Evil Rises- Chapter Twenty Two

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#25 of Evil Rises (Completed)

Chapter Twenty Two

"A Death In The Family"


Furry Sith Lord

Will parked the jeep in the only available spot next to my grandpa's house. We solemnly got out and I tried to prepare myself to explain the news about father to everyone. Will pulled my dad aside and I waited as they talked.

"Leggo, I know this is a difficult time and I really do feel crummy bringing it up. However, my men have done their best and your... Lou promised to pay us. I need the money to pay my men, you understand right?"

"I understand. See me Monday and I'll have the funds he promised you. I just don't have it in my back pocket right now." Dad replied and Will nodded then hesitated before he hugged my dad.

"I'm sorry," was all Will managed to say then he got inside the jeep and drove off. Dad knelt down and hugged me and I felt myself swaying back and forth as he held me. I just closed my eyes and heard a tiny voice in my head saying it wasn't real. That I was dreaming and I would wake up any minute. I wanted the voice to be right but I knew it was lying.

We went inside and dad went into the kitchen to talk to grandpa while I entered the living room and saw Ben and Lyon watching television as they sat on the floor.

"Hey," I replied weekly and sat next to Ben as he rubbed his face against mine. Lyon was busy making a gagging noise and Ben flicked his hand to make Lyon flinch as if he was gonna hit his tummy.

"Lyon, we gotta talk." I said as they both became serious as I felt the tears building again. I struggle to try and say the words as they looked at me waiting.

"What's wrong?" Lyon asked and it took all my strength to not begin crying but I knew I was not strong enough and my will was weakening.

"Something... has happened. Father is... dead." I struggled nd I heard a soft gasp from Ben but Lyon watched me with a mixture of confusion and I could see the sorrow building in him. His expressions kept changing and I knew he was going through what I had when I first learned about it.

Lyon suddenly jumped at me and knocked me to the ground as he sat on top of me and he used his arm to hold me in place placing it across my throat. I didn't put up any resistance but just lay there helpless as I saw the tears dripping from down his face.

"Stop lying!!!" He yelled at me. Ben reached out and hugged him as I remained motionless. I felt a pang of jealousy that Lyon clung to Ben instead of me. I sat back up and Ben reached out to pet my head making me cry harder.

"Stop telling lies!!!!" Lyon wailed but I had no words that I could think of to ease him. He moved out of Ben's grip and he pushed me as he ran into the kitchen crying.

"I'm not lying," I sobbed but Ben reached out and held me like he had held Lyon.

"I know," he replied and I lost all control and sobbed like a little cub.

Grandpa looked at the cup of tea that sat in front of Leggo. His grandson had not touched it to load it up with honey and sugar. He listened to him talk about the death of his husband.

"Daddy!!! Daaaaaaaaad!!!" Lyon yelled as he ran into the kitchen sobbing. Leggo squatted down and let his son run into his arms.

"Shhhhhh." Leggo said as he used his paw to rub Lyon's back. He used to do this when Lyon came into their room crying that he had had an accident in bed. Lyon was unfortunately too big to pick up like he used to but he hoped this would be enough.

"Daddy," Lyon started and Leggo was struck that he had never been called daddy before. "Dad, Tyger is telling fibs!!!!"

"What do you mean?" Grandpa asked and Leggo was relieved he had asked because he was on the verge of sobbing himself.

"Tyger said that father is dead! He's fibbing, and tell him to stop fibbing!" Lyon sobbed.

"Ah," Grandpa said now he was at a loss for words.

"Lyon," Leggo tried but he couldn't get the rest of the words out and tears dripped from his eyes and he hugged Lyon tighter as they sobbed together. Grandpa exited the kitchen and joined Ben and Tyger in the living room. He hugged them as they hugged each other and cried their hearts out.

"Lyon, listen to me. Tyger is not fibbing. Your father was captured and when we went to rescue him they told us they had... killed him. We tried searching but we couldn't find him." Leggo explained and this made Lyon weep louder.

"Tyger," Grandpa said and I turned to look at him. I tried to stop crying but my body shook with tremors as I tried to keep it in. Ben held me and used his paw to rub my back but I was amazed that he was not crying. I guess my father dying did not matter to him at all. He just solemnly stood there watching and waiting.

"Yes... Grandpa." I managed to force myself to say. I heard Lyon wail from the kitchen and my resolve vanished and I had to struggle with the sadness inside me trying to force its way out.

"You know your father, Lou, better than anyone. Do you really think those damn dirty apes could so easily kill him?" Grandpa asked.

"We... we had a rescue team watching him. When... when... when they went in to save him they saw blood everywhere. One... of them was dressed up like father. Mocking him! I used to agree with my father that we needed to help those hairless creatures but now... I want to see them become extinct!" I shouted the last part and Ben remained silent but hugged me tighter and grandpa pet my head.

Dad and Lyon returned to the living room as they held paws. I broke free quite easily from Ben and went over to hug Lyon but he scowled and turned his back to me.

"Ah, Lyon," I whispered. I stood there dejected and looked down at my feet. I heard him trying to hold in his cries then he turned and ran at me and hugged me. I fell backwards and I hugged him desperately as we sobbed like cubs.

"I've never been good at this kinda stuff." Grandpa said to dad and put his claw on dad's shoulder.

"I went through the same thing when my parents died and yet I... can't help my sons. Even though I've felt what they feel. I just..." Dad said then he began to sob again.

I woke up some time later as Lyon was asleep in my arms as I realized I was in Ben's arms. Both he and my brother were fast asleep as I realized dad was driving us home. I didn't want to move and disturb them even though I was uncomfortable in the position I was in.

"Just woke up?" Dad asked softly as he glanced at me through his rear view mirror.

"Yeah," I replied weekly. I sat here feeling empty at last as if I had cried everything that was in me, out.

"We'll be home in a bit. I'm thinking of ordering out tonight. Anything special you want?" Dad asked and I thought about it but I had no idea what to eat. I honestly did not want to eat, I just kept thinking about my father.

About all the times I saw him eat grass and salads and wondered why he'd eat stuff like that. I preferred the taste of meat and our maid makes the best with added gravy to enhance the taste. The only meat I won 't eat is deer meat because it always fears like I'm eating my father's body.

"Clover," I said as I could feel tears building up in my eyes again.

"Huh?" Dad asked.

"I could really go for some clover. Father and I would eat it together to make us feel better."

"Which reminds me, your father's garden belongs to you now. I'm sure he'd want you to look after it. It was his favorite place." Dad told me and I began to cry again.

"Hey," Dad said as he reached with one of his paws and held my knee. I kept thinking about our stupid bet and how if I won I'd get to tend his garden and if he won I'd go to work with him. I felt like I betrayed him and by asking for his garden I was asking for him to die. I got my wish and now I wished more than anything I could give it back.

Ben stirred and I felt him hug me tighter which made me hug Lyon tighter. I saw him yawn then look out the window. I noticed that he had a seat belt on and as dad did a hard break as we pulled into the driveway, Ben's grip on me prevented Lyon and myself from being thrown off the seat.

While we were getting out of the car the maid came stomping over and started to yell at dad. He said something softly and her expression changed. She then wrapped her wings around him in a display of affection. Something I'd never thought we'd ever see.

"A letter arrived yesterday for you and Tyger," The maid said and she removed an envelope from her apron pocket and handed it to dad.

"Thank you." Dad replied softly and he walked over to me and picked up Lyon. I was pulling him from the jeep and he was still groggy so I held him. Dad reached out and picked him up and carried him inside and I watched the envelope with curiosity. I wondered what it was and who it was from. Dad still held it as he carried my brother inside.

"I'm sorry," Ben said and I looked at him in confusion. It was the first time he's spoken since we learned that my father died.

"Huh?" I asked numbly.

"I'm not good at this kinda stuff and I've been trying to think of what to say... but that's all I came up with."

"It's enough," I replied as I hugged him. We held the embrace until I heard his phone chime that he got a message. I started to walk away to let him read it when he stopped me by grabbing my paw.

"It's from my parents. They were wondering if you'd come to visit the last week before we have to return to school. They want to meet you." He said then he looked at me and I was at a loss for words. He had said his family hated him so why would they invite me to stay with them? What are they up to?

"Probably wondering why a spoiled rich cub is interested in their son?!" I said bitterly as I spoke what I was thinking out loud. It was harsher than I meant it to be but I was not really in the mood.

"More like wanting to meet the tiger that captured my heart. We could at least give them a chance." Ben suggested.

"I'm fine with it but with my father's funeral..." I suddenly realized I had actually said the word 'funeral' and the shock returned.

"Let's discuss this later once things have calmed a bit." Ben said as he took a cue from my reaction. Ben led me inside and he wandered off to play video games while I went to search for dad. I was curious what was in the letter for me.

I found dad sitting in father's office on his chair and he leaned back and had his eyes closed. I cautiously entered and I could see his ears flick but he didn't turn to look at me.

"I can still smell him." Dad said.

"He's all over the place. I just never realized how much of the space he filled." I replied and dad nodded then he sat up straight and turned to face me.

"I keep hoping he'll walk in and see me and yell at me for acting like a puppy. I'd give anything to hear him say that again." Dad said and I found myself wishing he'd enter and punish me. Even if it was for no reason whatsoever, I still want it!

"I don't trust that wolf at all. The problem I have is that he was ruthless enough to kill that small ape right in front of us. So I think he would kill Lou to get the revenge he wants because your father destroyed his WC.

I never trusted him from the beginning when he first picked on Sanic. He said he was acting under orders but if you could smell him then you'll realize he was enjoying it! I think that was why Bear gave him the task because he would be able to pull it off and we'd think it was real. It was! He was tormenting Sanic and getting off on it as everyone thought he was pretending.

If he knew your father had a team ready to rescue him then he had your father killed so he couldn't escape but he kept it secret to lure us in. Now that he knows we're not watching him any longer, he'll do whatever his real plans are." My dad explained and I agreed with him.

"I have some money saved up. Can I use it to hire Will and his team to destroy those creatures and him!" I asked as I looked at my dad in rage as my eyes were overflowing with tears again.

"I've thought about that a lot on the way home. I thought about getting on a plane and flying over sprinkling napalm to burn the whole place. I expect that BH isn't as stupid as to stay there where we know where he's hiding." Dad said and I nodded my head. I knew he was right but I just felt so powerless after what they did.

"Anyway I';m glad you're here so we can see what's in the letter." Dad continued and I suddenly remembered it and wiped the tears from my eyes.

BH made sure the last of his belongings were packed and one of his hunters, now turned soldier, entered and saluted him. He nodded solemnly and Dabid relaxed before speaking.

"Everything is prepared for our departure... only one small snag though."

"Oh?" BH replied absently although he knew what it was. He was aware of everything that had happened since the funeral.

"His mother refuses to go. She just lays in his ashes and waits to die. We've tried everything but she has just given up the will to live, Reverend Lord." Dabid continued.

"I think we can all sympathize with..."

"Sympa what?" Dabid interrupted. BH smiled because he kept forgetting their understanding of the common language was still limited.

"Sorry, I mean we can all understand what she is feeling. Those creatures killing Hueman was very bad. I can assure you that we will find them and make them pay. You have my promise on that." BH said and Dabid breathed a sigh of relief.

They walked out of the hut and Bh went over to where the remains of Hueman's pyre were. His mother lay upon the pile of white ashes and her dark skin was lightened as the white ash duritied her skin. She lay there silently and her skin was beginning to show signs of irritation as the ash was drying out her skin.

She was silent and he wondered if she had lost her voice from the crying and wailing she had done over the last few days. Most of the shrewdness had been patient at first then a few had come to him to complain about her cries. He had told them to let her be because she was crying for the whole shrewdness. It seemed to pacify them but he honestly agreed with them.

"Daughter," he said to her as he used his paw to caress her hair. "We are packed and ready to leave. Are you coming with us or will you stay here?"

She took a few minutes to stir then lifted her head to look at him. Fresh tears began to fill her eyes and they dripped down her face. He tried to smile at her to help ease her but his expression became stolic as she shook her head. She laid back down upon the ash pile. He caressed her one more time then he rose and instructed the group to prepare to move.

"All is ready," Maxx said as he walked over and viewed the woman lying on the ground. BH met his eyes and shook his head then motioned and the rest of the hairless apes began to fall in line behind him.

"They know where we are so I expect them to return to attack. I plan to attack the police station in the city and take their weapons as our own. We can then teach them how to use them and continue to get them ready to liberate the WC.

Once Bear is liberated he will be their Gawd and with him as a rally point we will be unstoppable." BH stated.

"Reminds me of a story," Maxx started.

"Later! We gotta get moving before we become sitting ducks." BH interrupted. He started walking and the rest followed him. Several looked at Hueman's mother as she laid on the ground waiting to die and they said a silent prayer that her death would be a peaceful one where she could be reunited with her son.

Bear sat in a chair wearing his best suit as a gray female house cat was getting primed for a television interview with him. He was still nervous even though they had already walked him through it and told him what the questions were and how he was to respond.

The makeup artist, a red colored horse, was putting the finishing touches on her makeup.

"Don't worry sweetie, I do hundredths of these a week. It's no big deal. I'll walk you through it and everything will be fine." She said and Bear forced himself to smile even though his stomach felt like a hurricane was inside it.

"We're on in..." The cameraman said as he started counting down from ten.

"You'll do fine," She said as she smiled at him and he felt as if a heavy burden was removed from his shoulders.

"We turn to Tig and her interview with the star of North of the North, Bear Ursidea-P, Tig?" The voice of an anchorman was heard from a portable radio.

"Thanks Jay, I'm here with Bear Ursidea-P. So Bear, what does it feel like to have the number one movie in the country?" She asked and Bear smiled as he half faced her and half faced the cameraman.

"Thank you Tig, it's a pleasure to be able to speak to you. The only way I can describe this feeling is amazement. I can't believe a nobody of a polar bear was lucky enough to be chosen by the Soda Coke company to be their spokesmen. Then I was lucky that my talents were noticed and that I was asked to star in a movie with the finest cast I've ever known and that together we are now number one in the box office." Bear as and even as he repeated the lines they had fed him before the interview began, he appeared as if he was genuinely saying them. She smiled at him encouragingly then he saw her expression change and his stomach felt that nervousness again. This was not part of the script!

"What of the allegations that you sexually assaulted your costar, Mellody Ursidea-P?" She asked and was at a loss as this was not part of the interview.

"Excuse me?" he asked dumbly, making sure he heard her correctly. Her face changed to that of a viper looking at a fresh kill.

"Mellody Ursideo-P has reported that during the filming of North of the North that you forced yourself upon her despite her protests."

"Are you joking? I..."

"Raping someone is no joming matter is it not?!" she interrupted.

"This is preposterous! Mellody is a fine costar and we..."

"She was so fine that you felt justified in forcing yourself upon her without consent." She interrupted again. Bear's cheeks felt hot as his anger was rising.

"NEVER!!!! We worked together and off camera she was with her family taking care of them. I was busy going over lines with my assistant. An assistant that is a boy, by the way!" Bear began shouting.

"Jay, as you can see, tempers are running high as we wait to see if more allegations are brought to light. Back to you Jay." She said,

"And we're clear!" The cameraman said as he lowered his camera.

"What are you doing?! You made this whole interview to tell your audience such terrible lies?!" Bear said incredulously.

"Sorry babe but that's how the game is played. You were fantastic, by the way." She said as she took out a compact and began to adjust her makeup. Bear rose and picked up his chair and threw it as he stormed off to call his agent.

He felt the eyes of the species working behind the camera stared at him as he made his way to his trailer. The looks he received told him how quickly the rumors had spread among them. His expression changed as he saw a group surrounding Mellody.

"She was in the center of a circle of species and she was crying. Bear saw the looks he was given by those around her and a couple of males stood in front of her as if they were going to protect her from him. Truth was he knew he could rip them apart as if they were toilet paper, had he actually been a violent bear. He just shook his head angrily and continued on his way to his trailer.

He was going to have a long talk with his agent and his lawyer to get to the bottom of this and clear his name. He had to push the hurt aside because although he never really met her he was surprised that she would lie like that.

"Hey baby, what's going on?" His agent said cheerfully as he answered his call.

"Have you seen the interview?"

"I'm sure it went fine," his agent replied dismissively.

"Fine? Fine!!! My costar accused me of raping her on set." Bear screamed.

"Oh fuck,. Listen baby these kinda things happen. Sometimes these girls are at the end of their careers and they make up a little story in order to get back in the limelight." his agent explained.

"By throwing me under the bus?!"

"Look, take a pill and relax. I'll get a hold of your lawyer and we'll see what we can do in order to run damage control. Hold on, I got a fax coming in." The line went silent as Bear waited patiently.

"Hey... um are you still there?" His agent asked.


"That was the Soda Coke firm. They heard about the allegations and have decided to drop you as their spokesman."


"Look I'm sure it's a small misunderstanding. Let me get on this and I'll clear things up. OK?" The agent said and Bear nodded realizing too late that the agent couldn't see him.

The way everything was going so well he just could not understand why they would do this to him.

To Be Continued...

Evil Rises- Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter Twenty Three "Painful Memories" By Furry Sith Lord I sat alone in my room holding the letter addressed to dad and myself. Dad had already read it and gave it to me since I was mentioned in it. I really had nothing to do...

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Evil Rises- Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty One "The Best of Plans" By Furry Sith Lord BH stepped out of his hut and a few seconds later Hueman joined him as they watched us. BH had an evil grin on his face as dad locked eyes with him but I was too busy...

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Evil Rises- Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty "A Visit To Grandpa's" By Furry Sith Lord Leggo did a hard brake as he swerved and parked his car in a parking space next to his grandfather's property. Lyon and Ben were glad they had their seatbelts on as they...

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