Humbling Dragons

Story by wrenquire on SoFurry

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#9 of Sheathed in Scales


Anyways, Humbling Dragons was part of a commission series I did last year on patreon. This noncanonical addition to Sheathed in Scales tells the story of Esmal reconciling with their eldest son and taking care of some mutual needs along the way.

Zaszbelst, son of sire Zairshbelst and parent Esmal, the world's first born dragon in many ages. Shkhanna's body brought back to life in him. Unlike his parents, Zasz carried a great deal of pride in who he was, in what the world owed him. It was not that Zairsh and Esmal were unproud, one did not take the mantle of Emperor without some sense of pride, but Zasz outstripped that. He knew how much power his body held and wanted, at every chance, to prove it.

It worried Esmal. Zairsh had dismissed the concern with a snort and: "Drakes are like that in their youth. Once someone humbles him he'll stop being so damned full of himself."

But who could humble a dragon? His son had grown so much over the years. His hide, one of fiery red scales laced with streaks of orange and a tawny copper that consumed his underbelly, was all sinewy, youthful muscle. He moved on land with a drake's catlike grace and speed, already hunting game in the woods nearby their estate. And when in flight... Well, Zasz had started trying to fly a week after his birth, and now soared faster in the air than Behesh, Esmal, or any of his kin.

Esmal truly did not know a force in Savish that could humble his son.

True to a teenage boy, he had become moody in recent months as well--disappearing from their home for days at a time. Esmal could find him with the ease of magic, but their son never welcomed being disturbed.

Still, when Zasz disappeared for an entire week, Esmal snapped to Srei the evening of the seventh night, "He can't just go about terrorizing the countryside! Not to mention what sort of example he is setting for his siblings."

"Then we can go after him," Srei said. They stood at a balcony overlooking the sea. She was dwarfed in heavy furs to help with the bite of cold coming in from the ocean breeze, but it did not make her any less imposing in Esmal's mind.

Esmal chewed their lip. "I don't want to leave things here to just Zairsh, Abiya, and Behesh."

Srei frowned. "I understand your concern but if you go alone..."

"I will use a spell to track him and fly straight to where he's hiding," Esmal swore, mostly to assuage her fears. Esmal loathed going alone, but Behesh and Zairsh were really too old to protect the estate. Time hadn't weathered Behesh as much as Zairsh, but both males were slower and weaker than when they first left Srrket. Srei was past her prime as well, but still young enough. Sharp enough. Esmal took her hand and kissed it. "I will check in with you when I find him."

Srei nodded. "Perhaps we should hire a guard for occasions like this."

"Nonsense," Esmal whispered. "I'm not going to make the people of Savish think we are hiding away in some small fortress."

"Very well," Srei said. "When will you leave?"

The night air called to Esmal. "Now, I think. With any luck I can find Zasz and return him before morning comes."


At home, Zasz's bedding consisted of cushions filled with wool or down. Long as he remained careful with his claws, it provided a soft insulation against the cold stone floor, but time spent roughing it taught Zasz his body did not mind the stone. His scales were tough enough to sleep on a cavern floor without trouble, and his body warmed the stone beneath him when he slept, so he often found a solitary cave a better home than the one he shared.

That home offered no privacy, only boredom. Lessons in language he grew impatient with, lessons in flight he long since mastered. It took trial and error's harsh tutoring to teach him how to hunt. Hunting invigorated him, but the real reason he came to this cave along the rocky shoreline was to take care of what he could not at home.

It was a beautiful little spot he found. The cave ceiling opened up to filter in moonlight, the rock made of lustrous stone that left things lit enough he had no trouble seeing once his eyes adjusted. Like his sire, he carried a pair of sleek horns and a trail of white fur that started at his scalp and traveled the length of his spine. The fur fell into his eyes as he curled around himself, nursing the sex between his legs. This was why he left for days at a time. Zasz had needs and saw no hope sating them at home. He might ask Behesh or Srei--the proposition would be strange but they were not related, but Zasz did not want them. He wanted his parent. He wanted Esmal.

Esmal, so small compared to him, yet still radiant. They stood taller than any human, with great wings that shone golden in the dawn light. Their scales a scattering of copper and brass in that same light, dulled to a sweet brown in the day time. Lithe, muscular body, scent something out of poetry. Dusky and sweet, enticing with just tinges of bitterness. Zasz once heard Behesh say Esmal smelled better than anything else, and Zasz agreed with his uncle. It ate Zasz up inside, seeing Esmal care for their aging lovers while Zasz was new and young and majestic. Jealousy. He understood how humans could covet things, for he coveted Esmal.

Freewheeling fantasies consumed Zasz in moments like this. His hips gyrated on the ground while he licked his draconic shaft. It was similar in size and shape to a wyvern's cock: pale pink flesh, a knot at its base, several ridges on its underside, but Zasz also had a set of spongy barbs flaring from his glans. He had been coming here to masturbate for some time, staying for days on end until he felt he could stand to be around his family again.

It was just as he swallowed his shaft in his maw, senses filled with the scent and taste of his own need, that Zasz heard a voice. "Is this really why you've been running off?"

Spooked like a deer, Zasz started and rolled flat onto his stomach, head now raised and looking at his parent. "E-esmal, I..." He lost his words. The ocean breeze blew through the cave, and his nostrils flared as he caught Esmal's scent. There his parent stood, away from the family and estate, in Zasz's lair. So small compared to Zasz, yet...

Esmal stood with an authority that would cow most. A little over seven feet at their full height, wings spread, draconic muzzle tilted down. Their eyes, burgundy in the dark versus their normal bright red, glared at Zasz, the rack of four horns arching back past their temples raised as if Esmal readied a charge. They wore nothing more than a tough black skirt belted at their waist, hem lifted slightly by the question mark shaped quirk of their tail. Zasz understood he should be feeling an assortment of emotions ranging from guilt to defiance, but he couldn't get past how beautiful Esmal looked. Whether it was their connection to Srrket's Steward, their soul a fragment of Shkhanna's, or simply their form just being what it was--it amazed Zasz how quickly the power radiating off Esmal spurred this yearning that took hold of him, twisting in his chest.

"You're usually more haughty than that," Esmal said. They took a few steps across the cavern to Zasz, their wings folding to their back, muzzle lifted. Expression softened, Esmal added, "I really want to be furious with you, Zasz, but I'm too glad you're safe. You scare me when you disappear like this."

Maybe if Esmal could be angry this would make it easier, but Zasz loved Esmal more than anything else in this world. If it were not for this one horrible want Zasz would be--

Esmal reached him. "Talk to me, Zasz..." Esmal touched the dragon's muzzle. Their palm, bigger than most humans, still looked small on their son's muzzle. "You know you have nothing to be ashamed of, right? You're not in trouble for having needs."

Esmal's scent, their warmth... A pained growl erupted from Zasz as he snapped up, now a predator again. He pinned Esmal to the cavern floor in an instant, one large forepaw on their chest all it took. Zasz muzzle dipped to be inches from his parent. "You're what I need."

Esmal opened their muzzle to say something, but Zasz silenced them with a kiss. Esmal made some snarling protest, but Zasz simply overpowered his parent, pushing his large, forked tongue into Esmal's maw. Those small hands shoved at Zasz's muzzle, but could not move the larger dragon, who made Esmal choke on his tongue. Esmal gagged and swallowed, still kicking at their son's chest, tail lashing at the floor. Zasz could take him, could take what he wanted, but this was not wanted. Not Esmal twisting their head, shoving, struggling at every step to stop him.

Zasz released them and darted back against a cavern wall. Curling in on himself, he babbled to the floor, "I'm sorry, father, I just... I wanted... Esmal I didn't mean to--"

Esmal stopped Zasz simply by sitting up and raising a palm. The dragon noticed his erection still ached between his legs, so he quickly swept down a wing to be _sure_Esmal could not see it. A horrible silence enveloped the cavern, broken by the sea outside and his parent's panting. Esmal wiped their son's drool from their lips then finally spoke, "Do not ever do that to another living being again. Do you understand, Zaszbelst?"

"I understand... I'm sorry I didn't mean to lose myself, I just..." pain in Zasz's throat cut him off this time. Was he about to cry? He blinked back tears, barely noticing Esmal get to their feet.

"It's okay, son," Esmal said a little softer now. Zasz still could not look at them. "I need you to understand, you are going to be stronger and bigger than most things in this world, but that doesn't give you a right to take what you please."

"I understand..." Zasz mumbled.

"I believe you," Esmal said, just as quietly, "and I forgive you."

Soft, sweet, loving Esmal. Zasz did not deserve this from his parent after what he did. He'd been told it was his duty to protect his kin, not hurt them. He buried his face in his forepaws. "I-I... I should be punished for what I did to you..." Zasz clenched his jaw and swallowed a sob.

"And what would be the point of that?" Esmal whispered, now in front of their son again. They rested a hand on one of the digits of Zasz's forepaw. Squeezing, they whispered, "Let these words sing through your scales, and soothe your troubles, calm your ails." A warmth stirred through Zasz, foreign yet comforting. It wrapped around his whole body, cradling him like Esmal had when Zasz was only a newborn hatchling. All the tension unspooled inside of Zasz, and he finally managed to face Esmal. They smiled and wiped a tear off his muzzle. "It's funny," Esmal whispered, "I don't know if I've ever seen you cry."

"I never have," Zasz proclaimed with what pride he could muster.

"Hehe, that's better. Now you're sounding like yourself, let's talk about this."

The spell had worn off enough for a new swirl of shame to toss about inside Zasz. His cock had finally retreated back to his slit, needs still not met, but forgotten for now. Zasz asked, "Can't we just pretend it never happened?"

"Then how long till it happens again?" Esmal asked.

"It won't happen again--"

A finger on his snout interrupted him. Esmal asked, "How long have you had these feelings, Zasz?"

The great dragon cringed a little. "I don't know... my whole life?" Zasz turned his head to the entrance of the cave. "All this started a few months ago. I used to ignore it, but it got so bad it drove me crazy. I was so irritable and easy to upset..."

"And you didn't want to take it out on anyone else," Esmal finished.

Zasz hugged himself with his tail. "I was scared..." an idea occurred to him, however, and he quickly added, "Now that you know, you can cast a spell, can't you? Just magic all these feelings away, right?"

Esmal's brow furrowed. "I am not going to lobotomize you just so you don't feel this way." He sighed and, as if responding to some internal sense of direction, looked west. "If only we could return to Srrket. I'm certain you'd have no trouble finding a partner there." Esmal sighed, "Truth be told... I've thought about sending you back with--"

"You're my home," Zasz snarled. "Not that dumb desert with a steward too stupid to forgive you." Esmal was so shocked by the outburst that Zasz kept pushing, "He should be worshipping the ground you walk on. You love him so much and he just... squanders all of it."

Esmal took a step back. "You're jealous."

Not an accusation, not a question, an observation. It stung. Zasz turned his back on his father, grumbling, "I would give you everything he could and more if I wasn't... wasn't..."

"What would you give me?"

Zasz's wings perked up and his head turned to look over his shoulder. "What?"

Esmal unbuckled the belt on their skirt and let it fall to the ground. Zasz gawked, not because Esmal was nude--reptiles had no taboos around nudity--but because of what the gesture represented.

"Your jealousy only exists because you can't have me. It seems the simplest answer is to let you have me."

Wide-eyed, disbelieving, Zasz whispered, "I don't want you to do this just because--"

"Zaszbelst you are strong, handsome, and have all the qualities of your father that I love in him. Of course I find you desirable, son," Esmal said, but hesitated, as if staggered by what he admitted. "I never wanted to make you feel groomed, but if it is what it is... then perhaps I can allow myself to see you as how you want me to see you." Zasz did not know what to say, so Esmal took a deep breath and said, "You haven't answered my question. What would you give me?"

Zasz did not have an eloquent answer. He had no real experience beyond what he witnessed from his parents. He relaxed a little, short of breath as he said, "Anything you want."

Esmal chuckled. "I see... you need a teacher don't you?"

"There's just so much I've dreamed of... I really don't know where to begin, and I don't want to disappoint you."

Esmal took his son's head in his hands and placed a gentle kiss on his snout. "You care enough that I have no doubt you will satisfy me."

"H-have you had trouble satisfying yourself lately?" Zasz asked, eyes going a little cross-eyed to watch his parent. He had fantasies of Esmal coming to him, begging for Zasz to sate what their aging partners no longer could.

"Heh, not at all," Esmal said, then added, "Though that doesn't mean you can't bring me pleasure in new ways, hmm?"

"I'll do anything for you."

Another kiss. "So eager. Can you stand up for me?" Zasz did as told, and Esmal stepped under his neck. Those hands roamed Zasz's chest, claws gently tracing where scales hardened into thick ridges along the dragon's collarbone and ribs. "So strong and handsome," Esmal said. "You know, I once admitted to Zairsh how handsome you were becoming. He told me we needed to find you something to rut soon or you'd get pent up like this, and I thought, who would be prepared to help my son? With no reptiles around, no human who could possibly sate all your needs..." Esmal stepped around Zasz's shoulder, claws tracing around the muscle knotted there, touching the barrel of Zasz's ribs, to the yielding scales of his stomach. His palms rubbed back and forth there, easily within reach of Zasz's slit, which had swollen, his cock already half-hard again. Esmal leaned against their son's side. "I thought, who else but me? It was so taboo, so nasty to lust after my son, but I admit sometimes when I was under Behesh I thought of you simply cause it excited me so much."

Zasz dared to twist his head around, catching Esmal's soft smile. He meant to say something, but lost the words in their eyes.

"Imagine, that my poor son needed me even more than I could have guessed. Of course I will give myself willingly to you, Zasz, but you can't tell anyone. Not yet at least. This will be our secret."

Zasz cock flexed and smacked his belly, a string of precum shooting across Esmal's hand.

"Heh, so needy. I can't imagine how awful it must be for you when I'm in heat."

Zasz could not take it any longer. Like before, with a hunter's reflexes, he pounced on Esmal. This time, however, Esmal laughed as their son threw them on their back. Zasz nuzzled into Esmal's chest and took a deep breath of their scent. "Father," Zasz whined.

"Taste me, son."

Zasz did, snout burrowing into Esmal's sternum before his tongue slipped out. The long, red organ, coated in saliva, made their back arch as it dragged across their scales. Zasz tasted sea salt with a touch of sweetness, traces of their sweat and musk. He snarled as his thick muscle worked up Esmal's chest to their chin. They grabbed Zasz's muzzle and directed them into a kiss. Esmal's dainty lips to his, maw opening, their long violet tongue wrapping around the tip of Zasz's. A teasing, dexterous squeeze, like the hand leading its lover to bed, Esmal coaxed Zasz's tongue back into his parent's maw. Zasz's heart soared as his tongue worked around his parent's mouth. They kissed slow and sweet. His lips occasionally worked against Esmal's, but most of the it involved their tongues slipping and sliding together. Esmal's lips became wet with his drool, but they held onto Zasz's horns, keeping him in place.

It only took a palm placed on his snout for Zasz to break the kiss, gentle and panting. That palm moved to caressing Zasz's cheek, as Esmal asked, "How was that?"

"Good," Zasz whispered. He nuzzled into Esmal's throat and licked there. "I want to taste you all over. I want to worship you."

"Mmmph, so eager." Esmal shoved Zasz's head down. "How about you worship here?"

Esmal spread their legs, and Zasz found himself before his parent's pouting pussy lips. The delicate scales of their labia were flushed with arousal. Esmal reached down and spread their cunt with both hands, revealing their glistening inner flesh--soft with the same purple color of their tongue. The smell alone made Zasz moan. Sharp like a cinnamon, with a tart sweetness to it--it stank of pheromonal need. Zasz understood now how Esmal's scent could drive Behesh and Zairsh into near feral states.

"Taste me, son," Esmal ordered.

His snout thrust against Esmal's muff. Another deep inhale, pheromones making Zasz feel close to the edge already. His fat tongue slathered that spread cunny, smearing his pebbly tastebuds against that tender flesh. "That's it..." Esmal huffed as Zasz tongue continued slipping up down, covering his parent's crotch in drool. Esmal tasted pungently sweet and sharp, which left Zasz so lost in his senses he continued to numbly lap up and lavish himself in their arousal. He did not snap back to the present until Esmal grabbed the end of his flailing tongue. "Here son," Esmal growled, forcing Zasz's tongue lower, to their opening, "Explore here." Zasz darted his tongue inside Esmal. The plunge of his tongue into that wet warmth, the clenching of Esmal's walls, the promise of what Zasz might also place there... Zasz cock jumped and smacked his belly again, with ropes of hot spunk spewing out from its yawning tip. Zasz's legs wobbled as the sudden orgasm overwhelmed him. His cum fired in long arcs across the rocky ground, filling the cavern with the pungent scent of his seed, so strong he smelled it over his father's arousal.

Their poor boy. Esmal wrapped their legs around Zasz's head, locking ankles behind his horns in a movement practiced many times with Behesh. It got their son's attention, and Zasz, still whimpering through orgasm, began to move his tongue. Esmal felt sticky, warm cum splatter across their tail. To know their virginal son needed them so badly only caused a rush of lust through Esmal. That thick, fat tongue squirmed and fought with Esmal's clenching. It ground deliciously up and down their vent, its forked tip digging deep enough to lap at Esmal's cervix. Zasz by no means knew where to touch, or where to look. His sire, Zairsh, could make Esmal cum in a matter of minutes by lashing his tongue all along Esmal's g-spot.

Zasz needed guidance and direction, but to see the boy so lost in his worship was its own pleasure for Esmal. Shkhanna's slit... just the thought of molding the boy, teaching him with his parent's body, made Esmal throw their head back in a moan. They humped up into Zasz's muzzle; their arousal gushed and dripped with the boy's drool mixing with the mess Zasz already made. His snout rubbed against Esmal's clit deliciously, creating extra sparks of pleasure twining with Zasz's wriggling tongue.

Zasz's cock ached. Despite cumming recently, the dragon's heavy balls continued to twitch and churn to breed something. One orgasm typically wasn't enough but this felt different. He needed to keep going. He fought with the desire to just keep his father's cunt mashed to his face. Esmal tasted so good, his flavor getting more bitter the deeper Zasz's tongue wormed inside that clammy cunny. Still, he needed more. He grabbed his father with a forepaw, and Esmal got the message. They released their legs, and Zasz forced their head back, strands of arousal shining in what little light existed in the dark cave. Zasz gave that cunt one more firm lick, caving in the labia with the force of his muscle. He asked, "How... how was that?"

Esmal chuckled and sat up. They kissed Zasz's snout and said, "Wonderful, and it will get even better with practice. For now, though, I think we both need something else."

"I want to mount you," Zasz growled.

"Heh, soon, son. You'll earn that right, for now get on your back."


"Do as I say."

With a sharp little whine, Zasz obeyed his father. He reclined backwards on the cavern wall, wings and legs splayed. His cock flexed and dripped in time with the lifting and lowering of his chest. Esmal paused to admire that proud spire of flesh: close in kin to a wyverns, but with a heavy, sagging pair of nuts between the legs. Esmal walked slowly and straddled their son's tail, resting on the thick appendage's base. Their sex squished against those soft scales and dripped with all this need their son stoked. Given Zasz's size, his balls already outmatched any pair Esmal had ever seen. The orbs had a dusky musk, coated in a sheen of sweat despite the weather. Esmal gasped when they touched one nut, palm pulling away. It was hot like a phoenix egg. Warm almost to the point of burning. They couldn't help but think how warm their son's seed would feel pooling inside their belly. Esmal's cunt twitched a little, hips reflexively rocking back and forth to grind their slit along their son's scales.


"Patience," Esmal urged, fighting done their own needy impulses. They wanted to savor this first time. Esmal groped the sweaty, scaled sack, lifting it a little to reveal what he expected. Reclining like this, his fat nutsack covered up his musky rim, coating it in more heat and sweat. Esmal found their snout inexorably drawn down to their son's sack. The ball's musky pheromones were having a similar effect as Behesh did during Esmal's first time with the wyvern. They could sense themselves getting lost, and something else pricking at their stomach. An itch that should have been several months away. A moan, weak and wanting, spilled from their muzzle as they nuzzled into that exposed pucker. Bright orange scales darkened in a swirl around the depressed orifice, a strong cocktail of pheromones from its scent glands proving irresistible to Esmal. They knew what was happening. Their son's powerful scent was triggering their heat early. Esmal should've stop, but couldn't...

If Zasz chose to smother them with this scent, Esmal idly wondered, rather than that first invasive kiss, would they have simply surrendered to their son's advances?

Zasz sucked in a breath as his parent's tongue dragged across his rim. His pucker clenched, which Esmal took as an opportunity to kiss it. The boy watched his father in shock, barely able to see Esmal's horns as they let that sack roll across their face and continued tonguing his tailhole. Zasz never paid that part of him much mind as a place of pleasure, but he couldn't deny the twinge of it with each kiss. Esmal gave long slurps, hard, sucking kisses, cleaning up the sweat, tenderizing his donut till their tongue just pierced Zasz's entrance. His father squealed, and a rush of their cum spilled across his tail. He gawked, watching Esmal's wings and tail twitch, still moaning as that tongue wriggled around Zasz's walls. Zasz nostrils flared as he caught the scent of Esmal's orgasm. There was something different there, a sharpness that made his snout itch.

All this pleasure on his tunnel just made Zasz more pent up. He growled, "Dad if you don't mount me I... I don't know if..."

Zasz's half-hearted threat came muffled around Esmal's musky prison. Still, it somewhat snapped them awake. Aware enough that, despite an ache in their loins that insisted they live smothered by their son's nuts, Esmal dragged themselves to sitting up, panting. Their face still reeked of Zasz's strong musk, but now they managed to look up and spot Zasz's dripping sex again. Esmal felt a twinge that almost doubled them over. It came sharp and harsh from their womb. A command to let that massive cock breed them.

Legs wobbling, drool pouring between Esmal's lips, they crawled towards their son's cock, practically possessed. The much sharper, salty taste of Zasz's meat a welcome contrast to before. Esmal settled against their son's slit, cunny drooling its nectar down across his balls. They squeezed that warm length and felt its pulse. The ridges on the underside matched by thick, throbbing veins spider-webbed across its top. Its spade tip was made to ram open Esmal's cervix, the spongy barbs to keep the tip locked in place just as much as the fat bulb at Zasz's base ensured every drop of cum stayed inside its prey. It was perfect. Made for making heated bitches like Esmal fat with a new clutch. Esmal pulled the spire against his stomach, letting its precum leak out across his abdomen. The tip would stab to the very back of his womb, Esmal could tell just by where it leaked.

"Shkhanna's slit," Zasz breathed. He humped his cock against his father's torso, legs and tail squirming a little. His restraint was quickly fading as the itching in his snout grew stronger. Something smelled different about Esmal. Off but so good. Each time Zasz inhaled he felt his balls tense a little with more need. It was like he hadn't cum earlier. Was like he hadn't cum in months. If they did not get release soon, he truly did not know if he would be able to restrain himself.

Zasz's cock rubbed up and down Esmal's front. They grabbed Zasz by his glans, squeezing out a few plump drops of precum. The thick beads spilled across their hand. A few pumps and Zasz had Esmal's fingers sticky and webbed with his arousal. Esmal released their son and licked the dripping precum off their hand. They started at the wrist, moaning when they tasted the rich, salty fluid. Their tongue snaked up, getting every nook and cranny of their fingers, sucking each digit, aware their son watched with labored breaths. It felt so good to be in that stare. All that desire burning for Esmal right at the edge of release. They wanted to see it, feel it, smell and taste and be bathed in it.

Esmal's tail snaked around, coiling around the lengthy, drippy dragon dick. Zasz made a whimpering snarl as those soft, sinuous scales encased his cock. He humped a little harder as Esmal grabbed his tip with both hands. His fount of precum spilled and leaked all across Esmal's tail and hands, making the scales slick. Soon Zasz sensed a familiar tension in his nuts. He shut his eyes, teeth grit, as he tried to hold out, only to hear Esmal ask, "Are you picturing it, son?"


"You can smell it can't you?" Esmal growled. Their voice had grown husky, almost a hiss. "My heat."

"Heat?" Zasz opened his eyes, immediately transfixed by the sight of Esmal milking his cock. Tongues of purple flame poured from the corner of their eyes--the strong glow almost blinding.

"I can hear your whole being, your very soul crying out to breed me." Esmal continued milking their son. "To seed the womb you came from." Esmal moaned, back arching. Zasz almost came as he felt his father's cunt spasm across his scales. His father orgasming just from this. Zasz jaw hung open, panting. The flames around Esmal's eyes flickered, but they came down from their high and caught Zasz's gaze in the trance again. "If you do, we won't be able to hide any of this," Esmal said. "Not when I grow fat with your clutch."

"Dad... I..."

"Do it, son. Mark me in your scent." Esmal's tail pinched down across Zasz's shaft as they said it. The dragon threw his head back so hard his horns _clacked_against the stone before shaking the cavern with his roar. He barely heard Esmal's self-satisfied moan. His parent tossing back their arms, wings fanned out, tail tipping Zasz's throbbing organ ever so slightly towards Esmal. Thick, spongy ropes of spunk spiraled into the air and landed across them. A shower of cum spilling all across Esmal. Their mouth gladly hung open as gout after gout of their son's spunk sprayed all over their scales. The pungent scent of dragon cum almost drowned out the smell of Esmal's heat--that scent that made Zasz's nose itch. It had been Esmal's body announcing its fertility to him. His toes curled as Esmal grabbed the tip of his shaft, slipping down so a tight, warm maw suddenly engulfed his spouting spade.

A cascade of cum in their maw made Esmal orgasm again. They trembled on their son, coated in the boy's potent heat. His virile scent poured off Esmal's scales. They couldn't fathom just how compatible they felt with their own son. Zasz heat, their scent, the thick gobs of sperm filling their muzzle, slipping out around their lips, and getting pumped down their throat. All of it filled Esmal with this buzzing, blissful pleasure at the same time those twinges in their womb continued to grow in frequency. At this point, Esmal would need to be restrained to be kept from mounting their son.

Zasz had not even finished cumming when Esmal stood up. Their wings swayed to keep their balance, moving a few steps up Zasz's front. Their father's weight was just a slight pressure on Zasz as they got on their knees at Zasz's waist. Their tail wrapped around his cock, which still leaked cum. Esmal lined the drooling tip up with their entrance, smearing seed across those puffy lips.

Esmal sank back, tail unspooling around their son's shaft as it sank inside their sex. Those barbs raked deliciously across their walls, getting a squeeze from their vent. Zasz groaned as he experienced his first mounting. The first of many. Esmal, delirious from their strengthening heat, thought of how good it would be to watch their son stud other things. He came from drake seed, which was notorious for getting everything it touched pregnant. They fantasized a whole harem of lizards, nagas, drakes, dragons, and Esmal at Zasz's beck and call. A simple set of spells could keep their son perpetually horny, balls needing to be constantly milked. The harem would smell richly of Zasz's musk, all his bitches, male and female alike, heavy with his clutch. Esmal could ensure that, too, with the right spells.

Shkhanna's slit when the boy's cock flexed inside Esmal and a gout of leftover seed sprayed their sex, it was so much that Esmal had no doubt it enough to get them pregnant. Still, they needed more. They had only taken half their son's shaft. That fat cock burnt up their insides, made Esmal see violet again, like before. Something primal stirred inside them, and when they looked at their son they saw the dragon laid bare. All his love, lust, and adoration. A buffet of desires Esmal fed on, drew strength from, and urged to stoke brighter. Even as it felt dangerous: letting a bonfire become a wildfire. Still, Esmal hissed, "Cum for me again, son."

"I can't... I-I--oh fuck!" Zasz's balls ached as they clenched tighter. One tapered off orgasm suddenly exploded into another at his father's command. Even as his cock boiled, body buzzed with pleasure, he felt limp, unable to do anything but keep himself in a trance with Esmal. They moaned, cunt rippling around Zasz's cock as cum spilled inside that tight sex. Rather than roar, Zasz could only muster a weak moan as Esmal, tail swaying back and forth, rolled his hips up and down the first half of Zasz's cock. Their little cunny split wide and wet and spilling fresh cum with Zasz's every spurt. His father was all soft, swirling heat. Their cunt rocked up and down his meat in a sashaying, circular motion that hypnotized Zasz as much as that violet trance. Flames still wept from Esmal's eyes, always pointed in Zasz's direction.

Esmal's tongue lolled out their mouth as they felt themselves already getting flooded, but it wasn't enough. Each time their hips swayed down, those ridges would cave in their cunny, before popping out wetly as Esmal yanked up. Their body moved with its own engine. Normally Esmal's heat made them simply lie back and take any and every cock within proximity to them, but this... this time that force inside them propelled them forward. They commanded their son, just as they did in the fantasy of the boy's harem. It was not Zasz breaking the wills of his breeding bitches, but Esmal, just as Zasz's would be broken to be the stud he'd been born to be.

"Surrender," Esmal breathed the word in Srrketch. Zasz was amazed how clearly he heard it, how a single word could make his thoughts glaze over. Esmal sensed it. Zasz's cock still rigid, the rest of him relaxed. He could only think of Esmal, their heat, the snatch slapping his knot. "You, hah, w-were made to breed, weren't you son?"

"Y-yes..." Zasz moaned weakly, mouth hanging open as he stared at his father.

Esmal planted a hand on their son's belly, hips grinding against the boy's fat knot. Even with all of Esmal's considerable experience, it would take a spell to force their body to take that. Still, smashing their labia and clit against that turgid, pink bulb felt so good. "You..." Esmal sucked in a breath, body abuzz, "You d-deserve to be worshipped, don't you?"

"Yes," Zasz mumbled.

As if Esmal conjured the vision, Zasz felt himself sinking away, into some dream reality as his father continued to speak, Zasz's eyes beginning to tinge violet, "The desert air is rich and thick with the smell of your seed. It has every reptile around you in heat. Desperate lizards are licking and worshipping your balls, your tongue is stuffed in a drake's needy asshole, his belly full of your clutch, and you've mounted me. I've carried so many eggs for you, but you need more, don't you?"

"More... eggs..."

"My good, potent, boy..."

Zasz whined, balls aching with the need to cum. He felt his father's cunt squeeze and hump downward, felt his spade jabbing into Esmal's cervix. That firm knot inside his father getting massaged into a spongy, yielding entrance.

"When I break this trance you will be that stud whenever I tell you to surrender. Soon as you catch the scent of my arousal you'll be so horny you won't be able to think past mounting me."

"Need... father..."

"That's it, son. Surrender... give me what Sisbul never could..."

That's right. Sisbul could never be the stud Esmal deserved. The stud all of Srrket deserved. Zasz could, though. So long as their father stayed nearby, Zasz would have an endless stamina, insatiable lust. And his virility would be undeniable to every reptile who could see, taste, or smell him. They would all bow and beg to lick clean his cock after he finished breeding someone. And once they had a taste of Zasz, no other would do. They would return from laying their eggs to lift their tails so he could breed them again.

Vision implanted in their son's mind, Esmal repeated, "When I tell you to surrender, son, you will surrender to this. You want to surrender, don't you?"

Zasz, numb and longing for the vision, mumbled, "Surrender... to my true... self..."

"That's it," Esmal urged as the flames on his eyes faded, the violet glow from both their irises evaporating. Zasz, as if startled awake, snarled and grabbed Esmal's waist with both forepaws.

His head snaked forward to his panting hen. He dragged his tongue across Esmal's chest, tainted with a sheen of Zasz's cum. "Mine," he snarled as he took control from his father. Esmal moaned as Zasz's lifted them up easily, slamming them back down on his knot. Zasz grit his teeth as his cocktip speared through Esmal's cervix. They screamed, clenching down with a milking contraction. Zasz growled in Esmal's ear, "You're not leaving here till my clutch is inside you."

Esmal wanted nothing more. With what little self-awareness they had, they muttered, "Y-yield so I may." The same spell they cast to first take Behesh's marvelous length. A warmth flooded Esmal's core as the spell took hold, the burn around their caved in cunt lips easing when Zasz tried to force them onto his knot.

"Oh you'll yield," Zasz swore, voice like smoldering coals. All the shyness, uncertainty, all of it gone and replaced with a feral confidence and aggression.

Lifted again, Esmal whined as those barbs raked their inner walls so harshly, the pain sweet. Zasz slammed them down, and his ridges smacked rapid fire against their cunt lips. Esmal grabbed their son's wrists to hold onto something. That spade speared deeper, their pussy yawning, almost collapsing around that knot. "So," yanked up again, "stubborn!" Zasz snapped as Esmal dropped down again. Zasz's hips thrust up, that knot slamming against Esmal for just a breath of resistance before it popped inside them. Then Esmal just struggled to breathe, feeling that cock's pulse, almost stronger, more present than Esmal's own heartbeat. That breeder now pushed out against their stomach. Zasz growled, "That's it, my father's, rrrr... s-such a good hen." Zasz started humping, tugging his knot on Esmal's cunt. Each time the bulb pulled on their entrance it caused their ruined cunt to burn with a pleasure that had them slumped against their son's face. They'd fall completely over if not for their son's grip. And still, despite the barbed glans working against his womb, Esmal's egg chamber still burned for seed.

"B-beg me, slut," Zasz ordered.

Esmal grabbed their son's horns, tugging him closer to say into his ear, "Please son. Breed me. I've--ah! Shkhanna's slit, it's never been so bad. I n-need you... no one else can satisfy me. It has to be you. Knock your father up."

"Yes..." Zasz snarled, still rolling his hips and churning Esmal's insides as the tension in his balls boiled over. Something about his father's complete surrender was what Zasz needed. He bet his slutty hen would say anything just to feel a real cock like his cum. Zasz's tail smacked the ground, his balls drawing tight. Esmal quivered and moaned against their son as that massive cock flexed inside them. Their battered body tried its best to contract, to milk, as pulse after pulse of thick, virile dragon cum flooded their womb. Zasz felt his slimy sperm quickly fill Esmal to the brim, his hen's stomach swelling in his grip. Zasz had to resist leaving a claiming bite on his father, worried Esmal might be too hurt by his massive fangs.

Esmal swam with heat and bliss, drooling against their son, wings and legs slack. So full of cum it began to work around that fat knot. Streams of slick seed spilled from their stuffed sex. Their cunny clenched, but could not keep so much cum in their body. Their heat drowned in their son's thick, potent cum. Each fresh pump inside them forced more out of Esmal's near torn entrance. They burned with their son's load, swollen and already looking like they quickened with a clutch.

Zasz licked Esmal's shoulder, which turned into another, deep, sweet kiss. Esmal whined as their throat filled with the boy's tongue, being stuffed by both ends. Zasz, impatient, began to work his hips. He'd not yet finished and already he felt the need to breed his father again.

Had Esmal any sense left, they might have realized what they did. The dangers of it, but even those spells could not sustain their bodies beyond the bliss that kept father and son grinding against each other all night.


Zasz woke with a start. His cave smelled thickly of sex. So much it made his slit heat up even as his balls ached. He felt like he hadn't slept in a week. Sore all over, he lifted his head to see his father standing in the entrance of the cave. The sun shone on them as they surveyed the ocean outside.

Legs a little shaky, Zasz got up, impressed and embarrassed by how much of the stone around the cave now carried chalky stains of dragon cum or thick, viscous puddles that had still not dried.

"You're awake," Esmal said as they heard their son pad over. Zasz noticed Esmal dripped with sea water. "I was just washing myself off. I sent Srei word that we'd be flying back home." Esmal faced him with a rueful smile. "I am sorry about getting so carried away last night."

"It..." Zasz swallowed the knot in his throat. "It was my fault--"

"No no," Esmal wagged their finger, "I lost myself in my needs, and used magic on us both in ways I shouldn't have."

Zasz could remember the trance, but little past first falling under it. Everything else fell away like memories of a dream. If it weren't for all the evidence behind him, he might question whether anything happened or not.

Zasz sensed the guilt in his parent's voice and insisted, "It's okay. I shouldn't have been pushy in the first place."

"Heh, there you go again." Esmal chuckled and took their son's snout in their hands. "I do not need you to be my knight, love. Don't make my mistakes yours."

Zasz nodded his head and admitted, "I... I never knew you could do something like that."

Esmal released him and said, "Hopefully I never do it again."

As Esmal turned to leave the cave, Zasz couldn't help asking, "Even if we both liked it?"

They froze. They made a half turn, voice neutral as they asked. "Would you actually want me to do that to you again?"

"I..." Zasz still ached all over, and at the same time... to be in his father's power, to have Esmal in his... It was all too enticing. "I loved it."

"You loved surrendering yourself to me," Esmal practically purred, advancing on their son. Zasz suddenly felt small to his father, shrinking a little as they grabbed his snout and locked gazes again. "Turned into nothing but my brainless stud, all that pride in you reduced to a feral need to breed."

Zasz felt his cock beginning to swell in his sheath. Almost afraid Esmal might do that to him right now, he still felt driven to whine, "Yes, make me yours."

"Soon enough, son." Esmal stepped back, and Zasz almost swooned as he was released. Esmal stepped out the cave and called over their shoulder, "We've made our family worry about us long enough. We can talk more about this after we get home."

Zasz watched his parent spring into the air, magnificent wings beating away a cascade of water still clinging to them. He only admired it for a moment before running to catch up, eager to share the wind with his father. Really, one of so many precious things Zasz shared with them.

In for a Pound Pt. 1

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A Lifetime with a God

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Broken Hero, Shattered Timeline 2

Link woke chained in a cell at the bottom of Hyrule castle. The wolf's forest green and white pelt peppered with corruption, fur wilting to black or dark violet. His now yellow eyes shone in the dark cell. Someone had chained his paws above him. He...

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