BROS BEFORE SNOWS Ch 3: Survival Cuddling

Story by unstablebill on SoFurry

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#3 of BROS BEFORE SNOWS & Other Sean Stories

Sean and Robbie have made it through the worst. Now they have to last the night. Some methods for keeping warm prove to be more effective than others.

Another entry in my continuing ADVENTURE PORN! series. Thank you for your views and comments! <3



The first time the alarm went off, it took Sean Murphy a moment to stir. For a moment he wondered why it was so cold in his room, and then he remembered the previous night. Without looking, he reached over and turned off his cellphone alarm.

Grunting, Sean opened one eye.

It was still dark out but he could see clearly inside the car. The windows were all white except for a few inches at the tops.

The car was freezing. He could see his breath.

Robbie Brandt was still curled around him.

Grunting, Sean extricated himself from the big dog's grasp. Blinking sleepily, he slipped out from under the blanket. The cold air felt like ice on his bare chest and shoulder fur.

"Nuuuu," Robbie grumbled, still half-asleep. "Come back. You're warrrmm," he groaned.

Sean chuckled, his breath fogging out in front of him.

The air in the car was probably forty degrees, maybe even thirty. It was legitimately the temperature of the walk-in beer fridge at the liquor store. The windshield was buried now, too. Sean tried not to look at it. It definitely freaked him out a little.

Hustling, the husky leaned over the front seats and twisted the ignition key.

The engine fired up immediately. The daytime running lights came on, and the dashboard vents roared to life. They poured heat immediately. Sean wasn't surprised - the Blazer took an hour or more to cool down even on sub-zero days. Sean had come out of an hour-long class once on a day with a high of 12ΒΊ and found the engine still warm. It was the one perk of driving an old, horribly inefficient vehicle.

Sean checked the dash gauges. Besides the gas gauge sitting just above the E, everything looked in good working order.

The dash clock said 4:04 A.M.

Sean set his phone alarm for 20 minutes, thought about it, and changed it to 25 minutes.

A quick peek out the rear window showed him that, through some accident of wind dynamics, the area immediately behind the car hadn't filled in with snow. The tailpipe was still clear and the bright white exhaust blew up and away. Sean couldn't even smell it.

He scrambled back under the blanket and backed his fuzzy butt up toward Robbie.

The big dog grumbled in his ear and quickly snuggled back up to him. Again, he rested his muzzle in the crook of Sean's neck and let out a contented sigh.

Sean reached up and rubbed the big dog's muzzle. "You cold, buddy?"

Robbie grunted softly. "S'not so bad," he rumbled.

"You wanna put your jacket on?" Sean asked him, softly.

Robbie grumbled, annoyed. "N'way my jacket is gonna be warmer than you," he grunted, snuggling in tighter against the husky.

Sean smiled. After a moment, he closed his eyes, and a moment later he was asleep.


Twenty-five minutes passed surprisingly fast, but by the time the phone alarm went off at 4:25, the interior of the car was at least in the mid-seventies. Sean crawled out of the bigger dog's grasp, shut off the engine, and stagger-crawled back under the covers again. He barely opened his eyes the entire time.

Robbie let out a soft sigh. "This is going to be the longest night of our lives, isn't it," he grumbled.

Sean laughed softly. "Probably."

Robbie let out another sigh, and pulled the husky close. "Gaaaayyyyyy," he pronounced.

Sean let out a contented sigh. "That, too," he said, smiling.

Robbie gently nuzzled him, and they went to sleep.


The second time the alarm went off, Sean no sooner had his eyes open than he was rolling them.

Robbie jerked awake behind him. He stared at Sean with bleary, confused eyes.

"Uggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," Sean groaned, again dragging himself out of the warm blankets to turn off the alarm and turn on the car. His hip and shoulder were sore where he'd been lying on the cargo area floor. It was like camping, but freezing and sober.

It was 5:29 A.M.

He dug himself back into the blankets and pushed back in against Robbie. "It's almost five-thirty," he said.

Robbie grunted.

"The plows will be out soon. You wanna keep sleeping?"

Robbie grunted again. "Grrnnnngggh." He still hadn't opened his eyes.

Sean chuckled. "I guess that's a yes."

Again, 20 minutes passed surprisingly fast. The Blazer warmed up like its entire heating system had been designed with this exact situation in mind.

Sean cut the engine again and dug himself back in under the covers. As expected, Robbie enveloped him from behind and cuddled him close. Sean felt comfortable enough to let out a happy little sigh.

He closed his eyes.

Robbie rested his fat bull terrier muzzle on Sean's neck again. He curled his thick left arm under Sean's arm, around his chest, and scooted right up against his back.

Sean listened to his breathing for a moment.

He didn't seem to be falling asleep.

He cocked his ears. One of them slapped Robbie in the nose. He let out an irritated little grunt.

Sean closed his eyes and tried to sleep. After a few moments of willing sleep to come, he dozed off.

Time passed.

Slowly, Sean woke up. He listened for his alarm, but didn't hear it. The car was cold, but not freezing.

He felt a clawtip tracing up and down the center of his chest.

It was Robbie.

Sean felt the blunt clawtip dug all the way through his fur, warm against his skin. It traced up and down his chest, between his pectorals, stopping at the top of his abs and winding its way slowly back up toward Sean's throat.

He let out a soft little gasp.

Behind him, Robbie made no sound at all.

Sean felt himself harden to full-stiff dog wood inside his athletic shorts. The nylon fought his quickly-growing erection. He could feel his heart pounding.

Robbie's claw traced its way down Sean's chest, and now ran down the center of his stomach.

Sean arched his back, pushing up against the bigger dog, and let out a soft little whimper.

Behind him, Robbie chuckled darkly.

Sean shivered again, grunting and trying to catch his breath. "Wh-" he whispered, and his voice broke. He cleared his throat. "Wh-wh-what are you doing?" he whispered, softly.

Robbie chuckled again. "Couldn't sleep. Too cold," he whispered, directly into Sean's ear, so close he could feel the bigger dog's breath on him. "But then I remembered I know a good way to warm you up."

Sean let out a soft little whine.

"Want me to stop?" Robbie whispered, tauntingly, behind him.

"No," Sean moaned.

Robbie snorted softly. "I didn't think so," he whispered, fanning his fingers out across Sean's stomach. He rubbed the husky's six-pack, stroking the smaller dog's muscular stomach, his thick fingers dipping into each fluffy crevasse between muscles. His fat fingers brushed tantalizingly close to Sean's waistband, just a fur's breadth from his achingly-stiff erection.

"_Really_been hittin' the gym," Robbie whispered into his ear.

"D-dude," Sean whimpered softly. "This is seriously turning me on," he whined.

Robbie grinned - Sean could feel it on the side of his neck. "Good," he said.

"You'll get nice and toasty that way." He curled his fingers in and gently tickled Sean around his naval. "I'm gonna make you my horny little space heater."

Sean shivered and arched his back, writhing in place against the big athlete, pinned by his muscular, unyielding arm. He moaned softly. "R-robbie!" he whimpered.

"Relax, bro," Robbie whispered in his ear. "Just lie there like a good puppy. I ain't gonna do nothin' you don't like." He lifted his head off of Sean's neck, and in the cold cargo area, the spot felt ice-cold immediately.

There was a pause, and then suddenly Robbie's fat, slimy tongue jammed its way into Sean's ear.

The husky let out a soft yelp and jerked violently, mostly in shock, but Robbie's arm tightened around his stomach and cinched him securely in place. The bull terrier held his head over Sean's, jamming the widest, slimiest tongue Sean had ever felt deep into his ear canal. Sean squealed in discomfort, arching his back and fighting to escape Robbie's grasp. The bigger dog tongued his ear like he was trying to lick his brain, and the deafening sound of slurping and the warm, wet force inside his ear made Sean writhe and squeal in agony.

It was heaven.

"Unggggg_nnggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"_Sean moaned, partly involuntary, partly so Robbie would know he didn't want him to stop.

The bull terrier's tongue retreated from Sean's abused ear canal, and to his delight the bigger dog bit him gently on the ear.

"UNGH!" Sean grunted, gasping.

Robbie chuckled darkly. "Well, well," he muttered. "I guess you liked that, huh, buddy?" He lay his head innocently back on Sean's neck, scratching gently at the husky's stomach, sliding just the very tip of his claws under the waistband of Sean's shorts.

Sean let out a slow, desperate whimper. "Duuude," he whined. "What the fuck are you doing?!" he snarled, shivering.

The big bully chuckled darkly into his ear. "You fuckin' love it," he growled into Sean's ear, and the tone of his voice and the breath on his face made the husky shiver.


Sean jerked in surprise. So did Robbie.

"Shit, the alarm," the husky muttered.

Robbie grunted. "Good. I'm fuckin' freezing."

Sean let out a shaky breath and writhed quickly out of Robbie's grasp, blushing furiously. He had a massive erection in his shorts and he was so horned up that the freezing air in the car didn't even bother him.

He leaned over the front seats and twisted the ignition key.

Again, the engine roared immediately to life. Heat poured out of the dash vents. The radio clock said 6:49 AM. He set the alarm for another 20 minutes.

About to turn back, the husky paused for a moment.

After a moment, he plugged his iPhone into the car radio. He hit the AUX button while he was looking through his playlists. The one he wanted was called SEXY TIMES and he found it with haste. The soft drums and acoustic guitar opener of "32 Flavors" started up, and after a moment the lilting sound of Ani Difranco filled the car.

Grinning, he turned back into the car.

Robbie stared at him with a knowing smirk.

Frowning, Sean crawled back under the covers. This time, he burrowed himself in facing the big athlete.

Robbie listened for a minute and then chuckled softly.

Sean frowned. "What?!" he demanded.

Robbie couldn't keep the grin off his face. "Putting on a little mood music?" he giggled. The late hour was clearly getting to him.

Sean felt himself smiling, too. "You're getting a little loopy, bro," he said, grinning.

"Yeah, it's been kind of a weird night." Robbie winked and then lay back down on his makeshift pillow. The bull terrier stared back at him with wide, intelligent eyes.

Laying down next do to him, Sean reached for the big dog's neck.

Robbie just watched him, waiting to see what he would do.

Sean felt the big athlete's neck. Thick and unyielding. He ran his hand over Robbie's shoulder, the upper part of his arm. Robbie felt as dense as stone, like Sean was feeling up a granite statue. His fur was velvety-soft and the heat was absolutely pouring off of him. The blanket came down over Robbie's shoulder, and the big dog shivered gently. Sean let out a shaky breath.

Robbie watched him, completely trusting. He opened his mouth a little, breathing a bit harder than normal, but otherwise completely relaxed.

Sean swallowed, hard. "Why are you letting me do this?" he whispered.

Robbie shrugged. "I don't know. You're warming me up. I can't sleep. I got bored." He raised an eyebrow. "I like the attention. I'm exhausted and I almost died tonight." He shrugged again. "Hell if I know. Do you really care?"

Sean let out a shaky sigh. "Not really," he whispered.

Robbie grinned approvingly.

He felt his way down Robbie's arm, over the hills and valleys of his massive, perfect musculature, and then ran his big hand over Robbie's meaty chest. He felt the thick slab of Robbie's left pec, and found his nipple barely-buried under a soft dusting of fur. He rubbed his fat thumb over it, making Robbie grit his teeth and growl softly.

Sean slid his hand in between Robbie's side and his arm and roughly rubbed his flank. He leaned forward as he did it, breathing hard, digging his flat palm into Robbie's side. He rubbed the side of the big dog's stomach, spreading his fingers wide.

Robbie swallowed and shivered under the attention. "Cut it out, bro," he whispered. "I know, man, I got a gut."

"You are so fucking perfect," Sean blurted, letting out a shaky breath.

Robbie stared at him, his eyes widening.

Dipping his head in embarrassment, Sean squirmed closer to the bigger dog.

Robbie stared at him, and then cracked a little lopsided smile. "I knew you had a hard-on for me," he grunted, all bravado and charm again.

Sean let out a shaky sigh. "Shut up, Robbie," he said, reaching for the dog's crotch.

Robbie flinched violently as Sean got a big handful of his package. "AH!" he gasped sharply, jerking hard enough to make the whole car vibrate.

Sean chuckled. "I'm starting to get used to that reaction."

Robbie frowned. "Shut up," he said.

Smiling, Sean leaned forward, roughly massaging Robbie's Lycra-encased package. The big dog started out semi-soft, with a sheath plump enough to indicate that Sean wasn't the only one enjoying their playtime thus far, but as soon as Sean really started working him, the terrier's red rocket erupted out of his sheath and fought his boxerbriefs for escape. Robbie let out a shaky breath, pulling his head back and shivering.

"Damn, bro," Sean rumbled. "You want it as bad as I do." Sean reached in with both hands and roughly massaged the jock's cock to full hardness. "You got a little more steam to blow off, huh, Robbie?"

"Sh-shut up," Robbie whispered, shakily. He half-closed his eyes and arched his back, panting. "Unngghhh, that feels so good, man," he whimpered. This time, he wasn't nearly as shy. He let out a low moan, all-but closing his eyes and letting his tongue loll out of his mouth. "Ungghh! Don't stop, buddy," he urged.

Breathing shakily, Sean reached for the terrier's waistband and pulled it away from his body. He pulled it down over Robbie's meat and started working the big dog's cock again, as hard as he dared. Robbie was already leaking again and let out another soft moan as Sean massaged his wet sticky cockhead.

"Oh, damn, b-bro," the big dog whispered. "Dude, I needed this so fuckin' bad." He swallowed, hard. "D-do you wanna blow me again?" He rumbled loudly, gritting his teeth and snarling silently. "I bet you need it too, right, bro?" He leaned forward, pressing his muzzle against Sean's. "Ungh, that feels so good!" he whimpered.

Sean let out a soft sigh. "I don't think so, Robbie," he whispered, sadly.

Robbie lifted his head, eyes wide. "WHAT!" he gasped. "C-c'mon, man!" he begged. His eyes were pleading. "Didn't it feel good last time? I'll help you jerk off again!" he offered, his eyes wide and crazy.

Sean grinned slyly at him. "I dunno, I might need some frat boy to help me warm my mouth up again first."

Robbie stared at him and then screwed his muzzle up into an annoyed frown. "Are you fuckin' serious, dude? That was a one-time thing."

Sean mock-frowned. "Ohhhh, that's too bad!" he cooed. "I just don't think I'm gonna be able to handle this, then," he sighed, sadly.

Robbie stared at him, his eyes wide and desperate, and then furrowed his brow. "Dude, this is fuckin'blackmail," he said.

Sean grinned. "Pucker up, bro," he said.

Robbie scowled at him like an angry chihuahua, snorted loudly, and leaned in, pursing his lips.

Grinning, Sean met the bigger dog's lips halfway. He was warm and his lips were moist and strong. The grin melted off of Sean's face as he felt Robbie's lips tightening against his, and the big jock's mouth slowly opened.

Sean leaned forward, snuffling loudly, as both of them opened their muzzles and kissed deeply. He felt Robbie's fat tongue sliding into his mouth and Sean eagerly sucked on it, angling his head and grinding their muzzles together. Robbie was _really_getting into it. Their teeth scraped gently and their tongues fought, and after a few moments he had to pull his head back to get a breath of air.

They stared at each other from inches away, panting gently. In the background, Ani Difranco gave way to the Indigo Girls.

"Are you warmed up yet?" Robbie asked him, breathing hard.

Sean stared at him. "Just another minute," he whispered.

Robbie frowned. "How did I know you were gonna say that," he said, flatly.

They kissed as hard as before, their tongues wrestling, the big bull terrier dominating him with his enormous blocky muzzle. Sean moaned into the other dog's mouth, stroking his neck, and let his hand slide all the way down Robbie's torso to firmly grasp his fat dick again.

Robbie snorted loudly as they made out, again jerking violently in shock, but Sean didn't stop manhandling him and Robbie didn't seem to mind. Huddled under the blanket, the air was warm and comforting.

The big terrier redoubled his efforts, shoving his tongue into Sean's muzzle like he intended to choke him, growling and moaning as Sean squeezed and pumped his cock.

Robbie grit his teeth and pulled his head away, gasping. A thin streamer of saliva still connected their muzzles. "Dude," he moaned, urgently. "I need it, man. Please. I'm begging you."

Sean stared at him for a moment. He didn't respond.

Robbie stared back at him, and then slowly frowned. "Ev...everything okay, bro?" he asked, softly.

Sean thought for a moment, and then felt himself blushing. "Hey, uh..." he said, softly. "Hold on a second." He reached down and slid his gym shorts and underwear off his muscular legs. He suddenly felt himself blushing, even though they were both hidden by the blanket. He'd been naked in front of guys at the frat before, but never with a throbbing erection.

Robbie stared at him. " want me to play with your dick while you're sucking my cock?" He looked the husky in the eye, his eyes wide and crazed. "I'm cool with that," he said, hurriedly, licking his chops.

Sean swallowed. "Robbie..." He let out a shaky breath. He was so hard and so nervous. "I really need you to do something for me right now." He let out a shaky breath. "Dude...I'm so fucking hot for you." He started panting. He couldn't help himself. "I'm gonna ride your dick. Okay?"

Robbie stared at him, wide-eyed. The big dog opened his mouth, closed it without saying anything, and finally spoke. "Wh-wh-what?" he asked, softly.

Sean shivered. He reached for his gym bag, dug through the soiled clothes and jockstraps, and found his KY at the bottom of the bag.

Robbie was still staring at him with open-mouthed astonishment.

Sean shook his head. "Dude, I know this is weird, but...all the adrenaline, being around you so long, all the teasing..." He shook his head again. "I've never needed it so bad." He panted, his tongue hanging out.

Robbie stared at him. "D-d-dude, are you s-serious?" he gasped. "You can't take this thing up your ass! I'll tear you in half, man!"

Sean looked away, shivering again. His cock throbbed against the bigger dog's leg. "Yeah that's...uh, not really the kind of talk to discourage me." He swallowed a sudden mouthful of drool. "I-I've had a dick that size up my ass before. I'm not afraid of your monster cock, Robbie." Under the blanket, he uncapped the KY and squirted a blob of it into the palm of his other hand. Well, at least I've had a TOY that size up my ass. Reconsidering, he doubled the amount of lube.

Robbie stared at him, wide-eyed. He looked scared.

Sean grinned at him. "Relax, dude. It'll be fine. You're gonna cum so hard you won't be able to see straight." He chuckled darkly. "And so will I."

Robbie nodded, slowly, and let out a shaky breath. "Okay," he whispered, nodding.

Sean smiled lopsidedly at him. He resisted the urge to lick his teeth.

"Hey," Robbie whispered, softly. "Listen."


The big dog looked down, self-consciously. "This is just for you, man. I wouldn't do this with anybody else," he said, softly, shaking his head firmly.

Sean felt his heart do a weird little flutter. Suddenly, he felt himself blushing.

Robbie grinned goofily back at him.

Sean leaned in to kiss the dog's muzzle. It was a quick kiss, and as he retreated, he curled his lube-filled hand around Robbie's fat dick.

Robbie gasped. His eyes widened, and then rolled back into his head.

Sean worked the gooey lube up and down the big dog's shaft, and he felt Robbie's cock throb and twitch in his hand. "Roll onto your back, bro," he rumbled. "And don't you _dare_cum or I'm putting you back out into the snow."

"Unnngghhhhh, okay," Robbie moaned, rolling onto his back and arching his back. "Don't squeeze my dick so tight, then," he complained.

Sean chuckled. "You better start thinking of football plays to distract yourself, man," he said, "because my ass is a hell of a lot tighter." He swung one leg over Robbie's stomach and straddled him, sitting up on the big dog's stomach. The blanket pulled away from their chests but it was still over Sean's shoulder, along with Robbie's legs. Robbie had an unbelievably muscled chest and was pink from the underside of his chin to the base of his abs.

Robbie looked up nervously at him. "Yeah, you want me to teach you something about football?"

Sean wrapped his right hand around Robbie's shaft and lifted himself up onto his knees 8 or 9 inches he needed to clear the dog's long shaft. "Sure!" he said. "You can tell me how much tighter I am than your guys' defense." Curling his tail up over his butt, he began descending toward Robbie's shaft.

The big dog looked up, curious. "Hey, man!" he said. "I didn't know you knew anything about sports positio_NGGGHH!"_he hissed, as Sean finally made contact.

Sean let out a sharp breath as he felt Robbie's blunt cockhead spear his entrance, spreading his entrance right up to the point of pain. Now all he had to do was...

Taking a deep breath, Sean slowly lowered himself onto Robbie's slimy cock, letting inch after inch of the terrier's iron-stiff meat dig deeper and deeper into his body.

"Rrrrrrrrr_SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSRRGGHHH!"_Robbie hissed, gritting his teeth and squeezing his eyes shut. The terrier arched his back and hissed wordlessly, flexing every muscle in his chest and arms. "S-Sean!" he yelped, urgently.

Sean let out a sharp noise which was half gasp and half whimper. "Ahnngh!"_he cried. He was still probably only halfway down Robbie's shaft. "_Unngh!" he moaned, still lowering himself. The feeling of fullness was unprecedented. Robbie's cock was stone-stiff. Sean had never felt anything like it.

Robbie grit his teeth and arched his back, hissing. He clamped his big hands onto Sean's quads, his fingers clenching like he was having a seizure. "Nggghhh!" he groaned, his thick chest tensing hard, the slabs of his pecs roiling underneath his short fur. He craned his head back, exposing his throat, writhing gently underneath Sean. "Holy shit you're so tight!" he hissed in one fast breath.

Sean arched his back and kept going, gritting his teeth. The constant friction on his asshole was shorting out his nervous system, and he felt more like he was squatting on a fence post than a living being. He tilted his head back and yowled, clenching his hands into fists and slowly lowering himself. Finally he felt his ass come down on Robbie's lap. He relaxed his legs and sank down another inch.

Panting hard, drops of husky spit dripping off the end of his tongue, fully-erect and throbbing, Sean looked down at Robbie.

The big athlete squirmed underneath him as if in agony, his jaw clenched, his teeth bared, his eyes half-closed in absolute bliss.

Sean felt a burning, tinging sensation in his balls and all the way up his ass, and he held up one hand.

"DON'T MOVE!" he ordered. "Don't talk and don't move!"

Robbie snapped his eyes open and stared at him.

Sean held perfectly still, panting and drooling onto Robbie's stomach, when he felt the tingling subside.

"A-are you o-okay?" Robbie whispered.

His head spinning, Sean shook his head, letting out a shuddering breath. "Holy shit," he breathed. "I almost fuckin' came right there!"

Robbie stared at him, horrified. "I d-didn't hurt you?" Sean lifted his head back. "No way, man. Unnnngh...fuck, bro, this feels so __fuckin' good." He arched his back and shifted on Robbie's cock, clenching around the spike up his ass.

_"Ah!"_Robbie gasped.

"C'mon," Sean grunted. "Buck your hips. Start out slow," he whispered.

Robbie stared up at him, wide-eyed. "Dude, you're so tight. There's no way this isn't hurting you."

Sean snorted and reached down for his own stone-stiff husky cock. "Do I _look_like I'm in pain?" He pumped his member a few times. A thick drop of precum, left over from his near-orgasm a few moments ago, drooled down his blood-red member.

Robbie watched it. His nostrils flared and he swallowed.

Sean could smell him now, too. Robbie smelled like a locker room, sweating and panting underneath him.

He probably smelled like this right after football practice.

Sean felt his balls tighten in anticipation.

"C'mon, bro," he whispered intensely. "Fuck me." He leaned down, planting his hands on Robbie's thick chest. "Fuck me, Robbie."

Staring him in the eye, Robbie bowed his back, dug his heels in, and bucked his hips upward.

It was just a shallow hump, but stretched and filled to his absolute limit, it felt to Sean like the dog was going to tear him apart. It felt amazing.

"Ungh, that's it!" Sean growled, baring his teeth at the other dog. He stared Robbie right in the eye, tilting his ears forward aggressively. "C'mon! Keep going!"

Robbie stared right back at him, breathing harder. He readjusted his tight grip on Sean's quads, holding him in place, and bucked up into him, again. It was a hell of a lot harder this time, and Sean felt the dog grind up into his guts in a most pleasing fashion.

"Ungghhhhhhh," Sean groaned, letting his tongue loll out. He was drooling all over his stomach and his own cock now. The warm drool felt good on his member, and it probably felt just as good dripping onto Robbie's stomach.

Robbie was getting into it now. He stared up at the smaller dog, leaning forward, snarling. Each time he spiked up into Sean, he growled, his muzzle curling up into a vicious snarl.

He never broke eye contact.

Feeling dizzy, Sean lifted his head, his eyes sliding half-shut. They were getting into a rhythm now, and if he moved his legs, he could lift himself up off of Robbie's cock, making an inch or two or three of the dog's fat meat slide out of him, and then when Robbie dug back up into him, it all went crashing back into him. The friction on his asshole was glorious, and based on the claws digging into his thick quads, Robbie felt the same way.

"Unggghhhh, Seannnn," Robbie suddenly growled up at him. "It's gonna be another big one," he grunted. "I can feel it. You're gonna have my jizz coming out your ears, bro." He kept humping, his tongue lolling out.

Sean nodded, leaning his head over the big dog, drooling on his chest now. "Ungh...fuck yeah, man. F-fill my guts with cum," he gasped.

"Dude, you are fuckin'sick," Robbie growled.

He curled his huge hands around Sean's hips, clamping down hard, and when Sean lifted himself up, Robbie lifted too, his massive weightlifter arms effortlessly lifting the smaller husky. Sean slid six or seven inches off of Robbie's cock, the big dog's spike leaving him in one huge rush, and he felt empty and vacant before Robbie _slammed_him down as he came up, forcing the rest of his colossal member up Sean's ass in one brutal push.

"Aaangghhh!"_Sean cried, arching his back and digging his claws into Robbie's chest. _"Fuck!" he squealed. He finally broke eye contact, lifting his head and groaning.

"Oh, you fuckin'loved that, didn't you," Robbie growled, lifting him off and then slamming him down onto his cock again. He was strong, unbelievably strong.

_"Aaaunnngghhh!"_Sean moaned, relocating his hands to Robbie's wrists. He dug in as hard as he liked, gritting his teeth.

"Holy shit, this is just like football practice. I had no idea you could take it this fuckin' hard," Robbie gasped, moving his hands to Sean's quads and bucking like crazy, pounding the hell out of the husky riding him.

Sean tilted his head back, lolling his tongue out. He was drooling all over the place. He didn't care.

Robbie did his lift-up slam-down trick again and Sean let out an involuntary little squeal.

"Sean...this is it, man!"

Sean grit his teeth and clenched his ass around Robbie's invading member, preparing for the torrent of jock cum about to fill him.

"Get ready, Sean, I'm gonna c-"


Eyes widening, Robbie jerked violently in surprise underneath him.

Sean gasped, his eyes snapping open.


Robbie looked around. "Oh, fuck, that's your alarm," he growled. "JEEEEZ, I thought it was a police siren!" He let out a long, loud sigh. "Shit, man, I just had a fuckin' heart attack!"

Sean grit his teeth, growling. "Hold on," he said. "I gotta turn the car off."

Robbie screwed his face into a grimace. "But I'm _so close!"_he whimpered.

Sean snarled at him. "I know that! I can't cum with this fucking alarm howling, though!"

Robbie stared at him for a moment and then laughed loudly at him.

Sean tried to stay mad, but Robbie aimed one of his trademark dopey grins at him, and he couldn't possibly stay upset at that.

"Alright, hold on," he muttered. Clenching his teeth, Sean leaned forward, pulling off of Robbie's fat member. The big bull terrier felt even bigger sliding out of him than he had felt going in. "Unnn_nnngaaaggghhh!"_Sean hissed.

Grimacing, Robbie put his arms around Sean's chest and held him as he leaned forward.

Sean stared down at him, panting hard. He was still drooling. A drop of husky spit fell off the end of his tongue and landed on the end of Robbie's nose.

Staring up at him, Robbie licked Sean's spit off of his muzzle.

Sean stared at him, eyes wide. "Ohhhh damn," he whispered. He squirmed off of the big athlete. "I'll be right back," he whispered.

Robbie grinned up at him.

Dropping onto all fours, Sean crawled toward his keening cellphone and used his mostly-clean left hand to silence and reset the alarm. He wiped his right paw on his chest fur and crawled forward, his ass feeling empty, wet, cold and exposed. Leaning over the front seats, he twisted the ignition key.

The car dropped into silence again.

In the sudden quiet, he could hear the engine ticking, and the suspension creaking, and Robbie idly playing with himself.

They were both breathing hard. Robbie sounded like a wild animal.

Sean turned back toward him.

Robbie was up, now, fully exposed, and the sight of him in all his muscular glory was astonishing. He was sitting on his haunches, the muscles of his arms clenched under his fur, his spike-like cock red and throbbing, poised straight out like a weapon. He had the tube of KY in one hand and a palmful of gooey lube in the other. He looked at Sean with bright, intelligent eyes.

It occurred to Sean, quite objectively, that this horned-up athlete was legitimately the most beautiful thing he had ever laid eyes on.

"Hey, bro," the big dog growled softly. "Do you mind if I try something?" He smeared the lube on his rod, slowly, covering every inch of it, and then he slowly leaned forward, onto all fours. "I think I wanna fuck you...doggie-style."

Sean stared at him, his eyes wide, and swallowed slowly. His cock grew so erect and his heart started pounding so hard that for a moment his vision started to swim.

Robbie grinned at him. "I'm really gonna give it to you, Sean."

The husky stared wide-eyed back at him, and then nodded slowly. "Okay," he squeaked, lamely.

Robbie stared at him, warm and eager. "Come on back here, bro," he whispered. He gestured with a cock of his head.

Sean nodded, letting out a shaky breath, and crawled back into the cargo area. He rotated toward the front of the car, curling his tail up over his fluffy, muscular butt, and crawled backward toward Robbie.

Robbie let out a low growl. Sean stopped and lowered his chest, presenting, curling his tail as hard as he could.

The big dog climbed up onto him with more care than he ever would have imagined.

Robbie was strong; that much was undeniable. Sean felt like the big dog could have snapped him like a twig. Robbie put his big hands on Sean's hips and the husky could _feel_the power in those arms, but he pulled Sean back toward him with what he could only describe as incredible tenderness.

Robbie leaned forward, towering over him, and even the dog's monster cockhead lining up with his entrance felt as gentle as a kiss. Robbie leaned forward, his member burrowing into Sean, and it was slow and gentle.

"Ungh!" Sean gasped, squeezing his eyes shut as Robbie's fat cockhead spread him wide open.

"Ssshhhh," Robbie whispered, tenderly nuzzling his ears. The big bully opened his muzzle and roughly slurped at Sean's left ear.

Sean writhed underneath him.

This time their position and his readiness made it much easier. Robbie gasped and grunted as he pushed forward, impaling Sean on more and more of his astonishingly-rigid cock. Sean pushed back a little but mostly concentrated on holding still. It took all of Sean's considerable strength just to keep Robbie's cock from simply shoving him forward into the front seats.

"Nnghff!" Sean whimpered, as his arms threatened to slide out from under him.

"It's okay, I got ya, buddy," Robbie rumbled. He curled his massive right arm over Sean's shoulder, curling loosely around under his neck but gripping the husky's left shoulder as tightly as a harness, encircling him, wrapping him in his scent. All around him was Robbie, and it felt amazing.

As he did it, he leaned forward and tenderly licked Sean's muzzle. Sean opened his mouth and they fought gently with their tongues.

Robbie started pushing forward again, holding Sean in place, and the husky felt himself involuntarily whimper and shudder. Robbie was big but more importantly he was so stiff. Robbie's cock still didn't even feel real.

"You want me to stop halfway?" Robbie rumbled, directly into his ear.

"Nnnoooo," Sean moaned. "Give it to me, Robbie. Give it all to me," he panted.

Robbie growled softly, almost too quietly to hear, and rumbled. He pushed forward again, inch after inch of his meat plunging into the trapped husky, and now he felt like he was about twenty inches long.

"Hnnnggghhhh!" Sean groaned, squeezing his eyes shut, writhing against the bigger dog's arm.

Robbie huffed loudly into his ear. "Ungh," he grunted. "Huff! I'm in." He panted loudly right into Sean's face. He leaned in to slurp aggressively at Sean's mouth.

They held still for a moment, while Sean writhed under the big dog, half-supported on his arms and half-supported by Robbie's inexorable strength. Robbie's scent surrounded him and he inhaled deeply, relishing the delicate mix of Robbie's deodorant and jock-y musk

After a few moments, Sean started writhing in the big dog's grasp. "Okay," he grunted. "Get going again. Start slow."

Robbie grunted. He did not relax his grip on the husky's shoulders, and Sean was held firmly in place as the bigger dog pulled an inch or two out of him, and then pushed swiftly right back in. The friction on Sean's asshole was almost unbearable.

"Howzat, bro?" Robbie whispered in his ear.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!" Sean whimpered, high-pitched and pained. "G-good!" he added, hurriedly. "Feels nice!"

"Good. I like it, too." Another growl. Robbie bucked his hips again, back and forth in a sharp motion, speeding up, and Sean resisted the urge to squeal underneath him. Robbie wasn't really pulling out of him, just humping sharp and fast, and the girth of his cock up Sean's ass was pulling the husky backward. Then pure inertia held Sean in place while the bigger dog speared his way back in. Sean moved with the big dog's movement as much as he stayed put. At the low end of each arc, their ballsacs slapped gently together.

Robbie grunted as he furiously pounded the smaller husky, and then growled, and then outright barked at him. "Hrrt! Hrrrt! Rrrrt! Rrrrt! RARRRT!" he barked, his teeth clacking shut inches from Sean's ears, the floor of the cargo area vibrating under Sean's knees.

Sean let the big dog massage him from the inside out for another few moments, and then turned his head to growl softly.

Robbie glared down at him. His muzzle was tinted pink again and he had the same crazy look of wild determination as before.

"Lemme go!" Sean snapped.

Staring crazy-eyed at him, Robbie released his death-grip on the husky.

"Push me forward a couple feet," Sean ordered. When Robbie did, Sean put his arms through the openings between the driver's and passenger's headrests and the front seats. The Blazer had weird headrests - the posts were padded. Sean stuck one of his hands through each of the posts and curled his forearms around. He wasn't going anywhere, now.

He looked back at Robbie. "Alright. Go."

Robbie nodded and started to pull out. He started to slide out of Sean and gasped audibly.

Sean arched his back and groaned. The friction of Robbie pulling out of him shot up his spine and made him shiver.

Robbie pushed forward, slowly, and let out a shocked, lusty growl. "F-f-fuck, duuudddeee," he breathed.

Sean clenched his teeth and forced a laugh. "Big difference, huh, bud?" he asked.

Robbie leaned forward, his paunch flattening Sean's tail against his back, and dug back into him. He started humping him again, warm and slimy and slow, the slick lube making audible squicking noises as he fucked the smaller dog. "Dude, you're gonna get it so fuckin' bad now," he rumbled, shakily.

"Put your hands on my hips," Sean ordered, arching his back under Robbie's weight.

"Don't fuckin' tell me what to do...I'm on top, remember, bra?" Robbie snapped, straightening up so he could plant his meaty paws on Sean's hips. He dug his thick fingers in, his blunt claws digging into Sean's skin.

Robbie straightened up a few more degrees, and as he did, the downward curve of his cock ground right into the perfect spot inside of Sean, and the husky shivered violently.

"Ah! Don't move!" Sean gasped. "Right in that position!" He clenched his fingers into fists, dipping his head and snarling. "That's perfect! HrrRRRRrrrr!" He arched his back, writhing between the two front seats.

Robbie dug his fingers in, rumbling loudly. "Hit something good in there, did I, Sean?" he growled. He pushed his hips forward, retracted, and set up a steady rhythm. "Nice delts, by the way. You're fuckin' ripped as hell, bra."

"Ungghhhh, don't stop!" Sean whined, clinging to the front seats. He arched his back as far as he could, his tail involuntarily curling up so hard it almost hurt.

Robbie pounded him like a locomotive. Sean hadn't expected such a vigorous fucking from a first-timer; most of them could barely get a rhythm going. But Robbie was an athlete, and he was demonstrating this to the best of his ability.

Sean felt a warm glow emanating from deep inside himself. He let his tongue hang out and drooled all over the center console, dimly aware that his cock was probably doing the same.

Robbie abruptly removed his mitts from Sean's hips and leaned roughly forward. Sean felt his tail flatten against his back and suddenly Spike's paunch was heavy on his back.

"Ungh!" he grunted, turning his head to growl. "Hey! Get back on my hips!"

Growling, Robbie enveloped Sean's entire left ear in his muzzle. As he did so, he slid his right hand under Sean's torso and dug his fingers into Sean's right pec.

_"Ahhhh!"_the husky hissed. "I changed my mind, do what you're doing!"

Robbie chuckled, his laugh muffled by Sean's ear in his mouth, and then angled his head so he could shove his tongue into the husky's ear canal.

Sean craned his head to the side and moaned, shivering from head to toe.

Robbie grunted, letting out a muffled squeak around Sean's ear. He dipped his head, panting hard, droplets of drool running off of his tongue and thick teeth. He rubbed his head hard up against Sean, supporting all of his weight on his left hand, manhandling the husky's chest with his right, and fucking him like a machine all the way. The big bull terrier was more pink than white, and he snorted loudly through his nose.

Sean glanced at him with half-closed eyes, and pushed hard to shove their muzzles together, in a long, sloppy, easy kiss. When the parted, they stayed close, Robbie's thick chest pressing against Sean's back, their muzzles rubbing together like they'd done it a hundred times.

Robbie was slowing down, now, fucking him almost lazily, but Sean was so keyed-up and aroused that each gentle thrust felt like it was taking over his whole body.

"I'm getting' close," Robbie rumbled, his hot breath washing over Sean's face.

"Tie me," Sean moaned.

Robbie's eyebrows shot up, though they quickly lowered. "A-are you sure?"

"I need it!" Sean whined. He slurped Robbie's muzzle submissively.

"It's gonna hurt," Robbie whispered. Sean could feel his fat knot pushing up against his entrance, as if just talk of tying was bringing him that much closer.

Sean nipped at his blunt muzzle. "I want all of you, Robbie."

Robbie let out a peculiar little whine, glanced shyly up at Sean, and then nodded. He grit his teeth and bore down.

Sean could hear the bigger dog's claws scrabbling on the carpet as the bull terrier struggled to dig in. He tightened his grip on the headrests and braced himself.

Robbie bore down one last time and with a slick slop his tennis-ball-sized knot popped into Sean's ass.

_"Ahhhh!"_Robbie yelped, sharply.

Sean arched his back and hissed loudly. The hiss turned into a snarl. "Aaaa_aaahhhhhhhrrrrrRRRGGHHH_," he growled.

"F-fuck, man!" Robbie gasped, high-pitched, like it hurt him, and Sean suddenly realized this was his first-ever tie. The big dog writhed on top of him, whining loudly and digging his toes into the floor of the cargo area. He grasped Sean as if in pain.

"Easy there!" Sean gasped. He pulled his left arm out of the headrest and wrapped it around Robbie's neck, pulling the big dog's head against his own. His entire body felt like it was fire. He could feel his seed boiling inside of him, ready to spill out at any moment.

Robbie let out one last sharp yelp and shivered violently against him. The bully let out a strangled, gurgling moan and suddenly convulsed against and inside Sean. "Nrrrgghh!" he moaned, and then the big dog clamped onto Sean's shoulder and held him tight.

Sean reached up and dug his fingers into the big dog's ruff, filling his fingers with loose flesh and twisting as hard as he could. Robbie bucked his hips a few times, in a shallow motion more like an involuntarily shudder, and then Sean felt the bigger dog's dick thrash to life inside of him. He clenched down, hard, and Robbie's entire body jerked."Sean!" the big dog cried out, desperately, and then gasped intensely as his orgasm crashed over him.

Sean could _feel_Robbie spasm inside of him when the big dog erupted inside of him. He jerked shallowly forward with each spurt, and Sean felt a sudden addition to the fullness, a pulsing of the rod invading his asshole, as the quivering athlete unloaded a massive load of dog cum deep into his guts.

"_Unngghhh!"_Robbie whimpered, loudly, shaking like a mis-timed car engine, involuntary tremors wracking his whole body, and his cock was like a gigantic vibrator up Sean's ass. He screwed his eyes shut and grit his teeth, snarling, and realized with some urgency that the tingling sensation in his ass was going to totally overcome him and he was going to cum whether Robbie touched him or not.

Sean dug his fingers into the big dog's ruff, squeezing as hard as he could. Robbie gasped in pleasure and in pain, writhing on top of the smaller dog, crushing his tail against him, helpless to escape. Robbie was a hell of a lot bigger, and threatened to crush Sean under his weight and heat, but he was helplessly trapped and it was making him crazy. Sean clenched his ass as hard as he could around Robbie's invading member, squirming gently around Robbie's trapped knot.

The bull terrier on top of him snuffled hard enough to envelop his face in a cloud of aerosolized spit, and that was all it took to push Sean over the edge. " __Aaaagghhh_!"_he groaned, his entire body clenching involuntarily, and he held onto the sweaty jock on top of him. Sean felt his entire body tense and shiver, lifting his chest up with his one arm through the headrest, and for a long moment he actually lifted Robbie off the cargo area floor.

Sean's orgasm kept going and going, and he couldn't breathe as he rode it out. He held one deep breath, shivering and tensing, as waves of pleasure crashed over him, every time the big dog on top of him jerked or spasmed a fresh wave hit him again. The car filled with the acrid ammonia-scent of husky cum.

Robbie let out a strangled moan, tightening his grasp on Sean's left shoulder, and just when it actually started to hurt, the big dog let out a long, exhausted sigh, and collapsed on top of him.

The big dog's crushing weight and heat hitting Sean all at once made Sean shiver all over again, and he let out a loud involuntary while. Sean tilted his head up and keened loudly, shuddering from head to toe, and had to let out his breath and gasp for air before he passed out. Little flickering lights appeared in his peripheral vision, and he sucked in breath after breath as hard an as fast as he could, before he finally felt his orgasm start to taper off.

"Unggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Robbie rumbled, panting. Sean finally released the death-grip he had on the bigger dog's ruff, and Robbie shallowly lifted his head, panting furiously. The dog half-lifted his head and stared at him, eyes wide and unfocused.

Sean glanced at him, breathing hard, and lightly bumped their muzzles together.

They stared at each other, both panting furiously, both of their tongues hanging out.

Sean waited, on all fours, still gasping for breath, his cock still drooling cum beneath him, to see if Robbie was going to have a straight-guy meltdown and panic.

Robbie's eyes suddenly cleared, and Sean must have betrayed some subtle worry in his eyes, because Robbie leaned in and pressed their muzzles together, hard, and Sean knew that everything was alright.

Sean took a deep breath and let out a relieved sigh. "W-we should lie down," he grunted, his voice sounding an octave deeper than it should have.

Robbie just rumbled his affirmation and shifted on his knees. He pulled Sean effortlessly backwards. All Sean had to do was straighten his arm and the big athlete did all the work for him.

Rolling slowly onto his side, Robbie lay Sean down as gently as a puppy. Sean barely had to grit his teeth as Robbie's colossal member inside of him shifted gently around.

When they were both laid out on the blanket, their heads on Sean's clean-smelling laundry, Robbie leaned in to muzzle-bump Sean again. He closed his eyes and rumbled loudly, shivering. His meat stick vibrated inside of Sean.

Sean shivered. "Yeah, I'm _definitely_gonna call you Spike," he whispered.

There was a pause, and then Robbie laughed sharply on top of him.

He nuzzled Sean's ears, and put his arms around Sean's chest. He squeezed him tightly. They both lay in silence, enjoying the warmth and the afterglow.

Around them, drops of water slid slowly down the steamed-up windows.

Robbie finally cleared his throat. "That was amazing," he rumbled, softly. He nuzzled the nape of Sean's neck.

Sean reached up and stroked the big dog's muzzle.

Robbie let out a sharp breath, and then inhaled deeply and sighed happily. He closed his eyes, snuggling up to the smaller husky, nuzzling and kissing the side of his neck. Sean laughed, grinning. Robbie leaned in and kissed the side of his muzzle.

Sean rubbed his muzzle again. He smiled. "Are you always this affectionate after sex?"

Robbie thought for a moment, and then shrugged. "N'really," he said. "I never really let it out like that before. That was just like practice except I got to cum at the end." He lifted his head and yawned massively. "Dude, that felt so. Good."

Sean took a deep breath and let out a long, contented sigh. "I have to admit, it was better than I had fantasized."

Robbie grinned. "You fantasized about me?"

Sean nodded shyly. "Of course_._ But I never imagined it would be good as this."

Robbie smiled proudly back at him and Sean could feel his tail whapping against the blanket.

They were quiet for a moment.

" wanna make this a regular thing?" Robbie asked, softly. "Once we're back on campus."

Sean snorted. "What do you think?"

Robbie nuzzled the back of his neck. "Yeah, man. You and me. Blowing off steam."

The husky chuckled. "Ain't blowin' off steam now, bro. You're gay."

Robbie's eyes snapped open. "What?!" he gasped.

Sean craned his neck to grin at him with half-open eyes. "Our balls touched, dude. Still touching now, in fact. You're stuck now, my friend. I opened the gay door and you went through it."

Robbie stared at him in wide-eyed shock. "Really?"

Sean chuckled. "Yeah, man. _That's_how it works. Our balls touched so now you have to take me on gay dates and stuff." He grinned and muzzle-bumped the bigger dog.

Robbie looked away, his brow furrowed, lost in thought.

Sean smiled, and was about to let Robbie in on the joke when the big dog lifted his head and spoke.

" and stuff?"

Sean stared at him. He pictured it.

"Yeah," he said, softly. "Like dinner and stuff."

Robbie thought about it for another moment, and then nodded with seeming determination.

"Okay," he said, grinning lopsidedly. "I can do that."

Sean felt his heart flutter. Not for the first time, he found himself speechless.

Robbie nuzzled the top of his head. "You mind if I take a quick nap while my knot goes down? I' m freakin' exhausted." He kissed Sean's neck a couple of times.

"Yeah," Sean whispered, and it was a struggle to get out. "S-sure thing, big guy."

Robbie grunted softly and rumbled happily. "Thanks, bro," he whispered, and kissed Sean between the ears. He lay his head down, nuzzled Sean momentarily, and was asleep in a matter of moments.

His heart still pounding, Sean held still, so as not to wake him.

Outside, the faintest glow of morning sun began to light the tops of the windows.


CHAPTER 4: CUP(i)D Sean stayed awake. Robbie must not have been lying about his exhaustion, because after another twenty minutes Sean managed to slip off of his cock without even waking him. After wiping what he could out of his fur with a dirty...

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CHAPTER 2: SNOWBOUND Sean Murphy was having a dream about rolling around on a giant waterbed when the bed he was sleeping in took a huge breath and sneezed explosively right in his ear. _"Whaaachoo!"_ Wide-eyed, the young husky snapped instantly...

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**PROLOGUE \* ** CHAPTER 1: THE STORM \* CHAPTER 2: SNOWBOUND \* CHAPTER 3: SURVIVAL CUDDLING \* CHAPTER 4: CUPiD _A pertinacious adversary, pushed to extremities, may say, that husbands indeed are willing to be reasonable_. That was the last line...

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