A game played by domesticated humans

Story by Beefy the Bull on SoFurry

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#9 of Alternate Anthro History

A Short story about a game of chance.

A game played by domesticated humans

There is a variation of a common human game often played by the domesticated human slaves of the Uraz, a version of traditional paper, rock, scissors: "hand, cuff, key". It is played in an identical way by slaves, often for similar reasons, but with different items. Commonly when two humans need to decide something left between them such who gets a reward first, who gets the least desirable chore, who will be the bottom, or similar mundane decisions, they will resort to hand-cuff-key. As implied, the item of hand is beat or 'captured' by a cuff or manacle, and the cuff is 'unlocked' by the key, and a key is 'taken' by a hand.

Initially this game was disapproved by many uraz, with the implications of humans freeing themselves by taking a key. The growing changes in human slavery in the 1900's and the clarification in a famous legal case displayed that it was just a game, with no implications of slaves rebelling against their masters helped change the views on it. It became seen as a harmless and perhaps even cute bit of humanity. It would eventually become permissible if not even common for bulls to play the game.

To play, two participants each make a fist, shaking it vertically in the air three times, and on the downward stroke of the third time, use their hand to make one of the three shapes: a hand: palm either towards the owners or opponents face, fingers spread out. A cuff: hand forming a 'c' shape. Or a key: thumb and pointer finger forming a ring, and other fingers extended straight out together, to mime a key with a ring for a handle.

A game of chance?

The two men stood before their master, heads bowed.

"One of you may fuck the other. I will be back in an hour, whomever remains locked should be needy and ready for me in my bed...Hmm... Leave the key hanging from the door knob." The bull tossed the tiny key on a silver necklace down between their feet.

Both men's pulses quickened.

"Yes master." They replied in unison.

The bull turned and left the two men to a difficult decision... who was going to unlock, and who was going to get fucked in the ass twice?

They both knew better then to fight or disagree, lest the master decide both were to stay locked, and both were to be ass up in his bed.

No one dared touch the key yet.

Once the master was gone, they both started whispering their good reasons why they should be unlocked, not the other. After a few moments of getting nowhere, one suggested it.

"Hand-cuff-key?" The first offered.

"Best of three." The second agreed.

The first nodded.

"One, two, three." Both played in unison.

On three, the first one had a hand, the second a cuff. The first sighed, the second reached his c shape out and closed his 'cuff' around the firsts wrist for a second.

"Ok... one, two, three." They started the second round.

On three both played... hand. A draw.

Licked lips and a increased pulse lead up to the final round that would decide.

"one, two, three." They started the last round.

On three, the first played a cuff, but the second played a key.

The second grinned and pantomimed turning his 'key' while making a small clicking sound. Victory! The second man won. He reached down and grasped the tiny key on the ground between them, and unlocked his chastity cage right then.

The first looked down glumly.

"The master will want you clean." The second said gesturing to the bathroom door.

"Humph" the first man replied - Clever. Yes the master would want him clean, but the only reason this butt fucker said anything was that he wanted him clean.

Knowing no argument would get him out of it he sighed and headed in to the showers.

The second man followed, watching the others ass as he walked, his erection firming up quickly. As soon as the water was steaming, the second started soaping the first, forming a lather, starting on his upper back and moving down quickly, and focusing his washing on his ass. The first man just put his hands on the tile wall and steeled himself. It wasn't long before a soapy cock pressed between his soapy cheeks. With a grunt from the first and a soft moan from the second, he thrust in. After a few warm up thrusts he started fucking the first, who just grit his teeth and braced himself against the wall. A soapy fuck in the shower, the room filled with a wet slapping sound as the second kept a fast and steady rate, filled with need from the time spent cock locked.

With a quick increase in pace, the second moaned loudly as he thrust a few final times, and had a glorious orgasm. A few slow final thrusts and he withdrew and focused on enjoying the sensation and catching his breath.

The first man grunted as the seconds cock popped out, his ass hurt, and he tried not to think of how it would feel when the master was done with him. The other man was contented and ignoring him, washing his unlocked cock right there next to the second man, enjoying long sensual strokes of his still firm rod. Lucky bastard.

The first mans precum leaking from being used, was embarrassing - he quickly washed it off, and rinsed the soap and cum from his ass the best he could and left to dry off before the second man insisted on a second round.

Once dry he tossed the white towel in the open wicker hamper and stood before the door to the master's room. After a moment of building up the nerve he opened the door and entered. The master wouldn't be back yet, but soon. He walked over to the huge bull sized bed, and clambered up the side of it. Slipping naked under the clean sheets, he lay on his back, and waited. His heart pounding, he waited, with his locked cock needy...

When the bedroom door finally opened it startled the man. It felt like he had spent forever waiting.

The bull entered, a silver necklace with a key on it hanging from his hand.

"Oh, thats a surprise." The bull said with a pause looking at the slave.

"So, I always figured you for heterosexual, what finally brought you to my bed?" The bull asked casually as he unbuttoned his shirt.

"I-l...um, lost, master" the human replied uncertainly.

"Lost? Did you boys wrestle for rights?"

"No sir, we...we played Hand-iron-key, master." The slave said, this was the most he ever spoke to the master.

"Heh, a game of chance eh?" The bull said sitting down and removing his hoof covers. "So you risked your ass with a game of chance?"

"I guess so master." The human hadn't thought of it in those terms.

"Well it sounds intriguing, how about I offer you another game of chance? You two can play your game again, if you win, you and your friend can trade places tonight, he will be the one locked and fucked, and you will be not only unlocked for the week but he will be at your mercy in your bed. If he wins, you stay in my bed tonight, and his bed for the week, locked of course."

"And if We don't play that master?"

"Well ill get these pants off and you will bend over the end of the couch."

The man gulped. He didn't have long to choose. eIther the bull would fuck him for certain, or there was a 50% chance he would not get fucked, and be unlocked, and have the other mans ass as a reward... and payback...

"Ok master, I will play." He said trying to sound confident.

"Good, it sounds like fun." The bull said. He rang a bell setting on the nightstand and a slave entered, and was quickly dispatched to summon the second slave. When he returned looking apprehensive, the master explained the plan briefly.

"Ok so, play." He said sitting back in his chair, wearing only his silken underwear, watching, intrigued.

"Best of three." The second said, not liking getting put back in to play for possible chastity and fucking.

"One, two, three-" they started.

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