The Pointy End

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A man hears about a shady deal to get his hands on a prehistoric transformative agent and takes advantage of it to help appease his girlfriend's giant reptile fetish. Just watch where you point that thing!

(M tf Triceratops/Stegosaurus)

Jack slipped around the corners of a narrow alleyway. He has been dating Milly for three years now, and was well aware of her fetish for large reptiles. When she was little she was obsessed with dinosaurs, and even now had a collection of dragon plushies. The organization known as AWE appeared years ago promising their research could help restore extinct creatures, but what they failed to mention is it would come at the cost of human lives. AWE was brought down by the authorities, dashing her hopes of ever seeing one of the great lizards in the real world. Or so most people assumed.

Jack approached a shady figure waiting for him in the laneways. Jack's friend had told him about this shady character who had been scavenging the fallen AWE satellites apparently before the authorities could properly control the crash sites. He had intact AWE prehistorical gene vials.

Jack clutched the wad of bills prepared in his pocket. "What have you got for sale?"

The man looked him up and down a moment, hidden entirely in a shabby tattered cloak. "Right now, herbivores and some very small carnivores... I doubt you came to me looking to become smaller though."


"Mmmm, yes... are you sure you want to go THAT big? You will no longer fit inside of a building. Heck you might not even fit on a road- if you use it while inside of the city you will cause some severe property damage. I mean, I get your money either way so it is your call- I don't care if you flatten the place."

"How about... Triceratops? It has those badass horns."

"About two meters tall and nine meters in length, if your apartment has high roofs you might actually fit indoors- barely." The man opened the cylinder case he was carrying- it hissed and billowed out frozen mist as he removed a single vial from a collection. "Problem is- the sequence is hybrid. There was a complete genome for triceratops but I was unable to scavenge it before the... 'authorities' stole it. This one is half triceratops and half stegosaurus. Prorsus and Ungulatus sub-species, specifically."

"Same cost?"

"Yup, they are all the same price."

Jack tossed him the wad of bills and the man carefully removed the cork from the vial and replaced it with a syringe tip, locking it in place and then handing it to Jack. "Use it when you are already at home or the pigs will just wrangle you up before you can get anywhere to do anything in your new form. It works extremely fast."

When Jack returned to his place, Milly was giddy with joy when he told her what he had found. He left out the part about how much it cost him- but honestly for what it does and how exceedingly rare something like this is, the price was actually insanely low. With AWE no longer around, there was only a few surviving vials in the entire world- not to mention the extreme difficulty in getting the DNA sequences from creatures that had died aeons ago in the first place. The two of them had a romantic dinner to celebrate; both eager to try out their find. Milly was looking forward to it because she loved giant lizards, and Jack was eager to please her- he also wanted it for a power high. Dinosaurs are huge and powerful; he wanted some of that too. Milly got undressed and crawled onto his huge round bed waiting for him. His bedroom was quite large so he had no doubt he would still fit after transforming. His place was only one floor, but it was still quite large and was built on a cliff overlooking most of the city. Me smiled as he approached the bed, Milly had legs for days and was showing them off to him to lure him in. Jack stuck himself with the syringe and pressed the button. It made a soft hissing sound as it pressurized the vial attached to it and used the pressure to fire the liquid into him.

He felt a sort of tingling like his left arm was falling asleep, but as it moved into his shoulder and then torso and spread out he got goosebumps from the subtle movement. The feeling seemed to concentrate into his spine making him shiver a bit from the odd feeling. His spine started to swell larger- the bones becoming larger and more dense- this pushed his ribs forward more and caused pressure around her sternum as well as his shoulders and hip where the spine linked to the rest of his bodily structure. Pressure built from both the bone and muscle in his lower back as his tail bone started to extend into an actual tail. The new muscle structure branched from existing muscles- so he felt the movement through the surrounding area as well. All the muscle movement and growth generated heat, making his lower back and forming tail pleasantly hot. Cartilage started to build up around his vertebrae, causing his spine to project further and form a stiff ridge down his back. Jack could not see it himself obviously, but turned to the side for Milly so she could observe it projecting out more to see that the Neocells were doing their job.

Cradled at the base by a dense cartilage ridge, bone spurs started to form; growing through the skin over them and pushing it out as they expanded rather than tearing the skin after the fact- so they caused no bleeding. Spurs evolved into disks, and then into diamond shaped plates. At this point both his shirt and the upper parts of his pants were standing up off of him some distance. He wore nothing on his feet and had no underwear on but he left his shirt and pants on deliberately. He wanted to outgrow them, to feel his body become too much for them to contain. Jack wanted to feel the power of his new body and being uncontainable by his clothing was step 1. The plates were not at all sharp, so they stretched the fabric away from him but did not break through.

Jack made some stuttered moans as he was caught up in the feeling of his tail getting bigger, and meatier. The muscle growth and formation basically made it impossible for him to control as it was growing- the muscles contracted erratically causing the tail to curl and uncurl entirely on its own through reflex. As the base expanded, it stretched his anus horizontally and the thickening meat from his pelvic floor caused his testicles to suddenly pop back inside of himself! They ached a bit for a moment as his ball expanded while inside of himself- and automatically forced themselves to slide deeper inside because of a lack of space. His actual pelvis started to expand outward. The bone itself became thicker and slowly started to grow in size, but its shape also branched several times. Two narrow 'wings' grew from the front, causing the base of his dick to shift further back. It drew up inside of him as the skin at the base thickened and it joined into his anus, creating a cloaca where his hip and tail met. Due to the size of their genitals, most reptiles stuff the mass into the bottom base of their tail.

Jack's spine started to get longer, pulling his body longer, making it very hard for him to stand. He leaned forward heavily, teetering a bit as he attempted to keep his balance. The growing mass of his tail was actually the only reason he was able to continue standing at all- the tail acted as a counter weight. His thumbs started to regress- the bones getting softer and shrinking- the same was true for the large toe on each foot. The remaining four digits however swelled in size and length, forcing them to space out better, and the flesh on the palm of his hand and the sole of his feet swelled up, forcing Jack to stand with more of his weight on the front of his feet only. Another rounded bone wing grew forward from the top of the pelvis to help brace his midriff better, allowing him to keep his balance slightly better. His rib cage extended now as well as his spine, but he still had a good distance of midriff. This took after the stegosaurus more than the triceratops- stegosaurus have narrow ribs much higher up, while a triceratops' huge rib cage covers most of their underbelly- their stomach area projects rather than sinks inward.

Jack was loving this feeling of changing. He could feel the anticipation of growth in his bones in stuttered pulses before his muscle grew and stretched his skin outward, creating a gentle pleasure as it tickled the nerves. The nervous system was not really programmed to pick up on rapid growth, but since the input was not harmful to the body it was interpreted as pleasure. Once his muscle and skin swelled outward, the bones groaned and increased in size. The bone plates on his back grew even larger and finally pulled the shirt too tight in the back and tore it in half! Jack moaned loudly with a smile on his face as the shirt finally gave up. The plates on his back still were not even remotely sharp, but they were narrow and very, very large. Each one shaped is like a kite. The plates link by cartilage, the bone itself does not directly connect to the spine- so they are actually not that solid. They act like a minor deterrent to predators, but their primary purpose was actually thermoregulation- as stegosaurus are cold blooded. Their array of plates basically act like solar panels- and during mating season, a point of pride.

The veins in his neck suddenly swelled and became rock hard with pressure, causing his vision to turn blue from pressure being his eyes. His heart beat several times much louder than normal and swelled in size in his growing chest. Now fed with much more oxygen, the muscles in his neck swelled pulling on his back, which then caused his neck to grow both wider with muscle and longer with new vertebrae. Jack turned when he felt a pinching sensation and seen four fat bulges on the end of his tail on either side- eight in total. The pinching feeling increased to a stabbing sensation for a moment as eight spikes emerged from each bulge! Once they broke the skin the pain was removed and replaced with a sensation more akin to scratching an inch as the bone slid further out of the skin! The spikes grew out wide with a soft upward arch, and became very long, very fast. Unlike the plates on its back, these were a stegosaurus' actual weapon. Their tails are very long, muscular, and in spite of their length, the vertebrae in their tail are actually relatively small- which means their tails have a lot of flexibility. They can whip their tails very quickly and with a lot of force, allowing them to use the massive spiked end like a brutal maul to impale would-be predators hard enough to puncture bone.

Jack started to groan and moan loudly at the bizarre feeling of his skull changing shape. While his entire body and head had already been growing- his brain actually shrank a bit. Both triceratops and stegosaurus have extremely tiny brains compared to their body size. They follow an early version of the herd mentality- to the point where they will preform actions simply because others around them are- not because they have any idea why they are actually doing it. His voice became distorted and deep, with an almost hollow tone to it as his nostrils expanded. His face pushed out rather quickly, stretching his top and bottom jaw. The bridge of his nose became less defined against the rest of his face as it pushed out under it; equalizing the two. As his jaw extended though, his back teeth grew larger and a gap formed between back and front teeth. His skull was extending backwards at the same pace too though- the top and sides stretching backward to form a crest. The skin on Jack's face felt so incredibly tight, so his mouth hung open during this- tensing any of the muscles in his face was too much pressure on his skin. So much so that the tightness left no room for hair follicles, causing his human hair to fall out from back to front as the crest continued to expand.

The crest growing off the back of his skull was solid bone, and the very base of it actually started from the sides of the skull, down by the hinge of his jaw. As the crest grew larger, so did the muscle operating his jaws- giving his bite some extreme chomping strength. To make his bite even more brutal- the top and bottom jaw were different sizes! While his teeth were flat, the bottom fit inside of the teeth on the upper jaw, so the sharp edges of his teeth passed over themselves like the blades of a pair of scissors! The edge of the massive bone frill grew smooth bone knobs that formed through the skin due to how tightly it was wrapped around the massive extension. It was so large, if he raises his head, the crest completely covers his extended neck- shielding it entirely from harm. His eye sockets became stretched as his skull moved forward, causing indentation in front of them to appear which helped him better look down the increasing length of his face. Jack's ears regressed to a dish shape, then to just a ridge, and finally to nothing more than a simple hole.

The shape of his skull better matched a stegosaurus- small and very long and narrow. The features growing from the skull however were very much still triceratops. When his stego face finished forming, another surge of growth filled it! The surge traveled down his face and built quickly in its end, which then flared huge at the nostrils! His nostrils grew in size, causing him to reflexively breath in large, quick breaths and caused his lungs to swell in size. The end of his face became diamond shaped, and the top point especially grew up- becoming more narrow and more sharp. The front teeth that had distanced themselves from the rest now fused to his lips! His lips started to harden, making properly pronouncing any human words virtually impossible. The lips formed a hard ridge which joined into the hardening and darkening end of his face. The tiny bottom jaw hooked up, and the large upper jaw hooked down- forming a large sharp beak at the end! Triceratops were only able to eat plants low to the ground- but had extremely strong jaws and their beak and brutal tooth arrangement allowed them to eat hardened plants other species would be completely unable to process. Rather than compete for food, they found food little else was able to eat in the first place.

The ridge on Jack's nose started to grow out fully through the skin as an almost blade-like horn. At first it almost looked as though his eyebrow ridge was growing, but it was a separate growth in the bone just over them, forcing the hair of his human eyebrows out now. The ridge went from back to front and lanced the skin quickly, creating a sharp but short lived pain. They grew into two horns, then two huge horns like a long-horn cow... and then they grew even larger than that! Jack was quite surprised, thinking they would have stopped and yet did not. They grew past the length of his face and kept going! They were like two jousting lances strapped to either side of his face! A fact many people miss; a triceratops' horns may look quite big in a museum- that is just the bone core of the horns. The very base of the horn, not the horn itself. The horn itself is MUCH larger than that.

With a hollow, rumbling moan Jack finally fell all the way forward as his body became far too bulky to stand on two legs. The bottom of his feet swelled larger, forcing his weight forward till it properly squished out. Now he was standing on his tip-toes, while also fully resting on his soles as well! Like the foot of an elephant, it has fully formed digits but the foot around it is so thick with stiff, hardened flesh that you cannot outwardly see any part of its digits other than its nails along the outside of its pillar-like limbs! The rest of his leg started to bulk up to match its girth, causing his pants to slide further down from where his tail already shoved it down, and then the material caught and overfilled, bursting apart down either leg and falling away finally. This exposed his oddly twitching cock for Milly who now sat up, eyes locked on it in fascination.

Jack's cock was getting thicker at the base, and was now a shade of bright pink. The more tender flesh inside of his foreskin was now basically his entire shaft- he no longer had a foreskin. His shaft almost looked like it was slowly squirming, the growth inside and the surface flesh did not align perfectly, causing surges of growth to force it to bend this way and that before catching up and straightening back out. As it expanded though the glans became stretched into obscurity- the ridge of the corona lost against the rest of the shaft. It became a lot wider than it did long though- in length it was only about a foot right now but in width it was as big around as a 2L bottle of soda. Then they both seen a shift in shape. The urethra had closed up at the end- the indentation was there but there was no actual hole in the end! The indentation started to get deeper and suddenly the more solid structure of the inner shaft branched, yanking the end in two different directions! The forked end got more severe- the divot between the two progressing down but stopped before it got to the base. At the very base, his cock was still a single unit, but the urethra still split all the way down and back- each urethra lead to a different testicle. The split portion alone now grew much, much longer, but remained the same width as the base of them divided by two. His cock became three feet long- three and a half if you include the base! The less mobile a creature is, the longer its dick needs to be to make up for it. Like most reptiles, Jack now had a hemipene, shaped almost exactly like a tuning fork!

His legs continued to expand, and his arms now did the same. Jack watched his hands as his fingers lost mobility- his palms swelled larger till they rest on the ground, and the shape of his hands vanished entirely, leaving only the large blunt nails exposed at the end. His nails all became more solid white as they thickened, but their shape actually did not change all that much from human- they are just a hell of a lot larger and thicker. It almost felt like someone was picking him up by his rear end and trying to make him do a front-roll. His legs and arms were not at all expanding at the same rate. A stegosaurus has much shorter front limbs than it does back- but because its rear legs better match a triceratops, that is also where the most overlap occurred! A triceratops has bones almost twice the size and density as a stegosaurus does, which only caused his legs to expand even bigger than they were already going to get! His thighs became massive! All four of his limbs were like pillars now, but the back legs were absolutely massive, but not with fat. They are tremendously heavy creatures but had an estimated run speed of about 65mph. The amount of force they would transfer by running into you with that much weight, at that speed, is already more than enough to kill a human instantly even without any horns or spikes.

Jack's steep posture was causing blood to pool in his head and make him dizzy- his ass was high in the air and he could not stand on two legs to fix it that way. His spine groaned with pressure and started to get longer again! The spine of a stegosaurus is a very large arch. This caused the plates on his back to expand still larger, and it also put his front and back legs further apart, making the slope between back and front more gradual, allowing his heart to equalize blood pressure. The gigantic kite-shaped plates on his back were so large that they overlapped, and since they grew from the same place (the spine) this caused them to alternate which direction they leaned in; right, left, right, left, etc.

Jack's flesh started to change coloration, and bubble up, stiffening into scales. It did not all grow in equally however. Most of his body was covered in pale brown, perfectly round scales. These were broken up by large hexagonal scales however every so often down its side which had a long fleshy thorn-like protrusion. This anomaly would evolve into the base of a quill for feathers on some sub-species, but the triceratops specifically would never evolve far enough for this to happen to itself and the stegosaurus had no such adaptations at all. On his underbelly however, the scales projected further and became more solid- like bone rather than hard rubber. The underbelly scales developed into scutes, similar to the hide of a crocodile! The coloration on its scales transferred to the plates on its back as well but the brown was darker, and each plate had a red ring on its side! On his face, the end of his face turned black where it hardened into the beak. The crest on his head however looked like someone spilled red and white ink on it! The brown, white, and red skin formed almost tie-dye patterns across the crest. While it did protect the neck from predators- the predators would not take long to simply attack somewhere other than the neck, making its usefulness as a defense rather negligible. What the crest was primarily used for was flagging mates- the vibrant colors were to attract others of its kind. And like modern cattle and deer- while its horns can be used easily to ward off predators; what they end up being used for more frequently is to lock horns with others of its kind to fight over mates. With scutes protecting its underbelly and plates on its back; this hybrid could only be effectively attacked along its sides- the entire rest of its body was armored, and being at its side put you into the attack range of its tail! Jack has completed his evolution into a Tristegosaurtops!

He lumbered over to the bed- shaking the entire house with each footstep. He was extremely heavy, but had plenty of muscle so while he looked very bulky; Jack was still able to move perfectly fine. He liked the feeling of swinging his brutal tail around, but had to be careful not to hit anything with it; the eight spikes on its end were not for show. He put one hand up on the bed and then ended up falling forward and shoving down on the bed with his large head to keep it down! As soon as he put weight down with his hand he almost flipped the entire bed over himself because of the weight, and had to use his head to hold it in place to he could climb onto it without catapulting Milly across the room! He sunk so far into the bed he was surprised the frame did not just explode out from under them. The fabric trying to push back up under him, between his legs made getting under him too difficult though. Beds were not built for dinosaurs. Milly told him to flop on his side so she could have access, and as soon as he did the entire bed flipped along with him! Jack flopped over onto his right side, causing the left side of the bed to stand straight up into the air, tossing the bedding over them and causing Milly to fall onto his side.

She laughed when the initial surprise wore off and told him to just stay like that. She rolled off his side and fell between his legs- so although the bed was standing up; Milly was between him and the bed. His giant prehistoric cock became erect from its changes, and remained erect from his power high and pleasurable changes. She bent it outward a bit by its base and then scoot herself down- pressing her right boob into the crook between shafts! His cock was now cradling her breast from below! She took his right shaft into her mouth, and the left shaft into her right hand, while grabbing the united base with her left hand. He grunt, gusting hot hair out around her. Jack's moans and grunts were very deep and hollow sounding because of the size of his nostrils. He could not grip her with hands anymore, but still clutched her in a sort-of hug, holding the sides of her body with his front limbs. He was careful to let her do most of the work because she was sooo tiny compared to him now. He brought his tail around and penetrated her pussy, surprising her from below! In this position the spikes on the end of the tail faced away from her, and there was enough bare length on the end to get several inches into her! When he thrust his tail into her soft pussy, she involuntarily bent further forward which pressed her boob down firmer into the crook of his twin dicks! The pleasure of getting a blowjob, titfuck, and handjob all at the same time sent him over the edge real quick. Till that moment, they had both forgotten his balls had gotten considerably larger since retreating deeper into his torso. Without any evolutionary tricks to help fertility, they simply used volume. Each stream of cum from either shaft lasted a full second on its own, and there was nearly twenty, with only a fraction of a second between each blast! Milly swallowed a bit, but it still overflowed her mouth and filled her cleavage with a pool of prehistoric sperm, and the other shaft painted her shoulder and the bed beside her!

The two of them curled up and fell asleep like that- too tired from all the excitement and sex to bother trying to clean up for now. Jack was big and powerful like he had always wanted to be, and now Milly finally had her giant lizard boyfriend she had always fantasized about! Their fun with this wasn't going extinct any time soon.

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