Lactose Tolerant

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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The owners of Farlane Ranch no longer need some of the old equipment they secretly used to cow-ify each other one milky summer and have called on a friend to help get rid of it. Their friend Kerry does not know what it was used for and accidentally gets a little bit of the potion on herself. Oh well, it was a tiny bit, what could possibly go wrong, a little bit of cow? Oh wait, that potion was well past its expiration date...

(F tf Cow mutations, M tf Bull mutations)

Kerry had reddish-brown hair that cascaded down to her chest, though was actually a good bit longer if you pulled it straight. When she was little it used to be very curly, but as she grew it out longer; it was pulled straighter by its own weight and just made it wildly wavy. She had pretty dark brown freckles as she spends a lot of time outdoors, and sunlight really brings them out. Her boyfriend Devon likes to find 'constellations' among them, connecting the dots in his head. Today her dark blue eyes were on the road as her truck kicked up a cloud of dust behind it two meters high! There was pavement under her... somewhere. You could not see it under all the dirt. This was outside of the city already, on a steep slope up and out to the country surrounding it. Her friend Maggy Farlane wanted a hand getting rid of some old equipment, and Kerry was the only one she knew with a truck.

A man Kerry did not know was waiting beside a pile of some pretty advanced looking alchemical equipment, at the end of the lane leading into Farlane Ranch. He waved her over and explained he was a temporary worker at the ranch, Mike. Maggy runs Farlane Ranch with her sisters Mae and Mary, then Mary's daughter Molly and her friend Mike help. Maggy walked out to talk to Kerry while Mike did most of the lifting to get the equipment into the back of the truck.

Maggy crossed her arms. "Are you sure you can do this on your own? I figured your squeeze Devon would be with you to help..."

"He will be off work by the time I get to the Null Zone Dump if I really need a hand."

Arcane and Alchemical materials cannot be disposed of normally because they would contaminate the environment- and in the case of magical items, the spell effects can overlap or meld together and create unstable and violent results. For this reason there is a Null Zone at the very back of the Arcane University's land. Mana conduits create an energy dead-zone where magical effects can no longer function. Maggy already explained the canisters in some of the equipment she was handing off to Kerry to get rid of still had some old potions in them, so she cannot simply drag the equipment off the truck bed and dump onto the ground, or the canisters will rupture and she could get sprayed with remnant potion. Devon was at work still so Kerry did not want to bother him. How bad could old potion effects be anyway- especially if she doesn't ingest any of it? What Maggy did not tell her however is what these potions were made for. Farlane Ranch was struggling when the three sisters inherited it from their father. To get it up and running while they were still trying to gather more cattle, the sisters teamed up and created a transformative potion to give them cow traits- giving them extreme lactation capacity. They milked themselves till they had enough cows to milk instead!

Kerry would have liked to stay and chat, but she did not want to be late for dinner and she still had to take this to the dump. It was late afternoon, and she was in the country side right now- the university was in the middle of the city, and the dump on the far side of that! Maggy waved to her as she drove off, a look of concern in her eyes still though. Even she did not know what would happen if Kerry was not careful and got some on her in spite of Maggy's warnings. The potion was well past its expiration date- whatever effects they originally held would no longer be functioning properly.

Kerry sighed as she drove back into the city, finally losing the massive trail of dust behind her. She would need to take the truck to a car wash tomorrow- driving on the country roads painted it in dirt. It was surprising the Farlane sisters took charge of the ranch; they are not really country folk by trade. Aside from running the ranch, Maggy is a skilled Alchemist, Mae is a Mage of the Arcane University, and Mary is a top grade chef in a classy restaurant. The ranch had a good plot of land though- which meant each sister could set up their own building to practice their individual arts even on their off-time. Kerry pondered calling Devon on her cell phone but decided against it. If he came to help her in the car, then they would both get home at the same time and have to eat dinner late. Kerry backed the truck up into the Null Zone, feeling a slight tingle as she passed through the barrier. Because the mana is being redirected out of the zone- the area immediately outside of it actually has extremely high energy levels. She started to struggle to pull some of the equipment off though. Kerry watched Mike do it and it looked easy then! He must be as strong as a bull. The worst was a canister compressor that had stopped working from lack of use. There was still one empty and one almost full canister inside but Kerry could not remove them! They had been there for so long the top had started to rust, basically fusing it to the machine- she wasn't strong enough to separate them. Well... with the canisters still lodged in it, it was too heavy to lift. She dragged it to the edge of the truck bed and then yanked it forward while jumping to the side to toss it into the pile of junk. Well, there. That was the last of it anyway. Kerry went to get back in the truck and felt a chill from the slight wind. Looking down she noticed there was moisture on her shirt- on top of her left breast! Was that spilled potion? It could just be condensation from the outside of the equipment. She better have a shower when she gets home just in case. She felt a strong tingle there when she left the Null Zone, but passed it off as just being paranoid. She did not understand that the potions were crafted with both alchemy and arcanistry... the high energy atmosphere around the null zone super-charged it.

She was nearly home when her left boob started to tingle a bit. It was mostly toward her nipple, and it became erect on its own, while her right nipple remained soft. Devon greeted her as she came home, but she was quick to march right past him and tell him she needed a shower, badly. Dinner was already prepared, but Devon would have to keep it warm for her. Kerry did not want to take any risks from some expired potion. She was so quick to toss her outfit off and into the laundry she did not even notice the area that had been wet became bleached! The color was drained out of some areas and condensed into others to turn darker and lighter... in a pattern similar to a Holstein cow. When she got into the shower Kerry immediately noticed her left breast was looking a bit pink, and the nipple felt tender. Great- it must have been old potion, its irritating her skin. She made sure to scrub it down first. The heightened sensitivity made her moan as she rubbed her water-slick tit over. It felt like there was a heat building up inside of it, and it felt more firm than her other breast! She tried to move on once it was clean to the rest of her body, but her hand kept migrating back to flick or tug the one insistently erect nipple. She took it between her index and thumb and rolled it while squeezing, moaning at the feeling. Her eyes went wide as she felt it actually fight the pressure applied by her digits! She looked down and seen her left nipple was larger! Longer and thicker than it should be! She let go of it for a second but after a moment it pulsed and an itchy tingling entered it as the nerves were stretched further- her nipple expanded even larger before her eyes! She grabbed it and yanked on it to relieve the feeling inside, and the tingling itch converted to warm, radiant pleasure! She tugged on the overly large nipple so aggressively that her entire boob wobbled forward and back under it. Because the weight was rocking back and forth, she did not notice it increasing. Her actual breast was very slowly swelling in size as well. The left now quite noticeably larger than the right. Her pussy clenched and her legs trembled a bit, forcing her to brace against the wall so she did not slip in the wet tub! It was then she finally looked at her breast in comparison to the other and gasped at the clear effect. It looked almost two cup sizes larger, and the nipple was as fat as her pinky finger and a full inch long at least!

Once out of the shower she tossed on her oversized night shirt and nothing on her lower body- groaning at the obvious lopsided chest and her erect nipple tenting the fabric on only one side. She tied her hair up for the night and returned to the kitchen. Devon heard her coming and set out the food finally, but then froze in shock as she actually entered the room.

Kerry held out her arms, presenting herself. "Well, that mad scientist of a friend really did it this time."

"W-what... happened?"

"I got a tiny bit of that old expired potion on my shirt and now one boob is all swollen. It doesn't hurt... maybe it will just go back to normal in a while."

Kerry unintentionally sat crooked at the dinner table, trying to subconsciously cause the fabric to equalize on her chest she kept turning to the side, but obviously that did not help. Halfway through the meal she nearly dropped her fork when she realized she was still changing! It looked like her arm was still wet at first, but it had a silvery sheen to it! It was actually tiny white hairs growing on her forearm... the fur of a cow coming in!

Devon was quite worried too. "Well... w-how? There is no such thing as a transformation potion."

Kerry groaned. "No... but Maggy's sister Mae is a Mage from the Arcane University. The potion could still be used as a medium to transfer a spell through. And there ARE transformation spells."

"Well we have to get a hold of the university then!"

"The potion was expired and unstable... and something tells me it wasn't sanctioned by the university in the first place. The university would have to diagnose me to figure out what caused this before they could reverse it."

"Then call Maggy!"

Kerry clicked her tongue. "They don't have a phone, they live off the grid. I can drive out there tomorrow and see her. I only got a tiny bit on my shirt so I can't imagine it would be able to do much to me anyway. That is why it only happened to one side of my chest- the spill was on my left tit. As disconcerting as it is, it is also a bit of a relief to see what it is doing to me. I would rather have a temporarily lopsided rack than be turned to stone or Gods know what else."

As the night progressed, her changes did too- thought very slowly. The fur grew in so gradually she did not feel a thing, she just kept surprising herself when she would glance down at her left arm and see it still thicker. It grew on her forearm first, then on her shoulder, then the two patches gradually expanded to meet. Her shoulder the fur grew slightly longer and was the same red-brown as the hair on her head, but then turned white abruptly on the arm below it. When it reached her wrist it started to turn brown again. Devon fell asleep before she did. Kerry often remained up longer to read before sleeping so she was sitting up in bed with a small reading light on. She is left handed, so had to change what hand she naturally held the book in when it started to deform! She tried to muffle her grunts from the feelings so she would not wake up Devon and worry him. Her hand was stretching longer! Brief groans followed by dull snaps sounded off, muffled through the skin. The bones started to swell larger and press into one another. Her pinky and thumb however did not move with the rest of the hand. The nails started to get thicker, becoming increasingly darker grey the thicker they got, and started to stretch and deform the tips of the digits they attached to. Her thumb and pinky stretched much wider but did not change size- so they were also forced to be much shorter, and the multiple bones just smushed into one. They had regressed into dew claws! It looked like the rest of her hand would turn into the other half of a cloven hoof too, but it stopped. The bones in the hand were squished together but did not fuse, and her three remaining fingers did not change in any way- they were still fully human. She did not get enough of the potion on her to advance any further. It may just be her imagination, but her left boob looked bigger now too. It did not project any further off her chest, but it was rounder and much firmer.

Kerry fell asleep, laying at first on her left side to face off the bed like she normally would. This also rest her much larger boob on the bed; if she sat on her right her large left breast would flop over her smaller boob. Though the effects of the potion had exhausted themselves, her transformation very slowly started to resume while she was asleep somehow. In her sleep she did not have conscious restraint and she gently rocked her torso slightly, so her swollen boob would drag gently on the mattress below. Her left nipple swelled even larger, becoming now as fat as her thumb, and turning more red rather than the powder brown they naturally were. Her areola started to swell outward into a soft hill of their own, and her breast grew slightly larger still. A hard bulge grew under the skin at her left temple and the artery in her neck on the left side only swelled larger. Her ear started to change structure, becoming wider and twice as much in length. It became elven, and then the base tightened and throbbed as new muscles formed to allow it free movement. As it started to grow larger and more leaf shaped she groaned softly in her sleep and flipped herself over so it wouldn't be pinned under her head. This however caused her enlarged breast to flop over a bit- though not very far because of how taught it is. Instead of slapping over the other side of her chest, it bounced a bit and white beads formed on the huge nipple. It was full of milk. By the time her left ear stopped growing it was as large as an adult male human hand- from wrist to fingertip.

Devon woke her up in the morning in a panic- Kerry was still asleep and blissfully unaware of what happened while she was resting.

"It is getting worse! You are half cow!"

She glanced at the mirror on the back of the bedroom door. "More like a quarter cow, but yea." She cupped her left boob with her deformed partial hoof-hand and winced at the pressure inside. "Ugh..."

"Get dressed, I am driving you to Maggy right away! You can't drive the truck in that state."

"I can't go anywhere yet. I need to milk myself before I explode like a water balloon!"

Kerry dashed to the bathroom, holding the swollen boob to keep it from jostling around. It was pulled so tight over the load of milk held within that it almost felt like a muscle cramp. Her shirt was also soaking wet! She did not even notice the puddle she left on the bed overnight, since it was the same temperature as her skin. Kerry pulled her shirt up and rest it on top of her breasts as she tried to grasp her breast but couldn't use her left hand. The deformed hand was great at cupping and holding the breast, but lacked the motor skills to grasp or tug on the teat. Kerry thought the pink hue to the breast was it blushing from the attention it was getting but it was still just as pink now- it was her actual skin color. She had to reach across with her human hand. In spite of its size, the teat was hard to grasp because the milk was brute forcing its way out already so it was slick with moisture and made it hard to grip. The teat had never stopped being erect, but as it expanded in size it became softer because there wasn't enough blood pressure there to erect something that large. It was extremely easy to get the milk out at least; every small motion the left breast had forced more out. She was feeling starved though, and was almost tempted to drink her own milk, but there was nothing to put it in to drink out of and her breast was far too tight with internal pressure to roll the teat up to where she could suck on it herself. The reason she was so hungry in the first place is the milk- her body needs material to make it out of, which caused it to burn through its reserve calories very quickly over night. It felt so good to milk herself though! Pulling on the teat felt good, but the flow of milk through its insides also brushed her pleasure nerves as it flowed- so the nerves were getting played from both sides at once! The cramped pressure also went away and the breast softened. It had been so tight that the pours were pulled smooth making it look wet even were it was still dry. Once it relaxed, it went from a perfect bubble of fat on her chest into a tear shape as the heavier mass settled at the bottom and it went from firm to squishy and rubbery again.

Kerry was very nervous as she watched the milk flowing out of her, but it had nothing to do with her massive boob- and everything to do with her small boob. When she looked in the mirror to start milking the first thing she noticed before she even started was that her regular sized breast's nipple was bigger than it should be and the skin there was pink! As she milked herself, her right breast started to grow! How on earth was she still transforming from a single dollop of potion that soaked through her shirt first before even touching her? She felt the skin on her forehead tightening too, and by the time the tension in her milking breast lessened enough for her to look up at it, it popped out of the skin! A small stumpy horn broke through, creating a single drop of blood that traced a dark line down her face. The horn itself pulled the skin tight around the base so it was unable to bleed any more than that- and the blood vessels re-routed soon after as part of the change anyway. While looking at that she noticed her one cow ear too and groaned. By the time she was able to let her left breast relax and stop milking herself, her heart jumped at the sight of a bubble at the bottom of her right breast! What the hell was that, a tumor?! No, its squishy just like her boob. As it continued to grow out, a stiff area appeared at the front and started to swell out separately. Once it stuck out two centimetres she realized it was a forming nipple! The bubble at the bottom is turning into another breast! But its fused to the one above it so... she was growing a two segment udder on one side of her chest, and a twice large breast on the other side? Good lord, she isn't turning into a cow, she is turning into a freak.

She glanced into the bedroom from her seat by the bathtub she was milking herself into but Devon was not there. He was likely waiting at the side door in the kitchen or already in the running truck waiting for her. When Kerry went to get up her hand cramped suddenly and caused the strength to leave her arm, making her tumble to the floor! She lifted her hand and seen her thumb and pink compacting into themselves as her nails evolved into small, solid cones of keratin! Her right hand was quickly joining the left! It was devolving into hooves faster though, and this time it did not stop! Her three fingers turned into two very simple digits capped with hoof segments as her hand fully turned into a cloven hoof! She grew a few cow hairs around the very top but then it stopped. So her right arm remained furless, and her left hand still had three fingers. She was incredibly miss-matched. She could feel a slight itch at the base of her horn too, and knew that it was slowly growing longer too.

Kerry met Devon in the kitchen, who proceeded to freak out over her continually degrading condition. "Come on, I will get you there and Maggy will fix you up I am sure."

Kerry did not go to the door though- she went to the fridge. "My stomach hurts, Dev. The transformation is trying to steal body mass to feed the overclocked milk production. If I don't eat something it will start dissolving my body's fat reserves and it could knock me out completely."

Kerry started ravenously shoveling everything she could find into her mouth, and Devon seen that it would not be enough. He started to rummage quickly for something more for her to eat. To save money; they buy those huge noname brand cereal bags that are as big as a human torso- he handed her that and she started to eat the dry cereal out of the bag. However, while the food replenished her body- her transformation still wanted its cut of the deal. Her left breast was quickly filling with milk again, sitting higher and higher on her chest as it filled and started to pull taught again. Now though, her right breast... udder... thing, started to also fill with milk! The two segments of the udder were a bit larger than her former breast was. The teat on the bottom segment was now fully formed, but was the same pink as the skin under it and lacked an areola unlike the top segment.

She paused her eating and went to grab her tits but paused, looking at her hoof and deformed half-hand. "Devon, milk me! I don't have any hands to milk myself now. I need to keep eating, but it is overfilling my boobs..."

She plopped down onto the kitchen floor and sat the bag of oat cereal beside herself and Devon sat on her other side, cupping her odd sideways udder and sucking on its top teat- the most human looking one she had. Her milk was in a halfway state as well- it lacked the sweetness human milk has, but it is no where as remotely calorie rich as actual cow milk is. Kerry told him he would not have time to actually consume it all, so he started to tug the teat on her actual breast to milk the other side onto the floor for now. They could not afford to keep the place clean. She looked down as her feet started cramping and seen them rapidly stretch! Her legs were changing shape from the shins down! Her feet were rapidly devolving into hooves, and she had to shove the kitchen table back to make room, since her feet extending into canon bones added a good deal of length to her legs!

Kerry paused eating a moment to listen and furrowed her brow. The subtle sound of rapidly stretching and growing tissue and... fabric? That wasn't coming from her! She looked over and seen Devon hunched over to drink from her! He was much taller than he is supposed to be, and his rib cage is huge! And he is more muscular too! The hair on his chest and forearms has turned into a mat of glossy black fur! She pulled away, causing him to flop over onto his hands since he was partially leaned on her. In that moment, Kerry finally realized what was happening! The potion effects ran out last night- there was no way it was a large enough dose to do any more changes than that. It mutated her milk. Her other boob started to change because she was sleeping on her right side, causing the mutated left breast to leak milk onto the right side of her chest while she slept. Her right hand transformed and not the arm, because her breast was already wet with milk when she used that hand to express the rest. Her legs are changing because of the milk Devon was releasing from her onto the floor, and now he is changing because he DRANK it!

"Oh Gods, Devon, are you okay?!"

"Hmm? Yea, me good, we should get you... Devon get... mmmm." He looked like he was in a daze and Kerry could hear the bones in his torso creaking larger.

His neck was bulking up fast as well, becoming larger and muscular. If her milk can cause such drastic mutation by simply touching something organic... how bad is the amount of milk he drank going to be? Its inside of him, circulating through his body now! She forced herself to her still changing feet, though they were almost entirely hooves now and still going. She grabbed the wash cloth and quickly wiped around her thighs and crotch. The milk touched those too- she was hoping removing it quickly would stop any mutations. Devon tried to stand up to move closer to Kerry again to suck her juicy teats, but stumbled back and fell on his ass, causing his pant legs to rupture. He was growing larger, but especially his torso and neck- following the path the milk took. His hips were huge and his chest gigantic, making his limbs look comically tiny in comparison, and removing a lot of the flexibility his spine had. The pressure in his torso continued to grow, and without anywhere left to go, it started to pulse down into his limbs now. His muscles surged on his limbs, especially his front limbs. His pecs flinched on their own, growing in pulses with every clench. The muscles from his shoulders surged into his upper back muscles which quickly grew to a size that made him look like he had a hump-back! His shirt strained and started to tear at the sleeves when his arms bulged, but when his shoulder and back muscles surged it completely exploded off him- torn to shreds. Kerry continued to back up from him on her now completed hooves as she seen how the muscles in his limbs were writhing erratically. They were not changing to bovine- the shape was incorrect for either species, which made it almost impossible for him to move his limbs at the moment because the muscles did not match the joints at all.

Kerry felt her pussy clenching on its own, and looked down to see the outer labia blushing pink. Then the pink coloration started to spread up, becoming wider as it consumed her lower crotch. She groaned, afraid of what it was, though she had a real good guess. Her hip bone creaked and suddenly made a loud pop, and an absolute explosion of pleasure went off and did not stop! The strength left her legs as they started to tremble. She turned and caught herself on the edge of the kitchen counter, holding herself up by her arms- her legs were spread as wide as they could go but unable to support her weight. Her legs started to shift on their own as the hips they socketed to were also changing, becoming big and boxy like the rump of a bovine! Her thighs became wider length-wise but much thinner across, making her thighs like giant disks. The joint to the hip shifted nearly to the very back which had the effect of reducing her height back to about where it had been before she had hooves. Her vulva and anus yanked backward, following the migrating pelvic floor. She placed her hand between her legs and her eyes widened at the amount of space now between her legs! The pleasure did not stop though- it only migrated a bit higher. Four pink nubs formed in the huge pink spot that spread from her pussy, and the entire area started to swell out. Yea... she figured as much... an udder. Wiping the milk off after the fact wasn't enough, it already tainted her nethers. Oddly she was not growing a tail though- and since her anus and vulva were now so high up they were very clearly on display for anyone to see without a tail to cover them.

Devon was still on the floor trying to move. When he moved his limbs only half the muscles in them actually responded. With each attempt they moved more- stretching the skin on the surface further apart, making his limbs very long and narrow. His arms ruptured first but the legs were not far apart as they split in two! Even as his hands and feet were still compressing into hooves, they divided- he now had eight limbs! His pant legs were already torn in two, but when his legs actually multiplied his pants burst the rest of the way off. He could move his limbs again but was still growing and was extremely stiff. He gathered his four legs below him and as soon as he put his full weight on them in an attempt to stand like a human again (and failing), his hips popped loudly like Kerry's. But his did not get any wider, instead it split like his legs did. He had four legs but two still hinged into a single socket, now his body was fixing that. Likewise, his shoulder blades thickened and split into a second pair that slid a bit further down and under the first set. His hands and feet quickly finished devolving into hooves, and he grew a long tasseled bovine tail that split into two before it had even finished forming- growing into two full tails, although for some reason the left one was slightly longer.

"Kerry... good. Taste more. Muh... me wa-aah ough!" His voice was already thunderously deep and he spoke slowly from the changes in his neck, but he suddenly sounded like he was gagging on something.

His tongue slid out of his mouth and very quickly started to grow! The large dark veins covering the bottom throbbed violently! His tongue was exposed the most directly to her milk! It was so thick it almost closed off his throat, and his throat was twice the size it should be! It grew out of his mouth by two inches, then three, four... it did not stop till there was at least nine inches of tongue flailing around! It was many times too large for him to put back in his mouth, it was permanently out. Both he and Kerry looked down between his legs at the ridiculous bulge in his straining underpants- the only clothes still clinging to him. His balls had swollen gigantically and taken up all the space in his straining underwear- the lack of room was squeezing them uncomfortably as well as pinning down the first tenth of his tails- the rest escaped out the leg holes.

"Hoooo~ 'uck yusss~!" He reared his head back and closed his eyes in bliss from the feeling.

The nerves in his cock stretched as the phallus mutated and bloated. His pubic hair turned to black fur- his oversized scrotal flesh was turning black already on its own, looking bruise purple at the moment. The fur started to spread up onto the scrotum as well as up his foreskin as it thickened into a pseudo sheath. A bull sheath is incredibly long though, and attached to their underside- Devon's is neither of those things. The changed foreskin remained the length it already was and instead the cock within grew longer exposing more tender red-pink shaft. The glans inflated, creating a deeper, broader corona as it swelled into a huge bull shaped head that looked almost too big for the shaft it was attacked to. The urethra then started to extend out from the head of the penis creating a bit of a spiked end- but it did not stop there. The urethral bulge up the entire underside of the shaft started to bloat up massively to support it all as it continued to get longer and longer, stretching away from the glans which remained where they were! It looked like a bull's penis growing out of an oversized human penis! The tuft of fur that grows at the end of the bull sheath even got abnormally long on his very tiny sheath- looking more like the sheath had a beard. His sheath made it about three inches from his balls, then his human dong another eight inches from there, and then another twelve inches worth of bovine phallus! Overall his dick was 23 inches long! His balls eventually ruptured the underpants and freed themselves, but continued to swing and bob in their loose sack and droop lower and lower. By the time each testicle was the size of a water melon, they were resting fully on the floor under him because of how long his scrotum is.

Kerry had a hard time figuring out if he was drooling because he was horny, or drooling because his tongue sort of prevented him from fully closing his mouth ever. Even on all fours, his overall bigger body and massive muscles made him just as tall as Kerry is standing upright on two legs. He started to move toward her, but she was still holding herself up by her arms on the counter- she could not get away from him while her udder was still growing. The pleasure did not stop, all the nerves down there were being stretched and branching more and more! Her udder was the size of half a yoga ball at this point, making sure to fill all that extra space she now had between her legs! Kerry also was not entirely sure she was even ABLE to stand anymore- her hip joints shifted to bovine. She told him to shoo but he was too fixated on her dangling teats. Her breast and half-udder on her chest attracted his attention because they were again dripping with milk. Her udder looked exquisite but it was still growing in so it had not filled with milk yet. She could not shove him away because she was holding herself up with her arms- if she let go she will fall to the floor entirely... and the floor has milk on it. He coiled his extremely long tongue around her boob and sucked onto the big fat teat! Now Kerry actually wished her udder would hurry up and grow faster so she could pull away from him before he turned himself into a complete abomination. She seen two horns burst out of the skin on his head. At least he actually had two, unlike Kerry who still only had the one horn. He moaned into the soft skin of her tit, making her cry out because it tickled her. Hollow pops and clicks started to come from his head as it grew in size and started to stretch out into a bovine muzzle. The veins in his neck throbbed and it swelled even thicker with muscle- it was almost twice as wide as his actual head! Devon paused a moment and broke off, looking rather dazed and his tongue loosened its grip. He started to grunt and gust hot air from his expanding nostrils as his head continued to stretch. A bull head is sort of triangular when viewed from the side and rectangular when you look at it head-on. It is well defined and sculpted. Kerry's growth started to slow, so while she was still very weak she managed to force herself onto her feet. She could not stand upright, so she used the arm that already had a hoof instead of a hand to balance on and scurried away from Devon using the opening. When she stopped moving, her udder almost yanked her back into motion. When it swung it really made its immense weight known. It was hard to set that giant pink pendulum into motion, and once it was moving- it's hard to stop.

His groans and moans became stuttered, the twitches and groaning bone of his skull became more chaotic. The muscle in his neck surged massively and the veins pulled rock hard and he gave a long, animalistic bellow that shook the kitchen glassware! In a sickening, wet sticking sound his entire skull started to split in half! The edges of the bone rapidly expanding into the divide even as it deepened! His head completed its transformation into that of a bull at the same time it became two complete heads! Now every sound he made was echoed by the other head that did everything exactly as he did! His neck only split halfway down though and remained a single throat at the base, so the two heads could not move very far away from one another. They each grew a second horn on the inner facing side that grew extremely rapid, and immediately coiled around the other horn! They grew together into one, spiraling up to be easily twice as long as the other horns! The longer faces better housed the gigantic tongue both heads possessed, but it was still too big to completely fit inside. They reared again and Kerry put a hand over her mouth to suppress a scream when two bull horns branched from his collar bone and erupted forward! The front of his collar bone started to bulge out between them, looking like the top of yet another bovine head emerging, but it stopped as soon as its form became more defined, so it was just the top of a head and nothing more. The skin bulged in the middle of it and then split open, revealing a single eye in the middle of the forehead of the partially developed third head!

"Duvum cum." He started to slowly walk toward her.

She shook her head and backed up a bit. "We need to find a way to get help and contact Maggy."

"Cum, neeeed... so... full." It was weird hearing two copies of his voice at the same time.

She had to dodge his central horn several times to make sure he did not misjudge its length and impale her by mistake. He was badly mutated so she did not know if he was just overcome with hormones or was legitimately in pain or trouble because his genitals are extremely misconfigured. With a nervous sigh, she agreed to let him mount her as long as he promised to focus on getting to Maggy after. Neither of them could work the truck in this shape, obviously, but Kerry planned to use Devon as a mount and ride there. As long as they both get the hell away from her spilled milk and she doesn't leak all over them, their changes shouldn't progress. And he has eight strong legs now. Kerry used the bench by the side door the shoes were lined up under to rest her hands on and brace against as the ultra-bull lifted himself to mount her. Now she was glad she had bovine hips, because with the force and weight he brought down on her, her hips would have shattered to bits if it was still human. He hooked his front arms over top of hers and bounced her boobs down with presses from his hooves. His second front legs hooked under her arms and cradled the sides of her boob and half-udder. His first back legs hooked in front of hers and guided his mutated cock into her, while the second back legs scooted up against the back of her legs to drive it in! The extra flexibility between his two hips actually made it much easier to angle his thrusts correctly. She had to be careful not to try and reposition her hooves- his balls are on the floor behind them. His bovine cock fit into her easily enough, but he bottomed out in her before the human cock made it in- so her pussy just spread out over half its glans before he had to pull back. Even in her own mutated state his dick was just too big. It did not take long for him to climax, dumping a massive amount of cum into her! His huge heavy balls made an audible thump each time they managed to lift themselves off the floor to deliver another blast before slapping back down.

They did not have enough time to get cleaned up, with cum still dripping from her, they struggled with the side door but Kerry managed to use her half-hand to open it into the garage and then just smacked the huge button that opened the shudder door for the truck to get out- except it will be Kerry riding Devon. He would have no trouble getting out the shudder door, but Kerry sure needed to help him get through the side door into the garage. Her hips barely fit through the doorway- Devon was absolutely too big to fit through the door. In order to get him through he needed to flop over onto his side and tuck in his legs- then Kerry grabbed him by the horns and slid him through. They ended up breaking part of the door frame even then. Kerry's stomach let out several loud rumblings and she paused as Devon stood back onto all eight. Was she over hungry again? She did not feel hungry though, if anything she still felt bloated from all the cum Devon shot in her. There was several more loud gurgling sounds and her eyes went wide as her stomach started to push out rounder and bigger! Oh no. If the potion effects can mutate her milk, it can also mutate his cum!

Kerry fell to her knees, then hands and knees before rolling onto her back on the floor of the garage behind the truck- close enough to the open shudder door that she was in the sunlight. Her stomach was getting huge, fast. It expanded so much forward that it was trying to push her ribs up and her hips down to make room, which then taxed her spine in turn. Her body trembled as a new vertebrae was formed and her spine got longer. And then again! She could feel muscles expanding around the gut and from either side of it a little lump formed. The lumps stretched into meaty little tubes. The tubes squirmed as muscle sinew twisted into them, and then started to bend and gain shape as bones formed inside to give them mobility. When little claw-like cones emerged from the skin on the end, Kerry realized they were tiny, underdeveloped bovine legs! She groaned with strain and her spine was pulled longer and longer! Shoulder blades formed behind the new proto limbs as they continued to grow larger and stronger! Her large stomach suddenly got yanked down by her lengthening spine and pulled into a large tube shape between the new legs and the old! You could see each individual set of ribs grow out from the spine, stretching the outside skin wider as a bovine rib cage formed, linked in the front from a growing sternum. She frantically flailed all her limbs around trying to yank herself onto her side as quickly as possible when she felt pleasurable twitches down her front and realized her boobs were leaking again- and the runoff milk was trailing down her body and pooling in her belly button! Even as her second torso developed into a full sized cow body, more breasts formed on her 'human' torso! One had a cluster of three nipples on the front, one had a teat so gigantic it could be used as a dildo! She grew two below her existing set, then one on either side, between the two sets. Then one below that on her left side that grew so large it forced her to permanently lean to the other side to make room. On her bovine torso, a second udder started to develop immediately in front of the old one! The front of her bovine torso also grew in fur- white with brown patches, but the fur faded off leaving the original rear end still blank and also tailless. Her original left boob started to grow again, swelling absolutely massive.

Devon could not hold himself back for long, and barely had enough intellect still to do it even when he wasn't that horny. She overturned herself to try to keep him off but could barely move because of all the uneven breast growth and weight. When he could not get inside of her, he put his giant dick between a half dozen tits and blew his load there. Which made them even bigger, and caused even more to grow between existing ones at random sizes, with a random number of nipples or teats. Him being on her smeared more milk on him, and he continued to grow larger and more muscular till he could barely move because of how bulbous all his muscle mass was, and his back was so high up from his overall size that it almost scraped the garage roof! His balls alone almost filled a quarter of the garage space! Kerry could not move, and did not stop lactating, so her own milk continued to deform her, her entire body becoming deformed and bulbous. Softer, rounder, milkier! She was being entirely consumed in wobbling soft, rubbery boobs and udders and teats!

Devon woke her up many hours later. The sky was burning with a metallic orange light from a dusk sun. Kerry sat up quickly when she realized she could actually move! Her hair was sopping wet and heavy with all the milk in it, as was her shirt. It had been bunched up at the top of her chest the entire time but Devon rolled it down back over her. She was... completely normal? So was Devon. There was a pool of drying milk that covered the entire garage floor, then trailed down the driveway, across the sidewalk and down the edge of the street.

"What... the fuck happened?"

Devon shrugged, now fully dressed again and holding some pants out for Kerry to better cover herself. "I just woke up normal again, and you were almost fully normal too. You only had a few deformities regressing back into you when I woke up."

She furrowed her brow. "Wait, Maggy probably used alchemy to extract a bovine essence to act as instructions for a magical spell her sister Mae then put in it."

"Right, you were mentioning that before. So... what?"

"Spells require mana. The area around the null zone is high density energy, it must have super charged the partially decayed potion. We changed so much and for so long that we depleted all the local mana and the charge I picked up from the dump- canceling the spell effects. Basically, the potion wears off after a while." She looked off into the horizon. "As soon as we clean all this up, I am heading over to see Maggy, I don't care how late it is!"

"W-well, don't be too mad with her. She did repeatedly tell you to be careful with the stuff so this wouldn't happen. You were warned."

"Mad? I want to find out what that potions original effects were and ask her if she has any more~"

Land Of Milk And Honey

(F tf Cow/Bee half-hybrid) \>If you are here just for the sexy bits; bail after the sex scene. You've been warned.\< Benson had been sleeping when their newest guest arrived. He is a researcher of RHE; one of the bioarcanic engineers...

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Big Beef

(F tf elephant/whale, hybrids) Tria Amalie was a pretty woman, so pretty that it got her in trouble. She had the figure of a twig- not a curve or bump anywhere on her. Originally she was quite upset that her figure never filled out, and jealous...

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Dragon Bull

(FtH bull/komodo dragon hybrid) Vivienne signed up to RHE to become a human test subject. The company worked tirelessly to hybridize humans with animals, always trying to improve their methods and forms. To provide an easily palatable specialty...

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