Evil Rises- Chapter Twenty One

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#23 of Evil Rises

Chapter Twenty One

"The Best of Plans"


Furry Sith Lord

BH stepped out of his hut and a few seconds later Hueman joined him as they watched us. BH had an evil grin on his face as dad locked eyes with him but I was too busy looking around to see if I could find father.

"Glad you could join us. Your husband has been talking non-stop about how he misses you guys." BH jeered. I heard dad growl but he remained still as he squeezed my paw tighter.

"We offer you a challenge Reverend Lord! We will first discuss the terms before it commences." I stated and BH raised an eyebrow as he looked at me then at my dad. Hueman walked in front of BH and looked at me with curiosity on his face.

"What kind of challenge?" Hueman asked.

"For leadership of The People of the Wolf. For the title of Reverend Lord. My dad challenges him!" I said and released my dad's paw as I pointed at BH.

"I was hoping it would come to this because we have a score to settle." BH replied and the hairless apes looked at him in confusion.

"What is a score?" Hueman asked him.

"We no like each other. We want to kill each other." BH explained.

"He's usually too scared to face me." Dad yelled and the hairless ones gave BH questioning looks.

"Fine let's hash this out then settle it." BH said and he ordered chairs brought so we could relax as we went over the rules for the fight. Technically, we really didn't need to do this but it was my way of trying to buy time so Will and his team could try and find my father.

Four chairs were set up and they were divided so that two faced each other. My dad and I sat on one side and Hueman and BH sat on the other. The Hairless ones were trying to lean in and hear everything without trying to look like they were. Unfortunately, they lacked tact and their efforts were pretty obvious. Still we ignored them as we went forward with the planning.

"So let's start, what are your terms and we'll see if we agree." BH ordered.

"This will be a fair fight with no interference or anyone butting in." I stated and BH seemed to ignore me.

"You let your cub do all the talking for you?" he asked my dad.

"Why? Because my 'son' is a better speaker than that thing you call yours." Dad said calmly and I could see BH bare his fangs.

"Save it for the fight!" I said but honestly I wanted them to keep bickering because it would make this drag out longer so that Will could rescue my father. BH and my dad quieted down but they locked eyes with each other. Hueman was watching me and he motioned for me to continue as he tried not to watch the adults.

"No weapons, just wolf against wolf. You both fight until one of you gets knocked out or is too injured to continue." I said.

"No death?! Fight to be leader should involve death!" Hueman exclaimed.

"I think we both have other plans for the loser." Dad replied and BH nodded as they stared unblinking at each other. The strain was starting to show and finally BH broke away and blinked as my dad grinned then used his paw to wipe his eyes.

Hueman watched them then he turned to me and opened his eyes wide and started staring without blinking. I guessed he was challenging me but I wasn't interested in fighting him so I blinked and looked away but he remained like that as the strain of not blinking was getting to him.

I caught the attention of BH and used my head to point at Hueman. BH chuckled as he caught on and he whispered something to him and the boy relaxed. I guess he thought of me as a rival for some reason but it was a rivalry I had no interest in.

"I suppose you want to see the deer?" BH asked. I had to fight the urge to say yes because it would block Will from the rescue attempt but if we refused it might show we were up to something so I looked at dad as he watched me and I thought about how to answer.

"Is he alright?" Dad asked, picking up on my silence.

"He's fine, I can have him brought here so you can find out for yourself." BH replied.

"Ah, I get it! You're stalling, afraid that my dad will kick your ass so you want to put off the battle and sneak off. OK, bring my dad!" I said and saw that the dig I added was effective as BH glared at me then my dad locked eyes with him again. I saw Hueman try again to lock eyes with me and I leaned in to whisper to him.

"Give it a rest, I have no interest in fighting with you and no interest in The Reverend Lord." He blinked in surprise and looked at me in confusion.

"We no fight?" he asked and I shook my head and pointed to BH and my dad.

"They fight." We looked as the wolves were growling at each other and hatred was oozing from them as neither was willing to back down. For a second I was afraid they were going to charge at each other and start fighting now.

"Do we have everything settled?" I asked.

Will and two members of his team stood by and one of them was wearing infrared goggles. Will looked around to make sure everyone was in place.

"Chirp, Chirp!" Will shouted and he heard disgruntled sighs from his team.


"Could you be any more obvious?" The one with goggles replied.

"Seriously, that is sooo embarrassing." The other one said, shaking his head as he held a rifle next to his chest.

"What do I look like? A bird?" Will asked as his team ignored him.

"I got movement. There's a bit of a struggle... and..... OK the deer seems to be tied to the table again. Someone just slipped out of the hut."

"OK, our target is inside the hut. We need to free the deer and sneak out without hurting anyone.

"No one is inside guarding the deer now, so now would be the best time to sneak in and save him." The one with the goggles replied.

"Alright, you two go in, one grabs the deer, the second on standby in case you have to trank them. In and out quick, got it?" Will asked.

"Yes sir." They replied. Will left to get the others in place in case he had to have his team charge in to rescue the two members he was sending in to save Lou. The two members crept up to the hut and waited for a signal over their ear pieces before they went inside.

The racoon that was wearing the infrared goggles kept watch by using the goggles to peer inside to make sure no one else entered before they went in.

"We're a go, I repeat, we are a go!" Will said.

The other member, that was a gray fox, took a knife out of a sheath on his belt and cut an opening in the hut and he and the raccoon entered. The smell of blood and decaying flesh filled the air and the agents covered their noses and fought the urge to gag. They looked around at the tools used to carve and process the species they captured and ate.

"Oh, hello." A hairless ape said as he was watching them. He was tied to a blood covered table. He had been stripped down to his skin. His member twitched suddenly as he continued to watch as they looked around the hut in revulsion.

"Where is the deer?" The raccoon demanded.

"That's a good question because he's no longer with us. The Reverend Lord figured you guys would come looking if you believed he was still alive. So we make fake me, as deer, to fool you." The hairless ape replied.

"It's a trap." The raccoon said.

"My name is Rowlf."

"Pull back, I repeat, pull back they are onto us." The gray fox yelled into a microphone as he and the racoon ran out of the hut. They ran to the fallback point and waited to speak to Will to find out what they wanted to do next.

"Can we fight now? Or do we really have to keep talking?" Dad said, his voice carrying the edge of annoyance.

"HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!" I jumped as I heard the eerie sound of someone laughing nearby. I saw dad looking around as if expecting a sudden attack . I turned my gaze towards BH as he sat there smiling. For a moment it was a smile like the ones Merrik used to use.

"What's going on?" I asked as I worked up the courage to ask.

"Your plan failed, that's what happened." BH replied as he suddenly began to chuckle as dad and I looked at him in confusion. Even Hueman looked at him with a look of surprise on his face.

"I guess it's time to come clean! While we waited for you two to arrive, your father tried to escape and was killed in the process." BH said.

"What?!" Both dad and I screamed.

"Sadly yes, but then we told you to get here quickly. I guessed you would mount some kind of rescue but with the bait now dead I had one of my hunters dress as a deer and pretend to be your father.

The team just went into the hut we were waiting in and Rowlf told them about the deer's death. The signal he was to give us was to laugh hysterically. The same sound you just heard! More than likely, they just pulled out and are waiting for new orders from you." BH sneered.

I rose from my seat in utter confusion as I was trying to process what had just happened. I looked at dad and I saw his anger building like shaking up a bottle of soda. The anger was building and he was ready to lash out

"You killed my father?!" I asked as I began to cry as I was experiencing the same feelings and the pressure as they rose to the surface as my dad was experiencing. The only difference between us was that I was getting ready to cry and dad was ready to kick ass.

"Prepare to die!!!" Dad growled and the heckles of both BH and my dad were standing on end again. I tried to watch them but my vision was blurred as if my face was in water. I felt a tiny hand softly grip my paw and I saw what looked like Hueman standing in front of me.

"You should at least know that when we ate him, he tasted wonderful!" BH mocked and my dad lunged at him. They both gripped each other and began to thrash on the ground.

BH tried to stand as he was still locked in combat with my dad and my dad fell backwards and then used his hind legs to push BH and throw him off . My dad had learned some excellent combat moves when he was training to be a C.I.Z.A. operative. Though he was not a fighting expert he could easily defend himself if needed.

Dad easily tossed BH out of the hut and he watched as he ran after him and jumped on his chest as he started to beat him with his fists. I walked outside still holding Hueman's hand and I used my free paw to wipe the tears from my eyes.

I stood there feeling emotionless and really sure what I was feeling. My mind tumbled like a washing machine as I kept feeling different things. My emotions went from anger, to confusion, to sorry, and disbelief. In my head, I kept begging and pleading with myself to not let it be true or to make a deal to change things.

"He won't hurt him, will he?" Human asked me but I had no clue who he was referring to. I turned my focus back on the fight and although it appeared as if my dad had the upper paw on the fight, neither were backing down. The other hairless ones started to gather and cheer as they watched the fight. Most were cheering for BH to win but dad seemed obvious to their cries as he continued to defend against every attack BH used.

Still I could see both tiring and the scrapes they had were bleeding and their faces were swollen. Hueman was pressed up against me the way Lyon used to when he was scared. I put my arm around his shoulder but I wasn't sure if it was him or me that felt better by it.

Will's team met at the rally point and he stood there tapping his foot waiting to hear their report. He snapped his fingers and a couple of bottles of water were brought over and given to the gray fox and the raccoon.

"So? What happened?" Will asked sternly.

"One of the hairless apes was tied to the table. He said we fell into their trap and that they had already killed the deer. We ran out as it laughed making a sound that will haunt me forever." The gray fox replied

"Lou? They killed Lou???" Will asked as he was breaking protocol. He knew he shouldn't let his attachments to the family get in the way. It was the reason why he kept referring to Lou as the deer.

"It's what he told us and I believe them. That room had rotting flesh in it and it stank of blood. Those... creatures are pure animals. They need to all be wiped out." The racoon replied.

"Yet it could somehow speak to you." Will said as he was beginning to realize why Lou was determined to keep them from harm. Will realized that they may not be fully intelligent species but they could be taught. Given enough time to evolve, they may be able to fit into the modernized world. The barbarism lifestyles they live could be rooted out and the hairless apes could become a peopleful species once they learned that there is a better way than fighting and killing.

It was an ideal that Lou had given his life for and now Will was ready to take up his mantle so that Lou's martyrdom would not go in vain. The hairless apes may never know it, but they killed their biggest supporter!

"Sir, the white and gray wolf are fighting." a German Shepherd reported to Will. He took out a pair of binoculars and used his hind legs to scramble up a tree to get a better view. Will laid on his stomach on a branch as he used his legs to anchor himself and watched with the binoculars.

He saw Tyger holding paw and hand with the rare white child species of hairless ape. Tyger looked as if he was crying and Will guessed they had just told him they killed his father. He then saw Leggo fighting tooth and nail versus BH and Will wished he could help him in some way. He saw the blood on his fur and how swollen he looked around his eyes but he couldn't help but to silently cheer.

"Have the men standby. Once this fight is over we're going in. No lethals! I want tranquilizers ready and make sure those savages are not harmed in any way." Will ordered as he continued watching.

"But who cares about some filthy savages, sir?" The German Shepherd asked.

"Because once we were the same as them. Did we deserve to die and more than they did?! No, They just need a chance to learn and grow and hopefully one day they will become like us." Will explained as the German Shepherd just shrugged.

Leggo and BH had locked paws as they stood toe to toe trying to push each other away from their locked stance. Both were starting to get exhausted yet neither was willing to give up. BH was more on the defensive as Leggo appeared to have the clear advantage as the white wolf was losing ground.

Leggo saw BH looking behind him as he shifted and kept positioning himself to move his body in front of Tyger and Hueman. He wondered what BH was up to. Hr could tell he was planning something, but what?

"You just lose, doggy breath." BH mocked and Leggo looked at him incredulously. Suddenly the fortce BH had been applying to hold Leggo in place vanished and Leggo pushed forward as BH fell backward but suddenly Leggo realized that BH was pulling him as he stumbled backward.

They crashed into the boys and both Tyger and Hueman were thrown into the hut as BH pulled Leggo inside of it. Everyone around watching saw Leggo push BH into the hut with the boys.

"You admit defeat!" Leggo said as he was breathing heavily after he and BH separated from each other.

"Hardly! I just won! It took me a second but I now know what to do to gain total control." BH said then he lept and grabbed Hueman and used his paw to cover the boy's mouth. Tyger was too stunned to say anything and he watched helplessly.

"What are you up to?" Leggo asked and they watched in horror as BH used his claws to cut the throat of Hueman. Blood splattered everywhere as it sprayed from the boy's neck while the others looked in horror. BH then lifted Hueman and cradled him in his arms. The boy gurgled then died.

BH howled loudly then ran out of the hut and screamed and cried as Leggo and Tyger stood there stunned by what they had just seen.

"Murderers!!!!!!!!!!! They Killed Hueman!!!!!" BH screamed and he cried as the other hairless apes rushed to him and cradled him. The hunters then took up their spears and marched towards the hut.

"Go, go, go, go! We gotta get out of here." Leggo screamed, then he grabbed Tyger's paw and used the claws on his free paw to cut an opening in the back of the hut.

"What's going on? What just happened?" Tyger asked. Everything was happening so fast he felt like he had just jumped off a high cliff. Everything was happening at once that he had no idea what to think.

"That fool just killed their alpha and he blamed us for doing it. We gotta get outta here." Leggo said as he pulled Tyger with him. It took a moment for the realization to sink in then suddenly Tyger was running alongside his dad.

"Follow me to the rally point!" Tyger yelled and Leggo nodded as his son led the way.

"Fuck! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Will shouted as he jumped from the tree. "Pull back! Get ready to leave as soon as Leggo and Tyger get here." Will shouted.

"What's going on, sir?"

"It looks like that white one of them was killed as Leggo was fighting the white wolf. That boy was like an alpha to them and they're gonna come hunting for revenge." Will explained.

"So what? We'll wipe them out in a second."

"How does that look? You wipe out a whole tribe of helpless hairless apes. After one of us kills a boy from their tribe. If an yone finds out we'll spend the rest of our lives as slaves for this. We gotta get outta here before anyone finds out!" Will explained frantically. His men understood and hastened to break up camp and finished just as Tyger and Leggo arrived.

"Will," Tyger tried to explain.

"No time! We gotta get out of here fast!!!!" Will grabbed Tyger and pulled Leggo to get him into one of their transport vehicles then the group sped off. Tyger looked back to see the hunters entering the area where the camp was and throwing spears in their direction but the vehicles were too fast and they easily escaped.

Night settled in and Hueman's body had been wrapped and placed on a wooden pyre. BH held the boy's mother as they both sobbed while the somber members of the tribe prepared a farewell feast to honor the boy.

Although he had been faking his tears from the start, BH did really feel bad about killing the boy. He did have a place in what you could call a heart for the lad. His ambitions, however, were more important to him.

Maxx was busy turning an old cub's movie into a story he could tell by replacing the main character with Hueman. He wasn't really affected but he did care about the company he was now keeping and he felt for them.

"I heard from Margarette that Hueman had mounted her daughter and now the girl is pregnant. Who knew one so young could become like that when she's not even a woman yet." Hueman's mother said softly to BH as he held her.

"Will her cubs be white like him or normal colored like you?" BH asked as he thought it over. Biology was definitely not one of his strong suits so he was not exactly sure what to expect. Providing that the girl was able to give birth being so young!

"Sir, we're ready." Maxx said as he approached BH. BH released Hueman's mother and walked over to the pyre and stood in front of it. The other hairless apes gathered around solemnly as they waited for him to address them.

"Friends, we gather to pay our respects to Hueman. His precious life was taken from us by the acts of those cowardly species!" There was a mix of shouts from females crying to the men shouting in rage. The emotions that secretly thrilled BH as he had these people in the paws of his hands.

"I have been praying in the unspeakable name of the one you call Gawd. I have asked for guidance and he has spoken to me." The hairless apes instantly became quiet. "I am going on a journey to the other world and Gawd will come back with me. We will find the ones responsible and make them pay!!!" BH said and the crowd cheered.

"To honor the boy that has taught us the ways of Gawd and filled our hearts with love, we will no longer be The Wolf People but we are now called Humans!!!" BH said and the crowd looked around in confusion. The hunters then began to thump the ends of their spears on the ground in unison.

"Humans, Humans, Humans!!!" They chanted and slowly the rest of the tribe joined in. BH smiled as they savagely chanted their new names. He had achieved what he wanted! He now had his army.

He took a torch and went over to Hueman's wrapped body and kissed his head before lighting the pyre. The crowd continued to chant as the flames grew higher the louder their chanting became.


To Be Continued...

Evil Rises- Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Twenty Two "A Death In The Family" By Furry Sith Lord Will parked the jeep in the only available spot next to my grandpa's house. We solemnly got out and I tried to prepare myself to explain the news about father to...

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Evil Rises- Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty "A Visit To Grandpa's" By Furry Sith Lord Leggo did a hard brake as he swerved and parked his car in a parking space next to his grandfather's property. Lyon and Ben were glad they had their seatbelts on as they...

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Evil Rises- Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Nineteen "Father Tries Best" By Furry Sith Lord Father pulled me as we approached Will and his team. I could smell the fear coming off him as strongly as any cologne he wore. Even Will was watching my father and stepped out...

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