In for a Pound Pt. 1

Story by wrenquire on SoFurry

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#2 of In the Blood

This is a sequel for In for a Penny, which can be found here:

Pt. 2 is available for early access on my patreon at the $3 dollar level here:

Summary: In this sequel, two months after the events of the first entry, Sebastian is just trying to have a quiet Friday night when he gets yet another very sudden and very unexpected text from his sister. Things get even more complicated when he answers the door and sees it's not just his sister coming over for a visit, but Sebastian's mother as well.

Just as a heads up! This story has watersports in it, but it comes at the very end of this after the action is otherwise winding down, so you should have no trouble skipping over it if that's not your thing!

Hey bro? Any plans tonight?

Sebastian frowned at his phone. It was the rare Friday night where he planned to stay in, so he reclined on his couch, stripped to a pair of boxers with a game on the TV. He texted his sister back, Don't you usually go home for the weekend?

After discovering his sister was a werewolf, Sebastian agreed to keep her secret on two conditions: she took a Plan B pill to make sure he didn't actually knock her up, and she didn't mention their sex to anyone else. Sebastian almost hated how good fucking his sister was. Even when he had been with other lapine girls, Sebastian never knew someone just as eager as him, just as ready to go. His chubby nerd of a sister only lived a twenty minute drive away and practically ended up moving into his guest bedroom with how much she stayed over. They went through boxes of condoms so often the cashier at the pharmacy knew him by name.

She'd not turned since their first time together, and Penny remained incredibly dodgy about being a werewolf. They existed, but the internet was so full of misinformation that he had no clue what to believe, and there seemed to be no one definitive source actually explaining what Penny was. The only question Penny ever answered on the matter was whether he should be worried about being turned: "Oh, don't worry about that, silly. That's always been an urban legend."

Sebastian couldn't help but worry about it. Still, two months passed since that fateful night, and the young stud could not complain about having his cock milked five nights a week.

Five because Penny usually still went home for the weekend. She texted back: I thought I'd stay there for the weekend?

Okay, but you better cover food this time. I'm tired of ordering pizza for you.

A knock on the door made the cloudy white rabbit toss his head back with a groan. "Seriously?" he snapped at his front door. He got up and went to it, calling out to his sister on the other side, "If you're just going to show up then why even bother to text?" He yanked open the door and immediately regretted not checking the peephole.

"Do you always answer the door half-naked?" Constance, his mother, asked. Standing beside his sheepish sister, Sebastian's mother was the one other rabbit in their family tall and slim with a white coat. She wore a pencil skirt that hugged her hips along with a button up blouse that climbed right up to her throat. In her prim, manicured fingers she carried a pleated, leather clutch. She looked like she came from work, whereas Penny just wore a pair of leggings and a hoodie, but the usual overnight bag she brought with her was nowhere in sight.

Sebastian picked his jaw off the ground and said, "Uh, come in--I'll throw on some clothes."

He dashed to his room then returned a few seconds later to his living room in skinny jeans and buttoning up a plaid shirt over his bare chest. Both women sat on the couch, muttering something. Sebastian asked, "You want some tea mom?"

"That sounds lovely, Seb."

"Mind helping me, Penny?"

"I guess?"

As Penny followed him into the kitchen, Sebastian filled the electric kettle in the sink before setting it to boil. He turned on Penny and yanked on the collar of her hoodie. "What the hell, Penny? Why is mom here?"

His sister squirmed in his grip, unable to get away. She mumbled, "I didn't want her to know, but I couldn't hide--"

"Know what?"

"About us!"

That was obvious. "And you told her why?"

"Because I'm pregnant."

That shocked Sebastian enough to let go of her. He more mouthed than uttered the word, "How?"

Grimacing, Penny said, "You remember when you told me I needed to take that Plan B pill?"

Sebastian wanted to slap her. He didn't, but before he could speak his mother did: "If you two are done gossipping?" Constance went to the electric kettle and said, "Were you planning to singe the leaves?" She opened a cabinet over the kettle and blanched. "Bagged tea? Where is the loose leaf?"

"I don't have any," Sebastian said through clenched teeth.

"Honestly, I raised you better than this," Constance said with a little sigh before she took out three bags of green tea and lifted three mugs from the tree they hung on beside the kettle. "This will be foul, but it will do." As Constance poured the tea, she said, "Contrary to what you think, Sebastian, you are not in trouble. Penny is the one who shouldn't have been here when she went into heat."

"Then why didn't you tell me you were coming over?" Sebastian asked. "Sure seems like you wanted to ambush me."

"I needed to be sure you didn't try to scamper away," Constance said.

"You don't seriously think I would--"

Constance silenced him with a raised hand. "You do not need to protest. I simply prepared for the worst."

From behind, Penny hugged him tight. She nuzzled into his shoulder blades and said, "I'm sorry I didn't warn you."

Sebastian reached over his shoulder and rubbed one of her ears. "It's okay. I'm still mad at you for lying to me about the pill."

"I told her before that she shouldn't fear getting pregnant from anything but a wolf," Constance said. She offered Sebastian one of the steaming mugs, and said after he took it, "Shall we continue this discussion in the living room?"


Both women followed him back to the couch, Penny sitting between her mother and older brother, cradling her mug in her lap. She leaned back into the cushions, and looked at neither as Sebastian asked, "So why aren't you freaking out?"

"Whether you sleep with your sister is hardly my concern," Constance said. "I'm here because she should have never revealed her true form to you."

But Sebastian still pressed. "And your daughter getting pregnant with your son, not a big deal?"

Constance actually chuckled. "Oh Seb, do you really think you and your sister still shared the same DNA when her entire body warped into a different creature?"

"They'll be wolves, Seb," Penny muttered before taking a loud sip from her mug.

"A wolf is my neighbor Shaun," Sebastian said. "Not whatever you turned into that night."

Constance sighed and set her mug down on the coffee table before the couch. She took out the tea bag and dropped it in a cereal bowl Sebastian ate from that morning. "I suppose a more robust explanation will ease your mind. The lesser kindred are a distant cousins of ours, we are the Kyshban, and on Earth we live as lycanthropes."

"So you're one, too," Sebastian said.

"Was that not obvious?" Constance grabbed the bowl and offered it to her children. "Here, you'll over steep your tea if you leave it in your mug."

They dropped their bags in the bowl, and Sebastian asked as his mother set it down, "And is dad one of you, too?"

"He's as much a rabbit as you are, dear," Constance said. "I admit, when you took after me, I'd hoped you were kysh as well, but the magic to conceive with one who's not from the Faelands is fickle."

Sebastian took a long, scalding drink from his mug, made a harsh swallow, and set his mug down. When he dug around trying to find information on werewolves, he'd stumbled across the Faelands conspiracy: a magical world tied with Earth where great powers wielded influence on Earth like the Illuminati. Soon as it began talking about race science he'd chalked it up to another crackpot theory.

He asked, "So... are you from there?"

Constance never talked about her family, and Sebastian's dad always said his mother got away from a couple of abusive parents soon as she could. His mother now answered, "Yes, though, I did not flee from anything coming here. I came, as many kysh did, because our people are dying out in the Faelands. A plague a generation before mine culled are numbers, especially the males. Many of us unattached women came here hoping to find companionship and a chance to increase our numbers."

Penny mumbled, "That's why we're keeping the litter."

Sebastian looked between mother and daughter, then said to his sister, "Penny if you don't want kids--"

"She's not expected to drop her life here," Constance interrupted. "She will give birth, and the pups will be communally raised as part of my sister's pack in the Faelands."

"Still, what do we tell dad? She's not going to be able to hide this."

Constance rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Dear Seb, if you keep asking questions before we can explain everything we'll be here all night."

"Fine, fine." Sebastian settled back into the armrest on his side of the couch and sat cross-legged to better face his mother. "What else is there?"

Constance took a drink from her mug before continuing. "When in this world, the longer we remain outside of our true forms, the more dangerous it becomes for ourselves. These bodies are not meant to store the magical energies our souls build up, and Penny here has deliberately put off turning because the next time she does, she will remain a wolf until she has delivered her pups.

"I am going to take her to the Faelands tonight. We've already made arrangements with her college, and as far as anyone will know, she will be on a trip with your father and I to Europe."

Sebastian scoffed. "For seven months?"

"Time passes differently in the Faelands, it will only be for a month here," Constance said. "Honestly, I would have just told you our plans to travel and left it at that if not for your sister."

Still looking at her mug, Penny muttered, "I wanted to say goodbye in person."

Sebastian scowled. "You still don't have to do this, sis. I don't know what is going on, but you should have a say in what happens to you--"

"This _is_what I want!" Penny snapped, then clapped a hand over her muzzle. Her ears went down and she shrank away from him, mumbling, "They're special and they're ours. Besides, I've never been able to stay there long. I have aunties and cousins I want to see, a whole world I want to see."

"Oh..." Sebastian's ears dropped and he touched her knee. "I'm sorry--I didn't mean anything by it. I just wanted to make sure this was your decision."

Constance frowned. "Really Seb? Do you think I wouldn't let her have a choice?"

"After everything I've learned, it's a little hard to trust you right now," Sebastian said. He sighed and leaned over to grab his mug again, taking a drink before keeping it in his lap. "I'm sorry if I'm being rude or mean to you. I love you mom, I just... this is a whole hell of a lot at once. I didn't wake up today thinking I'd be a dad, much less that magic exists along with a whole other world of people and races." Sebastian shook his head and took another drink.

"Fortunately, you will not need to worry about it long," Constance said. "Once the moon rises and we've turned, we'll exchange our goodbyes, and you won't have to remember any of this."

Sebastian gripped his mug tight. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Only fae creatures are supposed to know about the Faelands," Penny said. "I'm--we're not going to make you forget everything. Just the, um, wolf parts, I guess?"

Sebastian got to his feet and backed away from them both. "Uh-uh, no fucking way. I'm not just going to let you zap my brain. You said earlier magic is fickle."

"It will be harmless and safe. I've performed the spell a dozen times on your father, and twice on you already," Constance said before taking a nonchalant sip of his tea.

Sebastian's hackles and ears both went straight up. "You've what?"

"It was my fault," Penny said, getting up standing between them. "You remember when we used to share a bedroom and then they split us up all of a sudden?" Penny took a step closer and whispered, "I'm sorry, Seb."

"It's not you, it's her who should--"

"No Seb, I... you don't remember but when I wasn't feeling well, you let me sleep in your bed with you, and I settled, but when I woke I had turned for the first time."

"Both of you screamed so much I almost broke down the door getting inside your room," Constance said wryly. "Needless to say, at least one of you didn't need to remember that traumatic experience."

Penny took the mug Seb still held onto and set it down. He only then noticed how he was shaking in front of the two women. The tangle of his emotions so brambly he didn't know what to do, how to feel--everything so sharp it wounded him to dwell on, but then Penny slipped her arms back around him and hugged him close. Her voice came muffled buried in his chest:

"Please, Seb, you're like... well, I love you and I don't want to lose you."

Unsure what else to do, Sebastian hugged his sister back, stroking up and down her back. "Hey, who said anything about losing me?"

"The longer you know about the Faelands or its people the more danger you put yourself in," Constance said. "There is... a magnetism that pulls us to it. Not just those of us from there, but everyone, and once you know of its existence that pull deepens in strength. Eventually, it will pull you into our world with no warning or way for you to control it. Earthpledged like yourself will die if you become trapped there, in the same way your body would if it could no longer drink water."

"You're bound here, just like mom and me are bound to the Faelands," Penny said. She finally looked up at him, her eyes wet with tears.

Seeing her like that made it easy for Sebastian to figure out what to do. He'd been there for Penny for most of their lives, it came second nature. Gently, Sebastian brushed the tears out of her eyes with his thumb. "Hey, stop that. It's not like you won't know where to find me. I'm not going to go anywhere, Penny." He glanced at his mother and added, "I guess, do what you have to."

"I'm sorry we can't give you more choice on the matter," Constance said. "It is not a matter of whether we trust you, son. We just want you safe."

"I get it." Sebastian kissed Penny's brow. "So, what happens now?"


If not for his mother, Sebastian might have shown Penny a little more affection while they waited for the moon to rise. Their transformation had nothing to do with what phase the moon was in, but, just like water, the Faelands' connection apparently strengthened and weakened like tides.

Transformation came easier under the moon, so they waited a few hours after sundown. Over the mindless noise of the Food Network, they talked about the Faelands and the Kyshban. Sebastian learned he had a whole family tree, a whole society he carried some connection to. Kysh women were born at a much greater rate than men in general, and so lived and worked outside their households while men were homemakers. The whole term alpha as it was colloquially known came from the Kyshban, but did not denote any sort of authority, just that any one kysh male counted several women as part of a harem. Like feral lions and their prides, only without young men being driven out of their homes or having to compete with their fathers.

Absorbed as he was, Sebastian still kept checking the time with his phone until his mother finally said, "It's time, dears." Sebastian grabbed the clicker and turned off the TV, watching both women get up and step away from any of the furniture in the room.

"Does it hurt?" He couldn't help but ask.

"No," Penny said as stripped off her hoodie. Sebastian looked away when he noticed his mother also unbuttoning her blouse. "It can hurt to still be in clothes, though. They pinch a bit before you tear through them."

"A terrible waste of money, too," Constance said. "I've replaced more bras than I care to admit. You know there's no need to be bashful, Sebastian."

Grimacing, Sebastian forced himself to look their way, trying to not get an eyeful of his half naked mother. He still could not help but notice how good she looked even at fifty: Trim waistline curved into motherly hips, a pert bosom smaller than Penny's with two pink nipples peeking between her cloudy white and grey coat. She still wore her skirt, while Penny had already stripped naked. His sister was a contrast of chubby and soft, full curves. Seeing her nude got Sebastian thinking of what it smelled like between her thighs, and his dick stirred a little. Even flaccid, skinny jeans barely hid any of the bulge of his massive endowment, and the last thing he wanted was getting hard in front of his mother.

Penny, however, snickered and opened her legs. She reached down and spread her folds, exposing her dark pink sex. A beacon amidst all that brown fur.

Sebastian gasped and twisted back around. "Mom is right there!" he snapped.

"Honestly, Penny," Constance scolded. "Don't tease the poor boy."

"Awww, I'm just having a little fun." Since they had finished the hard part of their conversation, she had lightened up considerably.

"I'd let you have one final romp with him, but it feels unfair to Seb when I'd have to erase the memory right after." Sebastian heard his mother's skirt fall to the ground. She did her son the courtesy of turning around before saying, "You can look now. I assume you wanted to watch this."

Swallowing the knot in his throat, Sebastian did look again. His mother's cottontail, the white fur on her round butt, and the dimples along the small of her back was just as appealing a view.

"Hehe, you're such a pervert, Seb."

Sebastian's ears went down as he scowled at his sister. "You're one to talk."

"I'm not the one looking our mom up and down."

"Children, please," Constance said with a little sigh. "Honestly it will be good you won't remember any of this, son. Are you ready, Penny?"

Penny idly scratched at her wrist. "My skin's been itching to do this for the last hour."

"You first, then." Constance took a wide side-step away to give Penny space.

Penny closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Her arms hung limp at her side, stance a little wide. Her lip flickered in what Sebastian thought was a grimace, then realized was something more. A shiver ran down Penny's body, and her fur coat stood on end, bristly as a porcupine before his sister started growing. In a few seconds, Penny gained a foot of height, fur thickening into a shaggier, glossier nutty brown coat. Her short muzzle began to extend, and Penny hunched over with a little groan before her eyes snapped open, the blue now a wild, moon yellow. Her ears did not so much retract, but reshaped into something more pointed, canid, their big size becoming more proportional on the lycanthrope that blossomed into being in the middle of Sebastian's living room.

The transformation finished in less than a minute. His sister now this eight foot tall beast with paws the size of dinner plates, her arms almost ungainly in their length, her digitigrade legs making her stance lean a little forward now. She ran a long, pink tongue along the sharp fangs that lined her jowls and sighed, her voice deeper, near a growl:

"That feels good. Like stretching your legs after a long car ride."

"Um, yeah?" Sebastian asked, finding himself unable to look away from his changed sister. Some raw, animal side of his brain felt totally enamored with her in this form, so caught up in her transformation, in the sudden scent of wolf filling the room, he didn't even notice his cock throbbing in its denim prison.

"Excellent. I was a little worried something might go wrong after going so long without you transforming, but it seems I was silly for worrying," Constance said to Penny, back still to her son. "Give me some space, dear, and then we will get to work on summoning the gateway."

Penny nodded and lumbered away and around the couch to her brother. Sebastian noticed her whiskers twitch as Penny froze for a moment. She leaned over the couch so quickly Sebastian started and almost fell onto the floor, but one of those massive paws grabbed him. Penny's wet nose nuzzled into his neck with a deep, ragged exhale before she growled, "God, big brother. I forgot how good you smell when I'm like this."


Constance barely heard her daughter, too distracted by her own transformation. The heat that rushed and roared through her limbs and ears, the lances of pleasure as she released this form in favor of her true one. It did not hurt to embrace their true form, on the contrary it was shrinking back into an Earthpledged mortal that hurt. Like trying to stuff close a too-full suitcase. This that springload release of pressure. Constance, raised in the Faelands, loved her true form and always relished the moment of transformation. Her limbs boiled over with strength, fur, flesh, and bone. The pink fingerpads of her paws smooth and soft, her claws and teeth even feeling like they needed to stretch.

And the wonderful sensory differences. A Kyshban's sense of smell was a second sight. A deep, rich, wonderful thing that changed the very way Constance engaged with the world. Even tastes became brighter on her tongue, noise more keenly defined, motion more clearly seen.

Those waves of release, warmth, and pleasure stopped and she sighed. She straightened up, blinking a little. In this form, she actually stood a few inches shorter than her daughter and any distinction in age between them became lost. Her cloudy grey fur became softer and brighter on her front, and her eyes turned to striking reds amidst her lighter coat.

And just as the satisfaction of her transformation ended, she sensed something off. Her nostrils flared as she scented male. Logically, her son's house would carry his scent all over it, but the textures of the scent did not feel right. She faced the couch and found Sebastian sheepishly letting his sister grope and manhandle him, snout roving across the squirming rabbit.

"Penny..." Constance said, her voice now a husky growl, too. "What are you... what are you doing?"

"Um, sis?" Sebastian also chimed in, finally trying to nudge her head away.

"He just smells so good, mom," Penny whined.

He did. Constance felt the urge to come closer to her son. Some gnawing familiarity to the scent puzzled through her mind. Constance expected him to smell like his father: her husband's dull musk, sometimes spiced with sweat but the tones comparatively muted like all the Earthpledged.

Sebastian smelled different. Constance never transformed at home, and hadn't transformed around Sebastian since the boy was a teenager. She had no clue he could smell so... so...

Like one of their people. That's where she recognized it, from one of the few male relatives she had back in the Faelands. Except this enticed her senses far more directly. The taste of saliva, the scent of their musk, Kyshban used these things to determine genetic compatibility. An instinctual thing her people had always used to maintain healthy and diverse bloodlines.

Waxy and spiced, like desert plants in bloom, but grounded in a dustier scent that carried an undeniably male musk and sweat. Sebastian's scent caught her so off guard she didn't even notice Penny approach her until her daughter grabbed her wrist. A gentle tug brought the slightly dazed mother closer to the couch. "He smells good, doesn't he, mom?"

Sebastian, in a much more concerned tone, asked, "What's happening?"

Constance's loins flushed with heat. A twinge in her stomach made the lips of her spade clench. She understood what it meant, but struggled to comprehend how. Was Sebastian some sort of hybrid? He could not smell this way unless some part of him was kysh, which would make his ability to impregnate his younger sister less a miracle and an inevitable result of fucking her during her heat.

"You're seriously freaking me out, mom. You're, like, drooling," Sebastian said as he got up off the couch. He asked Penny, "What's going on?"

Penny's fingerpads kneaded Constance's hip as she said, "Mmm, I think she's figuring out why I like you so much."

Constance shook off the fog clouding her thoughts and yanked herself away. She stumbled through the kitchen doorway, coming to lean over the sink. Panting, she watched long strings of drool fall into the sink. Sebastian chased after her with a curse. He was at her side, hands on her back, asking, "Are you sick? Shit, let me get you a glass of water."

Sebastian went to the fridge where he kept a pitcher of filtered water. As he opened it, Penny said through the doorway, "You want him, too, don't you?"

Constance bared her teeth and wheeled on her daughter. A startled Sebastian almost dropped the pitcher as she spat, "Did you know?" at Penny.

Penny frowned. "Know what? That he smells so good?"

"He doesn't smell good--" Constance quaked a little as another surge of warmth poured through her core. She felt the folds of her spade heating up and getting wet. Through gritted teeth she said, "He smells like us."

Almost at the same time Penny and Sebastian asked:

"I do?"

"He does?"

They exchanged a glance before Penny protested, "How was I supposed to know that? I've never even met a boy kysh."

Constance's paws balled into fist for a moment, but she resisted the urge to lash out at her daughter. It wasn't her fault, and she doubted Penny remembered much of anything from that night. Being in heat could drive a kysh nearly feral.

Which is why the warmth bubbling through her crotch made Constance so uneasy. Her body's instincts reacted to that scent: a compatible, fertile male of her species. Something Constance, in her seventy years of life (forty in the Faelands, thirty here), had never once been able to enjoy. She buried needs she'd denied for half a century soon as she heard her son's quiet alarm:

"What does that mean, mom?" Sebastian asked. He'd set the pitcher on the counter. His features felt as delicate and soft as when he'd just been a little boy.

Constance managed to explain, "It means part of your body, perhaps--hah--only your hormones, are kysh." She licked her lips and swallowed the drool in her mouth before she said to Penny, "Which is why he managed to put a litter in you."

Penny's paws went up to cover her muzzle in a little gasp. "Does that mean our pups will be inbred?"

"No?" Constance shook her head. "I'm not sure..." --another surge of trembling warmth-- "hnnng, y-you know that's not how it works, Penny. When it's our relatives, our bodies don't respond to the scents of the opposite sex." She said to her son, "I've n-never heard of this happening. I need to seek counsel from a Herald to know if we should worry or not."

"Herald?" Sebastian asked.

"It's like a historian for our people," Penny said.

"We need to leave immediately," Constance said. "Penny you will need to lead the ritual--I don't think I can..."

Penny looked surprised for a moment, but then her ears slid back and she gave a fang-lined grin. She hugged Sebastian to her side and came closer with him in tow. "Actually, mom, I think you should get a closer smell of Seb, just to be sure."

Constance leaned back as if it would somehow protect her from her son's scent. Sebastian squirmed a bit, but did not fight too hard. It was not difficult to notice the bulge in his jeans, an obvious itch of arousal having dogged him since before Constance transformed.

She felt Penny shove Sebastian into her front before the smaller rabbit managed to push himself back. "What the hell, Penny--"

"Shhh, don't be selfish, Seb."

"Selfish?" Sebastian snapped, but the words came through a wall for Constance. She seemed to float above herself, watching her body tremble as the scene unfolded, unable to act because she understood there would only be one action she would take. Her son's tall ears, so close to her snout, even smelled good.

Penny, bigger now than them both, wrapped them in her arms and squeezed the three together. She nuzzled Constance's cheek, working down to lick at her mother's neck. "Mom and I were satisfying each other's needs for so long, but it was never quite enough. Was it, mom?"

"Mmmf," was Constance's only answer.

Earth cultures had different relationships to physical intimacy than the Kyshban. Even a good and loving monogamous marriage like Constance's still left her reeling with loneliness. Especially now that her daughter only ever returned on the weekends. They started sleeping with each other once Penny's needs had left her reckless for companionship, years ago by now. But even amongst their own, just one kysh was not enough. Constance had needed more companionship for so long--anything. And all this time...

She heard Penny giggle. "Hehehe, I should have guessed some part of you was kysh when you could manage to keep me satisfied, Seb. Mom has needs to, you know. And it's like she said: if you put a litter in her there's nothing to worry about."

Sebastian had stopped trying to get away. He reached up and touched her chin, making Constance blink and meet her son's gaze, suddenly back in her body. "I don't care what Penny says," Sebastian whispered, "I don't want to force you into anything."

Constance realized she needed to speak, and only then noticed her mouth had filled with drool. She swallowed it and sucked in a breath. She tried to speak, but her vocal cords constricted into a growl. Sebastian's hand retreated from her, and a pang lanced through Constance's chest. She swallowed again. Tried again: "I... please, son."

His eyes went a little wide. It occurred to Constance he expected her to still say no, but that notion had quickly turned unfathomable. A guiding pressure nudged at her shoulder: Penny, pushing Constance to her knees. Penny knelt with her, both of them now at eye level with Sebastian's crotch. "Let her see it, Seb," Penny whispered.

Sebastian's fingers worked at the button of his skinny jeans. It was a simple set of motions, but the action seemed to stretch out, everyone in the kitchen quiet. As if her children were caught up in this strange awe that settled over Constance. Long had she resigned herself to never knowing a compatible male's scent, and here it came, in the delicate fingers of a rabbit grabbing the hem of boxer and pants and wiggling out of them: The fat, veiny flesh of his cock exposed with a rough thatch of pubic fur. And the strength of its scent made both women moan.

Those pants fell to his ankles, and Constance drank in the sight of her son's cock. It was obscene in size for a rabbit, far bigger than his father's and bigger, even, than the average kysh male. Its length a fat foot of meat with foreskin wrapped around all but the very tip of the mushroom head. The thing bowed under its own weight; its thickness easily matched a bottle of wine. Beneath were two fuzzy balls comparable in size with his length. Constance had eyes--she'd always known her son endowed, but she never realized by just how much. No wonder Penny lifted her tail for him the night she transformed here.

The pungent, heady scent of cock made Constance's spade clench on reflex. Another rush of warmth followed by a sharp, itching pang, worked through her sex. She did not notice Penny's fingers on the back of her head, it seemed totally natural to lean forward. Her snout slowly buried itself in Sebastian's pubes, the sharp scent of salt, sweat, and musk collected there making her spade drip. This scent, she realized, would utterly undo her, would claim her so that her son became her alpha. She sucked in another deep breath of it. Her mind reeled. Her son's musk carried enough pheromones that Constance felt her heat coming on. Weeks early, but that mattered little to her body, which needed to ovulate and prime itself for this stud's seed.

If she kept breathing in Sebastian's musk there would be no going back. She would be his much as Penny had become his.

Such a thought made Constance whine, but she did not try to remove herself. She started lapping up the sweat built up in Sebastian's pubes. Each little swipe of her tongue another step further into this descent. Her tastebuds absorbed the sharp, almost acrid flavor of his sweat. The saltiness mellowed it till she began to lick around the base of Sebastian's cock. She'd become no more than a needy pup, working her muscle along the fat base of her stud son. She nuzzled her nose under the base of his meat, that fat dick flopped now across her face, over her brow and between her ears. Sebastian scratched behind one her ears, whispering, "That's a good girl, get your fill."

Constance whined again, nosing into her son's balls. The twitching in her sex had only grown. Normally by now she would be near feral with the need to touch herself, but all that mattered was Sebastian. The scent of those fat, full pup makers; the salty taste of sweat that coated the soft, thin fur coat. She opened her maw and sucked one large orb into her maw, gentle with her ministrations, as her tongue cupped the testicle, ran up and down it. She moaned around it as she felt more wet leak from her onto the tile floor.

As she went to worship her son's other testicle, Penny stroked up and down Constance's back with her claws. "That's it, mom. You needed this."

"Why, hah--" Sebastian gasped, "why are you able to keep your cool?"

"Hehehe, cause you already knocked me up, stud." Penny sidled a little closer and hefted Sebastian's cock. "Here, mom, taste him here."

Constance found her view once again dominated by her son's meat. The foreskin glistened with a buildup of moisture, precum now leaked from his urethra in cloudy beads. Constance kissed her son's cock, canine tongue lapping as her lips formed a seal around Sebastian's tip. He made a quick little grunt that got Constance's tail to wag. His precum had an almost savory warmth to it. The large werewolf shifted a little closer on her knees, grabbing the base of her son's cock. Steadied, she worked the tight seal of her lips down, peeling back her son's hefty foreskin. Her tongue followed what she exposed, swirling around his glans. She tasted just the traces of semen from an orgasm Sebastian had this morning, and Constance quivered as her tastebuds ground up and down his glans. She soaked up every bit of that strong, slightly earthy flavor before she started working her way back down his shaft.

Constance opened her maw to briefly lick her lips, letting chill air touch his flesh before her warm maw clamped back around his cock. Nice and snug. She bobbed up and down, coating his cock in her drool and getting faster with the motions as she worked. Even that faintest taste of her son's seed had made Constance desperate for more. Soon her son's cock teased the entrance of her throat. She paid it no mind, forcing herself down farther, her snout nearing his pubic fur. Still, Constance gagged. Her eyes watered as she choked, sucking in a breath before she tried again and gagged again. Constance came off her son's cock coughing.

"Shit, mom, you don't need to take all of it," Sebastian swore. "Th-that was--ah!" But Constance did need all of it. She swallowed her son's cock again, forcing her way back down. She wrapped her paws around Sebastian's hamstrings, using them to yank herself forward. Those glans forced their way into her throat. She gagged, but this time Constance did not recoil like before. Tears ran freely down her face as she reached up and grabbed Sebastian's hands, putting them on the back of her head.

"She wants you to fuck her face," Penny growled. "Come on, Seb--"

"Fuck, mom, I'm not going to last long if I do."

Constance growled while Penny snickered. "Hehe, we know you can go a lot more than the one time."

Cursing, Sebastian grabbed fistfuls of his mother's fur. "You wolves are all just needy bitches in heat," he whispered before he yanked his mother backwards. Constance almost yelped as Sebastian slammed her down, his hips shooting forward and jabbing her muzzle full of cock. It made her throat sting at the forceful intrusion, but that pain blended into this pleasing satisfaction. Her son, the _alpha_she spent her whole life looking for, was using her, and getting used by him felt like Constance's natural place.

Sebastian grunted and widened his stance a little, falling into a short, rapid pace, half his cock tugged free of that tight, suckling maw before he slammed it blindly back in. He hunched over a little, his mother's ears getting flattened by his stomach as his hips turned into pistons. Constance's nose mashed again and again by coarse pubic fur, her son's throbbing dick spitting stream after stream of precum across her palate and gullet. All the while, Constance felt her cunny swimming with sensation. Her heat now blossomed pheromones from her sex. She was so caught up in being used, she didn't even notice Penny's fingerpads rubbing slow circles across the puffy lips of her spade.

Two digits teased back and forth, getting slicker and slicker in their mother's arousal before they slowly sank inside her. Constance moaned, choking on her son's cock, as her spade clenched down on Penny's knuckles. Her tail's twitching would be the only sign to Sebastian that she was cumming. That wondrous scent of her alpha, mixed with his treatment of her, had already forced Constance to her precipice. Penny merely sent her over the edge, those fingers worming deeper into her clenching cunny as her arousal dripped down over Penny's paw.

"God!" Sebastian slammed down, almost doubling over as he held his mom's head tight to his crotch. She slobbered and choked and swallowed while the pungent, almost floral fragrance of her heat hit Sebastian's senses as she came. Even without a kysh's sense of smell, her son seemed to react immediately to his mother's estrus. He groaned, hips juddering as he dragged her muzzle back and forth a few more times.

But right before he blew, Penny's strong paw shoved him. "Finish in her mouth," her daughter growled just as Sebastian reached his climax. "Let mom taste it." That fat cock had been yanked to where the tip now sat in the middle of her maw, her long muzzle more than enough space to receive most loads. Her son proved an exception; a hosing of semen erupted across her tongue and flooded back into her throat. Constance quickly swallowed, gagging a little as thick strings of creamy spunk filled her maw. The rich taste laced with gummy wads of protein that clung to her teeth and tongue as she tried to swallow fast as it flowed. Savory and slimy, musky, and oh so virile.

Constance's cunny contracted again just as Penny wedged a third finger inside her mother's spade. Years of practice taught those digits just where to rub along her mother's vaginal walls, stroking, pressing on spots of tension, pressure, and pleasure that made the overwhelmed mother go a little limp between both her children. She lost track of how many times Sebastian spurted in her mouth. Most kysh males came in a marathon, their copious loads squeezed out around their knot over the course of minutes, whereas Sebastian's cock shot an equal volume of cum in an overwhelming sprint.

By the time Sebastian finished, Constance's very sinuses had been flushed with her son's seed. It leaked from her nostrils, from her jowls, ran down her jaw, and coated every bit of her maw in his potent flavor. When Sebastian, gingerly, pulled out, Constance barely managed a breath before Penny snatched her mother's muzzle with her free paw and forced Constance into a deep kiss. Mother and daughter whined and whimpered as they shared and savored the flavor of their alpha's cum. Constance, weak, let Penny shove her up against the kitchen cabinet, fingers now pumping faster out of Constance's spade, Penny's palm grinding all across her mother's clit in the process. Her daughter's tongue greedily lapped up the films and strings of viscous cum that still coated Constance's maw. Her own spade leaked against the tile floor as she forced herself on her mother. Constance could do nothing, red eyes rolling back a little as another weak, fluttering orgasm worked through her cunt.

Finally, Penny released her mother, both women panting.

"Holy fuck," Sebastian whispered, and both wolves looked up to see their rabbit already hard again.

He chewed his bottom lip as Penny asked, "Why not join us, big brother?"

He huffed and shook his head. "I... I need to go to the bathroom, then we can go back to my room? I'd rather fuck there than in the kitchen, if you two can make it."

"Mmmm, wait," Penny grabbed his waist before he managed to get away from her long reach.


"Mark us."

A choked noise before Sebastian swallowed his surprise and uttered, "What?"

"Put your claim on us," Constance growled, coming to her senses a bit. In tandem, both wolves pulled Sebastian closer. Wordlessly, mother and daughter started dragging their tongues across his cock again, cleaning off the few sticky strands of cum that clung to it.

"I'm--I've never... in the kitchen?"

"Do it," Constance pleaded, now pointing his meaty tip at her maw. "Please son."

"Mark us..." Penny practically purred, "Make sure everyone knows we're _your_bitches."

"I... I..."

Impatient, Constance found her senses clear enough to draw on a few phantom threads of magic. With one firmly gripping her son's cock, her other paw signed a short little spell that wrapped pressure around her son's bladder. That need to piss suddenly burned in his body. He groaned, planting a hand on the countertop as his eyes fluttered shut. It came as inevitably as his orgasm earlier, though he still fought to hold it back.

"God, mom, please, I can't hold it..."

"Let it out, son. You'll feel better, and so will we."

Sebastian's cock jerked in her grip before a throbbing flow pulsed across her palm, that urethra swelling open before the first gush of hot piss streaked across Constance's muzzle and open maw. She whined as his stench and taste assaulted her senses anew. Those pheromones were just as strong as she expected, acting as another bonding material between herself and her son. His piss smelled strongly of salt, and when it washed across her tongue, its salty bitterness ebbed in favor of something more savory. She licked her lips and pointed that rigid length at Penny, who cooed as Sebastian's stream fired across her face.

She made a pleased growl and leaned back, sticking out her chest, and Constance aimed that flow so Penny's breasts were soon matted in her big brother's mark. Satisfied, she returned the stream to herself, that flow tapering off a moment before a fresh gush of his piss splashed across her collarbone. Constance couldn't hold back a moan as the air soon stank of their alpha's claim, and, needing more, she leaned forward and wrapped her lips around his cock. Piss, hotter than her maw, quickly filled Constance's mouth in a few short breaths, and she soon broke the seal. She turned back to her daughter, lips slightly puckered, and drew Penny into another kiss. Both werewolves' tails wagged as they gleefully worked their tongues together.

Salty, savory, the acrid mark of their kysh alpha swapped from one maw to another, mother and daughter not wanting to swallow a single drop as they sampled again and again those pheromones, as Sebastian's bladder finally found release from a distracted mother's spell and his flow finally ebbed, the last few, finally clenches jetting across the joined maws of the two wolves.

Whining and whimpering with a lazy satisfaction, both women finally broke their kiss and swallowed what remained in their maws. The warming mark of their alpha filling them both with a kind of serenity.

Panting, dick still twitching and dripping, Sebastian looked at both werewolves, their tops utterly drenched in his mark. He licked his lips and whispered, "Okay, I liked that a lot more than I thought I would."

"Mmmm, we're just getting started, big brother." Penny stood and helped her mother up, Constance finding her footing still shaky, thighs and groin still numb from her heat and repeated orgasms. Penny tenderly stroked her mother's belly and whispered, "We're not going to stop until we put a litter of pups in here, are we mom?"

Constance pinched her bottom lip between one of her canines and looked from her daughter to her son. She did not even recognize how much she pleaded with that single expression, but her son saw it. His features softened then turned to a smirk before he reached out and took Constance's paw. "Come back to bed with me, mom. I want to show you why Penny is addicted to me, now."

"Hehehe, as if you're not addicted to me," Penny whispered as they went to Sebastian's room.

At Sebastian's promise, Constance struggled to form coherent thoughts beyond being eternally grateful for what her son was, for this opportunity he presented. Whether Sebastian knew it or not, his mother was already addicted to him, and she knew she would never go back to the way things were before.

In for a Pound Pt. 2

Sebastian's full sized bed seemed small with his mother lying back in it, her feet dangling off the edge, the soft pink pads of her toes leathery and smooth as Sebastian touched them. He kneaded the pads with his thumb, admiring the texture while...

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A Lifetime with a God

When I coupled with the Goddess Fulminsa, she did not lead me to think that her reincarnation would be _my_ child, but there he stood, hip cocked, hand of feathers planted there while he studied me. He still carried some of Fulminsa's feminine...

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Broken Hero, Shattered Timeline 2

Link woke chained in a cell at the bottom of Hyrule castle. The wolf's forest green and white pelt peppered with corruption, fur wilting to black or dark violet. His now yellow eyes shone in the dark cell. Someone had chained his paws above him. He...

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