The Kangaroo Party

Story by Saine on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: All characters belong to their respective owners. This story is not meant for those under the legal age to view sexually explicit material; further reading of this story is by choice of the viewer and not the writer. This story is not open source but may be distributed as long as no part of it is changed and it gives credit to the author, ArkFox. (Me) Comments and criticisms are welcome I'll try to reply to all I can. Please enjoy.

The window overlooked the bed. It was dawn, and the light slowly crawled up over the kangaroo. He sat up and ran his paws through his soft brown fur.

He smiled to himself. "Seventeen today...." He sat reflectively for a moment. He was another year older, one year closer to becoming an adult, and one year closer to being free. He slid out of bed, and his paws touched the soft carpet. He decided to make himself something to eat. He left his room still wearing his maroon boxers.

He wasn't normally up this early, it was the first time in a long time he came down the stairs to the dim sunlit living room. He walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. The roo licked his lips in anticipation of his first omelet as a seventeen year old. He pulled out all the ingredients and got to work preparing. Celery, asparagus, avocado, carrots, garlic, nutmeg, basil, and lots of cayenne pepper were all essential to his perfect omelet. He cooked up his eggs added his ingredients and made a tantalizing breakfast.

The kangaroo looked at the clock; it was a few till seven. He savored his omelet, he pensively consumed it with a wispy emotion of disbelief. "Seventeen..." He thought to himself. He enjoyed every bite of his hearty morning breakfast, and was ready to start his exciting day.

Just as he was finishing up his omelet his mom came in. "Happy birthday Bradley."

He looked up. "Thanks. I'm going out now, I'll be back later tonight."

"Okay, see you later."

He got up and went to his room to get dressed. He put on some casual jeans, a flannel button up shirt, and bolted back down the stairs. Once outside he took out his cell phone and called his friend James.


*Click* "Hello?"

"James, that party is still on tonight right?"

"... You called just to ask me that?"


"You've asked three times, yes the party is still on. Now I'll call you later, I have to go to school."

"No, you have to ditch with me."

"What? I can't I have to go to school."

"Come on, it's my birthday. You know you'd rather hang out with me than go to school."

"We both know I'd love to, but unlike you I have to actually take my classes at school, I don't want to miss anything."


"..., *sigh* ok fine. Where do you want to meet up?"

"Your house, I'm almost there."

"Okay, I'll be ready in a few." *Click*

Bradley closed his phone and continued walking to James' house. The early morning sun was bright and the grassy lawns gave off a pleasant earthy scent. The kangaroo admired the morning until he stopped in front of a familiar house. The roo walked up the steps of a large bluish grey house and knocked the steel knocker against the solid wood door. He could hear footsteps on the hardwood floor behind the door approaching the front.

The door opened, out came a white and grey husky wearing a black band shirt and dark grey jeans. He was about the same height as Bradley, but a few inches taller. James' bright green eyes looked at Bradley and the husky's familiar grin lined his face.

"Happy Birthday Bradley, how does it feel being only one year younger than me now?"

"Exactly the same really." Bradley smiled back.

"Well, since you're making me ditch school today what do you have planned?"

"I don't know, I decided I wanted to get out of the house today. That's as far as my plan went."

"Well, let's go get breakfast. I know this great restaurant not too far away, my treat."

"I already ate, I decided to make an omelet for myself this morning."

"Good, then you won't cost too much while I have breakfast." James said laughing.

They walked for about 15 minutes until they came to a restaurant called The Leopard spot café. The café wasn't very busy this early on a Tuesday. The sunlit café had Dark blue wallpaper, large windows, and black booths with leopard spot upholstery. Despite being mostly empty, the café had great atmosphere. James led the kangaroo to a booth with a juke box to its left. The husky sat down against the wall, picked up a menu, and slowly began to study it. After a few moments a middle-aged female mouse walked up to the table. "Can I get you some drinks?"

"I'll have coffee with sugar, no cream please." James said still behind the menu.

"No problem, and for you?" She said looking at Bradley.

"I'll have a Coke."

"Okay, it'll be just one moment." She walked off.

James lowered his menu for a moment. "Are you sure you don't want anything Bradley?"

"Yeah, I'm sure." Bradley said staring back into the husky's eyes.

James put down his menu as the waitress came back. "Here's your drinks, have you decided yet?"

James handed her the menus. "Yeah, I'll have the number three special, overeasy, with hash browns."

"Ok, and for you?" She said to Bradley.

"Nothing, I already ate." He replied politely.

"Okay then, shouldn't be too long." She walked away.

James stared at Bradley across the table grinning. "So, 17 years old now, I remember when I was 17."

"Oh yeah?" Bradley replied between drinks.

"Yep, it totally sucked." James said smiling.

Bradley smiled. "I certainly hope so."

James looked down laughing. "Okay, didn't see that one coming."

"You should've." Bradley said sitting back.

The husky took a long sip, and stared at Bradley for a moment. "You know, I haven't been able to think of anything to get you...."

"Hmm? That's okay, you planned that party for me, I've been really excited about it."

"Yeah, but that doesn't feel like enough... Hey, do you want to see a movie?"

"Hold on....." Bradley grinned. "Breakfast and a movie, if I didn't know better I'd say you're asking me out."

James sat back and looked at the juke box. "Well uh, I dunno." It was the first time Bradley ever saw the husky flush bright red. "You know, it's your birthday...."

"Do I get to pick the movie?" Bradley said jokingly.

"Oh, of course."

Bradley thought to himself for a moment. "I've never seen James so embarrassed.... Then again, I've never seen him anyone out on a date before either."

"Well then, I accept." Bradley said smiling.

"Ok...." For some reason the husky's drink must have become very interesting because he couldn't take his eyes from it.

There was mostly silence until they're waitress brought James his food. It wasn't until the waitress broke the silence that they began to talk again. "Here's your breakfast."

"Thanks." He smiled.

She turned back to Bradley. "Is there anything you need?"

"No, I'm okay."

"Okay then."

She started to walk away. "Wait, can you bring the check?" James called out to her.

"Sure thing." She smiled.

James was trying to eat as quickly as possible now, anxious to finish quickly and leave.

"Don't kill yourself James."

James swallowed. "Kill myself? Which one of us plays with knives?"

"Hey, you should try it sometime, it feels good."

"Oh, I'm sure." He put his utensils down and wiped his face with a napkin, and washed his food down with coffee.

Bradley smiled. "Then again, seeing you swallow like that leaves me wondering how our date will end."

James almost choked on his coffee just as the waitress walked up. "Oh my gosh! Are you okay?"

He was laughing for a moment. "Heh, yeah, I'm fine."

She looked nervous. "Well, here's you check...."

Before she was out of earshot the kangaroo spoke up again. "Hope you fair better tonight." He said with a smirk. She started to walk away faster, obviously spooked by the conversation.

James put money on the table. "C'mon, let's go."

Bradley got up. "Sure, but I need to use the bathroom real quick."

"Okay" The husky stared out the window silently sorting out his feelings. "How do I really feel about Bradley? I've never been interested in a male before, what makes this one so different? Why does this peculiar roo captivate me..."

Bradley returned. "Okay, ready to go?"

James got up. "Yeah, let's go."

They got up and left the restaurant. "So, what's playing right now?"

"I don't know, you were the one who wanted to pick."

"Well I don't know, I guess I wouldn't mind seeing a comedy."

"Okay, cool."

"Where's the theater?"

"It's not too far, come on."

The kangaroo followed the Husky quietly for a while. But before long Bradley began to wonder. "So, what made you decide to ask me out?" He asked the husky.

"I'm not allowed to take my friend to a movie on his birthday?"

"Nope, not allowed." Bradley replied sarcastically.

James shrugged a little. "I don't know, you make me a little curious...."

"Curious? Ha! I'm turning you gay!"

"I wouldn't say gay, just... you know... curious."

"Nope, you're gay now." Bradley said satisfied with himself.

James began blushing profusely again as they were approaching the theater. James went up to the box office and bought two tickets to the latest comedy movie. He handed Bradley the ticket and silenced his cellphone.

They went in, bought their drinks and found two seats in the very back row. After a short while the movie began. They quietly exchanged glances, hardly paying attention to the movie. Thirty minutes into the movie both were rather bored, the movie wasn't really that funny. Bradley began leaning on James, who began scratching the back of his head fur. Bradley looked up at the husky and he looked down. The glowing movie screen flashed on his face and lit up his eyes. Bradley slowly began to move forward, the husky matched the motion. James closed his eyes, they were now only an inch apart, suddenly the husky jumped back and pulled his cellphone out.

"Shit, my mom's calling. Let's go, this movie sucks anyway." Bradley nodded. They hurried down the stairs and went into the lobby. "Hello? No I'm... I-... listen-... Hey-.... But my frien-.... but-..... ugh, fine.... okay... yes... okay... okay... I'm coming right now... okay..." He closed the phone.

"Bad news?"

"Yeah, one of my teachers called my mom. Now I get to go get yelled at for the next few hours."

"Well... Good luck with that." Said the disappointed roo.

"I'm so sorry, I'll make it up to you at the party tonight. Bye Bradley." The husky started to run off.


Bradley was pensive on the walk back. "We were gonna... Right?.... Maybe I should... should ask him to be my boyfriend... What would he say?... Hmm... It's better to ask than to miss out on something that could..." Bradley was walking next to the park he lived close too. He looked up at the sky. "It's nice outside..." He started walking in the field, a slow breeze ran through his fur. It was a slightly warm breeze, comforting. The kangaroo sat down next to one of the trees, he sat for a moment, then laid on his back for a moment, the soft grass felt pleasant against his arms. It was a nice day.


Bradley opened his eyes, it was dark outside. He sat up a little disorientated. With one paw he rubbed his face, with the other he searched his pocket for his phone. 7:15. Something clicked in Bradley. "The party!" He scrambled to his feet and started running to James' house. "How the hell did I fall asleep? He was an hour and fifteen minutes late, and was running as quickly as he could.

As he approached the house, he saw lines and lines of cars against the curb. The house glowed with light and activity noticeable even from far away. Out of breath Bradley walked through the summer grass, surrounded by furs he didn't know.

He walked up to a fox. "Hey, have you seen James?"

"Who's James?"

"A husky, this is his party."

"Sorry, don't know him, I came with friends."

He asked a few others and received the same response. The party was wild, kegs were out, music was pumping, it was the kind of house party you aren't invited to, it was the kind you just went to. Bradley decided to make the best of it and headed to the dining room. Three tables were laid out all spread out with food. Bradley walked up to the table and grabbed a few sandwiches. He downed them pretty quickly and was about to head out to the pool when he bumped into a short brown otter dressed in grey slacks and a black shirt.

The otter fell to the floor and Bradley just about fell on him. "Hey, are you okay?" The kangaroo asked holding out his paw.

"Heh, yeah. Sorry, I should really start watching where I'm going." The otter climbed to his feet. "Oh, you're Bradley right?"

"Uh, yeah... Have we met before?"

The otter laughed a little awkwardly. "Ehh, no. One of my friends goes to school with your friend James, he said that the party was for James' kangaroo friend. You're the only kangaroo here so...." Just then the DJ outside cranked up the music, the otter looked outside, then looked back excitedly. "Do you wanna go dancing?"

"Well, I don't really..."

"Aww, come on it'll be fun." The otter grabbed his paw and they ran out into the yard. Bradley couldn't help but smile at the otter's excitement. He spun around quickly, grabbed the roo's paws and started moving with the music. The otter's energy must have been contagious because within minutes both were building up a sweat moving to the rhythm. After thirty minutes of this high energy dancing both were dripping wet.

The otter leaned against the kangaroo, the bottom of his muzzle rested against the kangaroo's chest. Bradley stared down at the otter and saw his glassy eyes staring back at him. Their eyes locked for only a moment, but the result was known to both of them simultaneously. They both knew the night was going to end in sex.

The otter pulled away and pulled his shirt off in one motion. The roo stared at him with a look of disbelief. "You really are forward aren't you?"

The otter moved closer and started unbuttoning Bradley's shirt. "What's the use in holding back? Life is meant to be enjoyed." Once the otter relieved him of his shirt, the otter ran his paws through Bradley's fur and pulled him into a hug. The kangaroo closed around the otter as he started to really rub into his fur. The otter held the embrace tightly for a few moments until he clearly sensed the roo's arousal crawling up his chest.

Bradley looked down at the otter again, eyes shut, a grin of happiness spread across his muzzle. "Let's go find somewhere more private." The otter said looking up again.

Bradley just nodded. The embrace broke and they were running hand in hand back into the house a fast as possible. Inside some couples were kissing, flirting, or lounging around. Now just as excited as the otter, Bradley almost crashed head on with a group of guests while flying up the stairs. Upstairs there were four rooms, two bedrooms, an office, and the bathroom. Three of them had a tie hung on the doorknob, leaving only the one of the bedrooms available.

The couple burst into the bedroom and after slamming the door behind them and collapsed on the bed together once again held in a tight embrace. The otter and kangaroo were face to face, muzzles locked together, and eyes closed. Only the moonlight through the thin glass lit the room. They held the passionate kiss until the glassy eyed otter couldn't handle himself anymore. He broke the embrace and pushed Bradley on his back. He crawled up low to the bed and spread the kangaroo's legs apart.

The otter's face shone in the moonlight, a large grin was spread over his face. There was a snap, followed by a sharp zipping noise as the kangaroo was exposed. The otter moved in close to the kangaroo and nuzzled Bradley's curved kangaroo cock. He drew in large breaths of the kangaroo's musk, admiring the intriguing smell. The otter looked up. "Have you done anything before?" Bradley nodded. "Gone all the way?" He nodded again.

The otter smiled devilishly and licked the length of his cock from base to tip. He then slowly began to lick across and around his entire member, he moved in a circular pattern licking every possible inch. Bradley laid his head back, closed his eyes, and reveled in his sensations. The short otter began to flick his tongue against the tip of Bradley's long cock. At this point the kangaroo was beginning to yield a small amount of pre-cum to the otter's growing efforts. The otter opened his muzzle and took in only an inch of the roo's cock and slowly sucked.

Ever so slowly the otter took in more and more of the roo's member, he moved with the shape of the curve and gradually moved to the base flicking the bottom the entire time. Now about half of the kangaroo's cock was taken in the otter's muzzle. Bradley was now openly panting in pleasure. The otter now began to hilt himself at a faster rate. With a little effort the otter's lips were flush with the base of Bradley's shaft, the end of Bradley's cock now curled down against the back of the otter's throat, the scent of the kangaroo's arousal was much more apparent then before. The otter took a deep breath, eager for the musky scent.

Now at an equally excruciatingly slow rate he began to pull back from the roo. His tongue dragged along the slick cock on the way up, caressing the smooth flesh. The otter came all the way back up to the very tip of Bradley's member and quickly flicked at it eliciting a moan from the panting roo. The otter stopped on the verge of Bradley's climax, the kangaroo could feel the heat of his near release biting at his insides.

The otter patiently waited for Bradley's climax to ebb away, knowing both of them would enjoy his efforts. Once the otter felt safe, he opened his muzzle again and slurped in the now pre-cum soaked shaft. He almost immediately hilted himself back down the roo's cock and began sucking down the leaking pre at a faster rate. Bradley quickly approached the verge of climax again, this time the otter almost didn't catch it and the roo throbbed a little before the otter noticed. The otter's sudden stop left Bradley at the very edge again, but slowly he retreated back.

Knowing that another mistake like that would leave Bradley unsatisfied, the otter decided this time he would finish the roo off. With one of his free paws, he slipped in between his legs to gently massage the roo's orbs while he quickly sucked up and down the length of his shaft. After just cooling down, the rapid pleasure didn't immediately bring the roo to climax. He could feel it coming though, closer, closer, closer, he half expected it too stop again, but this thought was quickly lost as he was thrown off the edge of climax. Shot after shot of cum was forced to the back of the otter's throat and quickly swallowed down to his stomach. The roo sighed loudly in relief as the most satisfying blow job he ever had ended with the pleasant sucking and swallowing of his seed. The otter finished Bradley off by gulping down the last of the roo's drooling cum.

The otter sat up and crawled up Bradley's chest until the two were face to face again. The otter licked his lips and moved in close for another kiss. Bradley closed his eyes as the otter moved in. He could feel the soft lips touch his own, then, he felt the otter's tongue enter his mouth. Their tongues intertwined and shared the tangy taste of his own seed. Despite the shocking flavor Bradley was happy to share a nice long kiss with the one that gave him such pleasure.

After a moment the otter broke the kiss and suddenly scrambled out of his pants with obvious excitement. The roo pulled himself out of his pants too, nearly matching the hyper otter's excitement. After slipping his pants past his paws he tossed them to the side. Once Bradley was free the otter put his long, thin, and very erect cock to Bradley's maw. Bradley wrapped his mouth around the otter's shaft and licked, coating every possible inch. Preparing it for what was to come next. After coating the cock thoroughly, the otter pulled out and maneuvered around the anxious roo. Now on his paws and knees he crawled forward, lowered his head, and hiked his tail.

The otter lowered down and rimmed the roo's tailhole thoroughly for a few moments, wanting to be as gentle as possible. The awaiting roo sighed in pleasure until the otter was satisfied. He moved behind the awaiting roo and put his tip to the quivering tailhole. Slowly he entered the roo, savoring the tight entrance. The otter pushed in powerfully and was greeted by a moan from the penetrated kangaroo. The otter's slick cock hilted into the shaking recipient, and held there for a moment. The otter nuzzled the roo's back as he enjoyed the fullness. The otter pulled back and smoothly hilted himself again. Again. Again. Resting for a moment, his hand traveled beneath the roo to tease his again erect cock.

The otter slowly pulled his digit from the base to the tip of Bradley's cock, causing it to throb. He pulled out again, leaving only the very tip. Slowly he again tunneled into the kangaroo's tight tailhole, leaving the roo panting once again. The otter moved slow to savor the experience. The otter's paw moved back below the roo, and applied a small pressure to the tip of the roo's shaft. He moaned in sync with each thrust. The otter moved at a slow but steady rate in and out of the panting roo, his penis slowly beginning to drool precum onto the bedspread.

The otter began to speed up, impaling the roo with each vigorous stroke. The saliva was beginning to be replaced by the pre leaking from the otter. The couple now rocked back and forth, moaning synchronously with each other. The otter was now drenched in sweat as he approached his own climax, he pushed himself to the very edge and with massive amounts of self control, he stopped still wrapped in Bradley's warmth. The otter ebbed away.

Careful to keep from going over, he slowly pulled out of the roo's waiting tailhole. "On your back roo." Bradley shifted positions without acknowledgement, and the otter sat over his tail. He lifted Bradley's legs over his shoulders and pressed himself to his tailhole again. The new position limited the otter's movement and kept him to slower but steady thrusts. Both were now panting again with each slow thrust. The otter, now unable to take anymore, sped up as much as the position allowed. Bradley began to masturbate with his free hands, matching the rhythm of the otter's thrusts. The otter got closer and closer, he was throbbing now. Just before the edge he quickly pulled out, and let his seed spurt all over the roo's face and chest. Meeting the action, the roo forced himself over the edge and mixed his cum with the otter's.

The room reeked of their shared sexual musk. The otter lay back panting from the intense effort, and Bradley let out a long sigh. After a few moments the otter got back up and began to clean the cum from the roo's fur, enjoying the tangy flavor of their mixed seed. After tending to the chest fur, the otter kissed up Bradley's neck and licked the seed from the his face. Once satisfied, the otter embraced the kangaroo again. The otter's arms crawled under the panting body, next he wrapped his lanky legs around the roo pressing their cocks together, and finally he pulled the roo close for a wet, sticky, naked, hug. They both held the messy embrace for almost an hour, just sharing the afterglow.


Bradley opened his eyes to the door suddenly swinging open, in came a husky caressing a female otter. Still kissing, the husky banged around the side of the door for the light switch. On went the lights, followed by a gasp from the female intruder. "Sebastian! Is that you?"

Bradley looked at the naked otter still sleeping in his arms. "Uh, he's asleep still.."

"Bradley?" James said astonished. "Did you sleep with Kelly's younger brother!?"

He let go of the limp otter and slipped of the bed to retrieve his pants. In combination of the bright light and commotion Sebastian woke up. "Sis?" He sat naked on the bed until he realized he was still naked and slipped off the bed in a motion matching the roo's.

His sister looked very disturbed, her words became jumbled. "I.. uh... um.... I gotta go..." She ran down the stairs in a frantic fit, followed by James trying to keep up.

Sebastian looked down embarrassed. "Shit,... Now I'm gonna have to explain to my family I'm gay."

Bradley was speechless. Thousands of thoughts ran through his head... Of all the things he could think of saying what ended up coming out was, "So, Sebastian huh? That's a good name."

Boring Author Blah, Blah:

So, another story written. This one is a two and a half week late birthday present to my good friend Bradley the roo. I'm a little disappointed with this story, I feel like it was rather bland, but maybe that's just because this is a little more tame than what I'm used to writing. And, I don't feel like I really captured Bradley's personality. In a way this is a milestone for me though, this is the very first strictly gay story I've ever written, its one of the longest stories I've written in one shot, and I think it might have the longest sex scene I've ever written. Well, as always comments and feedback are welcome. To Bradley, I hope the story is intricate enough to make up for how late it is. Despite the enormous amount of energy I put in it I'm glad I wrote it. To sum up what I'm getting at is Happy Birthday Bradley! (Two and a half weeks late O.o) As for a sequel or series, I'll have to wait and see what Bradley thinks. So thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it.

Ian never thought he would....

Disclaimer: This story is not meant for those under the legal age to view sexually explicit material, further reading of this story is by choice of the viewer and not the writer. This story is not open source but may be distributed as long as no part...

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The Fox's Master Ch.8 -CurtainFall

Disclaimer: This story is not for children, Don't get pissed at my ideas, I haven't copyrighted this material so steal it if you want, my grammar isn't good but I don't really care. Thank you for my continued support of this story, I'm glad I've gained...

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The Fox's Master Ch. 7 -The Secret

Disclaimer: This story is not for the kiddies. Don't get pissed at my ideas. My grammar is horrible. Enjoy! It's been a week since Sasha had last seen Michael. Occasionally she's seen Tala wandering about the corridors but she didn't like talking...

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