Broken Hero, Shattered Timeline 2

Story by wrenquire on SoFurry

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#8 of Slut of the Wild (botw smut fic)

It is my BIRTHDAY and I wanted to post something I thought would be a crowd pleaser that I've been holding onto for a while. This was posted to my patreon June of last year. If you'd like to support me there you can by going to:

You can also toss me a coin at

Anyways! You might go into this story and be like, oh! Link is being corrupted even more, and you'd be right, sorta. I had a lot of fun writing this smutty, very indulgent story, but also I wrote it a year ago so I apologize if I don't remember all the tags for it, lol. Also Nintendo please don't DMCA me unless you're doing so to make all this canon like with Bowser's dick:

Link woke chained in a cell at the bottom of Hyrule castle. The wolf's forest green and white pelt peppered with corruption, fur wilting to black or dark violet. His now yellow eyes shone in the dark cell. Someone had chained his paws above him.

He did not remember being thrown in here. He remembered one of Ganon's minions escorting Link somewhere through the castle when he snapped awake. He tried to fight his way out the castle, knowing he was in no condition to face Ganon again, but it did him no good. Several monsters overwhelmed him... raped and beat him. He woke here.

And his corrupted canine cock throbbed, fully hard. The wolf panted. Ever since his balls had swollen in size and been covered in dark fur, he could not get his erection to go down. The hero always existed at an aching level of arousal. Paws chained, Link could not touch himself to relieve that arousal, either.

A shadow appeared over his door. When Link recognized it, he scrambled to his feet, growling. The cell door opened and Ganon lumbered inside. The beastly, red maned and yellow-eyed pig was nearly four times his size. He towered over Link in the room, his meaty, uncut cock filling it with a musk that Link's body responded to immediately. His limbs grew hot and weak. He needed a way out of the castle. Needed to get away before he became more corrupted.

Ganon's arms folded over his broad, hairy chest. "Poor pup... so pent up. I heard you tried to escape while I was busy sealing my rule."

Link said nothing. He bared his teeth.

Ganon sneered. "Look at you, beaten and still trying to pretend you have a chance. Fine." Ganon reached over and yanked his chains out of the wall. Easily as plucking a flower. The monster said, "I will show you how broken you really are. You will attend to me today, and if you can spend the entire day by my throne and not touch me, I will let you go."

Link stared, shocked enough at the promise he forgot his lusts. He only moved when Ganon walked out the cell, dragging Link along by his manacled wrists. Hyrule Castle crawled with corruption. Veins of violet, red, and black spiderwebbed through the stone halls. Occasionally, Link would walk across stone tiles of it, his paw pads tingling when he did. The scent of Ganon's musk became a cloying distraction for his sensitive nose. The strong, virile smell so thick it practically existed in a cloud Link could not escape. It made his drippy dick hurt as they reached the throne room. There, a black and red throne made of malice rested where the king's throne had once been.

Ganon took a seat with Link coming to a stop at his side. He just needed to not touch Ganon--then escape then recuperate then recover his powers and--

Ganon yanked his chains. "On your knees before me, pet."

Link's hackles raised, but when he snarled all that fluttered from his throat was a whine. Ganon tugged Link so he rested between the massive boar's legs, which were spread wide. Link had a perfect view of his flaccid cock, resting across Ganon's melon sized balls. Each testicle glistened with sweat across the dark, thinly furred scrotum. His cock remained wrapped in its foreskin, the flesh so tender and inviting looking as it flopped over his meaty testes and drooped towards the floor. His endowment was so large the throne barely supported his balls. From the tip, precum already began to bead. Even flaccid, Hyrule's conqueror still produced a constant drip. Frozen in place, Link watched the bead of pre swell to the size of a cherry, at which point it finally dropped onto the floor with a gentle plop.

"Taste it any time you wish, pet," Ganon rumbled.

His voice broke Link from his trance. He glared at Ganon, but his ears could not help but fold back submissively. From this view he could see Ganon's gut, firm muscle under a lair of flab, with two meaty pecs, pierced nipples drooping to the floor. His fiery red hair went down his chest to his stomach to a set of thick pubes. It matched his armpit hair, his beard, all of it thick, lush compared to his finely furred hide. Link never cared to notice other males, but everything about Ganon stirred attraction in him. The young hero did not understand. This was his nemesis, but when he stared long enough he just felt a confusing swirl of lust and what he felt when first meeting Princess Zelda.

"I can see it in your eyes," Ganon said. Eyes that now matched Ganon's. Yellow, monstrous, that showed his changing relationship to the malice ruining Hyrule. His body ached not just to touch Ganon, but to worship him. To thank this monster for what he did to Link. He felt it, a pool of joy that beckoned him to drown his old life in the pleasure that was servicing his master.

Link bit his lip and opted to look down at the floor. There he only had to see his perpetual arousal and his swollen, corrupted balls. He just needed to survive. Survive a day here. He had not yet failed.

"You fight so hard," Ganon said. "I will never understand it."

Link gripped his knees, claws digging into his fur. He wanted to plug his ears, but knew that would accomplish nothing.

"They make you responsible for everything," Ganon said. "The Goddess, the king and princess. They muster no armies for you to command, they don't send you their best champions. They leave the task only to you. I've seen it time and again. Each time I resurrect, I can see it in your eyes. A sadness, a fatigue. Everyone else gets to live happy lives while you are no more than a blade to them. The Master Sword is treated with more reverence than you are."

Link snarled. "Stopping you is enough."

"Enough for who? Them? All I do is bring change to this world," Ganon said, almost in a purr. "They resent the change, do not wish it. You give them _everything_so they can hold onto their old lives. What do they give you?"

Think of the princess, Link told himself. He last saw her at the Temple of Time before he traveled here. He left a kiss on the white wolfess' lips. Zelda was enough.

"You think once you save the kingdom you will have whatever you want, but I have seen what comes after. Zelda is married to some noble suitor so the royal bloodline remains strong, business continues, and Hyrule has no use for some monster slayer," Ganon said.

"Liar," Link whispered.

"How would you know?" Ganon asked, then chuckled. "Sweet, naïve Link, I've lived through this time and again. This cycle we are locked in... even killing you does not stop it, for you awake in another boy and come to challenge me again. No, all you and I are destined for is fighting and killing each other. That is supposed to be the height of our lives. The best parts. The time when I am free to walk this world and the time where anyone else will care about you."

"Shut up, shut up," Link whined.

"Sh-sh, no need to get upset, pup. What I'm offering you, I know you see it as surrender, but it is more than that. We have the chance to end this constant cycle of misery and death. I would give you more pleasure, more adoration, more love than anyone could fathom. It would not be surrender to me, but mutual devotion."

Link bit his tongue. He couldn't stop trembling. Everything in him begged to give in. Love. Ganon would love him. It was so obvious. No more lonely nights in the woods, long quiet horse rides through Hyrule Field. No fear of dying lost and alone in the bowels of some ancient temple. Ganon in all his power, both of them joined together...

But the princess...

Link started when a finger touched his cheek. Ganon caressing him, guiding Link to look up. A visage he only ever saw as monstrous now radiated with tender sympathy. Ganon whispered, "All through your journey she never accompanied you, never helped you, not even in your final battle with me, and even now she does not come to your rescue. Why else can the two of us lounge here together at my throne? She is not coming for you. This Zelda, she will only love you so long as you are useful. Link, my sweet pup, I want to love you eternally."

Link believed him.

"It's time to stop fighting."

Ganon was right. Link fought for them all. He had been ready to die for this kingdom, for Zelda, and yet no one had gone with him to face Ganon. No one had come to save him. Ganon did not kill Link when he had the chance, but showed him an ecstasy he never felt before. Promised a lifetime of it.

"Worship me, and I in turn will worship you."

Ganon let go his chains and rested both hands on the arms of his throne. If Link ever had a chance to run, it was now, but why would he? Everything was right here, in front of him. Ganon's scent, so rich and thick, why did he ever want to deny a taste of that cock. Link's nose settled against the tip, snout smeared with precum he wiped from the fat urethra. He took a deep smell and moaned.

"_Goooood_pup," Ganon cooed.

Something spiked in Link. A sudden intense pressure and heat: release. He came against the throne simply from the praise. He doubled over against Ganon's crotch, nuzzling into that sweaty sack while his cock spewed cum across the base of the throne. His inflamed prick twitched and jumped, happily splattering everything it could in his cum. Link could smell his seed. Rich, virile ropes reminiscent of Master Ganon.

Link's paw reached up and hefted that massive member. Its heat and weight felt good against his paw pads. He began to lick the tip, working his tongue over the sweat-slick meatus. More precum, cloudy and potent, spread across Link's tastebuds. He kissed Ganon's urethra in thanks before his digits peeled back Ganon's foreskin. The flesh rolled away for that fiery red cap. Link gladly lapped up around the glans, cleaning off his master's tool. All the while Link's balls continued to pull up and down with a steady drip of cum, as if he'd knotted some bitch in heat.

Just as that fat, flaccid shaft began to thicken up, Ganon scooped Link off the ground into his arms. Soon the pup rested across his master's massive front, panting and humping his tool against that soft belly, smearing his cum in the thick red treasure trail. He hefted one of Ganon's pecs and kissed it before taking the nipple in his mouth. His tongue lashed eagerly against the bud, getting an approving growl from his master. "So hungry, pup," Ganon growled. He yanked Link by the scruff into a kiss. Link's muzzle split open for Ganon's tongue, the massive, thick muscle feeding its way down Link's throat, making the pup's ears fold. The pup's neck craned backwards, still humping against his master. His dick felt so good against Ganon's flesh.

Ganon's tongue plugged away at Link's throat till the wolf felt his master's shaft rub against his tail, smearing more corruptive precum in his fur. His master had gotten hard. He was going to fuck Link again. Pump him full of that cum that ruined him--that saved him.

But Ganon did not. He yanked Link out of the kiss and said, "You belong to me."

Link nodded, panting and drooling as he did, muzzle smeared with his master's spit.

What Ganon said next stunned him out of his bliss: "And I belong to you."

Link couldn't quite wrap his head around that. How could master belong to pup?

"Link. You are more than this servile lust," Ganon growled. "How easy it would be to make you succumb, but you can't."

Link gasped, confused by Ganon's words. His master's hands had wrapped around his hips, fingers clenching against his buttocks and spreading it. Link's tail flagged as Ganon's tip prodded his entrance. Link would have tried to sit on it if not for Ganon's tight grip.

"You want me," Ganon said. Not a question, a statement of fact.

"All of you," Link whined. He squirmed in Ganon's grip.

"Then do as I say... trust me, pup." With a snap of Ganon's fingers, black and violet flames consumed them both.


Link came to somewhere else in the castle. Nude and sprawled on a bed. The black sheets sparkled like crushed velvet, the rest soft as silk. Ganon lay beside him, propped on his elbow, two fingers gently stroking up and down Link's belly fur. A day ago this affection would have seemed more alien than anything done to him when he lost his battle.

His arousal was not clouding his judgement anymore, but he still remained hot and hard.

"What happened?" he grumbled.

"I took you here to consummate our bond."

"C-consummate?" Link still felt odd forming the words.

"I have been alone a long time, too, Link. Strange that, even as sworn enemies, you were the company I came to understand, to look forward to."

Link considered Ganon's previous words, and the cycles of his enemy's previous resurrection and defeat. "You saw yourself in me."

"Two lonely figures of fate. Compelled by higher powers."

"What compels you to do all this?" Link asked, though the question lacked any venom it might have in normal circumstances. Not clouded by lust, he still felt... changed. Still horny, but the sort of annoyance that came any time a young man didn't get off when he wanted.

"This Malice, this force inside me, compels me to change the world. You're compelled by your goddess to halt it. I want to thwart both our masters."

"Thwart changing things and preserving them?" Link said with a little scoff. He sat up, cross-legged, and faced Ganon. "It doesn't seem like both can be done at once."

"The Goddess and Malice both want control. They use us to try and control the world. I want to break their control," Ganon said.

"And you need me for it," Link said. "You've tried this before?"

"Another cycle, I tried corrupting you. I thought, if I can't kill you, I can ruin you, but if I flush you full of malice another champion is born," Ganon explained.

"That's why you stopped me," Link said. "I'm only half corrupted." Link felt his body longing for Ganon. It felt so simple to touch the big boar, to worship his body and lose himself again.

Ganon seemed to sense his thoughts. "You liked the feeling, didn't you? Of succumbing?"

Link's brow furrowed and he glared at the sheets between them. "I... can't deny how good it feels to serve."

"Always a servant, young Link. Of the king, Goddess, Princess Zelda--"

"You," Link shot back.

"I offered you mutual devotion and I meant it." Ganon sat up on his knees, his weight so great the bed crushed inward enough that Link almost slid towards him.

"You offer it because you need me for something, to escape this."

Ganon leaned forward and said, "For us to escape."

"Why should I believe you?" Link asked. "You seem in control of yourself."

"I am in agony, Link," Ganon said, fingers curling to fists in his lap. "Right now everything in me is screaming that I kill you or corrupt you. The only way I'm biting the urge back is from dozens of cycles learning to resist it. Eventually, though, the Malice will just take me over and I will become a creature of blind wrath and lust--butchering and corrupting everything I can before I'm stopped."

Link noticed a tremor in Ganon's arms, pain in his voice. He stared in shock, thinking of ancient scrolls detailing different cycles. He read stories of Ganon, once wounded enough, becoming a blind monster of rage.

"Say I agree," Link eventually said. "What happens then?"

"We rule Hyrule together, the Cycle broken and our bodies freed."

"Just like that? What about all the people killed?"

"I admit that I cannot make up for my actions," Ganon said, for once not meeting Link's gaze. "But these monsters you have slain all over Hyrule are capable of sentience and civilization as well. With the Malice in me abated, they will also no longer be bloodthirsty. The Lizalfos, the Moblins, Bokoblins, and all their ilk will be just as reasoning as any of the other races in Hyrule. We can build a kingdom from the ashes of this old one, one that recognizes all peoples worthy of dignity and life."

Ganon reached out and Link recoiled a little, but he simply offered his hand. "Please, Link."

"Why have you not brought this to Zelda?" Link asked. He felt sympathetic to Ganon's plight. The Malice in him already made him inclined to baser impulses, and he could only imagine what its full corruption did to reasoning creatures.

"I've tried, in many cycles. She does not believe me. Unlike you, even a compromise for her is seen as a loss, as a betrayal."

Just how long did it take Ganon to want out of this, to want his freedom? How long had he been trying to escape? Link touched his hand, and that massive palm closed around his paw, letting him twine his digits in Ganon's. Link squeezed, and Ganon stared, stunned.

Link understood, and told Ganon as much: "Growing up, I was always who people asked for help. I'd drop anything at a moment's notice to serve others. I know now the Goddess made me a vessel of her compassion and courage."

Ganon nodded and said quietly. "Her power is what kept my Malice from killing or corrupting you entirely. You... you're saying this because..."

"I want to help you, Ganon."

It was almost comical, watching this once-beast go slack, blinking back tears. He rubbed his eyes with his free hand, then commanded, "Be selfish, dammit. This is not just for me, it's for you."

And Link felt that resounding urge to pursue his own pleasure. A thing that made it difficult to concentrate on the moment, to not just notice and stare at Ganon's crotch again. He understood now that Ganon partially corrupted Link to know what it meant to pursue his pleasure and desires. Had Ganon succumbed to the Malice, he would have corrupted Link completely, but he held back.

"We need each other, in equal measure," Link said.

"Mutual devotion." Ganon offered a small smile.

"What do I need to do?"

"Same as I did to you," Ganon said.

Link's tail wagged a little. "I was hoping for that."

Perhaps it was the corruption, but he still found Ganon undeniably attractive. The big boar laid on his front. Too big to be on his hands and knees for Link to properly mount, he lay legs sprawled instead. "Just be quick," Ganon growled, "The thought of submitting makes the Malice in me boil."

Yet Link could not help but take a moment to admire the swell of the strong, fat ass before him. His thin tail, with a paintbrush tip that matched his fiery red mane, had been flicked up across his back, baring those finely furred cheeks. Link scooted closer, straddling Ganon's muscular thighs before letting his paws push into those glutes. Ganon shuddered a little as Link squeezed the flesh, enjoying how that plush rear filled his paws. He let his claws dig into Ganon's butt, leaving furrows in the cheeks before he finally spread his ass. Link got a whiff of the salty, earthy musk of Ganon's rear and huffed. A tuft of red fur that ran down the center of his balls could be seen ending across his taint. Link nuzzled into it, whining and spilling precum across Ganon's thighs. His scent was so strong Link's mind began to fog over with lust again. So male and virile... Link lapped up the sweat on Ganon's taint then licked higher.

Ganon's rim clenched when he dragged his tongue across it. Link lapped faster, the hole immaculate, tasting only of some cocktail of pheromones that made his heart beat faster. He nuzzled and kissed Ganon's entrance, letting go of those fat cheeks a little so they closed around his muzzle. Link felt smothered, but loved it. His scent, taste, sight, all of it was Ganon. He growled and licked faster, ruining his palate with the taste of Ganon's ass, till there was no more sweat, just his drool and a big boar squirming and growling beneath him. Ganon had balled up the sheets in his fist, trying to remain still for Link.

The wolf squeezed Ganon's ass tighter again and tugged, spreading the cheeks wide. The rim spread as well, that tender bud of wrinkled flesh drawn tight, so when Link's tongue wriggled against it the flesh would better yield. Ganon gasped as he forced his long, wet tongue inside. He snarled, dick jerking and firing a rope of cum. Not an orgasm, but certainly a virile enough shot to seed a bitch in heat. The cum slid thickly down the curve of Ganon's butt, down into his taint. Link's cock leaked and spurted, the taste of Ganon's walls making his balls pump more and more cum across Ganon's backside. He whined before his muzzle opened, fangs forced up against Ganon's flesh so he could work as much tongue into the boar as possible. It felt so good having his tongue inside his old enemy. His balls were tight, on the verge of orgasm, heavy egg-sized orbs clenching and falling every few seconds to pump more seed onto Ganon. Soon Link smelled his cum more than Ganon. It was a good smell.

Link needed to mark Ganon's insides, too. A need burned inside his chest. A nervous whump of his heart reminded him he had never been with another person before. The distant dream of sharing his first time with Zelda was long gone in the face of this.

Link, panting, asked, "Have you, hah, ever been--"

"You'll be the first," Ganon said through grit teeth. "It won't be the first time you've stabbed me, though."

Link couldn't help but smirk. "Just tell me if it hurts."

"Stop hesitating," Ganon growled. "Hurry up and fuck me before I bend you over and just make you my brainless slut anyways."

It was, perhaps, silly to be concerned about any pain Ganon might feel, given what Ganon did to him yesterday. Given they had been exchanging blows before that, and given Ganon's size. Link was by no means a small wolf, but, as he lined up his cock, the bright red canine meat still looked modest before that fat ass.

Link nudged the entrance with his spade tip. It was slick with drool, and more cum squirted across it. He bared his teeth and thrust forward. Ganon's interior was warm, tight, yielding. Ganon groaned as Link wedged half his cock inside him. His balls jumped, knot throbbing, and he moaned, cumming inside Ganon. The boar squealed into the sheets as Link huffed and humped blindly, his seed warming that passage and making it slippery. He managed to hilt to his knot, eyes shut tight as he pulled back and slammed forward.

"So, ah, hot!" Ganon moaned. Link felt that soft tunnel contract, Ganon going still. Link smelled the boar's rich cum as it spilled into the bed, ruining the sheets in a font of corruptive seed. Link kept thrusting, eager to milk this sudden orgasm from them both. Ganon moaned and gasped, biting down on his hand to try and muffle his noises. It occurred to Link that Ganon was embarrassed, and he laughed at that. He planted a paw on the small of Ganon's back and started gyrating his hips, happy to make his ancient enemy submit beneath him.

His knot hammered against that abused rim, churning up Ganon's insides, still cumming himself. Enough of his seed filled Ganon that it bubbled up, frothy, around his shaft as it pumped in and out that flexing hole. Each solid plap plap of his knot and balls causing Ganon's whole butt to shake as he worked the boar over. Link sensed the change in Ganon. When Link started there had been a tension, Ganon's muscles clenched, but now the great boar began to go slack. As Link kept swinging his hips, Ganon's lay limp, tongue now lolling from his mouth and no longer hiding his moans. That sloppy hole seemed to be the only part still working, sucking and squeezing on Link's cock, begging for his knot.

Link could not help but oblige. His knot, nearly thick as Ganon's own endowment, slammed harder and harder against that hole. His canid cum smeared across the angry red bulb; Ganon's rim caved in each time it pounded down. Until, eventually, Ganon's abused asshole yielded. Link's knot popped inside and both males howled. That ass turned into a vice, milking Link and making him double over. The wolf bit down on Ganon's back, hard enough to draw fresh blood across the dark hide. His hips tugged back and forth, jostling that knot inside Ganon, drawing out their pleasure. Link saw white when he came. His groan muffled by his partner. His once-enemy turned lover who moaned weakly as Link's cock dumped seed inside the milking asshole. His mutated balls fluttered up and down, spilling their content inside Ganon. The productive mess was enough that Link could feel it press warm and wet against his knot. So much cum Ganon groaned, struggling with how full the small wolf on his back left him.

That warm, full tunnel kept contracting on Link's cock. Ganon's cheeks flexed up and down, some inner impulse of his body taking over. Panting, Link released his bite, pressing himself off Ganon's broad, sweaty back. He asked, "How... how do you feel?"

"W-weak..." Ganon breathed. "Drained..." he shook his head. "Different."

Link felt different, too. Something drew him inexorably to Ganon, some phantom thread tugging tight at his chest, making it difficult to breathe. He hesitated to call it love, but some sort of bond had been forged. Something magical that came from each surrendering to the other; it was almost like he stood on a precipice, nearly able to peer into Ganon's soul. Link sensed a great ache from the boar. Something in Ganon was receding, replaced by long centuries of loneliness, empty rage, struggle, and death.

Link leaned down and kissed his back. "You're in pain," he whispered, "Let me take care of you."

With a grunt, Link managed to yank his knot free of Ganon's rear. The bigger male cried out as cum spilled from his used entrance. Link planted a line of kisses down his back, paws gently spreading Ganon's rear. He nuzzled Ganon's crack, licking away sweat and cum from their romp. The musky, intoxicating swirl had Link already craving another round, but he ignored his baser impulses to care for his companion. Lovingly, he licked the flushed and swollen rim he just abused. His long, canid tongue lapping up cum, cleaning his partner and soothing the ache there with his muscle. Ganon shuddered, gasped, made these sweet little noises hardly befitting his beastly form. He let Link's tongue dive back into his much looser asshole, muscle swirling around and scooping up more thick ropes of canine cum. Link worked it in and out, drool replacing the mess again, his tail gently wagging as he savored the taste of their lovemaking.

"Li... Link!" Ganon mewled his name.

Link sat up, licking flecks of cum from his chops. "Yes?"

"I... I need..."

"Shh. I'll take care of you. I know what you need." Link grabbed Ganon by his thigh. "Roll over for me, love."

Ganon shivered and obeyed. He lay on his back, looking down at Link in askance, thighs spread. His massive balls sagged into the bed, while his cock throbbed lopsided over his belly. There, the hair and fine fur was matted from Ganon's recent orgasm, and now, rolled over, the air carried the pungent reek of the boar's cum.

Link leaned down between Ganon's legs. He nestled his nose on the underside of Ganon's cock, taking a deep sniff. His toes curled and he breathed, "Goddess forgive me. I've found something better to worship." He dragged his tongue up its meaty flesh. The recent orgasm made the great organ smell and taste like a mixture of musky sweat and cum. Link wrapped his paws around the great spire of flesh. That strong, steady pulse beat against his paw pads. Link licked up the flesh, working his paws up and down while Ganon squirmed.

Link did not fully understand the change in Ganon, but he relished it. Something in the boar turned over, and now everything about Link lit up Ganon's flesh the same way Link had been changed by his corruptive cum. "L-Link... fuck--how?" Ganon breathed as Link worked his tongue between foreskin and urethra. He slurped and teased there, drawing out several beads of precum potent and rich as any normal male's load. Link took them and swallowed, eyes closed, toes curling. Ganon kept his hands clenched in the sheets, quivering, clearly in a desperate need, but ceding full control to Link.

He wondered, idly, what Ganon would do if Link stopped now. Not that he would ever stop. This monument to masculinity deserved every pleasure Link might give it, so, opening wide his jaw, he began to work its fat tip inside his maw. Calmly, patiently, on some kind of instinct, he sank lower and lower. His tastebuds wriggled up and down cockflesh as it filled his muzzle to capacity. He relaxed his throat and worked it lower, Ganon moaning as if he hadn't ever experienced this before. Link's throat stung slightly as he accommodated that girth, neck outlined with the thick flesh. Eyes watering, holding his breath, he worked still farther down, till his wet nose touched the fiery red pubes at Ganon's crotch.

"Oh Malice! Link I'm sorry!" A big boar hand closed around his head and kept him in place. Ganon's hips started rolling, desperately humping Link's face. Cock slid roughly in and out his throat, making Link gag, but he did not struggle, finding pleasure in the discomfort. Some numb bliss spread through him as his world once again became the taste and smell of Ganon. Precum sprayed in his throat at regular intervals before Ganon moaned and held Link tight to his crotch. A hose of hot cum erupted down Link's throat. He barely noticed himself reaching climax again, cumming across the sheets and the churning balls that dumped down his throat their own load. So much came that it rushed back up his mouth and into his sinuses, the slight sting worth the powerful, addictive flavor of his master's cum.

Fuck. Like this Link began to want submission all over again. His tail wagged, dumb and happy, as master fed pup his cum till Link's throat and chest began to burn from the lack of air. Ganon seemed to notice and pulled Link off him. Link coughed and gasped for breath, swallowing once before a hand gently guided him by the scruff to mount Ganon. Next he knew he sat in Ganon's lap, stomach to stomach, Ganon craning Link's head up. They were kissing, Ganon not as forceful as before. Link still whined as Ganon's tongue filled his mouth. The boar pulled away only to whisper, "You taste so good..." kissing again, nipping Link's bottom lip, massaging the small of Link's back. He blindly dry humped Ganon's belly again. The fat on the sweaty flesh yielded to firm muscle, which rubbed Link's sensitive cock just right. He became totally lost in Ganon's body, throwing himself at the bigger male, tongue wrestling with Ganon's. His entrance clenched with a new need. Not just to sate a lust, but to be one with his once-mortal enemy.

Ganon broke the kiss and whispered, "I'm sorry..."

Link couldn't help but laugh. He thought it odd when Ganon apologized earlier, but the thought of it happening again made everything feel even more dream-like. He cupped Ganon's cheek and asked, "Why are you apologizing?"

"For getting rough with you. I don't want you to think--"

Link put a digit to his lips to shush him. "I like it when you're rough with me," Link growled.

"You really don't mind?"

"If I want you to stop, you'll know," Link said before reaching backwards to stroke Ganon's half-hard shaft. "You good to fuck me again?"

"Yo-you still want me? After last time?"

"Mutual devotion," Link nuzzled into Ganon's chest. He licked the side of Ganon's hefty pectoral then whispered, "Just because you raped me last time doesn't mean I don't want you now. I carry your lust inside me, and I know you still carry it, too."

Ganon gripped his hips and squeezed. "I do... I just..."

"You also have me inside you now. You want to care for me."

Ganon nodded.

"Love me," Link added, meeting Ganon's gaze. He reached up and kissed his partner.


"Say it," Link urged. "Surrender to it."

"I... I love you, Link."

"And I love you, Ganon."

What had been a limp semi by now had sprung to its full length. Ganon's cock prodded the small of Link's back, matting the black-green fur there with a spot of precum. He threw his arms around Ganon's neck, pulling himself higher on his lover's body. "Claim me," Link urged. "Breed me."

Ganon froze up. "Do you really want me, too?"

That gave Link pause. "I wasn't being literal."

"It would be in my power to. I could use magic so my seed would take--"

Link kissed Ganon hard. He held the big boar tight, trembling against him. His tongue entered Ganon's mouth, trying his best to make them one. Link broke the kiss, nose to nose with Ganon, and whispered, "Does that answer your question?" Link was panting and flushed, whole body aflame at the thought. He never envisioned himself pregnant, but now the suggestion wouldn't leave his mind. Of course Ganon could do this. His powers almost reached godhood, why shouldn't his seed make the belly of his lover swell with his offspring?

"Turn around," Ganon ordered. Link did, and Ganon grabbed him by the thighs, his big hands easily closing all the way around the wolf's legs and lifting him into the air. Link fell back against his chest, and Ganon told him, "First I need to be inside you."

"Do it," Link urged, reaching down between his legs. He lined that massive shaft up with his entrance, taking a moment to steel himself. As if in rhythm with him, when he exhaled Ganon forced him down. That fat prick ploughed him open. Link groaned, entrance burning a little as he was spread around Ganon's enormous member. Unlike their previous encounter, Ganon remained still for a moment, planting kisses on Link's nape, whispering encouragement. Once relaxed, Ganon started working his hips. Slowly, yet surely, his thick shaft sawed deeper and deeper into Link's ass. Those massive, productive balls leaking copious precum as lube. An aching fullness left Link gasping for breath. Sweet, numbing heat filled his rear and belly, as cock slipped deeper in him. Massaged gently inside his passage. His warm wolven walls left Ganon huffing and panting. Link sensed him struggling not to give into old instincts, but let his partner take control, trusting and submitting much as Ganon did earlier for him.

Ganon eventually sheathed himself inside Link, releasing his thighs. Link sat on his cock, an obscene bulge in his abdomen as he accommodated the massive shaft. The great pressure on Link's prostate had his corrupted cock and balls throbbing at the edge of release. His balls clenched, but the pressure didn't allow for more than a few meek streams of precum. Without warning, Ganon began rubbing Link's stomach with one hand, the other rubbing his chest.

Ganon chanted in some bestial tongue as violet flames, lacking heat, began to envelope his hands. Slowly, a heat began to blossom in Link's body, something different. The lust he felt before did not compare to this. It came desperate, pained, so much that by the time Ganon wrapped up the spell Link was squirming, trying to feel that shaft move inside him.

"There," Ganon whispered when he finished. "Now, until my seed quenches your heat, you will be mine."

Link was in heat. He did not understand how, but he whined on top of Ganon, babbling incoherently. His body was so hot. Every part of him so sensitive.

"Shh... I'll take care of you," Ganon whispered, rolling them over.

Link found himself on his paws and knees like a bitch. One of Ganon's strong hands wrapped around his waist, the other stroked his chest. Fingers brushed through his coat and against Link's tender nipples. He puffed his chest out, gasping, seeking more of that touch. Ganon gave it, pinching a nipple and twisting. Link's back arched, cock flexing and leaking beneath him.

Then, Ganon began the rut he craved. How something so large didn't simply ruin him or kill him was beyond Link. Each time that massive tool caved in his flesh, split his interior, rubbed his inner walls with its meaty flesh, all Link felt was pleasure, bliss, heat. Cock stabbed his core again and again, both stoking his heat and soothing it. He cried out and begged, under Ganon's power. Tears ran freely from his flushed face, tongue lolling out his mouth. His cock swung up and down, slapping his stomach on each thrust. Ganon's cock made his head feel empty. Nothing mattered but getting bred by those virile balls slapping his thighs.

Precum leaked messily from his ass, matted his fur and fell across the sheets. He felt contractions inside him, balls flexing, but he was too full. He came without loosing his seed, each movement inside him spreading this numb heat outward. First his crotch and thighs, then further down. He became a shaky mess of nerves, all tipped toward pleasure. Ganon could do anything to him in this moment. Link was too weak to even try to clench on Ganon's cock. His asshole more a mere toy that his lover, his master slammed again and again. The great boar dwarfed him panting and snarling, Link's asshole bringing his own needs back to the fore.

Ganon howled when he came. Link didn't even notice the signs leading up to it. Suddenly, he was slammed to Ganon's hips, and fire spilled inside his belly. Link saw white, balls clenching and cum finally spewing from his spade tip. Ganon's seed filled Link in an instant, making his abdomen swell with boiling hot seed. Billions of swimmers flew through his tunnel, looking for some unseen egg chamber Ganon had magically implanted.

And Link felt the seed take. A shudder went down his spine, followed by another surge of pleasure shooting down his cock. He moaned, groping blindly above him, grabbing Ganon's mane and holding him tight. His stud. His breeder. Link's stomach swelled like he already showed the signs of pregnancy. He admired the curve of his stomach, what it represented. A new union. No more struggles between "good" or "evil." It would be the two of them, together till the end of this broken timeline.

Ganon touched his chin, and Link looked up and surrendered into another passionate kiss--never happier, never more sure of himself than he was now.

Family Secrets Pt. 2

"So... how is she?" Even over the phone, Jayla's voice carried a sultry smoke to it that took Leanna back to warm nights spent together. Leanna had texted Jayla the news about her parents, but only now finally called her to talk. She used her mother's...

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Family Secrets Pt. 1

White cedar trees in every direction, that's how Leanna knew she was home. The tall, spindly things always made her imagine Earth as a porcupine--the trees its needles. But it was the smell of cedar, mixed with the scent of dirt, that really got to...

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Becoming a Good Boy

Sometimes jobs go wrong. I wasn't mad at my crew for that. I was mad at myself for getting caught, hauled paw over foot into the back of a cop car in a muzzle and cuffs. Now I waited in a small, dingy interview room, cuffs still on and looped into the...

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