Redwall: The Darkblade: chptr 3

Story by Moonlight Darkwolf on SoFurry

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#7 of series3

This chapter is set 48 days after the vixen's conception and then ten seasons after the birth of the otterfox.

Shirana the vixen woke Mylechua Darkblade one morning with the painful screams of her labor.

"Perfect. Soon you can go vixen." Mylechua, the otter, was as calm as ever. He had a gleam of pleasure in his purple eyes.

The vixen's gag was removed temporarily. "Hurry up and get this thing out of me, otter." She gasped between labor pains and loss of breath.

Mylechua clicked his tongue, "What's the rush? Don't tell me you haven't enjoyed my company over the last month and a half. One big push and it'll all be over, then you can leave. I see the head."

As if on cue, Shirana couldn't control her own body and gave that one push. The vixen's child slid out and into the waiting paws of its father.

"Oh look, it's a girl. I think I'll name her Kenya, after my own mother." Mylechua took out his knife and cut the bonds holding Shirana. "There, you're free."

"Can I at least hold my daughter before leaving her forever? Or are you too cruel to grant me this?"

The smile vanished from his face, "I said you can go, now go."

The vixen's expression was of pure hatred towards Mylechua as she forced herself to get up off the table and start to walk away.

Mylechua set Kenya down on his bed. "Run." He told Shirana as he strung his bow.

She took off at a dead run, hearing an arrow being fitted to string. She got fifty yards before the otter let go.

Ten seasons later...

Mylechua and Kenya were two peas in a pod. They were exactly alike. Even her eyes were purple. Kenya had the build of an otter but the colors of a fox. Kenya wore the same choice in clothing as her father. This morning found them practicing shooting bows at targets made of rats and moles.

Mylechua got one right in the bullseye. "Nice shot father."

"Thank you. But I've told you a thousand times. I'm not your father."

"But you've raised me from a pup, you take care of me... you're a father, mine."

"I can't be your father, you're too sexy to be, and I like you better as my mate."

"Why can't I be both then?"

"It's against my morals."

"What morals? We have none."

"Just-never mind. Let me ask you, do you know why I took you in, why I'm training you?"

"So we can fight other beasts?"

"Good try, but no. I have a plan. I've told you about Redwall Abby right?"


"Well, normally otters are supposed to be good and help the Redwallers. But, you and I, we're only for ourselves. We can infiltrated Redwall and take it from the inside, and no one will suspect us."

"Great, how do we get in first?"

"Don't worry I have that figured out too. We can go in three days. That's when they open the doors to all woodland creatures for the Autumn Feast. So for three days we have to get ready to look the part. You know what that means?"

Kenya almost squealed in delight. "Ooo. I just love when we mate."

"I know." One of the reasons they both wore only hooded cloaks and belts was for the easy access to each other.

Kenya started the first of many sex sessions with a passionate kiss. No sooner had she done this than she leaned forward against Mylechua, pressing her body firmly against his own, her fur and feminine flesh rubbing against his own body. He felt her paws grip on his rump, pulling him closer as she spread her legs wide to either side of him. The otter didn't waste another second before driving his throbbing cock deep into the otterfox's awaiting body, feeling her sex envelop him, so hot and wet and tight. Her paws slid up from his rump to his back, feeling her dulled claw tips against him as she held on hard, pulling him closer to her as she started rocking her hips up against him. His motions quickly followed her own, his hips rocking fiercely as he thrusted his cock in and out of her awaiting body, the motions off to a fast, hard pace from the start. It wasn't too much longer before her body tensed up, her legs wrapping around his waist and gripping him hard with her thighs, feeling her cunt gripping and squeezing at him as she climaxed for him, the rush of tightness and wetness and heat making her orgasm unmistakable, and impossible for him to hold back. With every clench of her cunt, he grew that much closer to release. Knowing he couldn't have her getting pregnant now, the otter pulled out at the last minute and squirted his daughter and mate's belly with his hot thick seed.

Three days later...

Abbess Feyla and Aurora the ottermaid from the infirmary were again setting up the decorations for the Autumn Feast.

"This season is aptly named, huh Aurora; The Autumn of Hotter Days."

"Yeah, it's been hot. Is it true the hares of Salamadastron are coming to this feast? I don't know if we'll have enough food."

"I thought they were, but I received word that they won't be able to make it."

"Oh, well, I would have liked to see some of them again, even if our kitchens would go on strike. I wonder-" Aurora was cut off in mid sentence as there was a pounding at the front gate.

"Well I wonder who that could be. The guests are due till after mid day." Said Abbess Feyla, she called up to a guard up on the parapets, "Who is it?"

"It's an otter and he's carrying another beast, the second looks hurt. I've never seen these two before."

"Well, let them in then."

Little did she know that the otter she was opening the gate for was Mylechua.

"Please, help her." He said just before collapsing.

"Quick, get them to the infirmary."

Aurora wasted no time, her and the Skipper of otters carried both Mylechua and Kenya up to the infirmary.

The ottermaid gently dabbed a cool compress to Mylechua's forehead, while a mousemaid that also worked with Aurora tended to Kenya.

"Aurora, do you see what this maid is? Half otter, and half vixen. We'd best keep an eye on this one."

"Don't judge creatures by their appearances. Who knows, she could be Abbess Germaine re-incarnated."

After a few minutes Mylechua stirred.

"Lay still, its okay, you're among good beasts."

"WH-where am I? Where's my wife, Sonia?"

"You're in the Redwall Abby Infirmary. Is that Sonia over there?" she pointed to Kenya.

"Yes. How is she?"

"She'll be fine with rest, as will you. Now lay still and rest."

Without another word, Mylechua drifted into a faked, but convincing, sleep.

They both had to play dead for the whole day, nurses were in and out of there nonstop. Aurora was in there frequently checking on Mylechua. She said that they were suffering from extreme exhaustion. Mylechua and Kenya's ploy was kept up until the next morning.

Melenko the Magician Ferret was mentioned in the previous chapter, so I'm bringing him to this one...

At the same moment that Mylechua and Kenya were being treated for faked illnesses, Melenko, a ferret warlord who practiced in the dark arts of necromancy, was planning an assault on Redwall Abby for his horde. Little did he know that his arch foe was already inside, and willing to spoil his plans.

Redwall: The Darkblade: chptr 4

_Mylechua and Kenya has been living comfortably within Redwall Abby for a few days now. The Redwallers have grown to trust them, their biggest mistake._ One afternoon, Mylechua was in the yard talking and building more trust with the Skipper...

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Redwall: The Darkblade: chptr 2

An otter named Mylechua roamed Mossflower woods his entire life, only once strolling by Salamadastron. He was dark grey with a lighter grey chest. He wore only a black cloak and a leather belt to hold his sword and knife. Underneath the cloak were a...

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Redwall: The Darkblade

_The story of Redwall belongs to Brian Jacques. The names and some of the characters are my own._ Morning broke through the halls of Redwall Abby. An old badger mum by the name of Crea sat in an older arm chair reading through long...

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