Evil Rises- Chapter Nineteen

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#21 of Evil Rises

Chapter Nineteen

"Father Tries Best"


Furry Sith Lord

Father pulled me as we approached Will and his team. I could smell the fear coming off him as strongly as any cologne he wore. Even Will was watching my father and stepped out to meet him to get an idea of what was wrong. He had been watching us at the dinner but had no idea what the hairless apes were singing.

"You alright?" Will asked.

"It's worse than I feared." My father replied and I calmly held his hoof to try and steady him.

"They're primitives, you can't expect them to act like normal species." Will said as he had his team begin to pack up. Father went behind me and hugged me, which began to make me panic because this was unusual for him.

"We haven't spoken yet so I'm curious about what you think about them?" Father asked me as we waited for Will and his team to finish breaking down their base here.

"They don't seem as evil as the stories say they are but I definitely know BH is evil and may make thn do bad things." I explained.

"Correct. The trouble is how can we help them and convince them that BH is evil when they seen to think he's a savior of theirs."

"Why don't you give them what they want... but with interest!" I said.


"We agree to make a deal with the mining company but you... delay its completion. In the meantime you bring in help to help them get the necessities they need. Once you show them that BH isn't the only savior, they can begin to see that they don't need to follow his evil ways." I said and father kissed my head.

"You truly are my son." He said then he walked over to Will as I remained where I was and said something. Will looked at him cautiously then nodded as he turn and ran back towards the jungle.

I was about to run after him when Will yelled at me to remain here. I figured that my father was going back to let him know he was agreeing to his plans.

"Wait in one of the jeeps because once your father returns we're going back to the city." Will ordered. I shrugged and obeyed and hoped that my father would return soon. It was getting late and I'd be afraid he'd get lost in there.

Lou quickly ran back to the village as his heart was beating rapidly. He was mostly using the GPS to help guide him because his eyes couldn't see in the darkness as well as his son's could. He thought about Tyger's proposal and realized he needed to start it before BH did something rash.

Seeing BH in command of those poor creatures made him panic and he knew he wasn't thinking clearly. What Tyger suggested was the best course of action to take. Had he not been so frightened by their tribalistic lifestyle he would have realized the same thing.

The village had a few torches burning to give light but most of the inhabitants had entered their huts. They were probably going to sleep now that their evening entertainment had finished. Lou knew they had no books or television to keep them entertained so they would end the evening now despite how early it was.

He walked by one of the huts as he made his way to the one BH entered with Hueman. He suddenly stopped as he heard moaning coming from inside and chuckled to himself. He should have realized they would be mounting each other before calling it a night.

He approached the hut and knocked on the door. A female opened the door and looked at him blankly.

"May I see The Reverend Lord and Hueman?" Lou asked politely she moved aside as Hueman sat in a chair watching him.

"Woof Woof is not here," The boy said. Lou looked at the woman confused. "I am the only one to call him by his sacred name of Woof Woof." The boy continued.

"You said he's not here? Which house is his? I want to tell him that I've agree to help him and your people." Lou explained but the white hairless one laughed. Two of the hunters grabbed Lou's arms as he looked at them in confusion.

"We don't need you, we never did. Woof Woof is going to get what we need even if he has to take it by force." Hueman said.

"Wait! Let me help you." Lou tried to reason with the lad.

"Woof Woof left us orders in case you returned before he did. He knew you couldn't be trusted but we figured you'd return in the daylight. Either way we have a place for you." Hueman said and the hunters began to drag Lou away. He tried reasoning with the hunters but he remained silent as they brought him to a large wooden cage.

Lou was thrown into it and it was locked as the hunters tied the door shut. Two guards stood by to watch to make sure he could not escape. He begged and pleaded with the guards but they continued to ignore him. He finally gave up knowing he had to wait for BH to return. What worried him was, what was the white wolf planning?

"Where is he?" Will complained as I was yawning for the millionth time. We were all tired of waiting for father to return and I was starting to get worried. I watched Will as he paced impatiently but remained in control. We were all feeling the same thing but as tired as I was; I was beginning to get afraid something had happened.

"Should we make camp again?" One of his team asked Will. Will rubbed his chin as he thought it over trying to decide what he should do.

"We give him 15 more minutes then we make camp. He better get his tail back here or I'm gonna be really pissed." Will complained as his subordinate nodded then returned to inform the others.

"I don't like this, your father should know better. What if he's lost out there?" Will asked me. I supposed that since we tend to think alike he thought I'd know my father's every thought.

"Did you hear anything that was said when we were with them?" I asked.


"That explains a lot. BH wants my father tro make a deal with a mining company to dig up ore so he can teach the hairless ones how to work with metals. My father and I agree it's not that simple and we think he wants to teach them to make weapons.

They see him as some sort of savior and they obey him without question. If we're not careful he may bring that prophecy about rare white fur species raising an army and starting another Great War." I explained.

"But all that was debunked," Will retorted.

"It was, but some may call it a self-fulfilling prophecy IF he carries through with his plans. My father thought of a way to both help them and get them out from under BH's paws. That's why he ran back! To set his plans in motion before BH does something stupid." Will watched me as he rubbed his chin as if contemplating what his next action was.

"If I have them set up camp again then it's for good. We stay here because it's too dark tro keep playing the game of set up and break down camp." Will said.

"I don't believe my father would object to your reasoning." I replied. I waited patiently and finally Will gave the order to remake camp. He made me sit in one of the jeeps while his team grudgingly set up the tents and built a campfire. I had offered to help but Will told me I'd only get in their way. I started falling asleep as I sat there wondering if my father was going to return.

The next morning I woke to Will and his team listening to a radio.

"So far no confirmed deaths as of yet but just to recap. Last night The Full Go mining company in the City of Salam was attacked and equipment was stolen as the warehouse was set on fire."

"That's next to us. We came from there." One of Will's team remarked.

"What's going on?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes yawning. I looked around expecting to see my father but the disappointment of his absence made me worry more than the newscast.

"Some unknown attackers attack a mining company in the city. It looks like they were robbed and their factories set on fire." Will explained to me and he put his arm across my shoulders as he saw my apprehension over not seeing my father.

"Do they think the hairless apes were involved?" I finally asked as I worked up the courage.

"We don't know but I'd guess it is a strong possibility." Will replied.

Lou tried to remain calm as he awaited his fate. This morning he was abruptly woken by the ones guarding him and they dragged him to this hut. They ordered him to strip down to his pelt and once he did that he was tied spread eagle onto a table.

He wasn't sure how long he had been waiting but he had managed to get brief glimpses of what was around him. His hooves and legs were each tied to a different corner of the table and a rope tied to his neck prevented him from leaning up. Not that he'd be able to, his limbs were stretched and tied tightly enough to keep him ridged.

A crude set of tools sat on a side table and Lou could smell blood on them. One looked like some sort of scrapper and guessed they were used to process the species they caught so they could be eaten. He wondered if all this was to scare him or was he next on their menu.

BH finally arrived and Lou watched him trying to keep his features placid. The white wolf got close as he rubbed his paws together and leaned in with his maw inches from Lou's face.

"I wondered if you would be foolish enough to return. Guess we dine on venison tonight." BH jeered and Lou guessed that answered his question. "Any last words?" BH asked as he removed a knife from the tools and held it next to Lou's neck. The knife was a stone blade that had rope wrapped around the handle.

"If you must, it would be very foolish of you to do so." Lou replied as he closed his eyes waiting to see if he was going to feel the crude implement cut into his neck.

"Oh? And why is that?" BH mocked.

"You need me. You said so yourself that you need me to broker a deal for your... people."

"Things have changed. Last night we raided the city and took what I needed. Now I can teach my people how to mine so that we can make out own weapons." BH replied. Lou looked at him as panic filled his eyes.

"You are still years away from being able to process and make metal. Not to mention that my son and my backup are out there waiting for me. Unless you use me as a bargaining chip, they'll charge in and wipe you and your people out." Lou explained and the knife was removed then Lou opened his eyes to look at BH. He placed the knife back on the tray.

"You're right! Live bait is the best way to trap a tiger and a wolf. Come to think of it, that certain wolf can help me catch a certain hedgehog that betrayed our papa." BH said.

"So you've been planning to recapture your precious White Citadel? You do know that Bear left all that behind and is now an actor. He has a movie coming out soon and once the money starts rolling in, do you really believe he'll give all that up?" Lou countered as he glared at BH. He could see he was frustrating the wolf and he was waiting for him to slip up so he could make his escape. Now if he could only get free of these ropes.

"I'm gonna leave about three guys here in case your father returns so they can radio us." Will announce it to me.

"We're not just leaving?!" I asked incredulously.

"I'm pretty sure IF your father was here he'd agree with me that I need to get you to safety." Will countered. I folded my arms across my chest as I stared at him and I saw a bit of a smirk as he watched me.

"You brought tranks with you? For your guns. We can put them to sleep and move in to rescue my father and be out and back to safety before they even know it."

"Tyger, we need to be careful because we don't know for certain if they have your father. He's a city deer and could have easily gotten lost then was forced to make camp for the night." Will replied.

"Then he would have sent me a message."

"So then why hasn't he? Maybe his phone died because it's not like there are charging stations out here." Will replied and I suddenly wondered that myself.

BH walked into his hut when he saw Hueman playing with a cell phone. He reached into his pocket and found his then gave a sigh of relief.

"Where did you get that?" BH asked.

"The deer dropped it... I think. I saw it on the floor and it has pictures of the deer and a wolf but a different color than you are. See? Here is one where the wolf has no clothes on and is holding a crying white lion cub." Hueman said as he turned the display to face BH. He had forgotten that the doctor had shown cell phones to Hueman when they held him.

"Now I got one just like you do." Hueman said and BH grunted.

"But if it belongs to the deer then it's stealing if you take it from him." BH explained.

"But didn't you say we were going to kill the deer and eat him?" Hueman asked.

"Not right now but eventually... yes. Here let me see it," BH took the phone and searched the contact list. He found Leggo's and Tyger's numbers in it and decided to get things started as he called Tyger.

"Father?! Are you alright?" I asked as I answered my cell phone and saw it was father calling me.

"Now you know better than to call me that. What's my name?" BH asked as my heart began to beat faster fearing something had happened.

"Papa?" I said in more of a question although I already knew who he was by his voice.

"Correct, I have your father and if you ever want to see him again then you and your dad will surrender yourselves to me. Should you be thinking of sending in your little team I cannot guarantee his safety so I suggest you don't try anything stupid." BH said.

"Let me talk to him." I asked permission but I knew BH wouldn't be kind enough to do so.

"You go home to your daddy," he said sarcastically. "Then when he calls this number I'll let you both speak to your father. However, if you keep me waiting too long then my people will get hungry and may eat your father. I suggest you hurry." BH said and he hung up the call.

"Well?" Will asked and I explained everything before I called dad to tell him what happened. Dad wasn't pleased and I had to hand my phone to Will as they argued back and forth to each other. Dad was surprisingly putting Will in his plac e from what I heard when usually they both broke even. For a second I thought Lyon was yelling at Will because the only time he seemed to back down was versus my brother.

"Lyon, Ben and Dash! Front and center!" Leggo shouted at the dinner table and the boys looked at him curiously. He had been arguing over his cell phone and now they wondered what he wanted that made him shout.

"Dad, we're right in front of you." Lyon replied.

"Duh," Dash commented as Ben remained silent but just observed.

"Sorry, just trying to act like your father."


"Seriously. If you want to act like him you need to be like Leggo! Stop acting like a puppy dog." Dash said.

"He does not say puppy dog," Ben replied with a bit of annoyance.

"Oh and you need antlers like father has." Lyon remarked.

"Yeah! You need antlers. Here you can use forks for pretend." Dash said and Ben covered his eyes as he shook his head.

"Wait! I got the antler that fell out when we first came to live here and I know Tyger keeps his on his bureau. I can get them so you can wear them like father does." Lyon said.

"Enough!" Leggo shouted and they immediately got quiet at the sternness of his voice. He waited for them to calm before he continued.

"Guys, I'm sorry to shout but something has happened to your brother and your father. I need to go rescue them..." Leggo tried to explain but suddenly Lyon and Dash began to laugh hysterically. Leggo looked at them annoyed and Ben calmly rose and walked over and grabbed them by their ears as they protested in pain crying out for him to let go of them.

"Both of you stop, he's not playing a game, he's being serious!" Ben said and again all three quieted for Leggo to continue.

"Dash you gotta go back home. Ben and Lyon pack up because your gonna visit... Grandpa." Leggo said as he struggled to say the word. Dash looked upset to not be included in the trip

"Alright! Grandpa's!" Lyon cheered. "Ben you'll love it, he's wicked awesome."

"Wicked?!" Ben remarked confusedly but Lyon had already ran out of the room to go pack.

"Are you alright, Sir?" Ben asked as he walked over and pout his paw on Leggo's shoulder.

"Not sir! DAD! You call me dad." Leggo replied as he put his own paw on top of Ben's. They remained like that for a few moments as if comforting each other as they realized their lovers were in trouble.

"I'll be fine. Go, pack, we need to get ready." Ben swiftly exited the room to go pack as Leggo sighed and searched his cell phone for his grandfather's number. Technically he was Leggo's grandfather but the cubs had gotten used to calling him grandpa so he didn't sound so old. Plus it was easier to say than 'Great Grandpa' everytime they referred to him.

"Hello?" his grandfather answered and Leggo smiled as he heard the old fur's voice.

"Grandpa? It's me, Leggo." he said softly.

"Boy? Is that you? Sorry, I didn't recognize the number. You need to call me more often."

"Yeah... I need a favor," Leggo said softly, hoping to ease his request in. It had been forever since they last spoke and him asking for a favor made their strained relationship seem worse.

Lou had been talking regularly to him since they first spoke when he needed the boys watched. Leggo was still uncomfortable about how his last conversation with his grandfather had been, so he hadn't called.

"What do you need, son?" the old fur replied and hearing him call Leggo son made him feel better as if their relationship had never become estranged.

"Something has happened to my husband and my son Tyger. I need to go rescue them. So I was hoping you could watch Lyon and Tyger's boyfriend." Leggo said and it felt odd to say those words.

"Boyfriend? So Tyger likes boys like you do, huh." The old fur said.

"Don't start," Leggo replied.

"I'm not starting nothing! I never had a problem with you liking other boys. I was just surprised because you had never shown any interest before. Tyger liking boys is again no big deal. I just thought he was too young to like anybody yet. Why is it everytime I ask for clarification, you turn it into a personal attack?" he asked.

"Because you ask like I should be ashamed or something."

"Should you? Or should I ask, do you feel ashamed? Because you have nothing to feel ashamed over... and neither should my great grandson either." he replied.

"So I can trust you won't belittle him because he's dating my son?" Leggo asked.

"I would never do that! I'll treat him in the same way I treat your husband. As if he is my own son and my own flesh and blood."

"Lou believes that Ben and Tyger will one day get their paws tied like we did. I'm not sure because I think they're too young to think that far ahead. I... just..." Leggo stammered.

"No matter, I want to get to know him. I want to get to know my grandson better but he keeps pushing me away. I'm hoping this will give us the opportunity to open some doors between us."

"I'd... like that too! Maybe we can just start over and fix things." Leggo replied.

"You have nothing to fix with me. The moment you said 'Grandpa' everything was forgiven on my end. We just need to fix things on your end and I hope we can once you drop off the boys. Can you spare a few minutes for an old fool like me?" he asked and Leggo felt himself blush. He found tears were forming and he was afraid if he said anything his voice would break and he'd start sobbing like a cub.

He knew Lou had been right, as usual, when he'd say 'Stop acting like a puppy.' because that was what he had been doing. Maybe he had been the problem all along and not his grandpa. This meeting was long overdue but it still scared the fur off of him for some reason.

To Be Continued...

Evil Rises- Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Twenty Five "The Machine" By Furry Sith Lord Bear sat nervously waiting as he wore a suit and sat on a bench in the courthouse. He used a finger to tug at his collar as it felt uncomfortable pressing against his neck. He...

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Evil Rises- Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Four "Mending" By Furry Sith Lord "Hey look, it's Bear!" Lyon shouted. We were in the living room watching television. I was more lost in thought as I kept thinking about father that I wasn't paying attention....

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Evil Rises- Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter Twenty Three "Painful Memories" By Furry Sith Lord I sat alone in my room holding the letter addressed to dad and myself. Dad had already read it and gave it to me since I was mentioned in it. I really had nothing to do...

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