Underbed Adventures

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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Happy Valentine's Day!

This commission for FA: BalloonPup seemed to fit the day... in a manner.

Static is an architect, working from home. The ferret has a mundane, boring life. Online girlfriend, computer set up next to his bed, outdated hardware... That is, until he catches sight of... her.

Contains: "edgy" Monster Design, Living Rubber, Spooky Backfire, Hammerspace Insides, Saber Teeth, Light Pain Play, Chomping, Scratching, Rubber Transformation, Time Jumps, Tsundere domme/Yandere sub, Throat Play, Oral Vore, Digestive Transformation, Reformation, Repeated Eating, Coming Back Different, Monster Transformation, A Trissie Appears, Multiversal Vore Shenanigans, Rapid Melty Digestion, Trait Theft, Wing-Wraps, Predscape Reunions, Spooky Comfort and No Intention of Letting Them Go.

This story is a lot "Harder" than I usually do, and that's entirely because it's for my mistress FA: BallonPup. Additionally, I quietly changed my gender and pronouns on my profile on FA and didn't bring attention to it, but here it comes into play. The main Trissie in this multiversal story is female. There are enby and male Trissies in the montage of alternate Trissies. Gender is a fuck, anyway.

Sela and Static (and Statics) are FA: BalloonPup

Trissie, Trissie, Trissie, Trissie, Trissie, Trissie, Trissie and Trissie are me

I'm open for Commissions! Read my TOS, PM me and we'll talk! If you can't afford a commission and want to support me, I have a Patreon that you can pledge to, or for one-time donations, you could get me a Ko-Fi!

Static tensed his fingers on his mouse as he struggled with the modeling software. He knew that at this point he should probably switch to a tablet for fine control, but he was very set in his ways, ever since architecture school.

The slow responding program froze entirely, prompting the black-footed ferret to let go of the mouse entirely. He flexed his paw a bit, then moved the cursor over to his second screen, to at least check if he got any messages from his long-distance girlfriend since he started working. Both screens desaturated.

A low groan escaped his mouth as he watched them flicker off, then to a pure single channel blue with a patronizing frowning emoticon above the error message in grey. A number progressed in percentage counting along until the computer would restart on its own.

Then both screens went black.

Static was faced with the reflection of his grumpy expression in the glossy surface of the powered down monitor, along with the walls of his workspace slash bedroom, leading back to the closet door he'd left ajar. This time of the evening very little light made it in there, leaving it black past the threshold... apart from two white circles around head height.

They were gone the screen lit up again for the reboot to start, but the ferret was already swiveling in his chair. He launched off the seat and over to the closet, throwing it open and allowing the ambient light of the room to illuminate... her.

Although the glowing rings of her eyes were at a height one would expect of an anthro a foot or so taller than the short ferret, she was far greater. In the light he could see she had sclera as black as her pupils, or perhaps her anatomy was alien enough that the rings on the twin obsidian orbs acted as her way of seeing. Her inky black skin was highly polished, carrying the scent of rubber and a pervasive, indistinct sweetness.

Her square muzzle was nearly as broad as Static's whole head, travelling a full foot further down and towards him from her eyes. Above her brow a pair of narrow horns curved up and back, each having a sharper angle a few inches from the root rather than a smooth arc. To either side were large, leaf-shaped ears that each ended in a point. Her long neck swooped upwards and away, telling the tale of her size. The smooth tube of a body barely interrupted for her slender, lanky arms to emerge from. Each limb was tipped with a broad grasping claw, the sharp points at the ends smoothly flowing from each digit without any sort of seam to distinguish them from the finger they were attached to.

Her curved posture made it seem as though she filled up the whole closet down to where her haunches met the floor in her seated position. They were far more substantial than her shoulders but still quite slender for her size. Her lanky legs ended in claws similar to her hands, but far simpler, with two points each instead of four. What the ferret could see of her tail was a taper that continued on from the tube of her main body's curve, except with several sharp angles like her horns carried.

As he stared, she bared her teeth, glistening as white as her irises, with black drool seeping between the meshed incisors. A snarl escaped her jaws as those teeth parted, her fangs unsheathing impossibly from one another, revealing blade-like teeth that would be impossible to fit into her muzzle. Beyond the sharp points, every surface was as inky black as her hide, glistening as well.

Static trembled, his fur fluffed up as he kept his grip on the doorknob.

The monster licked along one of her lips with her long black pointed tongue before retracting it and snapping her jaws shut with a wet snap. Her lips closed partially over her large teeth as she looked the mustelid up and down, seeming to be pleased with his rigid reaction.

Then, the ferret let out a squeal of joy. Static lunged forward, wrapping his arms around her tubular midsection. "You're so beautiful!" As his pawpads touched down and compressed in, he felt how cool and slick her body was, spurring him to knead with his fingers as his arms compressed down. He couldn't help but think of how she was the perfect body pillow girth for cuddling.

The beast yelped and thrashed her arms at this, sending hung up clothes and stored boxes tumbling and crashing all over the closet interior.

Static bore this no mind, continuing his river of praise as, with surprising strength, he began to drag her out of the closet. "I always knew monsters were real, and you're here! Eeeeee! I love how you feel, you're surprisingly soft and pliable! You even smell amazing too!"

A hiss escaped the monster's parted jaws as her feet scrabbled along the hardwood, digging deep gouges in the wood with her sharp claws. Her fore-claws frantically scratched at the ferret, cutting apart his clothing and digging into his flesh with each swipe.

Pain struck the mustelid's mind, but each sharp sting of a cut was soon followed by an almost euphoric relief. "W-wow, even getting clawed is kinda nice! Ow." He winced slightly each time her claws raked against some part of his body regardless. "You're- ow. The best monster! I have to tell Trissie about- ow. you! Oh, she's my girlfriend! She loves- ow. monsters too! Ohhh, she'll be so jealous I cuddled a real one! Ow. Ow."

The beast bared her fangs and brought them down on the ferret's shoulder, biting down until her lips met his shirt in a powerful chomp.

Static's eyes widened at the intense, sharp, deep pain in his shoulder. "Yow!" He cried out, his grip on her body releasing automatically. Before he could react, her claws were on him again, but this time her palm-heels struck his chest, sending him toppling backwards onto his bed.

Euphoric sensations filled the bite once her fangs had vacated his body, distracting him for a moment. Then, he sat up in time to see the kinked black tail slithering out of view under his bed.

Rolling off, Static crouched and tugged his bedding up to look under, revealing... nothing.

Just a couple storage boxes and dust bunnies where she had gone.

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The beast's eyes were first to be visible as she peeked out from under the bed some hours later, in the small hours of the morning. She was humiliated. Never before had anyone not been afraid of her when they saw her. But this ferret liked it? He even liked her clawing at him!

Gradually she slithered out from under the bedframe, glistening in the moonlight pouring in from the window. She looked up and spotted a dangled footpaw.

Amongst the black fur on his ankle she could see a hairless line, glistening as much as she did. Not truly a scar. Something about her body took away from mundane critters, leaving something more like her in its place.

She licked her lips slowly with her long tongue. Perfect arrangement for revenge. She gaped her jaws wide, bringing them up to surround his footpaw. Then, as strongly as her last, she chomped down.

Static awoke with another 'Yow!' of pain.

The monster smirked a bit at the reaction, keeping her teeth snugly sheathed in his flesh. Her face fell when she saw his expression.

Rather than show pain, fear or even hurt... Static grinned.

She let go of his foot immediately, revealing every puncture wound had been sealed up with more black gloss already. She twisted and turned, accidentally emerging fully from under the bed in her rush to get back under it. She heard the bed creak above her head as she dove her head back beneath it, then his arms were on her again.

Static grasped the monster just above her hips, starting to pull her back.

She clawed at the floor, scrabbling for any traction, but she was far too sharp for that to avail her, leaving only more deep gouges.

Pivoting on his far more able to gain traction paw-pads, he hefted her upwards, over his center of gravity. He flopped backward, flinging her lower half up onto the bed with him. His grip was still so tight that her kicking legs didn't connect with him at all.

She twisted, unable to even rotate her waist in his tight hold. She snarled and reared back to start slashing at his arms. "I swear if you don't let me go I'll devour you!"

Static responded by letting out a soft, happy murmur, hidden behind her body. Then she felt him nuzzling along her spine, dreamily. Like she was some kind of body pillow.

The monster felt a rush of heat to her cheeks. What was this? What is he doing? Is... Did he fall back asleep? She stayed still, paying attention to his breathing... yes. He fell asleep.

She shook her head, frowning. Her attempt at revenge had just resulted in more humiliation. If she couldn't fit her hips through his grasp, she could slip out the other way.

The lanky beast wriggled and carefully slid her long torso through the ring of his cuddling arms, across his whole body. Although the joint of her legs and tail to her body made it impossible to twist in his tight hold, her inky skin was still slick enough for her to slide out of it going the other way.

Once she got free, she slumped on the floor. Panting softly after her struggle, she looked up at the sleeping ferret. The monster saw his hands grasping dreamily in the air for what they'd lost.

"I'll never let you touch me again." She muttered, promising herself.

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Static let out another squee, his arms tightly around her waist. He nuzzled along her tubular midsection, his tail swaying and wagging happily behind him.

The monster squirmed a bit, pushing on his shoulders with her palms. The whole time today she hadn't used her claws on him. "I hate this." She muttered.

The ferret's eyes snapped open, and he released her, stepping back. "Oh. Oh no. I'm sorry."

She stared at him blankly. After a long moment, she turned her head away as a slight reddish tint rose beneath her eyes. "I... I didn't say to stop."

Static perked up and wrapped his arms around her again in a lunge, nuzzling just under where her chest would be if she weren't so tubular.

The monster squirmed, but didn't push at him or claw.

Giving a squeeze, the ferret looked up at her, towards her blushing face. "What's your name...?"

Her eyes widened and she twisted her neck and head around to face him entirely where he rested against her torso. She stared like that for a long moment, before her eyes returned to their normal appearance. Her boxy muzzle came close as she curled around to get her head lower.

Static could feel her lips brushing the inside of the fleshy dish as she whispered in his ear. "Sela."

She sounded quite flustered to the ferret, even though she had only breathed the word so quietly only he could hear. Then, her jaws parted lightly and she brought her incisors together in a gentle nip, her saber teeth pressed against the side of his head as the teeth between them grasped an area from the base of his ear nearly down to his jaw all at once.

The ferret blushed as he realized just what that was, smiling broadly.

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The next day, shortly after noon, Static was on his knees beside the bed. He reached his hand under the bed to try to grasp one of the storage boxes there.

A sudden, familiar pain wrapped over his wrist as his palm and fingers came to rest on something cool, thick and wet.

"Yow!" He yanked his arm back reflexively.

Sela was pulled into view, smirking around his wrist toothily.

Blushing, Static wiggled his fingers, realizing what he was feeling there was her tongue. "You could have asked." He muttered bashfully.

The monster pressed her lips together around his arm and swallowed audibly. A rippling sensation went over his whole paw. Static trembled as the by now familiar euphoria following the pain of her bites and claws engulfed his entire hand, but without a further ounce of that pain.

Sela opened her mouth back up, winking up at him. "I told you I'd eat you if you didn't let go."

Static looked down at his paw. Rather than a stump, or his very wet paw... his paw all the way up to the bite mark was pure, glossy black rubber. Like her.

"You're pretty tasty." She teased, licking her lips. "And that mundanity of yours is fun to pull away." Sela slipped back under the bed without further elaboration.

By the time Static ducked down enough to look under his bedframe, she was gone again, leaving him with the box he'd been reaching for.

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Sela stared in disbelief.

Static was standing in front of her, holding his arm out at her. Since the first bite she took of his mundanity, she'd chomped away on each of his other limbs, including creating a glossy puff at the tip of his tail.

But what he was asking now... "Are you sure you want me to bite all the way to your shoulder?"

The ferret nodded eagerly, wiggling his glossy fingers with a squirk of rubber-on-rubber.

Sela smirked a bit. What a strange critter she'd discovered. She licked her lips slowly, in a way she knew made him flustered, and leaned closer.

Static trembled, his grin growing wider as he watched her muzzle approach his hand.

The monster parted her jaws and smoothly, gently eased his hand onto her tongue, then over the back of it into her snug, rubbery throat. Without closing her maw a millimeter, she swallowed, dragging herself over his arm towards him.

A shiver ran from the glossy tip of the ferret's tail to the fluff on the crown of his head between his ears. The whole while, Static's eyes were focused on the abyssal inner flesh rippling and pulling his hand inward. His entranced expression only changed when her teeth came down.

Sela chomped as strong as each time before, just above the elbow.

Static winced, but managed to contain his usual cry.

She swallowed indulgently. She felt that mundanity of his pull away, drain down her throat to settle into her stomach, to be claimed entirely. Slowly, Sela parted her teeth again, keeping them far closer to his pelt as her throat undulated again, waves of motion tugging the ferret closer. At the same time, she pressed her tongue forward along his tricep, curling it up over his shoulder.

His eyes widened as the tapered black length looped into sight, giving her already well-climbing jaws extra leverage to drag him deeper. Static's eyes unfocused as she came that much closer to his face with each swallow, his body easily being dragged forward until his ribs met her lower jaw, to the shoulder in her mouth and gullet.

This time, Sela brought her teeth down slowly. Not so much gently as firmly. She watched his expression as she felt her fangs and incisors puncture into his flesh once again. The way her cuts and bites worked, she knew that he wouldn't feel pain for very long. What she wasn't quite expecting was that the pain would be so dull that a broad, dumb smile spread across his muzzle. It seemed the euphoria of her body taking away his mundanity outweighed the damage being done to flesh when she went this slowly. She put this information away for later, something to consider in further feedings.

The monster swallowed firmly, draining away the rest of the mundanity left in his arm.

At this, Static let out a groan of bliss, his eyes rolling back slightly as his grinning visage went a bit slack-jawed. His own teeth, while pointed due to his status as a carnivore, were practically grazers compared to her sabers.

Sela slowly unsheathed her fangs from his flesh with a soft squirk as the glossy 'healing' closed up behind them. Slowly, reluctantly, she loosened her throat to start releasing his arm, drawing back from the shoulder. Before she reached the elbow she froze, eyes crossed slightly to focus on his upper arm.

While the rubbery texture that had replaced the fur on his hands and feet matched the fur color there to a certain degree, his fur above that was supplanted by... purple.

Static came out of his daze, seeming to confused as to why she froze. His eyes met his arm as well. "I thought the scars from your body-bites seemed a bit... violet..." He said softly.

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Static blissfully nuzzled along Sela's midsection, his fully glossed up arms wrapped around her tubular torso. Both were purple straight to the shoulder from the tops of each 'glove' of his musteline markings. His tail and legs told a similar story, each being fully rubbery from the joint connecting them to his torso and each now showing a majority of a nice, saturated purple.

Sela, for her part, was frowning and fidgeting. It still didn't feel right to let a critter hold her tight like this. She raked her claws along his limbs, trying to dislodge him.

Unlike before, now that his mundanity was drained Static seemed to not even feel the initial sharp pain of cuts, his glossy areas closing back up as quickly as she could cut them. He still winced when her claws or teeth travelled over one of his still furred areas. However, she found herself less willing to do that without him asking.

Sela frowned and squirmed a bit more, her hindlegs clawing at his feet.

Static mmmmed happily and began to rub his arms up and down her body, the slick, glossy surfaces rubbing against each other with quiet squirks and squeaks.

She faltered in her struggle as she felt each of his pawpads stroke along with his forearms and even his biceps against the circumference of her waist. The sensation of someone else as glossy and slick as her, pressed against her... it felt wonderful. Not that she'd ever say it out loud.

"Does this feel as nice to you as it does to me?" Static asked, as if reading her mind, eyes closed as he continued to rub.

Blushing and trembling, Sela scrunched her muzzle with an audible squirk. "If you don't stop I'm going to swallow you whole." She threatened.

The ferret peeked an eye open, looking up towards her flustered countenance. "No teeth?"

She hissed, jaws snapping shut on his neck and chest before she'd fully thought through his tease.

Static winced, but exhaled slowly, resuming his strokes and rubs tenderly. "Don't need to be shy, it's just us here."

Sela let go and lifted her head, twisting it so that her expression wasn't visible to the small male. She huffed aloud, fidgeting and squirming in his grip once more. Due to their combined slickness, she could have easily slipped free now... but deep down she knew she didn't want to.

Static's rubbing gradually slowed as his heartrate trailed down. Breathing grew deeper... Sela recognized his body dozing off by now, having been pressed up against it on multiple occasions he'd fallen asleep, as embarrassing that was to a fierce monster.

Her eyes stared over towards the closet, but she wasn't focused on it, instead just pondering how she ended up the body pillow of a strange critter.

The ferret's nose and throat made a cute, high-pitched snore.

Sela looked over at the clock... He usually was up by seven. Six hours... she could wait that.

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Static felt a row of incisors along his throat, the front of each fang rubbing against his neck as the familiar jaws gave a tender nip. He opened his eyes as he felt the muzzle leave him.

Sela was looking down at him, face unreadable. Then, she effortlessly slid from his grip and off the side of the bed.

The ferret let out a weak groan, reaching for her trailing tail and not quite getting his fingers closed on it before she was gone. Static slumped back down and looked over to the clock. Seven. Time to get up.

He sighed, rolling over to the edge of the bed and placing his glossy feet on the scarred hardwood with a gentle squirk. Time to start the day.

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Static hadn't seen Sela since she woke him up that morning. He wondered if he had pushed it the night before, sprawled out on the bed with his feet dangling off the foot and one side. His tail wiggled between them restlessly as his chest rose and fell. He wasn't sure how his body functioned anymore. Reason told him that his limbs would be incompatible with his torso and its internal organs. Sela defied reason, of course. That was part of what made her so wonderful.

A familiar set of teeth clamped down on his foot and a twist of a monstrous head yanked him right off the bed.

The ferret yelped in surprise as he tumbled to the floor, twisting to look towards his feet.

Sela's jaws were still set on his foot, teeth glistening as white as the rings of her eyes in the shadows under the bed. Unlike any other time she'd bitten down, however, she yanked again, dragging him into the dark.

Static's eyes widened as he passed under the bedframe. He had a reasonable expectation of the space there, having gone under there for his storage boxes and the like. But this was... entirely different. The underside of his bed seemed ceiling height and the draping sheets that he'd just passed under were far away. Each other direction was an abyss, the light from his bedroom only coming from that one side.

As if proving how large the space was, the monster released his foot and loomed over the ferret, neck arched high as her eyes stayed trailed on his own. "I told you..." She said softly, a tone in her voice somewhat akin to a purr. She leaned in closer, her voice growing breathier and quieter as her scent inundated his senses. "I'd devour you. Swallow you whole."

A blush rocketed up the mustelid's cheeks to his ears. Tension surged as adrenaline pumped in his body... but this wasn't fear... he couldn't be afraid of her... he had wondered if she really would... what would happen...

While he was frozen in place, Sela's claws closed around his glossy feet and lifted both legs, rotating them at the hip to be pointed up. She slithered backwards slightly, smirking down at his stunned expression, before spreading her jaws wide. She had taken each of his legs separately before now, but together they didn't seem to be any more of a challenge.

Sela's claws scooped under his bare hips and her lanky arms bent, lifting him bodily into her undulating gullet.

Squirming, Static finally found the ability to move again. He felt the familiar inside of her throat along his thighs already, wiggling his feet up and down. In his dangling state, he twisted his waist and craned his head... there. He could see the underside of her neck... and there were his feet, deep inside it, pressing into view one at a time when he alternated fluttering them like he was swimming. The ferret bit his lip, blush only growing more intensely.

The monster's claws wrapped over his shoulders next, regaining leverage to keep pushing him in. His tail was folded against his back as his hips passed her teeth for the first time.

Swallowing his nerves at being devoured, the ferret tucked his arms in at his sides while she worked him deeper. From his progress and position he was no longer able to watch his progress inside her. Instead, he looked up at her face, a mask of hunger and... there it was. He knew her blush by now, even in the dark.

She averted her eyes, blush growing more prominent as she lifted her head, claws against her own fangs. Despite the heated appearance on her face, the inside of her mouth and throat remained as cool as ever, like the unused side of the pillow. Her tongue pressed against the crown of Static's head, helping shovel him that bit more into her.

Static crooned, eyes drifting shut. It was too dark to see anyway, no need to strain them trying. Then, he heard her teeth knit shut just above his ears, sealing him entirely inside her. The sound was like when she snapped at him threateningly, but so much more... surrounding.

And then, instead of pushing as she had till this point, Sela pulled. Her throat undulated, a deep, resonant swallow engulfing the ferret.

He was massaged by the tight passage, no longer feeling anything but the inside of her gullet. He had no way of knowing how fast he was travelling into her, or how far along he was. Part of his mind tried to imagine his frame outlined in her long throat and torso like he'd seen his feet in her neck, but the rest was being inundated with the pure sensation. Each of his transformed limbs was in full contact with the constricting tunnel on three sides, soothing...

He hardly realized that he had come to a stop. What was far more noticeable was that his posture was allowed to bend, to loosely curl and his knees to tuck... This must be the stomach, Static thought. Familiar claws, blunted by the layers between him and the outside, groped over his form, as if testing meat for doneness.

"I told you I'd gobble you up..." Sela hissed, though there was no threat there. Just... assuredness.

From every changed part of his flesh, he felt the familiar euphoria spreading, slowly creeping in towards his heart and mind. This combined with the late hour... he was so tired... he was drifting again...

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Static awoke on his bed. The ferret groaned, reaching his glossy paw up to rub his forehead.


He perked, crossing his eyes. His snout was purple.

In a flash the ferret had bounced onto his feet, making his way to find a mirror.

Soon, he stood in the bathroom, looking over himself. There were no signs of scars or marring on his body anymore, because all that could be scarred was gone. He was now purple from knees to ears, elbow to elbow. His mask on his face was the same color as his socks, and his irises now were as vibrant a purple as his new coat.

Slowly, a smile spread across his muzzle, widening until his cheeks squirked against themselves.

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Sela huffed. Her cheeks were flushed with her embarrassment and her ears were filled with a certain ferret's rambling and rampant, constant squeaking. And the sensations...

Static himself was clutching onto her body with all four paws, nuzzling and rubbing. "Everything feels wonderful now, Sela!"

The monster writhed and trembled. Having every inch of contact between his body and her own was close to outright overwhelming. Why did it have to feel so good? Every squirk and squeak of rubber on rubber was blissful, much to her chagrin.

"I'm so happy you ate me, I'm all like you now! Not an inch of that 'mundane' ferret left!" He was yammering on.

Turning her head away, Sela snorted. "Well, it's a good thing you liked that, because if you don't let go..." She tried to put some menace in her voice, but the blush on her cheeks was too strong and the sensations left a quaver beneath her quiet implied threat.

Static stopped talking and looked up at her, then slowly smirked, his puffy, glossy tail swaying behind him. "Oh no. Not the briar patch..."

A growl rose from her chest and she grasped him in her claws, pulling his slick grip off her midsection. Before the ferret could react, his head was reintroduced to her gullet and she was greedily stuffing him back inside her.

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Static was crossing his bedroom from his desk, his workday interrupted by the need to grasp physical reference material from one of his shelves. His thoughts were a bit preoccupied with just how strange his old clothes felt now that his entire body was shiny. When he had fur, fabric being a little rough was no problem except for on his fingerpads, but now he was just sensitive all over. Perhaps if he swapped to rubber clothes...

His musing was interrupted by the sound of his closet door slamming open. Before the ferret could turn to look something tight rapidly wrapped around his body. Static's arm was pinned to his chest as the glossy black coil spun itself around his torso like a whip being struck against a pole.

Static got a moment to turn his head as the tip tucked itself under his chin, only to see exactly what had caught him.

Sela's jaws and claws were jutting from within the closet, fingers gripping the molding around the doorframe. From between her glistening white teeth extended his binding. Her tongue.

His purple cheeks practically glowed lavender as he blushed. Before he could say anything about just how long it was to wrap all the way around him so many times, from that far away, he felt her tug.

Static was launched off his feet towards the gape of her jaws. Somehow his whole body, along with her bundled tongue, fit right between the spread rows of teeth and bladed fangs. This allowed Sela to snap her jaws shut with a resonant clack immediately.

As she slipped back into the closet, the ferret fidgeted and squirmed, flustered as he felt the now familiar sensation of her body claiming his, dragging him to her stomach...

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Five times.

Static looked at the mirror in his bathroom, leaning in closer. Black was creeping from the edge of his iris onto his sclera on both eyes. He opened his mouth. Ferret teeth were getting longer, sharper.

She had eaten him five times so far.

He'd first noticed he was changing when he was looking at his fingers. Instead of having claws at the tips of his rounded digits like before, they were converging into a single, contiguous shape. They were also longer, making their appearance more slender.

He'd thought he had no more of his mundane self to take.

Static extended his tongue, focusing on making it press out of his mouth as far as it would go. Previously, it made it out to around his chin. This time it extended, dangling past his jawline, black and with a pointed tip.

Every time she ate him, he was coming back more like her. The thought brought another blush to his cheeks.

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Static awakened slowly in his bed, like he normally did when his night ended inside of Sela's body.

"Good." Her voice growled from near his feet. "You're back."

The ferret sat up in time to see the monster looming up over him, head descending. Jaws opening.

Sela chomped down at his hips and let out an indulgent groan as he squirmed in her mouth. His blush practically lit the inside of her throat.

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The ferret had had to adjust his workspace when his spine had started getting longer with every trip through Sela. As though the rubber mustelid was being stretched, his limbs were also longer, looking lankier than before. His long fingers ended outright in sharp points. It had taken a bit to get used to typing without cutting grooves into the keys of his keyboard.

He'd also made the change to rubber clothing, with the monster's help. She'd revealed whatever he was wearing when she ate him got changed too, even if she didn't keep it on him when she let him out. When he asked about the rest of his wardrobe, he got a show of her bundling up all his belongings in his closet and stuffing them down her gullet.

Sela had teased that it all tasted like him, anyway.

Static was currently focused on a messenger window, talking to his long-distance girlfriend. 'So you don't mind that I'm seeing someone locally?'

Trissie's response was quick, the skunk replying. 'I'm polyam, silly.' A second or so later another message popped up. 'As long as I'm still yours and this person treats you well, I'm fine.'

Reading this was enough distraction for him to not notice Sela slithering up under his desk. She took advantage of that fact, parting her jaws and lunging upward until her lower jaw met his computer chair, upper fangs threatening to cut at the wireless keyboard.

Static yelped and lifted the keyboard from the tray beneath the desk onto its surface proper. He typed quickly, feeling her swallows begin already. 'You can't believe how relieved that makes me! Something just came up over here, though. I have to go, love you!'

Sela's jaws pressed up until their square end were around his throat, his arms extending out either side to still reach the keyboard.

The messenger flashed. 'I love you too.' Trissie replied, followed by a purple heart emoji.

Static smiled, blushing deeply.

Sela snapped her teeth closed, chomping down on his extended arms. She twisted and rose, getting up into the chair herself as repeated swallows and re-chomps got the ferret the rest of the way in. She pondered, looking down at the conversation. She'd have to ask him about it later.

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By now, the bedding and bedsheets were all rubber as well.

Static trilled warmly, nuzzling his long muzzle against the area of Sela's tubular torso most analogous to her chest. The black had fully spread across his sclera, though the purple of his irises had stayed. The shape of the black mask around his eyes had warped and become more pointed, reflecting the rest of his body well.

His already rather long torso had lost definition and become more tubular over time, meal by meal reducing his shoulders into glossy joints attached to a contiguous hose of a body from his jaw down to his hips. Long, lanky limbs ended in pointed claws, perfect for grasping. His tail had become part of the extension of his midsection in the other direction, coming to a black point that dangled off the bed, swaying contentedly.

Tentatively, he parted his jaws, revealing his own saber fangs, lightly nipping above one of Sela's shoulders at her lower neck. The fronts of his fangs stayed pressed to her squeaky surface as his incisors came together.

Crooning, Sela stroked along his back, smiling as she observed all these changes. "You know... You're nearly as much of a monster as I am now."

Black scleras glistening, his eyes glowed as he smiled toothily up at her. "Really Sela?"

She nodded, craning her neck down to give him a gentle kiss.

He pressed into it, eyes lidding, before pulling away. "Oh! Oh, does that mean I could- Can I try something?" He interrupted himself in his haste.

Sela tilted her head slightly, not sure what he meant. "What do you want to try?"

Static grinned broadly.

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Trissie was asleep face down in bed with her head turned to the side atop a tightly clutched pillow. The skunk's lower half sprawled out somewhat under the covers with her blankets draping off the side of the frame. Her hair was draped partially over her pillow, revealing the white diamond marking on her forehead.

The blanket was disturbed by a blocky purple muzzle pressing out from under it, glistening in the light from the silicone night-light resting on the headboard. Static pressed his way through with a shiver, exiting the underbed for the first time under his own power. "Oooohhh..." he crooned quietly. "Trissssssssssssie~" His voice was a hiss as he twisted and rose himself up.

His larger ears flicked as he heard her familiar voice, murmuring in her sleep.

The new monster got all the way out, looking down at the bed. "I found a way to vi-" he froze.

Trissie wasn't alone in bed. There was a black footed ferret cuddled up to her, arms snugly in place under her own, lower down on the mattress.

Confusion rocketed through his mind... did Trissie count a ferret in her polycule? He couldn't remember. Wait. She did.


Static took a step back as he realized he was looking at another Static. Mundane. Furred. And living with his Trissie.

"Sela...?" Static called out, his brow furrowed in distress.

The black monster slithered out the other side of the bed quickly. "What's wrong, Static?"

He pointed at his doppelganger while hopping back and forth on his large hindclaws, squirking with every move.

Sela looked down at the pair cuddling in bed, her expression hard to read. "Ooops... came out in the wrong world on this side. Wrong Trissie." She licked her lips as her face soon showed mischievous hunger, a look Static knew well. "Only one thing for it."

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Sela ground her swollen midsection against Static's own. Both showed writhing hands pressing out from within the rubber, sliding past and against one another. Occasionally muzzles emerged as well, but the more experienced monster playfully pushed those back in, either with her claws or a well-timed roll of her body against his.

Static trembled, moaning aloud. They were both on top of the vacated bed that they had emerged from underneath. He felt the skunk inside him moan as well, her voice just loud enough to be heard over all the squeaking of rubber on rubber. She was delicious and felt wonderful to have inside... where she belonged.

...did he really just think that? He blushed deeper.

The other monster leaned in close with her snout, nipping up and down Static's throat. "You're making for a wonderful monster, my sweet."

Cheeks still flushed, the former ferret looked her in the eyes. "So..." He quivered as the lump in her body pressed out enough that he could recognize the mustelid's face... had he looked like that when she first took him? He shook his head to return to his point. "How do we find my Trissie? The one from my world?"

Sela leaned away from him, smirking. She pressed down on the face stretching her body and grunted. It appeared as though her body grew tighter around the ferret, showing more of his form beneath her surface for a moment. Then, the shape rapidly softened, rather than simply sinking back in as each bulge had before. "Back to the shadows. We'll find your pet eventually."

Static clenched down his insides without thinking, groaning aloud as the skunk inside his body similarly showed up in more detail, before being melted away. He felt a rush through his entire form, similar to the euphoric feeling from when Sela was still changing him.... Had she shared that feeling when she was consuming his mundanity? No wonder she loved to gobble him up...

At the tip of his tail, within the black before his main purple asserted itself, a white band appeared. A stripe ringing the end of the limb.

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In another house, a purple dragon anthro with a familiar black mask marking nestled in his sleep alongside his ferret partner. The ferret was mostly white with graphite grey mask and sock markings. Rather than a round splotch of dark at the end of his tail, his was diamond-shaped. Their bed was covered in and positively overflowing with stuffed animals. The plushes were easily parted by the pair of monsters slipping out from under the bedframe.

Sela assured Static that these two were another world's Static and Trissie.

So down they went.

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In a cave deep under the earth, an immense feral black and white dragon dreamed atop a massive hoard of silver coins and other shiny trinkets. A similarly quadrupedal purple pegasus pony with a black mane and tail slept nestled into the crook of one foreleg.

An offshoot of the cave that functioned as a storage closet turned dark, before a pair of white rings and a pair of purple rings glowed into existence.

"Think of it this way." Sela smirked, her teeth appearing, glistening in the void. "This time you get the dragon."

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Another bedroom, much like the first. A large black labrador was sprawled out on his back, snoring. The only interruptions of his black fur were the dyed purple tuft of fur on top of his head and the white diamond shape at the center of his chest. The bedding was in disarray, partially due to the twitchy movements of the small creature lying unconscious on the dog's soft belly.

The glossy black being had long, skinny, stilt-like lower legs and forearms with broad, opposing digits on each, large ears, and a single pointed tooth protruding at the end of his pointed snout. The inside of his ears was a familiar shade of purple, along with banded markings at the wrists, ankles, and towards the tip of the tail. His only sleeping adornment was a similarly black and purple rubber collar that matched one that was on the canine.

The construction of this bed was heartier, with solid sides. This meant the two monsters had to slip out side by side beneath the open foot.

"That's a Yinglet, Static." Sela answered an unasked question. "And yes, it's a you." She picked up the tiny creature by the collar and popped him into her mouth like an appetizer.

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Floating out in space, laying on the smartfluid bed cantilevered out from the gunmetal blue wall of their quarters, a glossy dalmatian with little antennae extended from her head was cuddling a smaller creature tight. The black and purple creature appeared to be some kind of feathered reptile with four mammalian ears arranged along the back of his head.

Static quivered a bit as he emerged from under the bed, breath forming mist in the air. "Is it supposed to be this cold?"

Sela casually drew with her breath on the window showing the galaxy beyond. "Seems like this Static's designed for solid water temperatures..."

But the purple monster was already slurping up his spotty quarry.

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A purple ferret much like our hero had been so many devourings ago laid in bed, arms wrapped around a slender zebra. His glossy body also had sculpted wings, appearing designed to look like those of a bird's rather than a dragon or a bat. The zebra's lower back featured a split in the stripe running from their mane to the root of their tail, forming a white diamond.

Static didn't wait for explanations, his tongue looping around the pair of hooves near the edge before he'd even emerged from the dark.

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Slowly, the beast slid out from under the bed. What had recently been mistaken for a quite elongated ferret was looking more monstrous than ever. A pair of horns had grown from his brow to match the other monster, and he had gained large, membranous wings. As his hips emerged from the under-bed, his tail was revealed, striped from the very tip to the root. When he opened his mouth, the inside and tongue within were a similar stark pattern of black and white.

Static filled the bedroom now, long limbs bent to keep from brushing against the walls. He looked down...

A skunk laid there in bed, a white diamond on her forehead. No one else was there, and she was wearing large padded braces on her wrists. A weighted blanket was hiding her lower half, but the form they draped around could be made out: that of large, shapely hips.

The rings of Static's eyes expanded wider amongst the dark void they laid within. A lavender tint was cast over the scene as he leaned closer, reflected from his own glow. Extending one arm out over the bed to brace his broad claw on the floor on the far side, he leaned down. Snout hovering inches above the sleeping mephit, he sniffed, taking her scent in. Vanilla.

She always said she used vanilla-infused furcare products.

He twisted his long, tubular neck and parted his incisors, saber-fangs not even fully unsheathing from their impossible placement in his mouth. The lightest nip on her neck...

Trissie trilled quietly and rolled over, arms reaching out and pulling Static down onto her like a body pillow.

Static couldn't help himself, he let out a happy squeal, his wings trying to wrap around the far smaller critter and grasping the bed instead. At last, he had found his Trissie. The one who he had spoken to for hours on end...

She murmured, wincing a little at the loud noise and increased pressure, before slowly opening her eyes. Her purple irises reflected the glow from the monster's eyes. She trembled, freezing. Her fur fluffed up. Where her tail wasn't under the covers suddenly doubled in apparent size.

Then she let out a squeal of her own, holding the monster tighter.

"I finally found my Trissie..." Static murmured, his voice coming out in polyphonic artifacts.

Trissie blushed deeply. "I... I don't know how but..." Her smile was bright as ever. "You're here, and you're Static. I know."

Static smiled happily, starting to scoop the skunk out from under the covers while slathering her face in striped-tongue affection.

A second monster slowly emerged from the space under the bed, long solid-black tongue slathering along her solid-black lips.

Trissie held on as she was pulled free of her blankets, which were soon replaced by the snug embrace of large, rubber, membranous wings. She blushed as she found herself quite immobile against the monster's body, unable to stop smiling. "Wow..."

At this point, the striped tail and the banded tail were both laid out towards the foot of the bed. Sela casually pressed them together, opened her mouth wide, and stuffed the fluffy and the glossy into her gullet.

Static perked up in surprise at the sensation on his tail, turning to look down the length of the bed. At the sight of foot after foot of the pair of black and white tails getting dragged past the threshold of her jaws his blush deepened and his wings tightened possessively around the skunk.

Trissie, for her part, fidgeted and whined, unable to do much more than that as her tail was consumed.

Sela reached the other monster's long toeclaws, winking up at Static and guiding them to join his tail. Her tongue lashed out and wrapped up around the indentation of the hidden skunk's waist in his wrapped wings, adding pressure and leverage to her hold on the pair.

"W-what's going on?" Trissie managed to get out, muffled by the tight wings.

The purple monster nuzzled down at her bulge in his membranes. "Well... er... you're meeting my other partner..."

"Oh..." came the flustered reply, even as the advancing jaws made short work of both pairs of hips.

Static parted his wings enough to duck his head down and in, kissing his mundane girlfriend on the lips.

Sela smirked a bit as this just made it easier for her. A few more swallows and CLACK! They were both inside her. A greedy gulp resounded through the bedroom, sending the lump of the bundled pair down.

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Trissie awoke nestled to Static, glistening in the low light of the bedroom. She too was just as slick and smooth as either of the monsters, her fluffy tail now a puffy mass approximating the same shape, draped over the glossy bedding. While he was still asleep, she took a moment to look around.

Her bedroom was laid out much the same as she was accustomed, but everything glistened as much as she did. The white walls were replaced with black and the natural wood furnishings were as purple as her monster. Instead of the view she was accustomed to out her window, the trees were far more angular and pointed. Beyond the canopy of sharp leaves, there was a beautiful night sky filled with stars. Or rather... thousands of glowing white rings.

Elsewhere, under that same sky, a purple dragon and a white and graphite ferret awoke to one another, nestled into a pile of glossy plush toys. A purple pegasus pony happily pounced onto an enormous black and white dragon. A Labrador scooped up a twitchy yinglet and held him tight, their latex surfaces squirking against one another. A pair of aliens' disconnected pods floating among the white rings in the void above docked and allowed the raptor and the dalmatian to touch one another again. A zebra slumped down, squeezing a purple ferret tightly to their chest.

Some time later, Trissie bashfully smiled up at her monster. "You know... I like it here."

Static nuzzled her on the cheek. "Mmmhmm?"

"Even though it's dark and spooky..." The skunk pondered, looking wistful. "It feels... safe. Cozy." She stroked the side of his thick neck with a paw, causing a soft squirk. "Like you."

Static smiled warmly. "Yeah... I like it too." He leaned in to kiss his no longer long-distance girlfriend.

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Sela purred as the last of the stripes finished forming on her tail. Every last couple reunited deep Inside. Her internal eyes gazed upon all of them from above, seeing them rejoicing, embracing... And she heard the right Trissie's words clearly. The monster blushed deeply although no one was around to see it.

It felt good to know what all those critters liked being in there. It wasn't like she had any plan on letting any of them go.

She frowned. But if she never let them go, who would she get cuddles from? She glanced around, as if someone might overhear her admitting to herself, even nonverbally, that she would miss that.

The solution revealed itself to her easily, however. A grin crossed her long, blunt muzzle, teeth bared.

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A glossy ferret and a glossy skunk were both grinning brightly, clutching onto the torso of the monster.

Sela had guessed correctly after the reactions of both the ferret and his girlfriend to seeing a monster like her. Easy to get cuddles now. She blushed still, her claws cupped along the small of each of their backs, helping pin them to her sides.

This world was just as glossy as she was, freeing her to indulge in some shine-on-shine as she soaked up the pair's praise and admiration.

As the mustelid and mephit nuzzled along her midsection, however, a low, ominous growl escaped it, accompanied by the pang...

Sela looked down at the pair blushing at her stomach's call for sustenance. Her black and white striped tongue slid forth from between her teeth, slowly dragging along her lips with its flexible length.

Well, another happy couple to house Inside.

Touchpad Technique

"Is your touchpad really that sensitive?" Quin asked, their voice coming out at a low volume from the speakers in their throat. The synth (Formally known as QW1N74N) was kneeling on one of their partners' beds, the...

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Diagnostic Error

The Aval AI was in his regular business of maintaining backend functions on the space station he existed within. His interface holograms were of a golden avali, but he often didn't think of himself as having a body...

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Steeping Stoat

Kobalt finished pouring the hot cocoa he'd just finished brewing from the pot on the stove into a large mug, before setting the pan aside. The buckaroo turned slightly, reaching up to open the cabinet to retrieve...

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