a light jacket. He was wearing thick hiking boots, gray with dust, and carrying a duffel bag. "Did...did you walk?" he asked.

The bear nodded. He frowned. "Is that a problem? I won't fit in any of your cars."

The husky stared.

"I'm too big," the bear said, unnecessarily.

04 swallowed. He didn't know what to say.

The bear frowned. "I can walk long distances. This is my native climate. He said show up at 2. It's only 15 miles from my mining quarters. Is this a problem?"

04 stammered. "N-no, it's fine. I just didn't expect it."

The bear grunted. "I didn't expect a husky in a jockstrap."

The dog looked away, ears back, feeling his tail tuck between his bare legs. "Okay. I'll walk you the rest of the way."

"Thank you," said the bear. He straightened up.

They walked toward the trailers. They were about 4 miles out. At a walking pace, 04 did the math in this head - 15 minutes a mile, 4 miles, which meant an hour with the bear.

They started off. They walked in silence for ten minutes.

In the distance, the wind whistled softly through the trees. It would be below freezing in just a few weeks.

"Why did you come?" 04 heard himself ask, softly.

The bear turned to look down at him. He paused before speaking. "I told you. The otter told me to come. He offered me a job."

Something was still bothering 04. "But you didn't have to come. Why did you come?"

The bear stared at him, gray eyes unblinking, and finally took a breath. "I don't know," he said.

04 pondered that. "Okay," he said.

They walked in silence for another few yards.

"Why do you stay?" the bear asked, suddenly.

Surprised, 04 looked up. "Hm?" he asked.

The bear watched him. 04 felt vulnerable and exposed. "You could work anywhere in this state. It would be easy for a husky to get any job he wanted. Why do you stay out here, with him?"

04 thought about it for a long time, until he realized he didn't have an answer. "I don't know," he said, finally.

The bear nodded thoughtfully. "I see," he said.

They walked in silence for another few minutes.

"Can I touch you?" the bear asked, suddenly.

04 turned to him. "S-sorry?" he asked.

The bear was looking at him. He was staring at the husky's sheath and bare legs again. "Can I touch?" he rumbled. He swallowed. "He made me kiss you the other day." He looked down into the husky's eyes. "It was...incredibly arousing."

04 felt himself heating up. He didn't know what to say. "You remember me? Specifically?"

The bear stared him down with his gray eyes. "Of course I remember," he said, reaching down to squeeze his own crotch.

04 glanced down. The bear was aroused in his uniform slacks.

Staring at him, the bear played with himself.

What was he supposed to do here? What would Master want?

That answer came pretty quickly. Master was the one who had volunteered him in the first place. That would be a yes then. "S-sure," he stammered.

Nodding, the polar bear reached down. He put one huge hand over the husky's package, carefully encircling his mesh-encircled balls and sheath, and the other under 04's tail, cupping his entire bare ass.

04 jerked in surprise, writhing in the polar bear's massive paws. "Hnngh!" he grunted.

The polar bear watched him carefully. "Still okay?" he asked.

Letting out a shaky breath, 04 nodded. "S-still okay!" he gasped. Oh fuck. He was getting hard already. The bear's hands were massive and inescapably strong. His cock slipped out of his sheath and fought the mesh netting.

The ursine cupped his balls, digging his fingers in under 04's balls and roughly massaging his perineum. At the same time, he squeezed his ass, hard, and then lifted his hand to grab 04's tail. His hand was so big that 04 had to partially uncurl his tail, and he couldn't possibly escape from the bear. "Still okay?" he asked again, his voice low. It was almost a growl.

"Unh, ahhh," the husky groaned, squirming in the bear's grasp. "Yes," he gasped.

The bear let go of his tail and reached up to cup the back of his head. He leaned down.

04 shivered, trying to pull away, but the bear held him in place.

The huge ursine closed in, his mouth opening, and pressed his huge muzzle up against 04's. His lips were hot and strong, and his tongue came after immediately, pushing 04's lips apart and jamming into his mouth. At the same time, the bear jammed his fingers into 04's jockstrap, freeing his dick from the mesh netting but flattening it against his stomach with the huge palm of his hand.

"Mmmmhnnngghh," 04 groaned, the bear's tongue filling his mouth. He writhed in place, between the bear's hand on his head and tongue and the huge flat palm grinding his cock. His body started to take over, and he humped the soft palm of the bear's big hand, and now the polar bear started to growl into his mouth, and that turned him on even more, and he started to feel week in the knees and lightheaded, and soon he was thrusting involuntarily at the bear's solid, strong hand, and now the big fucker turned his other hand to gather up his ruff, was actually fucking scruffing him, holding him in place while his dog brain made him hump and hump and hump, and then suddenly his balls were emptying and he was grinding as hard as he could against the bear's hand, and the bear was pushing back, and it was wet and hot and slimy and his whole body was quivering.

The bear broke the kiss but held onto him for a long time after he came, holding him steady, while 04 gasped and panted and shivered in place. He stared at the bear, eyes wide, tongue lolling out.

Finally, after what seemed like minutes, 04 felt his heart stop pounding so hard, and he took a long, deep breath and let it out as a shuddering sigh.

The bear straightened up to his full height, proudly, grinning evilly. "I like this place so far," he chuckled, grinning. Lifting his right hand, still holding 04 with the other, he slurped across the palm of his own hand, licking up most of 04's frantic messy orgasm.

The husky watched him, dazed, his mouth dry. What was happening?

The bear pushed his palm into 04's face. "Clean it," he ordered.

Wordlessly, 04 obeyed, licking the rest of his acrid semen off the bear's fat leather palmpad. He could taste himself, his own sweat and cum, and the bear's woody scent.

Why was he following this bear's orders? What was happening? Had he been right to be worried after all?

His concern must have been evident on his face, because the bear's eyebrows slowly raised.

"I told the otter I would be walking. He said you're all conditioned and I could try out anyone I saw on my way in." He frowned. "Was that not okay?"

04 processed that, and let out a shaky sigh. "Oh," he said. "Oh. Okay." It sank in further, and he took another relieved breath. Master was behind this after all. That made him feel much better. "I see. Thank you."

The bear frowned. "Are you okay?"

04 nodded. "Yes! I'm just embarrassed." He forced a smile. "Let's keep moving." He stuffed his drooly cock back into his jockstrap and set off. Hopefully by the time they got back his cock would have retracted into his sheath. He licked the pre and cum off of his palms.

"Why are you embarrassed? I enjoyed that a great deal," the bear said.

04 glanced at the bear's crotch. He was rock-hard in his uniform pants again. " you want me to reciprocate?" he asked.

The bear shook his head. "No thank you, I was told I'm not allowed to cum until the otter lets me," he said.

04's eyebrows rose. "Oh! That makes sense. Well! Your hour draws near."

The bear growled. "I'm looking forward to it."


It didn't take them long to reach the lodge.

The lodge was actually a 20x30 log cabin, made of actual genuine logs and probably built in the early 1900's, which was unfortunately vastly inferior to the incredibly-dense insulation of the prefabricated trailers, which was why they hardly ever used it. But it would accommodate all of them, both in terms of space and in height, so 04 wasn't surprised that Master had selected it to break in the 9-foot-plus polar bear.

04 knew to head right to the lodge because he smelled woodsmoke two miles out. The lodge had a large stone-and-mortar hearth with a huge fireplace, the only source of heat in the small building, and there was only ever a fire when there was a reason to heat the building above 40 degrees.

04 walked right past their trailers and the water melt tank, but the polar bear next to him looked all around, taking in all of the sights. He seemed to be approving of the accommodations, or at least he was good at hiding his true emotions. 04 couldn't tell which and in a little while, it wouldn't really matter.

The cabin was built into the scrub, on the same slightly-raised flatland as the rest of their facility. It had been there long before their research center, between their trailers and a large unnamed lake that Master sometimes swam in, fed by streams descending from the mountains to the south. Master had thought the cabin was from the early 1900s, but none of them really knew for sure.

The cabin itself was 30' on its face, made from medium-sized rough-hewn logs running laterally across its face, the front wall 12 feet tall, with a large lumber door smack in the middle, and only two large windows on either end. It had a simple gable roof, the ridge running the length of the cabin. The roof had been in the worst shape and had taken them an entire summer to replace, first by rebuilding the wooden structure and then sheathing that in pre-insulated metal sheeting. Some of the shepherds were talented carpenters and had led the project, but they had all pitched in to make the cabin habitable. 04 generally felt a sense of pride when he looked at the large structure. Today, however, seeing and smelling the smoke rising gently from the chimney, he felt only dread.

Swallowing, the husky approached the entry door. Raising his hand, he paused, and then knocked loudly.

"Come in!" boomed Master, from inside.

04 felt his heart leap. Some of his anxiety lifting, he reached for the old-fashioned metal hardware of the door. He tripped the bolt and pushed the door open. He stepped in, turning back to nod at the bear.

The room was brightly-lit, with overhead lighting that 14 and 15 had hung from the rafters, but it still took 04's eyes a moment to adjust. He looked for Master first, his pulse quickening as soon as his eyes settled on the otter, short, slim, clad in simple cotton pants and a standard-issue t-shirt.

04 was also surprised to see the shepherds. Every single one of them. 5, 8, 9 and 10 were just milling about, their poses suggesting excitement and anticipation, ears up, tails wagging. 03, the big one, locked eyes with him and frowned. 02, the biggest one, saw him and immediately lowered his head aggressively, baring his teeth.

The husky stepped into the room, allowing enough space for the hulking polar bear to step into the open space after him. The door was 9 feet tall. The bear still had to duck.

"04!" Master said, brightly, and as always 04 felt his ears tilt back and his tail start wagging. "I like your outfit!" 04 felt his entire body seize up with embarrassment, but Master continued too fast for him to really feel it. "I see you found our guest!" the otter continued. He turned to the bear.

The bear straightened up and looked down at him, eyes a little wide. He didn't seem to know what to do, or even what to say.

04 watched, silently.

The otter beamed. "So glad you could join us!" He grinned toothily. 04 had never thought of otters as scary, but the little lutrine had a set of teeth that could rival any of the canines'. "Did you have any trouble on the way?"

The bear watched him, and shook his head warily. He seemed tense. "N-no, sir," he grunted.

Master smiled. "Glad to hear it." He watched the bear for a moment.

Here it comes, 04 thought.

"Kneel," said the otter, simply.

Watching him, eyes widening, the polar bear slowly lowered himself to his knees.

Now that the bear was down, 04 felt more comfortable looking him over. He looked even more hulking than he had the first time the husky saw him. His shoulders were impossibly broad, and he had the long and sweeping neck of a huge predator. His head and jaw were probably the size of 04's entire chest. Even kneeling, he was almost as tall as Master.

04 swallowed. He was concerned. The bear was very big. What if he didn't like his programming? It had never happened before but in this case it would be disastrous. He glanced toward the sheps.

All six of them were watching with laser-like intensity. Even 02 had given up his death glare at 04 and was watching, ears forward, eyes locked, unmoving.

They were prepared to defend Master. 04 felt better.

Master was, as usual, completely unbothered.

"I'm going to touch your face again," he said, grinning evilly.

The bear nodded. "Okay," he said.

Master stepped toward him. "This will...pretty much be the end for you," he said, conversationally. Smiling amiably.

The bear nodded. "Yes, sir," he said, his voice shaking.

The otter stepped forward, raising his arms, and grabbed the kneeling bear's entire face.

The bear's eyes rolled back into his head, and his entire body relaxed. It was stunning to see. 04 hadn't fully realized how tense the polar bear was until he watched him turn to jelly in Master's webbed hands. His hands dropped uselessly to his sides and dangled, and he took a sharp, deep breath, almost a gasp, and let it out as a long, strained sigh.

The otter rubbed the bear's face, running his thumbs along the ursine's huge muzzle, prying his teeth open and tilting his head back, exposing his vulnerable throat.

"Welcome home, 16," the otter growled.

"Master," the bear moaned.

NORTH Part Three

The bear took a few moments for his eyes to stop rolling back into his head. For a long time he looked like he might be at risk of crashing over onto his side, which would not have surprised 04 one bit, because when Master wanted to be in your...

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NORTH Part One

PART ONE Number 04 was the first of the dogs to notice the bear, but he was positive that Master had already seen him. There wasn't much else to see, just a long, uninterrupted stretch of the Alaskan wilderness, pierced ineffectually for 400 miles by...

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EIGHT DOLLAR PITCHER "Does it feel _straight_ in here to you?" hissed the rabbit perched at the bar in front of him. Rufus Reamer blinked in surprise. He looked around at their surroundings - a huge dance floor lit by more colored lights than...

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