Swim Team

Story by Beefy the Bull on SoFurry

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#1 of Swim-Team

Shy in the locker room? Make friends!


M/M, Humiliation, Locker room, Human, Buck, Deer, Cervine, swim team, locker room, school, musk, shower, forced nudity, oral, friends, Jock Strap


I pushed the door open and peeked inside. The locker room was empty.

I was late, but on purpose. I didn't want to change in front of the other guys, I was just that desperately shy.

I dropped my bag on the wooden bench and opened it quickly pulling out my Speedo in the swim team's light blue. I undressed quickly and pulled on the Speedo then stuffed my clothes back in to my bag. The part I was worried about was after swim practice. I would just have to make sure I was the last out of the pool, and the last into the lockers. I would hide out in a toilet stall if need be.

I opened the nearest locker that didn't have a lock on it- I was surprised to find someone else's clothes and bag inside. I had no idea whose they were, just one of the boys on the swim team. I hesitated and my heart pounded- I wanted to look inside, and see what type of underwear he was wearing. It was a strange perverse interest, and no one was around... if I was quick... I rummaged through the clothes pile and found gray boxer shorts. I pulled them out and sniffed the crotch, wondering if I could smell his masculine parts.

Gulping I quickly stuffed the shorts back where they came from and closed the locker door. I opened the locker next to it and found it empty. I threw my bag in and clicked my lock closed then quickly padded barefoot across the tile floor to the rack covered in folded white gym towels, and grabbed one, wrapping it around my waist. I didn't know why we couldn't wear something more modest like swim trunks for this. I worked up the courage and walked through the tile maze-entry to the indoor pool.

The room was large, echo-y, and smelled of chlorine. Not far from me the rest of the team was standing by the pool edge joking around. I walked over to them quietly and as I got close enough to not feel like I stood out too much I tossed the towel aside to a small set of aluminum bleachers off to the side where everyone else had left there towels and water bottles. I felt less embarrassed when I was standing in the group. We were all wearing the same skin tight Speedo that didn't offer any modesty. That wasn't too bad. After a moment the coach entered, he was a scruffy black wolf with a clipboard and stopwatch in his paws and a whistle around his neck. As if it wasn't clear enough his blue t-shirt said coach in big letters on the back too.

The blowing of the whistle signified the end of our talking and slacking.

"Ok lineup!" he said as we formed a rough line facing him on the pool deck. This was the end of week two, and we were getting used to the basic schedule of the swim team meetings. After a roll call he told us to start our regular warm ups and laps. It wasn't anything difficult or strenuous. Mostly laps, and the coach talking about form. The assistant coach was a tall but slender otter and he was in the pool with us.

"Ok ten quick laps, then shower and get out of here! Last one to finish your laps does ten more!" the coach said loudly then blew his whistle indicating we should start.

My plan was about to come to fruition. On the last few laps I slacked off a lot, ensuring I would have to swim ten more laps instead of changing with the other guys. As everyone started to finish and climb from the pool, I was clearly behind by a half lap. And as everyone else started to head to the locker room the coach started barking at me that I was too slow and needed improvement. "Ten more! Go!" he shouted blasting his whistle.

A had a quick smile before I swam those ten laps. As I finally climbed from the pool and grabbed my towel the coach talked to me some. He gave me the mandatory 'you-can-do-better-and-good-job' speech. Then I cautiously entered the boy's locker room. I listened before I entered the room, listening for the sounds of other guys who may still be there. It was quiet, so I entered and looked around. Success! My shyness wouldn't be pained today. I walked over to the shower area and tossed the wet towel in a large rolling bin filled with a pile of other wet white towels. Next to the shower entrance there were fresh dry towels and I grabbed one and took it with me in to the shower area. The showers were warm and humid still with a slight drip from some of the showerheads still. I hung my towel on a spigot and turned the one next to it on and then peeled off my Speedo. Finding no soap, I looked around and spotted a bar over a few showerheads. Retrieving it I thought how horrified I would be if the others were to be here in this moment. It was a painful mixture of youthful shyness, and budding homosexuality I would only later understand.

Once done I dried off and grabbed my Speedo, and with towel modestly around my waist I walked back into the locker room. It was empty and a lot of the lockers were open or ajar. Mine was the only with a lock still. I quickly got dressed, and as I finished a moment of curiosity made me open the closed door next to my locker. The one I had accidently opened before practice. Inside was a small gym duffle bag still, but the backpack was gone. I was surprised to find anything actually, he must have left his gym bag accidentally. We were all given one at the start of our freshmen year, for gym clothes and in our case speedos and swim goggles. I looked around once, and thought twice, before deciding taking a peek couldn't hurt if I was fast.

I pulled the bag out, set it on the bench, and unzipped it. Inside were my sick fantasies... another guys gym shorts, a pair of his underwear, a jersey shirt, a white undershirt, and he must have been on one of the other teams too, because he had a jock strap too. I pulled out the cup and took a whiff of the male that wore it. It was very masculine musky smell. I was so turned on. Whose bag was this? I looked and found a sharpied name inside the tag of the gym bag 'Denson Buck'. I didn't really know him, other than that he looked good in a Speedo and he smelled hot.

I pressed the hard cup to my face and inhaled deep with eyes closed, trying to imagine the male this belonged to. His slim but strong athletic body flexing under his brown and white pelt. I groped my cock without thinking, feeling the growing hard on. I even went as far as to stroke it some under my shorts. It was exhilarating. But enough of this, what if I got caught? I quickly put the items back and closed the locker door.



I walked back to the locker room shaking my head, I left my bag at the swim team meet, how was I going to play football with the guys with my jersey and gear sitting in a locker at school?

I entered the locker room and hear a noise, someone else was here still? As I stepped around the corner I found a human with my gym bag open and... sniffing my cup? What the hell? I stepped back and peeked around the corner to watch. Somehow he hadn't heard my hoof steps on the tile floor.

He was stroking his dick through his pants while sniffing my jock?

The strange thing was I wasn't sure how I felt about it. Was I angry? A little- someone was digging in my bag. Was I confused? Yeah that too. Was he gay? Was I turned on a little? ...Yeah...was I gay? Now I don't know.

The quiet kid from swim team started to put it all back and so I hid behind a row of lockers. I wasn't sure if I wanted to confront him right now. I think I need to figure this out myself...

He closed the locker and walked briskly past me and out of the locker room. I wasn't seen. I took a breath and went over and grabbed my bag. I looked through it and everything was still there.

That was weird. I zipped the bag up and left.


After school, at the next swim meeting, I again followed my plans of lollygagging to avoid being in the locker room with the other guys. I was so ashamed and also so desirous of their bodies. Somehow I had managed to not get a boner in my Speedo, and also not change in the locker room with them. I hid in a bathroom stall, cold and quiet, as I listened to the fading banter of virile young males turn to silence- the coast was clear. I grabbed a dry towel and went for a nice hot relaxing shower. I could take my time now that everybody was gone. Before I entered the shower though an idea hit me. I hadn't been able to stop thinking about the jockstrap from yesterday. I even masturbated last night while thinking about Denson Buck wearing it. I just had to look. What if he had left it again? Or he had never come back for it? I opened all the lockers that weren't already left open by rowdy boys, wondering if I would find something. A jock, or someone's underwear, or anything with male musk on it. And then there it was, in the same locker as last time. There was Denson's jock strap. I wondered how he could have left it behind, just hanging from a little metal hook inside the locker. I took it down and again took a cautious sniff. I felt so turned on... what if I were to just play a little with myself? No, I shouldn't... but my boner said I should and what was any young guy going to do? I grabbed both items from the locker, and started to think about a fantasy, one I had since I started high school gym class... I always fantasized about the nudity in the locker rooms, being naked in the showers with other guys, the sights and smells. I also fantasized about being made to strip and shower with the guys, and being forced to be naked in front of their hungry and appraising eyes. I was secretly turned on by the probably fake story of the new kid who was hazed on his first day of track practice. They said that after practice when he undressed he unlocked his locker to put his gym clothes in there. While he was in the shower one of the boys put a different key lock on his locker, and hid the key.

Some of the guys distracted him, while they hidden the towels and got dressed. When he got out of the shower, he found he was wet with no way to dry off, and everyone else was already dressed but him. They made him look around the locker room naked while jeering at him. After he looked everywhere they finally told him it was in one of the jocks buried somewhere in the rolling bin filled with the sweaty garments bound for the laundry room. They said he had to dig through them to find the key.

It was probably a bullshit story, but still, I found it hot.

I liked to imagine they did that to me, and made me sniff their jocks before he told me where the key was. I tossed my clothes in a locker along with my dry towel and locked it. Well nobody was around, so I could pretend. Now I was naked, without even a towel, and I had Denson's cup. I put my key to my lock inside Denson's cup between the fabric and the protective cup, and the cup back in a random empty locker and closed it, along with all of others Then I walked briskly over to the shower to take a hot relaxing shower and stroked some, while thinking about the story they tried to scare us with.

When I returned from my hot shower towel less I walked into the empty locker room and opened a random locker looking for the key. Nope. Next! Nope, next, after about four lockers I should have found it. I knew it was over here some place. I started to open each locker with a little more panic, what happened, I was naked wet and the key was missing... as I opened more empty lockers my panic grew. I opened every locker on the bank and there was nothing. It was here, it had to be! I was so stupid now I was going to get caught naked and have some very embarrassing explaining to do. I threw open more and more lockers every locker in the area was open I looked around at the open doors and the nothingness they held. Panting I stood naked in the empty tiled room.

'Slam!' a locker door behind me slammed shut and I spun about in shock, there was Denson Buck naked save for his jockstrap.

"Did you think I wouldn't notice that someone was sniffing at my underwear?" he asked as he stepped closer.

I was in total shock, and very aware of may nakedness, and trying to cover myself with my hands.

"Now don't get me wrong, I'm not gay, but I am intrigued and even a little turned on by your interest in my cup." He said stepping closer.

I stepped back and hid behind a block of lockers and peeked around the corner of the row.

"It's not like that! I...I..." I didn't have anything to say. I was caught with my pants down.

"You want the key right?" he said tapping his hard protective cup.

"Yes." I said without making eye contact.

"You can have it, but you're going to have to play a game with me now."

I gulped.

"You just have to find the key, and you can have it. I suggest looking in the last place you saw it." He said as he sat on the wooden bench and tapped the cup again for emphasis.

"But what if someone..." I looked over at the entrance to the locker room.

"I put a door-stop under it. It's just you and me..." he said, fingering the waistband of his jock.

"Um, I... Um..." I was a nervous wreck. I was caught naked and that wasn't going to change without the key, and he was suggesting... I get it from his crotch?

"That's right don't be shy, come over here, he pointed to between his legs.

I stepped closer, my heart pounding and legs shaking.

"Come on, right here."

I stepped between his thick muscled thighs.

"Now just settle down on your knees... yeah like that." He said as his had guided me to the floor.

"Look, I just-" I started.

"Want the key, I know." Denson cut me off, "But you also want a find out what's under the cup, don't you?"

When I hesitated he urged me again. "Do it."

I looked at his crotch and took a deep whiff of the musk. I did want to know what was under the cup.

With trembling hands I reached out to the cup and pressed my face closer prying the band down from his pelt covered abs, I could smell his maleness that was still hidden just out of sight. Pulling down more I started to see the sheath buried in the tuft of brown fluff.

I really wanted to see what his balls looked like... I pulled the jock down to his thighs exposing him in his glory, as the reddish tip slid slowly from his sheath. We didn't use words any more. A slight touch of the back of my head was enough to tell me I could, so I did. I opened my mouth and started to take his cock in my mouth.

I was everything I wanted it to be, it tasted like... male. The smell that filled my every breath, male. His furry balls on my chin? Male. He grew in my mouth as I learned to suck a cock. I admit I had experimented with a banana once, but that was nothing like this. This was... a guy with his cock in me. It was my dream come true.

Denson was moaning, his hands on my shoulders, he kneaded them some as I gave him head. It wasn't long before his breath quickened, and he stopped kneading and started to squeeze my shoulders- he was going to blow soon. His moaning became panting and then suddenly a cry as he thrust in to my mouth and blew, shooting his load in to my mouth. It was unexpected and I hadn't figured out this part yet. I swallowed some and coughed as cum sprayed in to me. Pulling off his cock only earned me a hot shot in the face. I leaned back and Denson sat dazed for a moment, as we both caught our breath.

After a moment Denson stood, his length softer now, hanging down and pointing at me.

"Let's shower."

"I just want the key!" I said feeling the embarrassment again. I had just sucked him off- I can't believe I did that...

"Yah, I have the key, and you have cum on your face. Come on." He stepped past me and started to take the jock all the way off.

Whipping my face with the back of my hand, I watched his muscular form as he bent over to remove the strap. He stood naked waiting for me.

I didn't say anything as I stood and walked past him to the shower area.

He dropped the cup on the bench and followed me.

We showered in silence, at shower heads next to each other. When he was done he turned off the water and walked out of the shower without a word. I followed after him.

He opened a locker and pulled out its only occupant- a single towel, and started to dry himself off.

I gulped and went over to the bench and falling to my knees grabbed the cup and felt around for the key. It wasn't there.

Denson now wrapped in his white towel smirking at me.

"Where's the key! Give me the key!" I said upset.

"I hid it." He said. "And I will tell you where it is, but first you need to do something." He said as he walked over to me. He over me and opened the damp towel exposing himself.

"Lick it. Then I will tell you where the key is." I scowled at him, but stuck my tongue out and gave his cock a tiny lick. Right as I did so he grabbed my chin and rotated my face to look up at him.

I looked up just in time for the flash.

"What the hell!" I shouted pulling back.

He held his phone, and had just snatched a photo of me naked on my knees licking his cock.

"I know you won't say anything, but now I know for sure." He said as he as he looked at the phone's screen.

"You have to delete that!" I cried.

"I'll give you a choice: Delete it, or the key." He said.

'Give me the key!" I said flatly, still naked and wet.

"Number 43," he said as he got dressed.

I started to look at the little plaques on the lockers and searched for the proper number. I found number 43, opened it, and found the key sitting inside.

"What's your phone number?" he asked.

"What?" I asked as I walked quickly over to my locked locker and started to unlock the lock.

"Give me your number so I can text you." He said.

I told him my number as I pulled the towel out of the locker and dried off.

"And I also sent you a friend request on fur-book. You better accept it."

"Fine." I said as I pulled on my shorts.

"Cool. Hurry up though, mom isn't going to wait forever."

"What?" I said as I slipped into my shirt.

He casually slung his backpack.

"My mom is giving you and me a ride home. I'm going to ask her if you can spend the night." He said as he walked over to the locker room door and removed the hefty door-stop that was jamming the door shut.

"Come on." He said as he opened the door. "Hey, and get my cup, you can keep it in your bag for now."

I grabbed my bag and stuffed his jock strap into it and then followed him out the door.

And that's how I met my first real friend in high school.

Hard Time 5: Cupcake

**Hard Time 5: Cupcake** By Beefy the Bull _Even Beef is having a hard time adjusting._ **\*\*\*\*WARNINGS\*\*\*\*** M/M, M/M/M, Bull, Bovine, Minotaur, Human, Rape, Prison, N/C, Anal, Oral, Spanking, Whipping, Light bondage, Pain, Blood(very...

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Bad Karma

**(3) Bad Karma** **By: Beefy the Bull** **\*\*\*WARNING\*\*\*** **This is rough stuff. Rape, N/C, Abuse, ect...** The black bull made a series of small dismissive gestures to the Auctioneer. "Nine hundred! One-thousand! Two- thousand!...

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Good Karma

**(2) Good Karma** **By: Beefy the Bull** ** ** The white bull surveyed his stack of coins and made six small hand gestures to the auctioneer. "Nine hundred! One-thousand! Two- thousand! Three-thousand! Four-thousand! Five-thousand!" the auctioneer...

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