Sweet Movie Snacks

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#151 of Patreon Reward Vignettes

Eighteenth vignette for Kobalt, featuring Cody

This time we're introducing another one of Kobalt's characters to be included in this domestic setting with the two housemates.

Contains: Micro in Food, Unaware Pred, Flustered Prey, In Stomach with Food, Indefinite Endo and Keeping Above the Mush

Kobalt is FA: Kobaltthewolf

Cody is FA: codestoat

This was written as a reward for the $30 tier on my Patreon! People who pledge $5 or more can vote on polls. $15 or more you can submit up to two OCs to be available for use in future stories!

Right now, all unpublished writings are available to read for all Patrons!

If you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me when I'm open! If you'd rather just support me and don't want to commit to a monthly donation, I have a Ko-Fi.

Cody followed his nose to the couch. Sitting on Kobalt's side of the sofa was a large bowl, and on his side sat a smaller one. He remembered his housemate saying something about a 'movie night' earlier. Well, no harm in starting the snacking early. The micro clambered up easily enough, then right up into the smaller of the two bowls.

He squealed happily. A sweet and salty snack mix of marshmallows molten to hold pretzels together, popcorn with caramel, drizzled white and dark chocolate all over the clumps of the disparate elements that had clearly been broken from a sheet before put in the bowls.

"Oh, I already put the snacks on the couch!" Kobalt's voice alerted the stoat to his housemate's approach.

He pressed himself upright amongst the mixed snacks and inhaled to reply that he had already found them.

But then an unfamiliar voice replied. "Oh, rad!"

Cody peeked up over the edge of the bowl, causing it to roll sightly on the cushion from the balance shift.

Following the buckaroo into the living room was a doberman that Cody had never seen before. About as tall as his housemate, but more overtly muscular. He was wearing a snug muscle tee that showed off his chest definition and framed his powerful arms. Each arm had a dull orange marking on it, some kind of swirl. Maybe a celtic knot. He couldn't tell from his position. His lower muzzle, 'socks' over his paws and the inside of his clipped ears were the same color, while the rest of his fur was black. In amongst the 'socks' on his wrists was a trio of black dots arranged like a triangle pointing up the arm towards the other unusual marking. When the big dog pivoted to take in the room, the stoat saw that his tail was docked to a nub, wiggling back and forth contentedly.

Along with the clipped ears, it made Cody assume that the dobie had a thing for body mods, and the markings on his arms were tattoos.

Finishing his turn, the doberman approached the couch, headed straight for the bowl Cody was in.

The stoat ducked down again and wriggled in the snack mix. His compulsion to hide from new folks was sometimes bothersome... and he wished Kobalt had told him he was inviting someone over.

"I wonder where Cody is?" Kobalt was saying. "He does this sometimes. Just hides away and doesn't come out no matter how much I call for him."

The stoat blushed. Most of those instances were where his housemate had unknowingly consumed him in some way.

He was so distracted he didn't realize a big orange-furred paw was descending into the bowl and wrapping around him and a mittful of the snack mix.

"Oh, I find this mix is really good if you just let it moosh around in your mouth without chewing, then swallow." Kobalt instructed. "Stir it up with your tongue a bit, let the chocolate and marshmallow melt."

Cody blushed even deeper at the thoughts that that description brought to his mind. It was enough that it came to a surprise as he saw an open pair of doggy jaws coming at him.

The dobie dropped his whole handful of snack mix and micro onto his tongue and snapped his jaws shut. He mmmmed appreciatively, starting to do as instructed.

The stoat bit his lip. Not only was he being eaten unaware yet again, this time it was a stranger! He locked up, unable to call out for Kobalt. Unable to squirm. Just limply blushing as that tongue mixed up his own natural smores flavor with the extant chocolate and marshmallow and caramel and pretzel...

A low mmmmm of appreciation resonated around the trapped micro, before the tongue sluiced up and back. The swallow was quite loud from the center of the movement, fleshy throat constricting the bolus of snack food tightly around Cody.

He plopped out in the stomach below. A good squirm and he broke free of the containment of sugar and carbs. He huffed, crossing his arms.

Muffledly, he could hear Kobalt's voice. "Yeah, I just can't find him. I guess we'll have to start the movie without him."

Cody blushed a bit deeper. Maybe he would be able to listen in, but the dog's guts were rather active, making a strong white noise. He let out a sigh and decided to start pushing around, hoping to get the big dog's attention.

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After a few hours of renewed snack mix pouring in to add to the mess in the stomach, Cody heard his unknowing predator's voice again. "The movie was awesome, but I think I overdid it on the snack mix. Got a little bit of a belly ache."

The stoat continued to squirm and press at the stomach walls, hearing a grunt from his unknowing predator up above after a particularly strong shove.

Quieter, Kobalt's voice was just audible over all the squelching food crowding the snug chamber, the heartbeat, the breathing... "Well, it is a pretty rich recipe!"

Both of them laughed together. The diaphragm movements caused the whole stomach chamber to shake, agitating the slurry and causing Cody to sink down into it again.

Cody struggled his way back up to the top of the mound, blushing deeply as he heard the two continue.

"I'm sorry Cody never came down to hang out." Kobalt was saying earnestly. "I'll have to introduce you to him some other time."

The stoat huffed quietly. "If only." He squirmed. The dog had started walking again. Cody could hear the canine saying goodbye before starting to walk away. Out of his home.

He pushed at the walls more firmly as he realized that the dog was leaving, struggling to get the attention of this stranger. A shove from outside pushed him back into the muck. Cody winced. He was stuck! Until he found a way out of the doberman, that is. He hoped this canid, being friends with Kobalt, would bring him back...

The stomach walls started getting active again, mixing things up enough that Cody had to start squirming to stay on top of it all once more.

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