A Lovely Night for a Rampage

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#139 of Patreon Reward Vignettes

Tenth vignette for Ingersoll, also kinda a "write what you'd like" one in that it was based in ideas that I offered up.

Tris-Dragon has had it with the financial district of a giant metropolis at dusk. But, someone is looking for him...

Contains: Big Durg Rampage, ACAB, Private Property Disrespected, Cars Crushed, Optical Illusion (or is it), A Bigger Macro, S C O O P, Playful Scolding and A Different Kind of Destruction

Tristan is Me

Echo is FA: Balloonpup

This was written as a reward for the $30 tier on my Patreon! People who pledge $5 or more can vote on polls. $15 or more you can add to the suggestion doc, which is where the ideas that get voted on on the polls come from.

Right now, all unpublished writings are available to read for all Patrons!

If you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me when I'm open! If you'd rather just support me and don't want to commit to a monthly donation, I have a Ko-Fi.

Rearing up to thirteen stories tall, the quadrupedal dragon roared, digging glistening black claws into the side of a pristinely polished building. His entire underside was covered in a smooth, equally black hide, including the underside of his typhonous wings. His long tail lashed, the spade at the tip twisting enough that from the front one could see the tougher looking white of his topside, glistening in the dusk ambient light.

Tristan came crashing down, crushing hypercars under his spread digits, roaring. The upper half of his head and neck also were covered in the white of his topside, giving him a bifurcated look at the jaw. Inside his gaping jaws, the monochrome starkness was continued, pearly white teeth jutting from tar-black gums and forked, ebon tongue draped outward.

He turned his head, mane swishing into view from the movement, his pupils contracting as he focused on the front of a nearby bank. With a roll of his hips he sent the point of his spade out, the tail whipping in a precise slicing motion. Glass shattered as the stone embellishments of the façade were simply sliced apart. The end of the movement dug into the sidewalk in front of an inset ATM. When the dragon tugged the point free, golden coins started to gush out of the wrecked machine.

Sirens that had been steadily growing in volume stopped abruptly.

The dragon's leaf-shaped ears pivoted and he turned.

A barricade of police vehicles had formed, with the officers associated standing behind their cars, leveling handguns at the draconic threat.

Tristan smirked, spreading his wings. At full breadth they barely fit between the buildings on either side of the street. In fact, when he reeled back to beat, the claws at the end of the wing-digits scratched grooves into the structures. Then his wings came down. The force shattered windows ahead of his path, before the wave of air struck its target, slamming hard into the cars enough to crush the hoods and pop the tires as they skidded away.

The cops themselves were blasted off down the street as the current continued to turbulently ripple until it diffused at an intersection.

The dragon casually began stomping the cars into flat scrap metal with his foreclaws, flicking his tail around behind him.

On the mirrored edifice of a nearby undamaged building, a strange phenomenon occurred. The reflection of an enormous equine faded into view, then pulled away. It pressed back into view, walking out from behind the building... or perhaps from the reflection itself. The slender, silver figure stood at least thirty stories tall. She had a horn projecting from her forehead and beautiful membranous wings of her own draped along her back. From within the equine tail draped down from her rear emerged a more lionine tail, just barely grazing over the asphalt as she stepped into the street on silvered hooves.

Tristan took a deep breath and roared again, striking the spade of his tail into the street repeatedly, wrecking the pavement entirely.

The giant unicorn silently strode forward, leaving pools of silver in the shape of her hoofprints in her wake. She crouched down and gingerly brought her hands up under the dragon's forelegs, lifting.

Tris' roar died into a squeak as he was summarily hefted off his claws, tail dangling above the street. His wrathful expression melted instantly into a look of bewilderment. He tilted his head back and looked up at his captor.

She crooned softly, manipulating the dragon to bring him around to be facing her, cradled into the crook of one arm against her flat chest as she stroked his neck with her other hand.

The once mighty, rampaging beast was blushing a purplish hue beneath his white hide, unable to quite make eye contact with the enormous unicorn.

Ignoring the approach of the re-enforcements to the cops that Tris had blown away, she put on a mock-stern face. "Naughty dragon, wandering off like that." She spoke, her voice as smooth and fluid as her appearance. "I've been looking everywhere for you."

Tristan fidgeted in her grasp, still blushing. "Sorry Echo..."


Echo kissed Her dragon on the top of the head. "We should be getting home, Trissie."

Trissie nodded his agreement, nestling into her embrace.

The giant silver unicorn pivoted around, swinging her tails behind her hips. The more lionine appendage dragged its fluid-looking tuft across the assembled cops and their vehicles. She crooned again to her pet as she began to walk back the way she came. "Such a good dragon..."

The silver left in her wake left a flat slick of silver on the street, no sign of anything that had been splashed with the tail's brush-like tuft remaining. As she walked, the limb painted the crushed cars and the crumpled asphalt. All of it smoothed into pristine silver.

Echo's tail dragged along the gash in the bank's façade, leaving beautiful greyhounds and unicorns where the broken statues of humans had been.

Trissie spotted this and craned his neck to look over her shoulder. Between her folded wings he saw the silvering of the road he'd ravaged and smiled broadly.

"If you wanted me to take the city, you should have asked, silly." She whispered against his ear. As she spoke, the silver spread from these points of contact, conforming to and converting every surface. Echo crooned again affectionately as she approached a nearby skyscraper and wrapped her lionine tail around its base.

The silver spread rapidly up along the structure, but unlike many of the other buildings she was claiming, this one did not keep its shape. It was melting rapidly, sending a wave of liquid metal gushing out for blocks in all directions.

"Ooops, how clumsy of me." Echo spoke aloud, swaying her hips as she took up her pet's cause of reshaping the city in her image.

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