Story by unstablebill on SoFurry

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#2 of BROS BEFORE SNOWS & Other Sean Stories


How far would you go to help a friend? What if your lives depended on it?

Sean Murphy is an average husky living an average life at an average college, about to face a challenge more extraordinary than he could ever have imagined. A blizzard of record-setting proportions is burying the state of Indiana, and what started out as a normal commute back to his school quickly turns into a life-or-death situation. More surprisingly, Sean soon discovers he is not alone: one of his frat brothers is also trapped in the storm, with a surprise of his own - if he lives long enough to tell it. If Sean can save him, they will either have the greatest night of their lives...or the last.

Bonds will be forged, character will be tested, and hopefully everything will come out alright in...NIGHT DRIVE 2: BROS BEFORE SNOWS.

Another entry in my continuing ADVENTURE PORN! series. Thank you for your views and comments! <3


Sean Murphy was having a dream about rolling around on a giant waterbed when the bed he was sleeping in took a huge breath and sneezed explosively right in his ear. "Whaaachoo!"

Wide-eyed, the young husky snapped instantly awake. He looked up, alarmed.

Robbie Brandt, the massive bull terrier upon whose chest he was sleeping, frowned apologetically down at him. "Aw, shit, sorry, man!" he whispered, sleepily. "I just got a facefull of your fluff." He reached up with a big hand to rub his nose. "I tried to hold it in."

Sean stared at him and remembered with some abruptness that he was shirtless, sleeping curled up on a big muscled linebacker. Robbie was even wearing his football jersey. He looked away, hoping Robbie couldn't see him blushing in the dim dome light of the buried Blazer. "S'okay," he rumbled, his voice low and gravelly with sleep. "Wh-what time is it?"

Robbie craned his head upward to look at the dash clock, showing off his thickly muscled neck. "Uhhh," he said. "2:30?" He looked back down at Sean, cocking his head. All the clarity had returned to his eyes and he had a healthy pinkish glow underneath the short fur of his muzzle.

Sean stared at him. "Wow, you look about a billion times better." He reached up to touch Robbie's face, and this time found him warm to the touch.

Robbie beamed down at him and roughly nuzzled his hand. Like all bull terriers, Robbie had a broad, blunt muzzle and soft brown eyes. Sean was struck by how adorable he looked. He smiled.

"How you feeling?" he asked the terrier.

"Good, except for the crushing weight on my chest." The bigger dog grinned down at him.

Sean chuckled. "Alright, alright, I get it." He slid off of him, rolling onto the carpeted floor of the Blazer. The part made up of the rear seats had some give to it, but the rest of it was like carpeted plywood. "Unfh. You weren't complaining when I was thawing you out."

Robbie nodded, and his smile slowly faded. "Yeah, about that. Thank you, man."

Sean nodded. "Anytime, bro."

Robbie nodded gravely back. It was the most serious Sean had ever seen him.

The lithe husky raised himself onto all fours and stretched, arching his back. "Whunnngghhh," he whimpered. "I gotta check the gas." Looking around, he saw their situation had not changed. They were still mostly buried in a Chevy Blazer in the middle of rural Indiana, 20 miles from anywhere. Based on the roaring of the wind outside, the storm was still raging on. There was between five and fifteen inches of clear space at the top of each window. The rest of the glass had drifted over solid white, with a little space open directly next to the warm glass.

"Man, do you believe this shit?" Sean muttered, crawling lazily between the front seats. He squirmed unceremoniously behind the steering wheel.

The HVAC was still turned to full heat, as evidenced by the hot air pouring out of the dash. Sean turned it to half-fan but it still felt like it was about 85ΒΊ in the car. He didn't even think about putting his shirt back on.

He looked at the gas gauge. "Uhhhh. Okay, we got, like, a third of a tank? I had three-quarters when I got stuck." He cocked his head. "Which means...uhhhh...." Numbers weren't his strong suit.

"When did you get stuck?" Robbie asked. He rolled onto his side and crawled forwarding, sticking his head and shoulders between the front seats.

Sean shrugged. "Iunno. 10:30?"

Robbie cocked his head and thought for a minute. "Uh. It'll hold out till...sometime between 7 and 8."

Sean stared at him.

Robbie blinked back at him. "What?"

Sean felt his jaw drop open.

Robbie frowned. "Bro, it's easy. 75 percent minus thirty-three is about forty. You used forty percent of the gas in four hours. That leaves another sixty percent, or four more_hours plus fifty percent _of forty percent, which is two more hours. So, 6 hours."

Sean chuckled into the darkness. "Aren't you, like, the dumbest guy in our frat?"

Robbie stared at him. "I don't think so," he said, cocking his head in confusion.

Sean grinned. "Why don't you come up here?" He patted the passenger seat. "An actual chair will probably feel real nice after all the unconventional laying you been doing."

Robbie smiled and nodded. "Okay, but I think I need to come feet first." He shuffled around and stuck his massive paws between the seats, edging awkwardly through a space not much bigger than his massive shoulders and chest.

His jersey caught between the seats as he squirmed through, and pulled up around his armpits. It lifted up, showing his big white linebacker tummy, complete with a pinkish patch right under his naval where it thinned out around his groin.

Sean tried very hard not to notice.

"Whurrf!" Robbie declared, finally dropping into the passenger seat. He pulled his shirt down, looked around, decided he was happy with the job, and smiled happily over at Sean.

"Here, drink this. You're probably dehydrated." Sean handed the bigger dog the last few remaining inches of soda in his Big Gulp. "Did you call anybody?"

Robbie accepted it gratefully and sucked it down in a matter of seconds. "Thanks. Nope," he said, when he was finished. "My phone was on the dashboard when I went off the hill." He shrugged. "Never did find it."

Sean stared at him. "Jeeeeezzz," he said.

Robbie nodded gravely. "Yeah. Now you see how lucky I am." He stuck the empty cup back in the cupholder. "Wasn't any help coming."

Sean pondered it for a moment, and then rolled his window down to the halfway point. Snow and ice-cold wind poured into the car, but he only had the window open long enough to fill the cup with snow.

While the window was down, he got a look outside. Visibility was still pretty much non-existent. What he saw was a hell of a lot of driving wind and snow.

Withdrawing the snow-filled cup and rolling his window up, Sean looked at his snowbound companion.

Robbie had peeked out through his window while it was open. Now he stared at Sean with wide eyes.

"Hey," he said, softly. "I know it looks like the apocalypse out there, and you've already been through a lot tonight. But we're gonna be fine. My uncle's a cop and he knows right where we are." He shrugged. "Well, right where _I_am, obviously; he doesn't know you're here at all. But he's gonna send the staties for us first thing in the morning. We may not even have to wait until eight."

Robbie nodded back at him. "Okay," he said, managing a weak smile.

Sean decided a subject change was in order. "So, what've you been up to, Robbie? I haven't really had a chance to talk to you in a couple weeks."

Robbie chuckled. "I know, right? Just hi and bye." He thought for a moment. "Iunno, football practice, mostly. Keeps me pretty busy." He frowned. "There was this bio lab I wanted to take but the scheduling was kind of tough to work out." He shrugged. "Just that and the frat stuff, which I guess you already know about. What have you been up to?" Robbie asked him. He looked down at Sean's bare chest. "Been hitting the gym pretty hard, I see."

Sean stared back at him and felt himself blushing immediately. "Yeah, I was getting kinda fat," he said, looking away.

Robbie cocked his head. "Well, you ain't fat now. Jeez, I would kill to get this kind of cut." He grinned, poking Sean in his cobblestone stomach.

Sean writhed in his chair. "Are you kidding me?! You're a fucking god, man," he blurted.

Robbie stared at him, wide-eyed.

Sean swallowed, looking away. "I mean, like, not in a gay way," he squeaked. "Like, in a bro kind of way."

Robbie stared at him another moment, and then burst out laughing. "Dude, we were survival-cuddling an hour ago. You can call me hot if you want."

Sean swallowed, feeling himself blushing under his fur. "So, seeing anybody?" he squeaked, desperately.

Robbie stared at him and then turned immediately crimson.

"Oh. Uh, never mind. Delicate question?"

Robbie looked away, embarrassed. "No, it's fine. I just, errrrrr...I don't get a lot of fourth dates."

Sean frowned at him. "Wh-what? What the hell does that mean?"

Robbie looked away, blushing furiously. "Okay, so, like, you know what you're supposed to do on the third date?"

Sean raised an eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure that's not a hard-and-fast rule."

Robbie cleared his throat. "You have sex, right? Well, uh, ah, I have some rather unique equipment, and, ah, things seem to fizzle after that, because I think the girls, they're not so...enthusiastic...about a larger man."

Sean stared at him. "You're telling me that girls dump you...because your penis is too big?"

Robbie looked away, his muzzle coloring deep crimson. If he got any darker he would look like a German Shepherd.

Sean grinned. "Are you fucking kidding me?"

Robbie frowned severely at him. "That's not funny, bro!" he snapped.

Sean leaned back in his chair, laughing. "Are you kidding! It's hilarious!" He covered his muzzle, laughing. "I mean, I knew you had a hell of a meat stick from an hour ago, but, yikes, I didn't realize you were packing a fire hose! I'm gonna start calling you 'Spike.'"

Robbie shook his head. "Oh c'mon! It's not even that big! Eight inches. Maybe nine."

Sean shook his head. "Oh, damn. You need to switch sides, then. Gay guys would be beating a path to your door."

Robbie scoffed loudly at him. "In your dreams, bro," he snapped. He turned away.

Sean watched him. "Aww, hey, c'mon, I was just joking!" he said. He leaned forward to touch Robbie's arm. "I'm sorry, man. Are you...are you serious? Girls dump you because your dick is too big?"

Robbie snorted again and looked back at him. "Everybody says they want a big guy...but I think most of them are scared of it." He let out a sigh. "I think they're scared of me, for that matter. Everybody acts like I'm a wild animal 'cause I'm so big and maybe I like to roughhouse or whatever. I haven't had a date in six months, dude! I'm going_crazy!_"

Sean frowned. "Hey, I'm sorry. I always thought you were...amazing." He swallowed, looking away. "I mean, there's nothing like a big huge guy like you. That huge chest...and your big arms..." He suddenly needed to clear his throat loudly.

Robbie cracked a lopsided smile. "Aw, man, you're just trying to make me feel better."

Sean shook his head. "No, dude, I'm not." He cleared his throat loudly. "I'm reeeallyyy not."

Robbie let out a long sigh. "Maybe I should date you then. At least you won't run screaming away from my penis."

Sean laughed nervously. "Haha! Yes, that is highly unlikely!"

Robbie looked over at him, miserably. "Are _you_seeing anybody?"

Sean felt his eye twitch. "That's a fairly brave question to ask me."

Robbie frowned at him. "Doesn't bother me." He cocked his head. "I asked, didn't I? We're bros, man." He frowned. "I don't care if you're queer."

Sean felt himself smiling goofily. "Yeah. Thanks." He looked away, blushing. "Ah, no. I have little, ahm, 'third-dates' here and there, but no, nothing serious." He shrugged.

Robbie frowned. "Really? I always figured you as the long-term relationship type."

Sean cracked a humorless smile. "I know, right? I guess the guys who go after a muscled-up husky aren't really interested in long-term relationships."

Robbie stared suspiciously at him. "What guys? Guys in town?"

Sean blinked at him. "Guys on campus."

Robbie laughed softly. "Yeah, right, dude. Our school has like ten gay people."

Sean chuckled softly. "It's more like a dozen. But when a guy hits me up for playtime, it's usually a straight guy."

Robbie rolled his eyes. "Yeah, right, man. You wish."

Sean snorted. "I'm serious! There's a couple of guys in the house, even."

Robbie laughed out loud. "Oh, yeah, right, man! Now I know you're lying."

Sean frowned at him. "Oh please. Is that really so unlikely? You're in the middle of a dry spell. Are you saying you wouldn't want a nice warm mouth on that terrifying meat stick of yours?"

Robbie cocked his head. "That sounds...kind of gay." He thought for a moment, and then his eyes widened. "I mean! Not, like, bad gay. Just..." The big dog puzzled over it for a moment. "Like, gay gay."

Sean stared at him. "Are you sure about that?"

Robbie grinned and laughed. "Shut up." He shoved Sean with one meaty paw and sent him flailing in his seat.

Grinning, Sean leaned back against the door. It was cold against his bare fluffy back, but it actually felt kind of nice.

Robbie glanced up at him, smiling dopily, and looked like he was about to say something. Then he went quiet and began blushing furiously.

Sean stared at the bigger dog, and something occurred to him.

Robbie was considering it.

Sean looked the massive bull terrier up and down. Being in a frat full of half-naked drunk guys all the time, the husky had grown very good at suppressing his sexual urges. But once unleashed they came out like a torrent. A year of repressed sexual attraction came crashing forward like a tidal wave.

He leaned forward, grinning. "You're thinking about it, aren't you."

Robbie snorted. "No way, dude! I can find my own warm mouth, thank you very much." He stuck his tongue out.

Sean chuckled. "Not anytime soon, you can't. We're snowbound, buddy! And you just said yourself, you're going crazy. Why don't you let me help you...blow off some steam." He licked his chops.

Robbie grunted, looking away. "I dunno, man. I'm a pretty enthusiastic heterosexual."

Sean cocked his head. "That's just fine. It's not gay unless our balls touch." He leaned forward.

Cautiously, Robbie turned his head back to him.

Grinning, Sean stuck out his tongue.

The big terrier chuckled. "Dude, you are such a fucking idiot sometimes," he said, but he was looking away nervously.

Sean watched him for a moment, and then leaned forward.

He stuck his big left hand between Robbie's legs. Robbie didn't have much of a thigh gap between his muscular legs, so Sean had to squeeze his hand in.

The big terrier jumped. "Awrk!" he yelped. "Whoa, dude, what the fuck!" He batted lightly at Sean's forearm, writhing in his chair. "I didn't even say yes!"

Sean leaned forward, digging his palm into Robbie's crotch and squeezing him firmly. True to Robbie's word, Sean found his package to be fat and heavy. He dug his fingers in. It was hard to feel everything out through Robbie's thick jeans, but Sean was really only going for pressure right now. Strong, firm pressure.

"C-c-c'mon, man!" Robbie grunted, through gritted teeth. "Get the fuck out of th-there!" He looked at Sean with wide, alarmed eyes, but he made no effort to get away.

Sean dug his palm in, and Robbie shivered violently. The big dog started panting, sticking his pink tongue out.

Sean grinned. Got him.

He reached up with his right hand and ran it up Robbie's thick arm. The big dog writhed underneath his touch. Sean ran his paw up to the back of the big dog's beefy neck and dug his thick fingers into Robbie's scruff. The big dog didn't have much of a scruff but Sean twisted it tight, the loose skin hot through Robbie's short, stiff fur.

Robbie arched his back and grit his teeth, growling. He squeezed his eyes shut and shivered. "Dude, wh-wh-what the fucccckkk," he hissed, through his teeth.

Sean squeezed the other dog's crotch as hard as he dared. There was a definite stiffness already apparently, like Robbie had a can of soda shoved down his pants.

"Cut it out, man," Robbie begged. He shivered, hard, letting out a little whimper.

Sean leaned forward. He gently grazed Robbie's neck with his teeth.

Robbie groaned, grit his teeth, let out a little growl, and writhed in his chair,. "Dude, stop!" he snapped. He flexed his shoulders and pulled away from Sean, hard.

Sean let him go. He pulled both of his hands away and stared at the bigger dog.

Robbie stared back at him, eyes wide, breathing hard.

Sean watched him. He gave the terrier a few moments to compose himself, and then leaned back in his chair. " you really want me to stop, Robbie?"

They both looked at Robbie's crotch. He had a fairly significant tent in his jeans.

Robbie swallowed, hard. "It''s normal?" he asked, his eyes wide.

Sean chuckled. "Lots of guys do it," he said.

Robbie frowned. "And you're clean?" he asked, his brow furrowed.

Sean raised an eyebrow. "As a whistle. Tested a month ago." He cocked his head. "I'm in something of a dry spell, myself," he said, flatly. He cocked his head. "And I know you're clean - the entire football team makes a big show about getting tested."

Robbie nodded slowly. "Yeah. We do," he said, quietly.

Sean stared at him.

After a moment, he reached for the big athlete's belt.

Robbie didn't stop him.

The dog's belt was tricky to unbuckle because of the angle, but Sean was highly motivated.

"And I don't want to read about this on your Facebook wall, either," Robbie grunted.

Sean chuckled, pulling Robbie's belt out of the keeper and then out of the buckle. "Like hell. I don't want competition from the other nine gay people on campus." He looked up and winked.

Robbie smiled weakly back at him.

He really was incredibly handsome.

Sean stared at him, and in a moment of impulsiveness, leaned in and kissed him.

Robbie jerked in surprise.

Sean leaned in, craning his neck up, and after a moment Robbie relaxed. The big dog let his eyes slide closed, and he even pursed his lips, gently kissing Sean back.

The husky pulled his head back, smiling. "See? That wasn't so bad, was it?"

Robbie let out a shaky breath. "I g-guess not," he said. He stared. "It's a lot like k-kissing a girl?" he said, hesitantly.

Sean chuckled. "Yeah, it is. Except I can't_wait_ to get your dick in my mouth. And I'm not afraid of the kind of rough play that a jock lunkhead like you needs to get his rocks off." Wagging mischievously, he tucked his shoulder and crashed it into Robbie's chest, pinning him back against his seat.

"Whufff!" Robbie let out, his eyes widening. He got a funny grin on his face and lunged forward, and before Sean could react Robbie had him in a headlock. He was still wearing just his football jersey and it felt like he might as well be shirtless.

"YOWRROWROO!" Sean protested, flailing in his seat. He bumped the steering wheel and the Blazer let out an indignant honk. "What the HELL, man!"

"You opened this door, Fluffy!" Robbie told him, tightening his grip around Sean's neck. "I just walked through it."

Sean flailed his big hands and slapped Robbie's inescapably muscular arms. "AHH UNCLE UNCLE I GIVE I GIVE!"

Robbie leaned back in his chair, releasing Sean from the death-grip and unceremoniously dumping him across his lap.

Sean scowled up at him, sprawled across the bigger dog's lap. "That was uncalled for!" he said, indignantly.

Robbie grinned proudly down at him.

Sean stared up at him. After a moment, he looked down at Robbie's crotch. His belt was open.

Staring up at Robbie with his ice-blue eyes, Sean reached over and unbuttoned the bigger dog's jeans. Then he slowly pulled down the big dog's zipper. Robbie's jeans, already stretched, parted readily.

Eyes wide and nervous, breathing so hard he was nearly panting, Robbie stared down at him.

Sean stuck his muzzle in through Robbie's fly. He nuzzled the dog's warm crotch and inhaled deeply. Robbie had a fat bulge, and he smelled like linen and a locker room.

Robbie shuddered, looking away. "Dude, that is so weird," he whimpered.

Sean shoved his nose against Robbie's package. The big dog was wearing black spandex underwear with UNDER ARMOUR printed in red across the waistband. "Nice, man. Boxerjock?" he said, casually, his muzzle resting directly on his friend's crotch. He could feel Robbie's fat sheath inside.

"Yeah," Robbie said, shakily. "I can't do regular underwear, man. It's too constrictive." The big dog turned pink and abruptly stopped talking.

Sean nodded. "That's so fucking hot," he said, and opened his mouth around the bulge in Robbie's boxers.

Robbie stiffened immediately. "Gaaaahaaaa!" he cried, spreading his legs and shivering.

Sean slobbered all over the big dog's spandex-trapped sheath, working it roughly with his tongue, half-closing his eyes and rumbling. He couldn't really get a feel for the dimensions of Robbie's sheath but he could definitely feel it stiffening.

"D-dude," Robbie said, letting out a long shuddering sigh. "This is k-kind of turning me on," he whispered.

"That's the idea, buddy," Sean said, grinning. He reached up and planted one big hand on the bull terrier's chest. He opened his mouth again and sucked on his sheath, hard, through the bigger dog's underwear.

Robbie jerked once in surprise and then quickly relaxed in his chair. He was breathing harder, now, but it didn't sound like nervousness anymore.

Sean angled his neck and really dug in against Robbie's bulge.

As expected, the athlete didn't whimper or gasp, but instead puffed out his chest and growled, low and threatening. "Ungh, dude, you're killin' me," Robbie grunted, his voice low and gravely.

Sean lifted his head and looked up at him, licking his chops. "You ready for me to take it out?" he asked, casually.

Robbie stared down at him, swallowed hard, and slowly nodded. "Yeah, dude. I think I'm past the point of no return."

Sean lifted himself off the dog's lap and chuckled. "Me too, bro." He smiled.

Robbie smiled back, faintly.

Sean pointed. "Pants around your ankles. Boxers too." He licked his teeth.

Robbie nodded nervously, and awkwardly lifted his massive frame in the confines of the passenger seat. He hooked his thumbs into his waistband and tugged his jeans and underwear down, looking nervously away and blushing all the way down into the v-neck of his jersey.

Sean watched him, hungrily.

Robbie had gorgeous tree-trunk legs and pink showing through his thin fur in all the right places, mostly over his crotch. But he clearly hadn't been joking about his package. His balls were the size of Sean's closed fist. And his white-furred sheath was swollen to the size of one of those little cans of soda the cafeteria sometimes stocked. Robbie's sheath was plump and ready to erupt.

"Oh damn," the husky rumbled in the terrier's ear. "You weren't kidding, buddy," he growled, hungrily.

Robbie looked away, blushing. "If you're gonna change your mind do it now."

Grinning, Sean leaned forward and grabbed the big dog's balls in his left hand.

Robbie lifted his muzzle and let out a groan. "I guess that's a no," he whimpered.

Sean licked his teeth and roughly manhandled the other dog's balls, marveling at the weight of the big dog's nuts. He rolled them in his fingers and gently squeezed them.

Robbie grit his teeth and growled. He pushed back into his seat and grunted. "Y-you weren't kidding about playing it rough," he gasped, shivering.

Sean growled softly at him. "You like that man?" he asked. "You always did like to roughhouse." Sean bent his right arm and dug it into the crook of Robbie's neck, shoving the big dog's head over. He pushed him toward the passenger window, leaning hard against him. Robbie grit his teeth, tilting ever-so-gently, barely moving even under Sean's entire body weight.

Sean pushed his forearm against the bull terrier's fat muzzle and turned his face away, hard. Robbie just half-closed his eyes and shivered.

Sean looked down. Robbie's fat dog cock was starting to emerge, dark red and glistening.

Reaching up, Sean wrapped his fingers around Robbie's muzzle as best he could. He squeezed the dog's muzzle shut and used him as a handle, as he bent over the other dog's cock. He held onto his balls with his left paw as he lowered his muzzle.

Robbie saw him moving a second before he reached his destination. The terrier sucked in a breath and his entire body stiffened.

Robbie had two or three inches of cock already out of his sheath. There was hot, exposed flesh, and Sean quickly put his mouth around it.

"Aaahhh!" Robbie gasped. "_Nggghh!"_His red rocket was growing by the moment, and as soon as Sean got his mouth around it, it grew in his mouth like a little liferaft inflating. He sucked on Robbie's emerging cock for at least half a minute, just tasting the salt and the heat and feeling his member steadily expand. He sucked the bigger dog all the way to full hardness, while Robbie panted loudly, his breathing occasionally punctuated with soft, quiet growls.

Still maintaining his death grip on the big dog's muzzle, Sean disengaged from his meat and dug his muzzle in up against it. Robbie's cock was as long as Sean's muzzle, and of fairly substantial girth. He half-opened his muzzle and slurped the big dog's meat, nuzzling it and rubbing it up against his facial fur.

Robbie was fighting the paw around his muzzle now, so Sean let go of his muzzle and his balls. He propped himself up on his left elbow on Robbie's thighs, planting his right paw in the center of the big dog's chest, between the slabs of his pecs. He rubbed the terrier's chest, hard.

He lifted his head. "How you doin' so far?"

Robbie's eyes were half-closed and his muzzle was half-open. He panted, his tongue hanging out. "Good," he grunted. "You, uh, you're really into this, aren't you, man?"

Sean grinned toothily at him, nodded, and turned his head downward again.

He wrapped his fingers around the base of Robbie's cock and pumped him, hard. At the same time he opened his jaws as wide as he could and descended upon the big dog's monumental cock.

The top half, or possibly third, or Robbie's cock fit quite pleasantly into Sean's warm wet muzzle. He held his head still and just sucked, letting drool run down Robbie's shaft and over his paw, using his own drool as lube to pump the base of the dog's cock, up and down at least three or four inches. Robbie really was a very large specimen.

"Unnnggghhhhhh!" Robbie groaned, his big legs shaking.

Sean started bobbing his head up and down, working the dog's huge meat with his tongue.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Robbie's right arm lift up, and then quickly drop back down.

Opening his eyes, near-gagging himself on the other dog's meat, Sean reached down for Robbie's thick wrist. He grabbed it, lifted it up toward his face, and plopped Robbie's massive hand on top of his own head. Robbie's hand was huge and heavy and felt great between Sean's pointy ears.

Robbie let out a shuddery sigh. "You don't mind, dude?" he asked, tentatively.

Sean lifted his head off of the big dog's cock. He looked up at Robbie nonchalantly, to show him it was No Big Thing. "Sure thing, dude," he panted, kissing the fat head of the dog's shaft. He sucked gently on the terrier's enormous cockridge. "I love it. Go nuts. I know you want to."

Robbie stared worshipfully down at him. "Cool," he said, his eyes shining.

Sean rumbled and opened his mouth a little wider. He sucked on Robbie's cockhead and ran his tongue down the dog's sensitive shaft. He went back to pumping the shaft and now he could jerk him along seven or eight inches without stopping.

"Ungh, that feels so good," Robbie groaned. He flattened his hand out on Sean's head, digging his fingers in. Robbie's other massive paw appeared between Sean's shoulderblades and dug into his shaggy fur.

Sean shivered. It felt really goodto let the big jock manhandle him. He closed his eyes and started bobbing up and down on just Robbie's cockhead and the top couple inches of his cock.

"D-dude, you're r-really getting' into this," Robbie groaned, writhing in his seat. Sean felt his massive legs flex and suddenly the frame of his chair creaked and strained. Robbie was so throbbingly-erect inside his muzzle that the bigger dog's cock didn't even feel like flesh anymore. It felt like thin sheath of rubber over a shaft of glass or metal.

Maybe I really SHOULD call him Spike, Sean thought, reaching up to gather a handful of Robbie's nuts.

"Aaahh!" Robbie gasped sharply, arching his back as Sean squeezed and rolled his balls in his hand. His left leg started shaking uncontrollably, very gently, and Sean knew he must be close. He gathered up the big athlete's nuts in his paw and pulled them roughly away from his body.

" __HrrrRRRRFFFFT_!"_Robbie hissed, digging his fingers into Sean's hair. He palmed Sean's head like a basketball, roughly handling his fur and thick ears.

Sean growled softly around his cock, sucking as hard as he dared. He drooled down Robbie's shaft and onto his own gently-pumping paw. He could taste precum and salt. Robbie's meat was starting to drool like crazy.

The big jock sucked in a breath, and held it. "Unhhhh unnhhhhh," he moaned. "D-dude, it's comin' up quick!" he gasped.

Sean opened one eye and managed a grin around the big dog's cock. He sped up his pumping. He could feel Robbie's knot starting to swell, and the big dog was writhing in his chair.

They made eye contact, and Robbie's sweaty, red face contorted in alarm. "Dude, get off! I'm gonna cum!" he gasped. He dug in under Sean's chest and tried to lift him off.

Sean narrowed his eyes in anger and growled angrily at him, as best he could with Robbie's meat jammed down his throat. He didn't stop sucking or pumping.

Robbie grit his teeth and shivered. "Ungghh," he groaned. "Dude, are you sure?! This is a monster load I'm going to dump in your mouth!"

Sean growled again, working the big dog's cock furiously with his tongue, and now he lifted his heavy balls again and began to work them over in his fingers.

Robbie hissed and bore his teeth, growling. "Uwah!" He shivered, writhing in his chair as if in pain. "S-Sean, get ready, man!" He tightened his grip on Sean's skull. His other hand tightened reflexively in the loose skin on the back of Sean's neck.

Sean opened his mouth wider and gagged himself on Robbie's cock sliding inexorably down inch after inch, until he felt the dog's colossal cockhead mash into the back of his throat. The only thing he couldn't get into his mouth was Robbie's tennis ball-sized knot, which he squeezed and pumped as best he could. With his other hand, he gently tickled the dog under his massive balls.

"Aaahhh, fuck, here it comes!" Robbie squealed, letting out an involuntarily growl which turned into a furious snarl. He tightened his grip and forced Sean's head down on his cock, jerking his hips and shuddering. "Earrrgh!"

The dog rod in Sean's mouth gushed an improbable amount of dog jizz directly into his throat. Sean chocked it down as best he could with the dog's cockhead jammed into the back of his throat. It was hot and salty and felt as good gushing into Sean's mouth as it probably felt gushing out of Robbie. He gulped it down as fast as he could but the big dog just kept cumming and cumming. His cock jerked in Sean's mouth like an unattended fire hose.

Robbie let out a snarl that continued seemingly long after he should have run out of breath. His entire big body shivered, making the entire vehicle vibrate, and after a few seconds Sean felt dog drool drip onto the top of his head.

The bigger dog sucked in a breath and both his legs shivered violently. "Aaahhh I'm still cumming!" he squealed. He let on up Sean's head and lifted his big hands, shivering, until his whole body was shaking.

Sean waited until the dog's cock stopped twitching in his mouth. He gently squeezed the big dog's knot, earning one more gasp and twitch from the big athlete.

Licking his chops, Sean dazedly lifted his head. He was breathing hard, too, and his jaw and his neck were starting to throb.

He lifted his head. Robbie was panting like he'd just run a 5-minute mile. He stared at Sean, his face red and his brow furrowed.

Sean raised his head, licking his chops, feeling his fluffy tail wagging furiously behind him.

Robbie stared dazedly down at him, still breathing hard, his mouth hanging open and his tongue hanging out.

Sean dipped his chin and head-butted the bigger dog gently in the beefy chest.

The big dog continued breathing hard, slowing gradually, and finally puffed his chest out and shivered. He did it so hard that the entire car shook.

Sean sat back on his haunches in his own seat, wagging proudly.

Robbie stared wide-eyed at him. "Holy shit, man," he said, softly. He cleared his throat loudly.

Sean cracked a smile.

"Holy shit," Robbie repeated, shaking his head.

Sean chuckled. "So is that, ah, an endorsement?" he asked, softly. His mouth tasted like jock dick. The car smelled a little like a locker room now.

Robbie took one final deep breath and let it out as a shuddering sigh. He nodded, dazed. "Are you okay?" he asked, grimacing. "For a second I was worried I might've drowned you."

Sean licked his chops. "Nothing I can't handle," he said. He cocked his head. "So did you like that, big guy?" It was shameless compliment fishing, but he wanted to hear Robbie say it.

The big dog let out another deep breath. "Dude. If I knew you could suck cock like that I'd have been at your room about five months ago." He shook his head in astonishment.

Sean felt himself grinning like a moron.

Robbie stared at him. "Thanks for the brojob, man."

Sean laughed.

Robbie stared at him. After a moment, he grinned.

He was so. Cute.

Sean shook his head, feigning exhaustion. "Well, I guess we'd better get some shut-eye! We might have to hike for it in the morning."

Robbie cocked his head. "Ain't you gonna jerk off, bro?" he asked, casually.

Sean stared at him. "Aaahhhhhhh," he said. "Pardon?"

Robbie frowned. "Dude, if you get off on sucking dick, you must be crazy blue-balled right now. I gave it to you good." He grinned proudly, and then stared curiously at the husky. "I don't mind if you need to jerk off, dude," he said, shrugging. He was still trying to catch his breath.

Sean watched him, and then swallowed. "I...ahhhhhh...I'm not used to having an audience."

Robbie snorted. "Well, I'm not used to getting my dick sucked by a guy." He cracked a smile. "Here, lean over. I'll play with your ears some more. You liked that a lot, didn't you? I could tell." He grinned, puffing his chest out proudly.

Sean stared at him. His cock throbbed in his jeans.

Robbie cocked his head. "C'mere!" he said. He seemed so...sincere. And why not? Robbie was one of the sweetest guys in the frat. Of _course_he wanted to reciprocate.

Swallowing, Sean leaned back across the seats, his bare shoulders resting in Robbie's muscular lap. The center console was flat between the front seats, and besides the fact that Sean had to curl his legs up against the driver's side door, it was just like they were sprawled out on a loveseat. Robbie's cock was still iron-stiff between his legs, and Sean could feel it jabbing him between the shoulderblades.

"Dude, are you serious about this?" he asked the bigger dog, staring up at him.

Robbie grinned dopily down at him. "Sure, man," he said. "You took care of me. Now I'm gonna take care of you."

Sean let out a shaky breath. "You don't have to do this, Robbie," he said. "You're not, like...obligated or anything."

Robbie glanced at the husky's crotch. "Take it out, Sean," he said. He grinned. "I want to see how much bigger I am than you."

Swallowing, Sean stared to undo his belt buckle.

"Thereya go, buddy," Robbie rumbled down at him. Sean felt the bigger dog reach up and suddenly there was a massive athlete paw roughly stroking his ears again. His cock became so rigidly-erect that it was actually painful.

Sean unbuttoned his jeans and slowly slid down the zipper. He stared hesitantly up at Robbie, letting out a shaky breath.

The big dog grinned stupidly down at him. "Take it out, man. I bet this is a first for you, too, isn't it, Sean," he asserted, proudly. "I bet I'm the first to know how bad _you_need it." He fondled both of Sean's ears at once, roughly handling them with his huge paw.

Gritting his teeth, Sean opened his jeans and leaned back, scooting his jeans and briefs down his black-and-white ass. He was surprisingly nervous, but that wasn't stopping his cock from standing at full-sail. Sean's six-and-a-half inch cock was so throbbingly-stiff that it didn't even rest on his stomach, just stuck straight out over his abs like a sundial needle.

Robbie saw and raised an appreciative eyebrow. "Oh, man, you really need it, don't you." He looked down at Sean's throbbing cock. "Sucking my dick musta really got you off, huh, bro?"

Sean let out a little whimper. "Robbie," he said. "Stop it."

"Ssshh, it's okay, man," Robbie whispered down at him. "I'm cool with helping my bro out." He put his other paw on Sean's neck, digging his fingers into the underside of Sean's muzzle.

Sean let out a shaky breath, arching his back and gritting his teeth. His hand was just inches away from his cock. Robbie seemed okay with all of this. But how okay would he be when Sean erupted with huskycum all over the both of them?

Robbie frowned. "What's the matter? Are you nervous? Do I need to get you started?" He let out an annoyed sigh. "Man, you're really milking this, aren't you." He let go of Sean's throat and planted his massive hand on the husky's cock.

"Rrrrrgh!" Sean snarled, arching his back and squeezing his eyes shut. He shivered violently, sucking in a tense breath.

Robbie grunted. "Dude, your cock feels like it's on fire." He curled his fingers around it, grinning stupidly. "Easy now!"

Sean let out a mewl, arching his back again, mouth slightly open. "Aaahhh!" he gasped.

Robbie stared down at him, squeezing his meat gently. He began to pump him slowly. It felt like heaven.

"Wait!" Sean cried. He slapped Robbie's hand away. "Are you just doing this because I saved your life?!"

Robbie stared down at him, wide-eyed.

"Oh God," Sean said. "Dude, this is so not okay." He scrambled up out of Robbie's lap.

A hand dug into his scruff and yanked backwards, hard.

Robbie yanked him inexorably back downwards, laying Sean out as effortlessly as blowing the tassels off a dandelion. "That is not why I'm doing this," he growled. He twisted Sean's ruff, hard.

Sean writhed in the big dog's grasp, arching his back. "What the hell, man!" he yowled.

Robbie leaned down over him. "I'm doing this because you sucked me dry, bro, and fair is fair." He grinned sadistically, reaching over for Sean's right hand, and encircled his wrist with his massive paw. He gently tugged Sean's arm to his own crotch. "Now jerk off like a good puppy."

Sean swallowed, hard. "Dude, what are you doing?" he whispered. He was blushing so hard. His face felt like it was on fire.

Robbie grinned down at him, all teeth. "I'm getting into it. Pretty good, don't you think?" He licked his teeth. "Now jerk the fuck off, Sean. I ain't gonna do this all day." He grinned handsomely down at him.

Sean stared up at him, astonished.

"Now," Robbie ordered.

Sean swallowed hard and began gently playing with himself.

Robbie beamed down at him. "That's it, man. Just let it all out." He licked his teeth. "Jerk it like a good doggie."

Sean pumped his cock faster, letting out a shuddery sigh. It felt so good and he needed it so badly that his entire body shivered involuntarily. "Dude, don't talk like that," he whispered.

Robbie cracked a smile. "Oh, c'mon," he said, and his voice had dropped an octave or more. "Are you telling me you aren't getting off on this? You are a good doggie, Sean. You're a good obedient little pup, doing what you're told." He grabbed Sean's ears with one hand and his throat with the other.

Sean stared dazedly up at him, full-on jerking himself off now.

"There we go," Robbie rumbled. "Ain't gonna last long, are you, Sean?" he chided.

Sean writhed in his grasp, his hand on his meat never slowing.

"Soooo good," Robbie rumbled. "You know, I'd kinda guessed this about you, Sean," he rumbled. "This good dog stuff. Not that I think about this sort of thing. But I kinda figured you for a hardcore bottom bitch."

Sean pumped his cock furiously. "Dude, you sound so gay right now," he grunted, panting hard and letting his tongue hang out. Robbie was right, he wasn't going to last long at all. He let out a little whimper, breathing harder and faster to show Robbie he was close.

Robbie laughed in his face. "Do I? That's kinda funny, faggot," he chuckled. He stared down at him, watched him intently, and then leaned down to press their muzzles together.

Sean hadn't been expecting the kiss at all. He snorted loudly right into Robbie's muzzle.

The big bull terrier was undeterred. He pushed their muzzles together harder, shoving his tongue deep into Sean's mouth, grazing their teeth together.

Sean arched his back and whined submissively, sucking on Robbie's tongue, jamming their hot lips together. Slippery dog drool escaped on both sides of his muzzle and ran down his head into Robbie's lap.

Robbie curled his massive right hand around the underside of Sean's throat, pulling his head back roughly and nearly choking him. He ran his left hand down the husky's muscular chest and stomach, effortlessly spanning the distance, and after a moment Sean felt thick muscular fingers digging in under his balls. He let out a squeal and arched his back, yowling.

Above him, Robbie rumbled loudly in triumph.

"Arrrgghhhkkkkpppptthh!" Sean squealed, thrashing in Robbie's inescapable hold, and after half a moment he felt himself gushing semen all over his chest and stomach. He pumped himself furiously, arching his back and whining, spattering his hot load all over himself. He felt a few drops spatter across his own muzzle and knew there was no way Robbie had escaped the spray.

Sean came for a long time, jerking and twitching and snorting directly into Robbie's hot wet muzzle. He pumped his member all the way through, covering himself in spatters of husky semen, and finally both his legs shivered involuntarily so hard that he made the plastic interior of the driver's side door rattle. He spasmed in pleasure, jamming his knee into the center of the steering wheel, making the Blazer emit a sharp HAHNK!, as if startled.

Gasping for breath, Sean lay immobile on Robbie's lap, twitching and panting and completely incapable of movement.

Robbie raised his head, swallowing, grinning proudly down at him.

They both took a few moments to catch their breath.

Sean finally took a deep breath and let it out as a shaky sigh. He stared up at the bull terrier. "You _kissed_me," he said, softly.

Robbie grinned stupidly down at him. "Yeah, I figured that would get you off. Was I right?"

Sean swallowed. "Dude, what was up with all of that?" He lifted himself onto his elbows, trying hard not to jam them into Robbie's thighs. "Are you gay?"

Robbie chuckled. "No way, man. Our balls didn't touch, remember?"

Sean let out a shaky breath. "Then what the fuck was that? That was some pretty hardcore stuff there, Robbie."

The terrier grinned amiably down at him. "I know. I knew you wouldn't just let me help you jerk off." He chuckled. "I figured you'd need a little extra encouragement."

Sean stared up at him. "How did you know that?" he whispered.

Robbie cocked his head. "Because you're a gentleman, Sean Murphy." He grinned.

Sean shook his head. He let out a sigh. "What does that mean? That doesn't even mean anything."

The big dog chuckled.

Sean held up his cum-smeared right hand. "So, uuuhhhh..." He stuck his tongue out. "My workout bag is behind your feet. Can you give me a dirty shirt?"

"Sure," Robbie said. He leaned over, pressing his pecs up against Sean's muzzle. He fiddled around in the footwell for a moment and then came up with a plain white t-shirt. "Here," he said, dumping it in Sean's lap.

"Ugh, thanks, man," Sean said, wringing the shirt through his thick fingers and around his thumb. He ended up far from clean but at least this way he wouldn't be sticky. He mopped his jizz from his chest and stomach fur as best he could.

When he was done, he just stared up at Robbie. He didn't mean to stare, it's just that the bull terrier looked really really handsome in the dim light. Lying in his lap, however uncomfortable, was actually sort of...sweet.

Robbie grinned down at him. "You gonna fall asleep on me again, bromo?"

Swallowing, Sean pulled up and buckled his jeans and lifted himself quickly back into a sitting position. "N-no!" he said, scrambling back behind the steering wheel. "No, not again," he said, laughing nervously.

Robbie puffed his chest out proudly. "So, I bet I'm the only straight guy who's ever reciprocated," he said, grinning.

Sean snorted. "Yeah, that's _definitely_true," he said. He let out a shaky breath. "That was nice of you. I really needed that."

Robbie patted Sean's leg and grunted, grinning. "Anytime, bro." His monster cock was finally starting to flag. He reached down for his own pants and pulled them up around his narrow hips.

Sean let out another shuddering sigh.

Robbie cracked a lopsided smile. "Kinda nice to have such an effect on you," he said, sticking his tongue out.

Sean looked away, blushing. "I, ah, I, um." He swallowed. "Yeah. It felt good." He cocked his head, looking innocently away. "We should...make a thing of it."

Robbie chuckled. "You suck my cock like that, bro, and maybe we will." He smiled at him lopsidedly.

Sean stared at him. He had the prettiest eyes. And such a strong jawline.

Robbie frowned at him. "Something wrong?"

Sean shook his head. "No!" he blurted. "Nothing!" He took a moment to compose himself. "How's football going?"

Robbie frowned at him. "Over."

Sean blinked at him. "Well, how's practice, then?"

Robbie grinned goofily. "Over, too. At least until they get the stadium all cleared out." He lifted his big arms, putting his hands behind his neck. "They may just call the season a wash, I guess. I dun' really know." He looked back at Sean.

Sean nodded. "Well, I hope they keep it going. Get a...bulldozer or something."

Robbie grinned lopsidedly at him. "I really couldn't care less at this point. I'm not even sure I'm going to go back out for football in the spring."

Sean stared at him. "What?! Why? You're great at football!"

Robbie looked back at him, skeptically.

Sean looked up and away. "Or so I've been told."

Robbie grinned. "Right." He thought for a moment. "I'm pretty good, yeah. But it's not, like, my passion." He shrugged. "It doesn't really leave me time for anything else. Practice is, like, every day." He looked back at Sean. "I don't want that to be the _only_thing I do at college, you know?"

Sean nodded. "I'm in about twenty clubs, so..." he said, grinning.

Robbie grinned. "Right. And I'm in one."

Sean nodded. "Well, you've got at _least_a month to think about it while they dig out the football stadium."

Robbie laughed softly.

They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

Robbie took a breath. Sean turned his head to listen.

"Do you...ah," the big dog said. "Do you think my Jeep is totaled?"

Sean thought for a moment. "Uh. Is it...pretty old?"

Robbie turned to him and grinned. "It's an '01. But you already know, don't you? You're just stalling."

Sean frowned. He took a deep breath. "Yeah...if the front end was fucked-up enough to blow the's probably a done deal."

Robbie nodded, cracking a humorless smile. He turned to look out the window. "Yeah," he said softly. "I figured."

Sean cocked his head. "It's just a car, buddy. The important thing is that you're okay." He patted Robbie's big forearm.

Robbie looked down at his hands. "I know. It brother's."

Sean cocked his head. "Ouch. He sold you his car and you crashed it? Brutal."

Robbie didn't respond right away. He just kept looking at his hands. "I, uh..."

Sean stared at him. He frowned. Something was wrong.

"I didn't buy it. He..." Robbie swallowed. "He died."

Sean couldn't process that right away. When he did, he felt his jaw drop open. "What?" he whispered. "He d-.... Oh my God. When?"

Robbie took a deep breath, and took a long moment to speak. "Two years ago," he said, finally, barely audible.

Sean stared at him. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry."

Robbie nodded, clenching his teeth. He looked out the window. "He...he had a..." His voice broke. The big dog's jaw moved, but no words came out.

"Hey, hey, hey," Sean said, reaching up to grab his forearm. "It's okay, Robbie. You don't have to talk about it." He leaned over, squeezing the big dog's arm. "It's okay. I'm so sorry, Robbie," he whispered, leaning over to push his muzzle against Robbie's arm.

Robbie started to say something else, and then tears abruptly fell from both of his eyes, and he clamped his muzzle shut. He clenched his teeth, looking down at his open palms, and grit his teeth, blinking tears out of his eyes.

Sean leaned over him and popped open the glove compartment, retrieving a little pack of tissues. "Hey, it's okay, buddy. Here, have a Kleenex." He took out a couple tissues and pressed them into Robbie's hand, squeezing the dog's big paws.

Robbie nodded, his jaw muscles rolling under the fur of his muzzle. "Thanks," he finally managed, letting out a shaky breath. "I, um..." He grimaced again, as if in pain. "I have a hard time...talking...about this." His whole face was red.

Sean nodded. "I'm sorry, buddy."

Robbie frowned, and finally looked at him, his eyes bloodshot and his nose running. "Can you not...spread this around please?" He frowned, his eyes despondent. "Don't tell anybody in the house. I can't talk about this." He shook his head, reaching up to wipe his nose.

Sean nodded emphatically. "Of course, Robbie. Whatever you want."

Robbie watched him for a moment, and then nodded slowly. He swallowed, hard. "Listen, I only told you because my mom is gonna want to meet you, and she cries a lot now." Robbie took a deep breath and let out a long, harsh sigh. "I just wanted to give you a h-heads up."

Sean nodded. After a moment, he reached up and put one hand as best he could around the big dog's shoulders.

"Dude, don't make me cry," Robbie pleaded. He dipped his head and leaned toward Sean.

"Maybe they can fix the Jeep," Sean offered, softly.

Robbie processed that and then laughed humorlessly into the silent car. "Are you kidding? That piece of shit?"

Sean cracked a smile. He squeezed the big dog as best he could.

Robbie was silent another moment and then took a deep breath. He let it out as a long, shuddering sigh. "Hey, I'm sorry, man," he said, softly. "I didn't mean to bring that up. It's been a rough night."

Sean leaned in and muzzle-bumped the bigger dog. "It's okay," he said. He leaned up and kissed Robbie on the cheek.

Robbie nodded. "You really are a gentleman, Sean," he whispered, softly.

Sean cocked his head. "Just let me know if I can do anything."

Robbie took a deep, deep breath, and let out another massive sigh. "Um," he said, composing himself. "Hey, listen. How about a subject change."

Sean nodded. "Whatever you want, big guy."

"Wh-what are you going to eat when you get back?"

Sean stared at him, thought about it for a moment, and let out a low whistle. "Holy shit, man," he said. "What am I NOT going to eat when I get back."

Glancing back at him, Robbie laughed, and this time it was genuine.

Outside, the snow continued to fall.

They talked for another hour about all the things college students talk about in dark cars in the wee small hours of the morning. They talked about midterms, and classloads, and the football team, and which of their fraternity brothers had been arrested for underage drinking, and for a few hours the world felt very normal. It was an easy, relaxed conversation, and Sean was surprised at how much he was enjoying the conversation with the big jock in his car.

Around 3:00 a.m. Sean felt the adrenaline of the evening begin to wear off. The exhaustion began to catch up with him all at once and he felt his eyes drooping steadily shut. Around the same time, Robbie's gaps in the conversation grew longer and longer.

"Robbie," Sean said, finally, reaching for the bull terrier's thick forearm.

"Whussat?" Robbie asked, snapping awake.

Yawning, the husky squeezed the bigger dog's arm. "We should try to get some sleep." He looked around. "Let's stretch out in the back. We can dump out my laundry bags for pillows. I have a couple..." He paused to yawn again. "Hoodies."

Robbie looked back at him, half-asleep. "How's the gas holding out?"

Sean took a moment to process that, and then suddenly felt very much awake.

He peered at the gas gauge.

The needle was hovering just above E. They had maybe an eighth of a tank left. It looked like it could actually be a sixteenth.

"Uhhhh," he said.

Robbie blinked at him, and then leaned over to look. "Oh. Ummmm."

Sean frowned. "I've run it down past the E before. But I'd hate for it to run out at seven if help isn't coming until ten."

Robbie nodded. "We can start to ration it."

Sean let out a sigh. "I didn't want to have to do that. My uncle said twenty minutes on, an hour off."

Robbie frowned. "I kind of wish we'd done this earlier. I really want to go to sleep."

Sean smiled. "I think we still can." He looked into the back. "I have a huge bedspread in the car for emergencies. We can curl up under that."

Robbie nodded. "Oh good. More..." He paused to yawn. "More survival-cuddling."

Sean chuckled sleepily.

It took them some navigating to get into the backseat, but after being perched in their seats for several hours, it actually felt really good to stretch out in the cargo area. They dumped out Sean's laundry bag and each found a pile of big hooded sweatshirts to fold into a pillow.

Robbie blinked stupidly at his. "Why do you have so many sweatshirts?" he grumbled. "I've never even seen you wear sleeves."

Sean chuckled. "My mom insists," he said. He dug the queen-size emergency bedspread out of the duffel bag it was perpetually stuffed in. The bedspread had a garish floral print that had been popular in the mid-eighties. "She also gave me the blanket."

Robbie nodded sleepily. "Well, thank God for that."

Sean frowned. "I wish we had another blanket to lay on. This cargo area isn't exactly comfortable." He quickly scooted out of his jeans and slipped on a pair of his workout shorts.

Robbie stared at him, one eye half-open. "Fold it over," he said, yawning. "Do it like a sleeping bag."

Sean stared at him. "But it's only a queen. That doesn't leave us much room," he said. "We'd have to..."

Robbie shrugged. "Yeah, I know, spoon." He furrowed his brow, both his eyes half-closed. "Well, I get to be big spoon. I don't want you poking me in the back with your dick all night." He tugged his jersey up over his head.

Sean was awake instantly. He stared at the wide, muscular white expanse of Robbie's bare chest. "Wh-wh-what are you doing?" he stammered.

Robbie scowled exhaustedly at him, unbuttoning his jeans. "I can't sleep with my clothes on," he grumbled. "I'm not some kind of fucking animal," he grunted. He pulled his jeans down his muscular legs and kicked his shoes off, awkwardly peeling his socks off by shoving the fat big toe of each foot into the sock on the other foot. He pushed his jeans the rest of the way down his legs and shoved all his clothes up against the tailgate.

Clad only in his black UndearArmour boxerbriefs, Robbie stared dazedly up at him. His muscular white body practically glowed in the dim car. "Can we go to bed now, please?" he asked. He lay the bedspread out in a big folded-over rectangle and scooted his mostly-naked frame into it, up against the fold.

Sean stared at him, his jaw hanging open, and nodded.

With shaking fingers, he set the timer on his phone for one hour.

The countdown started. 1:00:00.

Climbing into the front seat, Sean turned the key to OFF.

The engine died. With it went the air vents.

The silence was deafening.

Sean reached across the steering wheel and hit the dash switch for the headlights.

The darkness of the night enveloped them.

Backing into the silent cargo area, Sean felt himself shiver. The car felt colder on his bare chest and shoulders after only a few seconds.

Outside, now audible inside the silent car, the wind howled.

His eyes took a moment to adjust.

Robbie had suddenly woken up, and was staring at him with wide, alarmed eyes. Sean listened for a moment. The big dog was holding his breath, too. Neither of those facts was much of a surprise. For Robbie, there was no longer any difference between this car and his dead brother's ruined Jeep.

Sean let himself into their makeshift sleeping bag. He rolled over and backed slowly up against his friend.

He would have guessed Robbie would have been shy curling up with another guy, but the big dog put his arms around Sean's torso immediately. He actually pulled the husky the rest of the way into the bag, cuddling close up against him.

Robbie let out a long sigh, and to Sean it felt like the apprehension was leaving him in one long go. Sean could actually feel the tension melting out of the big dog. Robbie shivered once, and then again, and then nestled up to Sean's back, gently resting his fat terrier muzzle on the side of Sean's neck.

"You have no fucking idea how glad I am that you're here, bro," Robbie whispered softly, tightly squeezing the smaller husky. He planted one huge arm over Sean's chest, under Sean's own arm, and let out a satisfied dog sigh.

Sean writhed and shivered in the big dog's grasp. He reached down to squeeze Robbie's forearm. "I know, buddy. I know."

In the dark, Sean tilted his head to kiss Robbie gently on the nose.

Robbie let out another soft sigh.

In the morning, Sean thought, it'll be like this never happened.

He swallowed.

Exhaustion and stress took their toll, and with the big athlete breathing loudly in his ear, Sean fell asleep.

BROS BEFORE SNOWS Ch 3: Survival Cuddling

CHAPTER 3: SURVIVAL CUDDLING _Beepbeepbeepbeep!_ The first time the alarm went off, it took Sean Murphy a moment to stir. For a moment he wondered why it was so cold in his room, and then he remembered the previous night. Without looking, he reached...

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**PROLOGUE \* ** CHAPTER 1: THE STORM \* CHAPTER 2: SNOWBOUND \* CHAPTER 3: SURVIVAL CUDDLING \* CHAPTER 4: CUPiD _A pertinacious adversary, pushed to extremities, may say, that husbands indeed are willing to be reasonable_. That was the last line...

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_Fwip-fwap fwip-fwap fwip-fwap fwip-fwap._ Through blearly, half-closed eyes, Sean Murphy watched his windshield wipers thunk back and forth in front of him. It was a chilly November evening, and it was a perfect night for a road trip - this late...

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