Selfish Gastrology - Endo

Story by Tristan Hawthorne on SoFurry

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#35 of Patreon Stories

Back to the party boys! I decided I wanted to do a sort of analogue to Bathtub Mixology coming off the Endo ending of Hidden in the Spotlight instead.

Brian and Mads chat in the car on the way home from the party and Brian makes a proposal. Mads is a bit more self-aware in this timeline, considering he isn't a wibbly pile of bleating gel, so there's some more communication before the noms.

Contains: Texting the Guy Sitting Right Next To You, Vore Talk, Hunger, Discussing Feelings, Oral Vore, First Time Pred, Endosomatophilia, Attempted Regurgitation, Compulsive Swallowing, Sucked Into Intestines, Tight Spaces, Calling Someone More Experienced, Oops He's a Switch, Chumby Pred Thot, Discussion of The Kink Trope That This Story Is Built Upon, Nonexplicit Nudity, Tummy Massages, Predly Affirmations For Possessive Tummies, Full Tour, Feeling Empty, More Vore Teasing and That DikDik is Such a Tummy Simp Now.

The endo tag there is because I also made a digestion/sentient fat version of this story here.

This was written for my Patreon! Again, people who pledge $5 or more can vote on polls. $15 or more you can add to the suggestion doc, which is where the ideas that get voted on in the polls come from.

Right now, all unpublished Patreon writing is available to read for Patrons!

If you'd rather have more complete control of my creative output, consider commissioning me! If you'd rather just support me and don't want to commit to a monthly donation, I have a Ko-Fi.

Han stifled a yawn as he drove from the house the party had been at towards his passengers' homes. In the passenger seat sat David, the trim crow bobbing his head idly as he looked out the windows. In the back seats were the two smallest of the group, a ferret named Brian and a dik-dik named Madison.

The diminutive antelope was staring down at his phone, the new contact he'd entered shortly before leaving the party highlighted.

David peeked back over his shoulder and across to Madison. "Hey, I'm pretty sure 'not yet' on calling that guy extends until sometime tomorrow." He chuckled, the flesh at the corner of his beak pulling into a smirk as he returned his gaze forward.

The jackal at the wheel sighed. "I'm sure Mads is fine now..."

With a cawing laugh, the crow tilted his head back in a teasing pose. "Yeah, the whole party knows Mads is 'fine' after that display~"

Brian kicked the back of David's seat and turned his attention to the dik-dik. "Hey, you doing okay?"

Madison was blushing, but he hadn't looked away from his phone while the two in front talked about him.

The ferret looked up and down his smaller friend. The lithe male stood up maybe to Brian's lower chest on a good day, and the ferret was pretty short among anthros. Though Madison was clothed, the mustelid couldn't stop picturing his bare body as it had been shown for much of the party. Well, not technically bare, but exposed. Well. Not exposed either.

The dik-dik had spent most of the party in just his underwear submerged in a gel-tiger's transparent belly.

As he was thinking about this, Brian's stomach let out an empty rumble. He hadn't had much in the way of snacks provided at the party, but that wasn't it. The ferret blushed. He realized he was feeling... predatory. Seeing his friend in someone else's gut... had it made him hungry for the tiny antelope? He blushed, looking away.

The ferret's phone chimed. He dug it out and found a message awaiting him from Madison: "It was just so -safe- in him." After a second another message pinged in. "I know it's weird to say that."

Licking his lips, Brian typed back. "So are you like," He paused, trying to think of a way to put it, before continuing. "gonna try to be prey now?" He tapped send, glancing back over at Madison.

The dik-dik looked pensive, before his hoof-tipped thumbs got to work on the physical keyboard his tiny phone possessed. The message was sent shortly after. "Maybe. I'd have to try a non-goo gut to see if I liked it."

Brian could hear his heartbeat pounding in his ears as he read those words. He swallowed, and then typed rapidly. "Wanna try mine?" He hit send.

Madison spoke for the first time he entered the car. "What?"

The ferret's heart sank at hearing that. Before he could say anything in response, the car decelerated.

Han pulled up to the curb in front of the building that Brian and Madison's apartment was on. "Okay guys, here we are." He shifted into park and looked back over his shoulder.

The pair in the back seat both unbuckled. Brian slipped out his side onto the curb and Madison followed, small enough to walk rather than scoot along the seat.

David unrolled his window, sticking his head out as the ferret closed the car door. "Hey, it's nearly 4 in the morning. You two should sleep in."

The dik-dik huffed a bit at the advice. "Well, I'll try." Madison turned to walk towards the door into the building.

"I'll make sure of it." Brian insisted to David, waving him off. "Sleep well guys." He turned and followed his roommate, catching up easily with his longer legs.

Han waited to see the ferret using a keyfob to buzz the door and open it up before he shifted back into drive. "Night, guys!" He called out, before the car pulled away.

The elevator was already at ground level, so the ferret and the antelope got in together. A button press later and it had closed on them, the feeling of a pneumatic piston driving the tiny box towards the top floor filling the space.

Madison broke the awkward silence. "So, were you just fucking with me or are you really offering your stomach for evaluation?"

Blushing deeply, Brian looked down at the suspicious glare of his shorter roommate. "Well, I've never tried predding but..." He swallowed, fidgeting with his paws in front of his chest. "Seeing you in MK... uh..."

The dik-dik perked up in surprise. "You were jealous of him?"

This elicited a series of stammering vowel sounds from the ferret. He cleared his throat, composing himself somewhat. "N-no. Envious. That's totally different."

Madison crossed his arms, looking unconvinced. "So, you weren't thinking about how I was just gonna go off and be eaten by someone else and not you?"

Brian's stomach growled loudly, causing both in the car to blush. The elevator reached their floor and the doors opened.

The pair lived in an apartment set atop the building with a roof courtyard between the several units. Madison shivered a bit as the windchill was higher up there, blowing right in through the elevator doors. He stepped out and headed towards their apartment.

The ferret followed, awkwardly doing his best to not look down at his roommate as he dug his key out again. He unlocked the front door and opened it, waiting for the smaller male to go through.

Madison walked into the apartment and stopped at the end of the entryway, looking back at the mustelid.

Brian entered and closed the door. He reached up and tapped the thermostat, waking up the heater.

The dik-dik was hopping a bit in place, arms crossed over his chest still... but his eyes were on the ferret's midsection, not his face.

"Uh..." the mustelid blushed a bit.

"Look." Madison started, before looking up to meet his roommate's eyes. "If you've got like, relationshippy feelings for me that's okay. You just gotta tell me."

Brian quivered, his blush growing brighter. He wondered if he might be able to just be a space heater for the smaller male at this rate. "I ah... I didn't think I did until I saw you in MK..."

The tiny antelope furrowed his brow, unconvinced it seemed.

Sighing, the ferret continued. "I saw how much you liked it." He turned his head away bashfully. "I... I wanted to make you feel like that."

Cracking a smile, Madison tilted his head and leaned a bit more into the ferret's field of view. "And you're gonna ensure I sleep in tomorrow? With your gut?"

Brian fidgeted, a whine rolling out his throat as his stomach let out a needy grumble. "I mean.... At our size difference I should be able to get you down easily..."

The dik-dik was silent for a moment that felt entirely too long to the ferret. "You know..." He broke the silence. "I wasn't thinking I'd strip for two different guys tonight."

The mustelid perked up, trembling a bit as his stomach twisted on itself, as if he hadn't eaten in days.

"C'mon... lets do this on your bed." Madison turned and walked past the kitchenette and the living room to the hall to the bathroom and the two bedrooms. He walked past his own bedroom to the ferret's own, peeling his shirt off as he entered.

Brian could feel his salivary glands kicking into a higher gear at the sight. Was he really this hungry, but just for Mads?

The tiny antelope hopped up onto the bed and wriggled out of his pants. He perked, a blush coming to his cheeks as he heard another needy sound come from the ferret's stomach. "Wow... Three times is a pattern... I didn't realize I was that appetizing to you."

Biting his lip awkwardly, the mustelid walked to the edge of the bed. "Uh... how do you want to do this?"

Madison thought for a moment, before standing up on the untidy bedding. "Lay down on your back and open up."

Brian turned and flopped back onto the bed, his cheeks still radiating heat from his incessant blushing. He opened his jaws obediently, looking up at his tiny roommate.

The dik-dik hesitated for a moment, looking down into the fleshy, dripping jaws. It was far different than stepping into a goo's body. Teeth and tongue and flesh and darkness...

After a moment, the ferret had to swallow his accumulating drool, exhaling a waft of humid inner air afterward.

The warmth of the breath washed over Madison, snapping him out of his reverie. He carefully eased one hoof in, trying his best to not put his weight somewhere that would trigger a gag response, before he took his other hoof and stepped fully into the parted jaws. The little antelope wriggled his legs a bit and bleated softly in surprise as the throat engaged around his hooves.

Brian's eyes widened in surprise at the feeling, mind reeling as he unconsciously swallowed again and again. A tremble ran through his whole body, centering at his vociferous stomach as it called out again. He could feel his throat stretching to accept his smaller roommate, tilting his head back further rather automatically.

Madison braced his hands on the bedding above the ferret's head, but the necessity was short-lived. The next swallow dragged his hips into the throat and he lost his hold. He let out another bleat as he was dragged past pearly teeth by the greedy peristalsis, bringing his arms in to his sides quickly.

The mustelid snapped his jaws shut without thinking and swallowed more intently than before. Madison's upper body joined his legs as a bulge, distending the ferret's throat greatly and displacing slightly beneath his collarbone. The remainder of the lump traveled down into his chest on the next swallow and his trim stomach swelled out slightly from the added mass.

Pressed fully into the snug chamber, the antelope oriented himself on his back and rubbed up towards what had to be the front of his roommate's torso. "Well.... Warm, soft and wet... those are similar... it's a lot darker though." The other main difference was the sound: deep, resonant breaths paired with a rapid heartbeat somewhere above his head.

Brian writhed on the bed, his thighs grinding together as endorphins rushed to his mind in bursts of pleasure from each squirming motion within his stomach. He wasn't even aware he could feel things there until he had something that moved on its own tucked away. "Woah..." He murmured.

Hearing that word resonate around him over the thudding pulse, Madison smirked in the dark. He pressed out more firmly, bending one leg and lifting his hoof to shove out with that as well. "You like that?"

He received a loud moan in response, the ferret slumping out loosely as tiny handprints and a hoof distended the fur of his midsection just below the chest.

Madison kept this up for a bit, before relenting. The warmth and soundscape were getting to his up far too late mind. He yawned and settled into a cozy curl. "Yeah... definitely gonna sleep in..."

Brian yawned as well, before sighing contentedly. "T-thanks for letting me do this, Mads..."

The dik-dik kissed a stomach wall lightly. "Night big guy."

The pair drifted off together like this, with the ferret's legs dangling off the end of his bed.

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Brian winced and woke up as the crawling sunbeam finally reached his closed eyes. "Mmmn..." He put one hand over his eyes and sighed. As long as he was awake, he could at least get up.

The first thing off that he noticed was that he was laying sideways on his bed with his legs dangling off the side. The second was that he'd slept in his clothes. The third was only discovered when he moved to sit up. His belly seemed to take up more space than he was used to, complicating the movement. As his paws met the floor, he looked down.

Then he remembered the night before.

Eyes wide and suddenly feeling quite awake, Brian rubbed over the lump in his stomach. "You okay in there?"

Muffledly, the dik-dik let out a sleepy moan.

The ferret let out a sigh of relief, his fingers settling into a less forceful stroke and knead. As he did so, the antelope inside seemed to drift back into sleep fully. Brian smiled warmly, his tail swaying on the bed behind him. He was comfy enough that Mads was sleeping soundly... He eased his weight forward onto his feet, feeling his center of gravity a bit further forward than he was used to.

Brian looked at the clock. It was afternoon. He frowned. "Guess I can't leave you in there all day, Mads..." He kept one paw on his stomach, gently caressing the precious form inside as he made his way down the hall to the bathroom. He took a towel and folded it into a matt to protect his knees from the hard tiling and knelt beside the bathtub. "Sorry, just gonna try to let you out..." He muttered to the likely still asleep dik-dik.

He gently positioned his hands below the bulge in his stomach and eased them upward, while trying to retch. After a few contractions, he felt the form inside him rising. His throat distended gradually from under his collarbone.

Madison drowsily opened his eyes as his face crested the curve of the back of the ferret's tongue, blearily taking in the sight of the bare, cold enamel of the bathtub in front of him. Then, everything abruptly reversed.

Brian's eyes widened as he involuntarily swallowed, stronger than any time he did when initially taking his friend in.

With a startled bleat the dik-dik slid back down, only just audible over the loud gulp.

The ferret rubbed his throat. It felt raw and tingly from the stretching and sudden contraction. "Sorry Mads, I don't know what happened. Let me try again."

The tiny antelope's voice was muffled but still easily understood. "Maybe your gullet realized a cold tub is a bad place to drop a poor defenseless dik-dik!" Madison rubbed outward with his hand-hooves, not seeming all that upset, just a bit startled. "Maybe gimme a splashdown, get a headstart on the bathing I'll need."

Cursing under his breath, Brian reached over to drop the stopper in the drain and then turned on the hot water knob. As he did so, he unconsciously clenched his abs over his passenger, initiating something he hadn't intended at all.

Madison giggled a bit, able to hear the muttered curse easily amongst the music of the ferret's body. The squeeze was pleasant, cradling him, gently pressing him sideways in the small chamber. Pressing his hooves to... a fleshy valve? Before the dik-dik could process what was happening, the entrance to Brian's small intestine had grabbed hold and was starting to clench and pull at the tiny antelope.

The mustelid gasped in surprise, yet another new feeling in his body. He rubbed over his middle. From the outside, it seemed perfectly normal, just Madison having suddenly gotten awfully wriggly and bleaty.

Inside, the smaller male was dragged past his hips into the new passage, his hands slipping at his initial attempt to halt his progress. With them pinned to his waist, he had no recourse, just getting sucked on down. "Brian! I'm going the wrong wa-" He was cut off by his face getting smooshed into the side of the valve.

Brian perked, realizing what that and the new feeling together meant. The ferret moaned out, hips meeting his ankles as he slumped in place. For some reason, feeling Madison writhing deeper in his guts felt... good. Right.

Madison was now fully encased in the tubular flesh of the intestines, the soft walls squeezing and conforming to him far more than the stomach walls had. He was hardly able to wriggle, and he could feel his body being forced to bend to follow the route deeper.

The mustelid drooled a bit, taking in the pleasure for another few moments before something in his mind clicked. "The wrong way..." He sat up on his knees again, looking down at the steaming water. He turned off the faucet and started up the cold water to temper it.

Repeating his process of placing his paws on his lower stomach and retching, Brian tried again. He clenched his abs down, jaws open, trying to loosen his throat.

However, this time, instead of the lump moving up under his ribs to his neck, it curled and twisted slightly lower.

Trying again just seemed to cause a surge in Madison's decent deeper into the winding tunnels below the ferret's navel. He realized he was making it worse after the dik-dik had changed orientations twice more and stopped, kneading over his stomach.

Madison moaned, muffled by further flesh. He trembled... if he didn't know better, he'd think that Brian's body was intent on keeping him no matter what the ferret wanted. It wanted him, and that was enough... he writhed... why did that seem not so bad...?

Turning off the water entirely, Brian got up off the floor, blushing. He kept one hand on his stomach, feeling the wriggling form of his roommate held so tightly by his guts. Why did it have to feel good...?

He panted softly. Brian had no idea what to do in a situation like this. But he thought he might know someone who did.

One time when they were drinking together alone, Han told him that he was a pred. Told him not to tell anyone, but he eats 'cute guys' sometimes. This had led to some drunken teasing about how Brian might fall into that camp.

He dug his phone out of his pocket and navigated to the contacts. Finding Han's number, he dialed.

Han picked up quickly, but his voice was low and a little slurred. "H'lo...? Brian...?"

"S-so, uh..." Brian stammered in a mix of nerves and the waves of pleasure coming from his core. "You know how you said you like..." He swallowed nervously. "Ate cute guys?"

Han sputtered audibly on the other end. "You promised not to tell anyone."

"It's not like that!" The ferret winced. "I have a question about... that sort of thing."

Han's tone shifted from defensive immediately. "I mean, its not like I haven't seriously thought about eating you..."

Brian's cheeks flared up in a blush. He managed to make a few flustered vowel sounds, failing to form proper words.

The jackal laughed at the other end of the connection.

Clenching his eyes shut, the mustelid focused on the matter at hand. "I ate Mads and I can't get him out!" He blurted abruptly.

Han's laughter trailed off quickly. "Wait, for real?"

"Yeah." Brian opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling, leaning back against the wall. "After seeing how much he liked it in MK's goo gut, I wanted to try. Mads said yes." The ferret explained, his hand drifting back to stroke along the shape inside his belly. "I managed to get him back up into my throat, then I just compulsively swallowed. After that he slipped down the other way and is-" His explanation was interrupted by an abrupt moan as Madison made another turn inside him, his stretching motions sending tingles up the ferret's spine.

"Wow, yeah..." The jackal fidgeted with the phone audibly. "Sounds like you've got some selfish guts there."

A whine came from the mustelid's throat next. "W-what does that mean?"

"I'll tell you when I get there. I'm almost out the door." Han explained. "See you soon." He hung up.

Brian let his phone hand slump down to his side. He looked down and tugged his shirt up to address his belly. "Han's on his way, Mads. He's gonna help."

Madison managed another muffled moan as the tube squeezed in on him to wring him even deeper.

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After buzzing Han into the building, it was a short wait for Han to get to the door. Brian opened it for him, blushing a bit still.

The jackal was dressed in different clothes, notably skimpier than he had been wearing to the party, with the cut leaving his chubby belly exposed. He immediately reached to rub the noticeable lump in his friend's stomach.

Brian writhed a bit at the feeling of the hands stroking over his stomach and the shape within.

"Damn, you make a cute pred." Han crooned, a smirk across his muzzle.

Blushing all the deeper, the ferret closed the door. "You said you were gonna help!"

"Right." The jackal reluctantly pulled his hands away. He started to count off on his fingers. "Greedy guts, selfish guts, eat your heart out guts, Possessive Body Syndrome, different people call this different things." Han started into the apartment. "What it boils down to, Brian, is that a pred's emotional state can have a lot of effect on unconscious processes of the body. Especially when those emotions are tied up in your base desires."

Brian followed. "But I don't want Madison to be trapped in me!"

Han pivoted back to Brian and prodded that lump in his stomach meaningfully with a finger. "But you want him yours, deep down."

Madison twitched and murmured. He was barely holding onto consciousness from the sensory overload and the warmth. He managed to parse the conversation going on outside and perked... did... did the guts really actually want to keep him because of that...?

Fidgeting and side-stepping the accusation and the finger, Brian walked into the living room. "How do we get Mads out then?"

The jackal walked over to the hallway. "Well, it can be really hard to get your body to let go of prey when feelings are this intense." Han gestured back towards the bedrooms. "But if I rub your gut while you're on your back, I can knead him the rest of the way through your pipes." He wiggled his fingers meaningfully.

Brian blushed. "Is that all?"

"You gotta be naked, and I suggest a towel under your hips." Han turned and headed back to the bedroom.

The ferret dipped into the bathroom and grabbed the towel off the floor, before following the jackal into his bedroom. He spread the terry cloth out and then stripped out of his clothes from the party.

Han, meanwhile, got up onto the bed on his knees. His posture was confident in a way that showed off his masculine curves as well as his predatory ones. "At the same time, we gotta do some affirmations. Don't want your body deciding I want to steal Mads from you."

Halting with his thumbs in his boxers, Brian perked up. "But I know that?"

The jackal chuckled. "You do, but your body doesn't." Han gestured for the ferret to get up onto the bed. "You can know something logically and still reject it emotionally."

That made sense, somewhat, to the mustelid. Fully bare, he bashfully got up onto his bed and laid down with his hips on the towel.

Han gently lifted Brian's knees to get his spine aligned a bit better, then brought his fingers down to stroke along the bulge writing below his friend's navel. "It's all okay, Mads needs to come out for a little bit." He spoke calmly and soothingly. "He can always come in again later."

Huffing with a blush, Brian turned his head away. "I know..."

Sighing, the jackal continued to rub. "No, repeat that to yourself. Like a mantra." He gave another, more firm press, and the guts around Madison let out a gurgle of gas-exchange as they tensed up in response. "To calm down your guts."

The ferret's eyes widened at the sensation, trembling. He looked back up at Han and nodded. "It's all okay." He took a deep breath, closing his eyes. "Mads needs to come out for a little bit." He focused on relaxing. "He can always come in again later..."

Within the guts, Madison felt the walls become more lax again, even as the pressing fingertips from outside kept squishing the fleshy tube against the top of his head to keep delving him along the path. Worst of all, those words... It was like it was a reassurance to him as well. He could always get eaten by Brian again later? It was oddly soothing, and that realization itself flustered the poor antelope.

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It took a while of constant work, but Madison finally was pressed out onto the towel, covered in intestinal slime.

Han wrapped the towel around him. "If you can walk, I think Brian drew a bath for you."

The dik-dik wiggled his legs, then unsteadily slipped off the bed and made his way towards the bathtub. Somewhere inside Brian he'd lost his underwear as well.

Brian watched him walk off, blushing, before sitting up and feeling his stomach. "I feel so... uh... empty now."

From down the hall there was a splash as Mads apparently jumped in the tub.

Han's stomach let out an empty growl. "Gosh seeing you pred is cute..." He sat down next to the ferret, smirking.

"You're not gonna..." Brian blushed deeper still.

The jackal laughed and patted the bare ferret's shoulder. "Not right now."

The mustelid buried his face in his paws with a bashful groan.

Han chuckled, leaning back onto the bed and bracing his hands behind his head. The jackal listened to the sounds of the apartment, the sloshing and splashing from the bathroom... His own stomach let out a low burble, since he hadn't eaten before showing up. He chuckled. "You know, I wish I had thought to eat Mads first." He said wistfully.

Brian trembled as his stomach let out a loud growl, groaning on for a few seconds.

"Wow," The bigger predator chuckled. "Okay ferret belly... not touching your prey."

To the ferret's further embarrassment, his stomach immediately calmed down.

"Wow." Madison spoke from the doorway, wrapped in a hand-towel with mussed up fur. His cheeks were alight with a bright blush as well. "Your gut really is clingy, Brian..."

Han perked and sat up at the sound of his other friend. "I know, right?" He patted Brian on the shoulder again. "Here I was gonna suggest some group vore sometime, but Brian's belly is getting territorial." He winked at the dik-dik. "I guess if I want to eat you, Brian's gonna have to already be in my stomach, waiting to snarf you up~"

Flustered deeply, Brian flopped backwards onto the bed with a low groan. "Not fair."

At this point, however, Madison was staring at the two predators on the bed, eyes trailing between one belly and the other, cheeks still flushed deeply. He shivered a little... outside was so cold after spending the night in a friend...

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