Observations on biological responses to Human-Minotaur symbiosis

Story by Beefy the Bull on SoFurry

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#7 of Alternate Anthro History

The reader should note this can be applied to various Minotaur races and types, such as Uraz, Tau, classical Creteian Minotaur, and more. This lovely add-on is not required as cannon for any of my races of Minotaur, so apply it as you see fit.

Throughout time, the noticable pacification of human males around Minotaur have been observed. In older times it was often just considered a good idea for a Human male to not enrage a Bull, so casual observers chalked it up to prudence. However since time before memory, closer observation realized that men were cowed completely by continued close contact with Minotaur.

Unlike the casual observations, the universal effect Minotaur have on Human men is more then just intimidation caused by the disparity in size, strength, martial prowess, and natural weapons (horns and hooves). The answer lies more in hormones and internal biology, even if the psychology of closer contact is usually blamed by human observers. Undoubtedly receiving anal sex from a Minotaur for the first time will leave a lasting effect (regardless of how consensual the contact is) it is only part of the larger process. Many vanquished human warriors were initially cowed by a combination of the resulting emotions of being defeated in armed combat; humiliation in being pinned, disarmed, and disrobed; and shock from having the victor remove his codpiece with a swell of pride, intent of taking the defeated man's spoils. So the armchair suggestion that defeat and rape were the cause of these men's "weakness" (read:homosexual submission) and is still widely held by illiterate and/or scientifically ignorant humans around the world.

The larger (pardon the pun) effect of Minotaur's close contact is biological and hormonal. Minotaur semen when introduced to the human male anal cavity starts taking control of the human biology immediately. The Minotaur sperm are seeking to dominate any cells found, and start with the lining of the human internal anatomy. Cells are on a individual basis 'impregnated' by singular bull sperm, enforcing their genetic modifiers on the host cell. The results are cells that are re-enforced by the bull's virility, giving the host cell greater strength, energy, and vitality. With each successive introduction of bull sperm to the male's anal cavity, more and more cells are re-enforced. This is the basis for Minotaur-Human symbiosis. After several close contacts with a single bull, or one close contact with a group of bulls, a human will reach a critical load of symbiotic cells. (This works in a similar manner for oral introduction of Minotaur semen.) At this point additional effects will start to become noticeable. Specifically with regular anal injections of Bull vitality, the prostate is easily effected, symbiotic cells in the prostate change the organ, swelling it some, it becomes more sensitive to touch and pressure, and protected from most cancers and infections by the re-enforcing effects of the bull seed.

Again most casual observers notice men moaning pleasurably as they receive anal sex from a bull, and see a moral or material failing of the human. However this natural biological process is believed to have evolved by natural selection, with humans and bulls living together in symbiosis being more likely to survive.

Further effects on male specific biology are hormonal. The bull's testosterone-byproduct locks in to receptors and tricks the human's body into slowing or stoping testosterone production in the testes. This causes a gradual shrinking of the human's testicals, and with less testosterone, fewer erections, causing a slight shrinking of the penis, and it remaining almost exclusively flaccid without prostate stimulation. Also the loss of testosterone causes the male to be fatigued as his body adjusts, he will feel weak, tired, and may loose some muscular mass without regular heavy exercise.

Historically human warriors who were captured were restrained for fucking rather then exercised, causing a noticeable loss in musculature. Combined with genital shrinkage, the Minotaur love to shave mens bodies, and general longer life and vitality, many early minds believed that Minotaur semen reversed aging. (Ironically causing many merchants to buy expensive glass vials of Minotaur semen to sell for potions, health elixirs, and face creams. To this day, powdered Minotaur semen is a preferred in folk medicine around the world.)

Overview of the mental and biological responses:

A human, usually captured or defeated is already in a negative mental state, the will to fight waining. If any will remains, it usually is only used to try and preserve body autonomy and integrity after his clothes and armaments are stripped forcibly from him. The bull feels an instinctual need to mark the human with seed, and will pin him as soon as he can safely do so. The initial penetration is painful and frightening for the human, who finds himself pinned down by a larger more powerful male, and his fighting is thus a unless expenditure of energy. Once the human is tired from writhing and screaming, he usually is overtaken by his exhaustion, causing a noticeable 'little submission' as he 'allows' the bull to fuck him, or more accurately accepts the reality that he can't resist and submits to the bull's penis inside of him. The man's anus will relax, unable to continue resistance to the bull cock thrusting in and out. The human's body usually goes limp, as the man realizes he can't stop the bull from using him. Often the man will be mentally just trying to keep himself together and wait for the bull to finish with him. Once the bull (or bulls) are done with him, depending on his temperament, he will try and resist again, triggering a repeat of the above process, or be cowed. Once cowed or 'submitted' he will generally not resist the bulls much in anything (other then token resistance to preserve his mental self image). Initially cowing is from shock and exhaustion, but as he recovers, it becomes more from his situation as captive and discipline from the bull. Then as the hormonal changes start, he will be naturally tired, weak, and his natural temperament will become submissive. As those changes take place they shift the human's sexual pleasure away from the penis and to the prostate, and hence eventually the man will sexually submit to bulls without coercion.

This leads to outside observers thinking they see a weak man, and they blame the man. However the biology of human-bull symbiosis is the basis. The mans moral and sexual freedom resulting from his physical and mental enslavement are usually not understood. The sexual liberation many men felt once they were at peace with submission to the Minotaur is powerful. He feels no humiliation asking his Minotaur master to fuck him, something his culture and morals made seem impossible. It is acceptable for him to lay back an moan under a powerful male, and orgasm not from thrusting into a female, but allowing himself to be breed like one.

In some cases - dependent on biology of the bull and the human, human testosterone production is so suppressed that the humans naturally occurring estrogens will take precedence. In these cases the bull semen may be actually acting like an anti androgen, perceiving the humans body as female based on the estrogen leles, and actively block or attack any testosterone.The end result is over time the male will become extremely androgynous, or even feminine in appearance and behavior.

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