Gluttons for Punishment: Chapter 2

Story by Saine on SoFurry

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#2 of Gluttons for Punishment

Disclaimer: Contains rape, an enema, and hot gay sex. If you are not allowed to read this, or would be offended by reading this, than don't. Enjoy.

"Aha! So you can hear me." The cat jolted up and looked around confused. Dozens of people were outside the walls were watching her panic.

She attempted to speak, but realized no sound came out. Her hands reached up and touched her collar.

"Relax, you'll give us away," the voice said concerned, "right now you're the only one who can hear me. Just lie back down so I can talk to you." The feline whimpered slightly before lying on her side facing the unconscious rabbit next to her.

"Good, uhm.... For simplicity's sake I'm going to just refer to you as Slut, like your choker says. I'm sure you'd like to be called something else, but I can only sense your body movements. This conversation is going to be mostly one way. Do you understand?" She nodded and closed her eyes, trying to focus on the silent voice.

"Okay, this will sound strange, but I am the fluid from earlier. I put the core of my body inside you, to guarantee a link between us." The creature could feel her heart rate increase, signaling her distress. "Hold on, don't worry. It doesn't have to be permanent, and I'm not doing this to you to be cruel. I was as much of a prisoner as you were."

The voice remained silent for a moment and waited for her to relax. "Together we can escape. By the time anyone realizes what happened, the three of us will be too strong for them to stop." The feline opened her eyes and looked at the rabbit lying next to her. He was on his back, stomach distended slightly on his thin frame. He looked as if he was sleeping off a large meal. Her eyes grazed against his aroused cock but looking away quickly, embarrassed.

"Yes, he will be able to hear me soon too. It will take a while though, the method I have to use for him is less.... direct." The way it said that made her shiver. She scooted closer to the unconscious male, trying to comfort herself by lying against his warm body.

"Entering you was risky for me, and it essentially meant giving up the fluid that made up my body. Unfortunately this means I will be powerless to help you until I regain more energy. Restoring my energy may be, unpleasant to you, but it has to be done."

The feline's stomach turned. "The fastest way for me to create energy for myself and increase my mass is by absorbing the particular amino acids rich in seminal fluid." The cat's eyes widened. "In order for us to escape, the two of you will have to absorb as much of the fluid as you can, to make me strong again." The voice paused.

"It won't completely be a free ride though, having me as your tag along will allow me to control or monitor the functions of your body. If they inflict pain, I can make you numb, if you are wounded I can help you heal, or if they inject you with something I may be able to filter the effects. We need to be careful not to draw attention though, so I will only help if it won't get us caught," The creature paused, "short of death." The comment made her flinch.

"Do you understand?" She nodded again. "Do you trust me?" she paused, and then nodded. "Excellent." She sighed and pulled tighter up against the male. One hand ran softly over her womb, aware of the presence that housed itself inside her. She closed her eyes, and sleep came.


The Florescent lights flashed and jarred the two from their sleep. The rabbit sat up groaning, his hands covering his eyes. A ramp opened out of the floor and the Director walked into the room carrying a leash. He walked up to the rabbit and held the end of the leash to his collar. The feline watched as the metal formed a seamless connection.

The male began to stand before being violently shoved back to the ground. "Bitches crawl." His humiliated eyes looked up at the stern tiger. "Come on Bitch, time for a walk." He yanked at the rabbit's neck. Bitch's head lowered as he began to crawl forward towards the ramp on his hands and knees. The rabbit looked back for a moment but the ramp closed into the floor behind him.

The rabbit padded along the cool floor, occasionally being directed by a sharp yank at the neck. "Sit!" The tiger commanded, harshly yanking on the rabbit's neck and pulling him off balance. He scrambled back up into a kneeling position, his balls lying against the cold tile between his shins. There was a large steel door in front of them.

The tiger pulled out a key and unlocked it. "Come," he said pulling the leash. They entered a dark hallway; sconces softly lit the walls above the burgundy carpet. They moved through the hallway and the carpet pricked at the rabbit's knees. They came across a door to the right. The rabbit was lead into what appeared to be a bathroom. A metal showerhead hung from the corner, a large pantry towered next to the sink, and a strange basin was embedded into the floor.

Bitch was lead next to the pantry and instructed to sit. The tiger opened the large cabinet doors; small boxes of varying shapes inhabited the shelves. "Turn around and put your forehead to the ground." The rabbit whimpered but did as instructed. He could hear the tiger collecting and unwrapping things.

Without warning the tiger grabbed the rabbit's stubby tail and lifted his ass into the air. Bitch yelped as freezing gel was applied to his tailhole before a thin nozzle with a thick plug locked inside. "You're probably filthy, and I don't want you to disappoint the audience tonight." He began to panic, but it was abated with another sharp tug of the leash. "Enough!" He whimpered but held still as the tiger unlocked the leash and turned a valve, releasing the saline.

The rabbit gasped as the fluid filled him. The solution was room temperature, but felt cold against his warm innards. The tiger took a knee next to him and ran his hand along the rabbit's back. A pleasurable feeling of fullness washed over him as the tiger's hand stroked his back. The tiger's other hand ran along the rabbit's sheathe, coaxing out the male's cock. The rabbit sighed as the fingers curled around him gently. The tiger's hand massaged up and down his shaft and firmly squeezed the base of his cock, causing the rabbit to drip onto the floor before moving back up the shaft.

After a few moments the tiger softly moved him to his side, allowing the fluid to flow even deeper into his bowels. The rabbit looked up at he tiger, confused by the sudden shift in behavior. The tiger looked back without revealing his intentions. The tiger cupped the rabbit's balls, massaging them between his fingers. The rabbit moaned softly as he felt the saline flow deeper inside him, beginning to build pressure behind the plug.

The tiger checked the contents of the bag hanging from the sink. Locking the nozzle of the empty enema bag with one hand, his hand moved back to the lapine's cock. His hand ran down the shaft in long even strokes, causing the full rabbit to gasp on each stroke. The pressure in his gut was building. Sensing the rabbit's discomfort, the tiger helped him to his feet and led him to the basin.

Bitch stood over the basin, legs spread apart. The tiger guided the rabbit's hands to the crossbar on the wall and pushed him forward. One of the tiger's hands gripped the base of the male's tail; the other worked the nozzle back and forth, pulling it from his clenching ring. The rabbit's cock throbbed as the fluid collected in the basin. He moaned softly as the pressure ebbed away, relaxing as the fluid flowed from his body. He let out a long sigh as the last of the fluid drained out.

The tiger pressed up against his back, his cock smoothly sliding in. The rabbit gasped. One of the tiger's hands moved to the rabbit's erection; the other clutched the crossbar next to him. The tiger's soft barbs uncomfortably scraped against the lubricated flesh as he pulled out. He stroked the rabbit gently, pushing in with slow even strokes.

The tiger hilted the rabbit deeply, forcing the rabbit to grip the bar tight as the taller male pulled him off his feet. Groans of pleasure left the broken rabbit's lips as he was taken by the powerful tiger. The tiger's maw closed around the rabbit's neck as he increased the power and speed of his thrusts. The rabbit leaked a steady stream of pre into the basin below him and groaned each time his prostate was bumped by the tiger's thrusts.

With a loud growl the tiger released his neck and moved his hands to the rabbit's hips, further lifting him off the ground and thrusting deeper into his Bitch. The rabbit drooled, grunting pitifully as he was taken.

With a powerful shove, the tiger hilted deep in the rabbit shooting deep inside his clean bowels.

The rabbit moaned in pleasure as the tiger's hand reached around and clamped down on his cock, painting the wall in front of him.

The tiger released the rabbit's hips and gently let him to the ground. The tiger took short panting breaths. They stayed together for a while, the tiger waiting for his barbs to relax before he pulled from the rabbit. The rabbit's legs were weak; he stepped away from the basin and dropped to the floor.

"Bitch, Come," the tiger said after a few moments. The rabbit got to his hands and knees and crawled over to the tiger under the showerhead. The tiger turned one of the handles and warm water rushed over their bodies. "Up," the tiger said, pulling Bitch to his feet. He turned the rabbit around and rinsed his ass and thighs in the warm water. The rabbit was too complaisant to mind by this point. He just relaxed and let the warm water wash over him.

After, the tiger pulled out something that resembled a large stamp. "Bitch, sit." The rabbit crawled over and kneeled in front of the tiger. He held the metal stamp to the rabbit's upper right breast before pressing a button.

A burning pain came from under the skin where the stamp was, accompanied by the smell of searing fur. The pain was soon gone, and once the stamp was removed, "X432" was seared into his fur in red letters. The tiger ran his fingers through the red fur, seeing how it came out.

"Okay, time to go." He grabbed the leash from the wall where he apparently left it, and locked it back into Bitch's collar.

He whimpered as he was led down the hall once again, tired and unsure of what was coming.

Author's notes: Hey guys, this is the second story in the series. Not really sure how I feel about it, but at least I got it out on time. As always I love to hear comments and criticisms. I had trouble with this one, so if you see anything wrong with it please point it out to me. Thanks for reading.

Gluttons for Punishment: Chapter 3

Disclaimer: This chapter contains Crossdressing and Femdom themes, if this bothers you please do not continue reading. "DRESSING ROOM" Read the sign at the end of the hallway. The brown rabbit was lead down the hallway by his leash. The tall tiger...

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Gluttons for Punishment: Chapter 1

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The Kangaroo Party

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