Redwall: The Darkblade: chptr 5

Story by Moonlight Darkwolf on SoFurry

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#5 of series3

In the previous chapter, Mylechua and Kenya were caught in an attempt to assassinate Abbess Feyla and Badgermother Crea when an otter guard burst in and announced the attack of Melenko.

"What are you doing?!" the otter guard shouted.

Kenya froze in shock. Crea moved away from the advancing Mylechua and grabbed an iron rod from the fireplace in Cavern Hole.

"Myka, what is the meaning of this? We trusted you, brought you into our home, and this is how you repay us?" Abbess Feyla's face was that of pure fury

"Sorry to disappoint, but this was my plan from the start, love. I needed a base for my empire and this seemed perfect."

In one swift motion, Crea swung the rod, knocked Mylechua's dagger out of his hand, and grabbed a hold of him, pinning him down. The otter guard did the same to Kenya.

Abbess Feyla stood up now, "Before I hand you two over to those scum outside, I need to know; what are your real names?"

Mylechua stared hard at her, then gently smiled. "All right, I'll tell you. You'll need to remember it when I come back anyway. I am Mylechua Darkblade, son of Myka Darkblade. This is Kenya Darkblade, my wife and daughter. I live by my own rules, follow no one."

"Get this rogue out of my sight." She hesitated for a second, then added, "Wait, let's see if that ferret will take them."

Mylechua called out as he was being dragged from the Abbey, "This isn't the last you'll see of me! I promise you that!"

All five creatures walked out into the Abby grounds. The Abbess was surprised to find Melenko and his beasts just standing out there waiting for them.

Mylechua saw the expression on the mouse's face. "This is what he does, Feyla."

She turned to the otter, "Not another word from you."

The Redwallers stopped ten yards from the waiting horde. "We propose a trade. We give you who we have of yours, and you leave us in peace."

Melenko laughed in an eerie tone. "And who is it that you think you have of mine?" Crea un-hid their two captives. "Mylechua and Kenya. They say they know you, so you can have them back."

The ferret magician thought about this for a moment. A wicked smile spread across his face. "We have a deal."

With those final words, Melenko the Magician Ferret and his horde left in a puff of smoke with the best plunder ever; the ability to get revenge on Mylechua Darkblade.

Later that night at the camp of that very horde...

Melenko had Mylechua and Kenya placed in a cage built of bones. Kenya was too terrified to do anything but sit in a corner.

He chuckled a little, "Ah, Mylechua, it's been a long time since I saw your ottery face. And I see you've gotten yourself a mate, mate. Or is she really your daughter, sister perhaps. You always were like that." The otter spat in his face. "So that's how it's gonna be, then? Alright. Crosseye, hold him back while Dripear brings the half-breed out."

Crosseye the stoat had a hard time with this order. But Kenya was dragged from the cage without Mylechua getting loose. All her struggles in vain.

Melenko held her tight. "I want to see no beast within sight of me by the count of three. One..." they had all disappeared before two. "Good. Now I'm gonna do to you what you did to me all those seasons ago. Do you remember what you did, hm? Do you remember how you took my wife from me? Raped and throat slit." He whispered into Kenya's fox-like ear, "Don't worry, it's nothing personal against you, but you won't see the light of day again." She tried to scream in terror, but her body betrayed her.

He held her to the ground as he pressed himself into her body, anal first. She gasped as his cock pressed into her and cried aloud as he penetrated her completely. She couldn't believe this was really happening. Her mind cried for it to stop. Melenko was thrusting so hard and his cock so big that Kenya felt like she was being ripped apart. He pulled out and entered her once more as he worked himself in and out, this time in her almost tight pussy. He worked himself as deep into her as possible as he began to orgasm. He felt himself pulse close to climaxing. Kenya cried out in pain as she felt the ferret's member expand almost at the end of his climax. But the cries fell on deaf ears as Melenko shot ropes and ropes of thick, hot seed into her fertile womb.

"Now that I have taken her cunt from you, I'm going to take her life. Feels just awful not being able to do anything while a once good friend kills the only other beast you love, huh." He pulled Mylechua's dagger out of his belt and held Kenya to the ground as he slashed at her throat.

"Have fun with the rest of your life." And with those last words, Melenko disappeared into the night, leaving Mylechua alone.

He cried and cried. Kenya really was the only beast he loved. Although grief had taken his body, a cunning thief replaced his mind. He waited until he was sure everybeast was asleep. He reached out of the cage and grabbed a piece of flint he had noticed a horde beast drop. Working it quietly back and forth, he managed to undo the lock keeping him barred.

Melenko had put Mylechua's sword and things on a tree out of reach to taunt him. Mylechua grabbed his stuff and silently made his way to where he figured the ferret would be.

Everywhere weasels and stoats were passed out drunk. Over in a tent made of woodlander skins was Melenko. He managed to get the tent flap partway open when he was spotted by a beast that had gotten up to relieve himself.

"Oi! What're ya doin' outside o' the cage?" luckily Melenko slept away from his crew.

As everybeast in the camp came to alertness, Mylechua took off.

Melenko came thundering out of his tent. "Get up you idle lot, after him!" there was a shuffle for weapons before any beast actually ran.

Mylechua didn't care which direction he was headed. All that mattered was he was free and he had a score to settle. He didn't even realize he was running back towards Redwall Abby.

The realization of where he was hit him too late; a horde beast had thrown a stone and it connected with the back of Mylechua's skull, knocking him over and rolling him into the ditch out of sight, unconscious.

"Did any beast see where that lily-livered sea-scum went to?" no one said anything. "Never mind. The sun's coming up. We don't want the Redwallers to see us again, yet."

That morning...

Aurora got up that morning and checked the stores. "Hm. Low on dock leaves and smartweed leaves. I'll get Skipper to go with me."

Skipper of otters was already up and down in the kitchen for breakfast.

"Hey, Skip. Would you mind going with me out into Mossflower to get some supplies for the infirmary stores?"

"Sure thing, matey. Just let me put me brekkist in a bowl."

"Oh, no you don't," Friar Humphrey came from back in the kitchen, "You're not taking my good bowls out in the woods to get lost. You can eat it when you get back."

"Oh well, Skip." Aurora said with a giggle.

As soon as the pair got out the front gate they heard a moaning from in the ditch.

"Skip, help me with him, he's hurt."

He was about to jump down and help when he noticed who it was. "No, way. That's Mylechua. He don't deserve our help."

"Skipper, he's truly hurt this time. I cannot ignore an injured creature in need. No matter how wicked and vile they may be."

"Fine, but it's on your head."

Redwall: The Darkblade: chptr 6

_Mylechua Darkblade the otter had been put into a mini coma when he was struck by a flying rock. The Redwall Infirmary otteress ignored all warnings and brought the rogue into the infirmary, where she treated him and other things. Mylechua was out for...

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Redwall: The Darkblade: chptr 4

_Mylechua and Kenya has been living comfortably within Redwall Abby for a few days now. The Redwallers have grown to trust them, their biggest mistake._ One afternoon, Mylechua was in the yard talking and building more trust with the Skipper...

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Redwall: The Darkblade: chptr 3

_This chapter is set 48 days after the vixen's conception and then ten seasons after the birth of the otterfox._ Shirana the vixen woke Mylechua Darkblade one morning with the painful screams of her labor. "Perfect. Soon you can go vixen."...

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