Evil Rises- Chapter Twenty Three

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#27 of Evil Rises (Completed)

Chapter Twenty Three

"Painful Memories"


Furry Sith Lord

I sat alone in my room holding the letter addressed to dad and myself. Dad had already read it and gave it to me since I was mentioned in it. I really had nothing to do with it and the writer wasn't trying to send me any message, but dad did think I'd find it interesting

The letter was from my grandfather, being my father's father, and it gave him some details about the family business.

To my son-in-law Leggo,

I am not sure if we have had the opportunity to speak formally as of yet. I realize that my relationship with my son has been a complicated one. I would not be surprised if you had heard numerous negative things about me.

The matter at hand is the reason for my correspondence to you. You are receiving this because of the untimely death of my son. I set this up in advance because should my son pass then you will be the next in line to be the director of my company. This has a heavy burden which you must now carry unless my grandson Tyger has come of age.

For several years now I have been working on an Energy Amplification Transit Conductor. The EATC was designed to boost energy production and provide an almost limitless source that will never run out and will be beneficial to the environment.

The difficulty is that in it's construction a demonstrable flaw was developed and thus leaves us with no way to get it working properly. My son, Lou, will be informed of the device and hopefully found a way to get it working properly. Should he fail in his task, the responsibility will fall upon you and my grandson.

This device cannot be deactivated due to the unstable nature of it. We fear that cutting off the power supply may result in it exploding. The resulting explosion could result in 25% of the planet being destroyed as the explosion would vaperive the percentage amount.

However my foreman, EW, believes that should the device become fully operational then it would become its own source of energy and this clean energy would not be dangerous. He has been the main constructor of the device but sadly he passed away due to an accident that first alerted us to the problem with the device.

Eastwood, or EW as he likes to be called, was brilliant but unfortunately he took his brilliance with him. Without his aid we have been unable to find a way to get the device working properly.

I digress. I hope you are able to continue with the loss of my son and are able to get back on your feet. I strongly suggest that you and my grandson Tyger visit the lab because my son has told me of his brilliance. The machine is located in lab 12.

My love to your sons Tyger and Lyon. I've heard so much about them that I hope to meet them.


Oziah Cervus-D

I've read the letter over a dozen times but could not remember father ever mentioning the EATC. If it was such a dangerous device I was also surprised that the governments had not taken it so that their experts could solve the problem with it.

The more I thought about it I realized my father may have kept it secret because it could be turned into a terrible weapon! If the wrong species took control of it they could destroy 25% of the planet and doom us. I'm not sure how much of the world could be destroyed before the whole planet is destroyed but I was sure 25% would be close.

I was amazed that my grandfather's name was Oziah because I don't remember father ever really talking about him to us. Dad had mentioned briefly that he had passed away but I was not sure when that was. Did he know that father had bought us as slaves and that's why he knew us but never met us? Father seems very uptight in the beginning and he takes after his father so I concluded that grandfather probably had no interest in meeting slaves that were rare white fur species.

I know that one day when Ben and I get cubs of our own I will not treat them as father used to treat me. I loved my father but we spent more time arguing while Lyon and dad have a better loving bond.

I was on the verge of crying again when I noticed that Lyon had entered my room. I heard his soft footpads and ignored that he had not knocked.

"Tyger?" he said and his voice was strained as if he was forcing himself to speak. I wiped my eyes and smiled at him although even I could tell the sadness on my face blurred the smile.

"I'm... I'm sorry I called you a liar." Lyon said as he rubbed his eyes. I reached out with my paws and he ran over and hugged me. We both cried but I was no longer sure why we cried anymore. I could feel myself becoming numb and was afraid that soon I would not care at all that my father passed.

"I'm not mad... I just... All I keep thinking about is how much father and I used to fight. The awful things I've said to him. I'd give anything for him to walk into my room and ground me... hell he could give me a spank and I'd be grateful." I told Lyon and he broke from my embrace and walked backwards looking at me sadly.

"At least he loved you! He hated me."

"How can you say that?! He loved you more than me!" I objected and Lyon looked at me stunned.

"Even when we were slaves he'd get angry because I'm a cry baby." Lyon replied as he looked at his feet.

"He did not! He always told me I needed to be more like you, because you knew how to behave. He never called you a cry baby."

"But when I went crying into their room because I wet my bed, dad would hold me and father would be busy angrily talking to himself as he changed the sheets." Lyon whined as his eyes filled with tears again.

"That's because he was making sure he was doing it correctly," We turned and saw dad standing in the doorway watching us with his feet crossed as he leaned against the doorframe. We weren't sure how long he had been standing there watching us.

"Your father would often talk to himself in order to make sure he was doing things correctly. He loved you Lyon! He loved you more than me, I'm sorry to say. I often spoke about what we can do to help you. He would blame himself and he feared the reason why you kept having accidents was because of him.

He told me he found out who your biological father was and found where they lived. He went there, against my better judgment, and punched him in his nose. He was arrested for that. We kept it secret because we didn't want to worry either of you. After he went after his business and bankrupted it because he wanted to make him pay for hurting you. However, he didn't stop there because he gave him a job in the company giving him the most embarrassing jobs ever.

Not because of him calling the police to arrest your father but because he hurt his son! Everything he did was for you because he loved you." Dad explained and Lyon silently cried. I lightly punched him on his arm.

"Told you." I said and dad turned a stern gaze towards me.

"As for you Tyger, you were his pride and joy. He was tough on you because he wanted to push you to be the best. He saw limitless potential and he bragged about how you could fill his hoof prints and make the family business better.

He knew that Lyon was going to change the world by being a symbol that species would rally around when you played football and help unite all species so that they no longer hated rare white fur species.

You, Tyger, would advance the company and technology and make the regular lives of species better. He hoped you'd help continue his work to end slavery and find a way for cubs to find homes that want them without the cubs being sold.

Your father has the most brilliant mind but even he saw your potential to be greater than him. He loves you... loved you. If he pushed you it was not to be mean but it was to push you to get better and better." Dad said. I began to cry as his words hit me in a way that I again felt guilty about the rotten way I had treated my father.

I had always prided myself on not being spoiled and I thought I was humble despite the wealth my family has. Hearing dad explain it to me like that I realized what a terrible son I've been.

"Here, let me show you this?" Dad said as he took out his phone. He swiped the screen searching for something. He finally stopped and turned the screen to face us. The phone showed an old picture of dad holding Lyon in his arms. Lyon appeared to be crying as dad was only in his fur. The setting was a bright sunny morning and I suddenly remembered that night.

Father's antlers had fallen out and since neither of us knew that that was common for deer, we panicked. I panicked more than my brother and got myself in trouble for breaking my father's main rule. He told us we were to never go into his garden but I went in to find some clover. Dad had said that Father shared some clover with him when his tummy was sore. I figured the clover would make father feel better since he lost his antlers.

Father was furious and went to inspect his garden thinking I had ruined it. We stood by waiting for him to punish me and Lyon overheard one of the servants say that the last species that went in there was gotten rid of. My brother threw a fit thinking that Father was going to get rid of me and when Dad heard him crying he ran out to comfort him.

Dad had said he was taking a shower at the time he heard Lyon wailing and he ran out as fast as he could, which was why he was only in his fur. The maid had taken pictures to make fun of dad but both of them kept the pictures. It was proof that we loved each other and we were becoming a family even though we were slaves at the time.

"That was the first time father spanked me," I replied softly. "I'd give anything for him to be here. He could spank me or yell at me or punish me for the rest of my life. Anything if he could be here again." Lyon nodded as he agreed.

"Things are gonna get tough over the next few days. I have to arrange a funeral for your father and then speak to the lawyers and his company directors. We need to see what his will says and how he is gonna be replaced by someone to run the company."

"The directors should be able to run things for a while." I replied.

"True but your father owned most of the stock and as such he directly decides how the business is run. I doubt he wants his shares passed to his directors or allowing them sole direction in how the company functions. He always expressed to me his fear that they would ruin the company in order to profit." Dad explained.

"Will you be the new CEO?" I asked hoping it would reveal what he was planning. I doubted that he wanted to run the company. He looked at me and shrugged and I felt some slight annoyance. I was secretly hoping that he would tell me that I was to take father's place. The guilt returned as I realized I was once again trying to brush father aside as if he did not matter.

Bear sat at a conference table in his lawyer's office. He was alone waiting nervously as to what the lawyer would tell him. His agent entered and sat next to him and mumbled a few words of encouragement. His lawyer reached out and patted his paw then a few moments later the lawyer entered.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, I had business with another client." The lawyer, a hawk, said as he placed a briefcase on the table and opened it removing files concerning the case. His black beak stood out against his white and brown colored feathers.

"So what did you find out?" the agent asked.

"Financially speaking this has been a disaster. The public is outraged by the allegations that Bear raped his costar, has caused the profits in the box office to drop dramatically. As expected the general public is siding with her, being the victim.

She has made public statements and has recounted her version of the alleged event. The story does seem faulty and given enough time I can prove that the whole matter is not true. The problem with this is the time and expense may not be worth it. We can venture on that path but you will be ultimately dragging yourself through the mud.

It will be very difficult to change the public's mind on the matter, which is what you will have to do if you hope to clear your name. Even if the court declares you not guilty, the public may still see you as guilty until their minds can be changed." The lawyer explained.

"So what are you saying?" Bear asked.

"These are usually publicity stunts to make the public figures more relevant in the eyes of the public. They'll hate you at first but let the matter die down and come out with a new movie and soon the public will forget it. It can be a boost if you repent of the wrongdoing and take steps to stop others from following in your paw prints."

"So admit I'm guilty when I'm not?!" Bear asked incredulously.

"It might be better than the alternative. This is my best advice but honestly it would be far more profitable for me to drag this through the courts. The main concern is that proving your innocence could bankrupt you.

This is your first feature film and you are not in any way as wealthy as my other clients. Even with the box office results, the cost outweighs the benefits at this time. Not to mention that Soda Coke has canceled their deal with you, I'd ask where can you find the funds to pay my fees?" The lawyer asked as he narrowed his eyes as he peered at Bear. The agent reached over and gave Bear's paw another squeeze for support.

"We'll have to discuss this before we make any kind of deal. Like you said there is a lot to consider and we wouldn't want to rush into anything without any careful consideration." The agent replied and Bear took that as a hint. It was clear his agent wanted to discuss the matter before Bear jumped into a legal battle he may not be able to win.

The hawk nodded and placed his files back into his briefcase. He rose as did Bear and the agent as the lawyer walked over to Bear and stared at him directly in his eyes.

"Let me know what you have decided. Feel free to use this room to take as much time as you need to discuss matters." The lawyer replied and Bear took it as a cue that the agent was supposed to talk him out of trying to sue Mellody over the false charges she accused him of.

The hawk exited the conference room and his agent sat back down and let out a huge sigh of relief.

"I know you don't want to hear this but it is a good deal. I've been through hundreds of these things and you gotta realize it's the nature of the beast. This actress,' he snapped his fingers trying to remember her name then just gave up on it. "Is looking at it that she needs to make herself more well known so she can get another role in another film.

If she plays the victim, she may square the next lead role. If we sit back and let her play in the limelight they'll forget all about you and I'll snag you another role. With all the high praises you received from your acting performance, once I get you another role you'll be back in the game making a bundle." The agent said.

"And then what do we do when the next actress pulls the same student?" Bear asked.

"Eventually you will get another one who will do the same and we'll decide how to better go about it. Once we get you more financially stable you'll be able to fire back. For now you just smile and keep your head down and let us, the experts, handle this." The agent said and Bear thought things over then suddenly his expression brightened.

"What if we don't take it to trial but change the mind of the public another way." Bear asked.

"Another way?!"

"Show me what her story is because I've spent all my time offset working on my lines. I'm sure I can prove it if I pull the studio security cameras. She has her own cubs right?! So she more than likely had The White Dilima read to them." Bear explained as he was organizing his strategy.

"You're not saying?" The agent cried out in shock at what he thought Bear was suggesting.

"That she's making false accusations because she deplores rare white fur species." Bear replied as he smiled.

"But neither of you are rare white fur species. Your coloring is very common for polar bears." The agent retorted.

"Let's just not mention that for the moment. However, the shade she received from the public for her looking like a rare white fur species has made her hate anyone that has white fur. She is falsely trumping up the charge to get revenge because she thinks I'm a rare white fur.

I thought we moved beyond that and only those small minded clubs have those delusional speciesists that judge others by fur color. I mean how embarrassing that someone has to be so small minded that they would hate anyone that is not the same color as themselves. At least there are many smarter species that don't lower themselves to that level." Bear said.

"You're insane! You really think making up those terrible lies about her will in any way work ouit in your favor?! You'll only make her story more credible." The agent objected.

"Well... the question is: Are you on my side? Or am I looking for a new agent?" Bear asked.

"Baby, listen to me! If you want a new agent then so be it," He rose from the table then paused to look at Bear before continuing. "But right now with everyone thinking you're a rapist. No other agent would stand by your side. Not to mention none of them will support you on that nonsense. You're planning on opening a can of worms that will blow up in your maw.

If you wanna go through with that then good luck. You're just making my job harder because no one will want you after that. You'll Blacklist yourself and everything you've worked for will be ruined.

You want a new agent? Fine but I, like the lawyer, suggest you take a few days to think things over. Give me a call and let me know what you decide. You want to fire me? Fine. I'll remove you from our account and let you go your own way. If you want to stay with my firm, Fine. Just so long as you know we will not support you in this suicide mission to destroy yourself." The agent stuck out his paw for Bear to shake. After a few seconds it was clear that Bear was not going to shake it.

"Fine, I'll await your call. Just think about it, baby." The agent said and he left the room as Bear sat there with his paw caressing his maw as he thought things over.

Benyamin paced outside as he spoke to his parents on his cell phone. He stepped outside to both get some privacy but to also not disturb his other family as they grieved.

"Well I spoke to him briefly about it and he's not against it but with his father passing away he might not be able to do it right now." Ben explained.

"I know honey but have you considered he might want to take a few days to get away and sort himself out? Getting away from everything that's gonna remind him that his father died?" Ben's mother asked him. He vaguely heard his father mumble something in the background.

"But his own family, tigers like us, sold him because he's a rare white fur species. That may bring up other painful memories that he doesn't want to face right now." Ben countered.

"Oh, we're not speciesists, I mean we have a rare white son of our own. We never sold you so that must stand for something." She retorted.

"What about Marrie? She's hated me my whole life and now you want me to bring my boyfriend over so she can get her claws in him too?"

"She's not like that!" his father said and Ben rolled his eyes. His sister was always his father's favorite. She was daddy's little girl and no matter what she did, she never found fault in his eyes. Ben was sure his two younger sisters would not bother Tyger because of how they've treated him but his older sister, Marrie, would be a nightmare.

"Look I know she can do no wrong in your eyes, but right now I don't want my boyfriend to have to deal with both his father dying and Marrie tormenting him."

"She won't do that I promise," his mother said as she took the phone.

"Oh come on mom, you know she's not gonna behave! She's hated me and she'll do anything to make me suffer. She'll go out of her way to get us to break up."

"We've warned her in advance that... What's his name?" She asked as she forgot his boyfriend's name even though he's said it repeatedly.

"Tyger," He replied, annoyed.

"Right," she replied and he knew she was hearing but not really listening. It was making him more upset. "She was warned not to bother or pick on Tyger because he's our guest." She continued.

"Your sisters, Sherafin and Sariah, want to meet him also." his father yelled in the background so he could be heard.

"We have done everything for you! We have never made you feel like an outcast." his mother said with her voice becoming annoyed. He wanted to yell out at her that she was lying but chose to hold his peace. She was now trying to guilt trip him into doing what they wanted. He could not understand why they were even interested in who he was dating unless they were interested in the wealth Tyger's family owned.

"And we just want to meet the one my little boy is dating."

"Moom, I'm not a kid anymore!" Ben replied and found himself whining. He wanted to chuckle to himself because he was starting to sound like Lyon.

"Of course you aren't dear," she replied dismissively.

"Could we invite him over for the summer?" he asked hoping that would get them to leave him alone. He listened carefully and heard the hesitation in their voices.

"Your father and I need to discuss this." She replied and Ben knew he had her. They were up to something and they figured only a few days was needed for them to tolerate Tyger. Whatever they were up to they didn't want him to spend the whole summer with them. He wondered what they were planning.

To Be Continued...

Evil Rises- Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Four "Mending" By Furry Sith Lord "Hey look, it's Bear!" Lyon shouted. We were in the living room watching television. I was more lost in thought as I kept thinking about father that I wasn't paying attention....

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Evil Rises- Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Twenty Two "A Death In The Family" By Furry Sith Lord Will parked the jeep in the only available spot next to my grandpa's house. We solemnly got out and I tried to prepare myself to explain the news about father to...

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Evil Rises- Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty One "The Best of Plans" By Furry Sith Lord BH stepped out of his hut and a few seconds later Hueman joined him as they watched us. BH had an evil grin on his face as dad locked eyes with him but I was too busy...

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