Redwall: The Darkblade: chptr 4

Story by Moonlight Darkwolf on SoFurry

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#6 of series3

Mylechua and Kenya has been living comfortably within Redwall Abby for a few days now. The Redwallers have grown to trust them, their biggest mistake.

One afternoon, Mylechua was in the yard talking and building more trust with the Skipper of otters. Mylechua had told everyone his name was Myka.

"So where did you say you were from, mate? I don't recon I've seen you about before."

"Well, Skipper, me and my wife are Northern River otters, but we were born in the South. Actually I was, I don't know about Sonia. I met her down there though. We came up here after hearing of Redwall. Then we were attacked at the edge of Mossflower and I stumbled around 'till I found you."

"Do you have any idea who attacked you, matey?"

Mylechua thought this whole story right off the top of his head. "I heard one of the horde beasts call him Melenko the Magician. I don't know if that'll help, but..." In fact, he deliberately named Melenko. The ferret magician was widely known from the southern tip to almost near old Loamhedge.

"Melenko? Are you sure, mate? He don't usually leave survivors."

"I'm sure. We managed to escape late at night before he killed us."

"I'll have to alert my crew in case he really is back." But Mylechua knew he was back, and threw the otters onto his trail in hopes that they would be rid on him.

Kenya came up to them keeping up her fake limp. "Good day, Skipper. How are you today?"

"Not so good now, I'm afraid. Myka has just told me that it was Melenko who jumped you."

Skipper missed the wink that went between Mylechua and Kenya. "Oh, yes. That ferret wasn't shy about letting us know who he was."

Skipper turned to Mylechua, "I thought you said you heard his name from one of his horde?"

"I did."

"He told me his name while you were passed out. Right after he captured us." Kenya jumped in quickly.

At that very moment, the mentioned magician was laying in wait with his horde outside the gates of Redwall.

"Alright, gentlebeasts, this be the night we take the unconquerable fortress in one move." He said in a hushed tone that still was carried to his whole group. Then in an undertone to Redwall itself, he added, "Checkmate."

Crea the Badgermother and Feyla the mouse Abbess of Redwall sat in Cavern Hole and waited for supper along with every other beast of Redwall, discussing what, if anything could be done about the return of Melenko.

"Abbess Feyla, if he truly is back then we have to step up our defenses. We cannot afford to take any chances. You remember when he was here in Mossflower the last time. The destruction was unbearable."

"I do remember, Crea. But the only proof we have is the word of two strangers. Until we get more information we cannot be for certain."

"At least put our guard up. I happen to believe Myka and Sonia."

"Me too, Abbess Feyla. They are very nice creatures. I've been able to, uh, get to know Myka."

"Aurora, we all know where your head really is; in your cunt. Fine, we will put more guards up on the ramparts, but no more 'til we know for sure."

Abbess Feyla did put extra guards up on the wall, but it was useless. Melenko had already started to enter the abbey. A few nights ago, one of his scouts had discovered the door on the east wall had a lock that was very loose.

Mylechua and Kenya were alone in the infirmary that very night.

"Fill me in again, what's the plan, Myka?"

"After this is over, never call me by that name ever again. My father is dead and gone and will remain that way. The plan is to get rid of the Abbess and her beefy, badger bodyguard, tonight, while they still have our trust."

"Don't you think they'll know who did it?"

"No, my sexy but dim-witted wife. They'll think that Melenko did. We both know he is back, and that he'll try to get in here. By the time anyone notices them dead, we'll be long gone and Melenko the Magician Ferret will take the blame. I know what he's like. He'll strike tomorrow night."

"I am so thankful I have you. Your mind is like an evil machine. Oh, I'm getting hot just thinking about you. How 'bout a quickie before we go?"

"You know I can never say no to you."

She turned so she faced the wall and bent slightly for him. He entered her from behind as he worked himself in and out; her chest pressed against the wall. He worked himself as deep into her as possible as she began to orgasm. He pulled his cock out and began to run his paw up and down his length. The otterfox got down on her paws and knees and started to help Mylechua along by licking and eventually sucking on his throbbing rod. It wasn't until she deepthroated him, tilting her head back to take his tip into her throat, sheathing his full length in her young muzzle, that he finally came, his cock throbbing as his thick musk started to pour down to her belly.

When they were finished they quickly cleaned up and started for the stairs to where Abbess Feyla and Badgermother Crea were.

"Remind me after this to find some Smartweed leaves. I heard that ottermaid Aurora saying they can prevent pregnancy." Kenya nodded in agreement. She wanted her father to cum inside her for so long.

Down in Cavern Hole Abbess Feyla and Crea were making small talk and sipping evening tea.

"This next season is Spring, Abbess, what will we call this one? Nothing has happened yet."

"I was thinking maybe the Spring of Slow Days." She laughed.

"I don't get it." Crea said scratching her striped muzzle.

"I was joking. I really don't know what to call this spring. Maybe something will happen soon."

Just then an otteress that was on guard on the ramparts burst in crying; "Melenko is here in the grounds! He-" she stopped and stared at a bewildered and angry Myka/Mylechua holding a dagger above the head of Crea, while Sonia/Kenya held one over the Abbess.

"What are you doing?!"

Redwall: The Darkblade: chptr 5

_In the previous chapter, Mylechua and Kenya were caught in an attempt to assassinate Abbess Feyla and Badgermother Crea when an otter guard burst in and announced the attack of Melenko._ "What are you doing?!" the otter guard shouted. Kenya...

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Redwall: The Darkblade: chptr 3

_This chapter is set 48 days after the vixen's conception and then ten seasons after the birth of the otterfox._ Shirana the vixen woke Mylechua Darkblade one morning with the painful screams of her labor. "Perfect. Soon you can go vixen."...

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Redwall: The Darkblade: chptr 2

An otter named Mylechua roamed Mossflower woods his entire life, only once strolling by Salamadastron. He was dark grey with a lighter grey chest. He wore only a black cloak and a leather belt to hold his sword and knife. Underneath the cloak were a...

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