The Imperial Family: Building an Empire in a day

Story by Beefy the Bull on SoFurry

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#8 of Alternate Anthro History

Rome wasn't built in a day... but Ur was.

In autumn of 1848 the imperial family was created in what was later termed "the royal deception". Little known or understood outside Uraz lands was the first Emperor's masterful creation of the Empire from an unlikely assortment of tribes. It started in 1845 with the newly crowned king of the shadow tribe, who's full name would be long and unspeakable to humans unless translated in to root words as "He-who-is-as-a-clear-night-sky-thus-allows-us-to-see-all-the-brilliant-stars-overhead-and-so-guide-us-by-their-light.". (Hence forth "the first emperor", or "shadow prince/king".)

The shadow prince was an assertive bull who was raised in military traditions, as a prince would be. Though unlikely to see the crown, the young bull did see the occupation of the British, and the deaths of most of his brothers as they attempted fighting modern British army and its flintlocks with swords.

He was given the task of relaying and attempting to implementing his father's war-plans, however he found it an impossible task. Unlike the British who were unified under their king, the tribes were not. Most tribes had no governance at all, and he found were guided and unified by family ties, grudges, and moonlight promises. (Think pinky promise). Forming a unified fight against the invaders was impossible. If only he could bring shadow tribe's organization to all the tribes, if they could only adopt superior shadow tribe political and military governance. He tried several unsuccessful attempts to sway tribal leaders to adopt political organization, or submit their warriors to his generals, but the stubborn curs wouldn't listen.

During and after the anti climactic conclusion of war, letting way to a simmering insurgency, the shadow prince, now a crown prince with the deaths of his brothers, never stoped pondering one question:how to bring the tribes together in a war? This he thought on for several years.

The Prince was thrust on to the throne, in the wake of the plague of diseases brought by occupation forces that the isolated Uraz had no immunity to.

With in two years of setting on the throne, the new shadow tribe king started his plan.

The Royal Deception

On ascending the throne of shadow tribe, the king already had several sons. Seeking deeper ties with other tribes, he wrote copious letters to other potential partners for his 'daughter' prince Imbal. (It should be noted that as a race uraz are entirely male, and the term daughter started to be used in the early 1800s do describe non assertive sons.) The letters essentially offered the title of crown prince to the tribe who put forth the best assertive candidate. The messages were each written to appeal to the target tribe, based on the new king's knowledge of each. Also suggested was that this was a competition between the best husbands that each tribe could put forth, and being a royal marriage, the bull would need to be one of power and status. The messengers carrying the letters were also exposed to several secrets, knowledge that if it were exposed could show just how powerful this new husband would become.

Power holders of every tribe received offers of marriage, some clans it was more difficult than others as they had little centralized leadership. But wealthy and powerful bulls from across the land flocked to the underground passages of the shadow tribe's city. Unbeknownst to them they were already being judged on a planed matrix of lists and scales, winnowed down to the top candidates. While they competed in festivities and sports, calculations were being made, numbers compared, and charts referenced. A short list of suitors grew shorter, until it was time to offer marriage.

The morning of the marriage, each suitor received a letter and strict ceremonial instructions and itinerary detailing the where and when for each bull for every hour on the big day.

The shadow king's daughter Imbal was married to the first born son of the forest tribes high adjudicator early in the morning. Without a doubt the most obvious choice, powerful in political, social and financial arenas, he was favored by speculators and political insiders. This would provide shadow tribe a powerful place in the urban tribes halls.

The newlyweds were separated and whisked away 'for important ceremonies and rituals' that were to culminate in the bedding ceremony.

An hour later Imbal was also married to the charismatic sea lord of the sky clan, who had 300 boats sworn to him, and as many warriors, and twice as many fishing crews as well. Once again, The newlyweds were separated and whisked away 'for important ceremonies and rituals' that were to culminate in the bedding ceremony.

Shortly after that was Imbal's marriage to the rock clan's bombastic goat keeper, with twenty herds of goats and sheep, each ten hundreds large, who was the son of the powerful tribal power broker, who held many stone towers. Again, whisked away to complete rituals...

Then the metal tribe's chosen: the powerful passive male, a high artisan, who's passive father owned six mining quorums, and held two of the four artisan books, was given a surprise marriage not to the expected assertive eldest male son of the shadow king as promised, but instead to a crafty passive male, one of the king's younger and less known sons Ousba. This was a risky power move against the metal tribe for whom passive males wield absolute power, and assertive males are powerless. (Think of-it as a sort of unexpected 'lesbian' marriage). The metal tribe thought they were placing their most powerful passive in the house of shadow clans most powerful assertive, but as an assertive, his power was meaningless to the metal tribe. He could be kept busy or lured to the metal tribe's lands where he would be powerless and little more then a servant. But Ousba? He could be a threat to metal tribe's leadership if he cowed his new partner. But the nature of the ceremony left no place for metal tribe backing out without massive disgrace, and with grinding teeth, the marriage was performed. Both were kept busy with rituals while the next suitor was tricked.

The snow clan was much harder to pin down. Six secret marriages were performed between high ranking shadow tribe and snow tribe. The snow tribe would never have agreed if they knew of all the marriages. The key stone marriage was between the passive son of the high seer, the a heir apparent to the specific band of uraz the were seen as almost spiritual leaders of all the different snow tribe clans, wielding no control, but much influence. Collectively the snow marriages placed three shadow princes in influencing places.

The planing and "rituals" were so carefully controlled that by the time the day was over, news was just starting to get around, and confusion was setting in. Each tribes husband thought he was 'the one' the new heir to the shadow throne... Rumor hadn't reached the newlyweds yet, but confusion set in quickly as the rituals culminating in the bedding ceremony wrapped up, and the husbands all found each other waiting the the ante chamber ready to consummate the marriage.

The doors were opened and there were three black bulls already in the room. The shadow king's 'daughter' naked, bent over the end of a bed, getting fucked by the shadow king... 'her' father. As the husbands entered the watched in shock as their bride was losing his virginity to...their... father in law? As the king finished in her loudly, he withdrew leaving her a sloppy mess.

"Your turn boys" the emperor said as he sauntered past the husbands, cock swinging.

It was the ultimate flex, and a checkmate. The emperor married his own daughter, taking all the powerful husbands out of imperial succession. Then fucking her lewdly in front of them was just a power move, deflowering 'their' bride, and leaving them to take turns consummateing in his sloppy mess. Watching the entire thing from an arm chair to the side of the room was the newest son in the imperial family, the just of age crown prince.... All the suitors were embarrassed by the emperor using their bride and the state of said bride, while the bull who was watching was now inline for the throne, and all his prior competitors were deciding who would consummate next, removed from the royal succession as the emperor's incestious marriage to his daughter made them all his uncles-in-law, brothers-in-law of the sitting emperor, not sons who were crown princes destined for the throne.

The emperor entered Ousba's bed chamber, and watched with the metal tribe's delegation as his passive son used a polished quartz dildo strapped to his fine and slender body to fuck the politically powerful passive son of the metal tribe Ulmir. Ulmir's wedding night wasn't exactly how he had thought it would be, he was supposed to be married to a assertive male, good for sex and raising children, but right now he was outmaneuvered by the shadow tribe, and a crafty passive bull that was his new wife, was clearly holding the cards. The shadow king and the assembled court watched his son fuck Ulmir in the ass, pleased. The bedding ceremony was being used to keep Ulmir off balance, and he knew he would be perceived as the weaker partner after this. He didn't know Ousba had plans much deeper for Ulmir and his tribe.

The royal deception was complete. The foundation for the empire was born. (Albeit in incest, secret marriages, and polyamory.) the next four years of infighting fighting would end with the imperial family settled as fact, and the shadow throne solidified as the seat of a new growing empire, with the other tribes subordinate to it.

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