Touchpad Technique

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#143 of Patreon Reward Vignettes

Eleventh reward for Amuzi?i, looking at another bond in the polycule introduced last month.

Quin is a synth who has an outsider's view on gender and sensuality. But they've become rather fixated with their partner Meekesh's null patch, finding it rather analogous to their default groin pad. With some mutual exploration, the pair learn about each other's buttons...

Contains: In Medias Res, Null Groins, Synth Stuff, Tail-Entwining, Fingering Null Groin, Mutual Masturbation, Synchronized Orgasm and First Time Implication.

This was written as a reward for the $30 tier on my Patreon! People who pledge $5 or more can vote on polls. $15 or more you can submit up to two OCs to be available for use in future stories!

Right now, all unpublished writings are available to read for all Patrons!

If you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me when I'm open! If you'd rather just support me and don't want to commit to a monthly donation, I have a Ko-Fi.

"Is your touchpad really that sensitive?" Quin asked, their voice coming out at a low volume from the speakers in their throat. The synth (Formally known as QW1N74N) was kneeling on one of their partners' beds, the one who they were addressing.

Meekesh blushed deeply, the argonian sitting onto the bed beside the synth. "It's actually kinda hot that you call it that..."

Quin tilted their head slightly, a behavior they had picked up imitating their biological partners. "It is a logical euphemism. Mine is a pad which I find pleasure in touching."

The reptilian smiled. "Well, it's an accurate assessment. I like it." He nuzzled lightly.

Turning their optical sensors down along their partner's body, they turned the volume of their vocal speakers down a bit further. "May I touch yours?"

Meeks perked and immediately hopped up off the bed, inadvertently setting his partner off balance. At first the synth thought he had been offended, but that was rapidly voided and supplanted with the accurate assessment of the situation when the reptilian turned, tail pressing the bedroom door shut. He had both his thumbs in the waistband of his snug shorts

Quin regained posture, sitting more upright and getting their visor in a better vantage angle. Their own similar tail swayed, rubbery underside skidding along the slick fabric of the bedding easily with a soft sibilant sound.

The argonian wiggled his hips as he pulled his shorts off them and let the garment slide down the rest of the way from gravity. His featureless groin was exposed, just a joint for their three lower limbs to come together, smooth ventral scales unbroken from their collarbone all the way to the tip of their tail. Meeks pivoted again on his feet and sat back down where he had been, just bare this time.

Leaning back against the reptilian, Quin nuzzled at his neck.

Meeks nuzzled in return against where the synth's visor met the bridge of their snout. "Show me how you use your touchpad..."

Smoothly, they turned their attention down their own body. Similar to scales but far larger, the synth's torso was made up of various pads of artificial rubbery skin, each having many tactile sensors within. Their entire groin was a single triangle of material. Other synths, Quin knew, had had this section replaced as they modified their bodies to better imitate the gendered portions of biological creatures.

Quin lowered one hand to their groin, fingers spreading as they prepared to show their partner how they usually engaged in self-exploration for pleasure.

The reptile's hand grasped around the synth's wrist. "On mine." Meeks corrected softly, affectionately as he pulled the arm over towards his own groin. "You asked to touch it, remember?"

A blush appearing on their visor as a series of diagonal hashes beneath the display of their eyes, Quin resumed lowering their hand with the new destination in mind. Tentatively, they extended their index digit and gave a light stroke to the soft scales. The synth found that the mixture of muscle and subcutaneous fat in this area of the argonian made the texture rather similar to the synthetic padding beneath their rubbery skin. The scales themselves were different, to be sure, but it was close enough that they could start up their practiced movements.

Meeks trembled at the first touch, letting out a croon as more followed.

"You like it?" Quin asked, volume still low.

Nodding, the reptilian raised his tail and draped it over the synth's own, curling and entwining the two gently.

Recognizing this gesture from observing their partner with other partners, Quin smiled and returned the gesture to form a proper double-helix snugly nestled together behind the pair. A modulated trill came out of their vocal speakers as they stroked and pressed on the scaly groin.

Slightly adjusting, Meeks brought his own arm down to hover between his synthetic partner's thighs. "May I touch your pad as well?"

Blush returning to their visor display, the synth nodded. "Of course."

Those claws lightly descended, initially mimicking the movements that Meeks was feeling on his groin. Stroking and pressing inward, feeling the resistance of the synthetic padding.

A pleasured moan modulated out of Quin's speakers, volume not lowered much at all anymore.

Meeks smiled and nuzzled his snout side-to-side with his partner's, while changing up his technique. He started a more percussive pattern of taps and presses, seemingly at random points.

The synth trembled each time one of those taps hit a spot that felt particularly good, their neural network wondering how the argonian knew that this would translate. Quin mirrored the new technique, turning their attention to whether they were getting their partner to react in a similar manner.

The reptilian was paying attention to those pleasure points, and was soon only striking them. A steadier rhythm and pattern emerged as Meeks gauged his partner's reactions. Moreover, his body twitched slightly when the synth's hand began to hone in on sensitive spots between his own legs, with higher precision and less random seeking.

Meeks panted softly, feeling the familiar building of his climax rushing towards him. "I love you, Quin..." He barely intoned, just above a whisper. His claws came down with higher pressure, hand twitching as pleasure mounted, hung in the air...

Quin's jaw hung slack as a wanton groan escaped their speakers, their visor glitching out for a moment as a surge of pleasure rushed through their system, clutching onto their partner and squeezing with their tail.

The argonian was in much the same state, trembling and clutching on as their mutual pleasure soared.

The pair slumped back onto the bed together, quivering.

Quin's visor finally returned to showing a representation of eyes in front of their optical sensors. "W-was that... orgasm?"

Meeks grinned breathlessly. "Yeah, Quin. That was orgasm."

"Okay. I get why organics are always chasing this..." The synth murmured, vocal volume turned down as they gave the still-twined tail a squeeze.

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