A Day in the City

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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A Commission for FA: BalloonPup of their stallion Morgan as an anthro, having himself a cheat day.

On the other side of a portal is a strangely clean, well-kept city. The denizens are... generic. Morgan has found that they go along with most things you do to them and they always come back. The stallion lets himself let loose on guilt-free binges now, indulging his body's bottomless hunger.

Contains: Living Latex, Object Eating, Hammerspace, Size Difference, Null Critters of Indeterminate Species, Oral Vore, Rapid Digestion, Implied Later Reformation, Prehensile Tail-hairs, Anal Vore, Cock Worship, Mass Vore, Corruptive Pre, Cock Vore, Exhibitionism, Cum-Snaring, Object Anal Stuffing, Cum-Netting and Devouring Sedans With Hungry Horsecock

Morgan is FA: BalloonPup

I'm open for Commissions! Read my TOS, PM me and we'll talk! If you can't afford a commission and want to support me, I have a Patreon that you can pledge to, or for one-time donations, you could get me a Ko-Fi!

The brick façade within the alleyway rippled unnaturally, forming a vague upright oval shape two stories tall. From the distorted masonry emerged a glossy stallion. The built biped strutted into the alley, standing ten feet tall. Rather than fur, his body was covered in a smooth, rubbery surface. It was colored in a gradient of greys, from the black points of his hooves and his snout fading through to near-white around the shoulders. The only disruption of this pattern was the glossy black appearance of his sheath and heavy sac beneath, crowding the space between his powerful thighs. His tail and mane were also black, flowing down over his neck and off his rear. Rather than individual strands of hair, they both appeared to be thicker cords that didn't so much collide with each other as phase through one another as he moved.

Morgan hummed to himself, the horse's hooves clopping along the strangely clean cement pavement of the alley. No one had noticed his arrival just yet, but they would. For now, he set his sights on a big plastic bin marked for recycling. Rubber tubing was hanging out from one corner, propping the lid up slightly.

With both hands he lifted up the four-foot-tall bin, grasping it like a grinder on a hoagie. This movement caused the lid to flop open towards his face. Summarily, Morgan bit into it, his blunt teeth cutting straight through the polymers and leaving a smooth bite mark in the plastic. He chewed momentarily, before swallowing, a smooth lump travelling down his throat.

The horse hummed to himself, casually taking bite after bite until the lid was gone, before going in on the bin itself and its contents. The tubing filled most of the container, adding a contrast in textures that the stallion enjoyed. Before he knew it, all he had left was the wheels off the base and a series of tubes hanging from his muzzle like noodles. He slurped them, as such, swallowing with a sigh. The wheels he ate one at a time like cookies as he strutted his way to the street the alleyway emerged onto.

A nice appetizer for the meal he intended to have. Despite the volume of material he had taken in, his stomach was still svelte above his ample sheath.

The street was as uncannily clean as the alleyway, a nice two-lane road free of cars but with pedestrians mostly staying on the sidewalks anyway. The people themselves were about half Morgan's height and equally as bare as him. All of them were androgynous, covered in light-blue fur, and of some indeterminate species that could have been canine or feline, vulpine or even procyon. The upper half of their faces were as smooth and featureless as their groins, no visible means of seeing in place, but from their behavior, they clearly could.

Morgan had come to think of them as just 'critters'. Generic, blank, much the same. He loved coming to this city for them. He had no idea what this place truly was, or how its mechanics worked, but...

The horse grasped a passing critter in one hand by the hip and lifted it.

The being gasped aloud, a series of lines appearing on its cheek indicating a blush. It squirmed about, head tilting up to 'look' at the stallion.

Morgan met the critter's lack of gaze with the glossy black insides of his jaws. In one fluid homf he brought his glossy white teeth together around the being's waist, biting down only enough to hold it in place as he let out an indulgent groan through his nose.

They were delicious, whatever they were.

Around the opening to the alleyway, other critters stopped, turning their heads up to watch. They each got a good view of their fellow critter's face bulging out the glossy equine throat, just above where it would vanish into his defined chest.

The stallion ran his black tongue out under his lower row of teeth to grind along the fluffy lower belly of his first bite of his meal. He had been coming here to binge now for years, but it never got old. He never tired of the critters' flavor or the feeling of their bodies sliding into his own. And no matter how big a dent he put in the population of the city, the next time he came for a meal they had re-populated.

He wondered, with a twitch in his sheath, just how they'd repopulate if he got all of them this time.

Morgan tilted his head back, running a hand along his throat, before swallowing firmly. The svelte form of the critter in his jaws vanished in aquiline ripples through his neck, no longer visible in any respect once the distortion passed into his chest. His stomach didn't deflect or swell in any way, but it did loudly gurgle, wetly churning loud enough for every critter watching him to hear.

As the sounds of digestion ceased, he tapped his chest with a finger. A belch escaped his throat, bringing with it a little floating cartoon heart, blue as any of the critters, which floated up and away. The stallion licked his lips. "Delectable." He leaned down and reached for another critter, stepping fully out of the alley and into line with the sidewalk.

However, yet another critter, upon being exposed to his sculpted backside, reached up to feel the horse's hips with a soft, praising gasp.

Morgan paused a moment, hand on his target's waist, before he smiled. The corded strands of his tail suddenly came to life, extending from the tied dock at its base to wrap and grasp the critter like a greedy octopus snatching its prey. They flexed and shifted, wrapping around the grabby critter's wrists and dragging them around each glute to bring them between the full cheeks.

Then, with all the other critters with a good line of sight watching, the tail began to stuff it into him, spreading the previously hidden ring with arms, then head and shoulders. The cords of black horse-tail slipped away and reached down for another grip as each got too close to one of the light grey cheeks, bare glimpses of the black flesh within showing as the blue-furred being was summarily stuffed away.

The sensations of the squirming critter were clearly getting to Morgan as his sheath swelled and began to disgorge glossy black masculinity. The equine shaft hung forward under its own weight, pulsing and beginning to rise against the force of gravity as it grew more rigid.

In Morgan's periphery, he could tell only a few critters had stopped to watch. Most were still going about their business, walking along the sidewalk on both sides of the street. He had given up wondering just how their minds processed things a few binges ago.

Far more pressing was that those who had stopped to watch had now surrounded him, fawning over him. The one in his hand was stroking along his arm, smiling longingly up at his face, while a pair went to work servicing his growing arousal. Yet another was trying to follow the other one up under the horse's tail.

The stallion lifted the willing being in his hand and began to ease it gently into his jaws, starting to walk towards the main door at the front of the building he had arrived beside.

Squirming and moaning, that critter slid away as easily as the first, even as the one behind his hips was ensnared in his tail and summarily driven deeper again. Those stroking along his heavy, shiny black balls and similarly ebony shaft had to walk double-time to keep their hands on him as he strode along.

Morgan's shaft had begun to leak clear slick like a faucet. The pre splashed to the ground, making a trail on the sidewalk that looked far slicker and smoother than the rest of the pavement, and that was spreading outward from each drop that splattered onto it.

Some of the critters following him slipped in it, losing their footing and crumpling to the ground with light oofs and squeaks. Each slip, however, kept them moving towards the horse. Not a one slipped the other way.

The stallion crouched down in the doorway of the building, using his powerful hips to push it open behind him. His mass very effectively prevented the way in or out from being used by any of the critters. His shaft ended up with the blunt head very near the glossy, slippery sidewalk in front of him from his position, sac hanging nearly to rest on the threshold.

When one of the critters that had been servicing him slipped, Morgan's shaft stretched to catch. The blue-furred being was slurped right in, the shape of its svelte body distending the ridge along the underside of the equine arousal. The surprised, moaning face vanished beneath the joint where the root of the horse's member met the hanging taut sac below as its feet were slurped up into the tip of the erection.

Morgan groaned out at the sensation, gripping his fingers into the doorframe and flexing his shaft to hurry up the process. At the same time, the tendrils of his tail began to extend and snake their way through the open lobby behind him, towards where other critters were going about their business, unaware.

Just as smoothly as his throat had, the rod gulped the critter down, the bulge vanishing entirely as it slid down through the base. His ponderous sac swung as if from an impact from within, but there was no sign that it had grown in any way. Though it was starting to churn audibly just like his stomach had after each of his meals had landed within.

The first of the critters in the lobby to be snared by tail-tendrils arrived at the horse's rear and began to be driven in, this one feet-first. It squirmed and moaned aloud, hands pressed against the ample cheeks that were soon around its smoothed pelvis.

Up front, the equine let out another pleased moan with a quiver, his fed shaft beginning to shoot the formerly just dripping pre in high arcs, splattering along the street in front of him and speeding up the spread of the slick patch that so many critters couldn't stop slipping on. Now that it was broader, it was easier to tell that it appeared that any movement attempted away from Morgan stuck fast as if it were glue, while any movement towards him was lubricated perfectly and made easy by the substance.

The critter pressing at his hips didn't last long, those grasping hands staying on the horse's sculpted cheeks until they could no longer reach and its fingers were slurped into the pillowy flesh of Morgan's rear entrance. Another critter followed shortly after, already queued up by his dexterous tail-cording, which had already ensnared everyone in the lobby.

At the same time, the critters on the street had either purposefully or by the means of his one-way slick crowded around his throbbing spire of masculinity. It didn't have to duck much due to the angle of his hips for anal feeding, relying on the slickness to allow the blue beings around to get in reach. In fact, one of the critters slipped right against the blunt head, hips bumping right into it.

Its short tail was caught, slurped up. The critter blushed, on its back as its thighs were forced up onto its chest. Morgan's shaft advanced, dragging the flustered critter inward as easily as it had face-first or hands first.

The horse panted heavily. At the speed he was stuffing the critters into his rear, they weren't melting nearly as fast. His trim stomach occasionally distended with a moaning face or a pressing hand, a kicking foot or a jabbing elbow. None of these caused the predator discomfort, each rapidly smoothing away rather than being pulled deeper and away from his surface.

At the same time, the density of critters trapped by his one-way slick spot on the road at the tip of his shaft had reached its zenith, blue-furred figures getting slurped away one after another to drop into his ever-heavy sac. Like his stomach, the sheer number of prey was allowing some a chance to bulge out, the shape of a foot jutting out of one teste or the other, a face distending along the crease between them. The distensions were not diminished in any way, despite the physical impossibility of even a single one of the beings to fit within the volume of his ample scrotum.

A grunt escaped Morgan's throat as a particularly strong kick sent his balls swaying. Now, the tendrils of his tail were having to travel up the stairwells to reach new prey, which was slowing down his rate of consumption. He panted, finding the space between new meals growing wider and wider.

A smirk crossed the horse's muzzle as he thought up a solution. One ropy strand of stallion tail grasped onto the lever of a fire alarm and yanked down. Bells and klaxons started to blare all throughout the building. Soon, he felt the tremor in the structure of behind him of the dozens, maybe hundreds of occupants of the building starting to rush down to the lobby.

Morgan leaned forward and pressed his hands onto the glossy pavement, hiking his hips into the air for the oncoming feast. The horse whickered as his tail was suddenly presented with a myriad of critters to ensnare and bring to his body. As the bundles of two or three critters at a time started to be stuffed under his dock, the stallion let out a low groan, slapping his shaft against his chest as the last of another of his prey vanished into his sac.

The equine member flopped down and sucked up a blue-furred pair of paws immediately, getting to work on the next treat.

Said critter grasped around the horse's wrist where his hands were braced on the ground, trying to resist the pull.

A firm flex was all the horse needed to break that grip, sending the blushing being slorping up and in in a matter of seconds. Morgan panted heavily as he lost himself to the pleasure of consumption, losing count of the bodies travelling up his rear and down his length. He could feel a climax off on the horizon, but he wasn't quite getting any closer to it feeding like this.

He wasn't sure how long it was that he was in that state, either, before Morgan realized that he had run out of critters. The stallion rose back up to fill the doorway, looking around. Not a one left inside the building or out on the street. He frowned. He was just getting into the groove, he felt.

Echoing from around the corner came the sound of a cheering crowd. Possibly it had been there as white noise but Morgan only just now noticed. What was definitely new, though, was the music that began to play.

The stallion stepped forward out of the structure and started towards the corner, ears swiveling to make sure that the sound wasn't bouncing around to confuse his sense of direction. His erection stayed full and throbbing as his body finished churning and sloshing down the last of his first course, swaying with the movement of his hips.

As he strutted around the corner, Morgan spotted the crowd. It was a couple blocks away, in a city park. More importantly, however, was that he saw the back of a stage set up, half-obscured by the other buildings in the way. The stallion pursed his lips as he began to formulate a plan for his next course, hooves echoing across the empty roads on the way to the blaring music.

Morgan stopped after stepping into the park, hiding himself behind the stage for the moment. He stroked along his shaft to keep his arousal going, now that he had finished processing so many critters. His plan would work better if he waited for a lull between songs, so he stood. He idly felt his fisting over his flared shaft line up with the beat of the music, tail flicking as he tried to guess just how many critters were filling the crowd.

Then, the repeating outro of the song played on stage ended on a return to the root chord, sustained as the crowd went wild again.

This was the time. Morgan walked around to the side of the stage where the stairs up onto it were, walking right past roadies and other technicians. His tail went to work snaring each critter in his wake, holding onto them for the time being. Cock-first the giant stallion strutted into view of the audience. He walked right up to the front-critter at the mic, gingerly taking it away with two large fingers and bringing it to his full lips. As he prepared to speak, the deposed band-leader got ensnared by two large tendrils, finding itself just face-level with the eager, equine pucker.

"Now, who here in the crowd wants to be horse cum today?" Morgan brashly declared more than asked, his free hand groping over his hanging sac.

The crowd cheered loudly, either thinking that this was part of the show or simply won over by Morgan's shameless charisma.

The stallion chuckled and held the mic down against his stomach. At that moment, his tail began to pull and drag everyone it had ensnared to meet the inside of his colon. The band was first, those being closest to his position on the stage.

At the same time, Morgan began to stroke off his shaft again. He panted as the faces of the critters in the band bulged out next to the mic, letting the crowd hear their moans dissolve into gurgles through the speaker system. The stallion saw a few in the front row start eagerly pressing up at the barriers to try to get up on stage as well. With all this praise and the feeling of the band and tech crew melting away inside his bowels, it was easy to push himself over the edge. That and the knowledge of what he was going to do next.

A bray blasted out of his throat as his mic-hand went to grasp the base of his shaft, resulting the whole crowd hearing the turbulent gushing of his seed rocketing out past the edge of the stage and beyond. The first shot arced high, staying in one contiguous rope without separating into droplets in midair. The tip splattered into the chest of a critter at the very back of the crowd, the gallons in between splashing down onto every single being between it and the horse's cock.

Then the second shot achieved the same feat, this time at a different angle.

The critters were trying to push each other to try to get under one of his shots, to get coated in what they were seemingly unaware or uncaring was liquified fellow citizens.

As Morgan came down from his peak, twelve lines of critters were splattered white, obscuring their blue fur. The stallion brought the mic up to his lips again, smirking. "Now now, wait your turn, everyone." He flexed his shaft.

What had appeared to be post-ejaculation dripping suddenly rose. A dozen strands of nearly clear seed grew taut, showing that each shot that the stallion's climax had rocketed forth had stayed connected somewhere inside his body. At the same time, what had felt fluid tightened, the strands between each coated critter growing far more solid.

Morgan stroked the top of his shaft near the base, before flexing it again. The first row of critters to be coated were suddenly yanked forward. The turgid rod bent more like its fishing counterpart as the strand reeled in his catch. The horse moaned heavily as the critter from the front row was hefted from ground level to the stage, followed closely by those who had stood directly behind it.

The flared tip of the stallion's black shaft spread to accept the first figure in the chain. The snare had given enough slack between each being that the second was not dragged in until the first's form had fully become a bulge vanishing into the root of the massive horse's loins. Using his free hand, Morgan grasped his shaft above the median ring and pulled, arm flexing to help lift as more and more of the first column of meals went from resting on the ground to dangling from his feeding tip to vanishing into his sac.

This had the side effect of giving the rest of the crowd a better view of the channel along the underside of his shaft bulging with the moaning faces of critter after critter, each one writhing and twisting. They popped past into his unchanging scrotum like a string of rather oblong anal beads.

The stallion hadn't bothered counting, just focusing on finishing the strand. He huffed as the last few critters sucked in faster since far less mass was outside to resist the pull. The critter from the back of the crowd let out a muffled mmph before it too sank into his hungry testes. The glossy black sac bounced and swayed, but no bulges showed. A purposeful press of the mic told the crowd that the dozens of critters just consumed were melting away with audible gurgles and churns.

Morgan panted a bit, his shaft standing straight again... that is, until he gave it another flex. The rod arched down from the force of the sheer mass it was pulling upon from well below the level of his hooves, let alone his hips. The stallion bit his lip and felt the pull deep in his loins causing this row, no less numerous in ensnared prey, to suck into his body faster than the previous.

He panted through his nostrils, rocking his hips back to 'receive' the row as it snapped into his sac like a retracting measuring tape. Morgan rolled them forward again, before the next strand was drawn upon. Individual critters were no longer on his mind, as the chains of seed-ensnared figures turned into a pleasureful, variable texture stimulating the inside of his member and grinding past his prostate on the way to stew into more spunk within his loins.

As the last caught row was slurped away like a grand noodle, Morgan's rod slapped up against his chest from the recoil, no more tethers to keep it in check. He returned the mic to his wobbling, occasionally bulging sac, his pleasured gaze returning to the front row of the crowd.

The remaining mass of the critters in the audience cheered as though he'd just finished a performance. Which, of course, he had.

Morgan soaked up the praise as he focused on liquifying the rest of his treat, the loudspeakers roaring with the churning, gurgling mess, pulsing into a more rhythmic mode that accelerated. As it nearly returned to a constant white noise, the stallion's shaft jolted, the channel on the underside distending from the sheer volume of the first rope of his next orgasm.

Thinking fast, the stallion grasped his shaft just under the flare, grunting as he twisted his hips and aimed far more particularly this time. Morgan's pearlescent seed bent into semi-helixes and transverse curves, splashing down in crossing arcs that all converged to his hips rather than a series of lines disconnected from one another.

Just as before, the critters were pushing at each other to try to get in the path of the heavier, thicker splash-downs of dooming seed, the crowd clamoring for more.

Morgan panted heavily as he came down from his second peak of the day, licking his lips as he brought his mic back up to his lips. "Now hold on. I'm going to go all at once!" His shaft suddenly lurched downward as the strands from each shot grew taut and pulled powerfully. The stallion's hips were tugged forward from the force enough that his tail's strands shot out to grasp onto whatever they could around the stage for extra support.

The curves and twists of spunk over the crowd had crossed enough that as they tightened, they formed a net, ensnaring even those who had not been touched with a single drop. The whole crowd was summarily dragged across the grassy park towards the stage as one. The front of the mass of captured prey, about a dozen critters from the front row, were pressed together, all their heads pointed at the gaping urethra that their bindings were vanishing into.

Each 'bead' of the gathered-up mass stretched the shaft further, until they weren't so evenly lined up anymore, giving the greedy shaft no respite between groups of critters sinking into the stallion's testicles. Morgan trembled, grasping on hard to the mic as his shaft swelled in diameter from the sheer mass he was consuming at once. His eyes rolled up in his head as the pleasure wracked his body.

The drum-set came unmoored from the stage and was dragged summarily up the horse's rump piece by piece by the grasping tail-coils. Amps followed, along with their attached wires. Stage lights yanked free from their racks. Then the very panels of the constructed temporary stage and its supports.

Morgan's shaft twitched and pulled greedily, the end of the net starting to get obscured by the closing slit of his member's maw. The stage failed under his feet as the last of the crowd was finally consumed.

The stallion came out of his feeding reverie to realize that he was laying in an empty park, no sign even that there had been a stage he'd been standing on, apart from the mic held in his hand. He sat up with a groan, feeling the metal in his bowels melting away as his shaft pulsed and throbbed with the pleasure of melting hundreds of lives at once into his seed.

Realizing what had happened, the horse chuckled and tossed the mic into his mouth, swallowing it whole like a candy. He took a moment to take in the afterglow of such a marvelous feeling, before slowly getting up on his hooves. His second course had been wonderful, of course, but his feat got him thinking. He'd stretched his cock out quite a bit getting all those critters in together. The other kinds of things he could fit... He started off across the park.

In the distance the sound of car horns perked his ears. Perfect.

As Morgan's hooves touched down on pavement once again and he began to walk in amongst the buildings of the city, he was starting to see new pedestrians. As the horse strutted along, he'd casually scoop up a critter and slide it down his throat or let his tail grab it to stuff in between his cheeks mid-stride. These were mere treats to keep his predatory high going until he found his third course, marked by the increasing sounds of a traffic jam.

With a swathe of a far emptier sidewalk behind him than on the other side of the street, the stallion spotted the footbridge. There it was. Morgan strutted along, keeping his erection going through plentiful treats all the way up the stairs and onto the span of the bridge.

Below was a heavy traffic jam, near gridlock of cars honking at each other, each with at least one critter inside. It seemed all the cars were on the highway, leaving the streets empty.

Morgan swallowed a pair of critters with a soft groan and stroked his stomach as he reached the midpoint of the footbridge. It had a chain-link fence on either side, the sort of thing to deter jumpers in most cities, but it was lacking any of the signifiers here. No memorials tacked on or hastily made signs to be readable by the cars below, not even a single zip tie on the wires.

Flexing his fingers, the stallion dug a thick digit into the chain-link in front of him, arms swelling with strength as he pulled apart. The fence was rent like fabric, the links in a line up and down from his tug just snapping and leaving it looking almost as if it had been cut. He pulled until the gap was significantly wider than his body, before releasing with a flourish.

Critters on the footbridge stopped to look, which made them easy catches for probing tail-tendrils to be sure.

Even as he continued to feed on individual beings, Morgan set his sight on the cars below, stepping to the edge of the bridge so that his towering spire of an erection jutted forth past the broken fence and over the traffic jam. He grasped onto his shaft with both hands, stroking as he thought about what he was about to do, even as the rest of the footbridge was cleared out by his greedy rump.

The honking stopped in a wave as the critters below realized that the stallion was masturbating, stopping to look. What little movement there was in the traffic jam came to a complete stop as they appeared mesmerized by the sight.

With a bellowing cry, the horse shot a nearly hips-wide stream of heavy seed at fire-hose pressure, lancing above the practical parking lot below in a high parabola. It splashed down in a line, taking up an entire lane of cars ahead of him for at least a quarter mile. The next shot he angled and twisted his hips during, to make up for his inability to move down a lane along the fence. With expert aim, another lane was entirely splattered, along with a sharp turn of the trailing seed along the path of the bridge back to his shaft.

Morgan continued like this until the whole highway had been coated this way, lane-by-lane. He still had plenty to release, but it would be overkill. He grasped around the base of his shaft, grunting as he forced himself to stop. A heavy splatter the size of a can of paint fell straight down and hit the one car he hadn't hit yet in front of his hips dead on.

He panted heavily, trembling as he regained control of himself. He chuckled, that couldn't have gone better if he planned it. His shaft flexed, white cords of hardened seed connecting the tip of his shaft to the mass of automobiles. One, however grew taut. The critter inside the last car let out a yelp of surprise as the whole sedan was lifted off the wheels.

Holding onto the fence with his hands and the bridge itself with his tail, Morgan bit his lip, anticipating the front bumper colliding with his hungry urethra. He let out a wanton groan through his nostrils as it struck, his black member stretching out greatly in order to wrap over the hood and under the front wheels.

The critter inside the car activated the windshield wipers, clearing away enough heavy seed to see what was happening. It blushed deeply, gripping onto the wheel tighter, before its view of the outside world was replaced with rippling black cock.

Feeling the bumper starting to press through the base of his shaft, the stallion rolled his hips, dragging the rest of the cab of the car into his masculinity, soon followed by the trunk and rear wheels. As the last of the vehicle's bulge sank out of view, Morgan's testes lurched downward from the weight landing inside, but swung in place, staying the same apparent size.

The horse's sac gurgled loudly, bassy enough to vibrate the entire footbridge.

Critters who had stepped onto the bridge since he'd finished feeding on every being there stared in awe, most having seen at least part of his penile consumption of an occupied car.

Morgan panted heavily, quivering with pleasure. He licked his lips as he traced the remaining strands connecting his inner shaft to a lane of the highway. His arousal flexed and pulled down in an arc, one strand growing taut with a whipping sound.

The stallion grunted as the weight of car after car started to shift to being supported by his hips. He loved coming to this city to feed. It was always so fulfilling~

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