Steeping Stoat

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#141 of Patreon Reward Vignettes

Sixteenth(!) vignette for Kobalt!

This time, the buckaroo takes advantage of Cody's natural marshmallowy flavor when they've run out of the real thing.

Contains: Micro Cohabitation, Dunking in Cocoa, Mawplay, Teasing and Keeping it Up.

Kobalt is FA: KobaltTheWolf

Cody is FA: CodeStoat

This was written as a reward for the $30 tier on my Patreon! People who pledge $5 or more can vote on polls. $15 or more you can add to the suggestion doc, which is where the ideas that get voted on on the polls come from.

Right now, all unpublished writings are available to read for all Patrons!

If you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me when I'm open! If you'd rather just support me and don't want to commit to a monthly donation, I have a Ko-Fi.

Kobalt finished pouring the hot cocoa he'd just finished brewing from the pot on the stove into a large mug, before setting the pan aside. The buckaroo turned slightly, reaching up to open the cabinet to retrieve marshmallows. However, when he looked, the bag of puffed sugar and gelatin was missing.

"Cody, did you finish off the marshmallows?" The hybrid called out without turning.

"No, why would you say that?" Cody responded, from inside the room. His voice was audibly tense.

Kobalt picked up the mug and turned, spotting his micro housemate on the table. He read Cody's body language and paused. The muscular buckaroo walked over to the fridge, opening up the freezer. He grasped a couple ice cubes and dropped them into the steaming mug. Then he turned and walked over to sit in his chair, resting his elbows on the tabletop with the mug out in front of him.

As his larger friend approached, the stoat relaxed visibly, placing his hands on his hips as he looked up at the hybrid.

Grasping his spoon, the deer-kangaroo began to stir his cocoa. He idly watched the ice cubes dwindle as they melted away. It watered down the cocoa, but more importantly, cooled it significantly. Once they had fully vanished into the mix, he turned his eyes towards his micro housemate. "Well, if I can't have marshmallow..."

Cody's fur fluffed up. He twisted around and began to scamper.

It was too late. Kobalt's fingers closed on the mustelid's tail and lifted him off his feet. "Right, now deep breath..."

The stoat squeaked indignantly as he was lifted up. When he spotted the rapidly approaching heated drink he took a sharp, deep inhale and then clamped his mouth shut, cheeks puffed out.

Kobalt casually dunked his housemate in the heated brew, lightly swirling the stoat around as he thrashed within the cocoa. After a couple seconds of this, the hybrid lifted Cody free. "That aught to be enough marshmallow flavor..."

Exhaling his held breath, the stoat groaned, wiping his face to clear his eyes. "My perfect white fur is going to be stained brown!"

The buckaroo's mouth curved into a smirk. "Well, I can take care of that..." Instead of setting his housemate down, Kobalt lifted the micro higher up.

By the time Cody got his eyes clear enough to look around, he found himself dangling above a very familiar herbivorous mouth. He let out a squeak as it rushed towards him.

Kobalt closed his full lips just against his fingertip grasp of the micro's tail, compressing Cody between his tongue and the roof of his mouth. He felt his saliva gather and swallowed, suckling the cocoa straight out of his housemate's fur.

For his part, the stoat squirmed and writhed as much as he could with a held tail and the pressure coming from the powerful muscle.

Releasing with his tongue, the buckaroo very slowly pulled on the mustelid's tail, pursing his lips snugly around his body. Kobalt sucked counter to the movement, using the motion to squeegee off any remaining chocolate.

Cody popped free after a few seconds of being wrung between his housemate's lips, swinging by his tail in recoil. He tried to complain but only incoherent noises came out, a deep blush showing through his fur.

Kobalt smirked as he took a sip of the cocoa with his other hand, swishing it about between his cheeks for a moment before swallowing. "Oops, I missed a spot, your face isn't white yet..." He took another sip, then extended his tongue, jaws open enough to show that the cocoa had remained pooled within.

The stoat squeaked. "That won't help clean me at all!" He cried out indignantly.

Regardless, the buckaroo slipped the micro back into his mouth, chuckling a bit to himself as his lips closed again.

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