Gluttons for Punishment: Chapter 1

Story by Saine on SoFurry

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#1 of Gluttons for Punishment

Disclaimer: This story contains Tentacles, rape, and monsters. If you aren't allowed or don't want to read any of this, then please don't. Marked Extreme because if this story isn't, the later ones will be.

The room flashed a blazing fluorescent light waking the two from their sleep. They're bodies were drained of energy, strapped helplessly to the metal tables dominating the room. The female cat looked at the male rabbit strapped next to her, eyes catching on the black metal choker surrounding his neck. Adorned on the glossy surface of the choker was the word Bitch spelled in elegant sliver letters.

The feline tried to speak, but all that came out was a soft rasping of air followed by a whine. The brown rabbit opened his eyes and looked back at her, before looking down at his nude body. The male panicked and looked around the circular room alarmed. It was a large room with a black stripe surrounding the outside, at the moment they were the only ones who inhabited it.

A soft moan passed from the rabbit's lips as he began to buck his hips and thrash against his restraints. She looked down his form and watched as the lapine's cock grew to attention, and slide from his sheath. A wave of heat rushed over her and a soft moan escaped her lips as she felt moisture roll down her thighs. She shifted back and fourth agitated, unable to address it.

The male thrusted against the air panting, eyes shut tight. His belly fur began to feel soaked from the pre that leaked from him in a steady stream. His concentration was broken by the whimpers and moans from the cat next to him. He gazed over at his companion, her supple breasts rolled across her thin form as she fidgeted in the metal cuffs that held her to the table. His cock throbbed in near pain, the lack of attention breaking his concentration.

A trap door opened beneath their field of vision and male tiger climbed up carrying a large yellow jar under one arm. He set the jar on the floor and latched the door behind him. They could only look at him as he smiled down at them. He was a tall built tiger, nude excluding the white labcoat on his shoulders. His predatory eyes smiled back.

"Well nice to see you two are awake. Bitch, this is Slut. Slut, meet Bitch. You'll be getting to know each other very well during your time with us." He said motioning to each of them. They looked at each other panting heavily, neither able to focus.

"You guys aren't going to explain pleasantries? How rude." He said sarcastically. He walked up to the rabbit. "Let me help you with that." The tiger took the rabbits cock into his hand causing the rabbit to moan loudly and buck against the hand. But just as the touch was there it was gone.

The tiger looked at his hand, grunting in disgust. "Gross" He moved closer to the rabbit, wiping the pre across his muzzle overloading the lapine's senses with his own musk. The rabbit struggling in his restraints moaning in lust.

Moving to the cat, two fingers slipped into her causing her entire body to lock up. She screamed in pleasure, but like the rabbit, the touch was gone before she got anything more from it. The tiger then roughly grabbed her jaw, forcing and locking it open before he wiped her juices across her tongue. The tangy taste that assaulted her only reinforced her need, struggling now more than ever against her restraints.

"Well looks like you two are in good spirits, let's get down to business. You two are now test subjects for your indefinite future. The collars around your neck are the first things you are testing. They are designed to nullify many vibrations created in you're vocal cords. We are testing to see if wearing them over a long period of time causes any vocal damage, so you will receive regular throat exams. We will also be testing many of the compounds we're developing, and these can have any number of effects. The first compound you were introduced to is the highly successful Compound 321, or memory flash compound. As you can see, it works very well." He said in a scripted tone.

"Don't worry about that however, what you have to look immediately forward to is this." He lifted up the yellow jar with an indistinct orb floating in the fluid. "Compound 842, we've been waiting to test this out for a while." He placed the container on the ground between the two and pushed in a combination on the keypad before opening the trap door. "Anyway, have fun. We'll be watching." The trap door slammed behind him.

The two of them both looked to the edge of the table where the jar had been set out of sight. Yellow appendages creeped over the edge, feeling the cold metal beneath them. The tentacles moved to the legs of each of them, sensing the warmth their bodies released.

The cat moaned audibly when the tentacle's slime soaked into her fur. An appendage coiled around her knee, pulling more of the yellow fluid from jar up on the table with her. The fluid congealed into a malleable solid making its way up the table. Two of the gelatinous form's appendages dragged across her legs leaving a trail of slime as it moved closer to the source of the warmth it sensed.

The streaks of gel left in her fur began to tingle deep into her legs, the soft numbness and pleasure stimulated her sex. A small puddle of sexual juice pooled between her legs as the creature reached it. Her legs moved apart as much as she was able in the metal restraints, dying to be filled by anything to sate her lust.

The slime reached out and soaked itself in the pool left by the woman, absorbing the nutrition it found before investigating the warm heat emanating from the crevice. The tentacle moved up between her legs, first leaving a trail across a sensitive ring of flesh before finding the source of the throbbing heat it desired.

A scream of pleasure rose from the feline's chest as the slick appendage entered her. The inside walls of her tunnel were coated with the euphoric slime that multiplied her pleasure. She thrashed against her bindings trying to get more of the tentacle inside of her. The enjoyed the texture of the solid fluid, it was slick and giving, but solid and rigid.

The rabbit released a guttural moan as he bucked against the tentacle, sliding in the female shaped opening at its end. He was too distracted to notice the creature's mass moving farther up the male's body. A second appendage reached out to the male's mouth, poised outside waiting to enter. The rabbit's eyes were shut tight, oblivious to the waiting tentacle when the appendage circling the male's cock clamped tight eliciting another moan from the rabbit.

The mass took its opportunity to sink its tentacle deep into the rabbit's throat, leaving only pleasure along its path into his stomach and lungs. The rabbit choked in alarm for a moment before realizing he could breathe the slime like air, while it settled into his lungs and stomach. His stomach grew full, a warm feeling as if he had eaten a great meal came over his body.

He thrust against the appendage again, still unable to satisfy himself. He felt the mass on his chest flatten out and move down his body, it covered his hips and crotch moving all the way around. He felt his legs forced apart at the joints when he felt a once again rigid appendage press against his anus. He gurgled, the thick slime blocking both his yelp of surprise and his moan of pleasure.

The appendage that pressed into him wasn't very thick, but it caused a sickening feeling to wash over him. The tentacle changed shape rhythmically giving the illusion of thrusting into him, every few moments pressing against his sensitive prostate. After a little bit the thrusting stopped and he felt the appendage ripple inside him, clearly thickening and stretching him out further.

Both of the feline's openings were full of the slime now. She fidgeted in pleasure and frustration, unable to get off despite the unbelievable sensations coursing through her. The mass began to move up her body, more tentacles leaving the main mass of the creature. Two of them loosely coiled around her breasts, the ends of the tentacles nipping at her nipples like tiny nibbling mouths, and the last coming to her mouth.

The feline moaned and panted, as she watched. It pressed against her lips softly, not forcing the matter as it had the male. The slime tingled against her lips, a sweet and delightful taste to it. Bravely, she opened her mouth to allow it access. The tentacle slipped in slowly and rested against her tongue the sweet nectar running along her tongue and down her throat. A warm feeling soaked into her as the sweet liquid traveled down.

The fluid of the creature clung to their bodies close, no longer much of a distinguished form, but more of a layer of gel on the sensitive parts of their bodies and mouths. As the creatures flattened completely out their restraints finally unlocked, releasing them from the tables. Their bodies nudged them to stand up from the tables and face each other.

Immediately after standing the rabbit moved to take the woman, as the feline leaned back against the table to open herself for the male's advance. As the slime coated cock pressed against her, the slime flowed together, giving them the sensation of coupling underwater. The rigid member that slid into her complimented the feeling of fullness the slime gave her, sending waves of pleasure all through her body, most powerfully under the parts covered by the wonderful creature.

The rabbit hilted in slowly the first time, the tight and warm embrace causing him to open his mouth as if to gasp. As he started to thrust faster and faster the appendage in his ass began to reawaken with activity, pressing against his prostate more powerfully the deeper he went. He quickly learned to take long deep strokes to maximize the pleasure in his ass, and the cat by extension.

With a final deep hilt the two pressed close together in climax, their bodies completely relaxing, only able to stand from the slime's support. The seed dissolved in the creature as nourishment, as the creature guided them softly to the floor.

The slime controlled their tired bodies like marionettes as they were lost in the euphoric bliss of afterglow. The cat spread her legs wide and held them in the air slightly, the male bending forward to rest his muzzle against her. A sphere was produced from somewhere in the mass and moved up a path of slime to the feline's entrance.

The ball slipped into the feline's lips immediately, the male forced to quickly press against her folds. The rabbit gently began to lick at them as the sphere traveled farther up the canal. The sphere moved up to the cervix without resistance in the relaxed body, splitting off a smaller sphere the size of a large marble.

Numbness crept over the feline's entire midsection, completely shutting off all feeling for the entire area. The sphere pressed against the cervix hard, the fluid becoming rigid and pulling the opening wider as the large sphere pressed against it. For just a moment the opening was held wide enough for the sphere to settle in her womb.

The rabbit's mouth was pressed open against her as the smaller sphere exited and traveled down his tongue. His eyes watered as the sphere moved down his throat and settled among the slime in his stomach. Their bodies tensed up for a moment before relaxing to nothing again. The male fell to his side and the woman's legs slipped back down to the floor, hips still slightly numb and sore from the position.

They laid there quietly for a while, the slime leaked from their orifices as if it were liquid.

The trapdoor swung open after a while, the tiger reappearing to them. "Well, I'm sure you two had fun with this test. There will be more to come, don't worry." He stepped over to the jar and pressed a button causing a hit pitched sound. A squeal came from the slime as all of it suddenly became solid and scrambled to the jar with haste.

The cat suddenly got cramps and the rabbit's stomach suddenly hurt as the sound echoed through the room, something telling them to keep still and let it pass. Once all the fluid seemed to return to the jar the tiger closed the lid and turned off the sound, giving the two of them instant relief.

"Well okay, we're done for today. I'll see you tomorrow, oh and enjoy the view." He said with a devilish tone of voice. He clicked a remote and black stripe slowly became transparent, revealing a crowd of people gathered around their room watching the two lying on the floor.

The pair could only close their eyes and rest as their bodies lay sore from the day's torment.

"Hello, can you hear me cat?" The feline's eyes opened in shock.


Author's notes: This is the first in the series of quick yiff stories I intend to write once a week, as a side project to the main plot driven story I'm writing. I'd love to hear any comments or criticisms you have, as my intention is to improve the quality of my work over the course of the series.

I appreciate all comments! I'm not like those writers who get upset because all you post is "I came." For me that is an ego boost! So please, anything you have to say is worth my time, and I will try to reply to all the comments I can.

This series is ultimately going to cover many different kinks, so if there is something you would like to see earlier rather than later please comment or pm me your idea. The only thing I'm going to specify that I do not wish to write about is scat. Anything else is up for grabs, and I promise to try to warn you in the description.

Gluttons for Punishment: Chapter 2

Disclaimer: Contains rape, an enema, and hot gay sex. If you are not allowed to read this, or would be offended by reading this, than don't. Enjoy. "Aha! So you can hear me." The cat jolted up and looked around confused. Dozens of people were...

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The Kangaroo Party

Disclaimer: All characters belong to their respective owners. This story is not meant for those under the legal age to view sexually explicit material; further reading of this story is by choice of the viewer and not the writer. This story is not open...

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Ian never thought he would....

Disclaimer: This story is not meant for those under the legal age to view sexually explicit material, further reading of this story is by choice of the viewer and not the writer. This story is not open source but may be distributed as long as no part...

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