Land Of Milk And Honey

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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A beautiful Irish lass named Aloe has signed herself up as a test subject for RHE to be hybridized with an animal of her choice. Her choice is a bit odd, but it is just what she wants to help bounce back after having survived breast cancer- and losing her original pair.

(F tf Cow/Bee half-hybrid)

>If you are here just for the sexy bits; bail after the sex scene. You've been warned.<

Benson had been sleeping when their newest guest arrived. He is a researcher of RHE; one of the bioarcanic engineers who design the forms of the women who came to live on the island simply known as RHEI. After 102 test subjects however, RHE had plenty of women on the island hybridized with animals already. It was a paradise of bouncy breasts and milk laden udders. The milk flow was enough to pay for basically anything they needed, and the research team had already tried all of the major ideas they had though... so there was no need to look for any more test subjects. That is why Benson had been sleeping in- the research team had been downsizing and even then most of them were rather bored. RHE was a secret organization to begin with, their ads on the internet were the only way for the outside world to find them really, and they had discontinued said ads. But still, a new woman sits in the office patiently waiting Benson. Their outside agent, Zero had found a woman and scouted her even though he had no orders to do so.

Benson looked over Aloe's file as he walked up. "So... you want to be transformed. You realize there are prosthetic you could get? Or simple transformation spells to tweak your appearance."

Aloe nodded. "But spells're temporary. It just in't t'same. It feels like wearin' a disguise. An' by transforming 'ere under RHE, I can contribute to your research, so I'd be helping meself an' you." She placed her hands on her completely flat chest. "I just want t'get back... what cancer took from me."

Where breasts had once been were instead two scars on her chest. Aloe had very nearly died not even two years prior. The cancer cells had blossomed in her breast tissue and dug roots in toward her chest cavity. Though purged of the rancid cells now; had it gone on a bit longer, the tendrils it was spreading in her could have wrapped around her heart and lungs and killed her. Aloe was 32 years old now and just starting to put her life back together after being so badly incapacitated by both the cancer and the treatment. She had a Gaelic accent, but you could tell she was Irish long before she opened her mouth. Her skin was a pale rosen hue, speckled with freckles across the bridge of her nose, her forearms, and the top of her chest. Her hair was a deep blood red and wavy to her shoulders, and her eyes were a deep emerald green like the rolling hills of Ireland.

Benson explained that RHE had no particular experiments that it felt it needed to explore currently. So to both give her ideas as to what she wanted to become, and to help her make sure she truly wanted this change, he gave her access to the valley, to go meet some of the other test subjects. The valley took up most of the island. It was bordered by forest which was in turn framed by mountains, enclosing everything from the outside world. Scattered homes were connected by winding paths of stone sunken into the soft grass and earth. Most test subjects were partially, or entirely nude due to their forms no longer fitting any human clothing. Since transformation magic became more widespread and streamlined to be easier for the average joe; the porn industry has really gotten wild. Walking the paths of the valley though, this was a bit much even for a porn film- just from the sheer quantity. Everywhere she looked; clusters of boobs, massive tits, udders, udders and tits, clusters of udders and tits and multiple limbs! The valley homes were divided into three tiers and for the most part organized from when they were originally made, so the earliest test subjects were close to the bottom of the slope that lead up to the main RHE facility. You can actually sort of tell the history of RHE's research by the area. Tier 1 was mostly cow girls- pretty standard stuff. Then as you get to the second tier there are other animal hybrids, still normal hybridization but the choice in animals greatly fanning out, plus a few with unusual forms. By tier 3, they were hybridizing so many animals as minor traits onto their base form that some of them were hard to tell what they even were- they looked like entirely original creatures.

One of the breeder boys for example; Bernard had massive twin cocks and huge balls that were clearly horse in form, so he looked like a simple horse hybrid at first, but if you looked into his makeup there was five or six different hybrid traits used to tweak his form. Twin cocks of a shark, porcine ball size and orgasm capacity, bull muscle, standard human, horse, and hybrid hand-cloven hooves which was an original design but uses a cervine base gene. Then there was a woman named Julia who really went all out on her breasts; both were fully transformed into cow udders! With two full sized cow udders on her chest, she had a titanium rod bracing them from below that was held on by a strap around her mid section that looked a bit like a mini corset. Even if they bulked her spine up with bovine bone structure and muscle mass, it would still be impossible for her to hold those up on her own. Aloe thought she had seen as far as mammaries could be taken with her, but then seen the woman Amber had become. Amber had a fun personality and a slight southern accent- and everywhere she went, she had a modified dolly lift with her to carry her own assets! She had an udder that had a greater mass than the entire rest of her body combined. It was as big as a very small car. Her lower body was hybrid horse to give her the muscle mass to yank the giant thing around, and the skin on its surface was much more durable than normal; even though it still felt just as silky soft. Though entirely eclipsed by the giga udder- she actually also has a horse udder hidden below as well!

Then there was test subjects here and there that were hybridized with things that did not contribute to their milky mams at all. The energetic Roxi was mixed with a dog, and served as a messenger. She dashed around at full speed on all fours going back and forth to deliver messages across the valley for people. The valley had a shuttle service that could take people to where they wanted to go, so Roxi wasn't really needed, but people liked seeing her around so they used her anyway. There was Hazel and Viola who had both been hybridized as part insect which really seemed like an odd choice. Hazel had been mixed with goat and cow as well so she still had the mams to milk, but Viola did not. Instead Viola filled the area around her with gentle music- by rubbing her hands or arms together she could mimic the sound of string instruments; she is part cricket.

There was even women who could change sizes! Their flesh was made to be ultra elastic, compressing down to a size that was almost normal, but then as they fill they expand gigantic! Beryl walked on hybrid hooves to allow a cow udder under her to swing freely, but it was capable of swelling to a size almost as big as she is before finally hitting maximum capacity. Gina had been mixed with kangaroo and actually had no visible nipples at all! Like a 'roo, her breasts were inside of the huge pouch, where her lower body expanded quite wide. The inside of the pouch was tender and felt good to play with however, so she always deliberately lets her breasts expand with their load to their max before milking them, because they fill and then stretch out the pouch over them! Just before getting to max size, they yank out of the pouch from lack of room. Gina came to the island with her husband as well, who acted as a breeder male reserved for her alone. He was mixed with tanuki, and given the same elastic abilities his wife has, only in his testicles; allowing them to grow fat and heavy with his load the longer he went without getting off.

Aloe wandered back to the main facility as the sun was starting to grow heavy in the sky. After having wandered around and spoken to many of the women living here, she was more sure than ever that she wanted to be a part of this paradise. She would not only gain her breasts back, but surpass their former size! She would not let the cancer leave a stain on her! She would bounce back stronger than ever! When Aloe told her ideas to Benson he was surprised. She was suggesting a form even RHE had never tried before. They actually did not have the genetic imprint on hand, and would have to make it specially for Aloe, so they would not be able to give her a tincture tonight. She also did not have a home built for her yet since they were not expecting her arrival, so she was given one of the living spaces within the main facility that used to belong to a researcher. Over night, the staff put her house together in the valley. The material was already on the island, and the parts of the house pre-assembled, they just needed to use magic to assemble it, so it did not take nearly as long as you would think. The research crew went to work making the missing essence to make Aloe's tincture, then the two essences were placed into a transformative potion to make the final tincture. Though the effects were magic based, the reason it was placed in a physical medium like a tincture is because it alters the genome of a subject- making the form permanent from then on. She wanted cow traits, which RHE obviously already had a large stock of- but she also wanted traits of a honey bee!

She woke up late the next day, after a long sleep filled with dreams of all the forms she had seen the day before. She almost wandered past Benson, forgetting where his desk was, but he spotted her and waved her over.

He held up a syringe. "Here it is. Your home is T2-12, about the middle of the valley. As I explained yesterday, with a sweet enough diet your body will produce honey as well as milk, and blend the two together internally. Honey is not only very sweet, it is healthy in reasonable amounts and in ancient times it was applied directly as medicine. It is the only food in existence that has no expiration date. It doesn't matter how old it is; it will always be edible. In addition to this, taking traits from your namesake, as long as you adhere to the proper diet we will assign you, your body will be able to create a medicinal milk. Your milk will actually heal people." He nudged a small case on the floor beside him with his foot. "This is also yours. It is recommended you use this till your form is a bit more... well, formed."

Aloe picked it up and clicked it open to take a peek inside and her face turned bright pink. "T-this is-"

"Too big? Yes, well you are going to get a lot bigger as part of your changes. Encouraging that will help speed it along."

After getting her tincture injected, she wandered into the valley again, this time trying to avoid getting distracted by all the beautiful bodies around her and spot her house number. Her house ended up being a bit tucked away- behind a house surrounded by farm land. She was behind the farm fields, between that and a good sized lake where the massive Tria lived. Her home looked normal sized from a distance, but it was trapped in a bubble of distorted space and was actually massive on the inside. Aloe settled into her home, staring at the case she was given when she flopped it on the bed. She slowly opened it again to look at it, blushing even though she was alone now. The dildo inside looked like a novelty decoration rather than an actual sex toy due to its size. It was as thick as her arm and about as long as her arm to boot. She wondered if even the head of that thing would fit in her, never mind the rest of it!

As time passed, she started to feel strange little tugs in the skin of her chest. Shallow bubbles of fat were starting to form, folding the skin of the edges of her scar tissue in on themselves. She used to have nice D cup breasts, and having to lose them was hard. Her hair, and then her breasts were lost to the treatments trying to fight the cancer. Her body weight diminished and she looked like a walking corpse most of the time. She got her weight back, and then her hair. Now she was going to take her breasts back! It did not matter how far down she fell, Aloe will always claw her way back to the top!

She heard a knock at her door by late afternoon, opening it to see a beautiful woman she had not spotted the other day. She had black hair with white streaks and was rather petite. Her breasts on the other hand were each the size of a medium sized beach ball, putting them out of the range of any preexisting bra size. She had an udder too, but it was almost hidden in the shadow of her breasts, because her udder matched the rest of her body more naturally- it was quite petite. Just a gradual pink hill with fat nubs as teats. She stood on hooved legs and had the ears of a cow as well as very short horns. What actually stood out first to Aloe though was her eyes- a rare and beautiful autumn gold in color. Maple Augustine was formerly a researcher for RHE and volunteered herself to be a test subject.

Maple had come over to greet the new test subject. Since she is formerly RHE staff, she still has access to files that require up to level 4 authentication, so she already read Aloe's file and knew why she came here.

"It must have been so terrible, having to go through all that harsh treatments and not knowing if it would even work. You know, Moth had the ability to find and destroy cancer cells to cure someone easily. But, she could only do it because of the book she possessed, so it was not something she could teach anyone else to do. Even our researchers at RHE can't cure cancer. Because they are technically your own cells, they just... forgot how to do their job properly. So you cannot know it has gone wrong till it already starts destroying its surroundings."

"It sounds kind o' bad, but honestly I think what got me through all tat was spite."


Aloe nodded. "Every bad day, every new treatment 'r bad update on m"condition just kind o' pissed me off more. Tat somethin' like tat could just happen t'me, and get away withit. So I sort o' used anger t'fuel me. I was determined t'live as long as possible, if fer nothin' else than t'spite everything fate 'ad tossed on me t'do otherwise. Now I have me life back, an' thanks t'RHE, I am about t'take me body back, plus improvements! I can finally feel like a woman again!"

Maple smiled and gave her a confident nod. "You are a strong woman! But... you know you don't need breasts to be a woman. You are a fine woman with or without boobs."

"Aye, technically. But think o'a man tryin' t'take me t'bed. Tosses me down 'n tears open me shirt t'find a whole lotto nothin'. Might sour the mood, aye?"

Maple made a dismissive motion. "Oh screw them. Man can be pigs and we all know it. Reactions like that just help you weed out the people who aren't worth your time to begin with. Look at Roxi, she has a lot of nipples but she is flat as a board- doesn't she still look cute? And then there is Ariadne, she looks plenty womanly."

"I 'aven' seen her yet."

Maple told her to follow and went over to Aloe's kitchen to point out the window over the sink- Ariadne was working the fields, and thanks to the position of Aloe's house; the fields were visible from her kitchen. Ariadne was a huge woman! Not only tall, but very muscular. She had lots of hair but it was a bit course and frizzy because she was not nearly as meticulous with it as other women. She was basically like a female minotaur! It looked like Ariadne was going to develop and udder, but her rock hard abs prevented the growth- she had four small teats there but nothing else. Her chest was still crowned with large globes though, and since the pectoral muscles behind them were so refined, she could make her breasts dance by flexing her muscles! There was Viola who was pretty flat chested since she was half cricket- and then Sage who was part red dragon. Most of the women on the island were insanely busty, but there was still plenty who were not at all. RHE stood for Rebuilding Humanity Effort- they run tests on building a better human, not a better sexual stereotype. Nemia was yet another good example- very cute with a very girly personality, but she is flat as a board. Two nipples but no breasts at all behind them, since she was hybridized with an octopus as a matching sea-themed set with her boyfriend Moby, who is part hermit crab. Ambrosia was the only XV subject who did not live in the underground bunker, and she often had a flat chest as well... though, she was not as good of an example because her body could change radically from one moment to the next- being more plant than human.

Maple remained with Aloe for a while, talking with her and recommending TV stations the island got. Maple headed out as dinner time rolled around. Which was good for Aloe, not just because she is getting hungry but her transformation was progressing. The soles of her feet were stretching out, forcing Aloe to slide on her feet now instead of completely lifting them off the floor because she almost tripped herself several times. The normal human stride did not lift her elongated foot high enough to clear the ground now. Her pussy was also blushing for seemingly no reason and looking rather puffy. Reaching back, her anus was also puffy and slightly projected. On her chest, Aloe now had C cup breasts! Or... most of C cup breasts. Pulling her top up, the scar tissue from her old wounds had been devoured by the new growth and the body of the breasts had formed, but that was it so far. She had no areola or nipples- it was like the chest of a barbie doll, two hills with nothing on them. She rocked from her heel to the front of her long feet, causing her breasts to jiggle- grinning wide at the feeling once against returned to her chest. She wandered to her bedroom again, eyeing the massive toy. Benson did say it would help speed up her changes. Stimulating and using the body part that is changing promotes the changes, and a lot of her more extreme changes are going to be in her lower body.

She flopped on the bed, and plopped the dildo down onto her crotch. She smiled nervously- seeing the comparison of the glans of the dildo against the size of her crotch only assured her of her original assessment; that can't fit, it's physically impossible. The muscles in her pussy and anus felt... hungry though. They wanted to flex as they grow to help them grow- and there was only one way to exercise those muscles. Aloe pulled her pants down and then just flipped her shirt up to grab a boob with her left hand, gasping as she felt something more! There was a firm nub of flesh on the front of her breasts! It was still normal skin color but her nipples were being regenerated. The damaged milk ducts were restored, and they were digging further into the newly padded fat stores; converging toward the front to supply the future nipples. Aloe dropped the dildo between her legs, just loosely holding the head of it to her pussy and then folded a leg up under herself, holding the dildo in place now with her ankle! Now to work the dildo in deeper she just needed to wedge her foot under herself tighter. It could not fit, but the head was rounded so she could wedge some of its curvature in her and still stretch herself as far as she could comfortably manage. She alternated hands, one on a breast and one over her clit, pressing it down toward the massive phallus as she rocked her hips gently. Her outer labia fattened further, and her anus inflated into a soft ring of flesh under it.

Aloe was not paying attention to her legs at all because she was busy enjoying her other parts, but they were changing more too. Her ankles remained where they were, but the soles below grew larger and longer, the bones inside fusing into canon bones as the many bulked up into one. Her toes all bunched up- aided by her unintentionally clenching them from pleasure. The bones in her feet however were not fusing like the surface level material was- they were dissolving! Getting soft and brittle and started to break up entirely, the material being repurposed elsewhere. From playing with the stiff nubs, her nipples blushed pink and started to project out larger. The blushed coloration continued down onto her breast as well and the flesh became more sensitive! The pleasure nerves were regenerating, turning her breasts from simple globes of fat back into their proper glory. Their size had continued to swell though gradual enough that she could not tell the difference- they were D cups now, her former size. Her labia were now dripping wet between her legs and starting to look like a water balloon! They had inflated massive, and in a spike of pleasure her leg twitched and Aloe shocked herself, popping the dildo inside! Once the large head was in, the shaft slid in very easily after it since it had more than enough lube to cover it all! She actually almost made the entire dildo vanish- but only about half was comfortably inside of her. The rest of the dildo was covered by her massive pubic mound! The flesh was very soft, but also very elastic- her pussy actually jiggled now as the gently bopped the end of the dildo with her ankle and wiggled her fingers lightly over her clit! Her anus was so large and puffy now it looked like it belonged on a horse!

As Aloe approached orgasm the blushing pink flesh of her pussy seemed to spread upward! Her entire crotch was turning pink and a little bit... veiny? It took her a few seconds in her lust addled mind to figure out this was part of the bovine genes she ordered! Why settle for two mammaries when you can have more? She wasn't going to show cancer that she had merely survived- she is going to thrive! The new tender pink flesh covered her entire crotch and lower stomach. On her breasts, her nipples darkened more to a powder red as they became rather large for a human. The pink that had spread out from the base now had soft bumps of its own, the edge became better defined against the rest of the breast, and the more elastic flesh it was made of caused it to bulge out slightly against the rest of the breast's curve. She had areola again! She was really gasping and moaning as she felt the stiff rubber balls of the dildo touch her pussy! It was sliding in deeper now and her pussy projected so far from her crotch now that it was able to swallow the entire thing! She arched her back off the bed and squeaked in orgasm, but then gasped and slammed her back into the bed again as the orgasm caused her spine to suddenly surge! Her spine got longer, yanking her tail bone out a bit!

Panting in the afterglow of orgasm, Aloe took her foot away and let the dildo slide out, then sat propped up on the head of the bed to look at her feet! Or what was left of them. Her legs were now a bit over a foot longer because of the canon bone- and also because of that, she can only walk on what used to be the front of her feet. The material that used to be the bones of her feet had seethed out and hardened the surface tissue- causing it to bubble up a bit and turn into glossy smooth, black chitin carapace! Basically, her bones were on the outside now, not the inside. The chitin went all the way up and covered her kneecaps, though internally the bone did not taper off till the bottom of the canon bone, so her shin and ankle were still there. The foot itself only had two toes now, and both came to a claw-like tip. Her feet were entirely encased in chitin though, so while she could no longer wear shoes; she also would not need to. Aloe had to take her time walking back to the kitchen while also adjusting to her new balance. The surface area of her feet were now tiny compared to before, and she had to lean her legs further forward than what felt normal to her in order to balance properly. Her massive pussy also made walking awkward, because if she did not spread her legs a bit, her thighs rubbed her labia together. By the time she was heading to sleep later that night, she seen her nipples continued to darken and were now brown, and the area lagging behind a bit, having now turned powder red. She had four nipple-like nubs on her underside were an udder would eventually be.

Aloe woke up with a gasp the next day and her heart tightened as she felt a tightness in her chest. For a moment she thought she was back in the hospital, struggling for breath but she quickly relaxed as her brain fully woke up and remembered that was behind her now. The tightness was her breasts, but not anything wrong with them. They were like firm rubber right now because over night they had filled to capacity with milk! Her nipples jut out at full erection, pursed as tight as they can go to hold back the flood inside. Aloe went to rock herself off the side of the bed and onto her feet, but kept going and rammed her head into the wall! She was balanced between the wall and the side of the bed. Only in trying to stand up did she realize her transformation down below progressed too- and made it even harder to walk properly! Her anus and pussy actually looked a bit smaller now, but in exchange her entire pelvic floor sank! Instead of a relatively flat bottom, her torso now had a rounded bulge! Her spine pulled out longer into a tail-like protrusion as well, but had absolutely no mobility to it like a tail should. It did not even have the muscles needed to be able to move, and the vertebrae were firmly locked together preventing it regardless. The bumps in her crotch were now fat little teats, and the pink area was pulled smooth and just starting to bulge outward- it was still not shaped like an udder at all and incapable of making its own milk yet.

Aloe had to waddle her way to the bathroom and milk herself into the sink- leaning heavily on the counter to hold herself up. She also felt horny again- a feeling that milking herself only drew more attention to. Her large human nipples were very sensitive, forcing her to pause her milking several times to give herself a breather. The nerves were newly reformed, so they were not desensitized to the world at all, making them over sensitive. The feeling would dull to a more normal range with use, but for now she had to go easy on the girls. There was two dark spots just over her eyebrows that almost looked like a second set of eyebrows forming. Looking at herself in the mirror after the milking, Aloe completely spaced out, lost in the feeling and her imagination- picturing what she will be like once she has completed. She snapped out of her trance when the pleasure became sharp enough; realizing she had been grinding her mutant pussy on the corner of the sink!

Nervous, but knowing what she needed, Aloe waddled her way to an onyx slate she had been given that she left in the living room on the narrow glass table. Going by the fact that her giant snatch practically ate the dildo whole last night- it would probably be too small already now. So she needed the real thing. On the slate she brought up a list of profiles for other RHE subjects. There was a pretty short list of breeder subjects, meant to be able to fuck well, and fuck often. Lucky for Aloe, all of the breeders were marked as available and up to the task so she had her pick of the litter. The first was named Vivienne, and is an extreme variant subject- though obviously allowed out of the hidden bunker to service others. The problem with her is she is only temporarily male; there was a red notice on her profile that stated multiple orgasms would not be possible. Once she shoots as a male, she will turn back female, preventing her from a second go at it. Next was 'six-ball' Barrus, a hulking fellow with four hooved arms, a bovine phallus, and... as one would expect from his nickname, six balls. Then there was Bernard who sounded even more interesting. He was muscular and quite large, but had two gigantic prostates hybridized into his balls making them pleasure zones, and two extraordinarily long horse cocks to take two holes at once. That sounded real good to her, since both of her holes were now extra deep. But right at the bottom of the list was Test Subject 102-XY; the person who came just before Aloe herself. She had to tap the XY beside his profile to look up what that meant. He was part of a male test subject line, designed to create protein like the women create calcium. Which meant all of his cumshots were inhumanly giant, and he could cum nearly all the time. He was also given a special tincture codenamed 'Gummy' that would allow him to change his form at will- and reset it when he goes to sleep. His profile seemed too interesting for Aloe to not pick him. Under genital configuration it simply said 'to specification'. It did not list any other details. So what, his crotch is just a mystery bag?

It was only twenty minutes after Aloe selected herself as available on Duncan's slate that he arrived at her door. She shouted over to it, since she was still waddling around with her awkwardly shaped body and could not move very fast. She had tossed a robe around herself to hide it at first. Duncan is not a giant like the other breeders, though he is no slouch either. He was fit, though had a pot belly, and he had a perfectly human form, since he was able to revert human whenever he sleeps. While human however, his genitals did have some static changes to them that remained even once everything else fully reverted. He wore a simple thin sweater and stretchy pants to house his nut sack. Though his pants though you might think he had two water melons stuffed in there. His hair is dark brown and bristly; only about an inch and a half long. He had a full beard and mustache but they were quite short.

"New to the island, huh? Last time I was around here- this building didn't even exist, hah! This island changes in the blink of an eye, and you never get tired of seeing it."

"Yea, I'm sort o' in an... awkward middle stage o' me changes still. But I was told tha'... uh, exercising th'parts helps th'changes along."

"Ah, sure. We have all been there, some of us multiple times, hah! So, what did you have in mind? I am up for pretty much anything that don't involve physical injury. I was an XY subject primarily- I volunteered myself as a breeder on the side when I found out it was an option."

Aloe blushed. "W-well, on yer profile it said 'to specification'... wha does that mean exactly?"

Duncan nodded, placing his hands on his hips. "Well, the gummy tincture type test subjects can transform at will using whatever DNA or gene... whatevers they were injected with. Julie can transform using cow genes in any configuration. Io can transform into a bovine centaur... thing, but cannot alter its configuration. I was given a LOT of different species, but only in my genitals. So what you see is what you get for most of me, but my meat stick can be anything you want."


Duncan suggested they take this to the bedroom and Aloe started waddling her way there, but he was quick to place his hands on her sides and picked her up! She was taller than he is and he just plucked her off the ground like she was a child! Duncun hoisted her up and flipped her over to lay in his arms and carry her to the bedroom so she would not have to worry about moving around in her awkward middle state. She nervously undid her robe when she was laid on the bed, and Duncan smiled and pulled off his own shirt and then pants, hanging both up on one of the bed posts. His chest was adorned with a wide triangle-shaped mat of hair on it, and his forearms were rather bushy too. Because his genitals were made for milking, as part of his transformation he lacked any pubic hair in his crotch. Aloe also noted his pot belly was oddly shaped. His belly button was shoved upward and stretched wider than it was tall- the bulge was not actually his stomach at all, it was BELOW his stomach. His upper crotch is where the bulge actually was, and with a blush he explained it was not fat in there, nudging it with his finger lightly. The bulge is a result of a gigantic mutant prostate- if you press on the bulge you'll be pushing on his prostate! His balls were expectedly huge- each one almost the size of a medicine ball... or, a medicine ball that was squished to be oblong. His foreskin and shaft was huge; the shaft right now completely hidden in the folds. His foreskin was so large and thick that it essentially acted like a sheath would, except that it is not fused to his underside. The opening was big enough for him to put his entire fist comfortably inside.

Duncan asked what she wanted and Aloe pointed to her mutating pelvic floor and explained that she was already large and going to get bigger as they went, so... something very big. Duncan just chuckled and said 'whale it is, then'. With a combined testicle weight over over a tonne and a cock measured in meters rather than inches- you would not find a phallus bigger than a dork. Duncan climbed up onto the bed onto his knees between her legs to work her over while he waits for his own behemoth to wake up. She certainly had lots to play with! Her vulva was not squishier than a normal one, its just that... a normal one is tiny compared to hers, so you don't usually notice just how jiggly and soft the flesh is, because its typically braced by the framework of the hip. Aloe's was distended so far out that it wasn't braced by anything at all. As Duncan played his fingers down the soft folds of her massive pussy, it started to grow a bit further out- but not larger. Her pelvic floor was distending further, pulling it longer, and the bone of her extending pseudo tail was starting to blend into the flesh around it, making the flesh behind and around the anus start to stiffen and darken. Duncan's extremely girthy member popped its head out and then quickly folded out its length- he was not especially long but extremely thick; though that quickly started to change as he instigated the whale gene influence. As his cock started to stretch longer, the skin started to blush pink, and the glans started to lose definition.

Aloe blushed and moaned, starting to squirm quite a bit even without his touch, and Duncan paused when he realized something was happening to her. To Aloe it felt like something solid was being yanked off her hip bone and drawn down- what she was feeling was the formation of muscle ribbing. She yelped in surprise at a surge of pleasure as the skin just below her hip suddenly yanked in on itself! Now the extended flesh that used to be her pelvic floor was actually starting to look like what it was becoming. The round abdomen of an insect- a honey bee to be exact. Now that there was enough muscle tissue in the base where it divided from the rest of her torso she could finally bend it, either slightly forward or completely parallel with her spine. The two similar vulva and anus of the mammals in her though prevented her genitals from actually changing shape, they were just housed in a new part of her body. Duncan flopped his member on top of it to compare- he was longer than the bug butt, and still growing. Luckily as it extended the glans were stretched into obscurity and the cock become more and more tapered, which meant even if he outgrew her by a massive amount, he can still get in her. There was a fold at the halfway point like a medial ring on a horse, but unlike an equine it was not plump and pronounced against the rest of the shaft- the fold was pulled quite tight. Most of the shaft became quite smooth and neon pink; getting veiny only toward the thickening base and the color dappled into his normal flesh tone there as well.

Duncan pulled back to line up the tip- made easier by the fact a dork is prehensile and can move itself around. Aloe pet the sides of her now E cup breasts as she lowered her arms to touch her proto-udder. The teats down there were already thick, so it felt good to roll the dense flesh between her fingers and tug on it. When Duncan thrust in he also gently took her odd feet into his hands, squeezing gently in curiosity; asking if she could feel it. The chitin was stiff but not rigid; pushing on it could still bend it like hard rubber, and she could still feel through the chitin, it was just a bit more remote. Sort of like the sensations through a callous. His hands were almost twice as big as her little feet, and he interlocked his fingers with her two large toes. Duncan's phallus started to stretch a bit in width, pulling her insides tight. Pulling her open with the still growing cock caused her rump to tighten and then swell all at once! It was like watching someone blow air into a balloon! Duncan rocked his hips, careful not to thrust fully into her since his cock was longer than the vagina housing it. Gentle depressions appeared on the shallow slope of her developing udder as the fat started to push out against the muscle ribbing that held its shape. Aloe pressed a hand into the middle of it, feeling the depression become more defined as the softer areas billowed outward, making it fatter and rounder with each passing second! It started to rock gently and then wobble with Duncan's thrusts as it expanded.

Duncan slowly felt more of his shaft become sheathed in the growing bug butt. Every thrust caused pleasure that instigated more growth. Like a giant ball of dough- the heat was causing it to rise. As it grew it became a bit more oblong but remained quite round still through it all. The skin was looking oddly bruised in some sections, but they could both tell it was just a change of the actual skin color- the pattern was too uniform to be actual bruising. It was becoming striped! The growth alone was quite pleasurable, causing the feelings to snowball quickly. Her womb never changed position so when the abdomen got longer, her vaginal passage also got longer- stretching and branching new nerves. Once Duncan hilted his full cock in her, he started to thrust with more vigor, and feel just how bouncy her rump was. Since the entire thing was like hard rubber but had no bones inside of it at all, it was very bouncy like a giant ball! What seemed at first like a tail only provided a transitional frame between her spine and the chitin that formed over her rump and did not grow any further than it had already been. The chitin of course encapsulated the rump but still did not affect the anus or vulva directly. If you viewed her rump from the side, her vulva was outwardly visible as two shallow mounds of flesh, from her pubic mound projecting off the body of the abdomen like an areola projects from a breast. Aloe was breathless from the pleasure! It was amazing having such a massive tool inside of her and she felt like she still had room to spare! Of course- Duncan still wasn't at a full sized whale dork. The full sized one would be larger than the entire bed... heck it might be longer than the entire room. Luckily he had control of how all-out he went.

As her butt continued to grow, the stripes became darker and more defined, and it became more obvious that the carapace did not grow evenly. On the underside, leading all the way to her vulva was the softest of the skin- smooth and bouncy. Then the further you got from the bottom the more dense the keratin level became, becoming the hard rubber like density of her leg chitin nearly on the back. Along the very back was a narrow ridge that was even harder than that- being as solid as regular bone. At the very end of the spine ridge, skin became a bit scrunched up which just looked like a bit of uneven growth, but it never balanced out. Then Duncan thought it almost looked like she had developed another hole- the folds at the edges of the small opening almost looked like a round mini vagina. Duncan slid his massive dork out to give her a short breather and to reposition himself since her growing butt was slowly shoving him off the end of the bed. He asked about the new hole and even Aloe was confused a moment. She said she would try something and the chitin of her butt groaned a bit as she tensed the muscles inside. From the middle of the small opening, a razor sharp spike slid out! It is her stinger! Unlike an actual bee stinger, it was not serrated, nor was it fatal for her to use it. When she was not tensed, it slid back in and the thick skin around it collapsed in on it to hide it away. When fully out the stinger was almost eight inches long and solid black. The stinger came out from the end of the ridge, then her anus was almost directly on the end of the abdomen, and then her vulva slightly below that, but because her vulva was not round like the other two openings it looked more on the underside than the end- but the actual vaginal opening inside was essentially on the end.

Aloe giggled at how close Duncan came to flopping off the bed because of her growth and scooted herself up to prop her head up against the wall above the bed. Her insect butt was the same size as her torso! She said it might be done but doubted it. If you look at the proportions of an actual bee, their ass is a lot bigger than their torso. Having her vulva elsewhere now may have made her crotch look a bit odd, being a blank hinge now for the base of the abdomen, but her udder was already taking care of that issue by completely eclipsing it. Her udder was extremely jiggly with her on her back, and it also caused it to look wider than it was. When standing properly it would hang and be more oblong, but since it was laying on top of her torso in this position it squished sideways and made it look perfectly round! Because of how the muscle ribs held it together and how rounded it had bloated, it actually sort of looked like a strangely shaped pink pumpkin with four stems instead of one. The milk veins were also invisible in this position. When hanging, the looser flesh at the base will pull out and reveal the fat crinkly milk veins that trail from the udder base onto her lower torso- dragging a bit of the pink coloration along the way.

Duncan decided to up his own size since they were repositioning anyway. With a short laugh he told her to watch this trick and thrust his large phallus upward, patting the base. The veins in the base hardened and became so fat it almost looked like they were going to rupture! His taint started to inflate and distend abnormally and the base of his dick followed the changing angle- while the top of his dick remained where it was. There was an almost gurgling sound from inside the base of his cock and Duncan huffed as it suddenly yanked wider and a divot became visible in the middle! Duncan physically grabbed the top section while using the prehensile ability of his dork to pull down, and the divot quickly got deeper till it went all the way through! The base of his expanding dork now had a hole in it! The change progressed on its own now- the growth surge firing up the shaft followed shortly after by the hole expanding upward till his dork split completely into two perfectly identical phallus! One for either hole!

Duncan had to pause a moment to catch his breath from that one. "Hoo. Strange feeling when it splits, almost... itchy, for a moment anyway."

"What creature 'ad two behemoths?"

"Right now, borrowing a bit of shark. I also have snake though too, which, also has two, hah."

Aloe's face started to blush again as she was silent in thought for a moment. "Does... can ye...?"

Duncun sighed, nodding. She really wants all out, eh? Duncan had to flop completely onto his butt knowing he could not balance himself on his knees through this change. His twin dorks started to get even longer, waving a bit in the air from the feeling of growth in them. He smiled at how mesmerized she was watching them grow. So smooth and soft feeling on the surface but so hot, tight, and rigid within. Duncan's face turned a bit red from exertion and he rolled back just in time for his bones to shake violently as his hips popped loudly! They expanded quite a bit- and had opened up so far they did not even connect in the front anymore! Which was good- he was going to need the space. Two lumps formed on the front of his balls and quickly started to expand outward; he was gaining another pair of balls, which was causing the scrotum to shift and pull tight- all the soft creases on the surface pulling smooth. This time instead of getting shoved upward, his twin dork were pulled right while new growth expanded left and once again the bases split! This time when the split went all the way through he unintentionally slapped four wet streaks across her walls from precum that was tossed free by the movement. His cocks were longer than his body is tall and he now had four of them! He bent them while keeping the tips united and then bowed them in the center- forming a double-heart shape with his cocks, making her giggle. He could move them however he liked; though they were still rigid from internal pressure so they were not the easiest to move around. He could not move them very quickly. His scrotum was pulled so tight from lack of room it started to look like one giant sphere. The four subtle sections of it actually almost made it look like an udder except it had no teats obviously.

His dorks were still getting larger and longer, but slowing down now. He slid one into her pussy, one into her butt and her abdomen almost immediately resumed its small growth surges with his thrusts! He still had two phallus to spare though, so one coiled around her torso just under her breasts, pressing into their underside. The other cradled the back of her neck and curled around to slid just the tip into her mouth. They were so large that you could actually feel the delay in his heart beat. So much fit inside of Aloe even still that she could feel his cock pulse up from the base at her openings and surge up to the tip of the cock just below her hips! Her own insectoid rump was still growing too, though very slow, making it visibly hard to notice. A light fuzz started to grow around her knees where the leg chitin ended, and spread up her thighs! It was dense but short like cow pelt, but softer like the fluff of a bee's mane. The fur covered her crotch, creating a soft mat for her udder to rest on and encompassed her legs wherever the chitin did not. It enveloped her butt cheeks but stopped before taking the abdomen, and did not progress up her back at all. The changing colors of her skin below also did not travel any further than the fur now over it- though it did also cover the chitin of her abdomen. A bee is yellow and black stripes, but since Aloe has cow traits- she is white and black stripes! The stripes did not progress to her lower legs- those remained solid black, which was also true for a bee.

As Aloe rolled her head on the propped up pillows, she could feel her ears lengthening as the fabric pushed them forward. At first they looked elven, but then rounded more into leaf shaped ears- about the size of her entire hand each. They did not grow fur on the back, but their insides turned pink. Instead of horns, the black dots of her brow extended longer and more narrow into antennae! The antennae had two segments, jointed in the middle and base- and the final segment was shaped a bit like a narrow club. The pressure in her abdomen started to shift, deeper. The growth was slowing to a stop- the tension was now the muscles within as she approached her peak. Her nervousness of being with someone she just met in this new environment was the only reason she even made it this far. Being literally coiled up in cock, with over five feet of dick fitting comfortably in both her holes below is- to say the least- the most erotic thing she had ever encountered or even thought of to this point. Seeing she was nearing the point of no return Duncan slowed a bit. He was close himself, but as an XY subject he had an abnormal level of control over his own orgasms. He wedged himself in even closer to her- propping the end of her large butt up on his quad nutsack, then leaned forward gently putting more weight on her butt. Aloe's moans sharpened and her legs started to tremble. Putting weight on her bug butt compressed the holes within on his cock! He slowly reached around its rotund sides and then hugged it in his arms! Aloe lurched forward from the shock of pleasure and without giving her a chance to even think about it, he thrust in while also squeezing her butt.

Her pussy clenched so tight it felt like it was trying to yank his dick right off! All the built up lube had no room suddenly and erupted out of her in a hot spritz. That finally set off Duncan too though, so her screams of pleasure were cut short as his dicks all erupted their own hot liquid love- one of them being in her mouth at the time. His orgasm was like someone turned a garden hose onto full blast! It was not a short rope of hot goo, it was a large, solid stream for almost six full seconds. Then his dicks gave a powerful lurch, held for a moment, and then exploded into another six second long stream. All four of his dicks fired 7 of these streams for an orgasm that lasted over half a minute total and managed to displace enough liquid to fill a twelve pack of 2L bottles. That is why his prostate is large enough to occupy basically the entire lower section of his torso. Duncan chuckled once he caught enough of his breath to do so, and told Aloe just to relax and enjoy the afterglow- he would get to work cleaning the mess up. Cum might be a tasty treat straight from the tap, but it doesn't take long for it to turn rather nasty once its spilled. All of her bedding was instantly laundry, and Duncan spent some time cleaning the rest off the surrounding floor. Someone has to clean it, and he'd be damned if he let a woman clean up his own mess.

Even once fully flaccid and crammed back in the sheath there was a good distance of pink meat pillars sticking out the end, that he simply could not stuff back into his pants. Unfortunately he cannot turn back to normal without sleeping. He was used to walking around with 'equipment' like this anyway. He headed out once everything was clean, and Aloe insisted he get a glass of water and a muffin for the road to replace some of the liquid mass he exploded out.

It took Aloe a bit to get used to moving around in her new body, but it was complete now. Her breasts a big round E cup each, an udder the size of a squishy medicine ball, and tall narrow legs encased in organic armor with a huge butt! She could walk upright normally but had to consciously lift her huge rump off the ground- it was large enough that it still dragged on the ground even with her extra tall legs. It only dragged lightly and was covered in a sturdy chitin carapace anyway, so it would be fine. If she had to step over something pointy or rough she could deliberately lift it and then relax it back down once its clear. Her stinger retracted when she was relaxed so Aloe did not have to worry about accidentally stabbing someone. The udder flopped down into her blank crotch, fitting rather nicely. It was large and round enough to completely fill her lap but not interrupt the movement of her legs when she is walking. Aloe spent quite some time admiring herself in the mirror. The high contrast black and white stripes looked great too.

Now with her proper body, Aloe wanted to show it off! She wanted the full tour of what RHEI had to offer! In order to make her honey-milk, RHE supplied her with a lot of sweets to eat, and Aloe had no complaints there! She did not even have to worry about getting fat off it because her body automatically stole a percentage of it to make honey. She especially liked the carrot cake muffins with cream cheese icing sugar they supplied her. So fluffy and sweet, but not a heavy sweetness that makes you feel kinda woozy after and then gives you the zoomies. She was also given a variety of specialty teas that would act as a mild herbal infusion that also contributed to her medicinal milk. When going out, Aloe was able to still wear normal human shirts just fine- her breasts could even fit in a bra if she wanted, but she doubted she would be running or jumping around too much to need it so she did not bother. Because she has both an udder in the front and a huge bug butt behind, pants would not work without being heavily modified so she did not bother on that front, either. It also seemed rather pointless because her genitals were at the very end of her bug butt- so there was nothing in her crotch to cover up in the first place.

Aloe headed out and met Rayzel, a centauroid woman with magical prowess, and rode on her back to the west coast and then took a short boat trip to the reserve island. The reserve island was covered in forest and wild animals of all sorts roosted there, so she had fun being as sneaky as possible and trying to spot as many critters as possible before they darted away. After being there in the shade of the trees for a while, they encountered Lorelei- a half whale mermaid! Being terribly awkward on the land she usually loomed around the west beach as the only place she and the other test subjects could travel to equally as easy. As soon as Lorelei told Aloe of her own island, Aloe's eyes twinkled like stars and she insisted Lorelei take her there! So she went from riding the back of Rayzel to riding on Lorelei in the water!

Endless ocean on one side and a sheer cliff on the other, it was a bit daunting but Lorelei had made the swim a million times over by now. The island she lived on was north of RHEI and named 'little light' because it housed a long abandoned lighthouse. It was visible from the sea like any functional lighthouse would need to be, but having it lit would reveal their island to the outside world- ships would be able to see the light from some distance away. Someone with a keen enough eye may have noticed all traffic to and from the island is through helicopters that land on the supply tower. Getting building material enough to build a large research complex and an entire town to the island by helicopter would have taken half a century. When the island was originally founded, it was a titanic ship known as The Ark that brought all the building supplies they would need- and that is why the lighthouse stands on the Isle of Little Light. Lorelei could not get inside of it- her body cannot even come close to fitting through a normal doorway. Aloe however had no trouble and dashed up the old spiraling stairs. Little Light was mostly rock cliffs and woods- but once she got high enough she could see the sandy paths worn into the island from Lorelei flopping around on land. Lorelei's house was built on the shore but overlapped the water on the east edge of the isle; her bedroom has a moonpool in it. Aloe laughed into the howling wind from high above as she got to the top and leaned out over the railing. The weather on Little Light was always much cooler than RHEI because it was but a speck in the ocean, so the ocean breeze swept straight over it. Morning glory vines had started to consume the lower part of the lighthouse but even they had not gotten this high. The sea air was crisp up this high, and a few seagulls passed flying at the same level Aloe stood at! Lorelei just waited at the bottom patiently for Aloe, while humming 'this little light of mine'.

Aloe was returned home in the night, since it was quite a long swim. Out at sea it was hard to tell where the water ended and the nigh sky began in the darkness. It looked like there was two moons- one a reflection dancing on the calm waters near RHEI. Once they were on the west shore Aloe was fine to find her way back home- across he grasslands the lights of the homes in the middle of RHEI guided her home.

The next day she met a woman named Soma! She had giant beautifully colorful peacock wings in place of her hands that allowed her to fly! Though it was scary, she told Aloe to grab onto her hips and she took flight! She had a small cow udder and bovine shaped legs, so Aloe ended up burying her face into the side of the udder when looking down became too scary! Soma flew her up to the mountain known as The Great Plateau! From there they could look over all of RHEI! The mountain had partially collapsed long ago and made many platforms and gradual pathways connecting them, so people could walk up and down the great height easily without the need of any climbing equipment. Few were the test subjects who could simply fly to the top though! Like a peacock, Soma also had a gigantic tail of radiant feathers, and while Aloe was dashing from one side to the other seeing what she could see from the summit, Soma practiced her dancing. Her tail feathers raised and lowered as she dipped and twirled about and ended up unintentionally captivating Aloe with her idle practice. When she spun fast enough her tail turned into a rainbow blur of cool metallic colors. Soma is an Indian woman, and apparently her transformed body was based on a figure of mythology- the mother of all cows. Just like Io was named after a Greek goddess who was turned into a cow, and Audumbla was named after the Nordic primordial being... who is also a cow.

On that same note- Aloe spotted the giant palace that was Io's home. She almost never actually used it though, so the palace was more like a memorial to its original owner; Test Subject 01: Serene. The palace overlooked the island's graveyard. Seeing her interest in it, Soma offered a flight down to the palace- promising it would be shorter and smoother flying there since she could just glide on the wind without flapping. Just getting to the front door requires walking through the hedge garden which was erected into a small maze- luckily the path to the front door was deliberately not part of the maze section and just a straight path through the middle. The palace itself was giant- Serene was extremely tall like Io so the roof needed to be very high up to comfortably fit her. The walls were marble and the floor made up of giant amethyst slates. When Aloe went to sleep that night she dreamed of being a princess in a castle like that!

The next day she was having a bit of pain in her chest. Aloe figured she had been doing a lot of running around, so she started to take it easy. The next day she just wandered down to the art gallery to see what the local island artists had been up to. She was very impressed with the work inside! There was even a wall dedicated for a huge spray-painted mural made by Nancy- one of the earliest test subjects. Aloe supposed the artists on the island lived in paradise, which gave them plenty of time to master their craft. She even found a gorgeous prismatic flower, dried and preserved under glass. It was grown by Ambrosia- apparently since she is mostly plant, she is able to control her blossoms to an extent, and this one was created specifically to show off. Aloe ended up spending much longer than she had thought looking at it all, and was getting pretty tired early on, so just relaxed at home the rest of the day.

The next day it was down to the library to see what their selection looked like. It looked like one of the libraries from some fantasy movie. All of the inner walls and dividing walls were nothing but book shelves! People rolled back and forth on ladders mounted to the shelves at the top and standing on wheels on the bottom to navigate to the higher shelves. The roof was three huge glass domes to let in plenty of natural light during the day. At night there was illumination spells inscribed into the tables you can activate to create an orb of light that remains unaffected by gravity- allowing you to place it anywhere and it will remain floating exactly where you placed it. There was several giant salt crystals ensconced around the library to ward off moisture from harming the pages, and dyed different colors to make them more aesthetic. Aloe was a bit absentminded today, so she did not actually take any books out, just browsing the titles. She felt oddly tired, even though she had plenty of rest the night before. She wasn't sleepy, just her body felt tired and weak; which was annoying because she knew she could not go to sleep to get rid of this tiredness. She still had fun looking around though, and did see some books she will want to take a look at later. There was enough books in that library that she could read a new book every hour and still not be able to read them all in her lifetime. There was three floors but the top two floors were more narrow; with large gaps to look down on the floors below and allow the light from the glass domes down- so it was sort of dizzying to look straight up or down through the building.

The next day, Aloe was planning to see the valley labs, run by Julie Hedgewall- who is both a researcher and test subject at the same time. Aloe was feeling weak again today though too, so decided against it. A bit annoyed, she decided to swap off from eating her sweeter foods to see if maybe sugar burnout was causing it. She would have to contact Benson in the main office too, to make sure there was no oversights with her new body. There is a chance they overlooked her circulatory system's ability or something like that. Her heart had more mass to pump blood through after all, so it needed to be stronger or bigger, and if they got the size wrong that could easily be the source of her weakness- muscles not getting enough oxygen. Aloe already have enough health problems for her lifetime so she knew better than to push herself. She hung around the house most of the day, relaxing and watching television. When she lays back on the couch, she can use her own huge butt to put her legs up on. She also liked to lay on her back just to feel the weight of her boobs and udder rocking gently back and forth with every little movement. If she folders her butt forward, she can shove her udder up from below and squish it between her butt and hands.

Aloe wandered a bit, just taking a casual walk later to get some fresh air. She met the gorgeous beauty Beryl, who was actually responsible for having the valley gallery originally built. She walks on all fours due to a colossal expandable udder, but has half human hips, allowing her to still stand upright. Her arms ended in hybrid hand-hooves. The cloven hoof segments were on the end of large digits, so the dew claws functioned like two thumbs while the primary segments acted as two fingers. This allowed her to hold a pencil and still make art, while also being able to walk on all fours without hurting herself on the hard ground. She had a cow tail but it was freakishly long- it looked cool and most people liked it, but it was actually a complete accident that it happened; RHE did not actually plan for that to happen. What earned Beryl the nickname 'The Gemstone' was her eyes- gorgeous purplish-pink and seafoam blue; the same color as aquamarine and morganite, both gemstones classified as beryl crystals. Those eye colors were rare on their own, but she was also heterochromatic, which was also a rare trait, making her eyes extraordinarily rare.

On seeing Aloe's unique form she asked if she could draw her, and Aloe quickly agreed. So Aloe would not have to sit around waiting, Beryl made several quick sketches she could better assemble on her own into a proper picture. She planned to draw her in a field of flowers to lean into her bee aesthetics. Beryl was a fun person to be with- she was friendly but also a bit on the clumsy side. She fumbled her words when she got too excited and you could tell she was a bit awkward around others. She also let Aloe see her personal 'masterpiece'. There was a huge series of images above her bed of strange nonsensical, twisting architecture and scenery that was drawn across dozens of pages stuck to the wall over her bed. Beryl explained that whenever she had a dream she would try to remember it and draw an image of it- then she would try to fit the image in with the ones from other dreams as if it were all one continuous dream-universe. The result was twisting scenery and buildings that bent your perception in order to fit together, and made for a very interesting image. Aloe felt a bit of a pain in her chest again, furrowing her brow. She did not want to leave so soon, but when she explained she has been having a bit of trouble with her body Beryl immediately agreed that she should return home and contact Benson. RHE is very experienced with transformations at this point but everyone makes mistakes- and when you are dealing with a living being, even small mistakes can have harsh consequences.

Aloe headed out- it was late afternoon but still too early for dinner. Beryl offered to help walk her home but she insisted she would be fine. Beryl went back inside to finish the drawing, copying parts of her sketches onto a new sheet of paper to assemble them into a nice image. She had captured several other test subjects by now. Everyone here had such unique bodies, yet each was beautiful in its own way. Even with images it was hard to portray just how... magical RHEI is. Since hooves do not have the grip of flesh- Beryl had little textured rubber caps she can slide onto the ends of her pseudo hoof segments to better hold her pencils. Beryl's heart jumped into her throat as she was scared into almost falling out of her chair when a spectral woman appeared almost right beside her!

"Gods! Are you trying to give me a heart attack?! Can I help you!?"

The ethereal form is that of a RHE researcher Beryl was not even familiar with herself- astral projecting into her home. "Our vitals monitor picked up a yellow alert signal- we tried to contact you on your onyx slate but you did not respond."

"What? They might be broken then, because I am perfectly fine. You must have contacted me when I was outside sayi- wait." Her brow hardened. "What if there was more than one person in the house?"

"The vitals monitor is not smart enough to differentiate between guests and the host."

"Then the yellow alert wasn't for me, it was for Aloe!"

The researcher projected to Aloe's house but she was not there yet either. Beryl started to trace the path between the two homes, searching for Aloe.

In the prime facility Benson was alerted immediately and looked up to Zero, clinging to the roof over him. "Find her- NOW."

"It will be done."

Zero closed its leaf like ears over its face and in a shimmer of metallic colors its body became nearly invisible- you could still hear him slither quickly out of the room though. Zero is a homunculus created by Moth, as well as its offspring Void and Null. On their huge tails the three of them darted around the valley, completely unseen by anyone else, trying to find Aloe. She was not on the path linking the two homes together, nor at either home. If she entered anyone else's home their vital readings would have picked up a yellow alert too, which means she had to be outside somewhere. Null was the one to eventually spot her- thought it did not take too long, several other test subjects had heard Beryl searching and joined the hunt. Aloe likely knew she was in trouble as well, because she strayed from the existing paths of stone sunken into the grass and tried to cut straight across to her own home to take a short cut. Ariadne's farmland was between the two homes though, and her body slumped over; hidden by the tall crops of the farm.

Benson, Julie, Morgan and the Overseer Mahogany all rushed down on site to the scene- Morgan being the medical expert was the first to diagnose her, to make sure it was even safe to try and move her. All of her vitals were very weak, and Aloe was fully unconscious. Morgan was unable to find what exactly was wrong though. Benson used a mana pulse to scan her internals and immediately seen what was wrong. What looked like thin roots inside of her chest... crushing her heart.

His eyes glazed over in tears and he punched the ground beside her in rage. "We should have monitored her more closely!"

Morgan shook her head. "What is it? Wh-"

Mahogany cut in, her expression quite grim as well. "The rapid cellular growth of her transformation... she must have had dormant cancer cells inside of her. The growth incited by the transformation caused the cancer to rapidly grow as well and take over."

A few tears left Benson's now distant looking eyes and he simply muttered. "I... killed her."

Julie quickly knelt down to pick up Aloe- using her own transformative power to bulk her muscles with bovine genes to allow her to carry the woman. "Come on. Move it! We need to treat her immediately or there is no chance."

Julie hustled off toward the east and everyone else in tow, but Benson was a bit confused himself. "There is... nothing over there? Where is she going?"

Mahogany huffed. "You were a later hire, so there was no reason for you to know." She materialized a copy of the map all new subjects are given when they first arrive.

"Y-yes, I have seen this map plenty of times." He took it, glancing at it but then furrowed his brow as he seen someone had marked the map with a red pen. "Oh, someone marked the hidden bunker on th-" And then his eyes went to the largest mountains of the central east where they were heading now, and seen a second X marked on the map. At the bottom 'Dess Winehal was here :)'. "The Paragon Moth..."

No science or magic could perfectly counter cancer. Once it gained enough ground, not even all the advancements RHE has made over the years could do a damn thing. But Moth can. With the book given to her by Psimance, she knows exactly where the corrupt cells are, how many there are, how to strike them, and if they will ever be able to return.

Julie found a crevice in the sheer cliff bottoms of the particularly huge mountains here, and hidden from sight; a large reinforced mechanical door. Julie quickly tapped the password into the keypad to open the door.

Morgan glanced at the still confused Benson. "You ever notice how many typos are on that map? But all specifically in the text at the bottom?"

"Yea? I found it weird no one corrected it after all these years."

"Moth thought it was funny, so she specifically told the team to leave them in. The password for the keypad is all the letters the map got wrong. That way if you ever forgot, it is easy to double check- because every house on the entire island unknowingly has a copy of the password."

On the other side of a short stone hall was a gigantic opening! What looked like a massive series of mountains from the outside was completely hollow! Where they stood now was formerly a gigantic volcanic shoot. Now the circular hollow was covered with beach sand and colorful hot spring pools lining the edge of an inlet to the ocean. The inlet was fed through a huge natural stone archway that lead back out into the ocean- and parked here was an absolutely monstrously huge ship, named The Ark. As soon as the door was opened, Moth was alerted to their presence and teleported to them. She softly touched down onto the water of the highest of the hot springs without breaking or even disturbing the surface of the water. Julie only needed to half-explain the situation and Moth already rushed to the side of the unconscious Aloe. Moth let down her large hood and shook her long bright orange hair free. Her iris as well were a brilliant orange in color like glowing hot metal. She took out an unusual looking but small book and pointed it to Aloe. The pages started to flip rapidly on their own- but the number of pages passing by was more than the book even contained originally, distorting space to help house infinite knowledge. Moth furrowed her brow in concentration and held a hand over the book so she could both read the pages and watch every minuscule movement of her fingers. Tiny beads of light appeared and launched from her subtle movements as beams of light no wider than the girth of a pin. Each one phased through Aloe, striking only the cancer within, deleting it from existence entirely.

Julie was starting to cry now too though- she had her fingers on Aloe's rapidly dying pulse. The cancer was empowered by their tincture- it was growing and digging into Aloe to kill her even as Moth obliterated it bit by bit.

Julie clenched her teeth and fists. "I don't... feel a pulse." She looked up to Moth whose concentration remained unbroken. "Dess... she is dead. Even you cannot bring back the dead. All the knowledge in the world won't help bring back a life that is already lost..."

Benson just buried his face in his hands and slumped down to the ground. "I killed her. I was the one who gave her the tincture."

Morgan put her hand on his shoulder. "You didn't kill anyone. You can't see the future- you couldn't have known it would come back like that, no one could. You aren't accountable for things you have no control over."

Moth remained concentrating. "She did not stop fighting, nor will I."

There was a long silence that seemed like a hundred years as Moth continued to look at her book and rain pins of light through the still body. She did not stop until all of the cancer was gone, for good. Moth is the sort of person to focus on one thing until it is absolutely done before moving on. Before considering the patient's condition, the cancer had to be absolutely annihilated. It felt like someone had grabbed and twisted her own heart when Moth looked at the lifeless body. She knelt down and started to flip through the pages of the book, tapping on specific topics to alter later chapters- she was looking into the future of possible choices she could make here. If she used magic to shock her system, could she restart Aloe's heart? No. Could she link Aloe's system with another living person to share the spark of life till her body restarts on its own? No. Could she fold Aloe's life in from a universe in which she did not die in, without killing the still living Aloe in exchange? No. With an angered grunt, Moth clapped the book closed. It took too long to destroy the cancer while it was still growing at the same time. Aloe was already too far gone. Now even Moth's eyes grew watery, and as she rose to her feet, everyone else collapsed down in silence around Aloe's still body.

Moth took a deep breath, first looking to Benson. "Fate has a twisted sense of humor. This is the fault of no man. All we gave her was a chance to be what she wanted to become. She was a fighter. She spent so many years fighting back against her illness. Maybe it only lasted a short time, but for her stay here on RHEI, she was truly happy to be a part of our paradise." She held up her shut book. "I read her memories of her time here. She never stopped fighting. Even when she thought she was cured, she kept fighting to distance herself from that experience as much as possible, and enjoy what she had struggled so hard to keep." Moth chuckled.

Julie furrowed her brow at the subtle laugh. She looked up to Moth about to question her when an extremely loud shattering sound exploded across the entire ocean, causing the water to vibrate for a moment! Eight giant claws ruptured through the dimensional barrier and bled the void of the infinite cosmos from wounds in the space time continuum itself! The sky started to crack and break as giant hands forced their way inside!

Moth turned her back to Aloe a moment to look up at the sky. "Come forth, Desfernus; God Of Fury!!"

The sky shattered to bits as the screaming skull of the Lost Founder entered their plain of existence. With his four arms he crawled forward over them, holding the tops of the surrounding mountains. The entire clearing no larger than a small bowl compared to him. The air immediately became so dry that everyone's eyes burned. A wave of absolute zero temperatures followed the God Of Fury wherever he went and froze all of the moisture out of the air. Desfernus devours warmth- inside of him is the blazing inferno of a million stars, but around him is an aura of forever cold. A thick layer of ice formed on the ocean water within the inlet so quickly it froze with the shape of the waves intact! Even a thin layer of ice formed on the hot springs, breaking and re-freezing over and over as the two temperatures compete.

His head was not physically even attached to his body- it hovered over his neck which acted more like a pedestal. The giant bestial, horned skull surrounded his actual head like a helmet. The true head of Desfernus was a ball of millions of blue and white crystals assembled into a massive unblinking eye. He looked down on Aloe and opened his maw, letting a tiny shard fall off from his eye. A shard of Frozen Flame- a trophy generally reserves for those brazen enough to actually stand up to his unyielding rage.

Moth looked back over her shoulder to the others. "To Desfernus, there is no greater sin a living being can commit than that of cowardice." She looked down to Aloe as the shard touched her, and melted- absorbing into her flesh. "And for those who would stand against anything, without fear, without relent..."

Aloe gasped as she sat up quickly, startled and confused.

The jagged edges of the broken sky started to regenerate, but before they closed him back out; Desfernus smiled down on them. "Never surrender."

Everyone stood quietly in the the gallery as Beryl placed the large, framed drawing of Aloe in the flower field up for all to see. At the bottom was written a choice quote from the beevine woman herself:

'Life is so precious because it is fleeting. We cling to it and do all we can now, knowing that one day we won't be able to. Death gives life its value, and life is defined by the continuing struggle against death- so just don't stop swingin'.'

Aloe blushed, at the center of the crowd clapping as the new piece was added to the gallery. "Thank ye Beryl. Tis a beautiful piece."

Beryl turned and hugged her- having to lean forward to make sure their udders didn't get squished together. "No, thank you Aloe."

"Ahaha- but I ne'er gave you nottin'!"

Maple smiled. "Thank you for being an inspiration to us all."

The mother pushed her son's wheelchair down the busy street. There was so many overpasses connecting the towering buildings in this area of town no natural light made it down to street level- but it was plenty well lit regardless. The legs of the son abruptly stopped at the knees.

"Y'know rumor has it that RHE has a paradise island hidden somewhere, where they do all their research. With all the things they are able to do- I am starting to think their researchers must come from a paradise!"

The father chuckled. "I don't doubt it for a moment. Especially with how fast they showed up and just revolutionized human biology."

They paused at the door to a large shop and the son was about to reach down and activate the mana capsules on his legs. They would activate a pre-written spell to give him golem legs from the knees down and allow him to temporarily walk. But a chime sounded from the front of the RHE shop and a textured, telescoping metal ramp automatically slid from the bottom of the door to slide over the steps- allowing him wheelchair access.

The RHE host opened the door to peek out with a smile. "Hey- need a hand?"

The son laughed. "No but I could use a leg. Haven't a leg to stand on."

The host nodded with a bright smile, motioning over all the tinctures inside. "We have just the thing to give you a leg up on your current form."


Big Beef

(F tf elephant/whale, hybrids) Tria Amalie was a pretty woman, so pretty that it got her in trouble. She had the figure of a twig- not a curve or bump anywhere on her. Originally she was quite upset that her figure never filled out, and jealous...

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Dragon Bull

(FtH bull/komodo dragon hybrid) Vivienne signed up to RHE to become a human test subject. The company worked tirelessly to hybridize humans with animals, always trying to improve their methods and forms. To provide an easily palatable specialty...

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Paradise Dreamer

(F hybrids) The RHE researcher looked over the woman's file, while the woman herself was visible several floors down on the ground, being taken down into the valley where the other test subjects live. "Her hair is snow white, even...

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