Mods Installed

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#150 of Patreon Reward Vignettes

Twelfth vignette for Amuzi?i

You spent a long time modding this RPG so you'd have the perfect avatar!

Time to use it~

Contains: Second Person, Isekai kinda?, Post TF exploration, Video Game Tropes, Implied Former Human Perspective, Blushy Null Groin, Ambiguous Former Sex, Getting Dressed and Leaving The Goods Exposed.

This was written as a reward for the $30 tier on my Patreon! People who pledge $5 or more can vote on polls. $15 or more you can submit up to two OCs to be available for use in future stories!

Right now, all unpublished writings are available to read for all Patrons!

If you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me when I'm open! If you'd rather just support me and don't want to commit to a monthly donation, I have a Ko-Fi.

You jolt awake. The last thing you remember is that you were loading up that game you've spent so much time combining and changing out mods for. Everything to make your in-game avatar feel the most right to you, so you can go adventuring and fighting random enemies in the open world as an idealized self.

Very quickly, you realize that your last memories were upright, in your comfy gamer chair in front of your desk. You are in a bed.

It is not your bed.

You sit up to look around the foreign room. The motion causes you to feel something under your rump get in the way. At the same time, you feel a bending and compressing... somewhere... you aren't used to having feeling. Confused, you look down towards your hips.

You are waylaid on this investigation by the simple fact that your body is furred. Creamy tan fluff on your chest and belly, above where the bedsheets pool to cover your groin. Darker fur on your arms leading to webbed digits with claws and pawpads.

You dart your eyes around. There. A mirror. You scramble out of bed in just your fur, going up to the full-length reflective glass.

You are an anthropomorphic otter. You have a round snout coming forth from your face. How did you miss that? Your mind just ignored it, like it used to your far smaller nose. But most pressingly...

In the mirror, that body. It's the avatar you created. So many mods downloaded trying to find the right animal-type species to play as that wasn't intended by the original creator. A mod to remove the default undergarments when an equipment slot wasn't filled so that you could be truly naked if you wanted to. A mod to account for the tail.

The tail!

You twist to look over your shoulder. That was what you sat on before. Nearly as thick as one of your thighs, the fifth appendage drapes nearly to the floor. You think about moving it and it sways and curls to your desire. You reach both hands back and wrap them around the base of your tail, just barely able to reach.

In this new posture your head is most comfortable facing front. It also juts your hips forward and expands your chest. It makes abundantly clear something you hadn't even thought of yet.

No nipples. No navel. No genitals. Soft contiguous fur in all three cases. A blush rushes to your cheeks as you stare at the smooth triangle of your groin, framed by your thick otter thighs. Only accelerating your flustration is that you can see the tan fur there turn a bit more pink, the same as your cheeks.

Removing your hands from your tail, you place one palm on your stomach, just below where your navel had once been. Slowly you press it down, feeling your luxurious fur beneath your fingerpads. Down, down... you would have hit flesh by now if you still had genitals. It's surreal. Did you trade it for your tail? No, there had been mods you could have downloaded to make the avatar sexually explicit. Should you have? There was no way you knew that you'd end up in the body you designed...

Thinking back, after seeing this avatar with a smooth groin, you had opted not to install the genitals mod. You can't help but blush deeper.

Your fingers continue between your thighs. A soft tremble runs from the crown of your head (between your new little dish ears high on your skull) to the tip of your rudder. You bend your knees to spread your legs a bit more, delving webbed fingers in between. All the way back.

No anus either. Smooth from your jaw to the tip of your new tail in the tan colored fur. It only makes sense. They didn't model genitals or nipples originally because of the clothes defaults of the game. There was no mechanic for using the bathroom after eating, either. No need for the backdoor at all.

You drag your fingertips and claws smoothly back up to the patch of fur laying at the front of your pelvis. You had been unsure why you preferred to leave the avatar smooth. It just felt right at the time. And made you a little flustered, honestly. How many times had you wondered what it would be like to have that? And now you do.

Do you like that?

I thought you would.

Your next explorative stroke is interrupted by a knock on the door.

A voice calls your name. Not the name you had gone by before, but your real name. The name you entered for the game avatar. The one you've gone by for months online. The person on the other side of the door is certainly excited to go questing.

Still flustered, you start putting on your clothing, each item slipping on and seeming to lock into place as it fills an equipment slot. Securely there until it is time to unequip.

You pause, looking in the mirror. With your current armor, you have your chest and arms, feet and thighs protected. Would anyone even care if you went without anything in the hips slot?

I don't think they would. Go, show off, my otter.

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