Story by unstablebill on SoFurry

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Officer Travis MacGregor ("Bros Before Snows") returns with a short preview story introducing a new set of characters - the Ohio cast.

If you like the sexy adventures a buff college husky can get into, you'll LOVE the antics his seasoned cop uncle can get into.

Meet Travis, his handsome police captain, and his massive lumberjack husband in a taste of more stories to come. I hope you enjoy!


Travis MacGregor walked briskly down the empty main hallway, his thick boots thumping softly on the linoleum. He passed the abandoned front desk, walking directly into the bullpen.

He reached for his keycard, but then he saw that the glass door was propped open with a dark-brown file box, and the little red LED on the card-reader was switched off anyway.

Frowning, the Siberian husky pushed the door open and stepped through it. All the lights were off in the back office, except for the occasional odd fluorescent. One of them was over the un-manned dispatch desk.

Travis stopped and stared at it for a moment. He'd been a State Trooper for almost eight years, and that chair had never been empty.

He turned, shaking his head. Too weird.

Every desk was piled high with file boxes and dismantled computer equipment. The police station had only been shut down for a couple hours, but it already looked like it had been abandoned for years. Even the heat had been turned down the mid-60's. It was March in Ohio, and Travis could almost see his breath inside the building.

He took a few more steps until he reached the back office.

Clearing his throat, he leaned inside.

There was a German shepherd seated behind the large gray desk. Surprised, he looked up. It was Jack Archer, an athletic dog in a plain white t-shirt and a black wool jacket. Travis had known the shepherd for almost a decade, and been close friends with him for most of that time, and seeing the shepherd out of uniform was more bizarre than seeing the entire rest of the station boxed up. Jack Archer was 47, and Travis had a feeling that even in his baby pictures, the dog would be wearing a police uniform.

He cleared his throat. "Captain Archer," he said, nodding.

The dog smiled, humorlessly. "Not anymore!" he said, cocking his head. "Sergeant."

Travis smiled wryly back at him and took a deep breath. "Jack," he said, more quietly. "I saw your truck in the parking lot. What the hell are you still doing here?"

Jack stared at him for a moment, and then smiled. "Honestly, I have no idea." He looked out into space for a moment, and then shrugged. "I don't know. I just feel like there' to be done. There's always work to be done around here." He met Travis' eyes.

The husky nodded. "The other stations can handle it," he said. After a moment, he snorted. "At least, according to the accountants at the Comptroller." He cracked a smile. "Come on, Jack. We're laid off. Let's go spend our severance."

Jack chuckled, leaning back in his chair. "Hey, I need that severance. Not all of us have rich husbands." He met Travis' eyes, grinning.

Travis laughed nervously, blushing. "R-right," he said, looking up and away.

Jack cocked his head and smiled.

Travis took a deep breath and let it out as a sharp sigh. "Jack...for what it's were the best captain I ever had." He studied the floor.

Jack stared at him, and then let out a breath. "Thanks, Trig. That means a lot to me." He stood up. "And dammit - I was, wasn't I?"

Travis looked up and couldn't help but laugh.

Jack stood up out of his chair, the springs squealing under the fit dog for the last time. "C'mon, Former-Sergeant MacGregor. Let's get the fuck out of here." He left his empty office without a look back.

Travis fell into step beside him as they left the abandoned bullpen. It may have been a trick of the light, but he thought he saw the shepherd's black jaw clenching.

The husky put one hand on Jack's shoulder, and together they left the station for the last time.


Pulling into his driveway, Travis was surprised to see his husband's hulking black Range Rover already parked in the driveway.

He checked the dash clock. 2:11 p.m.

Frowning, he gathered up his coat and slipped through the front door.

"Yves?" he called into the dark house. "Did you come home from work early? I told you I was gonna be fine."

His husband, a colossal French-Canadian lumberjack of a gray wolf, appeared in the kitchen doorway, his ears brushing the top of the doorframe. Yves Dirossa was 6'7" and almost as wide in the shoulders, effortlessly maintaining the small gut and high-grade musculature that seemed to come so easily to gray wolves. He had a striking white muzzle and gray on his forehead and temples that was so dark it bordered on black, all interspersed with lighter gray and white furs. Yves was wearing jeans and an XXL sweatshirt, which meant he'd already been home for at least an hour.

Yves looked away innocently. "The office, it closed early! There is some kind of maintenance issue." He threw up his hands. "There is nothing to be done!"

Travis rolled his eyes. "You are a terrible liar."

Yves frowned. "Perhaps not. Perhaps you are just a very good detective."

They stared at each other for a moment, and then Yves held out his arms.

Sighing, Travis stepped forward and nestled up against his husband's thick chest, and the huge wolf snuggled him warmly. Travis shoved his muzzle under the wolf's chin, and Yves squeezed him tightly. As usual, he was warm and soft and unbelievably affectionate for a man who could dead-lift a sleeper sofa.

The husky took a deep breath and let out a long, weary sigh. "I'm glad you came home. This is just too weird."

Yves squeezed him again and leaned his shaggy head down to nuzzle Travis' ears. "My poor sweet husky," he rumbled, nipping at Travis' ears.

Travis sighed again and drew back. "I'm fine. This is just...not how I expected my career to end."

Yves grunted. "I am very sorry." He cocked his head. "Have you...considered my proposal?"

Travis frowned. "Baby...I told you. I can't just _not_work." He stepped into the kitchen, slipping out of his jacket and hanging it on the back of a chair.

Yves rumbled politely. "I am perfectly happy to support you." He frowned. "This is what husbands do!"

Travis went to the refrigerator. "I'm a husband too, you'll recall." He reached in and produced a Coors Lite. "Besides, I would go completely insane sitting around the house all day." He took a long swig of beer; even though it was barely afternoon, he'd been craving it. "Just cross your fingers that I get this campus cop thing and then I can spend the rest of my career busting drunk co-eds instead of getting shot at."

Yves grimaced at the shooting reference, and visibly shook it off before changing topics. "Believe me, I hope very strongly for this." He settled into a chair, which creaked under his weight. "Speaking of this - did you tell your nephew you have an interview at his school?"

Travis grunted. "Naw, I didn't want to get him too excited, in case we don't get it."

Yves snorted. "A highly-qualified sergeant and police captain. They would be very_foolish to pass you up." He thought for a moment. "Speaking of _is Jack?"

Travis settled into the chair across from him. He shrugged. "I don't know. He doesn't exactly broadcast his emotions." He frowned. "He's upset, though, I can tell that much."

Yves thought for a moment. He stared at Travis across the table, unblinking. "You should invite him over."

Travis stared at him. "Wh-...tonight?"

The huge wolf frowned. "There is nothing wrong with this, yes?"

Travis blinked. "I guess...I hadn't really thought this far." He cocked his head. "I was so focused on getting everything all buttoned up before the station closed that I didn't think of anything past that point." He frowned. "No, I don't have a problem with that."

Yves set his jaw. "He shouldn't be alone tonight." He leaned forward. "Invite him over. I will cook steaks."

Travis thought about it. "That does sound kind of nice."

The big wolf nodded. "Yes. You can both drink many beers." His ears tilted forward.

Travis frowned. Something was wrong. "Uhhh...I guess I'll call him, then."

Yves nodded. Subtly, he licked his teeth.

Travis leapt up out of his chair. "AH-_HAH!"_he snapped.

Yves' eyes snapped open in perfect golden circles. "E-eehhhh?" he gasped, innocently.

Travis planted his hands on the kitchen table, leaning forward, like he was leaning over the interrogation table. "I'm on to you, you fucker! You're aiming to land _both_of us, aren't you!"

Yves pulled his head back in incredulous horror. "_What?!_What would make you say this thing?!" He looked innocently away, a light crimson blush creeping into the white parts of his muzzle.

Travis growled softly. "I don't _believe_you! You had this all planned out!" He lifted himself off the table and began furiously pacing the kitchen. "I cannot believe this! You're taking advantage of our emotional turmoil to live out your sexual fantasy of fucking two cops at once!"

Yves let out a long, shaky breath, the big wolf still avoiding eye contact. "WHAT?! I cannot believe you would say such a thing!" he protested.

Travis turned back to him again. "Oh yeah?" He narrowed his eyes. "So I'm not going to go to the basement fridge and find a brand-new full case of beer?"

Yves colored crimson and looked away.

"I_knew_ it!" Travis roared.

Yves cleared his throat. "It did not start out this way!" he whimpered. "I begin thinking, Jack, he is all alone and becomes depressed." He lifted his hands, gesturing widely. "I think, I will invite him over, Yves can take care of his loneliness!" His eyes widened a little. "Then I am thinking, Yves can _really_take care of his loneliness."

Travis watched him, frowning.

Yves growled softly. "Yves can take care of his loneliness all night long."

The wolf's voice grew very deep on his last words, and as annoyed as he was, it made Travis shiver.

Yves finally looked at him, and not half a second elapsed before he detected the tiny spark of arousal in the hapless husky.

The monster wolf stood, grinning. "You _like_this idea."

Now it was Travis' turn to blush. He felt his face heating up immediately. "I don't know what you're talking about," he snapped.

Yves loped dangerously toward him. "It has been a long time, Travis. Don't you miss the loving embrace of your shepherd Captain? He is_very_ handsome. And so energetic." He loomed over the smaller dog, grinning. "You tell me, the last time he fucks you, all you can do is whimper and beg for more."

Travis backed against the kitchen cabinet, breathing hard. Despite himself, the wolf was pushing all of his buttons. He pushed back against the cabinet, only half-trying to escape the wolf's inevitable contact.

Yves reached him and pressed up against him, pinning him in place. Never one for subtlety, the wolf planted his huge hand on Travis' crotch and dug in, hard.

Travis whined sharply, arching his back and writhing in place. Inside his jeans, his cock surged to full hardness under the colossal wolf's merciless paw.

Yves leaned over and grazed Travis' ear with his muzzle, nipping at it, hard enough to hurt. "I will make him feel so good. He will forget he ever was fired."

Travis grit his teeth. "I just...don't think...this is what he needs right now," he hissed.

Yves growled dangerously. "It is exactly what he needs right now. He will be very submissive. Yves will strip him. Yves will strip _both_of you." He deftly unclasped Travis' belt and manhandled his jeans open. "And then you will kneel, and service Yves' cock." He rumbled, shoving his huge paw into Travis' boxers and roughly grasping his dog meat.

_"_Unnnn_nnngghhh!"_Travis hissed, arching his back and clamping his paws over the edge of the counter behind him. He was stone-stiff and leaking now, dripping precum all over the soft leather palm of Yves' huge hand. Travis' cock was around 7" long but Yves' hand was so big it all-but enveloped the entire thing.

Yves jerked him roughly, pulling on him hard enough to make his balls jiggle painfully back and forth. "You will both services Yves' cock. And then you will make out, for my amusement. And then you will service me again. This will go on as long as I desire." He rumbled, lowering himself to his knees.

Travis gasped. The wolf was going to blow him.

Yves licked his chops, his eyes narrowed and predatory. "I will give you some little preview," he rumbled, pulling Travis' boxers down and shoving his shaggy head into the dog's crotch. He enveloped Travis' entire cock into his mouth at once.

_"Aaahh!"_Travis gasped as his member was enveloped in the wolf's warm, slimy muzzle. Yves started working his tongue aggressively against Travis' cock, immediately, pushing it up against the hard roof of the wolf's mouth. It hurt like hell and felt amazing all at once.

Yves growled loudly and thrust his head forward, his nose and chin digging into Travis' stomach. It pushed him back against the cabinets hard enough to rattle the doors.

_"Ungh!"_Travis grunted, reaching down to grab the wolf's ears. Yves' ears were as big as salad plates and hot to the touch, even more so as the wolf was ferociously aroused. Travis held onto his ears hard, hard enough to hurt the wolf, pushing the huge lupine's head off his cock and steadying himself from falling over. The sensations were way too intense to handle, but he knew he couldn't get away, and it made his heart pound and his mouth fill with saliva.

"You bastard," Travis groaned. He dug his fingers into Yves' scalding-hot ears. Yves slurped at him, working his tongue furiously against Travis' cock, as if he was trying to swallow him, the wolf's tail wagging furiously back and forth behind him.

The suction was incredible, and it was just on the edge of too much to handle, but the huge wolf was so aggressive that Travis was at the maximum of his arousal. His cock was so hard. It throbbed painfully, and he could even feel his knot beginning to swell up.

_"Aahhhh!"_Travis whined explosively, fighting furiously to push backward off of Yves' muzzle. He grit his teeth and hissed.

Still nursing furiously on Travis' cock, Yves reached up with his huge right hand and grabbed the front of his shirt.

_"Hurk!"_Travis gasped, the big wolf yanking him forward. He bent at the waist, helpless to resist the wolf's incredible strength. He clamped his hands around Yves' thick wrist, pushing back as hard as he could. Yves easily overwhelmed him, pulling him inexorably forward, bending him at the waist but also holding him in place.

It was a show of strength, one that Travis lost miserably, and it turned him on so much that he couldn't help but whine submissively. He felt his muscular husky legs begin shaking, out of submission and arousal, as the pleasure coursing through his body made him weak in the knees.

Sensing his weakness, Yves thrust forward and angled his muzzle, and now he was slurping at Travis' balls as well. Drool ran down the husky's thighs, and the wolf's muscular tongue was forceful enough to hurt. His balls tightened up under the torment, tingling all the way back into his prostate.

"Unngghh! Too much!" Travis howled.

Yves growled again, deeply, his huge shoulders shifting, and then Travis felt the wolf's monster paw between his legs, fighting into the space between his thighs.

"Don't you dare!" he roared, and then he felt Yves' thick middle finger thrust right up his asshole.

Yves penetrated him without lube, at least to the second knuckle, and the wolf's thick digit up his ass sent a bolt of undeniable pleasure straight up his spine.

He climaxed, hard, and completely without warning. _"Aahh!"_the husky squealed, bucking his hips and blasting a jet of hot dog cum right into the back of Yves' muzzle.

_"Ghhhkht!"_the wolf gasped, choking the husky's load down, and while he jerked his head a few inches off the dog's cock, he did not stop sucking and he did not remove his thick finger from the dog's ass.

"Aahhh! Aaahhhh! Aaahh!" Travis gasped, hanging onto the wolf's ears and writhing in pleasure, his whole body tensed. He blasted jet after jet of cum into Yves' muzzle. His entire body was tingling, from ears to tail, and he curled his toes inside his thick boots, his cock alive and pulsing in his husband's muzzle.

Yves dutifully gulped down his own saliva and the dog's copious production of husky cum, relaxing his muzzle and the tension his thick neck. He worked his tongue and muzzle gently around Travis' cock, careful not to overstimulate him.

Travis took a long time to come down, sucking in a deep breath and letting it out as a long sigh. He panted deeply, his tongue lolling out and dripping dog drool onto the top of Yves' head. He felt lightheaded for a long moment and then took another deep breath while his vision cleared of little white fireworks.

Yves glanced up at him, the predatory look gone from his eyes. The huge wolf's frantic desire seemed to temper as Travis came down. His breathing slowed, as measured by the snuffling through his nose into Travis' white belly fur, and finally, he gently pulled his head off of Travis' knotted cock.

Travis took one last deep breath. "Holy...shit...that was...intense," he gasped.

Yves chuckled darkly. "This is nothing compared to what will come later."

Travis swallowed a mouth full of drool. "Was that...really...necessary?" he demanded, shakily.

Yves licked his chops and swallowed. "Yes," he declared. "Now you_must_ do this. You owe me." He grinned evilly up at the dog.

Travis sighed. "You really think it'll help Jack feel better?"

Yves frowned. "How do _you_feel right now?"

The husky blinked. "Uh...pretty damn good, I guess."

Yves waggled his thick eyebrows.

Travis grinned and chuckled. "I still don't know how you can switch from power-dom to goofy idiot." He reached a paw down toward his husband. "Okay, get up. _You_have steaks to marinade."

Wagging happily, Yves rose to his feet. To his surprise, Travis saw an absolutely monstrous erection in his jeans.

He stared at it. "You look you need to get that taken care of." He licked his chops.

Yves shook his head. "Not yet, my husky. I am certain you will need your commanding officer's help with it." He grinned darkly.

Travis pictured that in his head, and felt himself heat up.

Yves raised a lewd eyebrow. "Consider it a...portent of...things to come." He grinned toothily.

Travis stared at him, and couldn't help but shiver.

Yves just grinned. "I will begin the dinner preparations, my husky." He leaned forward and kissed Travis on the nose.

Travis shook his head.

This_also_ wasn't how he pictured his career ending, but...th_is, _he could get used to.


_"Hahahaha! I WIN! You will suck it now!"_ Across the basement, Sean looked up from his Physiology textbook just in time to see one of his half-naked fraternity brothers climb into one of the other's laps. Sean clenched his jaw. _Not again_, he...

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CHAPTER 4: CUP(i)D Sean stayed awake. Robbie must not have been lying about his exhaustion, because after another twenty minutes Sean managed to slip off of his cock without even waking him. After wiping what he could out of his fur with a dirty...

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BROS BEFORE SNOWS Ch 3: Survival Cuddling

CHAPTER 3: SURVIVAL CUDDLING _Beepbeepbeepbeep!_ The first time the alarm went off, it took Sean Murphy a moment to stir. For a moment he wondered why it was so cold in his room, and then he remembered the previous night. Without looking, he reached...

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