Summoning for Co-Op

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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So I really wanted to play Elden Ring but I had already spent too much money this month. I mentioned this in a server and Pickra DM'd me "hey if I buy it for you, would that work as payment for a commission?" Obviously I accepted.

Pickra summons Trissie into his world so they can do so co-operative play! But first, he wants to test just how real the VR system they're using really is...

Contains: Vibeo James, "Neural VR" Sci-Fi Conceit, Damn She Got A Big Tail, Oral Vore, HP Bar Digestion, Soft Painless Melty Churns, Belly Groping, Unwilling-To-Willing Prey, Weight Gain From Digestion, Hips and Butt Expansion, Predscapes, Fourth Wall Vore, Digitization, Conditional Reformation, Co-Op Combat, Un-Reformation, Gains Translating to RL, Booty Too Thick for Chairs and Flustered Sentient Buttfat

Trissie is me

Pickra is FA: Pickra

Forest is FA: SpottedSqueak (off-screen mention)

I'm open for Commissions! Read my TOS, PM me and we'll talk! If you can't afford a commission and want to support me, I have a Patreon that you can pledge to, or for one-time donations, you could get me a Ko-Fi!

Pickra crouched down, armor plates clanking slightly against one another, and touched the fingers of his leather gauntlet to the glowing gold circle on the ground. He focused, and the circle glowed brighter, before fading away.

He stood back up, taking a deep breath. He was in a wooded clearing, outside of the ruined remains of a church. Well, actually he was sitting in his computer chair at his desk, but he couldn't feel that. Neural VR had finally accomplished the dream: full sensory experience of virtual reality with no controller, just thought. Natural as moving around in meatspace.

His avatar was based on a Self-Perception Scan, whatever that was, and was dressed in a knight's set, appropriate for the setting of this game. He could feel the wind in his mane, no helm equipped for the moment, and his fluffy tail swished around above the metal plates that protected his posterior.

In the spot the golden circle had been, a glow returned, then formed into a curled up figure. The figure stood up, revealing itself to be a skunk in sorcerer's robes, holding a staff. Her tail unfurled like a blanket being thrown forth from a bundle to drape over a bed, settling to the grass behind her. A golden glow surrounded her, indicating that she was a co-operative summon.

"Hey Trissie!" Pickra grinned, stepping closer. "How are you liking the game so far?"

Trissie smiled, readjusting her grip on her staff. "I was surprised how easy it was to get to the part of the game where I can do multiplayer. Usually has some more hoops to jump through, right?"

The big cat licked his lips slowly. "Mmmhmm. Lot of stuff made easier in this game, which reminds me." Pickra closed the rest of the distance between himself and the shorter mephit. "There's something I wanted to test now that we're in the same world."

She perked, looking up over the shiny breastplate and his neck-fluff to his face. "Oh, what was it?"

His gauntlets closed on her arms just above the elbow and he lifted her right off her feet. Before she could do much more than squeak, Pickra's jaws had spread open wide and slotted effortlessly over the skunk's head to her shoulders. The big cat rumbled... he could even taste her... He could feel his throat stretching to accept her, every little wriggle she made as he swallowed and crammed her deeper...

Before he realized it, his lips were pursed around her fluffy tail, slurping the last yard of it into his mouth. Pickra got the last of the skunk past his lips and swallowed. There was a PLINK as his torso armor unequipped itself, his gut suddenly surging forward with the bundled-up shape of the summon. There was a faint golden glow around his belly where it sagged over his protective codpiece, vaguely mimicking the shapes of the prey within.

Trissie pressed her paws out enough to make recognizable bulges. Her voice was muffled but clearly audible to her predator. "Wait, they put THIS in the game?" She kicked out with her feet and pushed as hard as she could, her snout appearing between her hands. "Whyyyyy?"

Pickra clenched his stomach, forcing her back into a curled-up bundle with a pleased grunt. "I dunno... but it feels like I really have you in my stomach, skunky..." He sighed and stroked over his belly, kneading into her frame. It was just like the real thing. Amazing.

"Uh... yeah, it feels pretty real from this side too." She admitted, squirming beneath his grasp. Her voice belayed some level of fluster, possibly from how the cat's gloved fingers kept squeezing her curves.

He soon wrapped his arms around his belly and lifted, squeezing with a playful growl.

The skunk squeaked again at the squeeze, before going still for a moment. "Huh...?" She started squirming again. "I can't open the menu and take my headset off?" Trissie asked, confused.

Not paying that any mind, the big cat bit his lip as he clenched his stomach muscles tight around his catch.

Trissie's health bar popped up over his belly, starting to drain. "H-Hey!"

Pickra's stomach loudly growled, the muscles getting into a powerful kneading motion as his body got ready to add that delicious skunk to his body. He let go with his arms and began to press and squish downward on the bulges, forcing his gut to hang over his leg armor again.

"I... I can't use my flasks to heal in here!" She called out as her bar continued to drain.

"Oh, I can just re-summon you if you hit zero..." The big cat rumbled, invested in the pleasure of digestion, all synthesized by the computer systems so accurately!

"Well, yeah that's true..." Trissie admitted, fidgeting as the paws from outside kept pressing her back down into a fetal position.

"And it's not like it hurts, right?" He purred. The game was very careful to not deliver any discomfort or pain while still allowing the player to feel damage taken.

"It does feel kinda nice..." The skunk murmured, growing fainter as her health got down into the last third of her bar.

Smugly, the cat raised his hands over his head and clenched his gut down tighter, rolling his hips. The health bar over his belly suddenly sped up its draining. In the corner of his vision, where the game's messages to players appeared, red text appeared.


"I know..." Pickra muttered to himself, balling his hands into fists with a creak of the leather there.

Muffledly, a grunt escaped the tightening cauldron of activity, before the cry of a player character hitting zero HP struck the air. The distinct shape of a curled-up skunk collapsed into a soft, sloshing mass, the golden glow of a co-operator fading.

The cat was expecting to see a familiar message that his co-operator had returned to their world, but instead a window appeared with a choice.

'Revive Co-Operator' was listed with a cost of 1 charge of his healing flask. The second option was very interesting. One he hadn't seen before. 'Recruit Spirit Summon" with a note that this option would recharge his flasks.

Curiously, the cat tapped the floating window on the second option.

Instantly, the heavy, chyme-filled gut began to drain deeper into his system. Pickra moaned as his stomach visibly contracted.


He looked down. His upper leg slot had unequipped itself, leaving him just in his gloves and boots, along with the game's never-nude default undergarment. The reason was obvious. His hips and rear had grown significantly, all the way down his thighs. His stomach finished flattening out not a moment later, leading to a secondary surge of size, at least an extra inch piling on beneath his tailbase in all directions.

The cat carefully felt over his hips, squeezing into the fresh padding there. Just as soft and pliable as it aught to be after eating a whole skunk. He licked his lips and gave his hips a little bounce, enjoying the new weighty sensation there. They really did think of everything making this game, he thought.

When Pickra looked back forward, a pop-up of a new addition to his inventory appeared. A spirit summon, labeled "Sorcerer Trissie" with a silvery outline of the skunk set within a square.

He dismissed the window, then went into his inventory. He equipped the summon, then rang the summoning bell for spirit summons.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Everything had gotten too tight... too tight.... She was soft, softer... not hard enough to resist the compression. Trissie cried out, as her sensory experience suddenly went blank, apart from words filling the darkness of her vision: 'Returning To Your World'

Then, she was standing up from a curled position, just as she had when she was first summoned to Pickra's world. She exhaled, eyes closed. No pain, no discomfort. She had her staff in her hands. She'd just open her eyes and be in the same clearing but in her world.

Trissie opened her eyes. She was not in the clearing. She was in a cozy bedroom with a bay window and a large bed. Snow was outside, falling constantly. The skunk turned. There were the game figs and the entertainment center. She looked down at herself. Still her gear from the game. But...

"How am I in his predscape?"

At Trissie's house, the Neural AI helmet rested on its side on her computer chair. The inside was slick and a bit slimy... that was most certainly drool. The outside was untouched. Nothing else in the room had been touched. One word was on the screen of her computer. Red text familiar to anyone who played these games, but with a different word:


Before the skunk could think any further on this, she heard the familiar sound of a summoning bell. The word around her seemed to disintegrate like dust as she was soaring through a dark void...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Pickra felt a pleasant warmth surge through his hips and rear at the sound of the chime. Then, in front of him, silvery dust swirled and formed the skunk. She was just as she had been, but with a silvery glow instead of the golden glow of a co-operator. "Welcome back, Skunky!"

"W-what happened?" Trissie asked, clutching onto her staff.

"I resummoned you, silly!" The cat giggled brightly.

The skunk looked about to respond before a purple blush came to her cheeks as she realized just how bare her summoner was, and how ample his hips had become.

Pickra noticed the staring and looked down. "Oh! I forgot to re-equip. One sec..." He went into the equipment menu and equipped his torso armor again, but an X had formed in the upper right hand corner of his upper leg slot. When he highlighted it, a new message appeared. 'Need armor adjustment to fit current armor in slot'

"Drat, I guess armor doesn't stretch as much as yoga pants, eh skunky?" He giggled as he popped back out of the menu. He turned around to face the checkpoint. "Huh... can't sit down while you're summoned..."

Momentarily, the sight of his bare rear facing her way distracted the skunk. She shook her head, blushing deeply. "Kitty, I didn't get sent back to my world after you churned-" Trissie began to explain, before being cut off by a cry.

Standing out in the open was fine for a little bit, but sometimes patrolling enemies would spot you if you weren't actually standing inside the ruins of the church.

Trissie grunted in annoyance and spun around. A sigil weaved into place above her head as she raised her staff and flicked it in an arc in front of her. A cyan surge of energy swept out in its wake, sending a curved blade horizontally forward.

The advancing knight grunted, his health bar popping up to reveal a third of his total pool had been taken off.

Pickra had his greatsword out by this point, surging forward into combat with no pants. The cat grunted, slashing the metal of his blade through the knight, taking out the remainder of his health. A golden rush exited the enemy's body and surged to the cat's own as his experience tally raised. He purred triumphantly, not slowed down at all by his excess weight below the belt.

Unfortunately, more knights were coming out of the forest, as the small altercation had hardly been subtle.

Trissie frowned, blushing a bit. Watching Pickra fight with his whole rump out on display was good and all, but she wanted to figure out what was going on. At the same time, she felt compelled to keep attacking. A different sigil appeared over her head as purple energy grasped onto the dirt in front of her. Three large clumps of rock surged out of the ground, wreathed in purple, then launched themselves after one of the knights.

Pickra spun, avoiding a longsword before bringing his own blade up along that knight's back. NPC after NPC fell to the pair's skills, the experience tally for the cat filling a bit further with each one.

Soon, the clearing was littered with bodies, most glowing with an item to pick up.

The cat made his way around the scattering. All he had to do was touch his foot to a corpse and whatever it was just hopped into his inventory, no muss no fuss.

Trissie looked around for any other enemies, before lowering her staff again. "Like I was saying, Pickra..."

In the corner of the cat's vision, a message popped up: one from outside of game which appeared in the overlay.

'Hey I'm here! Stop playing Old Circle and answer the door!' from Forest.

"Oh! Wuffles is here!" Pickra grinned broadly as he turned back to Trissie. "I'll let you go. Have fun in the game, okay Skunky? We can co-op more later!" He pulled the bell out of his inventory and rang it again.

"No wait, you don't get i-" Trissie faded away into silvery dust again, and once more, there was a strange surge of warmth in the cat's lower set of cheeks.

That feeling brought a croon from the cat's lips. "Wow, this game really thinks of everything." He opened up the system menu and quitted out of the game.

Pickra felt his surroundings return to him, seated in his computer chair, arms on the arm-rests, his head nestled into the neural helmet. He reached up and carefully pulled the headset off, revealing a bit of helmet hair syndrome to his coiffe. Setting the device aside, he ran his fingers through his mane to counter that somewhat, then swiveled in place.

He pressed his feet flat to the floor and moved to stand. Pickra perked as he lifted the chair with him partially, before slumping back down. The feline looked down and froze. His thighs had spread out wider, straining his stretch-pants he normally wore around the house. His hips were too wide for him to stand straight up between the arm-rests of the seat.

A blush surged to his cheeks as he put what happened together. Pickra fidgeted his way out from under the sides of the chair and to his feet, looking to his mirror. Planting a paw on both cheeks, he felt a familiar warmth surge up under his grip, smirking. "Oh. They really do think of everything."

Distantly, a flustered voice responded in the back of his mind. "I was trying to tell you..."

The doorbell rang.

Pickra perked up brightly. "Oh! Wait till I show Wuffles! I bet he won't be able to take his hands off you, especially after I tell him~" He pivoted on one foot and started towards the door, swaying his hips and feeling the extra weight bounce pleasantly. That familiar warmth rode it out, flustered skunk noises in his mind fueling the smug purr that was filling the big cat's chest.

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