What Did You Say To Me?

Story by iplank on SoFurry

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Alice has a friend with the power to alter all of reality with her words! To make use of a romantic weekend with her boyfriend, Alice is temporarily given the power to use for herself, but quickly realizes it is a bit harder than she thought to use. If your words can change reality- you better be real careful about your wording.

(Reality Alteration, M&F tf Horse-hybrid, Merge)

It is sometimes amazing how small things can have large results. A small stone cast into a lake sends ripples across the water for some distance. A woman named Robin once lost track of her little sister on a family vacation when they were little- they found her soon enough so you would not think much of the event. Her little sister found a magic being though, and was offered a wish. She looked up to Robin for being so bold and honest, and so she wished that everything her big sister said would be true. Rather than force Robin to speak only true things, it had a much more severe effect of altering reality so that whatever she says becomes the truth!

Robin stood upside down on Alice's roof, walking circles around the light. "So, two days with your boyfriend Vincent, eh? Wild sex in the forest! You better tell me all the juicy details when you get back."

Robin met Alice only a half year prior, and introduced herself powers-first. Using her ability to change reality to however she wants, she played with Alice for a while, making Alice- and Alice only- aware of the changes going on around her to make things more fun. Now they are good friends, though Alice does tend to still get nervous when Robin starts to mess with reality. Her power is entirely reliant on what she says and how she says it.

Alice blushed as she continued packing her bags. "Maybe, but most likely not. We have only been dating for two months. He likes to take things slow and I don't want to seem like some desperate leg-humper."

Robin clicked her tongue. "He is taking things slow probably so he doesn't scare you off or seem like a horny animal. You're both holding back because of what it will seem like if you don't!"


"Well, if you both want to do it- you should do it! Fuck the rules~"

Alice laughed. "Easy for you to say. Hey... could you use your- no! Never mind. If we manipulate things based on assumptions..."

Robin paused and crossed her arms. "If you need my powers for a fun time, you are welcome to them."

"Nooo, this is just a trip with me and him! No following us!"

Robin put her hands out defensively. "No, I know, I mean I could just give you my power."

"Wait, what? You can do that?"

"I can do anything I say I can, remember? That applies to the power itself as well. Just, y'know, be careful not to break the space-time continuum. Here- for the duration of your camping trip, you will have my power to alter reality with your words."

"Wow, thanks! Ohh... I am kind of nervous now."

"No you aren't."

Alice suddenly felt much more at ease. "Oh. Right, thanks."

And so, Alice left on a camping trip out to the cliffs overlooking their city with her boyfriend and long-time crush Vincent. She was unusually quiet on the ride out there because she was thinking of all the things she could say- and all the things she should not. Reality would obey whatever she said, no matter what.

Vincent stepped out of the truck and took a very deep breath of the fresh forest air. "Damn, it is beautiful out here, isn't it?"

Alice smiled as she scoot around the truck with the tent in her arms. "Yes, it is beautiful."

Suddenly all the leaves on the trees became more vibrantly colored, and songbirds gathered and chirped as flowers bloomed all around them and vines coiled the trunks of all the trees!

"Ah, uh, I mean, it is normal looking!"

Alice sighed when nothing changed from that statement. Of coarse that would not undo the change- the change altered what 'normal' is. Luckily, beauty is subjective and she did think it was quite beautiful already so the alteration was not too severe.

Alice started to set up the tent, but waited for Vincent to wander off to gather sticks and stones to build a fire-pit, and then uttered 'I already set the tent up', and suddenly her job was done before she started. The day continued in this fashion- using her powers mostly for shortcuts while pondering what she could use them for, for more impactful results. She told herself she was going to have the most memorable time with Vincent this weekend. The words did not change anything, and Alice assumed she had altered her near future to be a good time no matter what. What she actually did was vastly improve her memory temporarily- she would remember every detail of these two days whether they were good or bad.

Alice needed to use the bathroom later that afternoon, groaning at it. That was one part about camping out in the forest she did not care for. "I have a working toilet in this for- wait. I don't have to go to the bathroom anymore, and neither does Vincent." Suddenly the pressure in her lower guts vanished. Hah. Efficiency!

She paused just outside their camp, looking at Vincent by the fire, heating up a dinner for them. "I wish... or... hmmm. Vincent lets me know what his feelings are."

Vincent suddenly turned around to face her. "Oh hey, this log is starting to hurt my tail bone so I am going to change my position a bit." He shuffled his seating. "Also, I am really hungry, and I already feel pretty dirty from being in the woods all day but I kind of enjoy it. I feel you should sit with me so we can talk, but I don't know what to say, so I also want you to stay busy as to not pressure me into saying something stupid and embarrassing myself."

Alice facepalmed. That isn't what she meant! She waited till he turned back around.

"I know what Vincent is feeling."

Alice suddenly thrust forward in surprise and looked behind herself as she felt something touch her ass... but there was nothing there? She also felt really warm suddenly, but only the front of her body. She felt an odd tightness between her legs, and something pressing on the front of her panties? Alice looked down but seen nothing off, and then her eyes widened when she realized what it was! Her nervous system was picking up on everything his was! The pressure she feels between her legs is the half-chub between Vincent's legs! The feeling on her butt is him sitting on the log! It was incredibly confusing for her though, because Alice still felt everything she should and Vincent's feelings at the same time. So according to her nervous system she is both sitting and standing at the same time! Her heart sped up as her hand hovered over her crotch. She wanted to adjust her panties but knew that would not help. She wanted to grab the bulge but it wasn't in her physical possession.

"I... uh, I am going to go for a bit of a walk while the food cooks."

"Alright, don't go too far; the sun will start to set soon and I wouldn't want you getting lost."

Alice backed off from the camp but did not go far. She wanted to be out of sight of Vincent, but still have him in her sights. Feeling the bulge in his pants made her horny, which immediately filled her mind with a different train of thought. Robin gave her these powers so she could break down artificial barriers between her and Vincent and make sweet love surrounded by wilderness. But if she has the power to alter reality- why not make her first sex with Vincent as wild as possible? She could turn him into an impossibly perfect body. She could do the same to her own body too! She would not have to worry about him freaking out over it, because it alters reality so to everyone else whatever he turns into will seem like it has always been that way.

Alice sighed at herself and stood up out of the bushes. "Why am I hiding like some creep anyway, c'mon Alice, think. Vincent will not look this way. Vincent is very muscular... and big." She nibbled her lower lip. "Maybe a bit dumb? He should forget his troubles for now."

Vincent bent forward a bit more, groaning. His muscles were tightening on their own and every time they clenched they grew a little bit larger. Alice however also moaned, and had to grab a narrow tree nearby to keep from falling backwards! She still felt everything he did, so she could feel his muscles tightening and swelling! She could still also feel her own body though, so as it expanded larger, his sensations felt like they were distancing themselves from her. She was feeling parts bulging out to areas were there existed nothing on her own body. Alice could also feel his penis becoming harder because of the feelings, dragging the glans along the front of his underpants; tenting them. His clothing pulled tight, hugging him as he continued to grow. She said big as a separate point, so he was not only getting stronger he was actually getting just plain larger as well. His midriff was exposed as he grew, and his abs tightened into a bulbous six pack! Even the veins in his neck throbbed as his neck became more muscular!

Alice was squirming from the feeling too, almost enjoying feeling the changes more than watching them. "Ooohoo yea~ he is as strong as a horse!"

Both of them moaned sharply again as his entire body surged! Alice locked her lips tightly in nervousness, realizing what she just said. A horse is almost pure muscle, and average over 300 pounds. 300 pounds of muscle on a human man is a little extreme. His body bulged massively! The divots in his skin between muscles seemed to roll around his body, following the shifting muscle. His pectoral muscles swelled so large it almost looked like he has boobs! His very tight shirt tore down the front, but unfortunately for him the arms still held at the moment, being very uncomfortable. His sleeves did not fit so his muscles forced them to roll to his shoulders- bunching the fabric up like that increased its strength. The shirt absolutely did not fit however, so the sleeves were yanking his arms back from lack of space! Alice shivered at the feeling of muscles squirming in his lower back... by his tail bone? Vincent tried to stand up and the moment he bent forward to swing himself onto his feet, the back of his pants exploded open! His ass cheeks grew massive with muscle. Alice also noticed another mistake she made. His joints felt like they were bloated and did not want to move. His muscles did not align properly! He was literally getting the muscles of a horse- which means his muscle structure isn't human! The muscles she felt around his tail bone are for an actual tail, but he doesn't have a tail, so they are all just bunched up forming a oval bulb under the skin because they have nowhere to go!

They both cried out in mild pain as his joints pulled tight, preventing him from moving them! Vincent could not stand up, and his canceled effort to try caused him to fall backwards off the log he was sitting on! The movement tore his pant legs the rest of the way off- this thigh muscles massive and slightly malformed. His back and especially neck started to hurt! It was like someone was trying to pull his head off! The muscle was getting so large that it cold not fit and was yanking his bones apart! A horse has a long neck; he does not. In a panic, Alice said that he had the neck of a horse. His spine immediately popped loudly and extended. Alice could feel the vertebrae pop apart, causing the muscle and skin on the surface to pull inward slightly into the newly made space, but then get shoved back into position as new vertebrae filled the gap- the material for them bleeding out from the ones above and below. He gained at least a foot of neck! It also caused his hairline to advance backwards down to its base, giving him a mane. Alice then gave him a horse's tail to release those cramped muscles. She sighed at how malformed his muscles had become. There was no getting around it, she had to turn him into a horse to fix this, and so she did.

The bridge of his nose popped and his face started to stretch out as his nostrils flared huge. His ears turned leaf shaped and could now move. The bones in his limbs expanded greatly to match the muscle around them already. Alice shivered from the feeling of him taking an impossibly deep breath and his ribs popping and growing massive, stretching his torso. His hands and feet devolved into hooves, and the final change came with a prickly shiver as the fine fur grew in! He completely turned into a brown work horse with dark brown mane and tail! To stand back up he had to tuck in his limbs and roll onto them. Because the magic changed reality- he thinks he has always been a horse, so he is completely used to this body even though he has only had it for less than a minute.

Alice sighed, walking a bit closer since there was no risk of him looking toward her as long as she didn't stand at a different direction from him. "Well, now that he is a normal horse I can change him to something else without worrying about his anatomy screw ups carrying over." After a few moments, she concentrated on a weight down low. "Vincent shakes his ass."

Vince shook his huge muscular equine rump back and forth, and Alice cooed at the feeling of his cock! It was still mostly erect, but thanks to his clothes bursting off it was now flopped out in the open! The long, large equine phallus swung heavily under him back and forth. Then it occurred to Alice- if he is a horse that means he is only as smart as a horse as well. Vincent won't question any advances she abruptly makes, and she can say whatever she wants in front of him without confusing him because he doesn't understand English in the first place. Before his cock was able to stop swinging on its own, Alice walked up and grabbed it. Vincent nickered and shuffled his back hooves a bit, standing in attention while his girlfriend worshiped his dong. Turning him into a horse did not negate the fact she also made him big. He was so giant as a horse that Alice's head was only as high as his chest. If she was an inch shorter she would be able to walk under him without needing to duck. That also meant his cock was thicker than her arm, and a bit longer than it too. Fully flared- the head of his cock is as big around as her entire actual head.

Every little movement on his shaft caused Alice's hips to twitch. She feels everything he does even though she doesn't have a cock to feel from. She rest his dick on her shoulder and cupped both balls in her hands! Each testicle was the size of an ostrich egg and three times as heavy. The scrotal skin was so smooth and so soft! She rubbed the curvature of them, tracing it to the top and then grabbed onto the loose skin at the top of the scrotum and gently wobbled his balls and forth. His dick bounced on her shoulder a few times, pulling itself up in a throb.

"Okay, fun is fun but I need to fix you. You can't even hug me like this. I didn't mean to do this. Uh... okay- you have human shaped hips and upper torso."

His hips popped loudly and his ass started to get even larger and rounder! The hip shape was causing it to be much more pronounced! This also caused his leg joints to re-align in a way that would allow him to stand upright again. His rib cage compacted back down, though remained huge because she never said anything about altering his size. His pectoral muscles shifted back down to a human position between the front limbs, and his stomach area compressed making it look more sunken in but also causing his six pack abs to be visible again! His crotch was very veiny. Vincent seemed a bit off-balance now. His front half shifting caused his arm joints to shift further up, which meant his legs were longer than his arms, putting his front half lower than it should be, making walking on all fours awkward.

"Okay, you have human arms and hands- well, wait...." His transformation did not wait, but she thought of a few tweaks while he was transitioning. "You have, uh, half-paw hands, and some soft fur on your upper half, for excellent hugs! Oh, and, you are definitely smarter than a horse."

Vincent's front hooves shattered, causing him to tumble forward and Alice needed to get out of the way or be crushed by the giant half-man. By the time he pushed himself into an upright sitting position, the base of his former hooves was branching into short, fat digits. The remnant shards of the hoof softened into claws. The claws were not as sharp as a feline, but sharper than a canine. She realized she never specified what the paw half came from, so they were nondescript paws. The part she was looking for the most though, is when the ends and base of every digit swelled into a bright pink ball of thick skin! Giant toe beans! Vincent was looking around a bit confused- because she changed reality yet again, he does not recall having any other form- which means he has no idea why he fell to the ground or had any problem moving prior to this. Alice grabbed his hands and locked fingers with his. His half-paw hands were so giant compared to hers though that she could barely get her fingers around his palms to fit their tips between the base of his digits! His fingers and thumb remained pretty thick because of paw traits, and his palm was slightly longer than normal. He grew a powder soft black fur on the back of his hand up to the wrist, then there was a disconnected patch on his forearm, and then a large diamond shaped patch on his chest. Because of his horse changes, even after the horse fur vanished from his upper half his skin was still black under it. The pads on his hands were neon pink though, making them stand out a LOT.

Guiding him with their hands together she gently rocked him back into a full laying position and climbed on top of him. He was so large that she could kneel directly on him without hurting him. "You will kiss me Vincent~ and your face will compress back to get rid of that muzzle!" He lifted his head up toward hers but she placed a hand on his huge neck suddenly. "OH, but, you will only kiss me if you wanted to... already... before I said anything, I mean."

He cocked an eyebrow, not sure what she meant but she removed her hand stopping him so he lifted his head to kiss her. His lips were so soft! Horse lips are really big and dexterous! She almost giggled through the kiss because the feeler hairs on his horse chin were tickling her! His face started to click and clack as the bone compressed back inward. Then his tongue entered her mouth! She said to get rid of his muzzle, not anything else- his tongue was still the size of a proper horse, now no longer having a muzzle to fit in! It filled her entire mouth! It was so soft and squishy and hot. She broke off to catch her breath, panting hard and looking at her handy work. His nose was quite wide and his nostrils still quite large, so his face still stuck out further than a normal human but not by too much. She made a quick adjustment to shrink his tongue down to fit in his mouth properly. His neck was still a long, muscular horse neck but she kinda liked it, so Alice did not want to make any alterations there. The feeling of kissing him was really hard for her brain to wrap itself around. She feels what he does, so she was both being kissed by him and kissing herself through him.

Alice glanced back with a coy grin and slid her feet to either side of his chest. She was looking back at his giant bobbing erection, feeling the weight trying to bend the turgid staff as it wobbled back and forth from their movements. Alice yanked her pants and panties down and sat on his dick! It was so large and tall that she barely had to bend over at all to sit on it. He let out a thunderously deep moan and Alice started to squirm a bit on his cock head- even only half flared it was so wide that it did not fit easily. When it popped in finally, she almost hurt herself because of how much easier and quickly the shaft behind it slid into her! Alice could only get as far down as just before his medial ring! Over half his cock was still outside of her and she already ran out of space! Vincent was in bliss, but it was nothing compared to Alice, who thanks to being able to feel through Vincent now knew what the inside of her own pussy felt like! She could even feel his large balls slide up between his legs as they clenched, churning up a fresh batch of hot goo. Alice could not get far enough down his cock to bounce on him, so she moved forward, locking fingers with him again and then rocking her hips to work the shaft at more of an angle. She could barely move without causing herself to shudder in another mini orgasm! She hit a larger orgasm when she felt his own crotch muscles clenching as the tension in his cock was hitting critical limit, and then he climaxed which immediately sent her into a second even more powerful orgasm halfway through the first one! She was being hit with the power of two orgasms at once; one male, one female!

Vincent basically had to catch her- her full weight fell forward when her legs basically turned to jelly from the climax. When his cock started to go soft she staggered backwards and fell onto her side, laughing at her own clumsiness. Her back half had been partially supported by the giant phallus, so when it gave out, so did she.

Vincent looked at the log he had been sitting on, a bit confused as to why it was to tiny... how the hell does he sit on that without falling over? Once he resumed watching their food cook, Alice took a few steps back and nodded at herself in confidence.

"Okay, as fun as that was; time to get back to my Vincent though. Vincent's body will now be normal." Nothing happened, and she growled in frustration. "I mean... normal for the species. He is a normal HUMAN."

Her vision became dizzy a moment and then she was tossed to her hands and knees by a massive surge of growth and change! Her outfit immediately became too tight everywhere! Oh no, stating he is a normal human instead of he is turning back in to what would be normal for a human is having the opposite effect she wanted.

"Ah!! N-no. Turn him and everyone else back into a standard human- like they were be-ah~ before... this." Her statement had no effect, she is changing rapidly!

The problem now is that there is no point of reference. There are no 'normal' humans. She just unintentionally started every living person on the planet into the same transformation she is now going through! Her clit swelled tremendously and her guts cramped as her ovaries mutated into testicles! Her clothing ruptured almost all at once from both her increasing muscle and size! She was turning into an almost exact clone of Vincent! Vincent's current form is now what all humans look like! Genitals included. Which means humans can no longer reproduce- they are all male! Her butt started to raise and her legs started to spread as they actually got longer and larger, her feet devolving to hooves quickly. It almost felt like the ground was trying to push up her arms, but it was just pads forming on her hands as they turned half paw!

"This is a long shot but... humans, uh... humans match their lifestyles!"

Alice paused a moment, but nothing seemed to happen, then she was startled by the sound of groaning metal and looked to the truck as it started to transform. Well, that failed. She hoped it would force everyone to return at least more humanoid in order to keep living the way they have been, but instead its transforming all tools, buildings, and vehicles to better suit their new bodies. Back in the city the sound of tearing clothing could be heard everywhere as people transformed. Vehicles became quite tall to better suit their huge forms, but that allowed more vertical space for the engine, which caused the bed capacity for trucks to expand, and overall vehicle lengths to shrink. Wardrobes changed for everyone, but their bodies started changing first, so the clothes they were currently wearing did not change fast enough to save them; making everyone across the globe naked for the time being. Buildings became much larger, which created size issues as many cities were already tightly packed, causing buildings to expand underground.

Alice squealed and arched back; her body going rigid as her clit turned penis expanded to equine proportions quite quickly, tugging on all the nerves. She collapsed her back legs entirely to sit on her growing muscular horse butt and grab her cock.

"Ack, no. Hoo~ feels so good. How do men get anything done with these things between their legs? Cocks are so demanding. I shouldn't even have a penis!" Suddenly all the people who were formerly women became confused by their changing forms. "Women have vulva! And bo~ ooooh boy. Ah... hah... big boobs..."

Even as she spoke the changes immediately took place- her body was still in the process of shifting so there was absolutely no delay for these alterations. She however did not state that they don't have dicks, just that they have vulva as well. So her growing cock and balls remained exactly the same, and instead the taint almost immediately behind her balls collapsed into a tiny hole. The hole started to expand as the flesh around it swelled up into labia. Once it got big enough and dug far enough into her torso it formed a womb at the end trailing to ovaries above. Because of how it was positioned in addition to the male genitals however- the prostate was pinched between vagina and anus, slightly pushing into both other holes- it did not matter what hole she was penetrated from, the prostate was impossible to miss! She grabbed at her massive pectoral muscles as bubbles of fat once again formed in front of them and rapidly swelled into tits. As they got larger, she had to be more careful of her claws so she did not prick herself by accident. She unconsciously said big boobs however- and their size was also paired to their current bodies. She was breathless from all the involuntary moaning as she kneaded her swelling boobs. The heat they gave off built up in the insulated fatty mass, causing sweat to collect in her cleavage and make her tits shiny with moisture.

She muttered under her breath that women also have longer hair and are smaller than males. Now it seemed like her boobs stopped growing, but the rest of her shrank- so her breasts were still getting bigger in proportion to the rest of her. Longer hair in this current equine jumble however meant the entire mane from head to the base of the neck, as well as her tail hair growing! She shrank so much that Alice became the same size she used to be- though remained very muscular. Her tail was so long the hair pooled on the ground behind her for several feet. In her upright sitting, the hair on her mane covered half her body like a curtain and still touched the ground.

Alice thought hard, though her mind was spinning from all the sensations and the panic of accidentally rebuilding the entire human race. She was about to say something when a huge creature pounced on her! It had a long smooth neck, and its head was shaped with a tapered end so it had no definition against the neck holding it up. It had no eyes and instead three undulating flaps of skin on either side of its head that were photosensitive. Its mouth was under its head and trailed two long thin tendrils like whiskers. It's form was relatively human but its chest was doubled- including its pectorals and arms! It only had two fingers and a thumb on each hand, and only two toes on the feet, no claws or nails. It had no tail and its back arched steeply- there was six breasts on its upper backside!

Alice was about to scream and talk this thing out of existence but it spoke first- in her voice! "Stop, it's me. I mean you. I mean I am you."

"...... what..... the FUCK."

"You were about to state some things about evolution to try and fix things. Well, I am you from tomorrow; I said I was coming back in time to today to stop myself- you. It doesn't work, don't fuck with evolution."

They both looked up and seen trees collapsing and transforming to concrete! The forest was being consumed- FAST.

"Oh, also that."

"What is-?"

"Everyone is a lot bigger but there is still the same number of people, and still the same amount of resources available on the planet to use. There is no forests left. They do not know what camping even is- this will be a parking lot in about fifteen minutes."

"No it won't." The forest stopped crumbling away. "Because the earth is proportionally larger to these bodies."

The sky almost instantly went black, showing the rapidly spinning stars in the sky.

The alien Alice smacked what must be the equivalent of her face. "Okay, well the planet changing size mid-orbit just threw us into the void of space." The temperatures started to fall extremely fast as their distance to the sun increased. "Uh, our planet is endothermic!" The heat returned- radiating off the ground now.

The original Alice got off the ground again- her huge horse dick soft again from panic but still fully out of its sheath and awkwardly flopping around. "Shit, Luna!"

"Huh? Oh right." They both felt the wind dying down, the air becoming stagnant. Trees started to crumble to dust. "No moon means no wind, and no tide. No wind to carry pollen to spread plant life and no tides to churn the sea. Uh- Earth has a moon trapped in its gravitational field still. Somehow. I don't know, make it work."

They all got slammed into the ground suddenly. "In order to keep it in orbit while flying through space, Earth's gravity had to be increased..."

"We already adapted to that increased gravity." The pressure vanished, allowing them to get up again.

Alice looked at alien Alice for several long moments, then to Vincent who seemed perfectly oblivious to anything- since he would be unable to perceive the alterations.

"We still need to figure out how to fix this. This just stops the world from ending..."

"Wait- that is-!"

She was cut off as another woman appeared in a flash of pale blue. Her body was extremely tall and narrow. Her fingers each had an extra joint and were exceptionally long. The woman was floating a foot above the ground rather than standing on it. She had strange mechanical devices on her arms, shoulders and back, and some on her head. Her head extended upward like a tower! The face was still recognizable as Alice's however!

The third Alice lifted her hand to silence the other two. "We have stated that we possess the knowledge to fix this turmoil. I am the self that has that power."

"Well then how do w-"

"Silence!" A beeping came from her head, and a vial of pink liquid unscrewed from the side of her head, hissing from high temperatures. She pulled it out and shook it back and forth to cool it. "Sorry- my patience module is overheating. I can fix our situation. I already know this. Therefore, the course of action for you two is to enjoy your weekend with Vincent. Whatever you manage to mess up- I can fix. So... use your power, like you originally intended."

The first thing they did was state that Vincent knew about the second Alice and was as turned on as he was for his original Alice. They had dinner and told spooky stories by the camp fire. The alien Alice and the original took turns being cradled by Vincent's much larger body by the fire. During the night, alien Alice woke up briefly for some kinky fun and gave Vincent a late night blowjob! Because of her weird mouth and very long, flexible throat she was actually able to swallow the entire huge horsecock! You could very clearly see the shape of his dick as it slid down her throat- the impression of its form stretched out from her skin. Once she was down to his balls, she used the two whisker like tendrils to wrap around his nuts and hold them up.

The next day they all went on a hike- the third Alice floating behind but not directly interacting with them. It seems she is able to run simulations in her head on any situation she is capable of creating, including simulating stimulation of the senses, which rendered the act of actually doing anything mostly pointless. She was having her own adventure with Vincent in her head. By the afternoon when they returned to the camp site, Alice gave Vincent an insatiable lust, so his male refractory period was erased! She can feel everything he does, so even if he isn't having sex with her... he is still kinda having sex with her. The original Alice was the only one with a horse cock, so she frot with him to feel the hot, tight, throbbing cocks together for a while before erupting! She then stated she was as flexible as rubber, and then had Vincent's dick expand to almost double its size!! His horse dong was now so large that he could not walk properly with its weight- it wobbled easily, and was so heavy that any momentum it gained was enough force to tug his entire body in that direction! Because of her elasticity though, Alice could take the massive thing without trouble! When he came, he blasted into her so hard she immediately started to inflate like a balloon! Her stomach pressed out into a huge globe and still he came more!

She wanted him to keep cumming, because all three of her felt it as well- if his orgasm doesn't end, neither does theirs, but they are all able to feel their own over top of that! When her stomach was almost as large as she is, the original Alice was blown off the end of his erupting dick by liquid pressure. His taint and urethra clenching so hard between blasts it felt like they were trying to implode, only to expand again for another blast! The volume of cum with each throb was so great that they could all feel it travelling all the way up the shaft before leaving. Each thick stream arched in the air three feet up, collecting into a globule mid-air before slamming into the ground with a loud wet slapping sound. Vincent was sweating quite a bit and breathing dangerously heavy. The three Alice realized they could keep him cumming forever, but that doesn't mean his body can handle it! Not wanting to end their high, alien Alice collapsed her being with Vincent! The two of them became one- so his body could take the strength from what was hers!

Vincent's neck became longer and long flaps of perpetually waving skin grew up either side of the bridge of his nose! The four thick fingers on either hand started to fuse instead into two- the claw on each growing in size to match the larger fused digit! Internally, she had to keep her consciousness separate from his, or the resulting merge would be considered a new entity- and thus no longer entitled to the reality-breaking powers. Vincent would also become aware of her meddling, which would be bad too. Their spine grew in size, but not the rest of the torso, causing him to arch forward as his back grew larger. Six nubs formed and stiffened into fresh nipples, then bled darker pigmentation out from their base to create areola. His cock started to buck hard, and the breaks between cum shots shrank even more as his body exploded with even more pleasure! The six breasts started to grow in, stretching and branching new pleasure nerves as huge bubbles of fat swelled out to house them! Finally the front of his torso started to catch up as several more ribs started to form and his shoulder blades doubled. His arm swelled with muscle and extra thick bone, eventually dividing into four identical arms.

The ultra smart Alice shrugged with a smile, even as her body trembled like a leaf from pleasure. "Why not- lets all pile on!"

She merged herself with Vincent as well!! His pectorals started to swell further out, becoming jiggly and soft as yet another pair of boobs formed on his chest! Because the two sets of arms also gave him two sets of pectoral muscles though- a second pair of breasts started to grow as well, giving him more breasts than Alice had to give originally! His arms and his legs started to stretch longer. Vincent could literally not think at all- the entirety of his neurons was dedicated to processing the sheer amount of pleasure input his nervous system was being hammered with, and had nothing left to actually process active thought. He started to feel even more pleasure though- as the number of neurons increased greatly to process it! The ultra smart Alice was causing his head to grow! The back of his skull swelled larger and larger as his brain increased size, and new divisions formed in the grey matter to divvy up the processing power! His head doubled in size, then the bone started to throb with pressure and the growth slowed down, having a hard time keeping up. By the time it fully stopped his head was almost three times bigger than it should be and his neck was having a hell of a time just keeping it up. Unfortunately her ability to float was a result of the equipment she had been wearing- not a power that she had.

The original Alice could barely move. Her steps were shaky, her entire body weak and overloaded with pleasure. She walked up to Vincent with a smile, gently taking his mega cock in her hands and kissing the salty shaft.

"Let us share this mind blowing orgasm~. Come on baby, lets become one!"

She stepped forward and pressed the dick into her chest and it fused! Her heart beat was now directly controlled by the contractions of the perpetually climaxing cock! Since cum isn't nearly as thin as water, the soil could not absorb it fully, so by now the pool of cum was starting to build up in layers, causing its level to rise almost three inches off the ground in a small pond! Alice collapsed from the pleasure, causing her to fall further forward into the dick. The shaft fully eclipsed her chest- forcing her to lean her head back, the wide glans of the horse phallus now resting over her face. The rigid flesh rim pressed against her face- her nose filled with its musk. She hugged herself- which at this point was his shaft and her arms fused to it. They hollowed and branched, turning quickly to massive veins on the surface of the cock. Her own cock and balls vanished inside, making his dick still a bit bigger, and then she fused her hips to the base of his dick. Her butt cheeks remained un-merged, looking almost like some sort of phallic knot at the base! Her legs crossed around the base and fused into the overfilled sheath, causing the plush, rubbery skin to swell up still bigger and softer!

All four of them were exhausted and barely keeping up their breathing but did not want the orgasm to end! The still separate head of the original Alice opened her eyes wider however when her mind became overlapped with her two instances of herself.

"W-wait the solution to all this the whole time was ju-"

And suddenly she hit the perfectly dry ground on her back. The other two Alice were gone, the forest was full again, the sun back in the sky. Vincent was perfectly normal again, packing their things back into the vehicle. "Well, that was a great trip. We should plan more short getaways like this."

"Y... yea."

Her brows lowered at the situation having turned completely back to normal on its own. Robin loaned her the powers only for the duration of the weekend- which means she already built in a fail-safe before Alice even left. It didn't matter how badly she ruined the universe, it would all be undone the moment the weekend ended anyway! A bit frustrated at herself, Alice still smiled as Vincent held the truck door open for her so they could return to the city. As the temporary user of the power, she still had full recollection of the bizarre happenings of the weekend- three instances of it, in fact. It was a sexy experience, but Alice was pretty sure she wanted to leave the reality warping to just Robin from now on.


(M tf Tiger/Sabretooth) To be fair, Greg wasn't supposed to be wandering around this area in the first place. Everyone had their heads out of their windows tonight, but the police ordered people off the streets and had many officers set up...

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Lactose Tolerant

(F tf Cow mutations, M tf Bull mutations) Kerry had reddish-brown hair that cascaded down to her chest, though was actually a good bit longer if you pulled it straight. When she was little it used to be very curly, but as she grew it out...

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Land Of Milk And Honey

(F tf Cow/Bee half-hybrid) \>If you are here just for the sexy bits; bail after the sex scene. You've been warned.\< Benson had been sleeping when their newest guest arrived. He is a researcher of RHE; one of the bioarcanic engineers...

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